The Communist Parties Walter Kendall INDEX to European Community No
,_7 europeanFEBRUARY 1969 NO. 120 community COMMON MARKET•COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY• EURATOM CONTENTS 3 Eurodollars H. Peter Dreyer 6 The Communist Parties Walter Kendall INDEX to European Community No. 109 through No. 119, Insert 9 Frontiers to Vanish for Common Market Farmers 10 U.S. Astronaut Welcomed 11 Europeans Expect Price and Tax Hikes in 1969 12 Italy's Export Tax on Art Works Ruled Illegal The views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the policies of the European Community. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY is published monthly in English, French, Italian, German, and Dutch by the offices of the European Com munity Information Service. Subscriptions can be obtained from the European Community Information Service. Washington, D.C.: 808 Farragut Building, 20006 New York, N.Y.: 155 East 44th Street, 10017 London: 23 Chesham Street, SW1 Paris: 61, rue des Belles-Feuilles Rome: Via Poli 29 Bonn: Zitelmannstrasse 11 The Hague: Alexander Gogelweg 22 Brussels,· 244, rue de Ia Loi Luxembourg: Centre europeen Kirchberg Geneva: 12, rue de Lausanne A copy of this material is filed with the Departmem of Justice where, under the Foreign Agents Registra tion Act of 1938, as amended, the required registra tion statement of the European Community Informa tion Office, 808 Farragut Building, Washington, D, C. 20006, as an agent of the Commission of the Europe a" Communities, Brussels, is available for public in spection. The European Community Information Office is the publisher of this material. Registratio" does not indicate approval of the contents of thiJ material by the United States Government. Eurodollars by H. PETER DREYER The year recently ended was one of unprecedented unrest and local currencies into dollars, are commonly assumed to be gen disturbance in the international monetary world.
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