NOTICE is given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of THE FRIENDS OF DUNORLAN PARK (Registered Charity 1063715/0)

will be held on Wednesday 19th April 2017 at 7.00pm in the Cafe in Dunorlan Park

Any nominations for the Committee, Proposed and Seconded, should be with the Hon. Secretary by Monday 10th April

The Reports and Accounts will be available, together with relevant documents including the Minutes of the previous AGM, for viewing at the meeting, or before the meeting, on request, from the Temporary Secretary.

Following the meeting there will be a question and answer session and update from the Committee on current projects and initiatives

Issued by the Temporary Secretary: Diana Lamb, 70 Woodside Road, , TN4 8PZ. 01892 541875

Please come if you can - This AGM is particularly important because we are electing a new Chairman, new members for the Committee and new Secretary - so we really would like to see as many members as possible !


The funds received by the Friends in the form of membership subscriptions and donations are very important as they help to fund projects such as the renovation of the island banks. Together with TWBC, we have already funded a £26,000 project to renovate the larger island and we hope, again with TWBC support, to renovate the smaller one at a total cost of about £22,000.

At the beginning of 2016, and for the first time since the Friends were founded in 1997, we increased membership fees from £5 to £7 for individuals and from £10 to £12 for couples/families. Most membership standing orders are paid in January and we note that quite a significant number of members have not yet increased their standing order payments. We urge you to do this immediately and to consider sending a small donation if your payments have not yet been increased. Cheques should be posted to the Membership Secretary or paid direct into the Friends of Dunorlan Park bank account – Sort Code 20-88-13, Account number 10371033.

Your Committee is in the process of redesigning and reprinting our membership publicity leaflet and also preparing an appeals leaflet specific to the island bank project. We will be doing all we can in future months to increase the overall size of our membership and to raise funds for the island renovation.

Two key people who have given so much of their time and efforts are retiring in April. Diana Lamb is standing down as Committee Chair after 7 years in the post and 21years total involvement with the Friends. We all owe Diana a massive vote of thanks for her dedication to the Park and, just to take one example, for masterminding and project managing the first island renovation project. Fortunately, Diana has agreed to stay ‘at least for the time being’ on as Secretary on the Committee which will be hugely useful to us and to the new Chair in terms of continuity and wise words of advice.

The second retiree is Tony Ewins, our wonderful Head Gardener who will also be greatly missed. Tony has been in post since August 2004 following the restoration of Dunorlan Park, and has achieved great things for us including helping to win the our Bloom and Green Flag awards. Tony has also managed groups of volunteers who have done so much to help the Park to look so good over the years. We all extend a great vote of thanks to you Tony – you will be greatly missed.

Because of these departures, the AGM on 19th April will be something of an occasion as it will be Tony’s last meeting with the Friends and Diana’s last meeting as Committee Chair. We hope that as many members as possible will be able to attend.



A brief end note from outgoing Chair who’s original intention had been, after over 20 years as either Secretary or Chair, to stand back and disappear into the serried ranks of FoDP members. However, not to be quite yet !

The very good news is…… Peter Russell - our five star Membership Secretary has stepped forward and offered to take up the mantle of FoDP Chair - this ‘succession’ makes total sense and I am absolutely delighted as I believe that he will make a five star Chairman too. I know that he will stamp his own style and direction on the leadership of the Friends which is just what we need at this point in our history, and I am really pleased to stay on as Secretary (and Newsletter Editor) for a while in support of the new regime! I’m also pleased to report that Peter will continue as Membership Secretary but with additional valued assistance from Jenny.

Diana Lamb


I welcome you, with much sadness and regret, to my first news letter of 2017 which will also be my last contribution for the Friends. As mentioned in the November issue I am at that age where I can retire - sadly age catches up with us all and I feel it is time for me to hang up my gardening boots on a full time basis!

Since August 2004 when I was given the privileged position of Head gardener at Dunorlan Park, I have been very fortunate to have been heavily involved in overseeing part of the Heritage Lottery grants programme of contractors’ work followed by managing, organising and overseeing the Dunorlan team to fulfil the general maintenance contract specifications, and through the management plan, the future development in many aspects of this magnificent park.

Although I found it rather daunting at first, it wasn’t too long before I started to understand what was needed and with the support of my team at that time, Mike and David, everything soon fell into place. Along with the backing of TWBC, The Friends of Dunorlan Park and many volunteers, we soon found that we were going in the right direction.

So now thirteen years later with several other staff coming and going and great help from so many volunteers over the years along with other groups, we have arrived at where we are today. It has been a very exciting time, and I really hope you have enjoyed this journey with us and the way Dunorlan Park has developed and improved over these years. It has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget.

Dunorlan Park is still developing and will continue to do so as most gardens or parks do, life never sits still in horticulture and that is what makes it so exciting and interesting and worth all the effort.

So let us look at the present and the hopeful future of the park.

Well, over this winter it has been a busy time for Cliff and I and the volunteers with additional work by High Weald Partnership (KHWP) and the Sodexo team - winter is supposed to be a quieter more relaxing time, I have never found it so!!

So once leaf clearing was completed, it was all down to starting work on the winter pruning (although pruning does go on all year), brambling, weeding, tree planting, dividing herbaceous plants, border maintenance, clearing old growth in the top pond, re weaving the willow fence and arches in the play area and cutting brambles off the paths in the meadow, aa well as seeing the completion of various set projects by KHWP throughout all areas of the parkland.

Winter and early spring has been very successful and we are on top of many areas, however, we are still mulching and continuing some border maintenance, such as weeding, edging, pruning and dividing snowdrops. There are other works coming up, such as path edging and wood staining benches and bins which we will start as soon as we can.

Tree planting has nearly finished with the majority of those planted being commemorative trees planted in memory of those who have been lost and who loved Dunorlan Park - we have planted; two Monkey Puzzles, a Pecan nut, an English oak, common birch, sweet chestnut, a Strawberry tree, two Magnolia ‘Galaxy’, common beech and a flowering dogwood called Stella Pink. We have also planted a lovely delicate flowering tree called Styrak japonica at the end of the Terrace. Still to plant is a stunning cherry along with two donation trees - a Scots pine and a conker tree (Horse Chestnut), both of which will be great additions to the landscape as well as future fun for children to collect and play ‘conkers’! Hopefully conkers will not be banned in the future as it was great fun for me and other children when we were young!

Although this winter has been dry quite dry with some very cold and frosty nights, I still think it has been quite mild

Issue 64 March 2017 3 of 9 Tony Ewins’ Report…. continued overall, and as we approach spring with slightly more rain and mild conditions many plants are starting to perform………

At present we have splendid display of snowdrops called Elwesii (some donated by the Friends), Cyclamen coum and oriental hellebores at the Pembury entrance and chasing these along are two types of Fritillary - meleagris (Snakes head) and imperialis ( Crown imperial), both are stunning plants. There is also a new group of Fritillaria we planted here last autumn which will flower later, along with another beautiful flowering bulb (try and identify this little beauty) so watch these beds. There are many other areas in the park where snowdrops, crocuses and dwarf daffodils can be seen and enjoyed, most of these have been donated by the Friends and several other people who have kindly offered donation plants/bulbs. Keep an eye out for a beautiful pale blue woodland anemone beneath some young camellias along the stream path which will flower soon, if you walk this path now and as you near the summerhouse, on your left you will come across a group of Daphne with a truly wonderful scent, they are certainly worth a visit.


We were approached by a member of the Rotary Club last autumn to help them plant 5,000 crocuses bulbs for the brilliant cause to help stop Polio. These were planted in a large swathe under a Bird cherry just below the Pembury car park on your left. They are making a fine display now and will be a delight to see each spring as one enters the park.

Many of the young Camellias around the ornamental areas are bursting their buds and starting to flower, along with several early flowering Rhododendrons and Pieris. Let us hope that the weather stays kind and mild and we can enjoy these and many more shrubs and early flowering herbaceous plants as spring gets into its stride and summer approaches with its flowering delights throughout all borders. Many of the summer flowering herbaceous plants are just starting to show growth and I think this year will be a delight to see. Also many of the large groups of daffodils are starting to flower and there are not many better sights to see when the day is full of sunshine as today. Spring is certainly on the move but at this time of year winter can always return.

Right ………now for my Oscar speech, I promise it won’t go on for too long but I really do need to say a huge thank you to all the people and groups with whom I have been involved and who have been so supportive in so many ways, and many of whom I regard as friends.

Issue 64 March 2017 4 of 9 Tony Ewins’ Report…. continued

So here is my refined list:

The Friends of Dunorlan Park Committee both past and present.

The fantastic group of volunteers over all the years.

Dunorlan staff - Cliff, Lawson, Paul, Tom, Lizzy and Adam.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council both past and present.

Kent High Weald Project team and volunteers

Oakley School staff and students

Ian and the cafe staff

Norman and the boat staff

And last but by no mean least, all the great regulars and other visitors who have been such a support to us all.

Well this is the end of this horticultural chapter for me; I hope you have enjoyed some of my ramblings over the years and how Dunorlan Park has developed. I know you will all continue to support Cliff and the new member of staff and the future of Dunorlan Park.

I would like just like to wish all of you my very best wishes and a very healthy and happy future.

Thank you so much. Tony.

TONY - some thoughts from the Chair

EDITORIAL Tony has been instrumental in taking the park from the somewhat ‘raw’ newly restored amenity to the matured, established and much loved public park, now known as the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of Tunbridge Wells’ many parks.

His vision and keen horticultural knowledge has meant that Dunorlan Park has developed and grown over the years, with his annual proposals for new tree, shrub and herbaceous plantings continually enhancing and reinforcing existing vegetation for the joy and delight of the public who use the park, (and the RHS Bloom and Green Flag judges who continue to award the park their high accolades!).

Equally as important, his quiet dedication to the park has meant that he has managed to keep up a high standard of maintenance against the odds - diminishing workforce and diminishing investment. He has achieved this by a combination of his own and his Team’s hard work, and by recruiting and supervising volunteers from all walks of life, age and abilities. His skills in getting the most out of sometimes quite challenging individuals and building their confidence and self respect are impressive.

Tony has been wonderfully supportive of the Friends of Dunorlan Park. Not only with his informative and passionate ‘Report from the Park’ which has been a key element in our newsletters, but also in attending and contributing to our Committee meetings in the evenings (despite living 40 minutes away from Tunbridge Wells). He is, needless to say, deeply valued by the Friends as well as being respected by many of general public who come to the park and know him, often stopping for a chat.

As Peter says in his article - he will be greatly missed by us all. And for myself - he has become a good friend over the years and I shall sorely miss our frequent meetings in the park when we talk park matters and much else besides - I always come away feeling that a little piece of joy has been added to my life that day.


The banks to the lake have fallen into disrepair in some areas and have become a health and safety issue so TWBC have commissioned a detailed survey of the banks with proposals and costing for remedial works. Needless to say these are expensive so they will be carried out over two years. It is hoped that repairs to the Chalybeate spring will be included in the works this year.

The proposed improvements and additions to the natural play area reported previously are still in the pipeline - watch this space ! In the meantime, additional planting is in progress in the grass maze reinforcing the existing maze planting.

A Memorial Tree Trail is in the planning stage - this will include a plan and labels for the trees. TWBC’s records of memorial trees only go back to 2002, so if any of you know of memorial trees you want to be included that were planted before that date - please contact Kasia Olszewska at TWBC.

TWBC have submitted applications for Green Flag and Bloom awards and the Bloom campaign will be launched in the Precinct on 21 & 22 April. It has been confirmed that this year the Green Flag judging will be based on a ‘Mystery’ visit.

Finally, the process of setting up a Public Space Protection Order for the park has commenced, albeit this is a slow process and it is unlikely to be in place before the end of the year. There should be public consultation during the process - so, again, watch this space.


I live just five minutes walk from Dunorlan Park and, until around two years ago, didn't visit very often. I have included pieces in my Hawkenbury column for the Courier about regular events in the park but, I'm sorry to say, that was about as far as my involvement went.

HOWEVER..... in the last year or so I have become a little more 'involved' with the park by visiting much more, and with the Friends of Dunorlan Park, even to the extent of attending one of their committee meetings as I offered to do a bit of publicity for them, and what an eye opener that was!!!

The Friends’ Committee work very hard in their role supporting the Council who maintain the park as well as their involvement with events, garden visits and the like and keeping an eye on any park boundary planning issues. Various ongoing problems such as dog mess and deterioration of island banks have to be addressed, and to say that is tricky is an understatement, not to mention the cost.

It is a beautiful park and should be enjoyed by everyone, but it's amazing how many people in the Hawkenbury area are unaware of its existence! Boating lake; children's play area; lovely secluded walks; places for children to explore; seats all around and so much more - including a super cafe with lovely food at prices you would find hard to beat!!

I've been spreading the word over the last year or so and have had some great feedback, perhaps you can do the same. Things are changing within the infrastructure of the park, not least because head gardener Tony is leaving next month. So it will be even more difficult to keep this gorgeous green space to the standard we have come to love and enjoy.

A bit of a cliche I think but USE IT OR LOSE IT seems to be the phrase most appropriate. Do spread the word and encourage new members to join and if you would like to become involved by volunteering - contact Diana or Peter whose details appear at the end of the newsletter.

You would be made most welcome.

JH-S Issue 64 March 2017 6 of 9 THIS AND THAT !


Tony Ewins had to talk to the leader and members of a regular keep fit class which takes place on the terrace recently - a somewhat depressing scenario really.

It seems quite a few of the members arrive with their dogs who are then allowed to roam around unsupervised whilst their owners ‘keep fit’. How one wonders do they ensure that their dogs don’t wander through planting areas, chase the waterfowl, worry other members of the public? How one wonders to they ensure that their dogs’ poo is collected ? Well - obviously these are rhetorical questions - they can’t/don’t. Tony drew their attention to these anomalies and one hopes that they will leave their dogs at home next time! One would also hope that the keep fit leader takes some responsibility for ensuring that this doesn’t happen again - after all they are running a business (one assumes) in the park and, at the moment, do not pay for the privilege of this delightful venue!

RECYCLING BAYS are looking much improved PLANNING ISSUES Your Chair submitted an after a BIG MACHINE was brought in to chip and objection to TWBC against the proposal to erect a marmelise all the stored material. This has subsequently 20m+ high telecommunications tower in the grounds of been spread as mulch on the borders instead of the usual the RTW Indoor Bowls Club, which would have been mushroom compost. A good idea - except that there was intrusively visible from Dunorlan Park. We are pleased a lot of weed in the material which may have been to report that the proposal has been refused planning transferred to the borders - this could prove problematic ! permission - a result !!

ART IN THE PARK ! There has been a big 2018 CALENDAR. At our recent Committee response from local artists, including some crafts-people meeting we discussed the calendar project. It was too, to the idea of exhibiting their work in the cafe. We agreed that the last two times we have done one it was are considering a summer weekend Exhibition with a actually very hard work and, certainly the second time, curated walk ‘Art in the Park’ where work could be shown the returns was not really worth it especially as we had on the avenue plinths and elsewhere in the park including quite a number of calendars left over. We are still the undercroft to the cafe. The Friends would receive an thinking about the idea, but probably something more agreed percentage from the artists’ sales for organising / modest and manageable (and cheaper). facilitating the event. This is work in progress with Rachel Luckhurst as main contact.


To one of our founder For their charitable members and epic donation of £500 to the Snowdrop fundraiser - F r i e n d s f r o m t h e Patricia Jacobs - on p r o c e e d s o f t h e i r h e r r e c e n t 9 0 t h annual firework display - the money will go birthday ! towards our island b a n k r e s t o r a t i o n project.

FOOT NOTE. We wait (with bated breath?!) to hear Sodexo/TWBC intentions with respect to Tony’s replacement and the issue of Volunteering in the park. Sodexo have advised that it is not in their contract to ‘fund’ the organisation and supervision of volunteers - therefore the replacement will not responsible for this vital element of our park’s management. The Friends are not optimistic about the outcome - watch this space!


Our new PR Officer suggested the idea of promoting the park with a leaflet drop so Rachel Luckhurst has designed this promotional leaflet/poster for us and TWBC have very kindly offered to print it.

We will be delivering it as an A5 size leaflet door to door in areas around the park in the coming weeks - if anyone would like to help by delivering some for us, please let Valerie Le Moignan or Diana know.

We will also be printing it at a larger, poster, size for display in the cafe, on noticeboards and locally in shops and the library.

Issue 64 March 2017 8 of 9 EVENTS These are the ones we know about at the moment, but there may be more. Remember to monitor the TWBC, FoDP and KHWP websites and the noticeboards in the park.



LEGACIES Don’t forget another way of benefitting the park is by leaving the Friends a legacy in your will.


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