Mondays to Fridays Saturdays Sundays
786 Matfield - Hawkenbury - Tunbridge Wells - London Centaur Coaches The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 12th December 2018. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Henwood Green, adj Stone Court Lane 0528 0611 Henwood Green, adj Pembury Library 0529 0612 Pembury, adj Amberleaze Drive 0530 0613 Pembury, The Camden Arms (Stop A) 0531 0614 Pembury, opp The Mews 0532 0615 Matfield, The Poet 0552 0621 Matfield, opp The Wheelwrights Arms 0553 0622 Matfield, adj Church 0554 0623 Tunbridge Wells, opp Seven Springs Cheshire Homes 0534 0601 0616 0630 Tunbridge Wells, opp Blackhurst Lane 0535 0602 0617 0631 Tunbridge Wells, Swing Gates (SW-bound) 0536 0603 0618 0632 Sherwood, opp Sandhurst Road South 0537 0604 0619 0633 Tunbridge Wells, opp Shandon Close 0538 0605 0620 0634 Tunbridge Wells, o/s Salvation Army Church 0539 0606 0621 0635 Tunbridge Wells, adj Kingswood Road 0539 0606 0621 0636 Hawkenbury, opp Rookley Close 0540 0607 0622 0637 Hawkenbury, opp International House 0541 0608 0623 0638 Hawkenbury, adj Spread Eagle 0542 0609 0623 0638 Hawkenbury, adj Forest Way 0542 0609 0624 0639 Hawkenbury, opp Warwick Park 0543 0610 0624 0639 Hawkenbury, opp The Hermitage 0544 0611 0625 0640 Tunbridge Wells, adj Wallace Close 0545 0612 0627 0641 Tunbridge Wells, opp The Bull 0546 0613 0628 0643
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