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GIPE-002084-Contents.Pdf (2.066Mb) V7: /-N 84-5 20~4 THE Qengli.Gb anb $nntb gju ~ortlJ america NARRATIVE AND CRITICAL HISTORY OF AMERICA EDITED By JUSTIN WINSOR LlBRARIA.N OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDING SBCRBTARY MASSACHUSBTTS HISTORICAL SOCIBTY VOL. V LONDON SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE Be RIVINGTON 1887 CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. rThl ewt fJn IIIe title s"tnlJsllu medal rlru" to amlmmuJrate the laO of Qu6He.] CHAPTER I. CANADA AND LoUISIANA. A "drew McFarlalld Davis I 'ILLUSTRATIONS: La Presentation, 3 j Autograph of Callieres, 4; of Vaudreuil, 5 j of Beauharnois, 7 i of La Jonquiece and of La GaJissoniere, 8; One.of etHOTon's Plates,9i Portrait of Lemoyne d'Iberville, with Autograph, lSi Environs du Mississipi (1700',22; Portrait of Bienville, with Autograph, 26; Autograph of Lamothe, 29 i bf Lepinay, 31; Fac-simile of Bill of the Banque Royale,34j Plans of New Orleans, 37. J8 j View of New Orleans, 39 i Map of the Missis­ sippi, near New Orleans, 41 i Fort Rosalie and Environs, 47 j Plan of Fort Chartres, 54; Autograph of Vaudreuil, 57. CRITICAL ESSAY. • • • • . • ILLUSTRATIONS: Autograph of La Harpe, 63; Portrait of Charlevoix, with Auto­ graph. 64; Autograph of Le Page, 65; Map of the Mouths of the Mississippi, 66; Autograph of D~ Vergennes, 67 j Cox-e's Map of Carolana, 70. EDITORIAL NOTES I. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ••• 75 ILLus'rRATloNs: Portrait of John Law, 75; his Autograph, 76. CARTOGRAPHY OF LOUISIANA AND THE MISSISSIPPI BASIN UNDER THE FRENCH DOMINATION. Tlu Editor. • 79 ILLUSTRATIONS: Map of Louisiana, in Dumont, 82 j Huske's Map (1755), &t. i Map of Louisiana, by I.e Page du Prau, 86. CHAPTER II. TIuEd#ar .... ILLUSTRATIONS: Map of New England (1688),88; Elisha Cooke, the Elder, 89; Seal of Massachusetts Province. 93; Bellomont, w; Samuel Sewall, 100; Hertel, Seigneur de Rouville, roo; The Four Maquas (P~), tJfIl. IO'J; Draft of Boston Harbor, -II. 108; Ground Plan of Castle \Villiam, "/1'. 108 i British Soldiers (17°1-1714). 101) i Gurdon Saltonstal1, with Autograph. 112; \Villiam Dummer, 114 i Jeremiah Dummer, 1 IS; Elisha Cooke, the Younger, 117 i Thomas Prince, 12:; Boston Light and Province Sloop, 123 i Increase • iv CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Mather, 125; Mather Byles, J:z8j George II., 130, Popple's Map of New England, 134; An English FJeet, 136 j Benjamin PoUard, 1.]8; Autograph of Benning Wentworth, 139; Portrait and Autograph of George Berkeley, 140; William Shirley, 142; Popple's Chart of Boston Harbor, 143- CRITICAL ESSAY. Tit. Editor .'. • • • • • . • • • . • . ILLUSTRATIONS: Hannah Adams, 160; John Gorham Palfrey, 16 .. EDITORIAL NOTES • ILLUSTR.ATIONS: Rhode Island Twelve~Pence Bill, 172; Rhode Island Three-Shil­ lings Bill, 173; New Hampshire Five-Shillings Bill, 174 j New Hampshire Three-Pounds Bill, 175; Plan of Fort Halifax, 182; Autograph of Wm. Lith­ gow, 182 j of Jabez Bradbury, 183; Flanker of Fort Halifax, 183; Restoration of Fort Halifax, 184; Block House (1714), 18S; Plana of Fort Anson, 187. CHAPTER III. MIDDLE COLONIES. Berthold Fernow • • . • . • '8<} ILLUSTRATIONS: Autograph of Jacob Leisler, 189; of Lord Cornbury, 192; of Governor Fletcher, with Seal, 194; of Lovelace, 11}6; of Governor Hunter, with Seal, 196 j of Rip van Dam, 198; of Governor Clinton, with Seal, 202; of Governor James De Lancey, with Seal, %05; of Governor Cadwallader Colden, with Seal, zOO j of GovernOr Robert Monckton.. with Seal, 206- CRITICAL ESSAY. (Manuscript sources, /Jy Mr. Fn'nO'UJ) . • . 23 1 (Cartograplty and BOllndarus of tlte Middle Coltmus, 6y Mr. Ferl101ll and tit. Editor) • • • • • . • • . • . • . • • . • . 233 ILLUSTRATIONS: Cadwallader Colden's Map in fac-aimile, 236, 237; Map of p~ sylvania ('756). 239- • EDITORIAL NOTES • • • • • ILLUSTRATIONS: Autograph of Daniel Horsmanden, 242; Views of New Yark (1732),250; (1746).251; (1761).251 j PJans of New York City (1695), 253; of New York and Pertb Amboy Harbor ('732).254' of lliew York (1755), 255' (1763),256, (1764. by Bellin), 257' Heap'. Eas. Prospect of Phibdel­ phia (1754-'76.), .,s. CHAPTER IV. MARYLAlID AND '-IRGDHA_ TIte Edi/or • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • 259 ILLUSTIlATIOss: Frederick., Lord Baltimore, 262 j Alexander Spotswood, 266; Robert Dinwiddie, with Autograph, 26). CRITICAL ESSAY. • • • • • • • • • • • lLLUSTIlATJONS' Map of Maryland, opp. 273' Map of Virginia ('7J11), 274' Wil­ liam Byrd, 275' Map of Northern Neck of Virginia (17.]6-'737). 277; Wil­ liam and Mary College, %79' Autognpb of Hugh Jones, z80; Map of Part of Colonial Virginia. '/P. z80; Fac--simile of Title of A"""",;,; ClrDrif}', by • Thomas Bray (1700), :z83- CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHAPTER V. THE CAROLINAS. William y. Rivers . • . ILLUSTllATIONS: Map of North Carolina (1663-1729), 28S; Autographs Of the Lords Proprietors (ClarendoD, Ashley, Albemarle, G. Carteret, Craven, John Berkeley, Will. Berkeley, James Colletan), 287; Map of Cooper and Ashley Rivers, 31S; Plan of Charlestown, S. C. (1732), 330j View of Charlestown ('142).33', CRITICAL ESSAY. Tlu Editor. • . • . • • • . • 335 ILLUSTRATIONS: Autograph of John Locke, 336; Shapley's Sketch-Map of the Carolina Coast (I662), 337 j Map (1666), 3,38; Lederer's Map (1669-167°), 339 j Morden's Map (1687), 341; Plan of Charlestown (1704), 343; Auto­ grapbs of John Archdale and John Oldmixon, 344; Carolina War-Map (17U- 1715),346; Indian Map of South Carolina (1730), 349; Moll's Map of Car­ olina (1730), lSI; Autograph of George Chalmers, 353. NOTE ON THE LATER HISTORIES OF CAROLINA. Tlu Editor . • 354 CHAPTER VI. THE ENGLISH COLONIZATION OF GEORGIA. 1733-1752. Ckarl.. C. yones. yr. 351 ILltUSTllATIONs: General Oglethorpe, 362 j Map of South Carolina and Georgia (1733), 365; Early View of Savannah, J68; Tomo-chi..chi Mica, 371 ; Map of the County of Savannah (Urisperger), 373; Map of Coast Settlemenbi be­ fore 1743, 375; Map of Coast from St. Augustine to Charlestown, S. C., with Map of Simon's Island (Urlsperger), 379; Plan of St. Augustine (1763). J81; Map of Coast of Florida (1742), 382; Map of Harbor and Town of St. Augo&­ tine (1742), .]83; Whitefield, J88. CRITICAL ESSAY.· • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • • 392 ILLUS1'IlATION: Handwriting of Oglethorpe, 3930 CHAPTER VII. THE WARS ON THE SEABOARD: ACADIA AND CAPE BRETON. C"arles C. Smull 4<>1 ILLUSTRATION: A French Frigate, 412. CRITICAL ESSAY. • • . • 418 AUTHORITIES ON THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS OF NEW ENGLAND AND ACADIA. ,688-'763. T". Editor • . • . • . 420 ILLUSTRATIONS: Autographs of John Gyles. 421 i of Francis Nicholson and Sa,m.. uel Vetch, 422 j View of Annapolis Royal, 423 ; Autographs of Vaudieuil,4%4; of the Signers of the Conference, January 16, 171]-14 (J. Dudley, Francis NichoJson, William Tailer, W. Winthrop, Elisha Hutchinson, Samuel Sewall, J. Addington, Em. Hutchinson, Penn Townsend., Andrew Belcher, Edw. Bromfield, lchabod Plaisted), 425; Fac-simile of the Title of Penhallow's Hu.. t.." (1726). 426; of Church's /iJdnWi,,;~ Pauugu ('7.6).427; Bellin's Map vi CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. of Port Royal, 428; View of Gut of Annapolis, 429 i Autograph of Thomas Westbrook, 430; of John Lovewell, 431; Plan of Lovewell's Fight, 433j Au­ tographs of R. Auchmuty and W. Vaughan, 434 j Portrait of Sir W iHiam Pcp" perrell, with Autograph, 435; his Arms, 436 j Autographs of Edward Tyng and John Rous, 437; Gibson's Picture .of the Siege of Louisbourg (pkololy/u), oPfJ. 437 i Autograph of Peter Warren, 439; of Richard Gridley, 440; Bel. lin's Map of Cape Breton (1746).440; Gridley'!' Plan of Louisbourg (1745', 441, 0442, 443; Plan of Attack on Louisbourg (1745), 444 j Map of the Siege (1745), 44Si Pepperrell's Plan of the Siege (1745), 446; View of Louisbourg, 447-j ~lan of Island Battery, 448 ; View of the Entrance of Mines Basin, 449; View of .Cape Baptist, 449 j Autograph of Paul Mascarene, 450; Plan of Forts Beausejour and Gaspereau, 451; Autograph of Charles Lawrence, 452; Map of Fort Beausejour and Adjacent Country, 453; Colonel Monckton, with Autograph,4S4; Autograph of John Winslow, 455; his Portrait, 456; Auto.. graph of C~lonel Murray, 460; Admiral Boscawen, with Aut~graph. 464 j Map of Siege of Louisbourg {17sS), 465; Views of Louisbourg and Harbor, 466; Portrait of General Wolfe, 467; Plan of Siege of Louisbourg {17 sS), 468,469; Plan of the Attack, 470. MAPS AND BOUNDS OF ACADIA. The Editor . 472 ILLu.sTRATIONS: Lahontan's Map of Acadia, 473; Map of the French Claim (17SS). 478; of the English Claim (17SS). 479; Jefferys' Map of Nova Scotia, 4lk>. 481. CHAPTER VIII. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE GREAT V ALLEYS OF NORTH AMERICA. Tlu Editor. 483 ILLUSTR.ATIONS: French Soldier (1700), 484; British [nfantry Soldier (1725), 485; Popple's Map of Lakes Champlain and George (1732), 486; View of Quebec (1732),488; British Footguard (1745), 4Bgj French Soldier (1745). 489; Col­ den's Map of the Region of the Great Lakes, 491; Autographs of Duquesne, 492; of Contrec(l!ur, 493; of Jumonville, 493; of Villiers,494; French Sol­ diers (1755), 4C)6. 497; Map of Fort DuquC!lne and Vicinity. 497; Contempo­ rary Plan of Braddock's Defeat, 499; Autograph of Sir William Johnson, sen; his Portrait, 503; Autograph of Montcalm, 505; Portraits of Lord Loudon, so6. S07; Pl~ of Albany, SOS; Plan of f~ort Frederick at Albany, 509; Au­ tograph of Loudon, 510; The Forts at Oswego, 511; Fort Edward and Vicin­ ity, 512, 5130 514; Fort St. Jean, 515; Fort William Henry. 516; View of the Site of Fort Wil1iam Henry, 517; Plan of Attack on Fort 'William Henry, 518; Fort at German Flats, 519; Autograph of James Abercromby, 521; Lord Howe, 52%; View of Ticonderoga, 5%3; Plan of Attack on Ticonderoga (17.58),524; Fort Frontenac. 525; Mante's Map of Lake George, 526; Auto­ graph of Jeff. Amher.~ SZ7; fort Stamris. SzS; Autographs of Generals Forbes and Vaudreuil, 5JO; Portrait of General Amherst, 531; Fort Pitt, SJ2; The New Fort Pitt, 533; Fort Niagara, 534; Fort George on Lake George, 535; Modem Map of Lake George, 536; Plan of Ticonderoga, 537 ; of Crown Point, 537; View of the Ruins of Crown Point, 5J8; Plan of Isle-au-Xols.
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