Japanese anime series gets whirlwind showings in 7 days By Howard Pousner
[email protected] When Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" won the Academy Award for best an- imated feature in 2003, it was considered not only a victory for Japanese anime but for hand-drawn anima- tion at a time when comput- ers were taking over "toons" everywhere. The Japanese filmmaker was hailed as a master visual storyteller. Reviewing the fantasy ep- ic in The Atlanta Journal- Constitution at the time, critic Eleanor Ringel Gil- lespie wrote: "If Lewis Car- roll were alive today, and making movies instead of writing books, 'Spirit- ed Away' is the movie he'd make. Not since he sent Al- ice tumbling down that rab- bit hole has there been such a rapturous mix of whimsy and the surreal." More Miyazaki films have played the U.S. since, most notably "Howl's Moving Castle." But many of the fea- Original Japanese poster that publicizes "Nausicaa of the tures from Studio Ghibli, the Valley of the Wind," part of the Studio Ghilbi Festival at Tokyo production studio Landmark Midtown. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO he founded in 1985 with fel- low director Isao Takahata and producer Toshio Suzu-' Saturday: "Spirited Away" ki, have never received a full FILM PREVIEW (2001), 2:05,7 and 11:45 p'.m. U.S. release. "The Studio Ghibli Sunday:"My Neighbor Totoro" Starting today, Landmark Collection: 1984 to (1988), 12:15,5 and 9:40 p.m. Midtown Art Cinema gives 2009" Sunday: "Castle in the Sky" metro moviegoers a chance (1986),2:20and7p.m.