Peking Review" to Use Chinese Phonetics ARTICLES and DOCUMENTS Estoblishment of Diplomotic Relotions Betueen P.R.C
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PEKI 5L December 2,, lYlS It Establishment of Sino-tJ.S. 4 Diplomatic Relations Hailed Soviet ond Vietnomese A Hegemonists' True Colours l -{k Steel Output Tops 30 Miilion Ions PEKING Vol. 21, No. 51 December 22, 1978 REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Arabic and r[ 4 [^.tL Portuguese editions BEIJING ZHOUBAO CONTENTS THE WEEK Estoblishment ol Sino-Americon Diplomotic Retotions Hoiled Novel on Peng Teh-huol Accloimed Anew ln Memory of Too Chu Festivol of the Kwongsi Chuong Autonomous Region "Peking Review" to Use Chinese Phonetics ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Estoblishment of Diplomotic Relotions Betueen P.R.C. ond U,S.A. 8 Stotement of the Chinese Govemment 8 .'tn Pekirig: Choirmon Hrio Gives Press Conference 9 ln Woshington: President Corter Mokes on Announcement 11 U.S. Government's Stotement '12 Chinese Foreign Ministry's Note: Strong protest oEoinst Vietnomese outhorities' encroochments on. Chinese territory ond creotion of bloody incidents l3 Stotement by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesmon-Supporting Kompucheo's lust stond ond condemning Vietnomese outhorities' oggression ond sub- ve rs ion 15 Soyiet ond Vietnomese Hegemonists' True Colours - Ftenmilt Riboo Editoriol 16 Corgo Ship ond "Refugees"-Vietnomese outhorities export "refugees" in o plonned woy 18 Steel Output Tops 30 Million Tons 20 Revolutionory Memoir: A Glory to His People-lrL memory of the lote Choirmon Chu Teh of the N.P.C, Stonding Committee-Hsioo Ke 23 Szechuon Todoy (lV): Mountoin City Chungking Our Correspondent Chou Chin - 32 ROUND THE WORTD 36 Three ASEAN Countlies: Wory of Honoi's Aggression lron: Behind th6 Turmoil South Africo: Rigged Election in Nomibio CUTTURE AND SCIENCE 38 Voluoble Relics Exh,ibited Electing Deportment Directors ON THE HOME FRONT Mioo Notionolity Festivol Rich Deposits of Bituminous Shole Publlshed every Fridoy by PEKING RB/IEW, Peking (34, Chino Post Office R€gistrotion No, 2-92. Printed in the Peoplis Republic of Chino Nrrrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrxrrrrrrsx TH E WE E K Establishment Sino-American peace-loving people the world of over." Diplomatic Relations Hailed A Long-Cherished Desire fl OOD news! Good news!" the editorial continued, com- Wang Ping-nan, President of U/ This was how the people patriots: in Taiwan will surely the Chinese Peoplels Associa- in Peking greeted the estabiish- make greater efforts to bring tion for Friendship With For- ment of diplomatic relations about the reunification of the eign Countries and ,former between China and the United motherland. All patriots belong Chinese representative to the States when they heard the to one family whether they ambassadorial talks between news announced by Premier come forward early or late. the Chinese and U.S. Govern- ments, Hua Kuo-feng at ten o'clock on There is quite a number of said: "Talks began in the morning of December 16 at patriots among the military and Geneva on August 1, 1955 be- a televised press conference in administrative personnel in tween the two governments at the Great Hall of the People. Taiwan who will surely do the ambassadorial level. I had Extras were brought out by their bit to effect the return of thd honour to be entrusted by Renmbt Ribao immediately Taiwan to the embrace of the the Party and government to after the anhouncement, and motherland. It is hoped that represent the Chinese side in the news soon became the talk the Taiwan authorities will the negotiations. Thd Chinese of the town across the land. make a clear assessment of the Government was sincere, but situation, follow the trend of as no agreement could be reach- question ..' Hailing the event, Renmin' our time and not go against ed on the essential question Eiboo published oh December the common aspirations of the thq of Taiwan, the talks 17 an editorial entitled "A entire Chinese people. We dragged on for nearly nine years Historic Event." The announce- firmly believe that the day will and more than 100 ses- ment of the establishment of come when Taiwan will return sions were held. For this, diplomatic relations between to the embrace of the mother- world opinion called them. China and the United States, larid and Taiwan compatriots 'marathon' talks. Nevertheless, Premier Chou En-lai said at the the editorial noted, has ended will reunite with their kith and the long abnormal state in kin. time that through these con- Sino-American relations and tacts the two sides had come to Well-known personages of all understand opened a new chapter in the. each other's views, circles in the capital have made which were useful, that relations between the two coun- .and statements welcoming the estab- two countries like China tries. It will open up broad big lishment of diplomatic rela- and the United States could vistas for furthering the good tions between China and the not do without such an unof- relationship . between. two the United States and supporting ficial channel for contact with' countries and friendly ex- the Chinese Government's state- each other. When the talks were changes between the two peo- ment with- regard to this event. moved to Warsaw in 1958, ples. The normalization of rela- (For full text of the govern- Chairman Mao told me to make tions between them is of tre- ment statement see . piage g:) it clear to the U.S. r'epresenta- mendous significance to the Soong Ching Ling, Vice-Chair- tive that the United States is maintenance of peace and sta- man of the Standing Commit- a big country and China is not bility in the Asia-Pacific region tee of the National P.eople,s small either. He asked me to and in the world as. a whole. Congress, said: "The establish- persuade the U.S. Government ment of Sino-American diplo- not to stand in opposition to the . After the establishment of matic relations is' the surest Chinese people merely because diplomatic relations between guarantee for world peace and of the question of Taiwan. He China and the United States, is therefore welcomed by all also instructed me to uphold Decem,ber 22, 7978 principle and pay attention to People's Political Consultative tinued, he told us that it is the the method in which our views Conference and various demo- hope of the American people to were presented so as not to hurt cratic parties and patriotic per- be on good terms \Mith the the feelings of the American sonages called on their old Chinese people and to see the people. Chairman Mao added colleagues, friends and acquain- early normalization of relations that the question of Taiwan tances in Taiwan to make con- betWeen the two countries. would have to be resolved so"me tributions to the great cause of The American people and day and that we could wait for reunifying the motherland. the Chinese people, including ten, twenty or even a hundred With deep emotion, Sung IIsi- those in Taiwan, have been years, but an early solution lien, Cheng Tung-kuo apd looking forward to the would be more in the interest of Huang Wei. stated: Owing to early establishment of diplo- both countries than a late one." historical reasons, China and matic relations between the two Wang Ping-nan went on to the United States had been at countries. "I have not met or say: "There was a major war and had been in opposition seen my colleagues and friends breakthrough in the long am- with each other for 30 years. in Taiwan's military and ad- bassadorial talks in 19?1. This Now following the general ministrative cireles for 30 years. led to the visit to China by Dr. trend and the people's wish, I'm anxious to meet thern again Kissinger and later by Presi- they have normalized their re- and chat with them on every- dent Nixon. Leaders of the two day happenings rather than countries Iations. This should serve as a held summit talks politics. I hope that the Taipei which great lesson for the Kuomin- resulted in the Shanghai authoritie.s: will'understand the Communique. After another tang administrative and mili- tary personnel in Taiwan. feelings of _us old folks and six years of contacts and provide us with access to our efforts, relations between Liu Fei and Li Chun-lung, reunion." the two countries have now former delegate and adviser younger been normalized. The long- respectively of thq Nanking Chang Hsueh-ming, cherished wish of the people of government delegation to the brother of Marshal Chang both countries has Hsueh-liang, Yang Cheng- come true." Communist Party-Kuomintang and min, General Yang Hu-cheng's Huang . Chen, Minister of peace talk.s in 1949, said: "'W'e son, also at the meetings. Culture' and former Chief of came to Peking at that time to spoke the Liairson Office of the Peo- conduct peace talks on behalf ple's On the afternoon of Decem- Republic of China in of the Kuomintang. Now if we ber 16, many compatriots of Washington, said: "There exists could obtain the consent of the Taiwan Province origin met in a traditional friendship be- Taipei authorities, we would the auditorium of the C.P.P.C.C. tween the Chinese and Ameri- like to go to Taiwan to meet to exchange greetings on this can peoples. people The Chinese and exchange views' with our historic event. have friendly feelings for the old friends including Mr. American people. During my Chiang Ching-kuo:" Promoting Friendship Between stay in'the United States, I was The Two PeoPles impressed by the same friendly Tu Yu-ming said: "As we sentiments on the part of the now celebrate the establish- Warmly greeting the normal- American people for the Chi- ment of diplomatic relations be- ization of Sino-American re- nese people.