hands of every true Republican at noe, Brookfield ayehue Whitford this time. i avenue and North road. NUTLEY DAY BY DAY THE TOWN COUNCIL The Chestnut street extension The Empire State Minstrels wiU be matter was'taken up. Ic was refer­ New Law Works to Increase The primaries will beheld on Tues­ the feature of the entertainment to Til© Usual Grift Comes to the red back to tbe Commissioners of Amount of Tu.y Bills • day. September 25, between 1 p. m. be given under tbe auspices of the T ow n Mill. Assessment for revision. Assessor WUitliekl itaS completed Jr. O. U. A. M., in the Town Hall Assistant Superintendent Stelllng. aod 9 p. ib* The Mayor was in liis place and ail bis duties or Uvylug the assessment,, Auditorium, on Tuesday evening. the members of the Town Council of the .Public Service Corporation, for the current year un the plan of Invincible Cough Balsam cures by October 2. were present at the regular meeting of informed the Council th at his com­ full valuations iu conformity with reaiedyiDs tliecause. 25c, at Masonic pany Vd approved of the extension the^new State law. The rate wiU be Hall Pharmacy. On sind after Monday, September the Town Council on Wednesday 17, the School Library, including the night. of the gas mains through > Centre fcl.oe per 9100 and there will be an in­ Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Randall, of Traveling Library, will be open to Councilman Howe reported that street and Bloomtfeld avenue and as crease over last year in the total or Whitford avenue, have returned from the public on Mondays and Thurs­ the claim made by Mr. William soon as the pipe could be obtained tax bills. These are the figures with­ Greenwood Lake. days from 3.30 to 4.30 p. m.,instead of Bridgeman for damages sustained by the work would be taken up. in tiie hydrant! district, outside of Councilman Harry Mortimer Libby, earlier hours. reason of falling into aiT excavation The Public Service Corporation th is the rate is «l.ts3. The fixing of of 'Whitford avenue, has returned a t the West Nutley station, had beeu tn rough its attorney, asked the Coun­ the rate a t these figures is necessary On Monday Joseph Carroll, of Pas­ cil to grant permission to construct a from Quogue, L. I. adjusted, the contractor Samuel to meet the following demands: for saic avenue, was taken into custody Chardi, agreeing to settle the bill, “ Y" branch at the icorner of Frank­ the county, 45 points; for school pur­ Mrs. J. D. Croker, of Vreeland ave­ Early Fall by Chief Knabb, on a charge of strik­ which amounts to $9. lin avenue and Kingsland street, to poses. 61 points; for carrying bn town nue, has returned from a visit of ing William Hart in the head with a Councilman Vosseler reported a enable the. company to turn its cars, government,, 60 points. C o J d s several days ]n Delaware. beer bottle. Justice Day com­ conference with the representative which are now being made into single In accordance with the new law Mr. and Mrs. H. T. JDaMn, of mitted Carroll to await the action of of the East Jersey Waier Company, coders, Tlie company proposes to an increase of 10 per cent, over ibe I t is better to avoid a cold than to contract one that Butgers place, are liome from a week’s the Grand Jury. in ref re nee to the $180 reduction give Nutley a l i minutes headway aetual amount neeessary lias been stay at Stock bridge, Mass. during rush hours, and the m'Y u will added to the levy, for the purpose of wtU perhaps stay with you- The contracts lor the seven houses made some months ago. He said ihe through the coming winter, company now wished to settle for $00 better enable it to supply the service. meeting any; extraordinary demands Nominating petitions must be iiled aud stable to be erected on the tract Tbe entire Council, together with the th at may crop out duriog the coming —If it does no* do worse. 1 ■withTown Clerk Rusby today, otUer- recently purchased by W. L. Sergeant Tlie report was received and the Remember that colds are matter was referred back to, Mr. company’s representative, will meet year. Should, no such emergency arise wise they will be of no use. in tbe vicinity of Horth Woods, has dangerous—you never can Vosseler for another conference. at the spot designated this after­ and the town budget estimates be been awarded to Geo. A. Varney & tell wnat they’ll 1 :iid to. If Hot Water Bags of highest quality, Councilman Joerg said that con­ noon and a report will be made at ample, there will be a snug sum left Co., of Mew York City. The plumb­ you feel one coming on a few at Masonic Hall Pharmacy. We tractors Wright & Lindslev would the next meeting of the body. over after tbe year’s business is com­ guarantee them for two years. ing, painting, etc., will be done by Councilman Halsey said complaints pleted. doses of local concerns. proceed with the work of macadamiz­ Ex-Councilman Philip J. Young ing Franklin avenue above Vreeland of telephone men trespassing on Compared with other localities the COLD BREAKERS Nutley rate Is no higher than the aud family have returned from a The birthday anniversary of avenue as soon is ordered to do so by private property, had been made to : {LAXATIVE.} - bim. The Clerk was instructed to average throughout Essex County. moo til's outing at Nassau-by-the- Mr. John DeVausney, of Bloomfield the Town Engineer. As soon as the will break it up They will Ia Mowing the new rules the avenue, wiil occur on Sunday, the new rails are laid the work wilt be write tbe company th at its employees cure a deep-seated cold i a Sea. must respect the rights of citizens in levy made may be taken as a model. 16th inst. He has four children liv­ done. twenty-four hours. Weguar- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morgan, Jr., Much criticism has been made of the ing namely: Mrs. Thompson, with The Water Clerk reported Sl,200 to these matters. . autce it. : of Satterwalte avenue, bave returned whom he resides, Mr. Samuel lie Councilman Joerg said he would levies made in some other municipal­ be the receipts of his department for : P/lot 25 Cents Irom their vacation spent a t Quogue, Vausoey, Mrs. .Robert Rush more and the quarter ending August 1. His like to obtaio the sentiment of the ities and the Stite Taxing Board has 1 . 1 . ex-Councilman William H. DeVaus- check was turned over to the Town Council on the question of macadam­ ordered an increased assessment in The severe storm of Thursday did ney, Mr. DeVausney has sixteen Treasurer. izing or laying Belgurn blocks between some instance.*. In view of the considerable damage to the roads grand-children and thi rty great A communication was read from the tracks on Franklin avenue. The occasional buzzing cf the annexation JAI1S CKAMMOSB and. sidewalks in various parts of grand-children. An anniversary Mr, W. D. Bell, of the Terrace, com­ trolley company is waiting to be in­ bee, it is particularly interesting to HASOHC Hilt PHiHiCY town. party will take place a t bis residence plaining that the town water supply formed which kind the town desires. □ote th at on a notoriously low valua­ on the above date. a t his residence was of a foul nature The Town Engineer said Bel gum tion the rate in tbe city of N e w a rk is Mr. William J. Kinsley, of Prospect blocks were the most useful and tbe $1.74. . . ■ street, has returned home from a and unfit for household purposes. This was thought to he due to the Clerk was instructed t.o write the trip to Rochester and Canandaigua, Letter From Mr. C. A. Joerg. company accordingly. N. Y. trofley sprinkler, and Mr. Vosseler S u t l e y , N. J., Sept. 10,1906. was ’directed to investigate the A petition against macadamizing A residence to cost nearly $25,000 To the Editor of The Mutiny Sun. subject. Hawthorne avenue was read by the w&l-be erected by Edward Morgan, Cleric and the whole matter laid D e a r S i r :—Will you kindly an­ A communication was read signed Jr., in the vicinity of North Woods. nounce in your next issue th at I am a by John F. Clark, Jr., complaining over until next meeting. "Work wili be started immediately. candidate for re j ection to the Town that he was annoyed by boys lounging A special meeting of the Hutley Council, from the Second ward aud around his place of business. A Ou the Green Diamond. Dramatic Club will be held a t the ask the support of the members of the similar complaint was also made by A disappointed if not a disgusted residence of the vice-president, Miss Republican party at the primaries to Mr. James Crarumund and Mr. Thus. crowd of people saw the game played Anna L. Archer, of EjDgsland street, be held on Tuesday, September 25. I H. Ritchie. on the Park Grounds last Saturday. RESIDENCE park on the eastern this evening. have been urged by many of my The complaint was referred to The visiting team was another one of friends to enter this contest for the Councilman Halsey, who said il the the misfit kind that has visited Nut- ridge of Nutley is being developed Choice Honey from the Kutiey reason that an effort to create false persons making the complaints would ley during the summer. The best A flowers. Price 2(jc. aud 25c. Wesley impressions affecting my course in the co-operate with him, by furnishing player on the South Ends was a Rut* as an exclusive residential sec­ Loan, dorner Prospect and Chestnut Town Council has been industriously him with the names of these boys, be ley boy at second base, who was pressed tion by the Nutley Realty Com­ stteet, Nutley. 9-1S 3 worked by unfriendly interests and would liave tbe nuisance stopped. iutoservice; the young mao who es­ He said It was wasting town niouey pany. The ground is being laid out in The figures for the first registration that it is my duty to refute these sayed to cover first base for the team to send a constable, for the boys flay In the three wards ot Nutley is unfounded insinuations. For the probably bad aeverplayed agamepre- knew him and got out of sight, picturesque walks and drives and sub­ given at 1,076, The total figures last above reason, to some extent, and be­ viously. Early In the contest the A letter was read from the Hutley year were 1,065. cause I think I am now much better whole Nutley team became demoraliz­ divided into building plots. The en­ qualified to act as a representative of Realty Company protesting against ed and i □ consequence played a Sulphur Lozenges are an effective the Second ward in th e ‘town govern­ deferring the laying Of water mains listless game. By a combination of trances to Nutley Park -will be and convenient remedy for hlackheads ing body, due to my training for the in their Nutley Park enterpme until accidents and indifferent plays on embellished with artistic gateways and pimples. 10c box, at Masonic past two years, and being so placed □ txt April. the part of, the home team, the Hall Pharmacy. that I can give my whole attention i t was explained th a t the con­ visitors made a rally in the ninth and the entire property developed to the duties involved, I have decided tractor was unable to obtain pipe, inning and came within one run of along lines contributing artistic sur­ The regular monthly meeting -of to ask for another term. but a temporary arrangement Would tying the score, which was S-7 in the Franklin Building and Loan Should my felloW-townsmen see tit be made. favor of Nutley. Association will be held Wednesday roundings, with all improvements; to again favor me with the nomina­ M.r. John Hanley complained lhat The game todav is with the Ham­ evening, the 19th lost. tion and an election, it will be my he bad been used unfair by the Col­ ilton A. C. of Newark. This should electric light, gas, cement sidewalks; Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Dickinson, earnest endeavor to promote in every lector in the matter of redeeming hi3 be a good game. macadamized streets, thorough sys­ of Roseville, have returned home from way the highest interests of the property through tbe Sales of Real Their visit to their parents. Mr. and Town of Nutley and of the Second Estate for Taxes, conducted by the St. PiniFs Congregational Churcb tem of water supply, and finest Mrs. A, M, Hallidy, of Vreeland ward as I tuny see them. Collector on the 30th day of J uly. On Sunday Rev. J . W. Morgan, of sewerage system- The property ad­ avenue. Very respectfully, , The matter was turned over to Newarfc, N. J., wili preach a t 11 a. m. C o n k a d a .J o e r g . Town Attorney Reed for adjustment. subject, ''The World’s Heart Cry’’; joins the best section of Nutley proper, A room for the joint use of Town Bills amounting to $1,312.63 were Evening service at 7.45; Sunday Treasurer Kierstead and Water Clerk ordered paid. Scbooi at 9.45 a. m., Primary Depart­ and is within three minutes walk of "Vreeland is being fitted up In Town DR. H. H . HEYAV001), A resolution was passed that an ex­ ment at 2.30 p. ra.; Young Peoples the two railroad stations and electric Hall and will be ready for occupancy DENTIST tension of time until April 1, 1907, be Meeting at 7 p. m. next week. 277 Broadway, granted Contractor Hayes, for laying cars. Building plots are offered for The Republican State Committee N. W. Corner of Chambers St, water mains, for which he has the An Invitation. sale under strict restrictive clauses, Phone 3303 Worth contract, and that before November We ask you to try a 25 cent bottle has issued a campaign document en- West Nut.ley Office: — Hillsibb Avekcb, tittled “'The Republican Party Record Ijotween Viieeeakd ahd Chesihut Street. I, he lay 4 and 6-lnch mains on Sal­ of C e o m b f e ’s C o u g h C u r e and we guaranteeing high - class residents, in Hew Jersey.” Itshould be io tlie! Consult fttions at S p. m., and l)y appointment ter th waite avenue, Edge wood ave- will pay back your money if it fails to cure. A single dose loosens the hard­ but upon terms convenient to the man est cough, allays inflammation and of moderate means. To those who be­ gives restful sleep. H- T. Lefferts. THE come purchasers we offer unusually: ’’J'H E R E are several grades of Lehigh Coal and when you liberal terms for the erection of homes, buy be sure you get the best. It might cost you a Bow ling Alley There is Always providing plans to suit the individual little more, but it will pay in the end. SOMETHING SWEET IPt taste, while preserving the harmony STORE LEFFERTS’ STORE. of the whole tract. Our new booklet MASONIC HALL And if you pay it a visit you will “Homes in Nutley Park” is now in Phone ISuthby, M. J. find a great variety of sweetness COAL—W OOD—ICE there, it consists of "Belle Mcsd course of preparation and will be Bowling alleys are now open for iv^eeta” in all of their assort- HAY-GRAIN-FEED the season of 1906 and 1907, Hours lents, as well as "Looney’s ” and ready for distribution soon. Write for from 1 P. M. to 12 midnight. II of the popular package candies. one. MASONS' MATERIALS Special terms for ladies and boys I Mr. Lefferts pays particular at­ clubs bowling afternoons. tention to his discriminating TITLES GUARANTEED . . Choice Candies, candy customers, which enables Ice C ream , bin to have just the confection e®h one wants and to always Sodawater, Etc. have li) fresh. M a g a z in e s a n d P e r io d ic a l s . Nutley Realty Company NUTLEY COAL & SUPPLY CO. LEADING BRANDS OF CIGARS LOIRIE DEXTER, Manager TOBACCO IR Y T. LEFFERTS WM. A. I,AMBBRT, President. g 99 Nassau Street, N. Y., W. Nutley, N. J. Office:—West Nutley Plaza Phone 79-J Druggist and Cieiaist THOS. H. RITCHIE, ® Phone i2G3 oobtIiAnot PuonflTft-J Nutley Pas lie and Nutley A ves,, Nutley Proprietor ' Telephone 99 stood a harnessed team, with tne driv­ “rs this tho watch yon claim as 1 will be placed la a tank in the presence er on the box. your, Mr, Bedford?"- queried the lat­ M IAIRn.ES ARE SEVERE of a government inspector and all We rode through different streets, ter. ■. . openings to the tank will be sealed A W onderful Sleuth. Zanwl giving his master directions, “It is, -please, yonr Honor.’ REGULATIONS UNDER NEW LAW with a government seal by the inspec­ and he communicating the same to “Can you prove it Is your property ISSUED BY SECRETARY; WILSON. tor . Steam will be turned on. Be­ the driver. and not Mr. Langdon’s?” fore tiie carcasses are plaeed in ;tho By Em m erson Bennett, At length we slowly passed an ele­ This question gave me a start akin Afford a Full Guarantee of Healthfui- tank sufficient coloring matter -will he gant mansion, and Gonzal said to to a shod:, which almost unnerved ^ 'i* ^ "i1 *i* ^* *ft *m me: niess—Sanitary Measures Specified; added to render it impossible that me. How was I to prove it, Indeed? the tankage' can he used for lard or “The owner of that mansion has I could swear to it; bnt then my oath Reports Required—Destruction of Condemned Flesh Secured. other edible product. If any estab­ Tlie following wonderful exploit ot “Evil Influences reach his sensitive your watch In his possession, so Zan­ would be no better than Landon’s, who lishment refuses to follow the tanking1; an Oriental Sleuth is the narration of soul,’” smiled Gonzal. "Well, Zanwi, wi informs me, and is at present vrith­ could, by perjury, swear directly the Tlie regulations for tie killing and regulation inspection will \be with­ a gentleman who spent some years in what is it?" in, and the watch is on his person; other way. I saw a gleam of triumph preparation of meats for interstate drawn and the product of that estab­ British India, and Is here given ia his The strange being began to jabber but though I have implicit faith in In the villain's eye, and it ' nettled, and foreign commerce, issued by Sec­ lishment will not he allowed in inter­ ewn language. with excited gestures; and all I could what he says, yet in law his words confused and embarrassed me. There retary Wilson, are comprehensive and wbi5 no one who knew me as the own­ state or foreign trade, I was one day sauntering through make out of what seemed mere gib­ wouid go for naught without corro- far-reaching, and Insure thoroughly The meat inspection law, under berish was a whirring succession of bcirative evidence, and so 1 dare not er: of the .watch, and unfortunately, one of tha prominent streets of Cal­ sanitary and healthful meat foods to which the regulations are is.sue4* cutta, when my attention was atracted : r-r-r-r's, with some marked intona­ swear out a warrant and make the ar­ my name was not engraved on the all consumers of American meats, case, and it would be folly to think of contain a provision that uo meat or to a crowd of people gathered around a tions. rest on his bare testimony,' , both in this country and abroad, de- meat food product shall be gold or mountebank, who, on a raised platform His master, however, claimed to un­ “What, then, is to be done to re­ bringing in such testimony as Zan­ elares the Washington correspondent cover my prize?' I questioned. wi’s. offered for sale by any person, firm sras amusing the spectators with some cle-;* stand him; anil as soon as he had ef "the Boston Transcript. “See that or corporation in interstate or for­ feats of legerdemain. liuished, turned to me and said: “It will probably require time and For a few moments—most painful Sag!” will he the injunction of every careful management,’ implied the de­ moments—I felt as if all was lost; ana eign commerce under any false or de­ I quietly drew up to the outer cir­ “Your watch Is la tbe possession of handler of first-class meats, and the ceptive name, but established trade cle and remained there for a few a man who occupies a grand mansion, tective. “i propose to put the man then a sudden idea came to my relief. iag Will be the consumers’ guarantee under surveillance and bid our chance. "Please, your Honor,” I said, “as we names .which are usual to such prod­ sninutes watchins Ills clever trick!', and whs? must be met by strategem if of a strictly first-class article, Under ucts and which are not false and de­ and then resumed my walk. we ever recover it. He Is not to be I know the man by sight, and by hav­ both claim to be owners of this watch, •he new law the secretary of agricul- ing bim secretly shadowed by men lie is it not reasonable to suppose that ceptive, and which shall be approved. As 1 did so I attempted to draw my seized like an ordinary thief, nor ac­ iure Is empowered to deny fedefal in­ by the secretary of agriculture, are cratch, to note the time; bat, to my cused till we have positive proof that does not knew-, ok is pcsslble the both should be familiar with what is spection to any packer or slaughterer watch, may be discovered in his pos­ plainly engraved on the Inner case, permitted The regulation on. this surprise, found the gold chain caught he possesses it. Tbis we must get by tvho refuses to permit all unhealthful subject provides that trade labels in the !ir;lag of my pocket. cunning, not by forces He Is above session, and his arrest be made be­ especially as I declare tbe prize to be and rejected meat to be “tanked," fore lie becomes aware of being under an heirloom in my family, and Mr, which are false or deceptive in any As I disengaged it, I discovered to general suspicion and general observa­ and the regulations say that he will particular shall not be permitted, and sny lioror, tbat my watch was miss* tion. Only the eyes of the soul cmi suspicion.” Langdon thatit was a present from his do so. This remedies the gravest de­ *‘l earnestly pray you may not fail!” father 20 years agcr?” that a meat food product> whether leg, I say to my horror, because I can see him as lie Is, To* the world ho fect in the oid inspection law, where- composed of one or more ingredients, think ci no other word that so nearly seems a fair man. He is not. He is I said, as I looked back at ilie man­ ‘•That appears to be a reasonable supposition?” replied the court. ,by condemned meats were sold to lo­ shall not be named on the trade label expresses what 1 felt. a double man—a bad man—and over sion we had passed, which now had an cal consumers, and the government interest for me, made intense by my - “Then please, your Honor, I pro­ with a name stating or purporting to The watch was not only of great in­ his black heart is drawn a smiling was powerless to prevent it. Regu­ show that the said meat food product trinsic value, but an heirloom in our mask that deceives the good, who thiaK anxiety. pose that each of us write down the lations covering interstate transporta­ At that moment the front door open­ inner inscription, and hand the same is a substance which is not the prin­ family—a royal gift to a distant ances­ they know him, but do not.1’ tion of meats aad the microscopic ex- cipal ingredient contained therein, tor—and Uas been la possession of ‘"But how and where did this man ed, and an elegantly dressed gentle­ i t yew Honor, for a decision as to smination fril be issued later. man came out and descended the mar­ whether Mr. Langdon or myself ia even though such a name be £^n: es­ ■elder sons tor many generations. Thera meet me to get possession of my The regulations provide that the tablished trade name. It will be seen ■was a legenj, too, that, if lost, and watch?” I now inquired! “for I have ble steps most familiar with tbe one article both scope of the Inspection shall cover all I quickly called attention to the fact. claim to oivn, and this enable your that these provisions in .regard to la­ Stot recovered, the last owner would no recollection of any such person slaughtering, packing, meat canning, bels conform to tlie requirements, of Lave a tragic end. being at any time near me.” “That is the man binis^!!',” respond­ Honor to correctly judge w'ho ts the real owner cf tbe watch?’ salting, rendering or similar estab­ the pure food law. It w:as: stated at With a gasping faintness, and large G on sal pat the question to Zanwi, ed the detective; '‘and fortunately for lishments whose mats or meat-food us, I hope he Is coaling tbis way. This “Weil, I will not agree to any such one time that the provisions of the tesds of perspiration standing on my and the answer came like a flash. products* in whole or in part, enter meat inspection law conflicted with “He never was near you.” Gonzal may be the chance we need. We wiil proposition!” snapped out Langdon, Seatares, 1 at cnee started for police with a reddened face. Into interstate or foreign commerce, the pure food law, but this idea is lieadquarters; and there I made my said to me, as interpreter for Zanwi. turn the corner of the next street, be-: unless exempted from inspection by yond’ his view, and then you must Here the detective whispered in. his not home out by the regulations just loss known, with the remark that I “He never saw you even. A female the secretary of agriculture. Under issued, : : confederate took your watch and leave the carriage, Mr. Bedford, and ■ear. Sras prepared to 5:ay almost any amount “Better give up this watch before 1 the law the only establishments All stamps, labels and certificates to be again put iu possession of what transferred it to him.” contrive to meet him in a casual man­ which may be exempted by the sec­ ner on foot. He may have the watch am compelled to .arrest your female showing that meat and meat food I so highly prized. “A female?” I exclaimed. “Oh, that retary are those of retail butchers products have been Inspected and ‘"Then you are disposed to offer a is a serious mistake! Your little man on his person, if so, by politely ask­ accomplice, who stole it.” This appeared to estcnisli and startle and retail dealers supplying their passed are required either to be af­ tempting reward?” said the chief of has got clear off the line; and it will ing him for the time of day, in a quiet, customers la interstate or foreign be useless to follow his lead, when off-hand way, you may possibly get a tt.-e viliain, who had the good sense to fixed by a government employe or by 1 So! lee, act upon the threat in the best way trade, but even these exempted class­ an employe of the establishment un­ Iiis start is wrong!” chance to see yov.r watch without ex­ es are required to submit to the sec­ “Anything you may think proper to citing his suspicion. But control your to get himself clear of his present der the personal supervision of a ■name, sir:’ was my reply. Zanwi understood me, and his bead­ retary an application for exemption. like eyes seemed to enlarge and shoet nerves, be perfectly calm and c-oci, and, trouble. government employe. Certificates “Shall we say Sfty pounds?” “May it please your Honor,” he said, Ail animals, carcasses and meat food are required for exports of cattle, “Double it—treble It—quadruple it, rays of fire. There came another whir if you Jo see it, give not the least in­ products wiil be subjected to a rigid of the r-r-r-r’s, with almost frantic dication that it interests you, but pass turning at eyce to the magistrate, “I sheep, swine and goats, and the meat If necessary!” now propose to state the real facts of Inspection. Reins pecti on will be had and meat food products thereof, and "We’ll say a hundred pounds, then, gesticulations, and Gcnzal quickly quietly on, and I will soon join you wherever necessary. said: ' for your report.” his case. I found the watch in ques­ no vessel having oh board, any such and 1'i! get your watch back if in These instructions I foJiowed, and tion only a short time since, lying on The sanitation regulations require animals, meat or meat food products liuniar. or ghastly power,” “He says it is you, Mr. Bedford, and the pavement; and, seeing its great the establishment In which animals for export will be allowed to clear not himself, vyho is mistaken; that it s;wn met a tall, slender, stylishly- "What da you mean by ghostly pow- dressed person, middle-aged, slightly value, I.was on my way to advertise are slaughtered or meats and meat by the customs officer until the cer­ -er?” was a woman, a seeding lady, who gray, with clear eyes, refined, intellect­ it, when this man—Mr. Bedford, as f food products are prepared, cured, tificate of the secretary of agricul­ “You shall see.” ■ took your watch from your pocket anti hear him called—had me arrested and packed, stored or handled to be suit­ ture, showing that the meat is sound, . broke the chain,” ual features, and with the look and He touched a button and presently air of a gentleman of means. In fact, brought before you. Thinking he ably lighted and ventilated, and to be healthful, wholesome and fit for food, a man appeared. “But I say ‘No!’ emphatically; be­ might have seen me End the watch, suitably lighted and ventilated, and is produced. . ; : : cause, from the time I locked at my so little had he the appearance of a “Is Zanwi off duty?” man of crime that I never should have and that this arrest might be a ruse to be maintained in a sanitary condi­ For the purpose Of enforcing tiie "He lias just come in, sir,” watch till I missed It, no woman was to get possession of i, I rescived to tion. All work in such establish­ law and the regulations, inspectors near enough to touch me on the suspected him, and really began to "He is wanted here.” fear a mistake had been made. fail him by claiming to be the owner. ments must be performed in a clean­ and other government; employes an* The chief detective opened a door street” JJow. if ha is really the owner, 1 shall ly and sanitary manner. All parts of der the direction of the Inspector Aud pronounced the name. There happened to he no other per­ Again the whir from Zanwl, and sons near us on the street; aud as I only be too happy to restc-ra his prop­ the buildings must he whitewashed or must have access to establishments A nondescript came bounding in. again Gonzal said: was about to pass him, in a seeming­ erty. All I ask is that he prove him- painted, or, where this is impractica- at all times by day or night, wheth­ I , say nondescript, because I never “Mr. Bedford, pray be calm, and an­ ly abstrated mood, I slightly baited, :Jslf to be what he claims; and If he j they must be washed, scraped, er the establishment be operated o f -say1 anything like him before or since. swer me this question, and reflect be­ politely touched my hat and said, quite will say say what is engraved on tho ‘ or otherwise~ rendered sanitary; old not. Each employe of the department He seemed to be neither man nor fore you speak. After starting on blandly: inner case of tha watch, and your floors and old equipment which can­ engaged in meat inspection will wear monkey, and yet something of both roar walk, and after looking at your ‘Your pardon, sir! but may I trouble Honor find it as he states, 1 will con- not be made sanitary must be re­ a numbered badge for identification 'Combiced. He was very small for a watch, aad befcre you reached the you to tell me the time of day?” eider that sufficient prtof of owner­ moved a?Ld replaced by suitable ma­ purposes. The regulations direct at­ man. bat too large for a monkey. His juggler, did yon not turn the corner of There seemed at first a keen, quick ship, and relinquish all right to it at terials. All trucks, trays, chutes, tention to the fct that it Is a felony, head, face, arms, hands, legs and feet a street, look back at something, and once.” I^atforms, racks, tables, knives, saws, punishable by fine or imprisonment, "were of the monkey order, but he had glance, as of suspicion; but my quiet, then turn again suddenly, and find innocent face appeared to dispel it. “Then, please, your Honor, here is cleavers and all utensils and machin­ for any firm or corporation* or any no tali. His eyes were black and bead­ yourself face to face with a fashion­ my proof,” I gladly responded, as I ery used In handling meats must be agent or employe thereof, to give or like, aud he seemed to have an intel­ “Certainly, sir!” he answered, with ably dressed lady, who quickly moved a suave bow, as he drew a handsome wrote the line: thoroughly cleansed daily. offer, directly o r. indirectly, to any ligent cunning, and could talk in a to one side, while you moved to the watch from his fob, and held It off a “H. R. H. to L B,t 1095. For loyal Employes of the establishments department employe engaged in meat way to be understood by his master. other, at the same time lifting yonr hat valor.” must wear outer clothing of a materi­ inspection, any money or other thing “Mr, Goniai,’ said the chief of po­ little, for the right focus of his with, 'I crave your pardon, madam?’ " slightly failing sight. “It is just 2,21, ‘Correct, ?,lr. Bedford,” said the al that is easily cleansed and made of value, ith intent to influence the lice, speaking to the detective, “tills "Great Heaven, yes!” I cried, with a at your service." judge, as he examined -the Interior sanitary and all toilet rooms and employe in the discharge of his duty. gentleman {nodding towards me) has start; “I do remember the incident case with a glass “Yon have proved dressing rooms are required to be en­ It is also a felony for any-department lest a valuable v.-atch, for the restora­ ‘‘Thank yon kindly, sir!” I said, as now, though it had quite slipped from I again politely touched my hat and your claim;’’ and he handed the watch tirely separate from apartments In employe engaged in meat inspection tion of which he will pay a hundred my memory. Was Zanwi there to see passed on. to me "Do ycnt wish to push the matter which carcasses are dressed or meats to receive or accept from any per­ pounds. Let Zanwl find the thief and and hear?’ It was my lost watch! any further?" and meat food products are prepared. son, firm dr corporation engaged in restore It,” “No! but he sees and hears It all As soon as clear of him, so intense “I do not your Honor. I am satis­ Managers of .establishments will not interstate or foreign commerce any "Please state the particulars, sir?” now, as the facts are flashed upon his were my emotions that I trembled in fied to have recovered my watch.” be permitted to employ any person gift, money, or other thing of value, uatd Gonzal, turning to me. mental consciousness from the mere every limb and could scarcely keep “Very well,* replied the judge, “the affected with tuberculosis In any of given for any purpose or intent what I hurriedly and anxiously related all handling of what the woman and your­ upon my feet. case is finished. Mr. Langdon, this is the departments where carcasses are soever, ■ ■■■■'.. - 1 ' I knew of the matter, which Tealiy self hare left a marked impress upr When the detective joined me, which a lesson f;-r you to speak the truth at dressed, meats handled or meat food The provisions in regard to. label* amounted to nothing beyond the fact on1!” be did by a roundabout course, with­ first, and save unnecessary trouble.”™ products prepared. Butciiers who ing carcasses which are found dis­ io£ the loss. “Great Lord o£ the Universe! do oar out being seen by the thief, I gasped Good Literature. dress diseased carcasses are required eased and which have been con­ ■“Are you certain you had the watch thoughts, words aad actions become out: to cleanse and disinfect their hands demned are complete, A system of •with you in the street? ’ questioned the tangible things, to be, *as it were, “Seise that man, Mr, Gonzal!—he The Eskimo Canoe. and implements before touching tags, numbered in duplicate, with detective, photographer upon every tiling we has my lost watch.” It is In Greenland that the hunting healthy carcasses. Employes who reports to the inspector in charge, “Yes, £ am certain of that,” I replied, touch?" I exclaimed. “You are sure, Mr, Bedford?” ability of the Eskimo roiches (ts are unclean and careless of person who, in turn, reports to Washington," "“because I remember looking at the “It would seem to,” replied Gonzal; “I will swear to it.” highest development. He has a fine Trill not be alIow*ed to handle meats. will make it impossible for any car­ time while walking along.” “at least I can conceive of no better “All right, then.” mechanical skill. Bones, ivory, The provision relating to dyes, cass which has once been tagged by; "Did any one jostle you in the crowd way of explaining tbe wonderful mys­ He turned back, and I kept him stones, a little driftwood, skins and chemicals and preservatives is strin­ a department employe to escape the ; around the montebank?” tery, to the like of which I have given company, and we soon overtook the the sinew of the reindeer are the gent. No meat or meat food product vigilance of. the inspectors. If such “No one, I am certain, for I did not much time and thought. Suppose, by­ man. ' materials from which he must make for interstate commerce shall con­ a carcass were spirited away, the in­ stop long, and all tbe time remained way of comparison and illustration, we Gonzal placed cue hand on his shoul­ his boat and weapons.* There is tain any substance which lessens Its spectors would know the fact at once. on the extreme outer circle.” consider the marvelous facui of der. and said, in a quiet, firm tone: nothing else. Says a Greenland trav­ wholesomeness, nor any drug, chem­ Running through the regulations Is "How do you account for the watch memory* w-hlcb we all possess in a “Herman Langdon, I arrest you in eler: “Of these tbe Eskimo builds ical or dye, unless specifically provid­ a carefully prepared scheme which feeing removed from the chain, and greater or lesser degree! What is the Queen's name!” . a canoe, its frame of bones and drift­ ed for by a federal statute, or any will effectually prevent the entrance the end of the chain restored to your memory? where Is it located? And The prisoner started, and wheeled wood, its covering of translucent seal­ preservatives other than common into sausage, curing, canning and pocket, without you being made aware hew is it we bring up at will before fiercely upon the detective, at the same skin sewed together with sinew. *alt, sugar, wood smoke, vinegar, other chopped meat establishments of Of it in any manner?” the mind's eye of the present, pictures time glancing sharply at me. This kavak is de'eked over, except for pure spices and pending further in­ any carcasses which were not in* “I cannot. Tliat is a mystery I "have of scenes aad events that have be^n At once he recognized the officer, a hole in the middle framed with a quiry, saltpetre. Meats and meat food spected and passed by federal inspec­ riot ueeji able to solve to my satisfac­ burled in the past for clays and weeks then said, half playfully: wooden ring. The Eskimo wriggles products for export may contain pre­ tors at the time of slaughter. - ; tion. My only theory is that the pick­ and months and years? And this, too, "Ha! Mr. Gon~al, is it you? Wbat is into his hole, his legs extended into servatives in proportions which do One of the most important provi­ pocket must have been an adept in his from beneath thousands of other scenes the joke?" the fore part of the boat. not conflict with the laws of tbe for­ sions of the regulations is the defini­ profession, to draw my watch and twist and events, in which we have since “Better ask what is the bail?” “Round his waist there is a cylin­ eign country to which they are export­ tion of the phrase, “U. S. inspected it from he chain wihou my seeing or beeu an actor, and then permit them “But you are not in earnest?” der of sealskin, the lower edge of ed, but all meats or meat food prod­ and passed.” It is declared that this feeling him.” to fade out into a blank til we want “Neve:* more so.” which draws over the wooden ring ucts so prepared for export must be shall mean that “the carcasses, parts "You have the chain the thief han­ them again! Is this faculty of Zanwi, “Bi't I don't understand it.’ and is pulled tight with a thong, mak­ treated and kept In compartments of of carcasses, meats and meat food dled?” though more rare, any more wonder­ “Come to the magistrate’s and ing all water-tight TO the armpiis. the establishment separate and apart products so marked are sound, health* “Tills is it,’ I replied, as I produced ful? Of course it seems so to us, be­ have it explained.'’ Fot heavy weather the cylinder is part from those in which meats and meat fill; wholesome and contain no dyes, It, “and the end of the chain shows cause we are not familiar with it; bnt “Will you not tell me with what of a skin-shirt with a hood. Strings food products are prepared for inter­ chemicals, preservatives or Ingredi- ’ the twist, as you see here.” if there is an intangible something crime I am charged?” tighten this hood to the face and state commerce, specially labeled and ents which render meats or meat ‘'Good!' smiled Gouzal, as he took upon which we impress our thoughts, “For having in your possession an­ cuffs to tbe wrists, while a pair of certified, and stamped with the word food products unsound, unhealthful, the chain in his hands; this gives us tc: be read oS at will, as if from the other man's property, whether stolen ipng-sleeved mitts protect hands and “Special.” Such meats may not en­ unwholesome, unclear or unfit for a chance to call upon a power more leaves of a book, why may not 0111- or otherwise.” arms. ter domestic trade under any circum­ human food,” 1 . . mysterious than the problem we wish souls make their impress upon our “I—-Herman Langdon—accused of a “So rigged a sood mac. can turn stances. ■■ -i to solve! In this manikin (glancing v hole environment, to be deciphered crime life a this! Why, Mr. Gonzal. his caeoe bottom upward and right The inspection of animals before The Exploitation of the West. by some super-sensitive soul with what can have led rcu into such'1 a himself again with sliding strokes of i slaughter, ^designated in the regula- Five years ago we who lived in the toward Zanwl), as I sometimes play­ mistake?” j fully call him, you behold a marvel which they may come In contact? Tho his paddle, for he is as waterproof tfons as the ante-mortem Inspection, far west were wondering when the that no oue as yet has been aMe to fact that this is done, as you have just “If it be a mistake, Mr. Langdon, as a duck. Moreover, his vessel is is changed to conform to the new law marvellous resources of one-third of explain, at least to my satisfaction. had prcof in the case of Zanwi, set­ why all the better for you," returned so flexible that tt is almost safe from and to give the secretary of agricul­ the United States would be discovered tles the point, and leaves no ground for the detective. “Meantime, I must I do Some claim that he is endowed with a being crushed itt the ice drift aud, ture authority to require . that all ani- . and exploited. To-day we awaken t-o ;sixtb sense. I don't know. Nature argument. We know the hound fol­ my duty, and I hope you will so (far being limber, Is extremely swift when i Dlt* susI*ected of disease on this find our forest stripped, and the places ’ lias her mysteries, and he is one ot lows an invisible, Intangible line of aid me as to give me no unnecessary „ , , ,, T . , , , , sirsf(Vnif>ante-mortem7,l'pm lncna/*tirtfl Inspection, shall li*be where we pitched our tents, built our scent of the living creature that has trouble?'* 7 propelled by the double-ended paGdl?* them. Zanwi!” “On the other hand, tbe vesssj is slaughtered separately and apart smudges, and fried our bacon ami . : gone before him. and which perhaps "Oh. certainly, sir. certainly; blit I from all other anuials, under the game made desolate by the steam saw ' At his call the little man-monkey he never saw; and this little human am ali amazement.” J so cranky that oely about two-thirds fcouuded to Ills side; Iiis eyes glittered, of the native men have nerve aud careful supervision of federal inspec­ and the freight car. The rivers where wonder, with human and greater intel­ Gonzal blew a whistle, the carriage tors. Heretofore the antem-mortem we speared our salmon aud the rush- and every nerve seemed to be on a ligence, take in the soul as well as the came up, and we were soon at a mag­ balance enough to hunt. Oniy three ■Snivel*. or four Danes in all Greenland liavs inspection has been ; made in the iug waters of the northwest where body of the object he lmrsues-. aud istrate’s court. f stock yards, at the time the animals we cast our seins have been made to Without another word, Gonial took gets visiens that reveal past, present I at once made the charge mat 1 dared use a kayak.”—New York Ev­ ening Post. arrived, and has covered animals fill file labelled tins of highly capital­ ■one ot the claw-like hands of Zaual, and future acts, motives and inten­ had beeu robbed of a \ery valuable Which were to be slaughterer at es­ ized syndicates, until the preservation and quietly plaeed the* twisted aud tions of the being pursued.” heirloom watch, which I had s How to Arrive. tablish moats where inspection was of the “sbek-eye," the most delicious l}z-L"lcen watch chain within it. “Well, it certainly is the wonder ot the prisoner's possession. maintained and those which were of all salmon, has become the subject Tbe effect was electrical. wonders!” I rejoined; ' "and If I suc­ Langdon laughed derisively. Man lias to be humbugged 1£ one slaughtered for local trade. of interstate conference. The im- The nondescript bounded up, as if he ceed in regaining my fbst prize. I shall “Well,” he said, “if that is the would command him, and he has no Special provision is made for the raense plains, whose phenomenal pro­ I]ad received a hock, whirled around have reason to be grateful that such charge on which I have been ar csteil, use for the humble person. The way destruction of all carcases and parts ductivity made legends of out- "Mussel swiftly some h?-lf a dozen times, and a thing exists." J all I need to say is that I havfe only to go into a publisher's or editor's of carcasses and meat food products Sloughs” and our “Yuba Dams,' arc be- ' > then uttered a strange, unpleasant "Come, then,” said Gonzal, "let us one watcli, a present from my ;at.her, office (or, indeed, any other with a which, upon inspection or reinspec- ing turned into irrigated plaisanoes, soimi}, something1 that one might fancy lose no moro time i^ discussion. A which I have carried for twenty ; -ears,” man at the head of It), is with a tre­ eion, prove to he unclean, unsound, tm- ihto trolley-strewn highways, into tho compounded of a serpent's hiss, a cafe carriage is in waiting. S^llmv mre[” Here lie drew* my watch frran his mendous show of bounce and swag- healthful, unwholesome or otherwise dense social conditions of Oiuo, ' **-’ and a ifunian groan, ^ Ke led the wav to a back ard, where pocket and handed it to the jufTe. SAT-—A Spinster Jn M, A. P. unflt for human food. All such meat and llltaom—Reader. ~ ' : J ■ ' . ' ' ' ■' The Age of Lead. , BEAN HARVESTING. called to account tor their mistake, re­ plied rather insolently that they had We are -wont to speak of this era H A Y F E V E R Ontting 6 y "tlti^-lii rn'i-y—S torizifr In as the “age of iron]” and there is no - Banta and Thrasliinff. been In the music publishing business a “H aving used P eruna fo r catarrh and gainsaying that, industrially speak­ Formerly beans were pulled by hand, long time, and had yet to discover the ing, iron is a “precious metal,” hay fever, / can rtconm iend it to a ll w ho but now the -work Is done almost ex­ difference between a “Yulse Impromp­ Nevertheless, few people realise AND CONSIDER? TfTB are suffering w ith the above diseases. I clusively by machinery ia the main dis­ tu" and ail “Impromptu Waltz.” Would how useful, if not absolutely neces­ a?!t happy to be able to say it has helped tricts. The bean harvester or cutter De. Smith kindly state to tbem tbat sary, to modern civilization, is that , ALL-IMPORTANT me w onderfully?' shown here is a two wheeled machine, difference? other metal, lead. Soft, yielding, ■ — M ayme E. Sm ith, having two long steel blades so ad­ “Gentlemen,” wrote the genial pro­ pliable, it is not much like its sister justed tbat as tbe machine passes over fessor, in answer, “I bave not, like metal, but those distinguishing quali­ ' : P a c t . .'■■■ the ground they sweep along just at ot yourselves, been tn the music publish­ ties are what give it such a prominent belovr the surface and cut tbe bean ing business, and am therefore not place in th£ arts and industries. stalks or pull tSftm np. Tbe blades are fully qualified to inform yon, but since, Modern plumbing, requiring many set obliquely, sloping backward toward In your extremity, you bave appealed turnings and twistings, hut withal one another and left iu a single row. to me, I would venture to suggest that tight joints, would be almost impos­ WHS Boon after the beans are palled men the difference between a ‘Valse Im­ sible without lead pipe. The great­ promptu’ and an ‘Impromptu Waltz’ est civilizing agent in the world—the pass along with forks, throwing them That in addressing Mrs. Pinkham you " ^ 5 1 1 Into small bunches. may be similar- to the difference be­ printing art—is absolutely dependent are confiding your private ills to a woman After dying perhaps for oue day the tween a blind Venetian and a Venetian on lead. Hand-set type, linotype —a woman whose experience -with -wo- . . w c B bunches are turned and so moved that blind. “slugs,” monotype type — all are men’s diseases covers twenty-five years. “Tours very truly,” and so forth. made of compositions of which lead The present airs. Pinkham is the three rows, as left by tbe puller, are is tbe chief component—to say noth­ daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkbam, made into one, leaving space between SODA FOUNTAINS PAY WELL. ing of the bearings in the presses as and for many years tinder her direction,' tbe rows to drive through -with a well as all other kinds of machinery aud since her decease .hear advice has been wagon. If drying -weather prevails T b ey D ra w to t i D r u s ia which “babbitt" metal is used. freely given to sick women. they -will become fit for drawing and S to re in Every Town. Solder is another lead product— Many -women suffer in silence and drift along storing In the bams without further It -would be hai-d to Imagine a live, what a field of usefulness that one from had to worse, knowing full well that they turning, but if tbe -weather is unfavor­ up-to-date American drug store these form opens up.' ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural days without a good soda fountain, hut modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them­ able the bunches must be frequency Then there- is the most important selves to the questions and probable examinations probably there are many cities in the use o£ all to which lead is pnt—paint, of even their family physician. It is uaneeessary. world where this luxury is not found. that necessary material which lceeps Without money or price you can consult a woman Ketali druggists who have never in­ our houses looking pretty — inside whose knowledge from actual experience is great. stalled sod a fountains would do well and out—and preserves them from Mrs. Piakiiam’s Standing Invitation: to consider their money-making possi­ decay. . . Women suffering from any form of female "weak­ bilities, however, and it would hi How many of ns thank metalie lead ness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. strange If any good druggist in a town for the comforts of paint? Yet the Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, of auy size, whether north or south ot best house paint is nothing but me- opened, read aad answered iy women only. A the eyuator or In the Eastern or West talic lead corroded by acid to a white woman can freely talk of her private illness to a ern Hemisphere, conld not make a good powder fcnowri as “white lead,” Of woman; thus has been established the eternal soda fountain a profitable enterprise. course, there are many imitations of confidence between Mrs."Pinkham and the women "whfte lea's},” soma of which are sold of America which has never been broken. Out The soda fountain'itself need not be of the vast volume of experience which she MISS MA. YUS SHITS, an expensive affair, but ou the othei as white lead and some which are has to draw from, it is more than possible -44 E, HJouad Street, Col uni Ous, Ohio. ha ad fountains can be obtained which offered by the name of ready-pre­ that she bas gained the very knowledge AI i-i£VIiR is endemic catairh. It iv cost many hundreds of dollars and pared paint under the familiar pre­ that will help your ease. She asks noth­ H .-aused by some irritating substance in which it would take many months ol tense that they are “just as good" as ing in return except your good-will, and Ll.^ atmosphere during lhe- late suinmev white lead. But all good paint is her advice has relie ved thousands. Surely mouths. It 13 generally thought that the- business to pay for. Tbe old idea thal any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if pul I CD of certain weeds and Bowers is tho soda fountains were profitable only dur •made of the metal, lead, corroded and cause oi it. ground to a fine white powder and she does not take advantage oi this gen­ turned to prevent tbe beans in those lug a few months of the year no longei erous offer of assistance,—Lydia SI. Pink- Chance of locality seems to be the only pods resting on the ground from be­ mixed with linseed oil. rational^ cure. The use of Peruna, how. prevails in this country. This is proved White lead is also used in the m at­ ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, syer. stimulates the nervous astern to re­ coming damaged. , by the experience of a New York drug sist tbe eilect of the poisonous emanations ing of fine oil cloths and for many To the foregoing in American Agri­ store which In one evening early in Follo-wing we publisii two let­ '* As you know, I wrote you that my doctor and sometimes carries the victim through culturist Professor J, L, Stone adds purposes besides paint. - lhe hay fever season without aa attack ol the spring accommodated S00 customers “Red lead” is another prodaut of ters from a woman wHo accep­ said I must have an operation or I conld not the disease. that wet sveatber does not injure the within four hours. Tbere are few ted this invitation. Note tlio live. I then wrote you, telling you my ail­ A large number of people rely upon I s crop sei-iusly provided the beans are metalic lead and is -what is known as resu lt; ments. I followed your advice and am en­ nma for this purpose, Those who do no I American drug stores or confectionery an oxide of lead, being produced by tirely well, I can walk miles without ait iind it convenient to change their location not allowed to rest on tbe wet ground shops whieh do not operate their foun­ First letter. - ache or a_pain, and 1 owe my life to you and; burning the metal. Red lead Is the to LydiaE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. to avoid Lay Fever would do well to civs long at a time, but tbe frequent turn­ tains through the entire twelve months. best paint known to preserve iron, Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— Peruna n tnnt. It has proven of priceless ing necessary to prevent them from in­ “ For eight years I bave suffered something I wish every suffering woman woaM raad value to many people. It is uot necessarily' true, moreover, steel or tin, and is used largely in terrihle every month, Tbs pains are excru­ f hie testimonial Mid realize ths value of w rit­ jury involves considerable labor. that people patronize soda fountains painting metal structures, such as ciating aad I can hardly stand them . My ing to you and your remedy.”—Mm Mary Railways in Far Northwest. When dried they are stored in barns doctor says I have a severe female trouble, Dimmick, 59th and E. Capitol Streets, Wash­ simply for the urpose 0“ quenching their skyscraper skeletons, mills and and I must go through an operation if I want ington, D. C. A golden shower of $120,000,000 la like bay and may be thrashed at con­ thirst. Tbe iarge variety of “liquid bridges. to get well. I do not want to submit to it If falling upon the Pacific Northwest venience. Tbe thrashing is done by foods,1” such as egg drinks, malted milk, There are many other products of I can possibly help it. Please tell me what When a medicine has been successful specially constructed machines much to do. I hope you can relieve me.”—Mrs. in restoring to helalth so many, women Ths map of Oregon, Idaho and Wash­ fermented- milk, etc., provide the busy the metal lead, ^uch as litharge, Slary Dimmint, 50th and R. Capitol Streets, ington is being changed by a new net­ like the ordinary grain thrasher. Some man with the opportunity to -‘steal a orange mineral, etc., which are es­ Washington, D. C. whose testimony is so unquestionable, work of black Janes. To tlie hundreds growers prefer to thrash witb the old- yon cannot well say,'Without trying it, bite” hurriedly at any time of the day, sential many of the arts in which Second letter. _ “ I do not believe it will help me.” If of miles of railway bniit in 10015 a fashioned Hail, claiming tbat tlie sav­ speaking figuratively at least, if not lit­ ■we never imagine that lead would be Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— you »re ill, don’t hesitate to get a bot­ thousand will be' added jn 1307, and ing in beans that otherwise would be erally. of the least use. “ Aftsr following carefully your advice, tle of Lydia E. Pinfaham's ’Veg,eta‘bl& yet another thousand ia tlie year fol­ and taking Lydia £1. PinkhamTs Vegetable split compensates for tbe slower work. Another variety of soda drinker is Verily, we live in an age of lead Compound! I am very ansions to send-you Compound atonce, and write Mrs Pink- io v; ing, the business woman who prefers a as well as of iron. my testimonial, that others tuay know tpeir ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice^-* it Ls free and always helpfuL : : : Three great railway systems liavij luncheon dessert in the form of a cool­ value and what you have done for me. so planned and have made appropri: ing drink rather than tlie stereotyped Flavor From Germs. atiens to carry out these plana. What Life in a Bit of Cheese. : The Emperor of China rises at i o'clock styles of pastry usually found in the According to a report to the Wash­ in the morning to study English. : -ia-the meaning o£ this activity? restaurant. In the winter time tbe de­ ington Bureau of Manufacturers, wine A Professor of the Swiss Dairy in ihe answer is a vision of a School at Sormtal, has compiled stat­ The first armored train was used at the greater Portland, a city of to we ring mand Is for hot drinks, such as choco­ g-er-ms, wfrich make it possible to siege of Paris in 1871. : In the Indian Ocean only 370 out of late, coffee, tea, or whatever may please duplicate tbe famous wines of Bor­ istics ■ol fee .number of micro-organ­ business blocks, of miles of -wharves 16,300 islands are inhabited. isms found in cheese. His experi­ FITS, St. Vitus’Dance :Nervous Diseases £ei=- and adjoining industries, of bom eg the taste of the customer. deaux. Burgundy or the Rhine, are manently cured by Dr. Kline’s Great S e m . Probably the owner of the largest The soda fountain is a great draw­ among the latest subjects of experi­ ments lead to the concision that ev­ Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free^ filling the Willamette-Columbia penin­ ery gramme (one fourth part of an Dr. H, R. Kline, Ld.-931 Arch St., P hila., Pa- sula and covering Council Crest, and number of dogs in the world Is a Rus­ ing card always for other departments ment sian cattle king, who bas S5.000 shep­ of tbe drug store. It brings in scores Tbe germs are obtained from th* ownce) of fresh Emmenthaler (Swiss) The King of Saxony receives $375,003 a all the lower ridges. cheese contain between ,30,000 and For this era cf railway construction herd dogs to look after 1,500,000 sheep. of customers whose attention may be drags of casks -which have contained year for ruling over nis kingdom, - often directed to other goods in the genuine old wine, and those for each 100,000 living garms. After two a result, not a cause, and the cause King John of Abyssinia has decreed months the -number has increased to creating railways is building a great that the nose of any one of bis subjects shop, and in this respect it is a great partioular brand are placed for safe­ keeping in a. substance prepaired 800,000. Cream cheese contains city at the gateway of. the Pacific found taking snufiE shall be - cut off, advertisement for the regular lines of a still larged number a gramme har­ Northwest.—Donald Macdonald In while smoking and chewing tobacco for­ the drug store, aside from its own from Japanese isinglass and -fruit boring, after three weeks, 750,000 ris­ juice. In the jelly-like mass the When Feet Sunset Magazine, feits life. In Morocco, persons disobey­ money-making possibilities. ing to 2,000,000 after a month and a ing the Sultan’s decree of prohibition The percentage of profits which drug­ germs socm establish a colony, When halt These figures apply only to the How to Make a Fire Extigulsher,. emoklcg are imprisoned and flogged gists make on their soda fountains is needed, sufficient germs are placed In are Tired-and Sore center of tilt cheese yhile close to Bat&e them with. . Talte 20 pounds of common salt and through the streets. . a subject that they naturally prefer to a tube of sterilized fruit juice, and, the rind families numbering 5,500,000 1 pound of sal ammoniac (nitrate oi mixed with, ordinary wine. Impart to Probably tbe lowest type of man is keep to themselves, hut it Is easy bacteria may be found in every, Glenn’s Sulphur Soap and Infiei- ammonia) to be had of any druggist found among the bush men of Australia. enough for a novice to calculate that it the exact bouquet desired.—London gramme of cheese. In about one and and dissolve in seven gallons of wa­ warm water, just before retiring. Tbey are so primitive that they bave no there Is very little danger of loss In Daily Mail, July 24. one half pounds of eream cfoeese, the ter. Procure quart battles of thin the sale of soda fountain products, The relief is immediate, grateful irlass, such as are ordinarily used Idea of building even the most rudi­ professor estimates there are as and comforting. Sold, by drug-: mentary form of liut or shelter. Trav­ whereas it would perhaps surprise peo­ many germs as there are huan«n be­ by druggist's, and fill with this, cork­ Senator Benson, the successor ol gists. Always ask for . , elers from this part of tlie world tell ple to be told tbat the druggist or con­ Senator Burton, ol -^ss ings an the face of the globe. It is ing tightly and sealing to prevent fectioner Is more likely to double his supposed that all, or most of these evaporation. wonderful stories of the nest-building one of the three lawyers ia the people who inhabit the wilds, Tbey money than not on every glass of re­ State Senate in 1S81 who framed the microbes are “friendly” ones and as­ In ease of Are throw so as to breah freshment which he serves. In faet, it G l e n n ’ s in or near the flame. I! the fire is find whole families of them nesting iu first prohibition law the- State ever sist in the digestive process. in such a place as ts prevent tha the thickets like our ground birds, is asserted tbat a soda fountain is rare­ had. bottle from breaking, as in wool oi though their nests are not constructed ly known to fail as a money-making en­ Mr. Saunders, a former schoolmas­ Sulphur Soap cotton, knock off the neck and seat- so carefully and artistically as those of terprise. It is bound to be a great suc­ SICK FOB TEIST TEAKS. ter, told the British House of Lords tar the contents of the fire. The our feathered friends, cess if it Is properly conducted and if committee of juvenile smoking that ZI£1P4 Mrtir had WUfeftter ]>je torc-alring lof -the bottle tltbe rates a A record time for converting grain only a little regard is had for the com­ Constant Backache, Dropsy, and Se­ he could detect smokers by their Blqcli or BtoWHj certain amount of gas, and the heat Into bread bas been established by a fort and tastes of customers. vere Bladder Trouble. j handwriting—that of boys who of the fire generates more, .thus work­ Canadian farmer. Wheat which was in smoked being a loose, flabby kind. PROTECT IT IN TIME. Fred W. Harris, of Chestnut St., Handwriting he said, was a cinema­ ing Its own destruction. Above all, the sheaf at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Jefferson, Ohio, says: “fo r over ten nse enough. Have dozens o£ the Twt- was made into scones before 0. When tograph of-tiie heart. U.P.—37 W. L. DOUGLAS tie's always on Jiand.—Agriealtural l a w to Stop Alleriitton ol '‘Slur years I suffered from kidsey disease. operations began a wagon stood In the IJ:; it rfeedefl. The third year my s3 =5 0 &* 3 . 0 0 S h o e s econo mis* . barn with about half a load of grain The continued carping at ‘‘The Star feet and hands would AWFUL SUFFERING BEST IN THE WORLD In the sheaf. Beside It was a thresher; Spangled Banner,” words and music, W.LDottgias$4 Gilt Edge JIna, HOW MANY OF US? swell and remain oanw&tbBequaH efl at anj pries y connected with this was a gasoline en­ a3 a national hymn, has evidently im­ puffed up for days at From Dreadful X’aius From Wound on FaU to Select Food K attire Demands To Shce Dealer* r gine. The engine was started, the pressed some minds with the Idea that a time. I seemed to Foot—System All Bon Dgrni-JEl- W, L. pangU*’ Jot* to Wai'd Off Ailments. racuious Cure by Ciiticiirn. blnff House la tie most sheaves were fed into the thresher, tin? text of the anthem is entitled to no have a constant back­ complete in this ooantrr and the grain was .deposited iu a blu. respect whatever, and that any one who ache. Finally I got so ‘‘Words cannot speak highly eiioogb for /Ssnd/or Ofttaicg A Ky, lady, speaking about food, The power was then transferred to the bad that I was laid up the Cuticura .Remedies. I am now sev­ says; "I was accustomed to eating cun write rhyme Is at liberty to gar­ tleauer, and the work of changing the ble It to suit himself. in bed with several enty-two years of age. My ■ system had all kinds of ordinary iood until, for newly-threshed wheat into Jlour was doctors in attendance. been all run down. My blood- was so bad some reason, indigestion aud nervous Recently one of tbe leading music that blood poisoning had set in. 1 had sfutckly carried through. The rest of publishers of the country issued an edi­ I thought surely I several doe tori attending me, so finally 1 prostration set ia. - the task was easy. would die. I changed medicine and “After I had run down seriously tion of “The Star Spangled Banner,” went to the hospital, where 1 was laid The value of light as au ageat In lu which the author’s original third began using Doan’s Kidney Pills up for two months, lly foot and ankle my attention was called to the neces­ when I was still in bed. The relief were almost beyond recognition. Dark sity oE some change in my diet, and 1 ruling diseases is becoming increasing­ stanza bas been radically and consider­ ly recognized. Tbe latest development ably “amended" by some unknown bard. I found was so great that I kept on blood flowed out of wounds in many places disco a tin ued my ordinary breakfast untr. I had taken about ten boxes. and 1 was so disheartened that 1 thought and began using Grape-Nuts witL a of the Idea is the assertion of a med­ The amendment, though plainly ana­ surely tny last ehanco was slowly leaving ical man that the clothes worn I.ty con­ The kidney secretions became natural good quantity of rich cream. chronistic, will probably be accepted'by and after years of misery I was cured. me. As the foot did not improve you can ‘'In a few days my condition sumptives should Ik? of a color which the public and In the course of time readily imagine how 1 felt, I was simply will allow the light to penetrate the I have increased ia weight and show disgusted and tired of life, 1 stood this changed ia a remarkable way, aud J supersede tbe correct version. If tbis no symptoms of my former trouble." began to have a strength that I had tiody. 'VMte materials, it is found, are pain, which was dreadful, for six months, sort of thing keeps ou there will won Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a and daring this time 1 was not able to SHOES 70S EVEBTBODY AT ALL FE13E& never baen possessed of before, a lhe best for tlie pur] lose, and consump­ be nothing !eft of the original poem. Mon’s Shoes, $6 to Sl-GO. Bo7 S‘ Stioesj S3- box.Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, wear a shoe and not able to work. Some Woinea'B Shoes. $4,00 to Sl.SO, vigor ot body and a poise of mind tives are consequently advised to clothe There Is no law to prevent any oue one spoke to me about Uuticnm. Tbe con­ Misses' & Cbiidxezi's Stuwg, $2-23 to $l,CO, that amazed me. It was entirely new themselves In .snowy raiment, either of N. T. *Fr? ’W* 1*. Douglas Woinen’s; Missed an 3. who pleases from rewriting the words sequences were 1 bought a set of tbe Ou- Cliild'reti's slioes; fo r style, fit audTveiW in niy experience. linen, velvet, cotton or cloth, silk, of “The Star Spangled Banner” to raiit When Coffee Was Unpopular.’ ticura Remedies of ona of my friends, who they otbev mak«a. . “jry former attacks ol indigestion however, is harred. Next iti curative hiuiself, but uo oue lias tbe right to pre­ wa£ a druggist, aud 'uhe praise that .1 .gave If ] could take you Into my large had been accompanied by heat flashes, ralue comes blue, but it Is far Infe­ Coffe was introduced Into England after tbe second appliestien is beyond de­ factories at Brockton, JWass,,and show sent his own alterations as If they were in 1G52,' aad within the next ten scription; it seemed a miracle, for the Ou- you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoe#, anil many times my condition was rior to white. Materials of black, red. tbe original words svritten by Francis distressing with blind spells oE dizzi­ years became .the fashionable drink tioura Remedies took etfect immediately. are made, you would thenlindersta*!*! yellow' or green are said to be useless Scott Key and first published in the I washed ite foe1 with the Cuticura Soap why they hold their shape, fit feettesy ness, rush of blood to the head and as they prevent the passage of the of London, A few years later, how­ Baltimore American in September, ever, in 1663, there was a great up- before applying the Ointment, and J tool: ■wear longer, and are ot greater value 1 neuralgic pains in the cliest. germicidal rays. 1S14. Laws to protect the national flag tiie Resolvent at tbe same time. After than any other make. "Since using Grape-Nuts a]one foi I'lslng against the • (oriental bev-er- two weeks', treatment my foot was healed WTier«ver you live, you cad obtain W. L - breakfast I nave been free from these Tin; Itctort Hu moron*. have beeu found necessary. There ages of hades.” It was satirised 011 completely. People who had seen my foot Douglas shoes. His itaitre aod price i* stsmped •sceuif. to he need, too, of a law to pro­ on tne batter wkfch protects you ogstust high' troubles, except at times when I have “Ton don’t seem to understand,” e-treiry trand, the bitterest invectives during nty illness and who have seen it prices aad Inferior ebacs> T a k e rt« stibstia blustered the man who was trying to tect the national hymn,—Rochester coming from the pulpit. One leading since the cure can hardly belie s their iu te . Ask yottr decJer for W» L- Dougta» sboea* indulged ia rich, greasy foods in and iasfct upon having them* . quantity, then I would be warned by make his point with a university pro­ Democrat and Chronicle. minister, characterized it as "the own eyes. l-tobertSchoenhauer, Newburgb, fas t Gtitor Etfeie ts ustiri; if teg ■. teiti no t -meat brass#* n pain under the left shoulder blade, fessor. “I tell you, sir, I ought to syrup of soot mixed with the essence M. 1. Aug. 21, 1905." ' Write for ntasCmtcd CstAloff of Fat! Styles, Tbulr Only ttianc*. of "old shoes,” and another declared W, U DOUGLAS, Dept. Brockton Mess* and unless I heeded tlie warning tlie know- I'm an aluinul of tbis institu­ “Why do hears sleep iu winter?” a Queensland is "particularly rich in fiber old trouble would come hack, but tion my well'’ “Are you? That’s noth­ that It was "a poison which Qod had plants. . • ■______fTfeSJKscorass'i 1 writer iu the Washington Times says a mad® black that it might bear the feff tlxlk t V** 9 ^oEii rcJLpif aftJ *ivh* when finally got to knjw where ing singular,” was the witty rejoinder, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children 10 small Iwy of that city asked his 'fa­ Devil’s own color.” This hitter crus­ TrOnt aaMHk Banfe 9? tttdmoutftl* • B»fay * *rn Pj. these troubles originated I returned uttered so quietly that tlie blustering ther, teething,aof teuijtlieguias,reducesinflamma- Fro*, flf. IC ft* OBEE.fa BOSS, Bot 0, Aite&to. tie* to my Grape-Nuts aud cream and tlie man never knew what had happened. ade soon wore itself out, ana by the tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c & bottle "Because the President does uot go USK* L.ESSUNS-Pfiuto, vi^iiu, Jinn-.Lot in'. pain and disturbance left very* Ou aliother occasion the same pro­ time of diaries II. coffee houses were Washington isi practically the only na- MHwinmii'ncssxippllefl.Volt *? CulEim\ 2fctltod Corrc^fifmdviH-efi'Otu^^eurst^xptfrisaiWw 25 Iok* ly. fessor, havlus ordered from a music hunting them,” replied his father.' known in every village iu the land. tioiiiil capital tha|, has no alums. £Oi>£ tne ft, Pru4ik\* CoxiiKir>'Uivry> UTiW 513i ATt?.s N, y • “I am now iu prime health as a publishing house a copy of a '‘Valse "They have to sleep some time.” result of my use of G rap a-Nut s.” Impromptu" hy a certain French com­ I'.'l *. I i " <_ ‘.i r(t j-Is. Name given by Postum Co., Battle poser, received an '•impromptu Walta" Carpets made from elephant hide aro P)U T N AM F AD ELESS D YES .0 c-elc, Mich. > by another man. The publishers, when said never to Fear out C..U01I norr ^xnlisbritrhtoraml faster ^ ilnrj thaM uiiy othi>r ityc. Op,p {{fa piicfcdjw wlm1;* till til for*, Tiivpilyvpi rvirt v,-&1£t Jjctv*1*- iLitf -pchor > J ■■ ■ Ufcm y pttL'iiittit wiihQUt-rJppiog uptbrk Write fot itudMix. Colors. 3iwXilUi£ DI££JU CO.t lMiMVlilui I' ■ ' " ’ ■ ; f ■ ; THE NUTLEY SLL\ | s. leschzineii OFFICES OP O. F, KRA2MER Store Closes Saturdays at 10 P. M. Other Days at 6 P. M. The Only Newspaper Prirjt,ed ami Vubiislicd in lilt Town u£ Suvlei’. S. Leschziner & Co., Entered at the Postoffice st Hutley. 7S2 BROAD STREET, Tit, J,, as second-class matter. NEWARK'S, KEA1. ESTATE GROUND FLOOR. BROKERS, BUILDERS ISSUED EVEB'V SAT GUT) AY AND OPERATORS - - AT LONG DISTANCE’PHOSTE 153. ■ NEWARK, N. J., August 16, ’06. KUTLEY. s. < . 1 John F. Dryden, President, Office corner of Franklin »uil Vreelami A n The Prudential- Insurance Company, Newark, N, J. ■ dAS. O. POV, Editor and PublUher Dear S ir;— New Fall Garments Advertisers wishing to change tneir I am in receipt of notice of dividend due under my policy advertisements must bi^e copy tn No. 291,875, issued August 17th, rgoi. I am. very much pleased with the Of Rare Bea.uty and Worth this office before 10 A. M. Thursday of each week. Reading notices must- options given me, viz.: First, I may take $81.36 in cash, which is a little A"\OME in now and look and see how far advanced we are reach the office before 5 o’clock Thurs­ better than five per cent, compound interest on the total amount of premiums with the new styles—pretty styles—sensible styles. day- ______paid during the five years the policy has been in force, a first-class If not ready to buy, no harm done. We*ll welcome you investment in itself to say nothing of the protection to the extent of just as heartily as We will later when we know you will come Saturday, September 15, 1906. $3,000 that I have had during that time. ' lo buy. ■ ■ Second: An addition to the policy of $153.00, making my insurance New F a ll M ixture C oats—Cloths are delightful Mo Republican of Uie Second ward $3,153.00, while my premium remains the same. ■ mixtures in all wool; invisible plaids^ or neat stripes—two is likely t.o he deceived by titae present Third: I may use the $81.36 to reduce the premium' for the ensuing models—one a full box back, the other semi-fitting model, independent lu'iVL-metit, that is be­ five years from $98.04 to $80.64 per annum, velvet collar or collar edged with solid stitched, yelvet—good ing engineered by the Democratic I have seifected the last named option, thus expressing my satissaction value at 15.00 at ; guard io THutley. This is one of the with the results achieved and my continued confidence in the splendid most a ncient tricks of the enemy, and management of The Prudential. $ 1 0 . 0 0 those who are duped set the merry Wishing you a continuance of that success that characterized New Fall To arist Coats— A coat worn largely by laugh from butls paroles. yonr work, every one except tourists, but by tourists is known as the full I remain, box back, 3-4 coats, in mixtures, some have notch collars, Thi i< not. abaci one. The Cuban Yours very truly, some have fancy trimmed necks, cufE sleeves, ho better coats insurgents are evidently refnrmers. sold right in. Newark afio . 00—here They are out, and they want to be in. (Signed) S. LESCHZINER. —Newark Daily Advertiser. $ 5 .9 8

I t ia tn be hoped for Mr. Hearst’s publication., however, aod subsequent New Fall Suits at $ 2 0 ,0 0 —We are out for the suit business of Newark, and shall get it, if style and self esteem that he does not believe to my work of nine months and the moderate price are. factors; beautiful gray worsteds ail of the things th at Mr. Jerome has perfection of all plans in t he premises, came the announcement of the organ­ tight or senai-fitted back, 25 inch coat style, very tastefully been saying abniit him. YOUR BANKING? ization of an independent movement, trimmed at the neck and euffs; some skirts trimmed; others the object of which, as I understand Ho m atter how small ! full size pteated, also a rich broadcloth, in a model you’ll like, Wm. J. Gayuor, Wm. Sulzer, Wra. it, is to put an independent candidate Bo m atter how large! very stylish and popular—all are lined with guaranteed T. Jerome. Wm. R Hearst—why not in the field on election day, to accom­ Skinner satin and made by best tailors—true 25.00 value at : let Hew York city supply the country plish which a number of the voters are to refrain from voting at the BANK OF NUTLEY witb Bills of small denominations ? coming primaries, on September 25, will give it careful attention. This message applies to the men, $ 2 0 . 0 0 in o der to withdraw from both the women and tbe children alike. ‘ The Best $5.00 Petticoats—For petticoat ex­ Senator Hepburn wants tbe country parties Accounts in our cellence come here—we never allow anyone to excel us in to understand that, 3'ou may reserve Kow, it is farthest from my PROVIDENT DEPARTMENT value giving; if a style is similar to ours, ours is better in the forests, but yon can’t reserve him. thought to oppose any independence on the pnrtof tbe voters as I myself DRAW THREE PER CENT. INTEREST quality or wider; if you have not noticed this, compare for am wagiusf a contest for such in­ Banking Hours, 8 to 3 your own satisfaction; another big shipment—two styles— Mr. Bryau doubtless, is aware that SATnBDJi Y, ? to is dependent representation as will give with all silk foot rufBe—Truly a 7.00 value, . it is impossible to make a good cross us our due, bnt in view of the situa­ Corns and Inspect Our Safe Deposit Boxes of gold or crown of thorns out of tion which such a condition creates $ 5 .0 0 railroad iron. as regards my position, I heiieve that L in justice to all full facts should be before the voters at this time. JUetter From Mr. A. It. Curl*. 7 0 7 to 721 BROAD ST., - NEWARK, N, J. 1 have Teason to believe, and for * . • . ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • • • : ' • [Mr. Carr has requested the use of Kewark-Passaic Trolley Cars Pass Oar Door ‘ v that. I am very thankful, that this Are You Trying to Decide W here to Take Your the columns af The Nutley Sun to movement Is not directed against me MAIL ORDERS FILLED - NO BRANCH STORES lay this letter before the voters of the personally, but rather at my position • b u s i n e s s c o u r s e ? Second ward, more especially those as a “regular” candidate. In reply Republicans who are supposed to be to this I simply refer to the fact, as It will save you miah tims aud earn you many extra affected with the independent idea, stated before, th a t my campaign fur dollars if you take our course. and for that reason we have extended better government as originally Individual Instruction, Day and Night Sessions, the courtesy.] planned nine months afifo and subi-e Thorough Training, Employmaat Sscared for all Graduates. HtJTLEY, B. J., September 14. quently worked out, was and bas Students may enter any day of week with equal advantage. To the Editor of Tub Kutley Sun. Write aud let us send reasons why our school is best. W. F. DITTIG, been directed against a Republican Dear Stk:—LaatJSaturday an article incumbent in office, to accomplish Write today, ■ entitled ’‘A Hew Regime” appeared which, I as a Eepuhliean chose the in a publication circulated in Kutley. natural and cniy battle ground formy DRAKE BUSINESS OOLLEG-E, ■ There are one or two matters in con­ contest, namely the regular Republi­ Passaic, - - - New Jersey nection therewith which I think call can primaries, and it is there it will for attention from me, in view o£ the either succeed or end. mention and comments which it I should never have assumed the makes therein by way of introduction, task before me had there not been concerning my candidacy for Council­ ample reason to believe that the man from the Second ward. citizens of the ward desired ■ betper WE HAYE EVERYTHING Connecting as it does my appear­ service, and th at it was possibly Chestnut Street and Hamilton Place, ance as a regu ar Republican candi­ within my power, if elected, to so date with the opiuioo of its editor as represent them, but if those convic­ TO MAKE THE GROUNDS BEAUTIFUL to tlie present needs of our community tions cannot Bod expression simply seerus to attach special significance because o f tbe natural channel NUTLEY - - - NEU/ JERSEY to my position in the premises, and which I chose to fight through, then AND GARDEN USEFUL in such a way as I believe, might be indeed, there would seem little construed as reflecting upon the demand for such. However, with methods chosen iu presenting my If you intend to beautify your grounds why wait until these facts before them I continue to Spring ? You should call and see us or write at once for our candidacy, in seeking election on the look for the support at the coming regular ticket. In order to correct primaries, of those citizens of the illustrated general catalogue. Inspection is the most satis­ any such possible idea and owing to ward who believe th at there is merit factory way of buying our stock and will save you disappoint­ certain circumstances whicb bave in my campaign. I entered this coo- ment. By doing this we can remove from your mind ail arisen in connection with fhe forth­ test unhampered and unpledged in doubt as to what you should use to make your grounds both coming primaries, I would like to any particular and am making the interesting and attractive; in addition, you will acquire much review tlie situation as regards my effort by reason of a desire and will­ candidacy from its inception to date ingness to assist our other represen­ valuable information. in justice to the voters as well as tative in giving the ward con­ myself. scientious representation. I believe The general supervision of private and public grounds As stated in my announcement one every fair-minded citizen will appreci­ week ayo, I have taken the liberty of a specialty. If you are interested in developing your grounds ate the facts hereinbefore set forth it will pay you to consult our Landscape Department. putting myself forward as a candidate lhat my campaign has been directed for this jffice solely as a citizen of through the natural channel under —DEALER IN— this ward who believes there is the circumstances, and therefore Our Nurseries can be reached by the Erie R. R, from decided room for improvement in the worthy of tbeir support at the com­ Groceries,Pro visions,Flour, manner in which its interests have ing primaries on September 25, and Rutherford, Carlton Hill, Passaic and Carlstadt stations: T h e been conducted id certain quarters. particularly so io view of the fact White Line Electric Car pass our Nurseries. ' Feed, Grain, Hay and This decision was arrived at almcst a th at any lack of suppcrfc at th at time year ago, witli a feeling that the will simply tend to make permanent Straw. , Oigars, Wines majority opiniou of the citizens of the very factor a majority of the the ward coincided with my own. voters are desirous of eliminating. Liquors, Etc, Considerable time was spent io the BOBBINK & ATKINS first place endeavoring to ascertain In making these deductions from whether or cot some other citizen, the present situation, ttiere is nefther Nurserymen, Landscape Architects better qualified than 1, was willing aim nor purpose Lo belittle or inter­ to make the effort. Failing, in this I fere with any independent or other and (G-ardners decided to make the contest myself, movement to improve our conditions, and in carrying out tlie idea fcllowed but sitnply in justice to my owl RUTHERFORD, N E W J E R S E Y the only natural channel for me, as a efforts, to call attention to the fact, Republican which wjis to oppose a Re­ that if there is any sincerity in the publican, and took my stand on that purposes of my campaign, the fight, ticket in tlie regular way. The in­ for better government started with it terim following this decision and up and that the first test as to the desire to the announcement of inyeandidacy, or need for improvement will in the Subscribe for was devoted to the development of very nature of things be decided hy the contest, daring which time the the expression of the .voters at the assurances given me in many quarters forthcoming primarie^i indicated its success. Very respectfully yours, THE NUT L E Y SU N W. F. DITTIG. Just prior to the creation of this K.. C a r r . The Colby Delegates. WANT ADVERTISEMENT'S. A meeting of the Nutley Branch of T T n$ B R O A D , the Equal Taxation and Limited WANTED —IMMEDIATELY A Franchise League was held ou Thurs­ refrigerator. Address "Et,” Nut­ t G R EA T N E W & day night ia Dii.tijr Hull. W. H. ley Sun Office. . It 13 a c r u HAI/SBY Parry acted *as chairman aad JSlls- FOE SALE—LADY’S WHEEL, Post a' secretary. Delegates STORE STREETS were endorsed for tlie County Couveu. "Cre.'Cent” ; in good condition. In - NEWARK'S STORE BEAUTIFljL tion who were pledged to support for quise, M RS. H. M. MABSH, Passaic renominatiun the eleven Assembly­ avenue, Nutlev- A-15-3 men elected last fail on the Culby WANTED—A YOUNG- MAN AS ticket. Tlie delegates selected for the office attistaut. Apply A Story for Men Second ward for the County Conven­ PUBLIC SERVICE CORP., tion were Thomas Nicholas. Jr., Ells­ Passaic avenup, IS utley. worth Post and Lester Kierstead, ^ en s H a t s ^ajaH&SKSS^sss g Eisnsjo' ji pftt ciV^bfi — 1 Robert Moffit. was one of the two Put, If our House OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMA­ The man who cannot find here the kind of a hat be' wants is not named for the Third. A set of dele­ nent evening work—tbeT. C. RICE- likely to- find it anywhere, for our lines embrace [Tactically every style, in tne columns of The N utley Scrir. gates was also uam,sd for the Con­ WRAY CO , H4 Market street, New­ shape and color ihut the hat makers have brought out tbis season. A Nutley Sun want ad will do gressional Convention. The Second ark, desires a representative for We can please the most economical man a~; well as the most fastidious. wonders for you. ward ticker, consists of Charles W. Nutley who is earnest, energetic and We can sell you very good soft antf stiff hats—hats we can guarantee A. want ad in T he N tjtlb y Sun Staler, Frantc Brandreth and (Trank experienced salesman; position is will quite likely either rent or sell in every way, for only $ 2 .0 0 . We do bijt believe these hats arj matched I. Davis. Fur the Third ward, Geo. worth from $500 to $L,000 per year, anywhere at the price. . . : your House, or IE you wish to purchase Hawkworth and Wilson O. Da?lu with steady increase; business al­ find ttie one fur wnicli you are in Then we can sell you the celebrated John B- Stetson H’ats, both soft were named. In the First and Second ready established; three hours in and stiff, in any of the new Fall shapes md colors, a t $ 3 - 5 0 to $ 8 .0 0 . sea ret). wards. It was decided to make rj0 in­ evening sufficient. Communicate T h e N u t l e y S u n want ads are dorsement for the position of Town promptly. small in price, but (treat in results. Councilman. iM e tt * s S f i l f t s In the Third ward Councilman WANTED—TOONG GIRL TO DO Your choice of Stiff Boson} S hifts which tii ts score affords is not equalled Ward Conferences. John J. Vosseler was endorsed for re* general housework and go home by auy other bouse we know of. Just se^ the space we devote to shirts atone. Tiie Republicans High Grade Work At Small Cost fore the close of the season. a grand nerve tonic as well. Many ANNOUNCEMENT. Send Postal Card for sample books to Nutley people who have not enjoyed We call your attention to the fact Julius Zlneski, of Centre street, West Nutley Country Club. a good meal for years now say that after using one or two 25 cent boxes tbat Derma kola ointment is a positive was taken before Recorder Janies An enjoyable social was held on cure for Eczema, ulcer?, wounds, piles, Post, on Monday afternoon, charged of tbese little tablets they feel as if and every kind of skin or scalp Wednesday evening by the West they could eat a horse and digest It with threatening to kill his father, trouble. It costs 25 cents it it cures. FRED.LEPPLE Nutley Country Club in its head­ too. Joseph Zinesltl. The elder Zlneski Mr, Lefferts lias been recornmend­ If itdon’t we return your money. H. O ffice:—H ic-h St . near West N utley Station, NUTLEY, N. J, quarters at Masonic Hall. On the T. Lefferts. ' it appears, had a quarrel with his ing this grand dyspepsia remedy for evening of Wednesday, Sept. 19, the nearly two vears now, aud f rom actual P. O. BOX 340 wife and theson interfered, ordering club wili give an opening reception. experience knows there is no other his father out of the house, and remedy so sure to relieve sour Your Want May Be Supplied threatened to kill him when he re­ On the last Wednesday in the mouth, stomach, bf.d taste in the mouth, the 2t>Ui Inst., a euchre party will If you want posters, fused to go. Beeorer Post placed the coated tongue, palpitation, sleepless­ be given by the club. An admission ness, wind belching, and other dis­ If you want by-laws, prisoner under $200 bond to appear of 35 cents will be charged. tressing symptoms of indigestion. If you want bill heads, for trial- : And Pepsi kola Tablets must cure If you want programs. you or there is nothing to pay. They HILLSIDE PLBASnEE PARE DR. DAVIS’ PRESCRIPTION FOR will renew your energy, steady your If you want envelopes, Mr. aDd Mrs. Cadet Taylor, of HEADACAE. nerves, regulate the action of your If 70U want note heads, Omaba, Keb., have iust returned to When we recommend and guarantee heart, improve your appeti te, put If you want show cards, the West, having spent the summer new life in your stomach, and will do If you want statements, High Class Vaudeville Ake-Ia-Tke-Head tablets for head­ more to tone up and improve your with their son. Mr. Herbert B, Tay­ ache and neuralgia it is because we general health than anything you If yon want ball tickets, lor, of Hawthorne avenue. know you must obtain relief or we ever heard of. If you want letter beads, —BALLOON ASCENSIONS— stand ready to pay your ten cents If you want calling cards, back. Safe, sure and always cure. II you want address cards, THE CHARM'OF A CLEAR COM H. T. Lefferts. ■ Sunday Afternoons and Nights and Wednesday FLEXION. - FIRST AID TO BEAUTY, If you want business cards, Get your Job Printing done now. Botbing is more certain te benefit If you want invitation cards, . and Saturday Nights Nothing lends more to personal Ifvyou want business circulars. attractiveness than the clear skin, This office can glfeyou oetter work your complexion than a 5 ceu b box of and at more reasonable prices than Laxakola tablets. They freshen the If (you want job printing of any de­ and fresh rosy complexion th at comes is possible in city shops. Bill heads skin, give color to the cheeks, cure scription done in a satisfactory way, Many Other Attractions to those who use Laxakola tablets, constipation, and give you a clear trial size 6 cents, a guaranteed cure Statements and Envelopes are always rosy healthy complexion. H. T, you can have it performed by calling for sallowness. H. T, Lefferts. carried in stock. Lefferts. at the office of The Nutlet Sun. ADMISSION TEN CENTS \ THAW'S BEST FRIEND. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL.

II Anyone Can Save White’s Slam It Is His Mother. INTE R NATIONAL LESSON COM- Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, leader of ME-VXS FOB SEPTEMBER 23. Pittsburg society and ruler Of the many millions left by her husband, the late Review of tbe Quarter—Read Matt* cadet to compare favorably with tie William Thaw, baa proven herself re­ Americans may weli be proud of xxii,, 3 i-£6—Golden Text: Luke their great military training academy embryo officers of any otber country. markable in times of stress and trouble. If anyone can save Harry EL Thaw iv., 32—Topic: Christ’s Last at West Point; It is one of the mast It must not be forgotten, however, that to pass successfully through West from suffering the consequences of Ms Messages—Summaries. complete institutions of its kind aitfi crime in killing Stanford White, it will furnlslies tlie cadet with a thorough Point Is cot the only way of entering i Lesson 1, Topic: Lessons from a the United States army. There are two be this demoted mother, who is his best '‘child” text. Place: Capernaum. practical and theoretical knowledge of friend. his duties before He is actually launch­ other means by which it Is possible to Soon after the traasfiguration; Jesus accomplish this end: (1) by direct Mrs. Thaw showed her ability as a in Capernaum for ihe last time; a ed oa liis career as an officer. This manager when her daughter, Alice, de­ question asked: Who Is the greatest? great academy—tlie upkeep of Yrhich commission; (2) through the ranks. A A little child called: to enter the civilian to be eligible for a direct com­ cided to marry the Earl of Yarmouth. costs the United States government no Tbere was opposition from members kingdom of heaven it is necessary to AYING the latest improved machinery for work ol this characters E less than about 5630,000 per annum— mission must be under 27 years of age '’become as little children;” those and unmarried; the nomination is us­ of the family, who did not liJce the who ofEend a little one will suffer H am prepared to execute ail orders promptly, and solidt ( abate of tiS furatshas ratlier over 50 per cent of earL Once settled that her daughter’s HimorW a officers- Intending comjtetl- ually obtained by political influence, punishment. pubc patronage. , - ■ ■ ' but the candidate has nevertheless to happiness depended upon the mar­ II. Topic: Forgiving one another. APPARATUS APFROVET) BY THE BOARD OF HEA LTH tors must be between tlie ages of 17 and riage, Mrs. Thaw consented. There waa Place: Capernaum. Peter came to 22 find tbey must also be at least a undergo a most searching examination. Christ; asked how o'ten he should All orders promptly attended to. : In tbe case of a private soldier desir­ trouble over the settlement, but she ar­ feet 3 Inches in height. Tbej appear ranged that to the satisfaction of all forgive; Jesus said until seventy before au examination board Trbici ing to compete for a commission he times seven times; Jesus spoke a par­ must have two years' service, he tinder concerned. able to fully illustrate the duty of meets In May, and sliculd tbey suc­ A year or so later Harry Kendall O. E. e. FEN TZLA P F ceed in passing botb physical anil men- 30, and also unmarried. He lias to ap- the Christian. Thaw returned from Europe with Eve­ III. Topic: Lore to our fellow No. 169 Harrison Avenue, MONTCLAIR. lyn Nesbit, announcing her as his Tvife. men. Place: In Perea, A lawyer (or Telephone 23S ' ' ■ : Tbe elder Airs. Thaw hastened to haul scribe) asked Jesus what he must do . E, E FAITH. Affect. INtitley. O.. . : !■ '-ti ' ’I. ■ In the reins and arranged for anoth­ to inherit eternal life; Jesus1 asked er wedding. Then she took them home him how he read tbe law; the lawyer ■jL-' f£7. * ’ 1 . \ .- r !*•. ...f. »...... ♦'.TO*,*. with her. This high-minded and de­ replied, “Then shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart:” Jesus voted mother has redeemed situations toid him he had answered right: the that to others have seemed to be beyond lawyer said, ’“Who is my neighbor?” PA8CUALE DEMARCO hope of saving, and bas controlled her Jesus spoSe a parable; a man travel­ offspring when only she was capable ing from Jerusalem to Jericho feH , , First-class : of doing so. Out of the complex love among thieves; a priest passed by on affairs of her children, wben ail the the other side; a Levite did the world scoffed, she has seen what was same; a Samaritan heloed the man, Boot and Shoemabet true and developed successful mar­ “Go, and do thou likewise.” IV. Topic: Jesus teaching how to Shoas Made to Order from $4 to $5.$9 riages. pray. Place: In Persa, When Jestis With her other children, Tosiah and had ceased praying in a certain place Bepairing neatly and promptly done at llvs. George Lauder Carnegie, Mrs. one of tbe disciples asked Him to it ore notice. All work guaranteed satisfa? Thaw seems to have had less trouble. teach them to pray; Jesus gave them tory or money refunded. CADETS GOING TO DINNER. Mrs. William Tliaw has her own a form of prayer. views regarding the conduct of the V. Tonic: The believer’s social WORK CALLED I'OR AHB DELIVERSS pear before a military board and i£ duties. Place; In Perea. At the . tal tests they are allowed to enter the house oi a chief Pharisee; Jesus sees military academy on June 12 for a successful is again examined, tbe ex­ a man with the dropsy; it is the Sah- Harness Kepairino ot Ali Kinds four-years course. The tests of the amination being extremely difficult— hath day; Jesus asked them whether prolonged probation are so severe that London Sphere. it was lawful to heal tbe man on that Chestnut Street* iear Bridge, ; often not more than 50 l>er cent finally day; they refused to answer; Jesus pass out. Each cadet receives yearly, THE FEMININE METHOD. healed the man; He then asked them ■ ■ KUTLKY, U. J, roughly, about $G50, out of which he It they would aot take an animal out BOOTBLACK IN STORE. How T ie r ruizle One Anotftcr 1)7 of a pit on the S ah oath day; call the has to pay for bis messing and uniform. poor and not the rich neighbors. Tiie life Is Spartan-like in its simplic­ Th«1r Polite Attentions, A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ity and in tbe severity of its puuish- “There comes that bowl again!” Yl, Topic: Blessings and condi­ ejaculated airs. Pryor, In a tone of de­ tions of salvation. Place: In Perea. iments. The cadets are granted no al­ Jesus is still at the Pharisee’s house; lowance or pocket money, and the use spair. A moment later she was at the one at the table thought it would be GI6 G0 NE D0 MEN160 of Intoxicating drinks is strictly pro- door'listen ing affably while her friend a great privilege to sit at a banquet from across tbe street told how she in the Messiah’s kingdom; Jesus “couldn't resist bringing over a bowl of spoke a parable to show that al­ & Fruits these strawberries—they are so unusu­ though, the blessinars oC the gospel Fresh Stock ally large!” would be offered tbem, yet they “Wliat about the bowl, Jean?” quer­ would the invitation. CANDIES "j,™.: S;; J ^ ^ :■ V- - j ’ r=-;.-=JiJr?-!fc.ri"Sti® ied the bachelor brother, who persists VII. Topic: God’s great love for the sinner. Place: In Perea. The always on hand. Bestbrands.. In trying to help. parable of the two sons; the rounder SSM “Enough abont It!” groaned bis sis­ left home after receiving his portion TOBACCOS AMD CiGftSS ter, as s;>on as the neighbor was safe­ ot the inheritance; went into a far Kext door shoe store and under ly out of hearing. “Oa my birthday- country and wasted his substance in riotous living; decided to return and same management. Shoes madeto three mouths ago, mind you—'Mrs. Fox ■ order $3,50 to $ 5. Jfirst * hronght over tbat bowl filled with some i confess his folly to his father: he of her delicious home-made candy, and .; did so and the father received him repairing done at lowest piiceaT joyfully and made a feast: the elder Work called for’ and delivered. to save me I couldn’t teli whether she THAW. brother came from the fields and was was presenting me with the bowl or angry; the father entreated him. Harness Repairing. BootblacK Just the candy. I-t's a dainty little case. What those views are remain 1: Stand in store. ! i\*\ 1^''" ^ t '■ ' -A VIIf. Topic: Characteristics of ef­ dish, you see, and I didn't want to as­ untold. It is certain, however, that she fective pray sr. Place: In Perea. A STORES - sume that it was meant for me unless will expend her entire fortune, if nec- i parable on prayer: a widow asked a Chestnut St., hear Passaic Ave., it was, so It was pretty embarrassing essary, la the effort to save her sou judge to avenge her; the judge re­ until a few days afterward I lilt on from the electric chair. Her mother fused; the widow urged him; the tbe idea of sending her some of my love has been touched et its tenderest judge finally did as he was request­ point, as Harry Kendall Thaw always ed; the Lord witl avenge those who tail’s Ice Cream—Neopoli tan and Bricks—Orders prompt! DelivsreJ GTOT DEILL OF CADETS. strawberry sunshine in the same bowl. call upon Him; another parable; the I thought If she hadn’t Intended to give has been her petted and best loved son. TELEPHONE 52—R. - ' : : Always bas she forgiven his escapades Pharisee’s prayer; the publican’s ihibited—so much so, tbat sliould any It to me, she would just keep It after prayer. that. and dissipations, continually trusting spirituous liquor be found in a cadet’s that her love and devotion would tell IX, Topic: Gr^at facts connected quarters he is liable to be dismissed “But before a week had passed she with salvation. Place: In Perea. A CHARLES A. KEYLER ' sent it over again filled with some of In tbe long run. Now, in her oid age, rich young ruler came running to FREDERICK HEYU2R. Srom the service; the use of tobacco is she faces tbe terrible ordeal of a son Jesus and asked what he must do to likewise forbidden. her lovely orange marmalade. There inherit eternal life; Jesus said, Keen wasn’t a thing to do but repeat my lit­ charged with deliberate aod premedi­ JOHN G.KEYLER’S SONS There are also very stringent rules tated murder. . the commandments. He asked, as to tbe treatment of tbe junior ca­ tle rus“. and that time I gare her Which*! Jesus mentioned several; dets in connection witb what Is known spiced gooseberries. Then back she the young man bad kept these; he Why They Call Him “Old Beans.>* eopi-rtgbts, eic., (n At,L COUNTRIES. . as ‘‘ragging," any cadet being consid­ came witb some of her precious tutti- asked what he stiil tasked; sell what Jlustrtfss direct •mth Washington savts ered guilty of bullying, even in the frutti, and we’ve kept it up ever since. “Senator Pomeroy was called by you have and give to the poor; went \money and often th* UnL . Funeral Directors mildest form, laying himself open to “Ail tbe treasures In my fruit-closet many of those who knew him as ‘Old away sorrowful; the rich are saved !afrfogQitient Practice Exclusively. Beans.’ His friends used tbe nickname with great difficulty. Writo or come to aa at . summary dismissal from the military are exhausted, and I guess hers are, | 523 Etaset, opp, Unit«i GtafeB Fatost 0SceP| and Embalmers X. Topic: Finding salvation. academy. too, for you see she’s began on the as a term of endearment, while those ’ WASHINGTON, P C. who didn’t like him employed it to ex­ Place: Jericho. A great number of Cadets are even forbidden to buy markets now, with these fresh straw- people; blind Bartimaeus by ths press their derision. 1-Ie obtained the nighway, begging; hears it is Jesus BBQ-558 Bioortifiold A versus title by reason of having at one time, passing; calls loudly for mercy; if when the people of his state were hun­ rebuked by those standing near; gry, a large quantity of tbat nourishing cries louder; his cries r.each Jesus: Bloomfield, N, J. food shipped from Boston to Kansas. He stops; commands Bartimaeus tc Whenever be profited In a pecuniary be called; Bartimaeus went; made : ' TELEPHON1E35 known bis request: Jesus heal3 him; way by tbat act, of course I don’t his faith bas made him whole; he know, but he, at- least, gathered in a follows Christ. Zacclip.e;is was fi host of friends, | rich publican who saught to ses “I first beard of the soubriquet when g and TRADE-MARK.S promptly oblojiu*! in j T H E P R A M i m 1 Jesus; he was small of stature and 1411 couiHvJoe, or fee, ‘We obtain. PATENTS j I was one ot the assistant doorkeepers j climbed into a tree; Jesus saw him 1 THAT PAY, wl'MrtiBB them thoroughly,, at our 1 of the Senate. My station was to the i and told him to come down: Jesus I expense, and neJp you to success* I Send model, photo or for FREE rcporb | left of the chamber, facing th secre- \ went to his house; the Jew3 mur- I on patentability. SO years* practice. SUR- \ .Building'S toan j PASSING REFERENCES. For free Cuule j tary’s office., One , day, L* when . the Sen- . j gave “ naif , fZ*cte of ??BUS ms goods Aru to ' tiierfpeated; poor; 1 Book 05 Profitable Pnteirts write to . ate was iu session, a big, breezy west- j confessed h?s sins; restored four- I E03-50S Seventh Street, ] association , erner came up to me, aud said: ‘Will | fold; Jesus forgave and saved him: W ttS H IW gT O M , P . C- you kindly send my card to ‘Oid Beans.' I the Son of Man came to save the lost O rganized! S85i “Well, that stumped me; and I was XI. Topic: The kingship of Jesus obliged to confess that I didn’t know Place: In and near Jerusalem. Jesus BETTER TSAK A ’ , ‘beans.’ Then the stranger explained. and His disciples journeying toward S A V IN G S BANE. When ‘Old Beans’ appeared he fairly Jerusalem; two disciples sent tc “GUARD MOUXT’’—OADETS IN FULL-DRESS UNIFORM. i Beth phage to secure a colt; the pro­ fell into bis friend's arms, and when . 1)he<:y 0f Zeeh. fl:3 is fulfilled; MONEY TO- LOAN. that gentleman told him, that I was ig­ reat multitude shout “Hosanca! 50 YEARS* any newspaper or periodical without berries. I’m just tired ot racking my norant of the name the Kansans knew and spread garments and strew EXPERIENCE Patronise a Homelnstittttioa the express permission of tbe superin­ brains for new delicacies to fill tbat him by, I was told tviiy they so desig­ branches iu the way; Jesus cleanses tendent, and no one is allowed a ser­ nated him.’’—Washington Post the temple; the chief Pharisees anci Meetings 3d Wednesday evening oi bowl witb, and all I want to know is scribes are sore displeased. vant, so tbat each cadet has to clean whether she keeps returning it because each month, at Park School Hall. his own uniform and keep ills room New IClbd of Oinlect Storr! XII, Topic; Christianity’s conflict she thinks she has given it to me, or with the world. P’aee: In Jerusa­ tidy. whether sbe Is simply paying back my “What’s this?” demanded the puz­ zled critic, reading the manuscript, “Go lem, In the temple courts. The Phar­ T. S. Browk, President, As bas bonn already stated, the life attention to her each time. isees and He radians try to catch Trade Marks H A. C onnolly, Secretary. . la a truly Spartan oue, very little leave “Then why don’t yon ask her?” ’long wid ye or Oi’ll gif you a punch Christ iu His words; Ha answers Designs mit der nose yet already.’ What sort Copyrights &c. Eenest Y. Cockkfaik, Treasures. pr holidays beln^ granted. There is fi “Ask her?” them wisely; they marveled at Him; AiiTrmo sending st sketch and description may balf-holldny on Wednesdays and Snt- “A man would." of langoage is that to put in the mouth they asli'whether it is lawful to pay qutokiy B. R D, Attorney. ordays, and no study froiu Dec. 4 to “A man—no doubU” (with Immense tiotia strict! 7 eon 0 lentfal* HAKDBGQit on Puteuta “That's the most novel feature of my to Caesar the things that are Cae­ Oldest fluency for tjecurmtr yutents* Jan. 2; a longer vacation running to a superiority.) “Aud just suppose she sar's, and to God the things that are Patents inUtm thnjajfh Muira & Co- receive few weeKs is given to tbe cadet at the hadn’t intended giving you the bowl book,’’ replied the young author; “you [God's;" the Saddncees come to Him special notice, T?lttiout chares, in tbe end of his second year. Work begins at all! What then7” see, the hero’s father was Irish and his and ask Him a question' dealing with mother German.”—Philadelphia Ledger. , Scientific Jftnericatt dally at ti a. m. and continues with “Let her say so. Why, i ’ll ask her aur relation after death; seven broth­ A li ftnasom clr II lustfnted week! r. Lntcest ers, Jn, married the same wom- cutatkm of arty scientific 4011 nurt. Terms. &s a Blight intermission till 9 p. m., each for you, sis.” W hut He Callt-a Him. yew t four mojifc&H, $1* Sold by«U riGwecie&Ieni, cadet being prepared to tbe fullest ex­ Mrs. Pryor actually squealed. ^u. in tbe resurrection whose wife “What do you call your babyf' will she be? Jesus said that when M!iNNSOo.3e,Bfoadm^ e w W tent to take his place in almost any “Oh I If that wouldn't lie just like “Aw, has my wife been telling you they rise from the dead they neither Btaoch Office. tiSS if 3t- Wostilnetoii. D.p. branch of tbe service. a man—blundering and club-Jike! Don’t about that—when I called him that marry nor are given in marr iage. Tbere are not only yearly and half- you say one word to her about it, Sey­ he’d been keep in’ me awake over three yearly examinations, but monthly aud mour,' I shall manage to find out —eh? Oh, his name! ‘John.” ’—Hous­ Goverjior Stolics Suddenly III. weekly ones; in fact, the cadet Is un­ some way. Besides, I’ve just thought ton POSt : Disastrous Gale at Bermuda, TRENTON, N. .T., Sept. SO.—Govern, der such close observation that be re­ what I can send back in the bowl next HAMILTON. Bermuda, Sept. 10.— or Stokes wns Tn ken suddenly ill last ceives marks for the ordinary daily time. I’ll make stuffed dates,”—Xouth’S Ho ICnerr Him. j Two lives were lost aud many vessels night wliiie returning from his home work. One no^el feature of tbe train­ Companion, “Why don’t you propose, if you lovft sunk in a seventy mile gale that has in Mllivilie to this city. Dr. Norton her?” ; swsyt over Bermuda. lias ordered a complete rest. ing at West Point Is that particular Im­ Onr experience bas beeu that when “She hasn’t known me long enough. portance Is attached to tbe system of a man approaches ns and says: “A “Great Scott, man; jiropose at onci, Tfcmantnio™McCall PiittemssoM intJtaMtrf ■delivering lectures in a fim-ple and con­ C ie v e lu m l a n d Bt* Jirtiko B t c h , States than of any other tnak o o I pai *^5-. 1 on, funny thing happened yesterday,” and then. Don't take any chances.”—cievtf F a k i r U ses L o re n s £totltoA&« aoouuot of their style, accuracy otid &vr»pueity, • • - cise maimer. Each cadet is made to then proceeds to relate it, the incident land Leader, TRENTON, N. X. Svpt. 10.—The po­ ST. LOUIS, Sept. 10:—Cleveland ninl TltcCall’B MaimfciUe{Tfe« f>n«rt of Fashion}jha* drork cut a problem on a Maekijoard ttitfre£ub«ccil*r» thun any other Li&lca’a1ta^Tine. Ono Is not funny. lice have l.twn asked by Mrs. Shuts; to St. Louis Americans broke even Lore year'* subsswtioMiBjumbcrs) et*ts SO f nd then to explain It aloud to his com­ Treat your parents with great teii .yesterday..;' Tine lota la were sliut out rtoTnt>ert jV cents* Every subscriber gets & McCall Fat- ! It’s easier tu do the I things we look for a Cuban who lias been work­ tern SubsCtfht today, _ £ ] lanions. In conclusion It may be said cleruess aud respect; You owa then) ing in I bis city aa a disciple of Dr, Lo­ in tbe; first piue, luii won tlie second tn. dr I Afcttnifl Wanted. Handsome pretnlmnsor gjhuiildift do than it is to V'jiid doing tfecral cwnmiflKion, Pattern oi 600 aft* ?:hat no expense Is spared in any way something because you were not borij rens; and practicing “bloodless sur* by luciiy hits. Scores, 3 to 0 and 3 tin* Prelum Ca.t=1^-u? (sbov^nc &o preto^imsj (hatscevsr ti> enable tbe West Point the things we should do. . , a. rv.i\r. ' ■? ery.” to i. ' ■ ■■ &tnt AOtirws TIiE.McCA AN ELOPING PASTOR. ooth. He pointed out the nonpartlsan- A ft CITE, A THIRD CHOICE. ] A FULL STATE TICKET ship of corporate interests, declaring SIEDLCEJIORRORS Piit»I>ur« llln lsto Rims Off With that they used alike the corrupt «le- A CRISISJN CUBA. Autumn StaUo* r>t 5he«pshead B»S !IUm Mrclcnia, a. Cfeurch Wofkw. ryonts of both the old parties. To meet Won on a Pool, ■ MOUNT V-ERNON, N; T., Sept. 12.— Independence League’s First both these evils and to restore the gov­ President Sends Warship to NEW YORK, Sept. 12.—Arcitc, thirri A Refugee From Devastated The story of the elopement of a Pitts­ ernment to'the people was the object, choice, won the Autumn stakes, "Ste Town Tells Hia Story. burg minister who deserted his wife Convention Opens. said he, of the Independence league. Protect Americana turlongs. Futurity course, at Sheeps- aad five children to mu away with a Neither of the old parties could be head Bay. Dinna Ken, hacked down young- church worker of that city was ;rnsted to enforce the needed remedy. from 3 to 1 to H to 5, finished first by BRUTALITY OF RUSSIAN SOLDIER! made public by the pnliec here. HALF HOflB'OTATIQS FOR HEARS! The remedies to be applied should CRUISER DES MOIKBS FOR HAVANA four lengths, but was disqualified tor > The eloping pair were the Rev. C. T. ,njure neither honest capital nor iaJ.ior foul in interfering -with Dim Enriqna Chairman Glen Ont lined Policy oi Fleeing; From Massacre Unfortnnatei Coombs, until recently pastor of the Jnd involved, said Judge Seabury, the Situation. In iHlanU R*ll>utWle Al>*iorl>.s and Arclte Jn the early, part of tha Alnlce Tlieir W«y Tlirimgh Wrfieb- Lexington Avenue Episcopal church in New Organ teat ton—Great ReJoim iiiiml enforcement of the lave upon Attention at Wnslilngton—Palma’s ■tace, . ■-.. --. '■■. od Stre«t« Where DcaA anil J Pittsburg, and Miss Lilian B. ilycUum, Platform Adopted —Want •ic'i and poor. 1 ■> OmemisMii Mot Vinirtea to Diniia Ken and Horace E., the favor* Who was prominent in church work in Honest Elections, The achievements of both tlie old H iumIW' AflsiPM Vigorously. ;te, ran head and head to the bend, Dyinj? Ljiy l/ucnred For. that city. Mr. Coombs, the police say, parties, he declared, were not the prop- NEW YORK. Sept. 12.—Carnegie hall WASHINGTON, Sept. 12.—The crit­ tvliere the favorite stopped and drop* ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 12.—A ret tendered Iiis resignation as pastor had an overflowing assemblage when | ;rty of any political bosses, hut were >-ed back beaten. Dlnna Ken then ogee from Sledlce, interviewed Sere three weeks ago aud immediately left j :he common heritage of ail the people, ical situation hi Cuba Is absorbing the the first state convention of the Inde­ attention of the administration to the 3atne away and won by four length? ; tells tbo following .story: tbe city, deserting his wife and chil­ pendence league was called to order by i Tlie reforms needed, the speaker trom Arcite,. with Don linrlqne ,a “I was staying Saturday (it tlie Ku dren. Miss Myekum alt?o departed j iveut on to say, included honest ndmin- exclusion of nil other forcigts topics, as State Chairman Max F, Ihmsen, indicated hy the activity of the officials ength back. The official placing waa pleelcl hotel iu SkHllce. StuUteuly, at i soon afterward, saying that she was The enthusiasm for William Itsm* j .strution of the public affairs and the Arcite first, Don Eurlque second and o'clock 111 the evening, 1 heard twi fritius to visit her parents in Everett, ; .‘p.sting out of CJi'rupt men now in of- .ii the state, navy . and war depart- dolph Hearst was tremendous. , mwiis. Horace B. third. Four favorites won. elaots which wore at oiiec followed b> Pa. Foekeys Radtke, Beckman and Horner Thy opening session was character­ I ' Fear of an attack by the insurgents a volley. Id a few momenta u uuuiltei It was discovered later that the yir-ar ized by great enthusiasm, long contin­ Justice Seabnry called attention to ivere set down by the starter for the. Of Jewish women and children rushec were staying at the St. Denis hotel In ■he political conditions existing In this in Havana is spreading, aud there are remainder ot tiie meeting for tllsohe- ued cheering and applause greeting -smiurs inure or less authentic from all Into the hotel. pursued by soldiers. Xew York, their wheivabouts being especially the name of Mr, Hearst and .’liy last fall and in this connection illence at the post. Swmmai'ies^- ’ . ■ ' “The shooting continued for an lioui learned from a letter written, liy Miss ! .nade the first mention of the evening ii recti ons or new uprisings in various :1 tlie utterances of speakers which Vimrters. - 1 ’ First It ace.—Dainty Daind - first; ^ and tin'll L‘iime to an end. Then tin Myekum to a girl friend in Pittsburg. touched upon the freedom of the bal­ j )T Mr. Hearst's mime. Then followed Uonfort. second; Baringo, third. . only noise from the strcols was tilt T wo ministers, at'the request of the demonstration which eclipsed even it is said positively here that onr Second Race.—Belle of Jessamine,: lot, the permanence and troth of the Ljovyrnnleut v.-onld not allow the rebels cry Ins anil moaning of the wounded girl's father, went oa to Xew York and principles of tbe Declaration of Inde­ : :he remarkable outburst of the open­ irst: Lacly I'artauella, second; Coister- At midnight several soldiers passed tilt found tbat the couple bad registered , ing. The delegates jumped on chairs, to capture tiie city of Havana, «-ss. third. ■ pendence, the revolt against boss ism Tiie American {Captain Ileno’s) rapid house singing martial songs. I learned as Sir. and Mrs, Coombs. Coombs had nud tbe alleged frauds in the last New ; = creaming at the top of their voices, Third-Race.—Arctte, first; Don En*. ' left word at the hotel to forward tlielr I .vaviug hats, coats and county stanch- lire battery keeps nightly vigil at La :itpjc, second; Horace E., third. : , that troops hud been seiirchiug house?. York city election. [■’noresi castiu. in front of the palace, !n au effort to discover two members mail to Mount Vernon, and it was in Temporary Chairman Willard A. .ons In the air. Finally in tlielr euthu- Fourth Itaco.-i-Go Between; first; An- tbis way that they were traced to this : siasm the delegates tore down the prepared to sweep the Place de Anus t;lcr, second; Red Friar, third. ■!-■ of the terrorist band. Glen roused the delegates to an up­ >ai-k. fronting on the palace, in the “’To this eml they went through the city. roarious pitch wben Ike outlined the ,arge American flags which were so Fifth Race.—Belligerent, first; Com- The girl returned home, and Coombs jroEusely used In the decorations aud ■vent of any surprises iu that quarter, inandnnt. second; Expansionist,, third. Wiktorja hotel aud pillaged the wine issues which caused the independent flic waterworks at Yea to Springs aud room. They got drunk rapidly and, has left the city, going to Washington. movement and declared that political ,-raved them aloft as the baud played Sixth Race.—Glnette, first; Single* ‘The Star Spangled Banner." itlier outlying exposed points are coming out on to the streets, began bosses anil bossism must be destroyed. 'up: guarded with mureasing vigilance. Shot, second; Runnels, third. wholesale murder and plunder. Jlig Stenmtrs Hitcv. The most Important development of : Suddenly at this juncture the cheer­ NEW YORK. Sept. 12.—The colors ing ceased, aud the vast audience join­ Major E. F. Ladd of-the military sec­ ‘■At 2 o'clock Sunday morning ter­ the day was this declaration made by retary's department ffiis been granted BASEBALL SCORES. ’ rorists who were defending a house of the Atlantic Highlands flier Sandy W. R. Hearst, the league’s announced ed In singing tbe national mi them. Hook, which has repeatedly shown her : Then the cheers began again, aud the leave of absence for one month and has Games Played Yesterday In National ou Plenkna street threw a bomb at candidate for governor o£ New York left for Cuba. Major Ladd was for the soldiers. Batteries were nt once heels to nearly all the craft in the wa­ state. ‘"I favor the nomination of a full . 3eiuonstration, which started at 'J:-2 n n d A m erican }Lea^neef,. ... ters of New York, were lowered by the d. »i.. was not at an end until 9:52, two and a half years an officer of the NATIONAL LEAGUE. brought Into play and bombai'ded state ticket.” military government of Cuba during North German Lloyd liner Kaiser Wil­ Mr. Glen, temporary chairman of the iVben Justice Seabury finally secured At Boston— houses on Flenkna and Warsaw jrtier by diligent rapping with his die time the island was under control N&w York ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0200—S streets. The ICupiecki hotel, where I helm II. iu si brush from quarantine te convention, who is a conspicuous Re­ boston ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 — 0 the Battery. About halfway to Liber­ zavel. The cheering, inarching up and of thtr United States. Hits—New York, 9; Boston, 6. Errors— was staying, was destroyed. Refugees publican leader of Syracuse, made a lowu the aisles, tlie blowing of horus, The president, at Oyster Bay, is Keep­ New YorK, 1; Boston, 4. Batteries— were fleeing through tlie streets, and ty island the big Kaiser drew ahead. ringing speech for honesty in the ad­ Mathe-v.-son, Bresnahan and Bowerman;. The vessels were not a hundred yards ministration of public affairs. ringing.of bells aud singing had cou- ing in close touch with every develop­ SLOimg and Needham. : as they rati the soldiers were constant­ tinueil for just half au hour. ment ot* the revolutionary movement in At 33i-ooklj-n— ■ » ly firing volleys at them. apart. Passengers ou tiie Kaiser Opening with a scathing denuncia­ Philadelphia ..... 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1—& whistled and shouted "F.y liye!” while ; Justice Seabury declared It no won­ Cuba and Is in constant communica­ Urooklvn o 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0—3: ‘•I ran witli the others nmi managed tion of the corrupt political bosses in J-T;ts—PhiJaflelphia, 10- Brooklyn, S. E r- the band played “Meet Me In St. I.ouis, New York state, who are controlled by der a reference to Mr. Hearst’s fight tion by wire with the officials here, rors—phiiadeiphln, 1; Brooklyn, 4, Bat-> to reach a church in safety. Here SCO who indeed are even in receipt of de­ tertes—Richie ana Doom; Striektett a.n4 Lsniis," Those on the steamboat seem­ tlie big corporations, be said iu part: ■ for the mayoralty last fall should call fugitives, most of them wounded, al­ ed not particularly pleased, aud many forth such a demonstration and re­ tailed instructions from him as to what Bcrgtn. : ready had congregated. Tbis was at 4 "Numerous recent and pointed object At Plttsbin-ff— . - wore sickly grins. lessons have tnught the country what minded the delegates that their leader they shall do, ''incinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 o'clock Sunday morning, I had passed : was; about to'undertake a still greater American shipping and commercial Pittsburg. 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 down Sokolowka mid Folvwa streets ive mean by the grip of corporate eon- Hits—Cincinnati, 10; Pittsburg, S. Er- ’I'lli;n’.‘I io Sow Jersey Oiipiis, trol. For instance, the operations of fight at this time for the governorship. interests about Havana are to have the rors-^Cincinnati, 3; Ptttsbm-g, 6. Batteries aud found that the market, place liad NEW YORK, Sept. 12. — The two I u an effort to preserve the sanctity of protection of an American warship in —Ewing and Scolel; PhiiilippI and Gibaon. been burned. Ryan aud Belmont, partners in the TABLE OF PERCENTAGES. : ?in.Is of the first tube of the Pennsylva­ great traction merger in the city of the ballot and secure an honest count Cuban waters. While government offi­ W. L. P.O. “At the end of two days lack oE food nia railway's tuunel iiiuier the North ot the votes east in New Yorli city iast cials show an inclination not to discuss ShiMgo ...... 100 32 .758 and water forced the refugees in this N'ew York, show clearly liow they dom­ New York ...... S4 45 .651 river, crossing to Weehawken from inate the political control of this state. November Justice Seabury said Mr, Cuban affairs in auy particular beyond Pittsburg ...... SI 43 .asj' church to leave it. We made our way New York at West Thirty-third street, Hearst had spent $1U0.000 of his own making public dispatches from Mr. Philadelphia ...... (30 70 ,«j2 through streets covered with debris. ‘‘The liyan-Belinout interests are tbe 'Jincinnati ...... Stf . TS .424 uave been brought together, and today Ereat public service corporations—the money, Justice Seabury concluded Sleeper, the American charge at Ha­ Brooklyn ...... El .77 .899. There were many dead bodies and St. Louis ...... 4S: 1 S4: ,S64 tt 10 o’clock the lirst car was run traction, gas and electric lighting with an enunciation of the principles vana. confirming dispatches printed in wounded persons lyiug about. We ‘.hrough. The first car had on board of the Independence league. tiie ilaily press, there can be no doubt Boston ...... -..-...... 42 90 ;318 filially reached the village ot Roskosz.’’ trusts. ' ; AMERICAN LEAGtUH ' (.’resident A. J. Cassatt of the Penn­ "In tbis pair of spec- ■ ° The committee on resolutions and from the attitude of the officials that At New York— . . . . Tbis refugee would n o t. give lits Boston ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1—,S sylvania railroad; Chief Engineer Ja- u] a tors determined to combine all the platform then reported through Clar­ the cruiser Des Moines, which cleared New York ...... ;. 0 3 1 0 3 4 0 0 *^-11 name, as he feared persecution at the •olis, John F, O'Rourke of the O'Rourke ence J, Shea to. its chairman. Mr. from Norfolk, is sailing on a state de­ Kits—Boston, 9: New York, 11: Errors— Lnuds of the police. transportation systems in Manhattan Boston, i; New York. 1, Batteries—Rjtrry 'Joustruotion company and many oth­ and the Bronx into oue giant holding 31 learn was accorded an ovation. He partment mission, and it is rumored in ind Armbruster; Clark and Thomas. : ers interested In the work. ,50111 pany. No economies were planned, was cheered as “our next attorney geu- official circles that she will proceed At Philadelphia— . ^ lV ll JSislit Storle.s fo Dentil. erai." Mr, Sher.rn declared that the 1mmediately to Havana, . •Washington 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—I . HOUSTON, Tex., Sept, 12,—Plunging ao increase of business was to result, Philadelphia .....0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 *—4 Buried Five illomhs. but li r e s , fet the combination added S1U4.000.000 committee, consisting of 150 members, President Roosevelt, it is rumored Hits—Washington, 8; Philadelphia, 5, from au eighth story window. Edward DENVER, Sept. 12.—Denver papers had adopted the platform without oue here, is responsible for the sailing of Errors—Washington, 2\ Phtladetphia, 0>. M, Taliferro, manager of tbe Gulf Re- af watered stock to an already grossly Batteries—Kltaon and Wakefield; Waddell print this story: “After being burled dishonest capitalization. I; dissenting voice. The platform, a doc­ the Des Moines. and Sell ruck. : titling company, fell ISO feet ou to the Uive ia the family vault at Kansas ument of about 2.0i)i) words, sets forth The sailing of the Des Moines has At Chicago— . . - . . : roof of a shed, passing through It as • "In the same city of New York this St. Loois ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1-^1 L’ity from Jan, I) to the middle of May, same combination was found in work­ the fundamental idea of the league as chilled tiie sanguine feeling in offi­ iJhica^o ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0— 3 though it was paper. When his body Frederick J. Harvey, one of the ■ independence of boss rule or corpora- cial circles of President Palma’s ability Hits—St. Louis, 14; Chicago. 9: JErrors-^ was readied life was extinct. Every ing order, when in December, l'JOi, aft- ; St. Louis, I; Chicago, 1. Batteries—Jacob- irealtblest men in Kansas City, came er having being robbed hy tlie signing ;I tion control and of any party subject to promptly suppress the insurrection, son and Riekey; Owens aad Roth. bone ill him was seemingly crushed, jack to life Tuesday, Sept. 4: married | to these. It declares for “a free voti and it is believed here that the revolu­ At Detroit— - Mr, Taliferro was a man of family and «f the infamous Itemsen gas bill, the i Cleveland ... 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ^ 3 lis Denver sweetheart. Miss Lily God­ eitv awoke to Hud that McClelland ;' and an honest count’’ mid demands t tionary force may be making greater Detroit ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1—4 was one of tbe few successful opera­ frey. who was instrumental in restor­ revision of "the present dishonest an( headway than would be supposed from Hits—Cleveland, 12; Detroit, 10, Errors tors in the Texas oil fields. commissioner of gas bad secretly en- . —Cleveland, 0; Detroit, 1. Batteries— ing him to life. Sept. 5; departed on tered into a series of contracts witli complex election law, a simplified bai the meager news which comes from Bernhardt and Clarke; Donovan ana ■iis honeymoon the same day and will lot and law providing for a recount ii the island. The very fact that it has Schmidt. . .. Dlnnlvml hy JoaJonn Woman. the lighting trusts tbat abandoned i TABLE OF PERCENTAGES, arrive here next week to visit rela­ without a trial $3,000,000 of over- j cases of fraud or mistakes in terms st become necessary to dispatch a United ' - W. L. P.O. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. l i —Suspi­ tives,” plain and mandatory that they can bt States cruiser to Cuban waters is taken New York __ 73 49 .614 cion has fallen on a woman for tbe Charge; and saddled au additional ex- . Chicago ...... 7B 51 ^98 cesslve charge of $1,200.000 a year up- . ueither disregarded nor cireuinveutec tis an indication that the seriousness Cleveland ...... SB 5S. -.551 murder of Mrs, M, K. Lewis, the A l'nlc StiKlont'i j; omnnee, in the courts;'' demands also that tin of the uprising has been belittled. Philadelphia ...... 70 50 .553 young mother whoso jugular vein was NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 12.—The ou tbe city treasury. | 3t. Louis ...... OS <1 .550 attorney general he stripped of hi Detroit ...... 58 67 severed by a bullet and whose body romauce of Edwin IC. Norton, who sur­ “Public indignation was aroused, and ’ Washington ...... 49 79 - ,38S from that exposure was born the Mu- ■ present control over proceedings to tes WaatD Brackett, Sot HIgsiits, Boston ...... 41 S3 .*15 was found stuffed in a closet in the prised his freshmen friends in Yale by title to public office. WAT EE TOWN, N, Y., Sept. 12.— house here where she boarded with marrying Miss Josephine C. Biruey last nicipal Ownership league. j ■‘The Independence league believe* Former State Senator El on Ii. Brown AUte Jiir Took Siupin! State. her husband anil baby boy. The police January, is to end in*tlie divorce court. “Tile most serious abuse of official j power witnessed in this state for many j u the public ownership ot public util has come out strongly for Senator Ed­ SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 12.—Fifteen say that jealousy was the motive anil If the proceedings end in a dissolution gar T. Brackett of Saratoga for gov­ that the suspected woman ma.y be ar­ rears was the disfranchisement of thou­ ities that are natural, monopolies, r thousand people attended the Granil of the marriage he will return to Yale. stands neither for private confiscatior ernor and opposes the renomlnatlon of circuit races at the state fair grounds. rested at any moment. Norton Is now In Europe nnd has been sands of voters iu the city of New r York last ffill. 1"f public property nor public couflsea Governor Higgins. “It is now so plain The feature was the Empire State $10,­ there for several mouths by orders of tion of private property. It believes ii that no oue can fall to see it." he said, 000 stake for 2:1*4 trotters, won by rnncv of Pru*siUi Stricken. bis father, Edwin Norton, n New York “The court of appeals by its jndg- ment held that the way to open the : upholding and enforcing every prop "that the rank and file of the Republic­ Allle Jay, second choice, owned by BERLIN, Sept. 12— Albrecht, princc millionaire. General Wilson B. Chisholm of Cleve­ of Prussia, regent of the duchy of boxes was through quo warranto pro- erty right. Holding that no person oi an party do not want Governor Hlg- ceedlugs, while the attorney general . corporation is privileged to contiscati i:ins renominated.” land. Brunswick, has had a stroke of apo­ FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. sviiat rightly belongs to another. i> plexy, aud as a result his condition Is held that because the- hoses had not 1 Hnoro Kelly Bested Burke. : dangerous. 1-Ie was born in 1S37 ami Closing Stock Quotation*. been opened quo warranto proeeed- ! stands for irreconcilable hostility U Eijtrcss Killed rntiicr and Child. BOSTON, Sept. 12,-Hugo Kfeily of is a son of Prince Albrecht of Prussia, Morn?y on call firm at per cent; ings could not be begun, Jppropriations by corporations of frau FALL RIYElt, Mass., Sept. 13.-The Chicago, who claims the middleweight brother of Emperor William I, He bas no loans; prime mercantile pap^r* tit?7 ‘’He (the attorney general) knew that j :hise values created by the community express train ou the New York, New championship, was given the decision pWilliam Randolph Hearst had been le- I iver Sailor Burke of New York Ia the Closing prices: gaily elected mayor of the city of New ; “The first essentials for public owd ■is the steamboat train, from Boston fifth round of a scheduleil fifteen round Were InntrHcti‘d For DIx. Amiil, Copper*. • 110% N* T. Central--142”^ York, and. yet, holding his office by orship are honesty in office aud inde for Newport, struck and killed Joist contest at the Lincoln club In Chelsea Atchfsoti...... 1(iS79 Norf, & Wost.. /lendence in- voting.” Sullivan and Ills four-year-old dangli GLENS PALLS, N. Y., Sept, 12,—A1 13. &O...... 1]9% F*ntf. Ft* B m ji courtesy of the bosses, he was willing ] last night.. ■ . tbe Washington county Demo cm tic Brooklyn £0*4 Eecidlng ,,,***,.141 to see voters disfranchised and the l “Honesty in public service, the rub ter at Bowenvilie, a suburb. Sullivan convention at Salem the delegates tc CMC.*C. St Si, L. Kys Roelt Island..„ 27% wishes of the people subverted. : ->t the majority, equality before tin and the child were walking across the National Leaders ‘WhltewasheiB. Cbtifl, &. Ohio 63^2 S t Paul **175% “The Independence league stands for taw, regard for the welfare of thi tracks at the time. SPRINGFIELD, XU., Sept. '^ .- I n ­ the state convention were Instructed tc CliL & Norths.*209<£ Southern P ic ... Dl1i ivhole people, independence in politics ability to find Froome’s carves caused present the name of John A, Dix of D.Sitt 2H>Vi Southern R>\.*37‘ g an honest ballot anrt a fair count and Erie...... * 47VL South. Hy* pf,** opportunity in business, freedom o; Mormon Chief Accused. the defeat of the Chicago National Greenwich for governor and vote foi Gen. Elactrio.-. KM Sa.T cry, e x f.ri a. tV\ a Tt roc*; The convention declared positively Ip T. Sell wart z-Smith. mayor of Lima, visited the cathedral city, was relieved of worth oi firsts, 24c,; ^ocquus, Five hundred men left Havana hist ' favor of the nomination of a full stati and other places of Interest herev At diamonds and a handsome watch am; ornf imttakion crcaniery, tlratis, nl^lit to join the rebels as a result oE the Central market the party received lob while on a Pullman steeper which eastern, dairv, cholL't^, ^4»:*: lii^s ts, ; ticket aud instructed the committee or Mayor*!! Daughter Elo$e«, renovat'ffl, Wat. W, J. Connors and other delegates t( body of St, Louis and Chicago eloped dowers on the staircase as the party express. ati-.l small, liVjj*,1:,; fair to gone8, lar^e. a tor Sea yeas, president of the Liberal the Democratic state convention a) with Miss Blanche Parsons, daughter were descending. : L2i SC.; ^Jtiall, b-:.«E4 party, whom the government is trying Urjau ut St. Louis, Jar^ri\ iy\c.; smalU pilvt Buffalo on Sept. 2o. who presented £ of Mayor George Parsons, to Mound prlniK*, to apprehend, j memorial asking the Independence City. 111., where they were married D„ L. and. W, to Reduce Rates. ST. LOUIS, Sept, 12.—A tremendons EGGS—Fresh gathered, per f'nz- NEW YORK, Sept. 12.—The Dela­ ovation was tendered William ,T. Bryan euf 23c. t nearby, t'rosh sf^i.thfre-il, 10 It is said tbe ticket will be: For gov- j league to defer nominating a state Mayor Parsons bitterly opposed the os trn. fi vst ss > 'Si'* 124o.: c--*s t ^ vn, st? l^i>™ t. ernor, William Randolph Hearst of marriage of his daughter because she ware, Lackawanna and Western Rail­ by 12,000 persons in tbe Coliseum here fancy, £vx*)\ scvLthiii^cl, ticket until a conference could he had New York; for lieutenant governor, with the Democrats.' Is only eighteen. . road company announces that the masv last night. When he stepped upon tin-1 i\ l'j *<\'. ‘Is:,; f^co ndy, ltK r ‘s\-- ►; K1.' n' w *■ ]: \\ iuium passenger rate on that road will platform the spectators arose, waved f re h lto I h v , fa 1 r I o . 1 ^ '■* I \ k'. : Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler of Dutches's; There was much disorder in the con svcsWii, u u tl nnd 11 o I>1 J,d. lihU, |^*7?]^4,10, of the delegates did not want to ad DERBY. Conn.. Sept. 12.—l-’nmul and WHEAT—1There was n firmer market treasurer. Dr. O. H. W. Auel of Erie. jonru and protested, hnlf a hundred ot the Democratic state convention met for v>hcat, iine to th# corn uno SI any delegates came to Carnegie in the Auditorium last night. The ad­ MrtrMehCRil Engine Took riw t Prize* Sajrtrcd tn her own home In broad day hijflujr outside markets; Deceinhiri\ 1'^ ~-b] more clamoring for recognition, while SALEM, Mass., Sept. l2.-Thc 3lar-- light. Miss Mary White, living neat h 7:.^i;r: ?Jaj-t SlW^.ic. hall wearing shipping tags ou their just as many cried for au adjournment dress of Mayor William E. Thoms of TALLOW-Steady; city* 5^^3^e*; coun­ coat lapels bearing the words “A Waterbury as temporary chairman was biehead hand engine was awarded first -Bethany, was robbed of money ami try, __ The motion was finally curried with a prize of !f£50 in a muster of veter&if Jewdry valued at ?l,00i>. Miss White’* tiAY—-Quiet; shipping, brfndC,; ^jotl to Straight Ticket." There was a great cheer. the feature. Clfi^iee, tHJo/nM. * demonstration when one delegation pa­ firemen hero. Its record was 21! feet home is on a lonely, mifroipienteti road. STRAW—Steailv: Ions rye. ^c. Wi'jOL-Steady; domc^t’e iN?ih .\7 ;;,‘T^nv. raded with a banner which read. “We Antitrust League Wants Ssizer. Diva. Lou^TOorth to t'nveil Statue. io% inches. , . LIVE POULTRY—3 U-rtdy: fuv. 1^ 1 !/"•■ want a straight ticket.*' Judge Sea- NEW YORK, Sept. 12.—Henry B. CINCINNATI, Sept. 12. — Congress­ liliffrinH Rlaj' Sft'p AhIiIo, l-P>.c,: old roosters, u\V‘~t l4«?,; «prlna, man Nick Lougworth 1ms reiterated Charged TTttJx Pomtal Th«ft». ALBANY*. N. Y.. Sept. 1*2.—It is stat­ en^* 14^1 Sc-; duckrt, ll^sy 1 * ^ bury declared that the condition oE Martin, secretary of the American Anti­ EALLSTON, N. Y., Sept, 12.-—Her- DKESSED POULT Ut — Flmi; both the old political parties made the that he is not to be at the Repnbiicau ed that tbe understanding between choico, l-l^c,; do., tnir to £o0. choice, prime, SS*^!}1;!^^’ ; veal thwarted by influences con trol i ing the A Home For Sen- Iriah CasRCil. calvrs, AKLEY, Mfnii., Sept - 12.—Bobbers Stoivsiway-w Hnnl Lracl*' HOGS — Receipts li^ht; market active: Republican party. " DUBLIN. Sept, 12.—The government Jfetr Paymaster Gtaferal#- entered the Bank of Akley here,Vde* pvinm hoftvi^s, int>diiims ;j!rJ The name of Governor Higgins was contemplates handing over the old WASHI^GTOK, Sept. 12.—President NEW YORK, Sept. 12,—Charles Le- heuvv Yorkers* Hy;ht VorUe! v molished the safe and escaped v\tli luaire. a stowaway on La Bretagne, r>iSfi* $l>*S50fli'fi,7ll3 roughs. greeted witli groans and hisses, as also ' Parliament House on College green, Roosevelt has appointed Colonel Culver $10,000 In cash. SHE12P AND LAMBS — Suj>piy Uyfhti to a still greater extent was tbat of !■ Whteh is now being used as the Bank C. Sniffenjto he paymaster general if on arriving here told of the loss of his market steady; prime withers, SsV^fTfci; „ . X fishing smack oil’ the banks and the culls and oommonr ^*50^15.50; Lambs, Mayor McClellan. Judge Sea bury t of Ireland, as au assembly house for the arigjv to succeed, General Dod^e, Weailier Prob«biIiti-es, . drowning of his three brothers. harshly critV.^ed the official acts of{ the new Irish council. who ■ , StoYTcre and eoolet: south wimig. / S C H E U"E R * s Open Saturday Evening-. Closed Friday 6 p. m PURE FOOD PAMPHLET ffii I lf Cor. Main & Howe Avenues,, Centre St., near Bloomtieid Ave., PAY CASH ENJOY LIFE PASSAIC, N. J. NUTj IY . n . j . CAPITAL AND SUKFUIS, $150,000 Extra Specials For Friday and Saturday S. E . BLAIR, Proprietor. Fresil Killed Soastin*i Cfiiclrens 20c lb Choice Legs Si'i nn L;imb...... 17c lb . “ ■ Broilers...... 20c lb Otioiee Legs Quoada Lamh 14clb SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Fruit, Shade and Ornamental •• 41 Stewing Ftiwl 12clb Forequarter Spring Lamb...... lie lb for rent at $1.00 and upwards. Trees, Grape Vines, Etc., Fer­ MARKET “ “ Spring DhcV:s 20c lb Cross Rib Boa-ts ;...... 12c lb 3 lbs uf Cliuok S te a k ...... 25f Top Si rim ii R'liifiti...... 12+c IbVAULTS ARE FIRE, BURGULAB tilizers for Lawns and Gardens S u Hamburg* r Steak...... 25c Plate, Karel a nd lirisekt Corned AND DAMP PROOI*. Spray Pumps and Agricuitura Armour’s Picnic Hams...... -9c!b Beef ...... ^ ...... 4C Ib Three and otae-half per cent, interj i ’resh 0 =il. Hams...... 10c Ib IIorue-Biiide t'outHr.v riausajres. . 12o 1 b est allowed on Time Deposits, Implements. ^ In te re s t begins the first day or Complete demonstration of Magic Washihg each month. Crystals, 10 stam ps with each pkg, lOc ___ Deposits re'iet'ved subject to check. Marshal's celebrated i’utatoe Thomas P. Day Kew scbeuer’s Early June Feas, ■ Tour out of the ordinary—we may (same quality as last y faif^. Best Chips; specfai a box 3a regular 10c WM. JWcKEJSZlK, President. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE money can buy) a cao 10c SO stamp.'; with 1 lb extra fancy 0ABRY METERS, Vice-President. say Tery sensational olteri ngs in] adsT ISew Harvest Gem Pta, tlie favorite Tea, 60c FfiANK HtJGHES, 2nd Vice-Pres, Commissioner of Deeds, Our own make Pound Cake, special F. IT. BID WELL, Treasurer. school clothes for Saturday s special cf last yeiiT. Better and cheaper. a lb 10c JOHN K. WATSON, Asst* Treas. Notary Public. Has-full llavor of tbe gardeo, a car National Biscuit Co., Graliam Real Estate and Insur­ selling-. School wear upon which you Crackers, special a It) 10<* l i e . an ce. Kew Diploma Peas, naturally 10 siami-s with 1 don Ma>'oo Jars may stake your faith, at greatly cut quarts 53c Collections Made. sweet aod tender. The cheapest figures. 10stamps with ■} Ib can Scheu r’s M asonic H all Wills Written. ’ Peas ever solfl, can 12*c Cocoa, 19c; Kew Maryland Chief Peas, tlie Franklin Ave., & High St., Boys’ Blouses—Kew patterns—pretty stripe and plain 10 si amps witb 5 lb pkp Prize Oats, Office: Chbstncjtdr., Nutluy. M. .1. same as were handled for 7 years 22c NTJTI3Y N. J. effects; also plain white. Made with Byron or sailor collars—all Staturally meaty, ac>n Inc lOi-mnrc wi li 1 lb (■liepp’s Cocoa full cut sizes from 3 to 15 years—regular 35c values, O Q /"> □ ut, 15c. May be rented for Dances, stamps with 1 lb fancy .Vantoi- special today, each - : - . ■. : ^\!/C» 20 15 stamps with a pkg1 Baby Prepar­ Entertainments or Lodge Coffee, 22c ed Fiour, ISc purposes on the evenings of 40 stamps witli 1 lb Best .'Java and lOstfcmps with 1 lb Mixed Cakes, Tnesday, or Saturday. Success to Pure I t Boys’ Knee Pants—4odozen extra quality knee pants—^ Mocba CoUe.e, 3'Jc - 13c Also for any day during the all new goods. Neat patterns—hsixed tweeds, cassimers and 40 stamps wiili 1 lb Choice Tea 10 stamps with J di-zt n Mason Jars crashes—strong waist bands and taped seamed^—sizes pints 49c week. 4flc 3 to 15 years—regular 50c pair, special . -­ For terms, information, etc., EXTRA SPECIALS IN PURE SPICES apply t o ' Boys’ ■„Suits—Russian and sailor suits—-odd lots and Guaranteed, Full Strength No Adulteration THOS. H. RITCHIE, broken sizes—many all-wool materials in the lot. Medium Ginger, 4 Ib 12c Ali Soice, i lb 10c Mixed Mpices, i Ib ISc Ci noanion. 4 lb 23c Secretary. shades of mixed gray tweeds, crashes and homesptms i Q p * —sizes 3 to 10 years—regular ^ 1.98 to §2.49, special 1 > Pepper, 4 lb 12e . Cloves, 4 lb 17c W. F. RILEY,

DEALER IN Men’s Tronsets—Neat striped worsted effects, mixed S. SCHEUER dCO., MILK and CREAM tweeds and plain blue and black cheviots. - Waist measures 31 Original and Leading Cash Grocers and Meat Dealers in the State Modern and Antique to 42; also youth’s sizes 27 to 32 waist measure—all i f” /~\ Grant Avenue and Walnut Street, inseam lengths—$2 valnes, special - ■ - 1 > O v / 218 to 224 Washington Place. Passaic, N.J. Finishes. Stained in all shades. EAST NUTLEY, N. J. Mission, Art, SUme, Enamel or ■ Polished. Piano and Furniture a Specialty. Floors finished in up- LEHIGH COAL to-date style. —THE— 'W ’E have purchased the dock on the Passaic River formerly Satisfaction Guaranteed Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled owned by R. C. McMain and are now handling the best grades WRITE US- Fashionable Finish Goods Delivered Free of T,gTiig4i C oal at the lowest possible price. FOR YOUK A trial will convince you of the quality of the coal. COLLARS AND CUFFS No order to large for our facilities and none to small for our EA.ST NUTLEY, H. J, P. O. Box 320 is the ‘ careful attention, & C 0 . JOHN HAWKINS. Dull Ffttiah. We cail ft>r work io • NEWARK, N. J. MAIN OFFICE:—Avondale Road, Fast Nutley, N. J. O. E3, D O Y L E JSufiey and ^i'ondaie. ^ O. BOX 71. PHONIC 84-W HILULKR & CO.. Ladies’ and Gentleman's t-TEAM I^AIJKUKY, 665 Broad St r NEWARK i t TAILORING s ir ? m Y ou’ll know the \M SUITS TO ORDER Stirrat Building j ihertnut Street and Passaic Avenue, NUTLEY, N.J. Town News by subscribing for OOS-’T IT I f u tu Wbat is the us 3 of spending an Yon intend purchasing in the .■>Lir in pi j|jarJLtion every tim e any . iem bs' ol tne rami y wants a bath, Jewelry line, call at i hat’s what it means if the water has to be heated in num erous The Nutley Sun ko.Nes on a coal stove. Dcn’i do it -hart you can ereia gas water heater ’dcSi does away with ^.11 this trouble, FROUDE’S CUBES A gas water heater aiso insures PLENTY of hot water Jeweirs Store. whenever and wherever you o $1.00 per year used it without having to Main Ave. PASSAIC, N- J. RHEUMATISMI kindle afire or carry it from kitchen to bath or laundry. {LUMBAGO, SCIATICA Price, $8.00. Order Now. You will find a complete line ol the latest in NEURALGIA and Gas Departm ent KIDNEY TROUBLE D i a m o n d s , I “S-CSOI'S" taken Internally, rids tlie llttoil I DO IT NOW I Public Servico I or tbe poisonous matter and acids which I f are tbe direct causes ot these diseases. I | Applied eilerrmily it affurds almost in* I Stent rellol I rum palft, irhlle a permanent 1 W a tch es, Dure ia leine efTeoted by purifying tbe | I blood. dissolTluir tbe poisooous sob' I [ stance and lemoTluti it from tbe system, J C h a in s DR. S. D. BLAND I Of Brevtou, witw: 1 <*l Jb*0 a for a number of jitn I A. L. YAH WINKLE & CO, Scarf Pins, Fobs, i ’frttli Uutub»?oMud and all ttboumatlano tii» came die a inthat my I oonldarm* j] I AtiiAT from medical wotkv, «a<( oon«uM«d I ^ T I I L I A M & P A R R Y , Kings, Bracelets, &c. I jjoUUnff’iritftaninnborOfUi^'ljeBllpb.’rtiCluK, that g*T« r*lle£ obtxbi«d iHitfoond from 1 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE | "ihbROPB." 1 ^T*»crlb« It in nay px«otto* The finest Quality and Lowesi I lfo-rlMiiia&tUniMkd draldtMucii.'f,1 1 WHEN Attorney and Counsellor at Law Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public Prices. You are selecting Presents give Firm of Hampson aad Firry, Mr. Froude’s Watch Repairing ns a call. ' We Lave the finest office—800- Broad St. Newark* Kin d i m # Department is in charge of d _ I f TOU s i* suJTerJnR' witb Rheumatism, J . selection in the city. Eeaideaoe—Frautella Avenue, near [Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble or aaj klD-J S Z S C O A L and Grate thoroughly practical man. | I dred disease, write to for & trl&t bottle I Vreeland Avenue, Kutiey. | of ’ VDBOPS/* voA test i t ycmraelf* GOLD HATCHES, UDIES’ $18.00 DP Office—Columbia Building, IM O rjjE5f, S . J , "s-DROPS" cftn be u«ea any Je^atb et | Diamonds Reset Wbiie Yoa Wait ttn» without acqulrinff a drug lial>ltt,,J a? It is erkttrel? fTeft ol opium* cocaine, 1 DIAMOND RIKGS - - 10.00 OP A handsome catalogue will bj; aloobol^ t&uda&um* and oHh&e fllmilaxl 1 ineredlentfc I JOSEPH STnUlAT...... T l j c . given to everyone calling at thV I lewslse Bottle, H«*MOPS’* {SOO !>•#«»> I GEBTS’GOIDFD WATCHES 12.00 UP store. I 11,04, 7wSsl«1vl^ii||l*^ I SKAUOR BHIUMATI0 SORE 60MPAIT, LADIES’ SILVER WATCHES 3.00 DP OLIVER The assortment of Cut Glasjs, Dept. SO* 100 l«ke Btictt* CklM|«, LIVERY STABLES Silverware, Leather Goods, Uip- ■ When buying from us you buy T ypew riter brellas, Pocketbooks, etc., arefof from a reliable firm. We are OlM tiit Btrat, Xattqr, S, I, the finest make, latest designs mid tbe oldest jewelry store in Ridge lawn Cemetery Passai