JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131



Nair Pooja Jayaram* and M. Lekeshmanaswamy

PG and research Department of Zoology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore-641029, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding author email:[email protected] ------


In the present study, the water samples were collected from three different stations of Netravati river, District, Karnataka, India, for physico-chemical and nutrients analysis. Water was collected for the analysis of various parameters such as Temperature, 푷푯, Electrical conductivity, Suspended solids, Dissolved solids, Total solids, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Chloride The methods used for the analysis are as per standard methods recommended by APHA, WHO. The result obtained was compared with BIS standard and the result shows variation that affects the water quality. Hence water should be treated to reduce the pollution in the water and increase the water quality.

KEYWORDS---Netravati river APHA, BIS, Physico-chemical parameter and Water quality. INTRODUCTION

Water is aptly described as mother of life. It is a universal solvent. It is the largest medium of life. It occupies 71% of the earth surface, however we need to conserve water as there is very less percentage of clean water. Clean water is essential for life. There are 400 billion gallons of water above, on and in the earth, but it is unevenly distributed [1]. Water is the precious gift of god on the earth. Life exists on the earth because of the availability of water. Water supply is associated with evolution of mankind. There are plenty of evidences to substantiate that the life on the earth originated in water. After air, water is the second most vital need to sustain life for all kinds of organism on this earth. Water being tasteless, colourless, shapeless and odourless, it adds taste, colour shape and odour in the life of living being on the earth.

Rapid population growth has resulted in increased water scarcity [2].Millions of people die each year; most of them are children, due to lack of clean water for drinking and proper sanitation. About 5,000

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children die each day due to preventable diarrheal diseases which spread by contaminated water used for the purpose of cooking and drinking. Peoples who live in slum area and having low income, people who are illiterate are the major populations who suffer from water body diseases.

Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful. All living beings like human, animals, plants etc need water to grow. We use water in agriculture, in industries, households, recreational and environmental activities. Liquid water is found in bodies such as ocean, sea, lake, pond, river, streams and canals. Majority of water in earth is sea water. Fresh water is a renewable resource, yet world supply of ground water is steadily decreasing. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the ocean, evaporation etc. Water quality deterioration proceeds with environmental degradation. The chemical parameters measure the concentration of pollutants [3]. The major factor that deteriorates the quality of water includes siltation, acidification, agricultural runoff, discharge of sewage, industrial effluent containing organic and inorganic pollutants and increase human interference. Water management is a challenge that is becoming more and more complex as humanity expands keep increasing [4]


Fig.1.Location of present study area of Netravati River

Volume VI, Issue VI, JUNE/2019 Page No:1066 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Fig.2.Location of present study area of Netravati River Fig.3.Location of present study area of Netravati River


Study Area

River is a natural stream of water origin which flows across the continent or island [5] Netravati River has its origin at Bangrabalige valley, Yelaneeru Ghats in in Chikkamangaluru district of Karnataka, India. This river flows through the famous pilgrimage place and is considered as one of the holly river of India. It merges with at Uppinagadi before flowing to the , south of city. This river is the main source of water to and Mangalore. The river drains an area of about 1353 square miles. The occupation of people who has settled on the bank of this river is agriculture and fishing.

People also trade fine sand which used for construction. This sand is taken from the bed of the river.

Sample Collection

To monitor the quality of water in the river, samples were collected from three different regions of an extended period of one year from three different stations.

Station I: Before mixing of Industrial effluent.

Station II: At the point of mixing of effluent

Station III: After mixing of effluent

Samples were collected ones in every month from December 2016 to November 2017 between 11am and 12noon to maintain uniformity. The samples were collected in a clean white polythene container. Care was taken during collection of water samples to avoid contamination of the sample.

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The preservation procedure includes keeping the sample in dark, adding chemicals, lowering the temperature to avoid reactions. The collected were brought to the laboratory and kept in the refrigerator for later analysis.


The analysis of various physico-chemical parameters namely Temperature, 푃퐻, Electrical Conductivity, Suspended solids, Dissolved solids, Total solids, Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), Chlorides, Carbonates and Bicarbonates were carried out as per standard method. The method employed for analysis of physico-chemical parameters are given in Table.1


In each station, temperature of the river was measured with the help of mercury in glass thermometer which was inserted in to the depth level of the water of about 2cm from surface for 3 minutes. The readings were expressed in degree Celsius (°C).


One of the properties of water to determine acidity or alkalinity. Water 푃퐻 is determined using electronic 푃퐻 meter. 푃퐻 is defined as –log (Hydrogen ion concentration) and the scale ranges from 0 to 14.

Electrical conductivity

The ability of the water to transmit electric current is known as electrical conductivity and it serves as a tool for assess the purity of water [6]. The ability mainly depends on the presence of ion, their level of concentration, valancy, mobility, relative concentration and temperature of measurement. It was measured using conductivity meter no: 304. The electrodes of the conductivity meter are dipped in to the sample and the readings were noted for stable value µ mhom or Siemens(S).

Biological oxygen Demand (BOD)

It is defined as the amount of oxygen required by the micro organism while stabilizing biological decomposable organic matter in waste water under aerobic condition. The BOD test widely used to determine,

i) The pollution load of waste water

Volume VI, Issue VI, JUNE/2019 Page No:1068 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

ii) The degree of pollution in lakes, streams and river iii) The efficiency of waste water treatment method

The BOD was measured according to modified Wrinkler’s method [7]. The principle of the method involves measuring the difference in oxygen concentration of sample before and after incubation after 5 days at 20°C

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD is the oxygen equivalent to the organic matter content of water sample that is susceptible to oxidation by strong chemical oxidant. Both BOD and COD are the key indicators of environmental health of a surface water supply. The sample is analysed for COD using Liebig reflex condenser method.

Suspended and Dissolved solids

Suspended and dissolved solids affect the metabolism and physiology of fish and other aquatic organism. Dissolved solids could directly influence water conductivity, higher the dissolved solids higher the conductivity [8]

10 ml of the sample was taken and filtered using Whatman no 1 filter paper. The residue was taken out and dried in an oven at temperature of about 105°C during duration of an hour. It is then cooled and weighed. This gives the amount of suspended solids in water sample. The filtrate obtained from the above process was evaporated, dried and weighed and then recorded. It is the quantity of dissolved solids in water sample.

Total solids

The sum total of suspended solids and dissolved solids will give the total solids present in the water sample.


Silver nitrate reacts with chloride to form slightly soluble white precipitate [10] as a result free silver chloride is formed. The sample is titrated against standardized silver nitrate solution using potassium chromate as indicator and reddish brown colour is the end point in which chloride precipitate.

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Carbonate and Bicarbonate

The presence of carbonate is observed when the ph reaches 8.3. It is measured by titrating hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. Below ph 8.3 the carbonates are converted into bicarbonates. For the indication of bicarbonate the titration is done by standardized sulphuric acid using methyl orange as indicator


Table.1. Methods used for analysis of physico-chemical parameters Sl.No. Physico-Chemical parameters Methods 0 1 Temperature ( C) Thermometer 2 Suspended solids (mg/l) What man No.1 filter paper 3 Dissolved solids (mg/l) Evapouration Method 4 Total Solids (mg/l) Addind (SS+DS) 5 Electrical conductivity Direct Reading electrical conductivity meter No.304 H H 6 P Systronic Digital P meter No.335 7 Carbonates (mg/l) APHA(1989) 8 Bicarbonates (mg/l) APHA(1989) 9 Chlorides (mg/l) Jackson(1973) 10 BOD (mg/l) BOD incubator

11 COD (mg/l) Reflex condenser

Table 2. showing Physical parameters

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Physical Month→ Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Parameters Station↓ Station I 30.5±0.22 30.1±0.22 29.7±0.24 28.9±0.34 26.4±0.62 25.3±0.56 24.3±0.56 24.1±0.41 25.3±0.62 26.3±0.62 28.4±0.34 29.7±0.24 Temperature (°C) Station II 30.4±0.22 30±0.22 29.6±0.24 28.7±0.41 26.4±0.56 24.4±0.41 23.1±0.41 24.1±0.56 24.9±0.41 26.4±0.56 27.9±0.62 29.3±0.56 Station III 30.2±0.24 29.9±0.24 29.6±0.24 28.6±0.34 26.3±0.62 26.1±0.62 24.3±0.56 23.9±0.56 24.9±0.62 26.3±0.62 28.3±0.34 29.6±0.24

Station I 182.4±0.22 180.3±0.34 193.2±0.24 190.3±0.56 193.2±0.24 193.2±0.24 187.3±0.34 188.4±0.56 182.6±0.22 182.9±0.22 185.3±0.41 184.9±0.41 Suspended Station II 183.7±0.22 180.4±0.34 190.3±0.56 190.3±0.56 192.7±0.56 193.4±0.24 186.4±0.41 187.3±0.41 180.7±0.34 183.4±0.34 184.9±0.41 184.3±0.34 solids (mg/l) Station III 163.4±0.56 186.5±0.41 191.7±0.56 190.7±0.41 193.9±0.24 194.3±0.41 182.9±0.34 184.9±0.56 182.3±0.34 182.3±0.22 183.5±0.41 185.3±0.41

Station I 47.43±0.22 47.53±0.41 50.32±0.24 53.24±0.34 56.32±0.56 57.29±0.56 53.19±0.62 49.13±0.62 47.13±0.22 47.73±0.22 48.13±0.62 47.63±0.22 Dissolved solids Station II 56.32±0.05 53.29±0.62 57.34±0.62 57.19±0.56 59.19±0.62 59.93±0.56 56.66±0.41 52.17±0.34 50.17±0.56 51.99±0.62 54.19±0.34 55.19±0.34 (mg/l) Station III 52.45±0.62 50.03±0.24 52.13±0.56 53.77±0.34 54.43±0.34 57.14±0.62 54.19±0.34 50.16±0.24 46.12±0.62 49.36±0.56 50.66±0.24 50.92±0.24

Station I 229.83±0.24 227.83±0.41 243.52±0.24 243.54±0.34 249.52±0.41 250.49±0.56 240.49±0.62 237.53±0.62 229.73±0.22 230.62±0.62 233.43±0.62 232.52±0.24 Total Solids Station II 240.2±0.34 233.69±0.24 247.64±0.62 247.49±0.41 251.89±0.62 253.33±0.56 243.06±0.41 239.47±0.34 230.87±0.56 235.39±0.41 239.09±0.34 239.49±0.62 (mg/l) Station III 215.85±0.62 236.53±0.24 243.83±0.24 244.47±0.34 248.33±0.34 251.44±0.62 237.09±0.34 235.06±0.24 228.42±0.62 231.66±0.56 231.16±0.41 236.22±0.41

Station I 874.16±0.06 723.1±0.16 720.1±0.16 724.32±0.02 874.16±0.06 717.7±0.16 945.63±0.11 874.16±0.06 716.88±0.34 722.32±0.58 746.31±0.45 756.81±0.36 Electrical Station II 913.14±0.49 974.3±0.56 997.16±0.10 997.16±0.36 997.2±0.12 911.9±0.41 984.16±0.17 993.91±0.14 945.63±0.11 957.81±0.10 975.56±0.32 983.52±0.32 conductivity Station III 614.77±0.10 849.9±0.45 843.1±0.60 997.16±0.36 907.77±0.08 874.16±0.06 816.19±0.16 873.4±0.36 846.59±0.06 869.23±0.08 874.56±0.28 882.95±0.33

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Table .3. Showing Chemical Parameters Chemical Month→ Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Parameters Station↓ Station I 6.43±0.26 6.47±0.45 6.54±0.37 6.55±0.49 6.64±0.27 6.75±.70 6.97±0.26 6.94±0.26 7.97±0.23 7.18±0.19 6.93±0.28 6.51±0.45 PH Station II 6.04±0.16 6.09±0.15 6.1±0.15 6.19±0.13 6.25±0.20 6.43±0.96 6.67±0.20 6.56±0.49 7.13±0.19 6.43±0.96 6.17±0.13 6.08±0.15 Station III 5.89±0.35 6.09±0.15 6.01±0.16 6.07±0.15 6.03±0.16 6.04±0.16 6.13±0.13 6.19±0.13 6.72±0.20 6.01±0.16 6.02±0.15 5.81±0.16

Station I 59.32±0.31 59.45±0.39 59.63±0.27 59.67±0.27 59.94±0.30 60.44±0.30 69.91±0.39 58.63±0.27 58.41±0.31 58.53±0.31 58.92±0.41 59.17±0.41 Carbonates (mg/l) Station II 64.04±0.20 64.09±0.20 64.13±0.39 64.19±0.39 64.43±0.44 64.71±0.44 64.45±0.39 64.21±0.20 64.17±0.25 64.15±0.25 64.13±0.28 64.9±0.28 Station III 61.63±0.51 61.79±0.51 61.94±0.46 61.99±0.46 62.17±0.40 62.19±0.40 61.97±0.46 61.83±0.46 61.8±0.33 61.74±0.51 61.7±0.24 61.67±0.32

Station I 36.78±0.33 36.81±0.33 36.84±0.23 36.99±0.23 37.45±0.40 37.83±0.48 37.52±0.40 37.11±0.30 36.92±0.23 36.88±0.23 36.84±0.37 36.81±0.37 Bicarbonates (mg/l) Station II 40.09±0.56 40.17±0.40 40.29±0.40 40.55±0.33 40.43±0.43 40.94±0.43 40.53±0.43 40.72±0.38 40.67±0.38 40.63±0.38 40.53±0.45 40.18±0.41 Station III 39.88±0.56 39.92±0.52 39.94±0.56 39.99±0.56 40.41±0.42 40.03±0.47 40.01±0.57 39.97±0.56 39.93±0.52 39.92±0.52 39.9±0.50 39.87±0.50

Station I 38.2±0.48 38.31±0.48 38.82±0.50 39.01±0.55 39.33±0.51 40.27±0.40 40.1±0.40 39.85±0.52 39.23±0.51 39.01±0.55 38.57±0.48 38.32±0.48 Chlorides (mg/l) Station II 42.13±0.48 42.52±0.44 42.95±0.47 43.13±0.49 43.81±0.52 44.63±0.52 43.19±0.49 43.08±0.47 42.92±0.47 42.73±0.44 42.62±0.44 42.31±0.48 Station III 39.28±0.51 39.75±0.52 40.01±0.40 40.25±0.40 40.82±0.40 41.52±0.52 41.03±0.56 40.85±0.56 40.33±0.56 40.07±0.40 39.92±0.52 39.77±0.52

Station I 4.15±0.30 4.31±0.33 4.33±0.33 4.53±0.37 4.61±0.40 4.82±0.34 4.79±0.34 4.67±0.40 4.61±0.40 4.55±0.37 4.42±0.37 4.26±0.33 BOD (mg/l) Station II 5.23±0.57 5.66±0.39 5.67±0.39 5.72±0.44 5.77±0.44 5.86±0.49 5.82±0.49 5.78±0.44 5.7±0.44 5.63±0.39 5.51±0.52 5.38±0.57 Station III 4.28±0.33 4.53±0.37 4.63±0.40 4.69±0.40 4.73±0.40 5.86±0.49 4.72±0.40 6.65±0.61 4.59±0.37 4.48±0.37 4.43±0.37 4.31±0.33

Station I 7.21±0.61 7.29±0.33 7.37±0.33 7.53±0.64 7.67±0.60 7.82±0.46 7.69±0.46 7.63±0.60 7.57±0.60 7.46±0.64 7.38±0.44 7.31±0.33 COD (mg/l) Station II 7.84±0.32 7.91±0.37 8.04±0.37 8.19±0.42 8.32±0.42 8.45±0.44 8.31±0.44 8.28±0.44 8.11±0.42 7.99±0.37 7.91±0.48 7.89±0.32 Station III 7.53±0.61 7.61±0.64 7.79±0.60 7.82±0.39 7.95±0.39 8.01±0.46 7.97±0.39 7.69±0.56 7.62±0.64 7.59±0.56 7.57±0.56 7.54±0.33


The temperature was range from 24.3± 0.56°C to 30.5±0.22°C at station 1 and 23.1±0.41°C to 30.4±0.22°C at station 2 and 23.9±0.56°C to 30.2±0.24°C at station 3. The minimum temperature was observed during the month of June 2017 at station 2 and maximum temperature was observed in the month of December 2016 at station 1.Temperature is one of the important factors which affect both living as well as non living component of the environment.


The 푃퐻 of the water sample ranges from6.43±0.26 in the month of December 2016 to 7.97±0.23 in the month of August at station 1 and 6.04 ± 0.16 in the month of December 2016 to 7.13 ± 0.19 in the month of August 2017at station 2 and 5.81 ± 0.16 in the month of November 2017 to 6.72 ± 0.20 in the month of August 2017 at station 3. The minimum ph was observed in the month of November2017 at station 3 and maximum was observed in the month if August 2017 at station 2. The 푃퐻 value in the present situation shows slight acidic medium.

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Electrical conductivity

Electrical conductivity of the water sample ranges from717.7±0.16 m mho/cm in the month of may 2017 to 945.63±0.11 m mho/cm in the month of june 2017at station 1and 911.9±0.12 m mho/cm in the month of May 2017 to 997.2±0.12 m mho/cm in the month of April 2017 at station 2 and 614.77±0.10 m mho/cm in the month of December 2016 to 997.16±0.36 m mho/cm in the month of march 2017 at station 3 respectively. The minimum electrical conductivity was found in the month of December 2016 at station 3 and maximum was found in the month of April 2017 at station 2.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD ranges from 4.15±0.03 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 4.82±0.34 mg/l in the month of May 2017at station 1 and 5.23±0.57 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 5.86±0.49 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and4.28±0.33 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 6.65±0.61 mg/l in the month of July 2017 at station 3. The minimum BOD was observed in the month December 2016 at station 1 and maximum was observed in the month of July 2017 at station 3. The level of BOD depends on temperature, density of planktons, concentration of organic matter, which is not potable. The BOD is higher and it may be due to human activities and also due to high domestic and industrial waste in and around the location.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD was range from 4.15±0.61 in the month of December2016 to 4.82±0.46 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 1 and 5.23±0.32 mg/l in the month of December2016 to 5.86±0.44 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 4.28±0.61 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 6.65±0.56 mg/l in the month of July 2017 at station 3 respectively.

COD values convey the amount of dissolved oxidizable organic matter including the non bio degradable matter present in it. The minimum value of COD in sampling station might be due to low organic matter and maximum value in the station is because of high concentration of pollutant and organic matter. COD is one of the useful indicators of organic and inorganic substance of the river water by sewage discharge and anthropogenic activities [12]

Suspended and dissolved solids

Suspended solid ranges from 180.3±0.34 mg/l in the month of January 2017 to 193.2±0.24 mg/l in the month of April 2017 at station 1 and 180.4±0.34 mg/l in the month of January 2017 to 193.4±0.24

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mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 163.4±0.56 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 194.3±0.41 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 3 respectively where as dissolved solids ranges from 47.43±0.22 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 57.29±0.56 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 1 and 50.17±0.56 mg/l in the month of August 2017 to 59.93±.56 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 46.12±062 mg/l in the month of August 2017 to 57.14±0.62 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 3 respectively.

Suspended solid was found minimum at station 1 in the month of January 2017 and maximum was found at station 3 in the month of May 2017 where as dissolved solids was found minimum at station 3 in the month of August 2017 and maximum was found at station 3 in the month of May 2017.

The suspended solids composes o silt and organic matter present in water where as the presence of dissolved solids are composed mainly of carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, phosphate, calcium, nitrates, magnesium sodium, potassium, manganese, organic matter, salt and other particles [13].

Total solids

Total solids ranges from 229.83±0.24 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 250.49±.56 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 1 and 230.87±.56 mg/l in the month of August 2017 to 253.33±.56 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 215.85±0.62 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 251.44 ± 0.62 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 3 respectively. The minimum was found in the month of December 2016 at station 1 and maximum was found in the month of May 2017 at station 2.


Chloride ranges from 38.2±0.48 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 40.27±0.40 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 1 and 42.13±0.48 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 44.63±0.52 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 39.28±0.51 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 41.52±0.52 mg/l in the month May 2017 at station 3 respectively. The minimum was found at station 1 and maximum at station 2. High chloride ion concentration indicates organic pollution in water. chloride is natural substance present in portable water as well as sewage and industrial effluent as metallic salt.

Carbonates and bicarbonates

Carbonates ranges from 58.41±0.31 mg/l in the month of August 2017 to 69.91±0.39 in the month of June 2017 at station 1 and 64.04±0.20 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 64.71±0.44 mg/l in the

Volume VI, Issue VI, JUNE/2019 Page No:1074 JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131 month of May 2017 at station 2 and 61.63±0.51 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 62.19±0.40 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 3 respectively.

Bicarbonates ranges over 36.76±0.33 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 37.83 ± 0.48 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 1 and 40.09±0.56 mg/l in the month of December 2016 to 40.94±0.43 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 2 and 38.87±0.50 mg/l in the month of May 2017 at station 3 respectively.


The analysis of water quality of Netravati River shows that some of the physic-chemical factors are at higher values than desirable limits. The values are found maximum at station 2 of the river and minimum at station 1. The physico-chemical parameters such as electrical conductivity and alkalinity are on the higher side indicate the river is highly polluted. It is necessary to control and reduce this pollution as much as possible so that all the living beings would become healthy in harmless environment by which our human society would be benefited much with their safe and good health.

It is found that the water is more polluted in station 2 when compared to station 1 and station 3.


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