Ndesfcrial,I Second Term
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I ttxkkk~xk"xkk~xkkmx"xk"x"x* 4 * ONE DAY'S HAPPENINGS » yt | WEBER PIANOS "FvPPvf ihino* in pianola pianos & J ESTEY ORGANS L,V51 J « truing in estey pianos y IN THE PO'LITICAL WORLD '$ wanolas the Music line*' ivers *1,0x0 pianos x Altamcsit ^Water. rs a Spring Candidate Taft calls Gompe; windjammer. "I've had enough experience,' says Bryan, >dr^yiIOkOL'GHLY sterilized bottles and c xceptional 1 Representative Longworth's program is Taft for eight years, are the "distinguishing characterise of Altamontpurs | 1* x»* then Roosevelt for eight years, ng Water. I The L<earning - # Kern calls Cleveland letter a forgery. Altaniont has no competitors! Foraker will not on stump in,..; go ft \ \ 11 \ . tr At* « <-4. nii mw iq not vet UVCl. VVC91 V i>llia 1W»» j Its unequaled location at the sunmlit of the Alle lies, its softness and urity. \ PM!§, ORCANaliHUB HOUSE f TAFT DENOUNCES GOMPERS. j (Ky.) Coliseum last night Senator Wil gher extraordinary y together T l;am O. in behalf 1 Candidate Taft in a at S.dney Brauley. elect, spoke with the fact thail it is bottled at the in hiLittles sterilized y ¥ speech of the election natfonal only spring Iny 4Ua F*J at 4- S *-i assailed Samue j of the republican in Col., yesterday bitterly bete>re minutes' ure to streamled iii« i^iauu . ticket. mal Capital. Gompers. of th? American The occasion was the formal immediately lilling by twenty v | president of the inopeningthe ¥ x of Labor. Said .Mr. Taft: Federation republican campaign ir.g steam, place in a class by itself. expo?it thi, south S=nator Bradley spoke with his ? = "Mr. Samuel Gompers lias delivered accustomed force His Read what I'rot". \Y. P. Mason, the chemist of ? t<1 and eloquence. distinguisl I labor vote of this country completely speech was exhaustive in its treatment V anf! of the 1 Institute ..Dr." McDonidell, the State X* ? Mr. Bryan and the democratic party, the issues of the campaign. Rensselaer. Polytechnic X I am following along, picking up a fen'. other known Ls crumbs that may come to m from labni CROWDS CHEER SHERMAN. Chemist of Mary land, and well cltemisi say about it, men who have the independence of spirilt liight Illinois towns were visited and it a trr;il. and the clearsightedness to enable then day by James S. Sherman. republicanyester1 give to see what their real interest is. candidate for Vice President, and ' Now <demonstrated ami for sale at 1K street north^at©F "I appeal to the clear-headed, being 1305 and independent workmen of thif sands of persons listened to his speeches.thou. west. intelligent- Sanders11 country to look into the taels and th. ranging in subject from advice on the T MIL, | that I airi or to tdjIMl and can find best to Mail Phone Orders law. if they there method of handling sweethearts an enemy of labor to vote against me. bul the :?! 1327 F Street , D. C. X protective tariff's effect on labor. Mr. N.W., Washington, what I complain of is fills windjamming Sherman and his party started out early V ' or misrepresentation of a man who from Peoria in the Pullman car Olivette control labor in order to defeat aclaimtomar (the car used by \V. J. Bryan on bis who is in favor of labor. recent eastern in which will PERCY S. FOSTER, having' trip), they Th© Altaianmnt 1 | I "But this tiling of Mr. Gompers I remain until tiie candidate goes home to Co., of th Spring the labor vote in his pocket and Ptica, N. Y., October lb. to register. Manager Washinjgton Wareroomms. & labor men believing the lies he tells is | f something that I complain against." ALL NAME BUTLER AMES. r X BRYAN ANSWERS HUGHES. Col. Butler Ames, who was nominated ti»5 F St. MM o = t by acclamation the T Citing the cases of Abraham Lincoln, | Thursday by Phone Main | V Gen. Grant. Benjamin Harrison and licans at Lowell. Mass., for his repub;fourth 6624. X term in Congress, was McKinley as having had no William yesterday nated by tiie democrats, after a vain * Sheet Music and Books aat Lowest Prices $ experience previous to their particular nomtj William J. Bryan last night,nomination, had been made by Humphrey attempt % I livan to keep bis name out of theO'Sul! before the German Club in % Columbia Phlonographs and Records x Bryan sp-aking A scene of turmoil followedconvention.tiie ;j: Lincoln. Neb., asked the question. "Why nomination of tiie republican candidate by v tliis newborn zeal for experience?" and the democrats. Victor Talking Machines'L f ; in answering it made reply to the Kx-Representative O'Brien presented the | V of Gov. Hughes and others criticismswho ! name of Col. Ames, and there were cries HEART OFMIDLQTHIAN I A Life k ITT) a MI 4- »% had declared that his experience in public of "Don t sell out the party!" $ Insurance Polk]/ fls Always Growing Pianos 1iv i^cut life had not been sufficient to him | j: qualify Mr. O'Brien said that Col. Ames was * for the presidency. too popular and it was useless to try to More VaSuable. and THEN ROOSEVELT. defeat him. The only way to get rid Where the Grim Guillotine | | i Tuning Moving TAFT, of him, he said, was to indorse him this Spot "Theodore Roosevelt for - President again time and boom him for senator later. > = - * eight years from now." was the NEW YORK HEARS SHAW. Once Stood. V I of the President's son-in-law.declaration Y Camp Taft in New York was crowded X Nicholas Longworth, in a Representativespeech INSURE\ NOW Baltimore Warerooms: i North Charles Street. X I with an enthusiastic audience 5 iic inaue jesicruuy on uie grounds 01 nit gathered | for a f i f Tri-State exposition, in Hock Island, 111. republican rally at which former SPOOKS OF OLD EDINBURGH v*4 of the Leslie M. Siiaw X to a large audience tliat cheered the Secretary Treasury IN TlHE * again anil again. Mr. Uongworth'ssentimentwas the chief speaker. The former S?c I | statement was made during the course ot retary devoted Himself i trgely to a a eulogy and defense of the President's cussion of William J. Bryan's reccrd tiis,and Old Tolbooth Prison, Immortalized his on I administration. He first proposed that the | position the leading issues of tlie Sir Walter Scott. republican leader for the next eight years|! campaign. by k TE^/^1 TlTl T1 ^T(n\ Ikll /f^\ IT be William Howard Taft, who, if elected, HELP FROM HAMMOND. us the was confident lie would speaker be, John ii should be returned to that office for a Hays Hammond, president of the ndesfcrial,I second term. National League of Republican Clubs, MANY RARE OLD MANUSCRIPTS Following Mr. Taft as President, will travel through the mining states crossoTSHOE declared Mr. I.ongworth, Theodoreseriouslywithin the n'-xt two weeks and make Roosevelt should be returned to the chair Scenes About the Courts of I A Home O for the next eight years. speeches for the republican ticket. Mr. > ompany. | SAYS KERN. Hammond is well known among the Principal City.Relics Scotland'sof !' "MAKES FORGERY, and his services are expected tominers,do TRANSMIT Use by the republican campaign much toward removing any dissatisfaction Robert Burns and Scott. as a campaign document ofmanagersthe that may exist in that part of the country LIFE'S letter attributed to the authorship of the on account of t lie efforts of the democrats I 603-5 F Street N.W. | among organized labor. late Grover Cleveland, v h.ich contained BY WILI.TAM E. CI RTIS. I a of the strong indorsement republican KNIGHT FOR GOVERNOR. Special Correspondence of The Star and the . WALK Record-Herald. I candidate for President, was the subject The rtah democratic state central Chicago of a speech by John W. Kern, democratic EDINBURGH. September 27. 100S. of a motor last night selected J. Williamcommittee candidate for Vice President, before a of High street in Edinburgh is one of the \ Knight Prove to head the state ticket mast bo aeitbor too large audience in Birmingham, Ala., t* J. So Swormstedt President. tight for governor. Mr. Knight is the son of most interesting thoroughfares in thej t* $ bat yesterday. on nor too loose, jaat right, He declared such use of the document to Jesse lynight, millionaire mine operator. world and almost every building either * Henry P. BSalr Vice President. easyj^ be an infamous attempt to place a vile who was nominated for governor by the side is historic. It runs from the castle' £ at Because it fits just right stigma upon the name of a great departed state convention, but declim d to run. The for about a mile and a half to the pal- * and likened it to the use made new candidate is his Allen C. Clark aooro naint. the CROSSETT statesman, manager of many of ace of and of a gentle Secretary. in the Garfield campaign of the famous father's enterprises. Rolyrood.broad $ Shoe volt that's slope; well paved and inclosed on either puts every Morey letter forgery. DECLINES NOMINATION. £ William F. Mattingly.. Counsel. in your body at your service. TAMMANY IS WORRIED. side by tall and, In many cases, imposing | Declaring t Hut he had no political buildings, which for centuries were Amendments to the election law which S Gilbert A.' Clark Actuary, SOLD IN EVERY TOWN and that his present service wasaspirationsby the people of the court, includingoccupied j; are now operative are causing much worry congenial, Judge George H.