Miss the q ueues

Remember if you have a Motorhome or Caravan you MUST pre-inscribe before 31st July 2018. This will ensure you are based in the main field with everyone else, so we are all together. Failure to pre-inscribe will result in you being put outside of the Treffen site (but still on the farm) and risking missing out on the fun.

If you need to pay by BCAS please drop me a line ([email protected] ) and I will send you the relevant details. The plus side is you won’t be queuing when you arrive as you wait for other people to fill in their forms.

If you are not planning to stay on site don’t forget the following are the nearest hotels to the site.

Hotels nearby

Travelodge Inter- change Hotel 6 Gloucester Road Almondsbury BS10 7TL Bristol 0871 984 622 BS32 4AA 0145 461 3206 Premier Inn Catbrain Lane Patchway Aztec Hotel and Spa Bristol Aztec West BS10 7TL Almondsbury 0871 527 816 Bristol BS32 4TS

Till next time Paula Howdy Folks, Where has the time gone. The Treffen season has started and the sun is finally coming out to play, so keep the sun dances going and lets make sure it stays. So lots to talk about and lots happening.

Firstly thank you to everyone who has offered their help without you the show won’t go on. What’s new since the last time I blogged.

So what’S new

Look out for the new traders to the Treffen Jane Michniewicz - Pinstriper The Sherbet Piglet We are pleased to announce that Jane will be joining us at this year’s Treffen. Jane is a seasoned pinstriper and is very much looking forward to meeting you all.

Something for those of you that Whilst she takes cards she much prefers cash as it is have a sweet tooth, or just need a more cost effective for her.

sugar rush. A vintage sweet shop Although her prices depend on the design and colours selling the sweets you remember the following is a price guide for her work. from your childhood and probably Prices start at £45 for one small piece (2x6” or 4x4”) on some that you don’t. So make sure a fender end or topbox edge in 2 colours. you have a few pennies in your pocket to savour some of their Add on similar pieces for £35. wares. Larger pieces £60 (2x8” or 4x6”) in 2 colours.

Big pieces from £100 (larger than above) i.e. tank or topbox.

Extra colours can be added , usually from £5-£10 each.

So the sun shone and the Treffen ‘posse’ were out and about looking for places to visit and things to see during your stay at , and they didn’t fail in their quest. They will be taking you over the water to ride through stunning areas of outstanding beauty to the ancient town of Monmouth, which dates back to the Roman times. Then when you have been fed, watered and rested the next ride out will take you to a town that boosts of the most inland port in Britain, Gloucester City. Which is a love for Hollywood film makers. The cathedral cloisters was home to the corridors of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films and the Docks were key in the making of the blockbuster ‘Alice in Wonderland’. If you fancy a trip out on your own then you can always explore the delights of Bristol and Cheddar Gorge. Till next time Paula

Well Howdy Folks,

It’s been a few weeks since my last muse, so here is the latest lowdown on the Goldwing Ho Down (aka Treffen) for 2018. During that time a few members of the Goldwing Posse came to visit the proposed site, and it’s got the thumbs up. Whilst, taking the Goldwing Posse around the site, I found this poster and think the culprits look very much like people we know!! I am still trying to find out what they are wanted for, more investigation is needed I think. So, Bristol it is and Easter Compton is the destination, with a barn the size of a football pitch (well almost) so plenty of space for everything to be under one roof, from traders to diners, from the Saloon’s to dance floor.

Easter Compton Farmshop Main Road, Easter Compton, Bristol, Still looking for a band for the Friday night so if you BS35 5RE are out and about during the festive session and come across some good old County and Western bands, please send me the details.

I am meeting the amazing Ang who can turn the most plainest of backgrounds into a fun and exciting scene, at the site shortly to discuss how we can take an empty barn and transport it into the wild wild west. The site we have is huge or you could say massive and we will need lots of props, so if you are handy with making something out of nothing and are happy to help let me know.


The 2018 Treffen band of ‘merry men’ is being pulled together as I write this blog and will soon be in a position to share with you who they are shortly. Well that’s all for this blog Folks, look forward to hearing from you and I will update you again real soon.

Paula Howdy Folks,

Well this is my first blog on the 2018 Treffen, aka the ‘Wild Wild West’. Which when you think about it, it’s a pretty apt theme as this year we are going to the South West, home to Bansky, Wallace and Gromit, James May not forgetting the JK Rowling.

I have travelled miles to find a place for us to settle down for the August Bank Holiday and I hope you will like it. Each month I will write to you with an update of how the planning is going and any other titbit that might make your weekend a little more interesting.

The location I am looking at was a farm, but is now used for Rally’s, Fair’s and Parties. It has a wonderful farm shop which sells lots of lovely goodies including the odd gallon of Scrumpy to keep you warm at night. Plus plenty of room for the young Wingnuts to run around.

And in case you're asking, yes, we will be having our own bar this year, and it now wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have the real ale bar. Thank you Yeti for agreeing to run it again this year. But can you please get one that I like the taste of. Sir, indoors say’s no pressure there then?

The site has a huge double sized barn, so no need for Marquees and the camping field is big enough for both campers (wagons) and tents (tepee’s) to be on the same site.

There will be a few changes to next year’s Treffen, for example instead of theming just the hall the whole site will be a sea of Cowboys and Indians ‘Yee-haw’. Plus a few other surprises I will write about in my later blogs. The live music is a bit of a concern and something I would like some help with. I have researched the music from that era and not sure I could live with banjo and violins (even if they are jigging) music for more than a few minutes and Country and Western is from modern times but has tenuous links. So, let me know what you would like, and if you have a band in mind, drop me a line and let me know. If not we might end up with heavy metal all weekend mmm…

Well that’s all for this blog Folks, look forward to hearing from you and I will update you again real soon.
