Scottish Proverbs, Collected and Arranged
I >< 4# V444f^4t >444<i N^f4^| >4f4ii ;>4444i fi iJljEXLiBR ^-- a/- # §A SCOTTISH PROVERBS, Scottish Proverbs. COLLECTED AND ARRANGED ANDREW HENDERSON. NEW EDITION, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES AND A GLOSSARY, JAMES DONALD, F.R.G.S,, EDITOR OF ' ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ' ENGLISH DICTIONARY,' ' HISTORY OF SCOTLAND,' ETC. LONDON: WILLIAM TEGG S: CO., PANCRAS LANE CHEAPSIDE. I 876. 12 i(^ PREFACE TO NEW EDITION. THIS edition of Henderson's Proverbs contains the whole of Henderson's Collection, without diminution or addition. The arrangement has been improved by alphabetising the entries under each heading, and explanatory notes, many of which are o taken from Kelly, are added to such proverbs as seemed CO ^ to call for them. Prefixed to the original edition was an Introductory Essay by the poet Motherwell. This, (fi which the writer himself characterized as prolix, is here ^. presented considerably abridged. is^ J. D. Q 410749 CONTENTS. Age - viii PREFACE. IT is so long since a collection of onr national proverbs, of similar extent to the present, has been given to the public of Scotland, that we believed it might have been welcomed by our countrymen, although the formality of a preface, bespeaking their kind attention to its merits, had been dispensed with. Deferring, however, to the v/ishes of the ingenious and laborious author,—who, in the matter of books, as well as other things, objects to any violent departure from established usage,—the following preliminary observations have been drawn up, which the reader may or may not peruse^ just as he has a mind.
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