Nassim Haramein - RationalWiki

Nassim Haramein

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Nassim Haramein is a physics crank, one of the many who claim to have uncovered the holy grail of physics, the "Unified Field Theory". Despite his claims, he's virtually unknown to mainstream physics, and the only people who take him seriously are the kind of people who listen to Coast to Coast AM [1] . For a taste of his claims, assorted clips from his talks can be found on YouTube. Many of his papers can be downloaded from his website.

He is the founder of The Resonance Project , a website and foundation concerned with his Unified Physics, and the "Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics". Despite this, his article keeps getting deleted from on notability grounds. [2]


1 Thrive 2 The Black Whole 3 The Schwarzschild proton 4 See also 5 External links 6 Footnotes


Haramein was featured prominently in the movie Thrive , where he discusses the fundamental shape of the fabric of space, as well as potential extraterrestrial involvement with Earth throughout history. The Black Whole

He is featured in the self-directed Gaiam film The Black Whole, a 2011 documentary-type movie starring Haramein and his "vacuum is the key to everything" claims. In the movie, he addresses the little he understands of quantum mechanics, the phi ratio, tetrahedrons, symmetries in the structure of the vacuum, and, of course, black holes, which, according to Haramein, are everywhere and everything; we are constantly appearing and disappearing at the speed of light, so, half of the time, we are vacuum, made of "blocks" of 64 tetrahedrons, arranged in such a way that a mini-black hole is created right at the centre of each "block", thus proving that we all have four sides.[citation needed ]

The Schwarzschild proton

Haramein proposed "the Schwarzschild proton" - a theoretical model of the proton where two black holes "orbit" one another. It may sound impressive, but it's almost entirely inconsistent with experimental observation.

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Anyone with even a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics knows that classical "orbits" do not apply at the scales mentioned in his paper. The paper was subsequently hidden from public view after being debunked as by internet blogs equally as reputable as Haramein, and is now available for download from his website.

Now that his Schwarzschild Proton paper has been debunked, he claims on his website t o have published a new paper, "Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass" in the Physical Review and Research International Journal, at ScienceDomain International. This is in fact not a scientific journal at all, but an "open peer reviewed ( " website where anyone can pay a fee and have their "research" "peer-reviewed" and then "published" onto the website.

See also

Sacred Geometry What the Bleep Do We Know?

External links

The Resonance Project ( homepage. Semi-layman's Version ( and-the-schwarzschild-proton/) of some of Nassim Haramein's theories. Nassim Haramein on Coast to Coast ( radio show. Nassim Haramein's unified theory enters mainstream science! ( /showthread.php?t=195519) : A JREF forum thread investigating claims that his ideas were accepted by the mainstream. [1] ( Schwarzschild Proton debunked [2] ( Article of Haramein's supposed groundbreaking new paper [3] ( Message where he claims to have published a paper in a journal (which is in fact a website where anyone can publish anything for a fee)


1. ↑ And yes, he has been on Coast to Coast several times ( /40486) . 2. ↑ "Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Nassim Haramein (2nd nomination) ( /w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Nassim_Haramein_%282nd_nomination%29& oldid=492958115) ." Wikipedia. 2012 May 16.

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