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Ni{ i Vizantija XI 385 Graham Jones EARTH, FIRE, AND WATER: CONSTANTINE AND HELENA IN THE RITUAL HERITAGE OF EUROPE AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD Each year over three days in early June, icons of Constantine the Great and his mother Helena are held aloft by fire-walkers as they dance across hot cinders in villages of south-east Bulgaria and northern Greece. Recent research is divided over the antiquity and likely origins of this ritual, but at least two centuries of practice qualifies it as an established part of Europe’s cultural land- scape.1 It may be helpful to the debate, and in pursuit of the research theme at the 2012 symposium, to ask what if any common ground exists between these ceremonies and comparable traditions in other European regions and in other ages. Moreover, what processes might have brought these customs and the most famous son of Niš and his mother together? 1 The most recent and thorough treatment is Valeriâ Fol and Rouja Neikova, Fire and Music (Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2000). See also Valeriâ Fol, ‘La danse de braise des Nestinari: Entretien avec Valeria Fol’, Nouvelle Ecole 59/60 (2010- 11), pp. 210-16, hereafter Fol, ‘Danse’. For the Greek astenaria performances, Katerina J. Kakouri, Dionysiaka: Aspects of the Popular Thracian Religion of Today, trs. Helen Cola- clides (Athens, G. C. Eleftheroudakis, 1965). For the metabolic and psychological effects, Loring M. Danforth, Fire-walking and Religious Healing. The Anastenaria of Greece and the American Fire-walking Movement (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1989), hereafter Danforth, ‘Firewalking’.
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