1802804 : Activism: Engagement and Resistance Syllabus Spring 2018 Login Course Syllabus Syllabus Dashboard Courses Activism: Engagement and Resistance Calendar Sunset with burning building Inbox Help Semester & Location: Spring 2018 - DIS Copenhagen Type & Credits: Elective Course - 3 credits Major Disciplines: Communication, Philosophy, Sociology. Faculty Members: Jesper Lohmann Program Director: Neringa B. Vendelbo -
[email protected] Time & Place: Monday & Thursday, 14.50 - 16.10, N7 - C24 Course Description: This course offers a broad introduction to the concept of activism, focusing on the challenges and opportunities activists face in contemporary society. In the course we will be reading theoretical articles on activism as well as analyzing specific examples. Classes will rest on a combination of empirical and theoretical discussions. We will be looking at different topics of activism (Occupy Movement, Internet, Labor, Human Rights, Feminism, Environment, Global Justice) and different forms/tools of activism (Social Media, Hacktivism, Strikes, Boycotts, Demonstrations, Gate-crashing, Culture Jamming…). The variety of cases, topics and forms will help us understand how and why some forms of activism might be more efficient than others in specific contexts. Several of the cases will be from Denmark or other European countries. This focus will give us the opportunity to discuss potential differences and similarities between European and American examples of activism. In short, by looking at multiple cases, our ability to analyze specific cases will be strengthened. This broad perspective will help us decide how to create our own activist projects – in this course as well as in our future lives – that are suited for making a difference in the world we are living in today.