
Student .Masters for R’eading Na.rrative Text

““i\, A Washington Model for Classroom-Based Evidence

Early YeardBenchmark 1 Acknowledgment “Jennifer Bing, Why Won’t You Sing?’ Reprinted by permission of LADYBUG magazine, March 1997, Vol. 7, No. 7 copyright 0 1997 by Kimberly Thomas, illustrations by Jada Rowland.

Copyright 0 1998 by Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruetion-Commission an Student Learning. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may he reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. The contents of this publication may, however, he reproduced if they are intended ~olelyfor nonprofit, educational u8e. Printed in the United States of America Reading 0 Student Master la Name STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK

Stop - Look at the picture in the story. What do you think this story will be about?

I think this story will be about

Listen and follow along as your teacher reads the story. 0 tudent Master Ib Name Now, think about how the story will end.

I think this story will end After you finish reading the story, go back and read how you thought the story would end. How was your ending the same as in the story?

How was your ending different from the ending in the story? Student Master 2a

Jennifer Bing, Why Won’t You Sing?

By Kimberly Thomas Art by Jada Rowland

Jennifer Bing had a musical family. Everyone sang or played an instrument. Mama had a soft voice, sweet and pure. Daddy had a deep voice that could go as low as a . Sister played the , her fingers bouncing across the keys. Grandma Bing played the , and when she blew the soft notes, people closed their eyes and let the music drift over them. Grandpa Bing played the so well, Jennifer sometimes cried because the music was too beautiful.

“Jennifer Bing, Why Won’t You Sing?” Reprinted by permission of LADYBUG magazine, March 1997, Vol. 7, Na 7 copyright 0 1997 by Kimberly Thomas, illustrations by Jada Rowland. Reading Student Master 2b I

The Bings were talented, but Jennifer didn’t seem to be. When she tried to sing, her high notes squeaked and her low notes squawked. She had never learned to play an instrument, either. “Jennifer Bing, why won’t you sing?“ Mama asked when the family got together to practice. Jennifer shook her head. ‘Who ever heard of a Bing that won’t sing?” Grandpa asked. “All Bings MUST sing!” Wow, now,” Daddy said to Grandpa. “Not all Bings have to sing.” Then he added, “But it would be nice.” Reading Student Master 2c I

Whenever the Bing family practiced, Jennifer would sneak out the back door. She liked to go out in the yard and listen through the window. She shut her eyes and enjoyed the music-easily picking ” ...... , .- -- . - i:*-*,.--_ out Grandpa’s violin, 4.. . ._-2.. - -._ . --’-->>-..,”.. Y .! Grandma’s flute, ! Mama’s high voice, Daddy’s deep voice, and Sister’s piano. Then she would wave her arms and kick her legs. She leaped and skipped. She swooped and swirled. She glided. She flew. . Jennifer loved to move! She loved to jump! She could do a happy dance or a sad dance. The music told her how. Reading Student Master 2d

One evening the Bing family gathered together to practice, but Jennifer didn’t go outside. Mama and Daddy raised their voices in song as Sister’s fingers pounded the piano keys. Grandpa Bing played on his violin. Grandma Bing blew on her flute. And suddenly Jennifer flew across the floor. She skipped! She leaped! She shuffled and spun! And she didn’t stop until the music stopped. Then she looked at the startled faces around her. ((JenniferBing!” Mama said. “Who taught you to dance?” Student Master Be 0 “Nobody taught me, Mama,” Jennifer said. “The music tells me how.” Grandpa patted her on the head. “Such a talented Bing,” he said. “Such a graceful Bing,” Grandma said. “Such a musical Bing,” Daddy said. “Such a singing Bing!” Sister said. And Jennifer Bing was very happy, because she could sing after all. Not with her voice. Not with a musical instrument. No! She sang with her whole body, and she liked her own singing best of all. ~~ ~~ Reading 0 Student Master 3a Name How Do I Read?

When I read a story I...

look for who wrote it

look for who drew the pictures

use the picture on the cover 0 to guess what will happen

look for the characters

look for where the story takes place

look for the problem

look for how the story ends Reading Student Master 3b Name I

How Do I Read?

!When I read a story I... on the cover to figure out what will happen in the story U I look for the characters I

I look for the setting I--look for the problem

Iokfor the solution

think about what I am reading and how it fits with what I already know E I go back and reread when what I am reading doesn’t make sense I

use what I read to decide the meaning of words I don’t know I or sound them out I A New Word to Know

Directions: Find a word you want to know from the story.

I think this because

This word really means tudent Master Sa

Thinking About Jennifer Bing

What is Jennifer thinking right now? Draw a picture or tell what Jennifer is thinking.


What in the story makes you think this? What could make Jennifer feel better? Draw a picture or tell what could make Jennifer feel better.

What in the story makes you think this? Reading Student Master 6 Name 0. Sounds in Words

Directions: Read the following sentences from “Jennifer Bing, Why Won’t You Sing?” Use letter clues and sentences to figure out unknown words.

1. Jennifer sh - - k her head.

2. All Bings must s

3. Then she would w her arms and kick her legs.

4. She could do a h dance or a sad dance. Reading Student Master 7 Name 0 . Counting Syllables In Words

Directions: Read the following sentences. Look at each underlined word. Clap once for each syllable you hear in the underlined word. Write the number of syllables above each word. Do both words have the same number of syllables? Reading Student Master 8 Name

Rhyming Words

Directions: Read the sentence in the middle of each circle. Write four words that rhyme with the underlined word in each sentence.

never learned Reading Student Master 9 Name

Words, Words, Words

Directions: Write five nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

Nouns Adjectives Verbs

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

Now create two sentences using some of the words above.


2. Reading Student Master 10 Name 0 Story Parts

Directions: Draw a line from the word to the sentence or phrase it describes. Characters Jennifer sings by dancing.

Setting Jennifer doesn't sing or play an instrument.

Jennifer, Daddy, Mama, Sister, Grandma Bing, and Grandpa Bing

Solution The Bing family's home

Look at the story. 1. Find the author. What is his or her name?

Where did you find the author's name?

2. Find who drew the pictures. What is his or her name?

Where did you find the name of the person who drew the pictures?

3. Find when this story was written. What was the date?

Where did you find the date? Reading Student Master 11 Name


What a Character!

Directions: Choose a character and fill in the blanks below. Jennifer Grandpa Sister I Daddy Mama Grandma

Name of character:

My character said

My character did this:

How other characters feel about my character: Reading Student Master 12 Name

Looking at Characters

1. Who is the story mainly about?

How do you know?

2. Name two other persons in this story.

3. Tell what these persons do in the story.

Person 1:

Person 2:

4. Why do you think these persons are important to the story? tudent Master 13 0 What I Think About the Story

Why do you like this story?

What would you change? Why?

What other story does this remind you of? Why?

Would you tell a friend to read this story? Yes No

(Tell why or why not) Reading Student Master 0 14a Act It Out

Setting: The Bing family’s house. Main Character: Jennifer Bing Other Characters: Mama, Daddy, Sister, Grandma Bing, Grandpa Bing, and Narrator

(Enter the Narrator) Narrator: Jennifer Bing is the only member,of her family who does not sing or play an instrument. What will Jennifer do? Let’s find out.

(Enter the Bing family) Mama: Jennifer Bing, why won’t you sing? Grandpa Bing: Who ever heard of a Bing that won’t sing? All Bings MUST sing! Daddy: Now, now, not all Bings have to sing. But it would be nice. (Bing family is practicing singing and playing instruments.) Reading I Student Master 14b

Act It Out [continued)

Narrator: Whenever the Bing family would practice singing or playing an instrument, Jennifer would sneak out the back door and listen. (Jennifer Bing sneaks out an imaginary door.) She loved to dance to the music. (Jennifer Bing begins to dance.) She would leap and skip. She would do happy and sad dances. The music told Jennifer how to move. One day, the Bing family saw Jennifer dance to the music. They were surprised. Mama: Jennifer Bing! Who taught you to dance? Jennifer: Nobody taught me, Mama. The music tells me how. Grandpa Bing: Such a talented Bing. Grandma Bing: Such a graceful Bing. Daddy: Such a musical Bing. Sister: Such a singing Bing! Narrator: And Jennifer Bing was very happy because she could sing after all. Reading e Student Master 15 Name Story Map

Directions: Use this story map to create a story.




What happens... At beginning:

In middle:

At end: