Actual Valueovaleur R6lle Fonds D'linvestissement De L'amc May 30,1980 Apr
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CORRESPONDENCE Development of Reye's syndrome protocol in the Hamilton health region, R.M. Hurley 1351 The fine print of CMARSP, D.L. Henderson; R.P. Bannerman 1354 Serum ferritin concentration and bone marrow iron stores, E. Gimferrer, R. Ayats, 1355 N. Pujol-Moix, M. Baiget Chlorine: effect on thiamin concentration, C.S. Farkas 1356 Canadian national breast cancer screening study, T. Johnstone 1356 Medical education in the 21st century, D. Weaver 1358 Perianal excoriation associated with detergent products, I.W.D. Henderson 1358 "Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs", R.P. Penna 1359 Books 1372 Book Reviews 1403 Therapeutic Section and Index 1407 Newsbriefs 1414 Profiles 1428 Annual Meeting 1435 Classifled Advertising 1447 Advertisers' Index 1456 CMA Funds Actual valueoValeur r6lle Fonds d'linvestissement de l'AMC May 30,1980 Apr. 30,1980 CMARSP common stock fund unit value $43.85 $41.80 RERAMCvaleur de l'unit6 du fonds d'actions ordinaires CMARSP insured annuity fund interest rate 11.84% 12.42% RERAMC taux d'interet du fonds de rentes assurees CMARSP short-term deposit fund unit value $15.94 $15.74 RERAMC valeur de l'unit6 du fonds de d6p6t a court (equivalent annual rate of return 13.2%) terme (taux de rendement annuel equivalent 13.2%) CMA Home Ownership Savings Plan Regime enregistre d'epargne-logement de l'AMC common stock fund unit value $43.85 $41.80 valeur de l'unite du fonds d'actions ordinaires fixed income fund unit value $15.989 $15.839 valeur de l'unite du fonds a revenu fixe (equivalent annual rate of return 10.3%) (taux de rendement annuel equivalent 10.3%) MD Growth Investments Limited share value $4.73 $4.30 Valeur de l'action des Placements d'Avenir MD Lt6e Canadian Medical Annuity Plan interest rate 12.08% 12.47% Taux d'int6rdt du Regime de rentes de l'AMC CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 21, 1980/VOL. 122 1339 129. MURPHY DB, HERZENBERG LA, process independent of antigen. J [125]IUdR growth inhibition assay. OKAMURA K, et al: A new I sub- Exp Med 141: 1376, 1975 Immunology 29: 719, 1975 region (I-J) marked by a locus 141. NAGY Z, ELLIOTT BE, NABHOLZ M: 153. HERBERMAN RB, HOLDEN HT: (Ia-4) controlling surface determin- Specific binding of K- and I-region Natural killer cells as antitumor ants or suppressor T lymphocytes. products of the H-2 complex to effector cells. JNCI 62: 441, 1979 J Exp Med 144: 699, 1976 activated thymus-derived (T) cells 154. HANSSON M, KIESSLING R, ANDER- 130. TANIGUCHI M, MILLER JFAP: En- belonging to different Ly sub- SSON B, et al: NK cell-sensitive richment of specific suppressor T classes. J Exp Med 144: 1545, 1976 T-cell subpopulation in thymus: in- cells and characterization of their 142. CANTOR H, SHEN FW, BOYSE EA: verse co-relation to host NK ac- surface markers. J Exp Med 146: Separation of helper T cells from tivity. 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ZINKERNAGEL RM, DOHERTY PC: types to lymphocyte sets, mitogen 157. ELLIOTr BE, TAKACS BJ: Charac- Major transplantation antigens, vi- responses, and immune functions. J terization of functional Fc-receptor rus and specificity of surveillance Exp Med 148: 963, 1978 material from human lymphoblas- T cells. The "altered self" hypo- 144. FLAHERTY L, ZIMMERMAN D, SUL- toid cell lines. II. Serological and thesis. Contemp Topics Immunobiol LIVAN KA: Qa-2 and Qa-3 antigens cellular analysis. J Immunol 123: 7: 179, 1977 on lymphocyte subpopulations. I. 543, 1979 133. MILLER JFAP, VADAS MA, WHITE- Mitogen responsiveness. J Immunol 158. MCMICHAEL AJ, PILCH JR, GALFRE LAW A, et al: Role of major histo- 121: 1640, 1978 G, et al: A human thymocyte an- compatibility complex gene prod- 145. EICHMANN K: Expression and tigen defined by a hybrid myeloma ucts in delayed-type hypersensiti- function of idiotypes on lympho- monoclonal antibody. Eur J Im- vity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 73: cytes. Adv Immunol 26: 195, 1978 munol 9: 205, 1979 2486, 1976 146. LONAI P, BEN-NERIAH Y, STEINMAN 134. SPRENT J: Restricted helper func- L, et al: Selective participation of tion of F1 hybrid T cells positively immunoglobulin V region and ma- selected to heterologous erythro- jor histocompatibility complex cytes in irradiated parental strain products in antigen binding by T BOOKS mice. II. Evidence for restrictions cells. Eur J Immunol 8: 827, 1978 affecting helper cell induction and 147. BINZ H, WIGZELL H, BAZIN H: T- T-B collaboration, both mapping to cell idiotypes are linked to immu- This list is an acknowledgement of the K- end of the H-2 complex. noglobulin heavy chain genes. Na- books received. It does not preclude J Exp Med 147: 1159, 1978 ture 264: 639, 1976 review at a later date. 135. SCHWARTZ RH, DORF ME, BENA- 148. HAMMERLING GJ, BLACK SJ, BEREK CERRAF B, et al: The requirement C, et al: Idiotypic analysis of lym- for two complementing Ir-Gl,p im- phocytes in vitro. II. Genetic con- AEROBIC GRAM-NEGATIVE BRONCHO- mune response genes in the T-lym- trol of T-helper cell responsiveness PNEUMONIAS. Proceedings of the' phocyte proliferative response to to anti-idiotypic antibody. J Exp Symposium on Aerobic Gram-Negative poly-(GIU53Lys36Phe11). J Exp Med Med 143: 861, 1976 Bronchopneumonias, Brussels, Septem- 143: 897, 1976 149. KRAMMER PH, EICHMANN K: T ber 22, 1978; Edited by J.P. Thys, J. 136. ZINKERNAGEL RM, CALLAHAN GN, cell idiotypes are con- Klastersky and E. Yourassowsky. 183 receptor pp. Illust. Editions de I'universite de ALTHAGE A, et al: On the thymus trolled by genes in the heavy chain Bruxelles, Brussels; Pergamon of Can- in the differentiation of "H-2 self linkage group and the major his- ada, Willowdale, Ont., 1980. Price not recognition" by T cells: evidence tocompatibility complex. Nature stated. ISBN 0-08-025533-7 for dual recognition? J Exp Med 270: 733, 1977 147: 882, 1978 150. BINZ H, WIGZELL H: Shared idio- LA BIOETHIQUE. 1. Collection publi6e 137. GOLUB ES: The distribution of typic determinants on B and T lym- par le centre de bio6thique de l'Institut brain-associated 6 antigen cross- phocytes reactive against the same de recherches cliniques de Montreal. reactive with mouse in the brain of antigenic determinants. V. Bio- 190 pp. Les Presses de l'universite other species. J Immunol 109: 168, chemical and serological charac- Laval, Quebec, 1979. $12, broche. ISBN 1972 teristics of naturally occurring, 2-7637-6901-2 138. MCMICHAEL AJ, PILCH JR, GALFRE soluble antigen-binding T-lympho- CLINICAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSI- G, et al: A human thymocyte an- cyte-derived molecules. Scand J OLOGY. Techniques and Interpreta- tigen defined by a hybrid myeloma Immunol 5: 559, 1976 tions. Mark E. Josephson and Stuart monoclonal antibody. Eur J Im- 151. TADA T, TANIGUCHI M, DAVID CS: F. Seides. 318 pp. lIlust. Lea & Febiger, munol 9: 205, 1979 Suppressive and enhancing T-cell Philadelphia; the Macmillan Company 139. JONDAL M, HOLM G, WIGZELL H: factors as I-region gene products: of Canada Limited, Toronto, 1980. Surface markers on human T and properties and the subregion as- $30.50. ISBN 0-8121-0675-X B lymphocytes. I. A large popula- signment. Cold Spring Harbor CLINICAL NEUROSURGERY. Proceed- tion of lymphocytes forming non- Symp Quant Biol 41: 119, 1976 ings of the Congress of Neurological immune rosettes with sheep red 152. GREENBERG AH, SHEN L, MEDLEY Surgeons, Washington, D.C. 1978. The blood cells. J Exp Med 136: 207, G: Characteristics of the effector Congress of Neurological Surgeons. 1972 cells mediating cytotoxicity against 691 pp. Illust. The Williams & Wilkins 140. CANTOR H, BOYSE EA: Functional antibody-coated target cells. I. Company, Baltimore; the Macmillan subclasses of T-lymphocytes bear- Phagocytic and non-phagocytic ef- Company of Canada Limited, Toronto, ing different Ly antigens. I. The fector cell activity against erythro- 1979. $60.50. ISBN 0-683-02021-8 generation of functionally distinct cyte and tumour target cells in a T-cell subclasses is a differentiative 51Cr release cytotoxicity assay and continued on page 1400 1372 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 21, 1980/VOL. 122 For prescribing information see page 1408-4 creased exercise tolerance; he could tomy and began to receive chlor- 5. NEUFELD H, WEINERMAN BH, walk only 1 km on flat ground. He ambucil. KEMEL S: Secondary malignant neoplasms in patients with Hodg- had a frequent feeling of pressure kin's disease. JAMA 239: 2470, in the head associated with tinnitus Discussion 1978 and occasional dizziness, but no 6. KRIKORIAN JG, BURKE JS, ROSEN- other neurologic symptoms. His The neoplastic disease polycythe- BERG SA, et al: Occurrence of non- blood pressure was mia vera occurs because a single Hodgkin's lymphoma after therapy 120/100 mm for Hodgkin's disease.