60 The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics Andrzej Fąfara and Agata Kleczkowska Andrzej Fąfara HOW TO ATTAIN THE GOLDEN AGE – Warsaw School of Economics THE ROLE OF THE BALCEROWICZ PLAN
[email protected] IN THE SUCCESSFUL TRANSFORMATION Agata Kleczkowska Polish Academy of OF POLAND IN THE 1990S* Sciences
[email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS In the early 1990s Poland went through a major political transformation • transformation in Poland that completely reshaped the country. One of the key pillars of these changes • Balcerowicz Plan was the so-called ‘Balcerowicz Plan’ - an ambitious process that enabled a • economic reforms significant shift in the economic and social landscape through the introduction • Poland of fundamental changes in the Polish legal system. The thesis advanced in this • centrally planned economy paper is that the successful transformation of the state’s system of government • democracy in post-Soviet countries depended not only on democratization and political • free market changes but also required an effective program of economic reforms. This will be demonstrated by reference to the ‘Balcerowicz Plan.’ The first part discusses the transition from the former economic order in Poland to the free market order by means of the new legal norms, describing briefly the eleven legislative acts which brought wide-ranging and fundamental changes to the Polish legal system. The second part explains the impact that these reforms had on Polish society both in the short and long-term. Despite the initial problems associated with the change of the economic system, they eventually brought significant improvements to the quality of individuals’ lives. The conclusion reiterates the thesis that the successful transformation of the state’s regime in post-Soviet countries depended not only on political changes, but also on effective economic reforms.