M Il***** Thrishf/L^

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M Il***** Thrishf/L^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1960 EttimUts iffrald Averaft Daflj Not Prsss Ron Th* Woathor For the Weeh Boding T - f V Feraeael el 0 . B. Waathet 9mmm Daoaiaber i g 1960 kong. To replace It. Squadron 'Tadar. geoerally fair, oaMi IFoiliids Reunite Flying Boats No. 205 of British flying b(M t baa 1 0 ,1 7 7 MriM*t near 99| tonigbt, M r awd Looney Larcenists Take gone to Japan to take up anti­ itiif r a iii ooidt lowmt abont 14 at' the ekofo, Help ill Korea submarine and mine-spotting pa­ Mmobar a( the A o M > 9 lalaadi Friday, M r to p a r ^ Marine Brothers There is still time eloody, oelA Locomotive^ Brick Wall trols. Bat saw at OboolatteM Manehetter— A City of VUlage Charm SingaporeBritish flying Witk tlM F m t k v tfw Divialon boats are estimated to have to have your CLOTHES ki Mkctti Two M*- By M. O. Pattingten aweeping machine, a locomotive Caii^t Cash His flown more than 1,000 hours by VOL. LXX, NO. 69 Adwrttatng on Page IB) MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES! PRICE FOUR CENTS ilM feratlMti met for the 8 n t time NBA Special Qorreapondent and a brick wall. day and night in helping out in A pollceman'a lot may be an un­ FRESHLY CLEANED for in two y a m . «t the Naval M o r ­ The atreet aweeper vanished In the Korean war. They have Japanese Bond happy one, but the lot of a crook Alhambra, Calif. But a track of been, and still are, on patrol,, re- tal k Tokaauka. Japan.. recenUy. ran be poaltively pitiful. At leaat aweepinga left a trail for police connolsance and communlcatlonib ‘•Doc” SanU Helps Stwk PttvntM r m t ClaM Oaorga and It wax for a collection of looney to follow. The railroad locomotive operations. They are credited Rangoon—(A5—A middle - aged the H O LID A Y SEASON Rail Unions Hoover Speaks lOelMMl KacBnank of Buffalo, larcenlata In 1050. was taken In Louisville, Ky„ with having helped U. N. naval Burman has for live years bMn In Pre-Christmas Delivery Acheson Back in U. S, MacArthiir Denies One robber filched aome hom­ forces to blockade the Korean trying to cash a bond representing N. T „ both membera of the famed where the man arrested for the • ■■ '* v n rat Marine Dhririaa. were ing pigeona from a San Bernard crime said, ‘T needed It to carry coast, flown search mission to 100,000 rupees. The bond In 1945 Sign Three South Bend, Ind., Dec. 21.— woobdod la the light for the lib- ino, Calif., loft. So they I a message from Gen. MncArthur locate mlnefleltls and made rescue was the first prize In a lottery run (JP)—Santa Is already in South flew back home., A would-be •ratieo of Seoul. to President Truman." And, In pay-ols to aid survlvoi-a from lost by the Japanese. Bend. Refuses to Comment Tim Kaesmareka ware wounded atick-up artist In Detroit whipped Kansas City, Mo., a man told po­ ships. The unhappy winner has hound­ Year Pact Early this morning. Patrol­ Enemy Uses Gas on the aanM hour, the name out his gun to Impreaa a store lice some crooks had carted away The veteran No. 88 flying squad­ ed government treasury offices, man Michael Santa (that's his cashier. But all he succeeded In the entire back brick wall of his ron Is now leaving the IwakunI banks and money-lenders trying MAPLE name, sure enough) delivered day. whUo lighting with the aame divialon In the aanie battle. doing was to shoot himself in the garage. They left his car. base In southern Japan and re­ to cash in on his winning. All a baby daughter to Mrs. Jo­ On Hoover Address foot. This has been a tough year for turning to Singapore via Hong- told him, "Sorry, no dice.” Yardmen Get 23 Cent* sephine Kotowskl in a police .Oyprwa Bnina Vneovered A London thief was making his police, too. Cops In Amarillo. DRY CLEANERS and ambulance. At U. N. Beachhead getaway. He jumped Into a taxi— ■n*Hour Raise; Cost o f The baby arrived when the Waahlngton, Dec. 21—(P)—S ec-. Army, which will Inriude both Tex., arrested twins, but In court retary of State Acheson returned | Amerirsn and German units, im- Mpyten, Cyprua — (AV-Digger* only It wasn't a taxi at all. It was the two men refused to tell which Living Adjustments ambulance was still several a police car. Three young robbers LAUNDERERSg Inc. blocks from a hospital. from hla ahorteat and most decl- | der General Elsenhower as 8u- on tUo hiatorlc Mediterranean tale was which on charges of robbery. slve mission to Europe today to [ premo Commander, Reds Reported '^brow- have diacovered rulna of an Iron In Chicago made off with 127 They even fooled their own lawyer. Are Also Guaranteed West Launch^ age aettlement aome 3,200 yeara from a grocery store. One of them face a stiff now Repiihllcan chal- | 2. Worked out with British ing Gas G ren adf^ A San Antonio, Tex., policeman Our Experienced Personnel and Modern Equipment lenge to his policy of Enrupesn Foreign Minister Bovin snd French old. The excavatora who carried forgot his bicycle In his nish to was investigating a burglary at a Washington, Dec. 21.—UP)—The rearmament as well os his con­ Foreign Minister Si'hiiman a final Hungnam Is Quiet out the work—from Aahmolean get away. The bike was worth assures you of White House today announced a Arms Parleys more than $27. home. The watchdog bit him three Truce Would tinuance In office.’ draft of a note to Itussla express­ Ifuaeum, Oxford, and the Unlver- times. In St. Joseph, Mo., the Flying about 15 hours behind After Allied Barragiss alty of Sydney, Auatralla—believe three-year peace pact between the ing readiness for a Blg-Four meet­ ' Some burglars out In Spokane, sheriff's office was broken Into major railroads and four operat­ schedule l>ec.ause of bud weather ing t'l discuss East-West differ­ that Immediately below are Indlca- Wash., were anxious to enter a Acheson landed at Wsshlngton's Decimate the Enemy; tlona of late and middle bronze and the cornerstone to the old jail THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING ing rail unions. Better Chance ences on a wide rsiige of^Issues. With Germany laundry, for nefarious purposes. taken. National Airport at 3:15 a. ra. eat. Talks “ \'ery Siicfs'ssfiil” ago dwelltnga. , The agreement provides: 12,97.^ U-N. Casualties They broke tFrtough a window There's no accounting for tastes, For 120,000 railroad yardmen— He had left here only last Sunday Asked by newsmen at tlia air­ and were apparently so badly cut and some of 19.50’s criminals had an Immediate Increase of 23 cents Of Asia Talks anil nt the Intervening three dq.vs port If he thought the nccompllsh- Keirli Won't Donate that all they swiped was some odd cravings In loot. A St. Louis, We Specialize In Evening Clothes an hour, with another two cents had: ments at the meeting had contrib­ Tokyo, D ec.'21.—(JP)—The bandages from a first aid kit. Mo., man stole a stocking off a on Jan. 1 and cost of living ad­ 1. Agreed, os American repre­ uted to world peace. Arheson re­ Units to Europe Army HiingnHm headihead lay Down In Texas, a burglar tried pretty blonde's leg^ while she was justments every three months be­ sentative on the North Atlantic plied: quiet today after Allied land- some large-scale larceny In Hous­ in It. In Long Beach, Calif., a For Prompt Delivery Service ginning next April 1. The adjust­ U. N. Says Cease-Fire Treaty (.’ouncll, meeting At Brus­ "This is the only way we can Unless Given Full Mili­ •*1 sea-air barragen mowed down SHOE ton and this Is what happened: he "friendship" club reported to po­ ments are to be made at th'e rate Would Enhance Likeli­ sels, to crestton of n 1,non,oik)-man tary, Politiral Eipiulity tried to open a cash re^ster, but lice that a file was stolen, which of one cent an hour for every rise International European Defenao (Ckintlnoed on Page Fourteen) and rolled back the^'-)^eds’ couldn't; he tried to open a cig­ Vlfdlm o t one of 1950’s looney REPAIRING contained the names, addresses larcenists was Dorothy Bam- or fall o f one point In the govern­ hood o f General Far moat menacing attack on'-.^he arette machine, but couldn't; he telephone numbers and physical ment’s consumers price index. Bonn, Germany, Dec. 21. (65— perimeter. Frozen bodies t* Of the Better Kind tried to open a soft drink ma­ atone of Nt. Louis, Mo. A bandit . DIAL 8416 specifications of several hundred took her stocking. The 2S-cent pay boost Is retro­ Eastern Settlenien! The Western Allies today embark Chinese and white-robed K< chine, but couldn't; he tried to lonely women. active to Oct. 1. on the laliorlous task of coaxing D O N E W H IL E drive away In a trailer truck, which Warns U. S- Against rean Keds littered the snow- A Buffalo, N. Y., salesman 72 MAPLE STREET EASY PARKING For about 180,000 road service Bulletin! troops from a West Germany Jackknifed; he gave It up as a bad and the hotel watchdog.. A New­ workers—an immediate increase crusted east flank of the United Y O U W A IT night.
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