Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo CCOOMMMMOONN SSPPOORRTTSS HIGH SCHOOL OF AMERICANSTUDIES AT LEHMANCOLLEGE Vol. V… No. 6 DECEMBER 2007 ON LINE NOW AT: could they regain the lead. MEN’S HOOPS AT HSAS OFF TO A SOUND START Although the Senators lost both By Eric Berman(‘08) scrimmages, forward Travis "Is this a JV team?" asked one Gardner('09), who led the team of the referees as the HSAS boys with 25 points against Grover basketball players walked out onto Cleveland, is still optimistic. "I see the court to scrimmage with Walton a bright future for us," said on November 13th. The difference Gardner. "We shouldn't let people was obvious: every player on count us out." Walton was over six feet tall and Then came our game against every player on American Studies Bronx Leadership Academy. It was was under six feet tall. "the most marvelous and American Studies quickly spectacular performance that I have showed the referee that they ever witnessed from a group of belonged on the court alongside the high school players," exclaimed Division “A” Walton team. We official team entourage member made up for the lack of size with Utak West('08). speed, quickness, and tough Although it was a strong defense. Despite a valiant effort, the performance, the head coach team technically lost the preseason believed that there were still areas to improve upon. "We need to work scrimmage. When asked about the C. Gayle(’08) drive to the hoop at the first home game team’s performance, Brandon on boxing out," said Coach Tigers. second period. Grover Cleveland’s Ballerini. "Our team is too small to Nguyen('11) thought that, "we need Despite having only six players, Tigers cut the Senator’s lead from to work on rebounding and try to jump with some of these the HSAS Senators came out and eight points to one. guys." defense." shocked the Queens champion by The Senators’ fell behind, The team took lessons from the After the win against BLA, taking an early lead throughout the trailing by double digits. They American Studies played their tough loss against Walton when first quarter. The dominant spent the rest of the scrimmage they followed the scrimmage with home opener yesterday against performance of the first period was trying to battle back. Despite their Taft. With only seven players our another against a Queens Division then cancelled out by the Senators’ efforts, the team couldn't maintain “A” school, Grover Cleveland team was defeated 99-63 in the lackluster performance in the the intensity of the first quarter nor Apex.  early life in , was heard RED SOX IN THE saying that he “detests the Red Sox.” He also added that his BRONX By Jasper Klien(‘09) “entire family are Red Sox fans.” Why would someone in a Bronx Mr. Thoman clearly broke away from his family’s baseball tradition high school be a as he told Common Sense that the, fan, especially, with Yankee “Red Sox fans are the worst Stadium only a short subway ride example of what a good baseball away. fan should be.” He continued to The New York Yankees are the say that “Red Sox fans are rude, most successful franchise in sports obnoxious, and that includes my history and are located in the same own family.” borough as the High School of It’s fair to say that student Red American Studies. Although the Sox fans are not entirely accepted environment is ideal for Yankee by these members of the staff. fans, for some reason the Red Sox When asked, Peter Nauffts(‘11) Nation has expanded into our says that he is a red sox fan mostly school. because his “dad is from Boston The Red Sox fans are among us and (he) is a big Red Sox fan.” and with the Red Sox winning the Peter added that he “is a New N. Berkowitz is not alone at HSAS when it comes to Red Sox pride. World Series, their fans are England Patriots fan as well.” showing their colors. These people Mr. Mansdorf, who went to Some, such as Mr. Thoman, COMMON SENSE IS are brave to be fans of a team that is college in Boston says, “back when strayed away from the Red Sox hated by the majority of New York I lived in Boston I was sympathetic N INE OW AT despite his family ties. But others O L N : City. These fans are getting to the Red Sox because they hadn’t have fallen into Red Sox nation confident as they openly root for won in so long.” He now feels since because of family like Peter the Red Sox in the halls of the “they have won I can’t stand them. I Nauffts. school, and on the streets. think their fans are arrogant.” /common_sense.html After the recent World Series The Yankees v. Red Sox rivalry The staff seems not to be in favor win over the Colorado Rockies, is not only on the field, but it is a of the Red Sox but there is a small student Nick Berkowitz(‘08) was Current and archived issues rivalry among the fans. Long time number in the student body who asked why he is a Red Sox fan. are available. Yankee and a season ticket show their loyalty to the Sox. “My parents have always holder at , Mr. Many of these fans have been encouraged me to support the Blitz, expressed that he “hates the raised in Red Sox homes. Maybe Check it out today! Sox,” Nick told Common Sense. Red Sox and he hates the Red Sox these students will eventually Isaac De Los Santos(‘11) fans.” follow Mr. Thoman's path of expressed his reason for being a Other teachers in our school such breaking away from the Red Sox Sox fan in the Bronx stating, “my as Mr. Thoman, who is a New family tradition or maybe one day father was a Sox fan and I mostly England native, and spent a they will raise their own kids to be portion of his watched their games.” Sox fans. 