5 Geography Themes

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5 Geography Themes TheThe WorldWorld ofof GeographyGeography OwlTeacher.com WhatWhat isis Geography?Geography? *T*Thehe studystudy ofof ourour earth.earth. OROR *Anything*Anything thatthat cancan bebe mapped!mapped! OwlTeacher.com *Geography*Geography showsshows thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween peoplepeople andand thethe environment.environment. OwlTeacher.com WhatWhat isis aa geographer?geographer? • SomeoneSomeone whowho analyzesanalyzes thethe EarthEarth fromfrom manymany pointspoints ofof view.view. OwlTeacher.com ThingsThings thatthat geographersgeographers study:study: • oceansoceans • plantplant lifelife • landformslandforms • peoplepeople • howhow thethe EarthEarth andand itsits peoplepeople affectaffect eacheach otherother OwlTeacher.com TheThe FiveFive ThemesThemes ofof GeographyGeography • ThereThere areare fivefive waysways toto looklook atat thethe earthearth • GeographersGeographers askask 22 basicbasic questions:questions: WhereWhere areare thingsthings located?located? WhyWhy areare theythey there?there? ToTo findfind thesethese answers,answers, geographersgeographers useuse fivefive themesthemes toto organizeorganize informationinformation OwlTeacher.com TheThe FiveFive Themes:Themes: 1)1) MMovementovement –– HelpsHelps explainexplain howhow people,people, goods,goods, andand ideasideas getget fromfrom oneone placeplace toto another.another. 2)2) RRegionsegions –– GeographersGeographers comparecompare thethe climate,climate, land,land, population,population, oror historyhistory ofof oneone placeplace toto another.another. OwlTeacher.com TheThe FiveFive Themes:Themes: 3)3) LLocationocation –– GeographersGeographers beginbegin toto studystudy aa placeplace byby findingfinding wherewhere itit is,is, oror itsits location.location. 4)4) PPlacelace –– GeographersGeographers studystudy thethe physicalphysical andand humanhuman featuresfeatures ofof aa location.location. 5)5) HHuman-Environmentuman-Environment InteractionInteraction –– howhow peoplepeople affectaffect theirtheir surroundingssurroundings andand howhow theirtheir surroundingssurroundings affectaffect them?them? OwlTeacher.com Remember:Remember: MRMR LLoyaoya PPlayslays HHockeyockey MM isis forfor MOVEMENTMOVEMENT RR isis forfor REGIONSREGIONS LL isis forfor LOCATIONLOCATION PP isis forfor PLACEPLACE HH isis forfor HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTHUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONINTERACTION OwlTeacher.com MovementMovement • ExplainsExplains howhow people,people, goods,goods, andand ideasideas movemove fromfrom oneone placeplace toto another.another. • HelpsHelps geographersgeographers understandunderstand culturalcultural changes.changes. OwlTeacher.com RegionsRegions • AA regionregion hashas aa unifyingunifying characteristic,characteristic, likelike climate,climate, land,land, population,population, oror history.history. • OnOn maps,maps, geographersgeographers useuse colorcolor andand shapeshape oror specialspecial symbolssymbols toto showshow regions.regions. OwlTeacher.com LocationLocation • ThereThere areare twotwo waysways toto thinkthink aboutabout location:location: 1)1) absoluteabsolute locationlocation –– describesdescribes thethe place’splace’s exactexact positionposition onon thethe Earth.Earth. 2)2) relativerelative locationlocation –– explainsexplains wherewhere aa placeplace isis byby describingdescribing placesplaces nearnear it.it. OwlTeacher.com PlacePlace • ThisThis includesincludes aa location’slocation’s physicalphysical andand humanhuman features.features. – ToTo describedescribe physicalphysical features,features, youyou mightmight saysay thatthat thethe climateclimate isis hothot oror coldcold oror thatthat thethe landland isis hilly.hilly. – ToTo describedescribe humanhuman features,features, youyou mightmight discussdiscuss howhow manymany peoplepeople livelive there,there, whatwhat typestypes ofof workwork theythey do,do, oror whatwhat theythey dodo forfor fun.fun. OwlTeacher.com Human-EnvironmentHuman-Environment InteractionInteraction • HowHow dodo peoplepeople adjustadjust toto andand changechange theirtheir environment?environment? HowHow doesdoes thethe environmentenvironment adjustadjust toto andand changechange thethe people?people? • GeographersGeographers alsoalso useuse interactioninteraction toto studystudy thethe consequencesconsequences ofof people’speople’s actions.actions. OwlTeacher.com TheThe Geographer’sGeographer’s ToolsTools • GlobesGlobes andand Maps:Maps: – AsAs peoplepeople exploredexplored thethe Earth,Earth, theythey collectedcollected informationinformation aboutabout it.it. – CartographersCartographers areare peoplepeople whowho makemake maps.maps. – MapmakersMapmakers wantedwanted toto presentpresent thisthis informationinformation correctly.correctly. – TheThe bestbest wayway waswas toto putput itit onon aa globe,globe, aa OwlTeacher.comroundround ballball thatthat representedrepresented thethe Earth.Earth. GlobesGlobes andand Maps:Maps: – BecauseBecause globesglobes areare notnot practicalpractical oror easyeasy toto useuse toto carry,carry, flatflat mapsmaps werewere invented.invented. – However,However, thethe earthearth isis roundround andand aa mapmap isis flat.flat. – MapmakersMapmakers hadhad toto findfind waysways toto makemake mapsmaps accurate.accurate. OwlTeacher.com HowHow LatitudeLatitude andand LongitudeLongitude FormForm thethe GlobalGlobal GridGrid OwlTeacher.com LatitudeLatitude andand LongitudeLongitude LinesLines LinesLines ofof LongitudeLongitude LinesLines ofof LatitudeLatitude ●LongLong II tudetude ●FlatFlat II tudetude ●CalledCalled meridiansmeridians ●ParallelsParallels ●CircleCircle thethe earthearth fromfrom ●AllAll parallelparallel toto thethe polepole toto polepole equatorequator ●PrimePrime MeridianMeridian isis ●EquatorEquator isis locatedlocated locatedlocated atat 00 degreesdegrees atat 00 degreesdegrees longitudelongitude andand goesgoes latitudelatitude throughthrough Greenwich,Greenwich, OwlTeacher.com EnglandEngland TheThe HemispheresHemispheres OwlTeacher.com GlobesGlobes andand MapsMaps • TheThe mostmost accurateaccurate wayway toto presentpresent informationinformation onon thethe islands,islands, continents,continents, andand bodiesbodies ofof waterwater ofof thethe worldworld isis toto putput itit allall onon aa globeglobe,, aa roundround ballball likelike thethe EarthEarth itself.itself. • TheThe onlyonly differencedifference betweenbetween aa globeglobe andand thethe EarthEarth itselfitself isis thethe scalescale,, oror size,size, representedrepresented onon thethe globe.globe. OwlTeacher.com • GlobesGlobes havehave aa disadvantage:disadvantage: TheyThey cannotcannot bebe completecomplete enoughenough toto bebe usefuluseful andand atat thethe samesame timetime bebe smallsmall enoughenough toto bebe convenient.convenient. • Therefore,Therefore, peoplepeople inventedinvented flatflat maps.maps. OwlTeacher.com • MapsMaps trytry toto showshow thethe Earth,Earth, whichwhich isis round,round, onon aa flatflat surface.surface. • ThisThis causescauses distortiondistortion,, oror aa changechange inin accuracyaccuracy ofof thethe shapesshapes andand distancesdistances ofof places.places. • ItIt isis impossibleimpossible toto showshow thethe EarthEarth onon aa flatflat surfacesurface withoutwithout somesome distortion.distortion. OwlTeacher.com GettingGetting ItIt AllAll OnOn thethe MapMap • In 1569, a geographer named Gerardus Mercator The World: Mercator Projection created a flat map to help sailors navigate long journeys across the globe. • The Mercator projection, or method of putting a map of the Earth onto a flat piece of paper, is used by nearly all deep-sea navigators. • The Mercator projection is a conformal map, meaning that it shows correct shapes, but not true distances or sizes. • There are many types of other projections of the OwlTeacher.com globe. TheThe World:World: ThreeThree ProjectionsProjections Interrupted Projection There are many ways to show a globe on a flat map. The interrupted projection map, on the left, shows real sizes and shapes of continents. The equal area map , below left, shows size accurately. The Peters projection, below, shows land and oceans areas and correct directions accurately Peters Projection Equal-Area Projection OwlTeacher.com TheThe World:World: AA RobinsonRobinson ProjectionProjection ARCTIC OCEAN OwlTeacher.com TheThe PartsParts ofof aa MapMap CompassCompass RoseRose • AA compasscompass roserose isis aa modelmodel ofof aa compass.compass. ItIt tellstells thethe cardinalcardinal directions,directions, whichwhich areare north,north, south,south, east,east, andand west.west. ScaleScale • TheThe scalescale onon aa mapmap tellstells youyou thethe relativerelative distancedistance onon thethe mapmap toto thethe realreal world.world. ForFor example,example, aa map’smap’s scalescale maymay telltell youyou thatthat oneone inchinch onon thethe mapmap equalsequals oneone milemile inin thethe realreal world.world. OwlTeacher.com KeyKey • TheThe key,key, oror legend,legend, onon aa mapmap explainsexplains whatwhat thethe symbolssymbols onon aa mapmap represent,represent, suchsuch asas trianglestriangles representingrepresenting trees.trees. GridsGrids • SomeSome mapsmaps useuse aa gridgrid ofof parallelsparallels andand meridians.meridians. OnOn aa mapmap ofof aa smallsmall area,area, lettersletters andand numbersnumbers areare oftenoften usedused toto helphelp youyou findfind youryour location.location. OwlTeacher.com.

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