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Research Report Local Development Framework Research Report Woking Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Appendix 1 List of all sites Appendix 2 Deliverable sites (0-5 years) Appendix 3 Developable sites (6-10 and 11-15 years) Appendix 4 Sites not currently deliverable or developable Appendix 5 Core outputs and process checklist Appendix 6 Consultation statement Appendix 7 Maps showing policy exclusions Appendix 8 Maps showing policy inclusions Appendix 9 Map showing development hotspots Appendix 10 Critical friend review – John Silvester Associates Appendix 11 Viability of sites methodology – Elder Associates Appendix 12 Site survey assessment sheet and constraints list Appendix 13 Resources: Skills of Project Team, Issue & Risk Logs, Work programme Appendix 14 Exemplar schemes Appendix 15 Establishing deliverability of land for residential development April 2014 Produced by the Planning Policy Team. For further information please contact Planning Policy, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL. Tel: 01483 743871. Email: [email protected] 2014 SHLAA Appendix 1: List of all sites 45 Appendix 1: List of all sites considered through the SHLAA SHLAA reference WBC internal Address Likely Net additional reference timecale units SHLAABR014a SITE/0033/BRKW Land at Coblands Nursery and Unknown 37 Lyndhurst, Brookwood Lye Road, Brookwood, GU24 0EZ SHLAABR019 SITE/0019/BRKW BT Telephone Exchange, Unknown 12 Bagshot Road, Brookwood, GU21 2RP SHLAABR021 SITE/0021/BRKW The Meadows, Bagshot Road, Unknown tbc Brookwood, GU21 2RP SHLAABR022 SITE/0022/BRKW Part car park, Nag’s Head public Unknown tbc house (formerly Hunters Lodge public house), Bagshot Road, Brookwood, GU21 2RP SHLAABR023 SITE/0023/BRKW Ambulance Station, Bagshot Unknown 7 Road, Brookwood, GU21 2RP SHLAABR024 SITE/0024/BRKW Five Acres, Brookwood Lye Unknown tbc Road, Brookwood, GU24 0HD SHLAABR026 SITE/0026/BRKW Land between Cedarwood and Unknown tbc Brampton, Benwell Road, Sheets Heath, Brookwood, GU24 0EN SHLAABR030 SITE/0030/BRKW Corner of Blackhorse Road and Unknown tbc Heath House Road, Brookwood, GU22 0QT SHLAABR032 SITE/0032/BRKW 112-126 Connaught Road, 0-5 years 29 Brookwood, GU24 0AR SHLAABR034 SITE/0036/BRKW Land at corner of Heath House Unknown tbc Road and Rough Road, Woking, GU22 0RB SHLAABY016 SITE/0016/BYFL 94-100 Royston Road and 5 High Unknown 87 Road, Byfleet, KT14 7QE SHLAABY017 SITE/0017/BYFL Works at 11 Royston Road, Unknown 46 Byfleet, KT14 7NX SHLAABY018 SITE/0018/BYFL Wey Retail Park, Royston Road, Unknown 65 Byfleet, KT14 7NY SHLAABY031b SITE/0080/BYFL Churchill House and Beaver Unknown 14 House, York Close, Byfleet, KT14 7HN SHLAABY032 SITE/0032/BYFL Hearthstone-Church Cottage, Unknown tbc Sanway Road, Byfleet, KT14 7SF SHLAABY038 SITE/0038/BYFL Land to rear of Byfleet Village Unknown tbc Hall, High Road, Byfleet, KT14 2014 SHLAA Appendix 1: List of all sites 46 7QL SHLAABY042 SITE/0042/BYFL 85 Chertsey Road, Byfleet, KT14 Unknown 10 7HN SHLAABY043 SITE/0043/BYFL Land south of High Road, Byfleet Unknown 85 KT14 7QL SHLAABY044 SITE/0044/BYFL Land to the south of Murray’s Unknown 135 Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7NE SHLAABY045 SITE/0045/BYFL Land adjacent to Coombe Way, Unknown tbc Byfleet, KT14 7DP SHLAABY046 SITE/0046/BYFL Library, 71 High Road, Byfleet, 0-5 years 12 KT14 7QN SHLAABY064 SITE/0064/BYFL The Manor School, Magdalen Unknown 19 Crescent, Byfleet, KT14 7SR SHLAABY065 SITE/0065/BYFL 96-120 Church Road, Byfleet, Unknown 10 KT14 7SR SHLAABY069 SITE/0069/BYFL Byfleet Mill, Mill Lane, Byfleet, Unknown tbc KT14 7RR SHLAABY073 SITE/0073/BYFL Land to the south of Murrays Unknown tbc Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7NE SHLAABY079 SITE/0092/BYFL Land south of High Road and Unknown 220 adjacent M25, Byfleet, KT14 7QL SHLAABY078 SITE/0094/BYFL Land to the east of Byfleet, Unknown Up to 130 adjacent Summer Close, Byfleet, KT14 7RY SHLAAGE003 SITE/0003/GLDE 46-58 Chertsey Road, Woking, 6-10 years 67 GU21 5BG SHLAAGE006 SITE/0006/GLDE Trizancia House, Woodstead 6-10 years 50 House & Thomsen House, Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ SHLAAGE008 SITE/0008/GLDE 141-143, Goldsworth Road, 0-5 years 13 Woking, GU21 6LS SHLAAGE011 SITE/0011/GLDE Albion House, High Street, 6-10 years 100 Woking, GU21 6BD SHLAAGE018 SITE/0018/GLDE 113-129 Goldsworth Road, Unknown 55 Woking, GU21 6LR SHLAAGE019a SITE/0038/HRLW Timber Yard, Arthurs Bridge 6-10 years 67 Road/ Horsell Moor, Woking, GU21 4NQ SHLAAGE019b SITE/0046/HRLW 73 Horsell Moor, Horsell, GU21 6-10 years 16 4NL SHLAAGE020 SITE/0020/GLDE Car park, Watercress Way, 0-5 years 8 Woking, GU21 3DJ SHLAAGE023 SITE/0023/GLDE Part car park Land, Goldsworth Unknown 10 Park Centre, Woking, GU21 3LG SHLAAGE026 SITE/0026/GLDE The Cornerstone, The Broadway 11-15 years 46 & Elizabeth House, Dukes Street, Woking, GU21 5AS SHLAAGE028 SITE/0028/GLDE King’s Court, Church Street East, 0-5 years 14 Woking, GU21 6HA 2014 SHLAA Appendix 1: List of all sites 47 SHLAAGE029 SITE/0029/GLDE 2-24 Commercial Way and 13-28 6-10 years 200 High Street, Woking, GU21 6BW SHLAAGE030 SITE/0030/GLDE Victoria Square Development, 0-5 years 392 Church Street West, Woking, GU21 6HD SHLAAGE031 SITE/0031/GLDE 1-12 High Street and 26-34 6-10 years 149 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6EN SHLAAGE052 SITE/0052/GLDE Barratt House, 7-9 Chertsey 0-5 years 11 Road, Woking, GU21 5AB SHLAAGE057 SITE/0057/GLDE Regent House, 19-20 The 0-5 years 9 Broadway, Woking, GU21 5AP SHLAAGE059 SITE/0076/GLDE Steward House, 14 – 18 0-5 years 15 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6ET SHLAAGE060 SITE/0065/GLDE Land at Goldsworth Road and 0-5 years 27 Butts Road, Woking, GU21 6DW SHLAAGE061 SITE/0072/GLDE Spectrum House, 56 Goldsworth 0-5 years 12 Road, Woking, GU21 6LE SHLAAGE062 SITE/0078/GLDE The Coign Church, 1-5 Church 0-5 years 78 Street West and 5-19 Oaks Road, Woking, GU21 6DJ SHLAAGE066 SITE/0080/GLDE 30-32, Woking Railway and 6-10 years 125 Athletic Club, Systems House and Bridge House, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JT SHLAAGE068 SITE/0082/GLDE 1-7 Victoria Way and 1-29 11-15 years 55 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6JZ SHLAAGE070 SITE/0084/GLDE The Big Apple American 11-15 years 67 Amusements Ltd, H.G. Wells Conference Centre, The Rat and Parrot PH, 48-58 Chertsey Road, Woking, GU21 5AJ SHLAAGE072 SITE/0086/GLDE Land over Woking Railway Unknown tbc Station, Station Approach, Woking, GU22 7AE SHLAAGE073 SITE/0087/GLDE 79-87 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Unknown 18 GU21 6LJ (Kwik-Fit) SHLAAGE074 SITE/0088/GLDE The former Goldsworth Arms 0-5 years 33 PH, Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LQ SHLAAGE076 SITE/0019/GLDE Chester House, 76-78 Chertsey 6-10 years 14 Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ SHLAAGW001 SITE/0001/GLDW Goldsworth Park Depot, 0-5 years 12 Wishbone Way, Woking, GU21 3RT SHLAAGW004 SITE/0005/GLDW Goldsworth House, Denton Way, 0-5 years 20 bedroom Goldsworth Local Centre. hospice Woking, GU21 3LG 2014 SHLAA Appendix 1: List of all sites 48 SHLAAHEW006 SITE/0006/HRLE Woodham Court, Martyrs Lane, Unknown tbc Woodham, Woking, GU21 5NJ SHLAAHEW015 SITE/0015/HRLE The Willows and Coom Lodge 0-5 years 12 (Woodstock Court), Sheerwater Road, Woodham, Woking, KT15 3QJ SHLAAHEW016 SITE/0016/HRLE Land adjacent to 462 Woodham Unknown tbc Lane, Woking, KT15 3QA SHLAAHEW022 SITE/0028/HRLE Brookhouse Common, Chertsey Unknown 165 Road, Woking, GU21 5BJ SHLAAHEW027 SITE/0027/HRLE Land to the east of Martyrs Lane, Unknown tbc Woodham, Woking, GU21 5NJ SHLAAHEW028 SITE/0004/HRLE Churchill House and Lorna Unknown 6 Doone, Chobham Road, Woking, GU21 4AA SHLAAHK003 SITE/0003/HERM Wickes, 102 Inkerman Road, Unknown 87 Knaphill, GU21 2WB SHLAAHK019 SITE/0019/HERM Friar House and Works at Copse Unknown 6 Road, St Johns, GU21 8ST SHLAAHW018 SITE/0018/HRLW Goldsworth Park Trading Estate, Unknown tbc Kestrel Way, Woking, GU21 2BA SHLAAHW030 SITE/0030/HRLW Backland garage site behind 3-9 0-5 years 10 and 11-41 Pares Close, Horsell, GU21 4QL SHLAAHW046 SITE/0048/HRLW Land to the rear of Bourne Place, Unknown tbc Horsell Common Road, Woking, GU21 4XX SHLAAKN025 SITE/0025/KNAP Almond Villa Residential Home, 0-5 years 10 31-33 The Broadway, Knaphill, GU21 2DR SHLAAKN026 SITE/0026/KNAP Car park opposite The Vyne, Unknown 18 Redding Way, Knaphill, GU21 2DU SHLAAKN029 SITE/0029/KNAP Land at Lynbrook, Chobham Unknown tbc Road, Knaphill, GU21 2QF SHLAAKN030 SITE/0030/KNAP Land adjacent to 1-6 Littlewick Unknown tbc Cottages, Littlewick Common, Knaphill, GU21 2EX SHLAAKN034 SITE/0034/KNAP Car Park, Englefield Road, Unknown 11 Knaphill, GU21 2EB SHLAAKN035 SITE/0035/KNAP Former Library, 20 High Street, 0-5 years 9 Knaphill, GU21 2PE SHLAAKN036 SITE/0036/KNAP Land at The Mount, Chobham Unknown tbc Road / Warbury Lane, Knaphill, GU21 2TX SHLAAKN052 SITE/0064/KNAP Land off Carthouse Lane, Unknown tbc Knaphill, GU21 4XS SHLAAKN059 SITE/0065/KNAP Highclere House, 5 High Street, 0-5 years 8 Knaphill, GU21 2PG SHLAAKN062 SITE/0068/KNAP Land at Brookwood Farm, 0-5 years 297 (previously Bagshot Road, Brookwood, SHLAABR017) GU21 2RP 2014 SHLAA Appendix 1: List of all sites 49 SHLAAKN064 SITE/0063/KNAP Stanley Farm, corner of Unknown tbc Limecroft Road/ Chobham Road, Knaphill, GU21 2QF SHLAAKW001 SITE/0001/KING Former Westfield Tip site, 0-5 years 153 Westfield Avenue, Woking, GU22 9PG SHLAAKW007 SITE/0007/KING Oaklands Nursery and Land 0-5 years 371 adjacent to Westfield Way (Kingsmoor Park / Moor Lane site), GU22 9RB SHLAAKW009aandb SITE/0009/KING Backland gardens of houses 6-10 years 55 and facing Ash Road, Hawthorn SITE/0011/KING Road, Willow Way and Laburnum Road (Barnsbury sites 1 and 2) Barnsbury,
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