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FIF.n A HIT fW'IBA. MICTAti MAMBT. em l lnlo cppe quo Uaga todn .1 tln prlndlen dlarto par Rurrveot l mlsmo dto n que e puhll-rdn- . Mlrar. oa eland" fll ii (iru ead df par KM IPa $4 to a So. I contlen, las td dl i I MM nina c. eMSejIsr, ultima noticisa del 41a an aapaflol fag0Jl0rnmg tag t.r lb. 34TH YEAR. LAR8EST BONA fFOE PUD OKOUTIN i SWTKWEST EL PASO. TEXAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913 TWELVE PAGES PRICE FTVE CENTS Felix Martinez, of El Paso, President of Commission HUERTA 15 ELIMINATED to Visit AU Latin-America- n Countries at Once HUERTA M FREIGHT FIRST SIEP ACCOMPLISHED FURNISHES AMERICANS MONEY IN BRINGING PEACE TO MEXICO DENIED BY THE UNITED SHIES Such is the Authoritative Declaration Tells Them They Are Safe In Mexico, Made by Washington Officials An But If They Must Leave He Will Early Armistice is Expected. Furnish Free Transportation. Rv Th Amnrtatrd Press Male had merely presented the facta Washington, Sept. 4 President Wit aad had made no recommendations. By the Associated Press. nn and Secretary Bryan hava adopted Mexico City, Sept. 4. Neither the American embassy nor the the attitude that the elimination of ABSOLUTE A8SIH.XC1 Mexican foreign office appears to share the optimism of Washing- Vlctorlano Huerta from the preslden tlal race In Mexico la assured and th Come From City That GtM. ton officials regarding the early solution of the difficulties between flrat step toward the atabllehmant of Huerta la I llntlnau .1 the two nations. At the embassy it was said tonight that no com- peace In Mexico haa bean accomplish! By Special Wire fo tar rimes munication had been received from Mr. Lind in three days. Senor A at te Declaration. Washington. D. Sept. 4. karat C, On ths framboa, the foreign minister, seemed equally ignorant of any fur- This the au'horltlve declaration highest authority It became known au a today of offlciala who lat It be known: this afternoon that the administration ther interchange tending toward settlement. He said there had haa received absolute assurances from been no official communication with Mr. Lind since the dispatch That oral aaeurancaa had been riven Mexico City that President Huerta Nelaon 0'Bbuganeay. cnarge deffaira hsa irrevocably eliminated himself of his last note. of the American embaaay. of Huerta as a candidate In the constitutional Attitude Is Unchanged. Intention not to be a candidate In the election next month. In other words, approaching election; the administration has received writ- The foreign minister's attitude apparently has not changed That the United 8tatee would con ten and vertnl assurances that Presi- strue literally the ararument in the d dent Ht.erta haa given up hope of since the departure of Mr. Lind from the Mexican capital and he note of Federico Gamboa, Mexican aide to force recognition for his reiterated the statement he made a week ago that he did not expect foreign who pointed minister of affalra, government from this country anil further negotiations unless the administration at Washington saw out at great length that a prnvlaional baa pledged himself not to be a can prealdant In Mexico la Ineligible to sue- - dldate. Moreover, he has conveyed fit to submit a rejoinder to his last note in which he pointed out the ecd himself assurances to Prealdent Wilson ineligibility of General as a presidential candidate and with- That any effort on the part of Huerta that Huerta the election next month will be legal of full be- to circumvent the constitution by re orderly. drew the suggestion resumption ol diplomatic relations election In htid signing In advance of the Conaul General Hanna, at Monte- tween the two countries. That, he said, still is the attitude of Mexico. favor of another provisional president rey, regarded by Informed the state department would be the United today is Huerta Would Pay Freight. as a breach of faith before the that there no truth In tha States report of an execution of six Ameri- President Wilson's warning to Americans to leave Mexico has world. cans at Torreon. He added that aa Uaaaboa'a Withdrawal. recently as August SI, trustworthy called forth a declaration from General Huerta in which he gives Much stress was laid by the officials perrons arriving n Monterey trim assurances of safety to Americans under any circumstances, even upon the withdrawal by Senor Gamboa Torreon advised him that all Amerl-car'- s in case of intervention so far as the Mexican government is able to and foreigners had been v.-l- l m his second note of the original de- afford protection, and an offer to aid those desiring to leave, by af- mand for recognition by the United treated by both tha Federal and rebel States through the exchange of am- forcea. fording special trains to the ports and making good the difference bassadors. That the Huerta government A constant messenger service be- in the price of steerage ami the class of passage to which the refu- in effect had withdrawn Its demand for tween Monterey and Torreon Is being recognition is now hald by many Wash- maintained by the consul general. gees aspire. ington offlciala. notwtthatanding Senor State department advices from the Cut of All. Gamboa'a declaration In the same note state of Sonora today indicates a seri- Hardest he would "always stand on the un- ous break between Governor "The personal sentiments of the constitutional interim presi- that government con- avoidable condition which declares that and the state dent of. the republic," says the declaration, we are In reality the ad Interim con- cerning the Issuance of paper money. "to American citizens stitutional government of the Mexican From Acapulco It waa reported to- resitting in this country are benevolent to the extent that their gov- republic." day that Zapatistas have captured ernment has recommended without justifiable cause that they leave It was pointed out that one of the Iguala and Union. peculiarities of the situation Is the Advices from Harmosillo Indicate this country, and while lamenting this disposition which causes fact that while the Washington gov- that Governor ataytorena la desirous alarm as writ as the fact that many Americans have decided to leave ernment refuses to recognise Huerta of affording absolute protection to all the country, the president has resolved to recommend to the proper as the constitutionally chosen provis- Americans or other foreigners who ional president of Mexico at the present desire to remain In the state of So- authorities -- in view of the fact, as stated in the newspapers, that time. If is willing to interpret Gamboa s nora. the government of the United Stales finds it possible only to furnish argument on the ineligibility of Huerta in as a satisfactory answer to the chief NO MOI.K STATION. third class passage that they offer a spontaneous and a kindly Amerloan proposal that Huarta shall manner to cover the difference which exists, and even provide free tiotte a candidate In the coming elec- Americans Held at Tennsquet Suffer special trains and gratuities to the end that the Americans arrive in tions. The Washington officials point No Indignities. By Th Asseoielrd Press Pacific Bxposltlon commission by ap- N. M.. 4. A dis- president com- . i i i i their country with greater comfort anil means aa the basis for their interpretation By Thy associated Press Albuquerque, Sept. pointment as of the .......... than those which excerpt Gamboa's patch to the Morning Journal an- mission to visit coun- to the following from Washington, Sept. 4 Conaul they otherwise would have." second note, transmitted to John Llnd nounces the apolntment of Prllx g tries In the luii test of atrengthenlng MKXK'AN K.IiKCTIONH by at Frontora, reported to tha of El Paao prealdent of a com- the friendship of the United Htatee ON tMTOBKR Jd Answers and approved Huerta: state department today that the as Newspaper Questions. What Oaaaboa Bald. Americana whose mission to visit all with the other countries of ; departure from commission- and to promote rela- 4 By Thr Aaaoclutrrf General Huerta's declaration was made in response to a series you, Mr. Confidential Tenusque was prevented by seiz- countries. The two'other trade Pirn "I beg to inform the of 4- City. Sept. Prepa- - by ure of the vessel on which they were ers are Franklin Adams, secretary tions with tha opening of the Panama Mexico I of questions put to him certain newspapers. Agent, that up to the present time, at Union, D. O. Is now In I Am Angeles, Calif ., the presidential elec- - to leave.- - had aurrered no the and canal. rations for "Should there be the least sign of an uprising," the Uuited molestation I.n.-- P.I Oc are nlong, leaat. only the president of and had found employment with an livestock comnliaaioner of the on k visit and will not return to tlona on ii well he spoken of the Panama-Pacifi- c to said, "the Mexican government, well knowing its obligations and States of America haa Amen, an company In Tenosque. Exposition. Paso until next week. The Invitation nicordlng the minister of the constitutional ad In- The president candidacy of the conaul said he had re- The commission, under direction of to become of the commis- interior. Dr. Drrutla. From responsibilities, would suppress it with all energy, always within the forthcoming elec- renewed tin prog-- r terim president at the quest for the protection of American the state department, will leave sion ua accepted by him from lw many stale satisfactory law from which it has no intention to depart." tions.