The Geology of the Falkland Islands
THE GEOLOGY OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS D T Aldiss and E J Edwards British Geological Survey Technical Report THE GEOLOGY OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS NOTES FOR DIGITAL VERSION This British Geological Survey Technical Report WC/99/10 is available in a digital version and in a paper version. The contents of this digital version of the report are identical to those of the paper version, except that Figures 1.2 and 4.11 are presented here both in colour and in monochrome. The monochrome version is held on the page following the colour version. Links have been provided between the Contents Pages and the body of the report. Links exist for Chapter headings, second-order section headings, Figures, Plates and Tables. To activate these links, double-click on the relevant line in the Contents Pages. If the software command ‘Go to (page number)’ is used to move through the document, note that although page numbers appear only on the text pages, the software will count all the pages consecutively, treating the Cover Page as page 1, and the Contents Pages as pages 5 to 9, inclusive. Paper copies of this report are available from the Department of Mineral Resources, Ross Road, Stanley, Falkland Islands, telephone (0) 500 27322 or fax (0) 500 27321, e-mail >, or from BGS Sales, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK telephone (0) 44 115 936 3241 or fax (0) 44 115 936 3488, e-mail > BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Overseas Geology Series TECHNICAL REPORT WC/99/10 THE GEOLOGY OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS D T Aldiss and E J Edwards This report is a product of the Falkland Islands Geological Mapping Project, funded by the Falkland Islands Government.
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