The LENT ion PAGES 4-6

Te Newsletter of LSt. Mark's Episcopal Church March 2015 CHRISTIAN & vegan by Jack Sawyer

s a Christian, I endeavor to let my help them” (intercession). I say and pray these thoughts and actions fow from words, silently or aloud. I pray and take what I love (the topic of my M.Div. the- get. I pray a lot. It is a blessing to be poor in sis at Harvard thirty years ago). I spirit–to know my need of God. do my best to love God and God’s I call myself Christian because the par- creation with all my heart, all my soul, all my ticular words and ideals that move me are in the strength,A and all my mind, and to love Christian scriptures and hymns that my neighbor as myself. To love the express the love of Jesus, some quite stranger, to love my enemies. As long simply: (“What a friend we have in Je- as I can remember, I have found myself sus;” “Jesus calls us, o’er the tumult of intuitively sympathetic to those who our life’s wild restless sea;” “I love to were shunned, feared, or oppressed. tell the story...of Jesus and his love”), As Rabbi Hillel said, “If I am not for as I sang in the Disciples of Christ myself, who will be? If I am for myself, choir during high school. More re- alone, what am I? If not now, when?” cently, and fervently, in the Oakland What does this desire to ex- Interfaith Gospel Choir: (“In the press love call me to do? First, to be good times, praise his name, in the aware. Ten to do God’s will, as I see it, as best I bad times, do-oo the same!”) Other, more formal can, with God’s help. When I am not clear, I pray words move me, too. It was the Church Teach- one or more (sometimes all) of the seven forms of ing Series, which I encountered browsing in the prayer (BCP, p. 856-7): “Dear God” (adoration), GTU then-bookstore, that brought me to the “Praise God” (praise), “Tank God” (thanks), “God forgive me” (forgiveness), “God’s will be done” (ablution), “God help me” (petition), “God Continued next page Continued from page 1 eighteen years ago and becoming vegan. I started studying and thinking about how what we eat af- Episcopal Church and St. Mark’s, 33 years ago. It fects ourselves, our planet, and our fellow beings. is the words of devotion in the liturgy, the hymns, I am steward of my body, mind, soul, and the psalms, the Creed, the Eucharist, that for me heart. Tese were given me, and it is up to me to encourage transcendence when we say them to- honor this gif of life and be as kind as possible gether. to myself--to eat, to move, to sleep, above all to I have studied and practiced other re- think, in ways that are helpful, not abusive, to this ligions. I subscribe to the four noble truths of one precious life. Afer breathing air and drink- Buddhism and admire the eightfold path, prac- ing water, the most important (and enjoyable) tice yoga, studied the Bhagavad Gita (at the Pa- thing I do is eating food. (Touching, seeing, hear- cifc School of Religion), meditate in both Hindu ing, good conversation, making love are right up and Buddhist traditions, there, too.) Food sustains me. As to what kind recite Tao Te Ching verses, of food sustains me, and what kind compromises Rumi, Wordsworth, and my body, the evidence is in. Consuming satu- Kipling[!]. I pray that “my rated animal fat, as in meat or dairy, substantially days may be, bound each increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and to each by natural piety.” other life-threatening illnesses. Avoiding satu- When I was teaching at the University of Chica- rated fat is good stewardship of this body. go, where no topic was taboo, except God, there What I eat afects not only myself, but was secular humanism and social action. Many many other people, animals, plants, and the envi- Sunday mornings now, I share Ecstatic Dance at ronment generally. Animal agriculture, accord- Sweet’s Ballroom in downtown Oakland with two ing to a 2006 UN Food and Agriculture Organi- or three hundred other souls, moving freely as zation study, contributes 18% of greenhouse gas the spirit beckons. Still, I am undeniably Chris- emissions–more than all forms of transportation tian. How and why, God only knows, but it is combined. A 2010 UN Environmental Program Jesus and Christianity that touch me most deeply. study concludes that the present level of meat and I love this life God has given me, all of it, all the dairy consumption is not sustainable. Being veg- people in it, all the natural world. an is a contribution to a livable planet. It is a way So how do my Christianity and my veg- for me to love and help anism relate? I was led into vegetarianism more sustain God’s creation. than forty years ago, in a previous stay at Harvard, Being vegan also as a visiting scholar, ofcially exploring social sci- means not contribut- ence and social responsibility (and so publishing ing to the deaths each Men and Masculinity, documenting how men year of ten billion mam- seek achievement and suppress emotion). More mals and birds (mainly important and more transformative, though, was chickens) in this coun- not the academic, but taking up meditation, yoga, try. Tat’s about three each month per person. communal living, and (coincidentally) vegetar- Over 99% of these animals live and sufer short ian eating. (Not all in our communal house were and miserable lives on factory farms. Showing vegetarian, but some were, and it was simpler to kindness, and trying to avoid causing harm and cook that way.) I tried eating vegetarian. It felt sufering to others, human and nonhuman, helps good. I felt lighter, clearer. I never gave up eating me to experience the world as a place that is sa- meat, it fell away. As years went on, I continued cred, to be cherished and enjoyed. comfortably eating fruits and vegetables, grains, Tanks be to God for this life, and to you nuts, seeds, and legumes, dropping dairy about for letting me share some of it with you. X 2 top vestry actions by Bruce Alexander

Getting to know you

ince this was the frst meeting of the new Committee examined the economic impact of Vestry, we spent time getting to know various possible scenarios for rate increases by each other in this context. Te Vestry PG&E, and found the alternative of entering into members shared something about why a 20-year lease with American Solar the most they felt called to be on the Vestry, and attractive of their options. At the end of the 20- about what they hoped to accomplish. I would year lease, the solar panels would belong to St. Slike to take this opportunity to thank both the Mark's. Te only way that St. Mark’s might lose new members (Bryan Garcia, Donn Morgan, Ju- money during the lease would be if the church lia Shaver, and Margo Wesley) and the continuing installed a system that generated more electricity members (Jef Ambruster, Betsy Hada, Lisa Key, than needed. Since the electricity consumption Patrick Mitten, Jef Pace, Wayne Ritchie, and Dev- over the past couple of years has been afected by on Tromston) for taking on this important min- a number of factors, including the replacement of istry. the electrical heating and the construction proj- ect, the Vestry decided that it would be wise to monitor the electricity consumption for a few more months before deciding how large a system to install. X

Solar Panels

At the previous meeting, the Vestry asked the Finance Committee to look at the fne print in American Solar’s proposal for installing solar panels on the upper roof of St.Mark's. Under the proposal American Solar would install the panels at no cost to us, and sell the electricity to us at sav- ings over what we would pay PG&E. Te Finance

3 lent

TRANSFORMING 3 days by the Rev. Coryl Lassen

he three days at the end of Holy one another, and the beginning of Holy Commu- Week each have their own name, nion. We are joined together in love through the proper liturgy and theme, but to- Eucharist, which also makes ordinary food holy gether they represent all of Christ’s with the presence of Christ. Jesus was arrested work among us. Tey are called the that night, questioned and judged. He was turned Triduum, the Tree Days. over to Pilate and the Roman system the next T Maundy Tursday is when we remember day. Another hearing, a brutal beating, a parade and celebrate the Last Supper of Jesus and his through the streets, crucifxion, death, and burial disciples. Tese events are written about in some followed. detail by each of the four gospel writers. Unfor- We remember Jesus’ death day as Good tunately, the details they ofer are not always the Friday, not because its events are positive, but be- same. Te synoptic gospels focus on the Passover cause this is the day the Son of God participated meal and Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist. Te in the extremes of human sufering and death for words, “Tis is my Body…Tis is my Blood…” are love of us. Many Christians through the years central to those gospels. John tells us the Passover have seen his death, itself, as salvifc. For others, happened the next day, and Jesus and his disci- it is part of his unconditional gif of his whole life. ples were gathered for a normal meal, when Jesus In either case, it is a day to remember with solem- stripped of his clothing and washed his disciples’ nity and gratitude. Because we ofer three hours feet to demonstrate that love and service were at of worship at noon and the Proper liturgy in the the heart of his life and teachings. In John, Jesus evening, there is room for many theologies of Je- makes a long farewell speech to prepare his dis- sus’ death. ciples for what was coming. According to the gospels, the risen Je- So Maundy Tursday has two intertwined sus was witnessed before dawn on Sunday. Tat themes: the commandment (mandatum) to love means he was raised sometime during the night.

continued on page 12


by the Rev. Stephen Trever

esus says, “Blessed are those who mourn.” mourning whether we would choose it or not. So ofen Jesus’ teachings seem counter- One such moment in my life was when my moth- intuitive. Why is mourning blessed? Af- er passed away on Maundy Tursday in 2004. ter all, mourning can be one of the most During the weeks that followed that event, as I painful experiences we face in this life. sat with an intense pain burning in my chest, I When I am being perfectly hon- began to understand why Jesus blesses those who Jest with myself, I’d say I spend the better part of mourn. I began to recognize that the intensity of my time trying to avoid mourning! How ofen I the pain was the other side of a love that refuses fear that if I went down the path of mourning I to quit. It was in that time that so much of the might get “stuck in the past,” and I may not have language of our tradition began to make sense in the energy to get through that never-ending list new ways. I experienced the Holy Spirit simul- of mundane, yet necessary, tasks of daily living. taneously like a burning fame and the soothing Who possibly has time to mourn? Of course, oc- casionally situations arise and we are thrust into continued on page 13 lenten book group by the Rev. Stephen Trever A Season for the Spirit: Readings for the Days of Lent by Martin Smith

f you are looking for a discipline for the their relationship with God during Lent. Each forty days of Lent, perhaps you will con- week we will meet to discuss the week’s readings. sider joining us in reading Martin Smith’s Meeting times will be between services on Sunday A Season for the Spirit. Tis work, origi- at 9:00am and Wednesday evenings at 6:45PM in nally commissioned by the Archbishop of order to accommodate as many schedules as pos- Canterbury in 1991, has become something of a sible. If you are interested in getting a copy of the Icontemporary classic on Christ-centered Spiritu- book and joining the discussion, please email me ality. It consists of forty daily meditations, each of (Stephen Trever) at stephen@stmarksberkeley. which is deeply thoughtful yet accessibly written. org. X Tis a great book for anyone looking to deepen 5 LENT MADNESS POEISIS Forwarded by from Lewis Brown Nigel Renton a

What follows has been adapted from the web- To Keep a True Lent site. Is this a fast, to keep lthough Lent will have already be- Te larder lean ? gun by the time you read this, it And clean will not be too late for you to join From fat of veals and sheep ? in the fun of “Lent Madness”. Te name is clearly a play upon the Is it to quit the dish NCAA basketball contest, popularly known as Of fesh, yet still “MarchA Madness”. To fll Te platter high with fsh ? Lent Madness 2015: Which saint will win the Golden Halo? Is it to fast an hour, For the sixth year Or ragg’d to go, running, people worldwide Or show are gearing up for Lent Mad- A downcast look and sour ? ness, the “saintly smackdown” in which thirty-two saints No ; ‘tis a fast to dole do battle to win the coveted Ty sheaf of wheat, Golden Halo. Calling itself And meat, the world’s most popular on- Unto the hungry soul. line Lenten devotion, Lent Madness brings together cut- It is to fast from strife, throat competition, the lives From old debate of the saints, humor, and the And hate ; chance to see how God works To circumcise thy life. in the lives of women and men across all walks of life. To show a heart grief-rent ; Te creator of Lent Madness, the Rev. To starve thy sin, Tim Schenck, says, “People might think Lent is Not bin ; all about eating dirt and giving up chocolate, but And that’s to keep thy Lent. it’s really about getting closer to Jesus.” Schenck, who is rector of St. John’s Church in Hingham, Massachusetts, adds, “Te saints aren’t just re- Robert Herrick (1591-1674) mote images in stained glass windows or pious- looking statues. Tey were real people God just continued page 14


Gregory Cletus Willmore, Berkeley I have lived in my apartment for 20 years, and served the disabled for 16 Occupation: Deacon in training years, was a union rep. until a work accident Hobbies, interests: Classical music, singing, happened over 6 years computer and Internet ago. I am a postulant for the sacred order of Most people don't know that: deacons in this diocese. I collect stufed animals and various icons I am a single gay man but I do want to fall in What I like best about St. Mark's is: love if God sends me the Te sense of community and heavenly music right man. St. Mark’s has been my home Favorite TV show, book: since 1995. I Love Lucy, St. George and Te Dragon by E. X Hays Hot Meals

Members of Cal's Pre-Dental Society were among the 50 volunteers who helped serve 125 dinners at Hot Meals on February 21.

7 organ recital MICHAEL BAWTREE

by George Emblom

he 29th season of the Second Sun- ly conducts the Royal Scottish National Orches- day Evensong/Organ Recital con- tra – including a recent gala New Year’s Eve con- tinues March 8, 2015. Evensong will cert – and has also directed the Scottish Chamber be ofered by the St. Mark’s Schola Orchestra and many performances with Scottish Cantorum, followed by a recital by Ballet across the British Isles. British conductor and organist Michael Bawtree. Mr Bawtree makes his debut at London’s T Michael Bawtree enjoys a wide-ranging Royal Albert Hall in June, conducting Mozart’s international career that includes recent per- Requiem with the London Philharmonic Choir. formances across Europe, the United States and For fve years Michael Bawtree was Assistant Di- Asia. Based in Glasgow, Scotland, he maintains rector of Music at St Edmundsbury Cathedral in regular commitments with the Edinburgh Royal Sufolk and now serves as Director of Music at St Choral Union, the Glasgow Chamber Choir and Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Glasgow. X the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He regular-

Michael Bawtree

St Mark’s Episcopal Church Sunday, March 8, 2015 6:05 PM

Michael Bawtree - Organist

CPE Bach: Fantasia and Fugue in C Carl Nielsen: Five Short Preludes Dietrich Buxtehude: Passacaglia in D minor Albert de Klerk: Variations over the se- quence Laudes Organi J.S. Bach: Trio in C BWV 585

Judith Bingham: Te Gif Louis Marchand: Grand Dialogue (from Troisième Livre d’Orgue)

8 Adult formation by Judith Berling

Teology for the Rest of Us August 28-30 at Bishops Ranch

e tend to look to profession- Tis year’s retreat will be facilitated by Mi- al theologians or those with chael Aune, St. Mark’s parishioner and professor advanced theological educa- emeritus from Pacifc Lutheran Teological Semi- tion to “do theology” for us. nary, and Stephen Trever, our Assistant Rector. But, as has been noted by Te deadline for signups will be in mid- Kathleen Norris and others, theology arises out March. Because in the past, the parish budget has Wof worship and our lives; all of us who worship been charged each year more than a thousand are already doing theology. But how does what dollars for folks who sign up and then pull out of X we believe about God matter in our lives? the retreat, the Vestry has requested that we ask At our retreat in August, we will refect registrants to pay their entire fee (non-refund- on our personal theologies and engage a range of able) when they sign up. If you fnd that you can- theological images and ideas. We will have sub- not attend afer all, you may be able to fnd a new stantial, but also lively and engaging theological participant to buy you out, but we ask for the fees conversations --- and, of course, we will enjoy the at sign-up so that the parish is not “on the hook” rich resources of Bishops Ranch and lively social for those who pull out afer the deadline. If you hour conversations. have questions, ask Judith Berling. X

Lenten Adult Forums

e have chosen scripture as March 1: Via Media video and discussion on the our theme for the Lenten Bible in the Episcopal tradition, led by Pam Jester Adult Forums. Because of the rich and intense liturgies March 8: A Social Justice forum on Immigration, of Holy Week and Easter, we led by our Deacon Phyllis Manoogian will not have Adult Forums on Palm Sunday, Eas- Wter, or Low Sunday. March 22: Donn Morgan on wrestling with chal- lenging scriptural passages X February 22: Judith Berling on the role of the Bible and other scriptures in our lives

9 The Lion Looks Back Bishop Kip: Golden Visions

by L. Retrospectans

e-elected in 1857 as bishop of the Ralph Kuykendall, found in Te Hawaiian King- newly regularized Episcopal Dio- dom: 1854-1874, Twenty Critical Years (U of Ha- cese of , William Ingra- waii Press, 1965), he was visiting London in 1860, ham Kip, his wife, and their young- hobnobbing with the likes of the Archbishop of er son, returned to , as Canterbury and the Bishop of Oxford, the for- we learned in our last installment, via the Isthmus midable Samuel Wilberforce. Tis turned out, Rof Panama, following the same long and arduous coincidentally perhaps, to be propitious for one route they had taken to reach the Golden State on of his visions, the establishment of the Episcopal their frst visit four years earlier. Soon afer arriv- Church even farther west than California, in Ha- ing, the family purchased a home on fashionable waii. A letter to Manley Hopkins, the Hawaiian Rincon Hill, where the bishop, Consul General in London at Bishop William Ingraham Kip assured of staying a while, was the time, from R. C. Wyllie, able to install his extensive li- Minister of Foreign Relations brary and art collection. He for King Kamehameha IV, had as yet, of course, no of- asks that Hopkins intervene cial seat, there being no cathe- with the highest authorities in dral in the city. the English church to ensure Tings would soon their support for such an ef- change, however, when the fort. Both the king and Queen vestry of Grace Church, Emma, who had already of- founded as a small chapel in fered the site for a church in 1849 as the second Episcopal Honolulu, would view such church in San Francisco, asked assistance with much grati- Kip to serve as the rector of its tude. Wyllie had also corre- imposing third church, which sponded, we discover, with consequently became known Kip, who, enlisting the sup- as Grace “Cathedral.” Grace port of Bishop Potter of New was thus one of the frst, if not the frst, Episco- York, also in London at the time, heartily backed pal cathedrals in the United States. (An histori- the royal aspirations. Teir support, along with cal aside: one of the other short-term rectors the that of others, resulted in the Episcopal Church’s church called at the time was James Smith Bush, decision to send two or three clergymen as part great-grandfather of George H. W. Bush.) of the proposed Hawaiian mission. Te outbreak Tat new church moniker did not mean, of the Civil War, unfortunately, prevented this however, that the bishop had to sit still in his seat, plan until afer the war, when two American cler- or see. According to an informative account by gymen were sent (see Kuykendall, 88). You may

10 recall from an earlier column that the Kips’ elder 1872, and Te Church of the Apostles in 1877. son Lawrence, a West Point graduate, served in His last visit to occurred in the war on the stafs of Generals Sumner and 1889, when he was 78 years old. Back in Cali- Sheridan. fornia, he astonishingly soldiered on all over the Although he spent the war years largely state, despite failing sight and health. An As- in San Francisco, by 1864 the bishop was back sistant Bishop—W. F. Nichols, later no stranger in Europe, on a visit to his critically ill son Wil- to St. Mark’s—was consecrated in 1890. In the liam, Jr., who was in the diplomatic service. His last ofcial act of his episcopate, Kip ordained his father was doubtless glad to see his recovery as own grandson, William Ingraham III (UCB 1888; well as his marriage to the daughter of the Unit- General Seminary 1892) at Grace Cathedral in ed States ambassador to Italy, in February,1865, 1892, following which he returned home, “never at the Anglican Chapel in Nice. He then set out to leave again in this life,” according to the biogra- on a tour of Europe. Tus it was that he was in phy we quoted earlier in this series. His obituary Frankfurt-am-Main during the period following appeared in the New York Times of April 8, 1893. Lincoln’s assassination; the U. S. Consul General His beloved wife, “Miss Maria,” died six months there asked him to preside at a service and give a later, to the day. sermon on June 1, 1865, observing the national It seems ftting, as a conclusion to this Day of Humiliation and Prayer proclaimed in perhaps overlong account of the life of this ex- 1863 by President Lincoln. Bishop Kip returned traordinarily visionary pioneer, to cite another to the United States later in the year, in time for extraordinary churchman, the former rector of the General Convention, held in Philadelphia, at our parish and also bishop of California, Edward which the southern bishops took their seats for Lambe Parsons, who wrote the following moving the frst time since the Civil War had started. tribute to his predecessor: On November 26, 1865, the bishop deliv- ered a sermon at Grace Cathedral. On the fy- continued on page 13 leaf of the pamphlet in which it was published we fnd the notation: “Sermon delivered by Author on frst Sunday of his return to diocese afer Eu- ropean trip ...” In it, beneftting from his recent tour, he characterizes the Roman Catholic and Calvinistic traditions he had experienced in Eu- rope, both of which he fnds wanting. Te Angli- can Church, he avers, combines the best of both, and we American Episcopalians, he maintains, are fortunate to be its descendants! Propelled, no doubt, by such certitude, a major period of growth followed his return to California, sym- bolized not only by the completion of a railroad to Los Angeles, but also by the establishment of a number of diocesan institutions, e.g., the Protes- tant Episcopal Old Ladies Home (a church home Grace Church dating from 1870, looking pretty much for “aged, worthy women”) in 1869, and St. Luke’s the way it did in 1862 (when it frst opened for servic- Hospital, in 1871. He continued to bless new es). Te iconic California Street bell tower was not com- parishes throughout the diocese. And he contin- pleted until 1890. Te view is southeast from the inter- section of Stockton and California Streets. Te church ued to be a prolifc author, adding to a good half burned in 1906 and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel is on the dozen earlier volumes Te Unnoticed Tings of site today. Photo courtesy of California Pioneers Society Scripture in 1868, Olden Times in New York in and Michael Lampen of Grace Cathedral. 11 Tree Transforming Days - continued from page 5

During the early centuries of the Church, Chris- Easter. (Te celebration, of course, continues on tians began observing his death and resurrection Sunday morning.) with a night-long vigil, beginning Saturday night. In Tree Transforming Days, we pass with Although we don’t stay up all night, we do begin Christ from ordinary life to death, to risen life. the Easter Vigil afer dark on Saturday, gradu- We see three ways in which all of life is blessed ally moving through diferent expressions of the and shared by Jesus, in which God’s Love is pres- transforming power and meaning of Jesus’ resur- ent with us: in ordinary things, actions, and com- rection. Some of those expressions include the munity; in death; in new life. In all these ways lighting of New Fire, the Paschal candle, ancient God loves us in Christ Jesus, and we are joined stories of God’s transforming power, and renewal and strengthened to be channels of God’s love to of our baptismal vows. Tis is the frst service of our world. X

The BAPTISM of MORGAN ELIZABETH JO BRETON- LAKE Feb. 15, 2015 (Above) Morgan is baptized, afer stealing Corrie's glasses.

(Below) Newly baptized Morgan, and her parents and godparents, receive the Light of Christ.

Photos by Bruce Alexander

12 Mourning - continued from page 6 coo of a dove. Like a winnowing fork, the pain St. Mark’s of mourning separated the chaf of false expec- Episcopal tations and hopes from the wheat of that Love which gives life meaning and lasting purpose. Church Te process of mourning, far from keeping me looking to the past, helped me re-orient to the fu- 2300 Bancrof Way ture with a renewed sense of the sacredness of life. Berkeley, CA 94704 Te imagery of the desert that is evoked in Lent Ofce: 510-848-5107 is an apt metaphor for mourning. Te desert is a Fax: 510-848-2269 harsh place not to be treaded lightly. Te harsh Music Ofce: 510-845-0888 environment, however, also helps us easily distin- guish what is essential for life. I hope that we can E-mail: [email protected] On the web: recognize this time of Lent as an opportunity and an invitation to mourn the losses that need to be mourned, so that we might be rekindled by the Sunday love of God, who brings forth new life even in the driest of places. X Eucharist 8 AM Spoken - Chapel

10 AM Choral - Nave (Main Church)

Volunteer for a three hour shift at the Bishop Kip - continued from page 11 Alameda County As one goes over the story of his life there grows Food Bank before one’s mind the portrait of a great gentle- man, a noble Christian character, patient in Trough a network of 240 strategically placed dealing with difculties, wise in his touch upon member agencies—food pantries, soup kitch- the lives of his people, humble in the spirit be- ens, child-care centers, senior centers, afer- fore the Lord. Under his wise guidance the school programs, and other community-based Episcopal Church in California grew steadily organizations—the Food Bank distributes in numbers and infuence; but the largest con- enough food for 380,000 meals weekly. Tis or- tribution which he made to it was the impress ganization depends upon volunteers to help out of fne devotion, of high ideals, of nobility of at its main facility near the Oakland airport. St. purpose, of undaunted courage. Mark's would like to organize a group to go out in March on a date to be determined. For more No wonder our parish wished in 1901 to dedicate information, please contact Jef Armbruster at its “splendid new church” to his memory! X [email protected]. X

13 Lent Madness - continued from page 6 happened to use in marvelous ways.” Teresa of Avila, Frederick Douglass, Francis of Lent Madness began on Schenck’s blog Assisi, Hildegard of Bingen, Balthazar, and the in 2010 as he sought a way to combine his love Venerable Bede. Te full bracket is online at the of sports with his passion for the lives of saints. Lent Madness website. Starting in 2012, he partnered with Forward From the “you can’t know the saints with- Movement (the same folks that publish Forward out a scorecard” department, the Saintly Score- Day by Day), to bring Lent Madness to the mass- card -- Te Defnitive Guide to Lent Madness es. 2015 is available through Forward Movement. It Te Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, Schenck’s contains biographies of all 32 saints to assist those Lent Madness co-conspirator, says, “Troughout who like to fll out their brackets in advance, in Lent, as we’re having fun with the competition, addition to a full-color pull-out bracket. we are also inspired by how God used ordinary Tis all kicked of on “Ash Tursday,” Feb- people to do extraordinary things.” Gunn, who is ruary 19. To participate, visit the Lent Madness executive director of Forward Movement in Cin- website, where you can also print out a bracket cinnati, Ohio, adds, “Tat’s the whole point of the for free, to see how you fare or Christian life: to allow God to work in us to share “compete” against friends and fam- God’s love and proclaim Good News.” ily members. Like that other Schenck and Gunn form the self-appoint- March tournament, there ed Supreme Executive Committee, a more-or-less will be drama and intrigue, benevolent dictatorship that runs the entire op- upsets and thrashings, last- eration. Te formula has worked, as this online minute victories and Cinder- devotional has been featured in media outlets all ellas. over the country including NBC, Te Washing- Ten “celebrity blog- ton Post, FOX News, NPR, USAToday, and even gers” from across the coun- Sports Illustrated (no, really). try have been tapped to write Here’s how it works: on the weekdays of for the project including the Lent, information is posted at http://www.lent- Rev. Amber Belldene of San about two diferent saints. Each Francisco, CA; the Rev. Laurie pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants Brock of Lexington, KY; Dr. read about them and then vote to determine David Creech of Morehead, which saint moves on to the next round. Six- MN; the Rev. Megan Castellan teen saints make it to the Round of the Saintly of Kansas City, MO; the Rev. Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Laura Darling of Oakland, CA; Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to Neva Rae Fox of Somerville, the Championship; and the winner is awarded NJ; the Rev. Nancy Frausto of the Golden Halo. Los Angeles, CA; the Rev. David Hendrickson Te frst round consists of basic bio- of Denver, CO; the Rev. Maria Kane of Houston, graphical information about each of the 32 saints. TX; and the Rev. David Sibley of Manhasset, NY. Tings get a bit more interesting in the subse- Information about each of the celebrity bloggers quent rounds, as we ofer quotes and quirks, and the rest of the team is available on the Lent explore legends, and even move into the area of Madness website. saintly kitsch. If you’re looking for a Lenten discipline Tis year Lent Madness features an in- that is fun, educational, occasionally goofy, and triguing slate of saints ancient and modern, Bibli- always joyful, consider this your invitation to join cal and ecclesiastical. 2015 heavyweights include in the Lent Madness journey. X 14 7 4 14 21 28 Sat Spoken Word Reh-NV Hot Meals-PAR @ - - Prayer Shawl-LIB @ - Mar 2015 (Pacific Time) Daylight Saving-Spring Foward 1:30pm Parish Hall 10:30am 2pm Library 6 3 13 20 27 Fri Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH - - - - Barefoot Chamber Cocert- - 12:10pm Vestry Retreat 12:10pm 12:10pm 6pm PAR 12:10pm 5 2 12 19 26 Thu Intercessory Prayer Contemplative Prayer- Intercessory Prayer Contemplative Prayer- Intercessory Prayer Contemplative Prayer- Landscape Task Force- Intercessory Prayer Contemplative Prayer------Compline-CH Compline-CH Vestry Mtg-LIB Compline-CH Compline-CH - - - - - 6:30pm Grp-NV @ Nave 7:15pm CH 8pm 6:30pm Grp-NV @ Nave 7:15pm CH 8pm 6:30pm Grp-NV @ Nave 7pm 7:15pm CH 8pm 3:30pm LIB 6:30pm Grp-NV @ Nave 7:15pm CH 8pm 4 1 11 18 25 Wed Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH Holy Eucharist-CH Bridge Group-LH Choir Board-LIB Choir Rehearsal-PAR Bridge Group-LH Choir Rehearsal-PAR Bridge Group-LH Choir Rehearsal-PAR Bridge Group-LH Choir Rehearsal-PAR LION Mailing-offsite ------Finance Committee-CON @ - 9:30am 12:10pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 7:30pm 12:10pm 5:30pm 6pm Conference Room 7:30pm 12:10pm 5:30pm 7:30pm 12:10pm 5:30pm 7:30pm 3 10 17 24 31 Tue Stewardship-Rector's Spoken Word-LIB @ Social Justice-LIB @ - - - Adult Formation-LIB @ Communications-LIB @ - - 5:30pm office @ Conference Room 6:30pm Library 6:30pm Library 6pm Library 6pm Library 2 9 16 23 30 Mon Suitcase Clinic (3-9p)-PAR Suitcase Clinic (3-9p)-PAR Suitcase Clinic (3-9p)-PAR Suitcase Clinic (3-9p)-PAR Suitcase Clinic (3-9p)-PAR - - - - - 5pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 1 8 15 22 29 Sun Evensong/Organ "Coffee at Eight"- "Coffee at Eight"- "Coffee at Eight"- "Coffee at Eight"- "Coffee at Eight"- Forum: Via Media-LIB Personnel Committee- - Choral Eucharist-NV Choral Eucharist-NV Choral Eucharist-NV Choral Eucharist-NV Choral Eucharist-NV - - - - - Forum: Hunger Film-LIB Theo*Cats-LIB Forum: Scriptures(T)-LIB C.Rogers Memorial-NV Eucharist-CH @ Chapel Eucharist-CH @ Chapel Eucharist-CH @ Chapel Eucharist-CH @ Chapel Eucharist-CH @ Chapel ------8am 8:45am Arcade 10am 12pm 8am 8:45am Arcade 10am 1pm 3pm 5:30pm Recital-NV Vestry Retreat No Forum Today 8am 8:45am Arcade 10am LION Deadline 8am 8:45am Arcade 10am 1pm 4pm No Forum Today 8am 8:45am Arcade 10am 12pm Rector's Office St. Mark's Episcopal Church


The St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Non-Proft 2300 Bancrof Way Organization ion Berkeley, CA 94704 U.S. Postage Gaid Staff Berkeley, CA 94704 L Return Service Requested Permit #325 Editor/Designer: Diana Blackwell

Copy editor/proofreader: Nigel Renton

Poetry Editor: Lewis Brown

Ofce Support/Production: Vanessa Rusca

Reporters: Leonard Johnson Meg Gentes

Photogerapher: Bruce Alexander

Distribution: Marjorie Pettyjohn & team IN THIS ISSUE

1 Christian and Vegan by Jack Sawyer 3 Top Vestry Actions by Bruce Alexander 4 Tree Transforming Days by Rev. Lassen 5 Mourning by Rev. Trever 5 Lenten Book Group by Rev. Trever 6 Lent Madness by Nigel Renton 6 Poiesis by Lewis Brown 7 In the Spotlight: Gregory Willmore 8 Organ Recital by George Emblom 9 Adult Formation by Judith Berling 10 Te Lion Looks Back by L. Retrospectans 12 Baptismal Announcement 13 Volunteer at Food Bank 15 March Calendar