Regional Oncology Clinic Reduces Victims Travel

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Regional Oncology Clinic Reduces Victims Travel PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - KVENING HERALD. Wed., Feb. 21, 1979 Regional Oncology Clinic Births Sirutiun, Roy Glenn Jr., son of was born Feb. 14 at Manchester Official Blames Strip Proposed Gas Cutbacks MCC Five Qualifies New Car Warranties Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Stratton of 107 Memorial Hospital. His maternal For Business Woes Not Yet Affecting Area Reduces Victims Travel Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was born grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. For CCCAA Playoffs Could Be Extended Itv .MAKCIA PARKKR Feb. 9 at Rockville General Hospital. Mario Bellardi of Palpi Desert, Page 10 hospitals to "buy" a package of ser­ seem, and they can just come to the Page 10 Page 11 PLYM OUTH. Mass. (U P I) - For His maternal grandparents are Calif. His paternal grandparents are Page 16 vices ranging from education clinic." said Jordan Hospital's Chief more lhan a year, Gert, like hun­ Philipp Fries and Jane Fries, both of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Belden of programs for its physicians and of Medicine, Dr. Samuel K. Stewart. dreds of cancer patients, traveled to Florida. His paternal grandparents Springfield, Vt. His paternal great­ nurses to a step-by-step plan for a full "And it gives doctors and staff at and from a major Boston medical are Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Loughrey grandmother is Ruth Belden of scale clinic. The fee scale is sliding Jordan a sense of security and sup­ of 15 Columbus St., Manchester. He Springfield, Vt. He has a sister, center for treatment. and there's a trial period. port, too. It disrupted her life and cost her has two sisters, Tina Lynn, 7, and Juliet Michelle, 6. iSaat Bartfarb Some health care activists, like "With the advent of chemotherapy Jane, 6. time and energy. Because she does Coo^)er, believe the trend is in the and complicated protocol being not drive, her husband or friends had Partly Sunny best interests of the patient as well devised, local hospitals need to at­ /o|i|tu, .Niekolus Rmiuld, son of to make the long trip, sometimes dai­ as the major centers. And he believes Kellner, Heullier .Miirie, daughter tract an oncologist to the com­ of Kenneth W. and Nancy-Lea Hoff­ Ronald E, and Gail Gabron Zoppa of Highs 45 to 50 ly. from her suburban Boston home. cancer outreach programs like his munity." "It was very hard — the man Kellner of West Hartford. She 1914 Main St., East Hartford. He was Delalta on page 2 save patients money, time, and are Cooper said that is one of the goals born Feb. 1 at Hartford Hospital. His traveling," she said recently as she cost effective. was born Feb. 9 at Rockville General of the program — to a ttra c t maternal grandparents are Mr. and ; waited for her husband at Jordan Cooper said local hospitals benefit L a u ra .A. W'u ImIi Hospital. Her maternal grandparents specialists to the communities so UH are Mr. and Mrs. Jasper E. Hoffman Mrs. Mitchell Gabron of 1914 Main Hospital's regional oncology (cancer by Improving their ability to can phase out their senior role. He of North Fayston, Vt. Her paternal St., East Hartford. His paternal care I clinic in Plymouth, where they diagnose and treat "routine " said UH does maintain a close tie to (USPS 327-500) both undergo treatment. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. patients while maintaining their tie the hospital and keeps identical E n g a g e d Ernest Zoppa of 253 Hilliard St., . B o l e I Vol. XCVIII, No. 121 — Manchester. Conn., Thursday, February 22, 1970 "So when they opened up this to a major med center that is William Kellner of 114 Mountain St., » A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 > 20(t Single Copy • 15(t Home Delivered patient records. Rockville. Manchester. He has two sisters, clinic, it was wonderful " familiar with its patients and can UH's ROP grew out of its desire to WASHINGTON I UPI) - Presi- Today Gert and cancer patients Robin, 11 and Jill, 8. deliver treatment for difficult cases. give community hospitals expanded I dent Carter is expected to propose like her in Massachusetts are able to UH's ROP clinics are now Itedimind, .Nicole Kullierine, additional military assistance to support services besides cancer BOLTON ^ The engagement of daughter of Everett C. Jr. and June get expert cancer care in their own operating in St. Anne's in Fall River. Ituoney, Cliurlen Hielluel, son of ^ J Egypt to permit President Anwar treatment education and consultation Miss Laura Ann Walsh of 27 Lyman Campbell Redmond of Somers. She communities. It is part of a move Jordan Hospital in Plymouth, the Michael G. and Donna Huntley I Sadat to play a bigger role in for their physicians, nurses and staff. Road to Brunig Walter Moske’of 45 was born Feb. 9 at Rockville General toward decentralization of cancer U S Public Health Service Hospital Cooper said several eastern Rooney of 195 Ash Swamp Road, .stabilizing the Middle East since Steep Hollow Lane, Manchester, has Hospital. Her maternal grandparents care from the large metropolitan in Boston's Brighton section, and an Massachusetts hospitals with whom been announced by her parents. Mr. Glastonbury. He was born Feb. 9 at ' the loss of Iran, administration of­ Soviets Mobilize Troops are Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd M. Campbell medical centers and hospitals which educational program at Harrington ttiey had lies were interested in and Mrs. John F. Walsh. Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ficials said. of 8 Aborn Road, Ellington. Her HANOI, Vietnam (UPI) exclusively handled such treatment Memorial Hospital in Southbridge. opening clinics, but they did not have Mr. Moske is the .son of Mr. and maternal grandparents are Mr. and » But the officials also indicated which were sent into battle, or cross the border into Vietnam- for many years. Frisbie Memorial Hospital in paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Huntley of Lubec, :l the aid will not consist of the The Soviet Union has begun militia. dominated Laos. the training or cancer care Mrs. Brunig C. Moske of 32 Converse Mrs. Everett C. Redmond Sr. of It is b as^ on the belief that cancer Rochester. .N IL. which also runs an specialists working in their towns. Road. Maine, His paternal grandparents massive modern weaponry mobilizing troops along its CHINA Vietnamese regular army troops In northern China. Peking has patients can be treated — via a Somers. She has a brother, Michael; ROP clinic, has succeeded in attrac­ "Forty patients and their families Miss Walsh graduated from Bolton are the late Mr. and Mrs. George -• rosting billions of dollars which Chinese border in apparent Y U N N \ \\ A N entered the border war for the first placed its troops on combat alert and precisely calculated protocol or and a sister, Lisa. ting a fulltime oncologist so UH has travel to a major med center and High School and is employed in the Rooney of Springfield, Vt. Sadat requested from Defense response to Peking’s 15-mile time and China was reported evacuated civilian populations in "cookbook■' treatment devised by "self-destructed. " said Cooper. Secretary Harold Brown on throwing another division of 8,000 some areas along part of its" 4,500- they lose time, gas, etc. In the long (Marketing Division of Connecticut I.uvoie, Ciirisliiiii Lvnii, daughter I thrust into Vietnam, Japanese the large metropolitan centers —just He added he has had inquiries run it is cheaper to send one or two Bank and Trust Co. in Hartford. Brown's recent fact-finding Trip men and 40 more tanks into the mile with the Soviet Union, the of Mark and Michelle Bertrand as well at affiliated community about the program from as far away staff out to treat those patients and Mr. Moske graduated from Bolton WilliuiiiHon, Jennifer .Anne, I to the Middle East. reports said today. Japan fighting in Cao Lang province. longest in the world. hospitals. as San Diego, and negotiations are Lavoie of 18 Signor St., East Hart­ daughter of Peter E. and Anne S Brown reported to Carter on offered to mediate the The sharp escalation on three Moscow has warned China to stop keep them out of the centers until it is High School and from Devry Institute ford. She was born Jan. 29 at Hart­ "We have doctors who believe in under way with several other needed, " he said. Poutre Williamson of 527 Adams St., S Sadat's requests earlier this Chinese-Vietnamese battle fronts may have prompted the Soviet its invasion of Vietnam "before it is of Technology at Atlanta. Ga. He is ford Hospital. Her maternal grand­ getting care out to the communities. prospective client hospitals. The ROP staff includes a team of employed as a marketing support Manchester. She was born Feb. 10 at week. saying it feared a long war. Union to put military pressure on too late.” The United States has They believe cancer patients can be mother is Dorothy Bertrand of 3 Press secretary Jody Powell St. Anne's clinic opened in June medical and surgical oncologists, representative for sales at Ad- Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ^ Vietnam said its forces counterat­ China’s northern flank. urged restraint. treated in their own town. " said Porterbrook Ave., East Hartford. Wednesday told reporters Carter 1976 and serves about 30-40 patients radiotherapists, nurses and social dressograph Multigraph Inter­ maternal grandparents are Mr. and ^ tacked against a three-front thrust by Tokyo’s Mainichi newspaper Intelligence sources in Bangkok Steven M. Cooper, administrator of Her paternal grandparents are Mr. intends to dispatch a military VIETNAM Bong0^ |k weekly, ten times its first year workers trained in cancer care.
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