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' ,. &......... .,.... lifj\I!WLO'ijw" . nty·!"Iife.ws 4 Sect!'! OS - 26 PaCJOt Foulup Costs $2,000 Extra Ingham Democrats On ·Street Job Flay Republicans · Coundlmen couldn't Monday night on who wns to blame for a fqulup on Lansing street curb rlllrl gutter. They rlld agree that the city at lnnge will havP. nboul $2,000 extrn to pay. For Many Things The $2,000 will be for new side· wnllts tn mntch the grade of the curb. Councilman Richard Mor· At theh· convention in Muson Wednesduy night Ingham r!s, slreet committee chairman, Democrats hul'led harsh words !lt Republicans. Whether in. sn!!l that the curb on the west the White House or halls of In the state legislature HIS GREEN THUMB has led Archie Ammerman to build his s!rle of Lansing street between congt·~ss, own 9roenhouse ~~ 235 yvest Mechanic .and to .iry his. hand at rai~· Oal1 and Cherry Is too low, 110 Ol' in the court house, Republicans caught it from nil angles. ing flowers, , He s not 1n the commerc1al florist busmess bu~ he.s low lhat some cars could not be Keynoter Don Huyworth was bitter in his attack upon driven in and out of drives with· learning how to yai$e ~any varieties of plant~ an~ _flower.s. Th1s out damage to tailpipes and Republicans In Washington. Thomas C. Walsh, candidate fol' year he impprted 'begon1as from Holland. He 1s ra1smg pomsettas, bumpers. t•eprcsentativc in the first district, flayed Republicans in the cyneri<u ond primroses, He al:o has carnations he has raised from On the cast side of the street legislature and the t·esolutions committee brought in a bill s!ips. He is en'grossed with his hobby which he first took ~p as 11 between Onl1 and Elm the grade of charges against Republl· member of the Junior Daisy Field Garden club. He was pros.dcnt of 'lf I he curb is higher than the the club 3 years, Since his graduation from Mason high :chool s!c!ewallt, Morris said. cans in county government. in June he has been employed at Van's Service on Cedar street. For a half·hlock on the west Democrats are going to tnlw (ln.ghnm County News photo.) side, beginning at Elm, the slde over, the enthusiastic dclt>;;:ntcs Youths Regain wnllt had to be torn out and a were told. After January 1 Adlai new one built at a lower grade. Stevenson w!IJ be president. G. •• The same thing is being done lor Mennen Williams will be govern· Consciousness · ·Soil Bank Will Provide most of the distance between Oak MASON FIREMEN went to. school in l~ns1ng Wednesday ~~~.d or with control of the legislature and Elm. On the east side of the and there'll be some Democrats Thursday, getting instruction on both hig~ prossure fog an~ !ow, pres. in the court house, if convention Big ·sums for Idle Land street for much of the distance sure water ot the John Be on plont, Thunday night .they'll brJ.nc;r Mo· R' esl"dents Ask between Oak and Elm.a sldewallt prophecies arc fulf!llcd. After 13 Days Even though all Information Is com to govemment slo1•nges, will have to be built on a higher son's new fire truck home ond will· ha'vo it on display in' front of tho Hayworth pointed to Genesee npt yet ava!lnhlc, the soil bani> that will mean ;mother 201,000 grade, sD water coming down the court house Friday ond maybe in"operation at proctico '!=ridoy night. county as a once Gibraltar of Re· John 1\enncdy and John Rlnc· ·s··treet Repa"tr publican strength and now a hart, boU1 16, regained conscious· pt·ogram will pay Inghnm farm· bushels slored in Ingham, ac· gutter won't flow into Ken It's II John Boon rig mounted on a~ lntcrnljtional ch'as.sh:,, Speci~l , cr:; big money. For this year cording to Cmmplon. Betcher's yard, Morris reported. Democratic stronghold. He pro· ness Saturday. They had lain un· alon(!, said W!IJ!am Crampton. Farnwrs musl underplant on All of the sidewalk ·cost will feotures include d 5-mlln cab and 2-woy rodio. The pric~. is oround' 'In Su bd.tv' l·st"on phesled that the same trend Is conscious· since the car driven by 1 .Tr., Ingham farmers will get both corn and wheat to receive not have to he charged to the $15,000. The ciiy bought it for rurol runs ond expects to get back evident in Ingham. It Is also hap· the Kennedy boy struclt a tree· on $101,000 on corn they didn't raise. soli hank paymenls and they mistake, explained Wayne Curtis, s.ome of its money by chorges fo townships. The new red truck will pen!ng in .Livingston, with 500 Meridian road the morning'' ot:.:; more Democratic votes a year August 5. ' \'~· 'flwy'll get at least $175,000 on musl unrlcrplanl to receive pay street superintendent, because repl.ace a 1939 truck which will be stripped down for hreot work. wheat next year, he added. mcnls under lhc acreage reserve some of it is In such poor repair Thirteen new residents on coming In from people who move Both boys arc at Sparrow has· Crampton is office manager of plan, Crnmpton explained. Own· It needs replacing anyhow. Chief Loland Austin is ot the left, 'Oth~r Ma'son fireman enrolled'~~ Knthcryn street went before the from Wayne and Washleaaw Into pita! in Lansing and both still the Inghnm Agr!cultul'al Stabili· ers nf land who rent it out will Mayor Alfred Forchc and other the John Beon school are Dave Stone, Erie Spenny, Elmer J.ud~rjo.hn Mason council Monday night to Livingston, Hayworth declared. awalt surgery. '!'he l{ennedy boy :mtion and Conservnlion of[ice. be able lo receive more umlcr the councilmen who had investigated ond Dr, C. J. Hubbord. (Jnghom County News photo.) · demand street lmproveml:!nts. ProfeHSOI'!I Get Credit has a fractured jaw and a !rae· He ·spol1e before the Mason J{i· soil hanlt than they could real· snld the contractors, E. E. Lock· ·Residents said they were un· Young pmfessors at Michigan turcd right leg which must yet wan!s club Tuesday night. I ize from their shares of tenanter! wood & Son, recognized that the able to safely travel the street State university received credit be set. He must also undergo sur· While some of the soli plan crops. he said. Dairymen, though, grade on the west side was too because of mud. If one of the from Hayworth for being either gcry for a fl•actured sl,ull. The answers are Jacldng, inr!icat!ons Iwill need eol'll anrl pasture and low and so on the cast side raised houses caught on fire the fire the cause or the effect of the Rinehart hoy underwent brain the elevation. Councilmen also point to the conclusion lhnl part· I so ean not pul muC'h land into not reach the house, a half·dozen tlme fanners and farmers who the soil bani<, lw Hdded. said the curb could not well Sch~ol Open_s, S,~ptem_·.ber ·5 ~~~~\~~d~lcl D~~~~~~ti~c~~e~~iy ~~rr~!\~~~~:~. ~~~r b~~~!~a~ft rent out their fields will profit There ';ere 219 Ingham farm· match both the pavement and the · Mavor Alfred I~orche promised Democrats on the faculty when I leg has· not been set yet. An ab· liUr• more than full-time farmers, ers who s1grwd up uml~r the soil sldewal11s and that . there was a School will begin Wednesday, will travel the same. rou.tcs as Immediate relief. He said 'the went to Michigan State In 1937," cess resulted from the brain September 5, at 8:30 a. m. for last year, hut may. be changed'ns worlt would have been done Hayworth remarlted. "Now half gery and the leg w!ll not bU set Crampton said. He also said that banl1 fill' underplantmg corn, considerable difference in side t;rtany dairymen can not profil· Crampton reporlr.r!. That total walk elevations between the east pupils attending Mason school's. the need arises. · earlier .had there been .time the faculty members are Demo· until the abcess clears up, doc• ably avail themselves of soil bank :vould l~nve r~ached ·100, he ~aid, and west sides of the street. Un Those who registered for classes The school bo.ok store will be enough between rains. The south crats, and the same thing Is gen· tors told the parents. If arld1t10nrrl lime had been g1vcn evenness of the bituminous mat last spring won't have to report open from 9-12 and 1·4 dally un· end of the street is sandy soli ernlly true in other colleges. Es· The Kennedy boy Is the son of to school until Wednesday morn· til school starts·, the supcrlnten· and offers no difficulty, Council· pecially In social sciences ar~ Gordon Kennedy and Mrs. Ruth ·,Payments under the soil banl1 for the s!gn·up. Ingham farmers on the concrete was also a factor, will get between $40 and $50 per they reported. lng, but those who didn't must dent said. man Richard Morris said. The Democrats found. I can't recall Kennedy. The Rinehart boy Is the plan are intended to prevent ac· register during the week begin- north end of the street Is heavy any young teacher in political son of Mr. lind Mt·s.