LEGAL PAPER OF THE TOWN|OF NUTLEY Vol. XII. No. 47. NUTLEY, N. J., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,, 1906. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR hands of every true Republican at noe, Brookfield ayehue Whitford this time. i avenue and North road. NUTLEY DAY BY DAY THE TOWN COUNCIL The Chestnut street extension The Empire State Minstrels wiU be matter was'taken up. Ic was refer­ New Law Works to Increase The primaries will beheld on Tues­ the feature of the entertainment to Til© Usual Grift Comes to the red back to tbe Commissioners of Amount of Tu.y Bills • day. September 25, between 1 p. m. be given under tbe auspices of the T ow n Mill. Assessment for revision. Assessor WUitliekl itaS completed Jr. O. U. A. M., in the Town Hall Assistant Superintendent Stelllng. aod 9 p. ib* The Mayor was in liis place and ail bis duties or Uvylug the assessment,, Auditorium, on Tuesday evening. the members of the Town Council of the .Public Service Corporation, for the current year un the plan of Invincible Cough Balsam cures by October 2. were present at the regular meeting of informed the Council th at his com­ full valuations iu conformity with reaiedyiDs tliecause. 25c, at Masonic pany Vd approved of the extension the^new State law. The rate wiU be Hall Pharmacy. On sind after Monday, September the Town Council on Wednesday 17, the School Library, including the night. of the gas mains through > Centre fcl.oe per 9100 and there will be an in­ Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Randall, of Traveling Library, will be open to Councilman Howe reported that street and Bloomtfeld avenue and as crease over last year in the total or Whitford avenue, have returned from the public on Mondays and Thurs­ the claim made by Mr. William soon as the pipe could be obtained tax bills. These are the figures with­ Greenwood Lake. days from 3.30 to 4.30 p. m.,instead of Bridgeman for damages sustained by the work would be taken up. in tiie hydrant! district, outside of Councilman Harry Mortimer Libby, earlier hours. reason of falling into aiT excavation The Public Service Corporation th is the rate is «l.ts3. The fixing of of 'Whitford avenue, has returned a t the West Nutley station, had beeu tn rough its attorney, asked the Coun­ the rate a t these figures is necessary On Monday Joseph Carroll, of Pas­ cil to grant permission to construct a from Quogue, L. I. adjusted, the contractor Samuel to meet the following demands: for saic avenue, was taken into custody Chardi, agreeing to settle the bill, “ Y" branch at the icorner of Frank­ the county, 45 points; for school pur­ Mrs. J. D. Croker, of Vreeland ave­ Early Fall by Chief Knabb, on a charge of strik­ which amounts to $9. lin avenue and Kingsland street, to poses. 61 points; for carrying bn town nue, has returned from a visit of ing William Hart in the head with a Councilman Vosseler reported a enable the. company to turn its cars, government,, 60 points. C o J d s several days ]n Delaware. beer bottle. Justice Day com­ conference with the representative which are now being made into single In accordance with the new law Mr. and Mrs. H. T. JDaMn, of mitted Carroll to await the action of of the East Jersey Waier Company, coders, Tlie company proposes to an increase of 10 per cent, over ibe I t is better to avoid a cold than to contract one that Butgers place, are liome from a week’s the Grand Jury. in ref re nee to the $180 reduction give Nutley a l i minutes headway aetual amount neeessary lias been stay at Stock bridge, Mass. during rush hours, and the m'Y u will added to the levy, for the purpose of wtU perhaps stay with you- The contracts lor the seven houses made some months ago. He said ihe through the coming winter, company now wished to settle for $00 better enable it to supply the service. meeting any; extraordinary demands Nominating petitions must be iiled aud stable to be erected on the tract Tbe entire Council, together with the th at may crop out duriog the coming —If it does no* do worse. 1 ■withTown Clerk Rusby today, otUer- recently purchased by W. L. Sergeant Tlie report was received and the Remember that colds are matter was referred back to, Mr. company’s representative, will meet year. Should, no such emergency arise wise they will be of no use. in tbe vicinity of Horth Woods, has dangerous—you never can Vosseler for another conference. at the spot designated this after­ and the town budget estimates be been awarded to Geo. A. Varney & tell wnat they’ll 1 :iid to. If Hot Water Bags of highest quality, Councilman Joerg said that con­ noon and a report will be made at ample, there will be a snug sum left Co., of Mew York City. The plumb­ you feel one coming on a few at Masonic Hall Pharmacy. We tractors Wright & Lindslev would the next meeting of the body. over after tbe year’s business is com­ guarantee them for two years. ing, painting, etc., will be done by Councilman Halsey said complaints pleted. doses of local concerns. proceed with the work of macadamiz­ Ex-Councilman Philip J. Young ing Franklin avenue above Vreeland of telephone men trespassing on Compared with other localities the COLD BREAKERS Nutley rate Is no higher than the aud family have returned from a The 9Si.li birthday anniversary of avenue as soon is ordered to do so by private property, had been made to : {LAXATIVE.} - bim. The Clerk was instructed to average throughout Essex County. moo til's outing at Nassau-by-the- Mr. John DeVausney, of Bloomfield the Town Engineer. As soon as the will break it up They will Ia Mowing the new rules the avenue, wiil occur on Sunday, the new rails are laid the work wilt be write tbe company th at its employees cure a deep-seated cold i a Sea. must respect the rights of citizens in levy made may be taken as a model. 16th inst. He has four children liv­ done. twenty-four hours. Weguar- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morgan, Jr., Much criticism has been made of the ing namely: Mrs. Thompson, with The Water Clerk reported Sl,200 to these matters. autce it. : of Satterwalte avenue, bave returned whom he resides, Mr. Samuel lie Councilman Joerg said he would levies made in some other municipal­ be the receipts of his department for : P/lot 25 Cents Irom their vacation spent a t Quogue, Vausoey, Mrs. .Robert Rush more and the quarter ending August 1. His like to obtaio the sentiment of the ities and the Stite Taxing Board has 1 . 1 . ex-Councilman William H. DeVaus- check was turned over to the Town Council on the question of macadam­ ordered an increased assessment in The severe storm of Thursday did ney, Mr. DeVausney has sixteen Treasurer. izing or laying Belgurn blocks between some instance.*. In view of the considerable damage to the roads grand-children and thi rty great A communication was read from the tracks on Franklin avenue. The occasional buzzing cf the annexation JAI1S CKAMMOSB and. sidewalks in various parts of grand-children. An anniversary Mr, W. D. Bell, of the Terrace, com­ trolley company is waiting to be in­ bee, it is particularly interesting to HASOHC Hilt PHiHiCY town. party will take place a t bis residence plaining that the town water supply formed which kind the town desires. □ote th at on a notoriously low valua­ on the above date. a t his residence was of a foul nature The Town Engineer said Bel gum tion the rate in tbe city of N e w a rk is Mr. William J. Kinsley, of Prospect blocks were the most useful and tbe $1.74. ■ street, has returned home from a and unfit for household purposes. This was thought to he due to the Clerk was instructed t.o write the trip to Rochester and Canandaigua, Letter From Mr. C. A. Joerg. company accordingly. N. Y. trofley sprinkler, and Mr. Vosseler S u t l e y , N. J., Sept. 10,1906. was ’directed to investigate the A petition against macadamizing A residence to cost nearly $25,000 To the Editor of The Mutiny Sun. subject. Hawthorne avenue was read by the w&l-be erected by Edward Morgan, Cleric and the whole matter laid D e a r S i r :—Will you kindly an­ A communication was read signed Jr., in the vicinity of North Woods. nounce in your next issue th at I am a by John F. Clark, Jr., complaining over until next meeting. "Work wili be started immediately. candidate for re j ection to the Town that he was annoyed by boys lounging A special meeting of the Hutley Council, from the Second ward aud around his place of business. A Ou the Green Diamond. Dramatic Club will be held a t the ask the support of the members of the similar complaint was also made by A disappointed if not a disgusted residence of the vice-president, Miss Republican party at the primaries to Mr. James Crarumund and Mr. Thus. crowd of people saw the game played Anna L. Archer, of EjDgsland street, be held on Tuesday, September 25. I H. Ritchie. on the Park Grounds last Saturday. RESIDENCE park on the eastern this evening.
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