Choosing a Care Home

March 2013

Choosing a Care Home

Introduction This leaflet gives you basic information to consider when choosing the care home that you will live in once it has been agreed that living in a care home is the best way to meet your needs. It includes a list of all the registered homes within the Northern HSC Trust area. All care homes must be registered with the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, who undertake to regularly inspect the homes and ensure they meet legislative requirements.

Can I choose any care home? Within reason you can choose any home in . Provided that:

• The home meets your specific social care needs. So, for example, if you are a young adult, you can’t choose a home that only looks after older people. • The home’s charges are not higher than the amount the Trust normally pays for someone with your needs. Even if they do charge more it may still be possible for you to go there. You can read more about paying for more expensive accommodation later in this leaflet. • The home must of course have a place available for you. If there are no places there you may have to move to your second or third choice home while you wait for a place in your preferred home. • The home must agree that they can meet your health and social care needs and agree to the Trust’s usual terms and conditions.

How do I know which homes I can choose from? Your named worker, eg your social worker or specialist nurse, will help and advise you. This leaflet includes a list of all residential and nursing homes within the Trust area. Your named worker will explain to you the difference between residential and nursing care and inform you which type of care you have been assessed as needing. If you want to move to another part of Northern Ireland or Great Britain, your named worker will try to locate a homes list for that location. The Trust has no legislative ability to fund care in the Republic of Ireland.

March 2013

Trust staff cannot recommend specific homes but they can help you by finding out where there are suitable places available at the right cost.

All homes must be registered and inspected. Reports of inspections are public documents. We advise you to read one or more recent inspection reports before you decide. Copies of inspection reports can be obtained by contacting the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) – the address is at the end of the leaflet, or alternatively by asking the Home Manager.

Questions to consider when choosing a home Choosing a home is an important decision. Finding out as much as you can about a home will help you make an informed choice.

The following are some suggested questions you may want to ask. If you are not happy with something, ask the home for an explanation.

;Location and building Location and building • Where is the home? • Will visitors be able to get there easily? • Will it be easy for me to enter and leave the building, and move between rooms and floors? • Does the home feel clean and inviting? • Is there a relaxed and friendly atmosphere? • Will I have a room to myself? • Do the rooms have ensuite facilities or basins?

Day-to-day living Day-to-day living • Are there telephone facilities I can use in private? • Are books and newspapers available? • Does the home arrange outings to the shops, entertainment venues or places of worship? • Are there any physical activities such as exercise groups or gardening? • Can I go outside for fresh air when I want to? • Am I allowed to make choices about my daily routine? • Will I be able to rise and go to bed when I choose? • Are there any restrictions on visiting times or numbers of visitors? March 2013

• Where can I spend time with my visitors? • Do existing residents enjoy the food and can I try it? • Are there protected mealtimes and assistance if required? • Are residents encouraged to give feedback? • Is there a residents’ committee?

About my care needs AAbout my care needs • Is the home registered to provide the level of care I need? • What will happen if my needs change or increase? • Can I choose how often I have a bath or shower? • Am I helped to the toilet when I need to go, if necessary? • How many staff are employed per resident? • How are they trained? • What is the turnover of staff?

Contracts and fees Contracts and fees • Can I see a copy of the home’s brochure? • Can I see a copy of the resident’s guide? • Can I see copies of recent inspection reports? • What are the home’s fees? • Is it clear how the fees are structured and calculated? • Do private-funding and Trust assisted residents pay the same rates? • Is a third-party contribution required for Trust assisted residents? • Are extra items not covered by the basic fees clearly identified and accounted for? • What arrangements are there for handling my personal money? • What are the notice conditions in the contract?

Why are some homes more expensive than others? Most homes are privately owned businesses and as such have the right to set their own scale of charges. Some homes offer additional or enhanced services for their extra charge such as a larger room, an en- suite or a wider range of facilities or activities. The Trust however can only pay for your assessed needs to be met and not additional extras. Ask the home to explain their charges to you.

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What can I do if the home is too expensive? It may still be possible for you to go to the home you choose if there is someone else who can help you pay for it. This is called a third party contribution.

What is a third party contribution? A third party contribution is a regular payment towards the cost of a residential or nursing home place that costs more than the Trust usually pays. It is called a ‘third party contribution’ because the person or organisation who pays the extra becomes a third party to the contract. (The first two parties are the Trust and the home).

Who can be a third party? The third party can be a person (usually a relative or friend of the resident) or an organisation such as a charity. An agreement to become a third party means accepting a legally binding responsibility to make the agreed payment regularly. This responsibility is formalised in a contract between the third party and the Trust.

The Government’s rules say that a resident CANNOT be a third party to his or her own contract by using their own resources, including their personal allowance.

Who is the third party contribution paid to? Usually third parties pay the home directly. For some homes or if the third party does not wish to pay the home directly we can arrange for it to be paid through the Trust.

How often is the payment reviewed? Third party contributions are reviewed whenever the home increases or decreases its charges. This normally happens once a year.

Any discussion about the amount of these payments should be between the person making the payment and the Trust, and NOT with the owner or manager of the home.

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What happens if the third party’s contributions are not paid? If the third party were to stop paying, and if there were places in less expensive homes that could meet your needs, then we would have to consider a transfer. We would of course look at each situation individually.

In addition, the Trust will take legal action to recover any costs caused by non-payment.

What is the Trust’s responsibility in third party arrangements? The Trust needs to be sure the third party is able to pay the contributions for as long as may be required. However, we have not powers to carry out a financial assessment of the third party. We therefore ask the third party to read this leaflet and our supporting document ‘Client Information Pack’, regarding the completion of the financial assessment, carefully before signing the third party declaration.

We recommend that you consult an independent financial advisor.

How much will the Trust pay towards my care? Tariff rates are set each year for which the Trust would expect to be able to provide a place in a home that will meet your basic needs. When considering a care home where the home charges more than this tariff it is probable that a third party charge will apply. The Trust however has a responsibility to ensure you are offered a choice of home that can meet your assessed needs without the need for a third party charge. The amount the Trust will pay towards your care can only be identified at the time the placement is agreed and depends on the availability of other placements. Your named worker and the home manager will ensure you fully understand the charging arrangements for each home you consider. The following weekly tariff rates are what the Trust would expect to pay from 1 st April 2012 to the 31 st March 2013.

Nursing Care (excluding physical disability under 65) £550 Nursing Care – physical disability under 65 £591 Residential Care (excluding physical disability under 65) £437 Residential Care – physical disability under 65 £490

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What if you don’t agree to the home I choose? If we don’t agree to support you at the home you choose then we must explain why. If you are still not happy you can appeal. Ask your named worker for a form or write to the Complaints Office (contact details at end of this leaflet.)

March 2013

List of Residential and Nursing Homes in the Northern Trust Area by Borough Council

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Antrim Council Antrim Care Home Four Seasons (028) 9442 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £550 53 NH-I, NH-DE, 88 Milltown Road Healthcare Ltd 8717 & Residential NH-PH, NH- Antrim (RC) Residential - From PH(E), NH-TI, BT41 2JJ £437 RC-I

Ard Na Grainde Mr & Mrs J (028) 9447 Residential £455 3 I, DE 15 Moneyrod Road McCann 3089 Antrim BT41 3JB Brooklands Conway Group (028) 9446 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £600 62 NH-I, NH-PH, 50 Bush Road 0444 & Residential Residential – From NH-PH(E), RC- Antrim (RC) £487 DE BT41 2QB Castle Lodge Four Seasons (028) 9442 Residential From £457 39 I, DE 7 Fennel Road Healthcare 8212 Antrim BT41 4PB

Clonlee Hutchinson (028) 9446 Nursing £580 45 I, PH 132 Road Homes Ltd 1166 Muckamore, Belfast BT41 2ET

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Drummaul House Hutchinson (028) 9447 Nursing (NH) From £565 43 NH-I, NH-PH, RC 41 New Street Homes Ltd 3958 & Residential – I, RC – MP(E), Randalstown (RC) RC - PH(E) BT41 3AF

Glenkeen House Hutchinson (028) 9447 Nursing (NH) Nursing – £580 40 NH – I, NH-PH, 100 Glenkeen Homes Ltd 9794 & Residential NH-LD, RC – I, Church Road, (RC) Residential - £467 RC – MP(E), RC Randalstown – PH(E) BT41 3JX

Kingscourt Manor (028) 9443 Nursing Specialist Unit 19 LD, LD(E) 928 Antrim Road Healthcare 2046 BT39 0AT

Ladyhill Lodge Adarra (028) 9446 Nursing Specialist Unit 31 LD, LD(E) 40 Creevery Road, Developments 6905 Antrim BT41 2LQ

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Lakeview Mrs G (028)9442 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £550 42 NH-I, NH-PH, 1c Orchard Road Glendinning 2733 & Residential NH-PH(E), NH- Antrim (RC) Residential - £437 TI, RC-PH, RC- BT29 4SD PH(E), RC-TI Maine Nursing Home Adarra (028) 9447 Nursing Specialist Unit 25 LD, LD(E) 50a Road Developments 9955 Randalstown BT41 3DG

Massereene Manor Hutchinson (028) 9448 Nursing (NH) John Irvine House 74 6 Steeple Road Homes Ltd 7779 & Residential From £580 NH-DE, NH-MP, Antrim (RC) NH-MP(E), NH- BT41 1AF Adeleine House £605 LD, NH-LD(E), RC-DE, RC-MP, RC-MP(E) Naroon House Mrs M Kelly (028) 9445 Residential £437 12 I, LD, LD(E), MP, 1 Ballyquillan Road, 2204 MP(E) Crumlin, Antrim BT29 4DD

Oriel House Mrs Margaret (028) 9448 Residential £442 6 I 30 Oriel Road Teresa 8161 Antrim Thompson BT41 4HP

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Rosedale Northern HSC (028) 9442 Residential £437 38 I 100 Kilgreel Road Trust 9402 Antrim BT41 1EH

Rosemary Lodge Four Seasons (028) 9442 Residential £457 44 I, LD, MP(E), PH, 9 Fennel Road Healthcare 8877 PH(E) Antrim BT41 4PB

Strawberry Fields Mrs R McCann (028) 9447 Residential £455 6 I, MP(E), PH, 129b Staffordstown 2246 PH(E), DE Road Randalstown BT41 3LH

The Gables Mr & Mrs JA (028) 9446 Residential £437 10 I 17 Road McCorley 6213 Antrim BT41 1PH

Three Islands Mr & Mrs D (028) 7965 Nursing Specialist Unit 40 LD, LD(E) 62-66 Main Street McAteer 0650 Toomebridge BT41 3NJ

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places COUNCIL Andena Mr J McConville (028) 2564 Residential £467 36 I, MP(E), DE 206-208 4767 Road Ballymena BT42 5HG

Braefield Care Circle (028) 2589 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £570 50 NH-I, NH-DE, 2-6 Carncomb Road 2233 & Residential NH-PH, NH- Connor, (RC) Residential from £457 PH(E), RC-I Ballymena BT42 3LA

Camphill Four Seasons (028) 2565 Nursing From £550 72 DE, I, PH, PH(E), 62 Road Healthcare Ltd 8999 MP(E) Ballymena BT42 2BU Carnmoyne Mr Logan (028) 2587 Residential £462 - £472 16 I, MP(E), PH(E) 38 Church Street 1439 Ahoghill BT42 2PA

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Carn-vaddy Ms M Magee (028) 2563 Residential £437 3 I, LD, LD(E) 15 Doctors Road 2678 Ballymena BT42 4HL Craigdun Four Seasons (028) 2588 Nursing (NH) Residential – From 35 NH-I, NH-DE, 30 Dunminning Road Healthcare Ltd 0202 & Residential £437 NH-TI, NH-PH, (RC) NH-PH(E), RC-I, BT42 1PE Nursing – From £550 RC-PH, RC- PH(E) Croft Lodge Mr & Mrs A (028) 2563 Residential £437 5 I, LD, MP 6 Woodcroft Lane Magee 7799 Oldpark Road Ballymena BT42 1FZ Galgorm Four Seasons (028) 2565 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £550 35 NH-I, NH-PH, 90 Galgorm Road Healthcare Ltd 1365 & Residential NH-PH(E), NH- Ballymena (RC) Residential - From TI, RC-I, RC- BT42 1AA £437 PH(E)

Innisfree Mrs S Stanford (028) 2568 Residential From £437 22 I, LD, PH, PH(E) 110 Road 4497 BT42 4NR

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Kintullagh House Kathryn Homes (028) 2565 Nursing (NH) Nursing From £550 62 NH-I, NH-PH, 36 Westbourne Ltd 4444 & Residential NH-LD, RC-I, Avenue (RC) Residential From RC-MP(E), RC- Carniny Road £437 PH(E) Ballymena BT43 5LW

Pinewood Northern HSC (028) 2563 Residential £437 30 I 101 Frys Road Trust 8664 Ballymena BT43 7EN Prospect Prospect (028) 2564 Nursing £590 - Single Room 52 I, PH 1 Old Galgorm Road Nursing Home 5813 £578 – Shared Room Ballymena Ltd BT42 1AL

Redford Mrs S Wallace (028) 2588 Residential £437 18 I, PH(E), 15 Redford Road 0671 Cullybackey BT43 5PR

Rose Martha Court Kathryn Homes (028) 2564 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £580 100 NH-I, NH-DE, 30 Westbourne Ltd 8165 & Residential Residential - £467 NH-PH(E), NH- Avenue (RC) MP(E), NH-LD, Ballymena NH-TI, NH-MH, BT43 5LW NH-PH, RC-I,

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Rylands Mr & Mrs T (028) 2589 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £565 59 NH-I, NH-MP(E), 11 Road Duncan 2411 & Residential Residential - £452 NH-LD(E), NH- Kells, (RC) PH, NH-PH(E), Ballymena NH-TI, NH-SI, BT42 3LZ RC-I, RC-MP(E), RC-PH(E) House Care Circle (028) 2564 Nursing From £550 45 I, PH, PH(E) 28 Broughshane Road 9772 Ballymena BT43 7DX

BALLYMONEY COUNCIL Bridgeview Ms R Clarke (028) 2765 Residential Specialist Unit 3 LD, LD(E) 135 Bridge Road 7789 BT44 9EG Clairville Mrs V Reid (028) 2954 Residential £437 17 I, MP(E), PH, 62 Bann Road 1139 PH(E) BT44 8SZ Garryduff House Triangle (028) 2766 Residential Specialist Unit 7 LD, LD(E) 2 Garryduff Road Housing 6220 Ballymoney Association BT53 7AF

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Hob Green Country Mrs E Lisk (028) 2766 Residential £447 - £462 9 I, MP(E), DE Home 2620 41 Kirk Road Ballymoney BT53 8HB

Kirkhill Manor Ms N Beggs (028) 2074 Residential £437 3 I 78 Boyland Road 2971 Ballymoney BT53 8LJ

Knockan Lodge Mr P Doherty (028) 2957 Residential £437 25 I, MP(E), PH(E) 153 Finvoy Road 1540 Ballymoney BT53 7JN

Ross Lodge Mr & Mrs A (028) 2074 Residential Specialist Unit 13 LD, LD(E), PH, 288 Moyarget Road McKenny 1490 PH(E) Ballymoney BT53 8EG

The Court Four Seasons (028) 2766 Nursing From £550 45 I, PH 1a Queens Avenue Healthcare 6866 Ballymoney BT53 6DF

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places The Model Care Four Seasons (028) 2766 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 36 NH-I, RC-I, RC- Centre Healthcare 4502 & Residential Residential – From LD, RC-PH, RC- 1 Road (RC) £437 PH(E) Ballymoney BT53 6BX

The Roddens Northern HSC (028) 2766 Residential £437 29 I 22 Queen Street Trust 3520 Ballymoney BT53 6JB

Victoria House Mr D Wallace (028) 2957 Residential £437 11 I, LD, DE 22 Moneyleck Road 1423) Rasharkin BT44 8QB

CARRICKFERGUS COUNCIL Castleview Mr & Mrs T (028) 9336 Nursing Specialist Unit 36 LD, LD(E) 40-42 Scotch Quarter McCourt 6763 BT38 7DP

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Cherry Tree House Dr DWG Harron (028) 9336 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £570 single 56 NH-I, NH-PH, 79 North Road 5652 & Residential room, £560 shared RC-I, RC-MP(E), Carrickfergus (RC) room RC-PH(E), RC- BT38 7QZ Residential - £457 LD single room, £447 shared room Chester Nursing Wilson Group (028) 9335 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £580 43 NH-DE, RC- Home 3060 & Residential DE,RC-LD,RC- 27-29 Chester Avenue ( RC) MP(E) Whitehead BT38 9QQ Joymount House Northern HSC (028) 9336 Residential £437 44 I Joymount Court Trust 3904 Carrickfergus BT38 7DN

Karuna Home The Cedar (028) 9336 Residential Specialist Unit 9 LD, LD(E) 3-5 Minorca Drive Foundation 0665 Ellis Street Carrickfergus BT38 8WP Sense Sense NI (028) 9336 Residential Specialist Unit 10 SI 41 Edenvale Avenue 2792 Eden Carrickfergus BT38 7NP March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Tamlaght Mr & Mrs J Kelly (028) 9336 Nursing From £580 45 I 34 Road 6194 Carrickfergus BT38 7DY

Whitehead Nursing Wilson Group (028) 9335 Nursing (NH) £580 – single Nursing 41 RC-I, RC-MP(E), Home 3481 & Residential £570 – shared nursing RC-PH(E), NH-I, 15-18 Marine Parade (RC) £480 single residential NH-PH, NH-LD Whitehead BT38 9QP

COLERAINE COUNCIL Bluegate Lodge Mr S & Mrs M (028) 2955 Residential £462 5 I, DE 1 Plantation Road Brolly 7512 Garvagh BT51 5ES

Bohill House Priory Group (028) 7032 Nursing From £550 104 I, DE, LD, LD(E) 69 Cloyfin Road 5180 Coleraine BT52 2NY

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Brookmount Apex Housing (028) 7032 Nursing £575 48 I 4 Lower Newmills Association 9113 Road Coleraine BT52 2JR

Cromore House Four Seasons (028) 7083 Nursing From £550 40 NH-I, NH-PH, 58 Cromore Road Healthcare Ltd 4484 NH-PH(E), NH- Portstewart MP(E), NH-LD, BT55 7PW NH-LD(E)

Edenmore Mrs E O’Reilly & (028) 7035 Residential £452 15 I, MP(E), PH(E) 41 Castlerock Road Mrs F Dhand 3330 Coleraine BT51 3HR

Fairways – Mrs M Dunlop (028) 7082 Residential From £437 21 LD, LD(E) Duncreggan 4287 10 Mark Street Portrush BT56 8BT

Garvagh Four Seasons (028) 2955 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £550 67 NH-I, NH-DE, 15 Kilrea Road Healthcare Ltd 7330 & Residential NH-PH, RC-DE Garvagh (RC) Residential - From BT51 5LP £437

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Karina Lodge Mr & Mrs T (028) 2954 Nursing £565 15 I 40 Drumsaragh Road Girvan 1111 Kilrea BT51 5XN

Madelayne Court Kathryn Homes (028) 7083 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £580 63 NH-I, NH-MP(E), Nursery Avenue Ltd 1014 & Residential Residential – From NH-PH(E), NH- Portstewart (RC) £467 DE, NH-TI, RC-I BT55 7LG

Ratheane Mr & Mrs BJ (028) 7034 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £550 79 NH-I, NH-PH, 58 Mountsandel Road Macklin 4299 & Residential RC-I, RC-PH Coleraine (RC) Residential – From BT52 1JF £437

Seabank Mr L Duncan (028) 7082 Residential £437 37 I, MP, MP(E), 12a Bath Terrace 4285 PH(E), PH Portrush BT56 8AN

The Brook Northern HSC (028) 7035 Residential £437 6 DE Brook Street Trust 2025 Coleraine BT52 1QG

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places The Cottage Merit Retail Ltd (028) 7034 Nursing From £550 40 I, PH, PH(E), 3 TI 25 Lodge Park 4280 Coleraine BT52 1UN

York House Presbyterian (028) 7082 Residential £437 32 I, MP(E), PH(E) 13-14 Lansdowne Board 3567 Crescent Portrush BT56 8AY

COOKSTOWN COUNCIL Cove Manor Cove Manor (028) 8673 Nursing (NH) £550 – Nursing 31 NH-I,NH-PH, RC- 89 Mullanhoe Road LLP 6349 & Residential MP(E), RC- Ardboe (RC) Residential - £437 PH(E), RC-I Dungannon BT71 5AU Drapersfield House Mr & Mrs J (028) 8676 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £550 45 NH-I, NH-LD, 19 Drapersfield Road McCrystal 4868 & Residential NH-LD(E), NH- Cookstown (RC) Residential - £437 PH, NH-PH(E), BT80 8RS RC-I, RC-MP(E), RC-MP

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Fairfields Care Care Circle (028) 8676 Nursing (NH) Nursing From £550 73 NH-I, NH-DE, Centre 6294 & Residential NH-PH, NH- 80a Fairhill Road (RC) Residential From MP(E), RC-I, Cookstown £437 BT80 8DE

Moneymore Four Seasons (028) 8674 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £550 41 NH-I, RC-I. RC- Cookstown Road Healthcare Ltd 8118 & Residential MP(E), RC-PH(E) Moneymore (RC) Residential from £437 BT45 7YL

Rivervale Country H O’Neill & (028) 8675 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £550 and 20 NH-I, NH-PH, 56a Dunamore Road Partners 1787 & Residential £591 for PH NH-PH(E) RC-I, Cookstown (RC) Residential - £437 and RC-MP(E), RC- BT80 9NT £490 for PH PH(E)

Weavers House Runwood (028) 8676 Nursing (NH) Nursing From £550 64 NH-I, NH-DE, R- Moneymore Road Homes 7684 & Residential Residential From DE, R-I COOKSTOWN (RC) £437 BT80 8EH

Westlands Northern HSC (028) 8672 Residential £437 29 I 2 Westland Road Trust 3922 Cookstown BT80 8BX

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places LARNE COUNCIL Broadways Mr WR Skillen (028) 2827 Nursing £547 - £587 33 I Nursing Home 3464 Broadway Larne BT40 1LT

Clanrye Mrs HM Leo (028) 2827 Residential From £437 17 I, LD(E), MP(E) 128 Road 5701 Larne BT40 1DZ

Colebrooke House Mrs AM Rowan (028) 2827 Residential £451 12 I, DE 111 The Roddens 2696 Larne BT40 1PY

Englewood Mrs E Magee (028) 2827 Residential £437 3 I, DE 5 Blackcave Crescent 5847 Larne BT40 1TY Gillaroo Lodge Mr & Mrs TS (028) 2826 Nursing £582 25 I, PH, PH(E) 134 The Roddens Boyle 0033 Larne BT40 1PN

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Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Karingmore Mr & Mrs L (028) 2888 Residential From £461 16 DE, I, PH, MP 19 Largy Road Hamill 5568 BT44 0EY

Larne Care Centre Wilson Group (028) 2827 Nursing From £581 83 I, DE, LD, PH, 46-48 Coastguard 7979 PH(E), TI Road Larne BT40 1AU Lisgarel Northern HSC (028) 2827 Residential £437 41 I Gloucester Park Trust 4833 Larne BT40 1PD

Rowandale Mrs M Rowan (028) 2888 Residential £451 15 I, MP(E), DE 1-3 Shingle Cove 5543 Bay Road Carnlough BT44 0EH

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places MAGHERAFELT COUNCIL Anniscliff R O’Kane (028) 7964 Residential From £437 17 I, MP, MP(E) 141 Moneysharvin 2729 Road Maghera BT46 5HZ Benbradagh Chris Ramachia (028) 7964 Residential £437 22 I, MP, MP(E), DE, 59 Tirgarvil Road 2238 SI Upperlands Maghera BT46 5UW Brooklands Brooklands (028) 7963 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £550 55 NH-I, NH-PH, 66 Hospital Road Healthcare Ltd 4490 & Residential Residential from £437 NH-PH(E), RC-I, Magherafelt (RC) RC-MP(E), RC- BT45 5EG PH(E), RC-DE Castlehill S Doherty (028) 7946 Nursing Specialist Unit 34 LD, LD(E) 14 Bellshill Road 8730 Castledawson BT45 8HG Magherafelt Manor Runwood (028) 7930 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £550 64 NH-I, NH-DE, R- Pound Road Homes 0284 & Residential Residential From DE Magherafelt (RC) £437 BT45

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Marina Care Centre HC-One (028) 7941 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 42 NH-I, RC-I, RC- Shore Road 8770 & Residential MP(E) Ballyronan (RC) Residential – From BT45 6JA £437

Marriott House Clanmil Housing (028) 7930 Residential £453 13 I 30 Castledawson Association Ltd 1100 Road Magherafelt BT45 6PA Milesian Manor PJ Forbes & SP (028) 7963 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 34 NH-I, NH-PH, 9 Ballyheifer Road Higgins 1842 & Residential NH-PH(E), RC-I Magherafelt (RC) Residential – From BT45 5DX £437 Mountview Mr & Mrs C (028) 7964 Residential £437 9 I, LD, LD(E), MP, 19 Rocktown Lane McMullan 2382 MP(E), PH, Knockloughrim PH(E) Magherafelt BT45 8QF

MOYLE COUNCIL Mr David (028) 2176 Nursing (NH) Nursing from £550 46 NH-I, NH-PH, 67 Knocknacarry Morgan 1222 & Residential RC-I, RC-MP(E), Road (RC) Residential from £437 RC-PH(E) BT44 0NS

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Glens Ms G Magee (028) 2177 Residential From £456 16 I, MP, MP(E), PH, 63 Middlepark Road 1588 PH(E), DE BT44 0SQ

Hillview Mr & Mrs I (028) 2075 Residential Specialist Unit 3 LD, LD(E) 182a Moyarget Road McAllister 2058 Ballycastle BT54 6JQ Leabank Mr & Mrs B (028) 2076 Nursing From £550 52 I 1 Beechwood Avenue Macklin 3392 Ballycastle BT54 6BL Rathmoyle Northern HSC (028) 2076 Residential £437 39 I 1 Mary Street Trust 2755 Ballycastle BT54 6QH

NEWTOWNABBEY COUNCIL Abbeylands Four Seasons (028) 9086 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 87 RC-A, RC-I, RC- 441 Shore Road Healthcare Ltd 4552 & Residential MP, RC-MP(E), (RC) Residential – From RC-PH(E), NH-I, BT37 9SE £437 NH-PH(E), NH- PH

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Ashwood House Ashwood Prop. (028) 9083 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 36 NH-I, RC-I, RC- 2-10 Ashgrove Road Investment Ltd 7270 & Residential MP(E) (RC) Residential – From BT36 6LJ £437

Ballyclare Care Mrs SG Fletcher (028) 9334 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £560 34 NH-I, RC-I, RC- Home 0310 & Residential MP(E), RC-PH(E) 107a Doagh Road (RC) Residential – £447 BT39 9ES

Ben Madigan Priory Group (028) Nursing From £550 64 DE, I, PH, PH(E), 36 Mill Road 90860787 TI BT36 7BH

Clareview House Mrs SG Fletcher (028) 9334 Nursing (NH) Nursing - £560 35 NH-I, NH-PH, 105 Doagh Road 9694 & Residential RC-I, RC-MP(E), Ballyclare (RC) Residential - RC-PH(E) BT39 9ES £447

Clonmore House Northern HSC (028) 9334 Residential £437 42 I 22-28 Crossreagh Trust 9558 Drive Newtownabbey BT37 9DY

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Dunanney Care Orchard Care (028) 9084 Nursing (NH) Nursing – From £550 40 NH-I, NH-PH, Centre Homes 9349 & Residential Residential – From RC-I, RC-MP(E), 12 Glebe Road (RC) £437 RC-PH(E) Newtownabbey BT36 6UW Edenmore Four Seasons (028) 9086 Nursing (NH) Nursing - From £550 47 NH-I, NH-PH, 646 Shore Road Healthcare Ltd 2532 & Residential RC-I, RC-MP(E), Whiteabbey (RC) Residential - From RC-PH(E) BT37 0PR £437

Glebe Care Centre Orchard Care (028) 9084 Nursing (NH) Nursing From £550 38 NH-I, NH-PH, 2 Glebe Road Homes 8212 & Residential RC-I, RC-MP(E), (RC) Residential From RC-PH(E) Newtownabbey £437 BT36 6UW

Greenisland House Northern HSC (028) 9086 Residential £437 31 I 91 Shore Road Trust 5344 Whiteabbey BT38 8TZ Hamilton Care Home Mrs H Hamilton (028) 9334 Nursing (NH) £615 – Private Room 24 NH-I, RC-I, RC- The Plantain 1396 & Residential £595 – Shared Room MP(E), RC-PH(E) 168 Ballycorr Road (RC) Ballyclare BT39 9DF

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places Four Seasons (028) 9085 Nursing From £550 53 I 1a Old Manse Road Healthcare Ltd 2258 Jordanstown BT37 0RU

Moylinney EMI Unit Northern HSC (028) 9086 Residential £437 39 DE Ballyalton Park Trust 1861 Monkstown Whiteabbey BT37 0ET

Queenscourt Manor (028) 9334 Nursing Specialist Unit 43 LD, LD(E) 36 Doagh Road Healthcare 1472 Ballyclare BT39 9BG Rathmena Four Seasons (028) 9332 Nursing(NH) From £550 29 I, LD, LD(E), PH, 26 Rathmena Healthcare Ltd 2980 & Residential PH(E), RC-I Gardens (RC) Ballyclare BT39 9HU

Ravenhill Annadale House (028) 9086 Nursing Shared room £550 38 I, PH 79-81 Shore Road Ltd 2169 Single rooms from Greenisland £565 BT38 8TZ

March 2013

Name & Address of Owner Telephone Category Scale of Weekly Number Categories of Home Number Charge(s) 2012/13* of Care Places The Martin J Martin (028) 9034 Nursing Specialist Unit 19 LD, LD(E) Residential Trust 2365 48 Ballyclare Road Glengormley BT36 5HL Whiteabbey Four Seasons (028) 9085 Nursing From £550 59 I, PH, PH(E) 104-106 Doagh Road Healthcare Ltd 3021 Newtownabbey BT37 9QP

• The Scale of Charges relates to Trust care managed residents and is reviewed each April. The Home may have a different scale of charges for private residents. Anyone considering any of the above homes should confirm tariffs with the Home Manager prior to commencing residence.

March 2013

Categories of Care

Category Definition I Old age not falling within any other category E Service users who are over 65 years of age but do fall within the category of old age DE Dementia MP Mental disorder excluding learning disability or dementia MP(E) Mental disorder excluding learning disability or dementia – over 65 years LD Learning Disability LD(E) Learning Disability – over 65 years PH Physical disability other than sensory impairment PH(E) Physical disability other than sensory impairment – over 65 years A Past or present alcohol dependence TI Terminally ill SI Sensory Impairment


Registration and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) Northern HSC Trust 5 Lanyon Place Complaints Office BELFAST The Cottage BT1 3BT 5 Greenmount Avenue BALLYMENA BT43 6DA

Telephone: (028) 9051 7500 Telephone (028) 2563 3715

March 2013