Reference centre in the fight against cancer

Opening end of November 2021 on the ULB campus in

2 After more than 80 years in the heart of (Porte de Hal), 80,000 m the Jules Bordet Institute is moving to a brand new building dedicated to combat cancer from where it will continue to play its major role in the fight against cancer and in responding to major changes in patient 2 needs and in the cancer medicine of the future. The increase in 10,000 m the number of cancer patients, a growing need for ever more dedicated to cancer research effective technologies that require more space and the benefits of strengthening links with other research teams at the ULB 250 hospitalisation beds (Free University of Brussels) were all reasons for the City of (including 172 single rooms) Brussels to support this major project.

In making this move, the Jules Bordet Institute is strengthening 43 day hospitalisation beds its positioning as a reference centre in the fight against cancer (including 31 single rooms) with a cancer research cluster that is unique in and inspired by other major European cancéropôles. Representing a major boost for the Brussels Region! 8 operating theatres

The new Jules Bordet Institute will be opening its doors on the ULB campus in Anderlecht at the end of November. Fully 6 linear accelerators including dedicated to leading edge care, research and training in the one with integrated NMR and field of cancer, the new institute will retain a firm focus on one for preoperative radiation patient well-being. therapy The central element in a cancer treatment pole unique in Belgium

The Jules Bordet Institute, a university hospital environment of key players represented by the dedicated entirely to the fight against cancer, ULB's Faculty of Medicine, the Hospital, is moving to a brand new building on the the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the Haute Ecole Anderlecht campus, in immediate proximity Ilya Prigogine (nurses, physiotherapists,…) and The new building to the Erasmus Hospital and the ULB (Free the School of Public Health. It will have all the “ and this new location University of Brussels) Faculty of Medicine. resources required to pursue its mission of centre represent a unique boost Currently occupying 35,000 m², the Institute's of expertise in the field of cancer, at national level new building will offer 80,000m² devoted to its by encouraging cooperation between hospitals, for the Jules Bordet care, research and teaching missions in the field as well as at European and international level at Institute's development of oncology. With this move the Jules Bordet which the Institute aims to strengthen its position. and, more widely, for the Institute will increase by more than 50% its care diagnosis and treatment capacity and surface area dedicated to leading • On the Anderlecht campus of cancer pathologies in edge technology and research laboratories. As Belgium" the reference centre, it will become the central • In immediate proximity to the element in a cancer treatment pole unique in Erasmus Hospital, the ULB's Faculty of Francis de Drée, Belgium that will concentrate expertise and Medicine and training schools for the General Director innovative infrastructures, train the professionals, care professions and stimulate, structure, coordinate and optimise medical progress and research in the fight • European and international location against cancer. On the Anderlecht campus, the Jules Bordet Institute will be at the heart of an

Hospitalisation focused on the comfort and well-being of patients and their loved ones • 250 hospitalisation beds The new Jules Bordet Institute proposes The layout of the rooms and compact design (including 172 single rooms) 250 conventional hospitalisation beds, of the building serve to maximise the comfort including 172 single rooms, and 43 beds for and well-being of the patient and reduce • 43 day hospitalisation beds day hospitalisations, including 31 single distances as well as the stress and fatigue (including 31 single rooms) rooms to ensure calm and confidentiality associated with hospitalisation. Each room during treatment. The new Jules Bordet has a view of the exterior or a patio and has a • Lounges and relaxation Institute was built around the needs of cancer shower, storage space and all the comfort of a areas for loved ones and patients on the basis of care pathways adapted modern hotel: wi-fi access, ventilation, audio- accompaniers specifically to their illness. In addition to visual equipment, etc. The comfort of loved the haematology, medical oncology and ones and accompaniers is also a constant surgery units, the new Institute includes: consideration. The lounges with view of the When designing the new hospitalisation units designed especially surrounding nature and relaxation areas “ building, in addition to for elderly patients and patients requiring have been designed to make waiting a more ensuring quality care by specialised supportive or palliative care; a protected agreeable experience. A space for the children teams, the focus was on providing unit for haematopoietic cell transplantation; of hospitalised patients will be available on patients and their loved ones with an intensive care unit specialised in cancer Wednesday afternoons and a health education all the necessary well-being with complications; a radioprotection unit for centre will enable patients to obtain all the administration of radioisotopes; and a useful information on their illness and their comfortable, light and peaceful hospitalisation unit reserved for studies of treatment. spaces that respect their intimacy innovative new cancer treatments. These units and their needs." benefit from the expertise of care teams at the patient's bedside, specialised in oncology Doctor Dominique de Valeriola, and including all the necessary support care. General Medical Director. A building designed to welcome leading edge medicine and technologies now and into the future

Technology for diagnosing and treating the Radiology Department’s diagnosis • 6 linear accelerators including cancer is developing at a rapid rate, permitting and treatment activities also benefit from one with integrated NMR and more individualised, precise and effective high technology with machines of the one for preoperative radiation cancer treatment for each patient. The new latest generation (CT scanners, MRIs, therapy Jules Bordet Institute building is designed mammograms, ultrasound scanners) to welcome these leading edge technologies providing all the imagery needed to diagnose • 2 diagnostic MRIs / 2 CT now and into the future. The fully radiation- and treat cancerous lesions. This floor scanners / 3 mammography protected lower ground floor (-1) is dedicated dedicated to technical medical procedures machines / 1 stereotaxic table to technical medical procedures. Here you is also home to the Nuclear Medicine / 2 PET-CTs and 2 SPECT-CTs will find the Radiotherapy Department that Department (equipped with two SPECT-CTs with a radiopharmacy (with has recently acquired an MRI-LINAC thanks and two PET-CTs, one reserved exclusively GPM standards) to the support of the ”Friends of the Bordet for medical research). The department Institute”. This totally innovative technology includes a radiopharmacy (with GMP quality and a premiere in Belgium combines high standards) to permit the production of precision magnetic resonance imagery (1.5 radiotracers for use in diagnosis (molecular Telsa MRI) and adaptive tumour irradiation imagery) and treatment (markers marked using a linear accelerator (LINAC). This with radionuclides emitting ionising and makes it possible to modify the field of oncolytic particles). irradiation during treatment according to the reduction in tumour volume and thereby The concentration of all these departments

Image courtesy of Elekta of courtesy Image reduce any side effects to a minimum. on a single floor, in close proximity the This latest technology is in addition to the one to the other, aims to ensure the perfect three other new linear accelerators and one integration of these different methods of upgraded accelerator, the Gamma Knife (at diagnosis and treatment through close inter- the Erasmus Hospital) and the Mobetron departmental cooperation and the ease of (system of radiotherapy applied during patent transfer from one machine to another surgery), as well as a brachytherapy device. as part of an increasingly personalised Located in close proximity to radiotherapy, medicine.

10,000 m2 dedicated to cancer research

The 4th floor of the new Jules Bordet the heart of medical practice and to the Institute will be devoted entirely to patient’s bedside. This organization favours translational research to combat cancer with multidisciplinarity and exchanges between the aim of arriving at a better understanding researchers and doctors with a view to of cancer pathology in the interests of enabling patients to benefit from the most improved treatment, in particular by innovative and personalised anti-tumour actively studying its functioning and treatment available. the interaction between the cancer cells and the tumour microenvironment. The “Imagine on one hand doctors battling at research laboratory platform will also their patients’ bedside to force back the have new high-tech acquisitions in tissue cancer and then on the other side of the wall imaging, cellular biology, microdissection laboratory researchers who are studying and tumour genome sequencing. These cancer from all angles : translational • 10,000 m² dedicated to will be shared between all the researchers. research is this ‘bridge’ that enables the two translational research to New units and strengthened teams will to meet, to share their observations and to combat cancer be available to clinical research, thereby define the hypotheses to be tested on both improving and personalising treatment but sides. In the new Jules Bordet Institute this • Between 100 and 120 research also permitting the development of new anti- bridge will not be a fragile wooden walkway projects approved every year cancer medicines of increasing effectiveness but a vast meeting space that must ‘catalyze’ in combating tumours. The presence in the major discoveries for our patients.“ • Approximately 800 new new Jules Bordet Institute of research areas patients included in our in close proximity to the hospitalisation Professor Martine Piccart, prospective studies every year floors and units brings researchers to Scientific Director. • High-tech equipment for tissue imagery, microdissection and genome sequencing • Joint Venture Brunet-Saunier – Archi 2000 – TPF • 9 floors and 6 light wells • Budget 326 million € • 72 million in investments in medical equipment and devices

A modern architecture with a human vision The Friends of the Bordet Institute On first contact, the new Jules Bordet Institute is notable for its logical design and transparent organisation. The building is in the form of a For more than 50 parallelepiped, laid out around a central axis that serves all the vertical years "The Friends of circulations, with six patios that allow natural light to permeate deep into the Bordet Institute" the building. This apparent simplicity translates into an efficient model that have been helping to makes it possible to optimise patient care pathways, limit the number of staff fund cancer research and patient steps and promote continuous interaction between professionals at the Bordet Institute. Every year the in a structure designed to stimulate multidisciplinary care and to bring the generosity of donors makes it possible fruits of research to the patient's bedside. The Brussels-Paris Joint Venture to launch many projects and to acquire Brunet Saunier - Archi 2000 – TPF has understood the vision of the Jules innovative equipment that results in real Bordet Institute and expressed it in a building in the service of the integrated progress for patients in terms of screening multidisciplinary approach that defines it. The new building offers a high- and diagnosis, care and treatment. tech environment that at the same time exudes an atmosphere of calm and Their support remains essential for the serenity. The particular attention paid to the choice of materials with an new Institute and the new challenges, extensive use of wood, the colour schemes with their natural shades, and the technologies and innovations in the fight presence of natural light and unobstructed views combine to ensure that this against cancer. building of 80,000 m² laid out over nine floors is on a human scale for a soothing effect on patients, visitors and staff.

Excellence Humanity Multidisciplinarity Hope

The Jules Bordet Institute is ready to welcome you from November 2021 on the site of the ULB in Anderlecht!

rue Meylemeersch Metro 5 STIB 74 ringroad exit secure parking n°90 à 1070 Erasme Bus Bus De Lijn "Urgences Erasme" available Anderlecht 141 / 142 / 620 secure parking available

les Amis de l Institut Bordet

Partners : • • Design 1, 1000 Bruxelles rue Héger-Bordet Bordet E.R. Jules et © Institut Detiffe © Marc • Photos Together Com Impression