For ITI Kumarsain, District Shimla
]i i I ;lr. I Government of Himachal Pradesh 't I Department of Technical Educational rii No. EDN(TB\L(4)412017 Dated Shimla-2, thet{February, 2020. NOTIFICATION l'l' ,iI iii In supersession of all earlier notification/letters pertaining to the ilr constitution of Institute Management Committee (IMC) for Industrial Training Institute lli tiii, ,i' Kumarsain, District Shimla the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to constitute Institute lt Management Committee (lMC) for ITI Kumarsain, District Shimla as under :- i I Sr. No. Name and Address Designation Sh. Roshan Lal Negi, Head of Project, Luhri Hydel Electricity 1. Project, Bithal, Tehsil Rampur Bushahr, District Shimla, tIP. Chairman Ph : 01782-222615,M : 89881-65955 Sh. Baljeet Singh, AGM (HR), Luhri Hydel Electricity Pro)/ct, ) Member Bithal, Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla HP. M : gqrcq-dOSg Sh. Nand Lal, AGM (Finance &, Account), Luhri Hydel 3. Electricity Project, Bithal, Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla, HP. Member M :94180-22262 Sh. Ajay Kumar Aacharay, Manager (Civil), Luhri Hydel ,1. 4. Electricity Project, Bithal, Tehsil Rampur Bushahr, District Member r{ii Shimla, HP. M :94180-36720 ,1''. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Manager (Civil), Luhri Hydel Electricity 5. Project, Bithal, Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla, HP. Member I M :94184-54775 I Distt. Employment Officer, Representative of District .i'.. 6. Member Employment Offtcer, Shimlq District Shimla, [IP. Representative of State Directorate (Officer dealing with 7. Member Craftsman Training Scheme) Sr. Academician, Principal, Government JBLK Senior Secondary 8. Member School Kumatsain, District Shimla, HP. Group Instructor/Senior Instructor ITI Kumarsain, District W 9. Member Shimla, HP. Representative of the Students (Trainee), Government ITI Member 10.
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