I ttxkkk~xk"xkk~xkkmx"xk"x"x* 4 * ONE DAY'S HAPPENINGS » yt | WEBER PIANOS "FvPPvf ihino* in pianola pianos & J ESTEY ORGANS L,V51 J « truing in estey pianos y IN THE PO'LITICAL WORLD '$ wanolas the Music line*' ivers *1,0x0 pianos x Altamcsit ^Water. . rs a Spring Candidate Taft calls Gompe; windjammer. "I've had enough experience,' says Bryan, >dr^yiIOkOL'GHLY sterilized bottles and c xceptional 1 Representative Longworth's program is Taft for eight years, are the "distinguishing characterise of Altamontpurs | 1* x»* then Roosevelt for eight years, ng Water. I The Lre minutes' ure to streamled iii« i^iauu . ticket. mal Capital. Gompers. of th? American The occasion was the formal immediately lilling by twenty v | president of the inopeningthe ¥ x of Labor. Said .Mr. Taft: Federation republican campaign ir.g steam, place in a class by itself. expo?it thi, south S=nator Bradley spoke with his ? = "Mr. Samuel Gompers lias delivered accustomed force His Read what I'rot". \Y. P. Mason, the chemist of ? t<1 and eloquence. distinguisl I labor vote of this country completely speech was exhaustive in its treatment V anf! of the 1 Institute ..Dr." McDonidell, the State X* ? Mr. Bryan and the democratic party, the issues of the campaign. Rensselaer. Polytechnic X I am following along, picking up a fen'. other known Ls crumbs that may come to m from labni CROWDS CHEER SHERMAN. Chemist of Mary land, and well cltemisi say about it, men who have the independence of spirilt liight Illinois towns were visited and it a trr;il. and the clearsightedness to enable then day by James S. Sherman. republicanyester1 give to see what their real interest is. candidate for Vice President, and ' Now