Regional Oncology Clinic Reduces Victims Travel
PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - KVENING HERALD. Wed., Feb. 21, 1979 Regional Oncology Clinic Births Sirutiun, Roy Glenn Jr., son of was born Feb. 14 at Manchester Official Blames Strip Proposed Gas Cutbacks MCC Five Qualifies New Car Warranties Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Stratton of 107 Memorial Hospital. His maternal For Business Woes Not Yet Affecting Area Reduces Victims Travel Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was born grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. For CCCAA Playoffs Could Be Extended Itv .MAKCIA PARKKR Feb. 9 at Rockville General Hospital. Mario Bellardi of Palpi Desert, Page 10 hospitals to "buy" a package of ser seem, and they can just come to the Page 10 Page 11 PLYM OUTH. Mass. (U P I) - For His maternal grandparents are Calif. His paternal grandparents are Page 16 vices ranging from education clinic." said Jordan Hospital's Chief more lhan a year, Gert, like hun Philipp Fries and Jane Fries, both of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Belden of programs for its physicians and of Medicine, Dr. Samuel K. Stewart. dreds of cancer patients, traveled to Florida. His paternal grandparents Springfield, Vt. His paternal great nurses to a step-by-step plan for a full "And it gives doctors and staff at and from a major Boston medical are Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Loughrey grandmother is Ruth Belden of scale clinic. The fee scale is sliding Jordan a sense of security and sup of 15 Columbus St., Manchester. He Springfield, Vt. He has a sister, center for treatment. and there's a trial period. port, too. It disrupted her life and cost her has two sisters, Tina Lynn, 7, and Juliet Michelle, 6.
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