Teesside Park - Stockton - 526 Monday to Saturday 526 526 526 526 Park, Gala Bingo 1932 2032 2132 2232 Teesside Park, 1934 2034 2134 2234 Stockton, High Street South 1942 2042 2142 2242 Stockton, High Street North 1944 2044 2144 2244 Holme House Prison ...... Stores 1951 2051 2151 2251 Middlesbrough Bus Stn. 1958 2058 2158 2258 Monday to Saturday 526 526 526 526 526 Middlesbrough Bus Stn.. 1902 2002 2102 2202 2302 Asda Stores 1908 2008 2108 2208 2308 Holme House Prison ...... Stockton, High Street North 1916 2016 2116 2216 2316 Stockton, High Street South 1917 2017 2117 2217 2317 Teesside Park, Morrisons 1924 2024 2124 2224 .... Teesside Park, Gala Bingo 1927 2027 2127 2227 ....

Sunday and Bank Holidays

526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 Teesside Park, Gala Bingo ...... 1732 1832 1932 2032 2132 2232 Teesside Park, Morrisons .... 0932 32 1632 1734 1834 1934 2034 2134 2234 Stockton, High Street South 0842 0942 then 42 past 1642 1742 1842 1942 2042 2142 2242 Stockton, High Street North 0844 0944 at 44 each 1644 1744 1844 1944 2044 2144 2244 Holme House Prison 0850 0950 these 50 hour 1650 ...... Asda Stores 0851 0951 mins 51 until 1651 1751 1851 1951 2051 2151 2251 Middlesbrough Bus Stn.. 0858 0958 58 1658 1758 1858 1958 2058 2158 2258

Sunday and Bank Holidays

526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 Middlesbrough Bus Stn.. 0902 1002 02 1602 1702 1802 02 2202 2302 Asda Stores 0908 1008 08 1608 1708 1808 08 2208 2308 Holme House Prison 0909 1009 then 09 past 1609 ...... then … past ...... Stockton, High Street North 0916 1016 at 16 each 1616 1716 1816 at 16 each 2216 2316 Stockton, High Street South 0917 1017 these 17 hour 1617 1717 1817 these 17 hour 2217 2317 Teesside Park, Morrisons 0927 1027 mins 27 until 1627 1724 1824 mins 24 until 2224 .... Teesside Park, Gala Bingo ...... 1727 1827 27 2227 ....

Route 526:- Middlesbrough Bus Station, Newport Road, Newport Bridge, Haverton Hill Road, Portrack Lane, Maritime Road, Norton Road, Stockton High Street, Bridge Road, Yale Crescent, Chapel Street, Station Street, Princeton Drive, The Viaduct, Teesside Park Drive, Teesside Leisure Park (Gala Bingo). Sunday daytime journeys additionally serve Holme House Prison from Portrack Lane via Holme House Road/roundabout returning to Portrack Lane then normal route.

Service 526 runs with the support of the Redcar and Joint Public Transport Group.