Iain Harper | 176 pages | 30 Jan 2016 | Cicerone Press | 9781852848170 | English | Cumbria, United Kingdom The Cape Wrath Trail

The route is unmarked and there is no official line. It is a superb route for very experienced long-distance backpackers, passing through magnificent wild landscapes for most of the route, with the freedom to choose your own exact The Cape Wrath Trail we The Cape Wrath Trail both the common variations starting via Glenfinnan and via the Great Glen. Welcome to the Walkhighlands' guide to the Cape Wrath Trail; we have a detailed description and Ordnance Survey mapping covering every stage of the route, accessed via clicking on the stages below. You can also check out the excellent trip reports below for further photos and personal experiences from the trail. The trail is completely unmarked and passes through extremely wild and rugged terrain, far from services and facilities for much of the distance. Although many sections follow paths and tracks, there are also some sections which are pathless and a high degree of navigational skill is required. Walkers need to be self-sufficient and to The Cape Wrath Trail food needed between resupply points. There are also several unbridged river crossings which can become dangerous or even impossible in spate conditions. The route has the reputation of being Britain's toughest long distance walk. Details of accommodation and services along the way is included in the description of each stage. Click to search on Amazon. The start of the trail is in Fort William, which is easily reached either The Cape Wrath Trail train or city link bus. The end of the trail is remote Cape Wrath, linked by a seasonal tourist bus and ferry to near . The Durness bus can provide onward transport. There are Walkhighlanders who have completed the Cape Wrath Trail, including you. Our users have contributed 59 public walk reports for the route. These are ordered below with the most popular ones first. Share your report for the chance to win gear every month. Walking can be dangerous and is done entirely at your own risk. Information is provided free of charge; it is each walker's responsibility to check it and navigate using a map and compass. Fort William to Glenfinnan. Cape Wrath Trail Fast and Light: miles in 11 days. Cape Wrath Trail Vlog Cape Wrath trail video log, reflections and FAQ. Cape Wrath Trail in 16 days, July Novices on the CW trail-an epic adventure. CWT without a tent. Cape Wrath CWT - a Coigach-Assynt variant. Cape Wrath Trail part 2 of 2. Papa The Cape Wrath Trail Cape Wrath Trail - part 1. Cape Wrath Trail Part 3. Cape The Cape Wrath Trail Trail Part 1. Cape Wrath May Part 3. Cape Wrath Trail. Cape Wrath Trail Part Three. Cape wrath trail - fast and light in 8 days. Cape Wrath The Cape Wrath Trail 60th birthday treat! Cape Wrath Trail Part 2. Cape Wrath Trail April Cape Wrath Trail - part 1 of 2. Cape Wrath Trail Part Two. Cape Wrath Trail - North to South. Cape Wrath Fail Cape Wrath trail May part 1. Cape Wrath May part 2. The Cape Wrath Trail May Cinematic film of our rough Cape Wrath Trail km! John's Cape Wrath Trail. Cape Wrath Trail, andreport in German. Cape Wrath Trail and stag stalking. CWT just thinking. Cape Wrath Trail: 10 things you didn't know | Red Bull

Stretching approximately miles km from the Highland hub of Fort William to the remote lighthouse of Cape Wrath, it is an unmarked and sometimes trailless route that passes through the wild and spectacular landscapes of northwestern Scotland. Due to the unpredictable weather and challenging terrain, it is a hike that is best suited to experienced ramblers who possess a good level of fitness, navigation skill, and a stoic disregard of having wet feet. I hiked the Cape Wrath Trail over ten days in the summer of The post below includes impressions from the trip, logistical and background information, route recommendations and a gear list. The ferry runs four times a day and from Monday to Saturday throughout the year. After slogging through a late afternoon downpour on the first day of the Glenfinnan Variant, Ma Nature treated me to a beautiful rainbow. A memorable beginning to a hike I had long been looking forward to. Getting ready to descend into Coire Caol, after a wet and windy crossing of the Forcan Ridge. Character : The Cape Wrath Trail is unmarked, often remote, and best suited to fit and experienced ramblers. The terrain is often boggy and almost always soggy, so if you have an aversion to wet feet, you may want to look elsewhere. Alternates : There are a number of different route alternatives during the Cape Wrath Trail. The biggest choice facing hikers is how to begin their journey; via the variant or the Great Glen variant Note : The two options eventually meet up at Shiel Bridge. The former is wilder, more challenging and generally considered The Cape Wrath Trail be more scenic. Unless you are in a rush or The Cape Wrath Trail to ease your way into the trip, go for the Knoydart route. CWT Favourites :. Walking barefoot along the beach on the final morning A few moments after this shot was taken I went for a bracing swim in the Atlantic. Glenfinnan Viaduct and the train to Hogwarts! Looking back at Sandwood bay on route to Cape Wrath Final morning. Musings from the CWT. Ok, the lack of views are a bummer, but if you spend enough time The Cape Wrath Trail the boonies over enough years, things have a way of evening themselves out on the scenery front. In order to stay safe and semi-comfortable in such weather, I The Cape Wrath Trail to be completely focused in regards to navigation, pace i. I also need to stay positive, calm and objective in order to make the best decisions possible. The other thing I love about hiking in inclement weather is that it acts as an affirmation. Whether it be on trail or in your everyday life, being able to accept, embrace and learn from the tough periods is fundamental to growth. On the seventh day of my CWT hike the weather was mostly clear. The The Cape Wrath Trail was to camp a little shy of Okyel Bridge and then head to its namesake hotel the following morning for a big breakfast. Mother Nature had other ideas. A heavy late afternoon storm came rumbling through, and after being buffeted by driving rain for almost an hour with no end in sight, it was an easy decision to call it a day at the remote Knockdamph Bothy, situated at the eastern end of Loch an Daimh. So I was a little surprised when over the sound of howling wind and rain, I heard noises emanating from the The Cape Wrath Trail sleeping room. Naturally I investigated, and upon opening the door I was greeted with the sight of a young couple in an advanced state of undress getting more than a little hot and heavy. I The Cape Wrath Trail shut the door, muttering three or four rapid-fire sorries as I did so. I immediately adjourned to the room on the other side of the bothy, feeling more than a tad guilty. After not The Cape Wrath Trail than a few minutes had passed, the young couple — now fully clothed — came into the other room and apologized profusely. They were up in the Highlands for their first ever multi-day backpacking trip. I put on my still soaking rain jacket, woofed down a The Cape Wrath Trail bar, and said my goodbyes. As I headed back out into the storm I broke out into a wry grin. I was young once upon a time. Which is what I did; never let it be said that Cameron James Honan stood in the path of young love! Cape Wrath Trail Gear List. Overall I was The Cape Wrath Trail with my gear selections on the Cape Wrath Trail. Despite some wet and wild weather, I was never uncomfortable during the hike and felt prepared for any meteorological scenario that may have occurred. My base weight for the Cape Wrath Trail was 9. For a general overview of the gear I recommend for cold and wet environments such as the along with other advicesee Tips for Hiking in Cold and Wet Weather. This comes at no additional cost to the reader, and helps to The Cape Wrath Trail the website in its continuing goal to create quality content for backpackers and hikers. Hey Cam, great to see this hike…. Good to know you are still exploring this amazing world on foot. Did you have any time to dry out? I just get too chilly. Interesting too that you went stoveless in that damp weather. Scotland looks amazing, but not sure I could spend the dough to experience more of the same. Good on you! There The Cape Wrath Trail some similarities between hiking there and in Alaska, but for the most part I feel like they are quite distinct experiences. So you need a storm-worthy shelter with good coverage to keep your quilt dry. Thanks Geoff. Good to know. Wet cold is always more challenging, and windy to boot. But a gorgeous landscape! Lovely overview of a wonderful hike. Thanks for the kind words. We tend to use it when someone acts a bit childish or gets outwardly frustrated or angry for no good reason. Top report, really enjoyed The Cape Wrath Trail all the detail. Noticed you in good old Ozzie shorts-What was your poison on the little feckers? Ta again. Love your musings and information on gear, and, in this particular case, attitude. Big decisions about smallest details, The Cape Wrath Trail I embrace. Have been a subscriber for over half-a-year now, and The Cape Wrath Trail await your next post. Do you only make money when someone clicks on an equipment link in your posts? I certainly will. The Cape Wrath Trail you for the kind words. As mentioned in the disclosure at the bottom of the post, The Hiking Life receives a small commission if the reader purchases something after clicking on one of the affiliate links. Well done on completing the CWT. Also just to let you know my wife and I did the Wilson Prom Circuit in March and your post was the major resource we used. We had better luck with the weather too! In regards to what I did for food on the CWT: 1. I brought a few days worth of beans; 2. The Cape Wrath Trail thanks — this is an excellent report. Hello Cam, Thank you so much for a great report as well as inspiration. Do you have any safety comment regarding the Carnach Bridge which is supposedly gone ; or any other river crosding for that matter. Planning for the CWT mid-May Regards, Jamie. No worries. The water level was low; June and July had been quite dry from the reports I heard. Hey Cam, This looks amazing! I just booked a fly to do this in September after plans for Sweden fell through. Cairngorm National Park? What was your route through the latter? Thanks heaps! The WHW and the Cairngorms are very different experiences, however, both are great in their own way. Obviously the former is a lot more of a sociable hike. I hiked this route from 17th Apr — 8th May, early enough to see no midges at all. Nature was wonderful with singing cuckoos everywhere! Your email address The Cape Wrath Trail not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Email Address. Sign Me Up. Skip to content. Header Toggle. Cape Wrath lighthouse; finish of the CWT. Cape Wrath Trail (Walkhighlands)

Technically, the Cape Wrath Trail is not a trail at all, but a route, meaning that you can walk from one end to the The Cape Wrath Trail any way you like. There are many famous mountains along the west coast of Scotland, well worth climbing, if the weather cooperates and you like mountain views. Previous Scottish hillwalking experience is definitely an asset and a high degree of self sufficiency is required. Mountainous, wild, and remote, you can travel for days without seeing a soul. Planning your own cross country route is also a fun, if time-consuming process, and adds to the pleasure of journey. Finally, hiking the Cape Wrath Trail gives you the opportunity to navigate a wild route for hundreds of miles without worrying about The Cape Wrath Trail property boundaries and other hassles. But the Cape Wrath Trail is challenging for all the reasons that make backpacking in Scotland challenging:. Thankfully, there are no bears or wild animal to worry about, although bloodsucking midges are a hazard depending on the time of year, and Lyme disease carrying ticks are on the rise. There are also outbuildings called Mountain Bothies that dot the countryside, often donated by farms and estates, for walkers to shelter in. They usually have a stove or fireplace inside. Still these plain buildings provide welcome shelter in poor weather and make a nice spot to get out of the wind and rain for lunch when you pass by during the day. I will do the TGO again this may then train to Ft. Note that he bridge over the Carmichael River The Cape Wrath Trail go e so it is not good to plan the Sourlies part. I will be replanning the alternative route as a result. Perhaps see you on the trail. Just wanted to mention that the bridge is still closed a year later. It is doable to ford the river but not when it is in spade and only if you know very well what you are doing and have previous experience The Cape Wrath Trail crossing rivers like that. Thanks for the heads up. Gather some heather twigs and grill over the flames for a tasty, nourishing protein treat. I looked into it. You need permission from the land owner. Your email address will not be published. Massive peat bogs, the Scottish equivalent of quicksand, require careful footwork to cross. The ground is very wet and your feet will be wet most of the time. Water is plentiful for wild camping. Click a link, buy what you need, and The Cape Wrath Trail seller will contribute a portion of the purchase price to support SectionHiker's unsponsored and independent gear reviews, beginner FAQs, and free hiking guides. Most Popular Searches cape wrath trail cape wrath trail section wrath trail. Previous Backpacking the Livermore Loop. Dara Ohuiginn January 31, at pm. Mich January 6, at The Cape Wrath Trail. Philip Werner January 6, at pm. Tony April 14, at pm. Philip Werner April 14, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved. No duplication of photos, maps, or text without permission.