CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2325 HON
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November 20, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2325 the 1990 and 1998 freezes were challenges time of racial segregation and spent more than the construction of new facilities, the addition he rose to meet. His tenure as commissioner 20 years (1950–71) training African American of state-of-the-art equipment, and many saw major changes in technology and regula- athletes who would go on to compete against awards for quality health care. Beginning back tion unfold. While known for his strict over- top players at major junior events. Dr. John- in 1975, Bill Johnson has used his leadership sight, Cosmo was also noted by one grower to son primarily used his own funds to house, and team building skills to implement hospital be ‘‘. the most cordial and professional clothe, feed, and develop these junior players, mergers, build model care programs, and de- . .’’ person they had ever met. Contem- including Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe, who velop world-class community health initiatives. poraries and employees alike commended Mr. said repeatedly throughout their lives that they Since 1993, Bill Johnson has served as the Insalaco for his friendship and his mentorship. never would have made it without Dr. John- chairman of the Lakeland Health Care Board, Probably most noteworthy was reference to son’s generosity and support. and he leaves a legacy that will shape health Cosmo Insalaco’s vision. Mr. Insalaco was an Dr. Johnson inspired, directly and indirectly, care in southwest Michigan for years to come. ardent promoter of education concerning agri- many of his students to pursue tennis-related Bill Johnson was born in Lincoln, Illinois, culture. Cosmo helped launch the Blossom careers, including Willis Thomas, president of and graduated from the University of Illinois. Trail, a self-guided tour of the fruit and nut the American Tennis Association (ATA) and He served his country as a first lieutenant and blossoms throughout Fresno County during tennis director with the Washington Tennis company commander in the United States bloom time. Over the years, this annual event and Education Foundation (WTEF) in Wash- Army. has grown and now draws tourists from all ington, DC; former pro Leslie Allen, ex-chair- Following that service to his country, he be- over the region and state. This tradition will woman of the U.S. Fed Cup Team; former pro came an innovative and respected business continue to bear witness to Cosmo Insalaco’s Zina Garrison, former U.S. Fed Cup captain; leader. He was president of Heath Company, influence in the Fresno region. former pro Rodney Harmon, former head of vice president of strategic alliances for Zenith It is most fitting now to honor this man for men’s tennis for the United States Tennis As- Data Systems, and even after his retirement, his life and his dedication to friends, col- sociation (USTA); teaching pros Arthur he came back as chief operating officer for leagues and especially agriculture. I urge my Carrington and Bob Davis; United States Fed- Gast Manufacturing Corporation. colleagues to join me now in celebrating this eral Judge Henry H. Kennedy, Jr.; and Doug He brought his business experience and en- truly innovative man’s life, accomplishments Smith, who covered tennis for 3 of the nation’s trepreneurial flair to Lakeland Health Care and and to extend his family our thoughts. He will largest newspapers—Newsday, the New York to a number of other community organizations. be, beyond a doubt, missed. Post, and USA Today and is the author of Dr. And while Bill Johnson formally steps down as f Johnson’s biography, ‘‘Whirlwind, The God- the chairman of the board, we all know he will father of Black Tennis.’’ continue to be involved in the community he HONORING CHARLES HENRY Dr. Johnson most significantly helped tear loves. He and his wife Patt and family are true RIDER down racial barriers in tennis years ago and cornerstones of our corner of Michigan. helped Americans understand that tennis f HON. SAM GRAVES should be enjoyed by all who play and love KURDISTAN IS MODEL FOR IRAQ OF MISSOURI the game. Dr. Johnson also served as head IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES football coach at 2 Georgia universities—Mor- ris Brown University and Atlanta University—in Thursday, November 20, 2008 HON. JOE WILSON the late 1920s. He later established a junior OF SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly development tennis program to train and pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pause to recognize Charles Henry Rider of pare African American players, including Ar- Thursday, November 20, 2008 Kansas City, Missouri. Charles is a very spe- thur Ashe, to compete in the United States cial young man who has exemplified the finest Lawn Tennis Association (USLTA) sanctioned Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- tournaments. Whirlwind’s junior program was Speaker, I would like to submit the following ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- a prelude to the high-tech junior training acad- op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal on ica, Troop 1261, and earning the most pres- emies and camps now run by tennis gurus November 12, 2008, by Masoud Barzani, tigious award of Eagle Scout. Nick Bollitteri, Rick Macci and former No. 1 President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It Charles has been very active with his troop, World Champion Chris Evert. Dr. Johnson op- conveys the strong and important relationship participating in many Scout activities. Over the erated the camp for more than 20 years and between the Iraqi Kurdish population and the many years Charles has been involved with helped more than 100 African American jun- United States as well as their efforts to help Scouting, he has not only earned numerous iors earn college tennis scholarships during build a peaceful Iraq. I was fortunate this year merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- that era. to visit the Kurdistan Region, and I know first- ily, peers, and community. Madam Speaker, we should continue to hand of Kurdish appreciation of the American Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join honor American heroes like Dr. R. Walter people. me in commending Charles Henry Rider for ‘‘Whirlwind’’ Johnson who fought for a better [From the Wall Street Journal, November 12, his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of America without race barriers on and off the 2008] America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- court. America and the game of tennis have KURDISTAN ISAMODEL FOR IRAQ—OUR PATH ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. both benefited an enormous amount because TO A SECULAR, FEDERAL DEMOCRACY IS IN- f of Dr. R. Walter ‘‘Whirlwind,’’ Johnson and we SPIRED BY THE U.S. as a Nation owe him and other American he- (By Masoud Barzani) HONORING THE DISTINGUISHED roes a tremendous amount of gratitude. Iraq’s Kurds have consistently been Amer- CAREER OF DR. R. WALTER f ica’s closest allies in Iraq. Our Peshmerga ‘‘WHIRLWIND’’ JOHNSON forces fought alongside the U.S. military to TRIBUTE TO MR. WILLIAM liberate the country, suffering more casual- HON. JOHN LEWIS JOHNSON ties than any other U.S. ally. And while some Iraqi politicians have chal- OF GEORGIA lenged the U.S.-Iraq security agreement, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. FRED UPTON Iraq’s Kurdish leaders have endorsed the Thursday, November 20, 2008 OF MICHIGAN pact as essential for U.S. combat troops to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continue fighting terrorists in Iraq. Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Madam Speaker I The Kurdistan Regional Government am honored to rise today to recognize the dis- Thursday, November 20, 2008 (KRG) is committed to a federal, democratic tinguished career and achievements of Dr. R. Mr. UPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Iraq that is at peace with its neighbors. Walter ‘‘Whirlwind’’ Johnson, one of many un- to pay special tribute to Mr. William Johnson We have benefited enormously from the sung heroes of the Civil Rights Era. We also of St. Joseph, Michigan. An accomplished service and sacrifices of America’s armed recognize him for his role in guiding the early businessman and community leader, Bill John- forces and their families, and we are deeply grateful. We are also proud to have shared in careers of Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe— son is retiring from the board of directors of such sacrifices; my brother was among those the nation’s first African American tennis Lakeland Health Care after more than 33 severely wounded during the liberation of champions. years of service. Iraq. Dr. Johnson built a tennis court in the back- During that time he has led Lakeland Last year, following a U.S. request, we de- yard of his Lynchburg, Virginia home during a through a period of phenomenal growth, with ployed Kurdish troops to Baghdad. These VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:48 Nov 21, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20NO8.031 E20NOPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS.