Eastern Illinois University The Keep

October 1984

10-12-1984 Daily Eastern News: October 12, 1984 Eastern Illinois University

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Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: October 12, 1984" (1984). October. 10. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1984_oct/10

This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1984 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. · · Friday, October 12, 1984 TheDaily ...will .be cloudy and foggy early in the day becoming partly sunny and mild by afternoon. Highs· will be in the upper 60's to low· ?O's. Friday night. with a 30 ·percent chance of showers. will have lows around 60. asternEastern Illinois Univ�rsity I Charleston, Ill. 619�0 I Vol. 70,News No. 34 I Two Sections, 1 32_ Pages •••••••••••••••••••• Black student enrollment decreases by Mary Holland A more stringent dismissal . policy is partially responsible for a sharp decline in Eastern's black enrollment since 1977, some campus officials said recently. Figures from the office of university planning and . budgeting show there are 396 black students e.nrolled this fall, compared to 431 black students in fall 1983. Although minority enrollment figures from dif­ ferent sources vary, all reports show a sharp decline. in minority enrollment since 1977. James Johnson, assistant dean of student person­ nel services, said figures kept by him based on com­ puter print-outs show minority enrollment totals 384 this semester. while the 1976 enrollment was 656. Statistics from the admission's office also show a sharp decline since 1977. According to statistics released by Admissions Director John Beacon, 631 blacks were enrolled in fall 1977 compared to 463 in 1983. Johnson and other campus officials said a more stringent dismissal policy instituted in the summer of 1983 is partially responsible for the decrease. However, other factors officials said are decreas­ ing minority enrollment include recruitment pro­ more Alpha Phi Valerie Aguirre pomps the tion Wednesday from the roof of the Sigma Chi blems in inner-city high schools, financial aid cut­ Chi-Alpha Phi Homecoming house decora- house.(News photo by Alice Ryno) backs and an application cut-off date instituted from 1981 to1983 . Johnson said under the new dismissal policy, students in the most academic trouble have the rejects proposal for computer . A hardest time staying in school. Under the new policy, students whose grade point areness cours� requi·remen averages fall below 2.00 are placed on probation and t must demonstrate "satisfactory progress" the n�xt . . . Cambria there was a liberal arts and show the student what a program semester if they are to remain in schooL" Council on Academic Af­ Under the graduated scale, the lower · a s"tudent's sciences sfant to the course: is and how it drives the machine.'' · . Thursday voted down "I seriously question the Laible also defended the GPA, the higher" his next semester's GPA must be in puter Awareness," a course history background and social ef­ course. "This isn't a course but a order to remain in school. d would have been a gradua­ fects that the course is stressing," model for a number of courses, " "A lot of our students are just average stu ents, ... uirement for all students Aulabaugh said. "ls it really he said. Johnson said. "If they have one bad semester they · semester to stay in in fall1985. · essential for all to be required to "The course comes out of·every are required to get 2.25 the next majority of questions and have it?" department and weeks 12-15 are school. Some of ourstudents will- never get a 2. 25." tions from CAA members CAA member James Quivey ex­ designed to give specific· applica­ Jonetta Jones, dirctor · of the Afro-American with the course description, pressed concern with the different tions in each department," Laible League, said according to her records, there were 87 , and numbering of the ways the requirement could be added. "Computer awareness is black students on probation in the spring of t 984, met. the goal, not that students take and 63 of those students were dismissed at the end of two-hour course, proposed The course requirement also this course. " the semester. CAA subcommittee, was could have been met by taking a CAA member Bob Saltmarsh Jones said last summer there were 18 black to give students an CAA approved course equal to questioned whether students need students on probation, and 13 of them were dismiss­ nding of the computer, · "Computer Awareness" or by a course in computer literacy. ed. tions, capabilities, limita- passing a competency test through "What drastic things are tiap­ "I like standards," Jones said. "We have to have history, and effects on testing services. penfng to people who don't know standards to guide us, but I'm also concerned that "I don't see how jt is remotely anything about them?" Saltmarsh this dismissal policy is having a d isproportion ate im­ uter Awareness" would possible to give one test," Quivey asked. "What's the worst thing pact on black students," she said. numbere_d DEPT Jones said she also disagree5 with the graduated l>een 1I99 said. ··'There is too much varia­ that can happen to them?" · offered separately by each tion in the course to have just Whitely said he was not surpris­ scale of the current policy. . · department so the con­ one." ed by the questions CAA "If you get someone who made C's, D's and F's the course could be geared CAA member Sue Stoner said members asked about the course. their first semester in school, chances are they're not specific area in which it she thought the course should not "I think the issues and ques­ going to get A's and B's the next semester, or even betaught. be an all-university requirement. tions you heard here today you B's and C's. They just don't rebound like that, " subcommittee members · ''The · departments sJlould be would hear fo any university Jones said. Whitely and Jon Laible Registrar James Martin agreed, and called the cur­ able to make that decision for across the country," Whitely said. , at . the meeting to answer their majors instead of making it a '.'I think we'll see a lot of com­ rent dismissal policy "elitist. ,. on the proposal.. requirement . from every depa�­ puter applications coming in from "That graduated scale gives students with the tely said the course would ment," Stoner said. differentareas of the university,'' lowest grade.· point averages the toughest times," we out of each department Bob Barger, CAA member and he said.. '..'Maybe the subcommit­ Martin said. "We're a state institution and I think a single department on subcommittee member, defended tee has stimulated that." should be giving people more of a chance.'' could not handle the the course. "The "'tec.hnology is . here to "When Dr. (Pat) Wright (former CAA chairman) of students. "It doesn't ·require anything stay," Whitely said. "There's no gave his speech before the CAA and said the policy '°ember Alan Aulabaugh of dismissing more students. near the person becoming a pro­ doubt about th.at.'' · was achieving its affect understand why did not grammer," Barger said. "It will (See BLACK.page6) 2 �rlday, O�tol?er 12, 1 984 ssociated Pres-----­ Bu.sh, Ferraro clash in VP debate State/Natlon/World PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Geraldine Ferraro. Feiraro won a coin toss, as did Mondale - . - -- ·-- ·-· and George Bush clashed Thursday night in a day night, and she elected to let Bush give Panama installs new president debate of presidential campaign understudies, first answer while she will get the final say PANAMA CITY, Panama-Nicolas ArditoBarletta w.as the Democrat hoping to build Walter Mondale's the two give their closing statements. inaugurated president of Panama Thursday. He is the coun­ strong weekend showing against President Ferraro's task was to assist Mondale, but try's firstdirectly elected civilian president in 16 years. Reagan and the Republican bidding to neutralize to quell the doubts that polls indicate The new president faces a $3.5 billion foreign debt, 14 it. voters have about their own candidacy and a percent unemployment and the threat of growing political "I'm ready, I'm ready," Vice President Bush having a woman on a nation party ticket for unrest. Riot police clashed with about 1,000 demonstrators �aid as he flew to the debate· city after lunching first time. She had the added pressure of Wednesday during a protest over alleged vote fraud in the with the president at the White House. . ticipating in the first campaign debate of May 6 election, in which Ardito Barletta was supported by Ferraro was pronounced "ready," as well; by political career. · the military. campaign manager John Sasso, set to provide "a Bush's job was to prevent any additional In his inaugural_ speech, Ardito Barletta called for na­ great performance" in her role as first woman to sion in the president's support following tional unity to confront an economic crisis he said could participate in a national ticket debate. day's debate, and restore the small slippagei have serious social implications. Rules for the 90-million, nationally televised own poll ratings that followed disclosure Secretary of State George P. Shultz, in Panama for the in­ debate called for Ferraro and Bush to stand at . income tax returns several days ago. A vete auguration, is pressing for substantial changes in a proposed podiums eight feet apart on the Philiadelphia previous debates, he took part in one, in Central American peace treaty backed by Nicaragua's leftist Civic Center stage while four journalists posed that damaged his own bid for the GOP no government. questions, ABC newsman Sander Vanocur was tion while boosting Reagan's. Shultz believes the proposed pact gives Nicaragua an edge moderator.. over Central American nations more friendly with the United States. Soviet missile buildup in Europe First U.S; Woman to space walk STRESA, Italy-U.S. Defense Secretary Casper CAPE CANA VERAL,Fla.(AP)-Ex- someday retuel spent satellites 'that are ulting, Weinberger said Thursday the Soviet Union has "this is really great...superb ...I love it," abandoned as space junk. substantially increased the numbers if SS-20 nuclear missiles astronaut Kathy Sullivan on Thursday became Bundled in bulky space suits costing trained on Western Europe. the first American woman to walk and work in million each and restrained by tethers att the inhospitable environment of open space. At the close of the first day of a NA TO defense ministers to the sides of the ship, Sullivan and Leestm She nuclear strategy meeting at a lakeside resort in the Italian and David Leestma spent more than three a wonderful time as they clipped wires, re hours Alps, Weinberger said the U.S. intelligence community has outside Challenger's cargo bay. Of tern a dust cap, unscrewed a nut and attached a pinp<>inted the number of additional SS-20s deployed by the shouting with joy like kids at a playground. They and hose to a tank filled with hydrazine. seem�d almost reluctant to come back in and had "Look at that," said Leestma, as he re Soviets this year, but that figure would not be made public now. to be prodded several times by commander the dust cover. "We got it right off the bat Robert Crippen. held it up triumphantly the TV catnera The most recent estimate by NATO, released last to December, was 378 SS-20s. "Six seconds, . front and center," he said pair of grippers. "There are more than 378 SS-20s," ·weinberger told once. "Good job, time to come)n," he said The real fuel transfer was to take pl reporters. "There are substantial numbers in addition to later. remote control Friday with the astronauts that..:" Sullivan acted as a plumber's assistant to in Challenger'scabin. The West German ambassador to NATO, Hans-Georg Leestma as he attached a refueling line to a tank The other five crew members were moni fitting, testing tools and techniques that may from cabin. Wieck, told reporters that 11 new missile bases were under­ Challenger's contruction in the Soviet Union. REVIVAL MEETING - at Eastern Illinois University ILPDI OIMMI DILT CHRISTIAN CAMPUS HOUSE 2231 S. 4th St-Charleston, IL 61920 INVITBIYOU -TO October 14-17 O Sunday morning at 10:30 C MB IBOUHD TBI WORL Sunday thru Wednesday evenings at 7:00 Tim Dally youth minister at Rochester Christian "·· · ... ROMICOMIHO 19811 Church will be speaking Sun. morning: "A Hunger for God" Sun. evening: "An Alternative to the Church Mon. evening: "Only When I Laugh" Tues. evening: "Tou�ism, Flirting & Revolution" Wed. ll�U��ll evening: "Is The Bush Still Burning"

• Special Music each evening • -EVERYONE WELCOME- ��I IHIUl]l� he Daily

- Eastern News �e Daily Eastern �ws is published daily, Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Hlinois dunng the f8!1 and spnng semester and twice weekly during the summer term, except during sc .hool vacations or examinations, by the students of Eastern Illinois University. Subscription price: $15 per semester, $5 for summer only, $28 for all year. The Daily Eastern News-is a member of the Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive use of all articles appearing in this paper. The editorials on Page 4 represent the majority view of the editorial board· all other opinion pieces are signed. Phone 581 -281 2.The Daily Eastern News editoriai and businesso f­ fices are located in the North Gym of the Buzzard Building, Eastern Illinois University. Second class pastage paid at Charleston, IL 61 920· . USPS002250. Printed by Eastern Illinois Univer- sity, Charleston, IL 61 920. NEWS STAFF · Editor in �hief ...... Madeleine Doubek Governmenteditor ...... Linda Wagner News editor ...... : Nancy Yamin Photo editor ...... : ...... Sam Paisley Managing ed1to� .... : ... Maureen Foe!18Ch Sports editor ...... Jeff Long Co�sult1ng/des1gn editor ..... Steve B1ndec Verge editor ...... Diane Schneidman . Ed1t9rial pag� editor...... Katen Sisulak' Advertising manager, ..... _ ..Christ y Clark Ac P· 1tor ...... LisaGreen tJS';J � : Marketing manager .... Maura Montemeyer Adm1rnstrat1on editor ... - .... Mary Holland Student business manager.... Donna Segro Art director ...... - - ...... Chris Toles Business manager...... Dan Stout Campus editor ..... - ...... Kerri Niemann Editorial Adviser...... Mike Cordts City editor ...... Kevin McDermott NIGHT STAFF

Editor . . _ ...... Kerri Niemann Sports Editor ... . _ Tim Lee

Assistant __ ...... Amy Zurawski Copy Desk . . . Lori Edwards Wire Editor _Jerry Moore Beth Carlson. Dino Tiberi

Photo Editor _ . Kent Kurfman

...... \' ,., Friday, October 12, 1984

EIU will get. TheFixx by Sean Goulding The University Board received writ­ ten confirmation that The Fixx will perform Nov. 11 at Eastern, Charlie Watson, administrative assistant for concerts, said at Thursday's meeting. The UB reached a verbal agreement with the agency Monday to have The Fixx perform on the Parent's Weekend date after a more than a week of negotiating. The agency was trying to map out a schedule so that all of their perfor­ mances in the Midwest area would fall within the same time range. The cost to have The Fixx perform at Eastern is $15,000 plus $3,500 for pro�

duction and expenses . Watson said the supporting act for The Fixx, which will Joe Butler registers students to 'drive conducted on the Library Quad Sept. 27. (News f ile cost an additional $2,500, will be nam­ y President · Nov. 6 general election during a registration photo) ed later. Ticket costs for the concert, which will be at 8 p.m. in Lantz Gym, will be $10, he added. politics evoke mi�ed reactions Anita Craig, director of Student Ac­ ler's tivit,ies, said tickets for the Nov. 11 de rs he knows what he's doing. He's just worked for and gained much in the last concert will probably go on sale Oct. Body President Joe Butler going about it a different way," Becky 10 years: He's going to ruin that," 18. .. ring his victory in the stu- Oches, a junior accounting major, Sparks said. "The success of this show will deter­ presidential race "obvious- -said. "I like him personally, but I'm in mine the quality of the next col)Cerb," ed Eastern students' cone "He may seem odd but he'll get favor of Student Senate legislation to Watson said. "It's programmed� fOr im as their voice. things done and organized in his own remove him from office," he added. the students and I hope they will sbow the.students who turned out weird way," Schneider said. "I have a "The only thing I laughed about was up," he said. umbers to vote Butler into lot of respect for him-for not com for­ when Butler referred to himself as agree. that he has a special ming and still getting the job done." God. That was a little too much," Although The fixx concert is litics. Many students were not sure how Schneider said. scheduled for the Sunday night of Butler has, perhaps, the Butler would run the student gover­ Of course, as with all things, Butler's - Parent's Weekend and the night following litical mind since Senator ment once he took office. Now, reign must eventually come to an. end. ·the Lettermen and Steve Landesburg cCarthy, and Butler seems to several weeks into the fall semester, "I think, it'll be back to the serious concert, Watson said he usted well to his powerful students have had a chance to ex­ business as usual after he leaves-it'll doesn't think either performance will detract What's more the power perience the Butler regime. be kind of sad," Stockman said. from attendance at the other. ne to his head," John "It's not the way I would go about ·- • .1• j , a junior English major, doing it, but everyone has their own ..

way of going about things," Kim �· not stiff-necked, he's relaxed. Sawyer, a junior political science ma­ AB fund ... his job, but at least he has- a jor, said. passes requests·�· The Apportionment Board equipment was approved. at it," Craig Stockman, a Oches said, "He's -given Student Thursday approved requests for fund Outler said some h-communications major, Senate exposure. He's not so serious equipment, which allocations for an Intramural ·newspage was ordered last that it's separated from the students. spring, was placed on and Sports and Recreation Board back reading newspaper articles I He's bringing senate closer to us." order delaying payment until equipment. after Sept. 30, the tand that people think he's "His greatest accomplishment was cutoff date for last AB chairman Tammy Walker said s position lightly. I think he's bringing an interest to student govern­ year's budget. the funds were approved after a search Money already nized," Debi Schneider, a ment, an interest that before was allotted for the to find a sponsor for a Sports and yschology-sociology major, almost non- existent," Fehrmann said. equipment in the 1983-84 fiscal year Recreation Intramural newspage fail­ However, some students revealed was taken out of the AB reserve budget ed . • to pay for the equipment. "nk Joe Butler is a very in- that they do not look favorably on Intramural Director Dave Dutler's individual, but I think he takes Butler's antics. In other business, AB approved a request for $2,942.50 was granted for University ical a view of government," "I think the way he runs the govern­ Board request to transfer the newspage. Sparks, a graduate student in ment is wrong because he is going to $20 from the travel budget to the copy­ In addition, a Sports and Recreation said. alienate the faculty from the students ing budget. Board request for $1,072.20 for sports sounds like a farce, but I think entirely. Student government has -·------.... I ococ I MECOMING SPECIAL! Break f the I iiQ ·zza I Habit I Gypsies at 1 Wine 8 I Sand S 2 pr. I Grey $3500 irloin Stockade · § I § • ·Sund�y Night·St .. udel)tSpecial- I ALSO SWEATER BOOTS j ·I Wine I Grey Reg. 24.99 NOW I $ or 2 pr.1988 $3500 F REE I I Use our lay-away $5.00 DOWN - I SIRLOIN :1 ALAD STOCKADE 11 $1.29 801 W. Lincoln Value I 345-31 1 7 I I (with Meal) open Daily 1 1,,91

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--�-��------�------� �r.;9�§ ,Yourtum Silliness is hollow ·"idiotic" student government power from "the lawyers, · when last semester he was and politicians of tomorrow," Lewis would be relegating Editor: Prime Minister of Propoganda for ' Opinion- voices of the students to a I am amazed, appalled and an­ the current jester of student hollow shell of ineffective noyed by the remedial barage of government, Student Body mockery representation. inane innuendo being directed President Joe Butler. An of When student services toward student government, and, organization is only as good and d as tuition prices increase, in particular, toward Board of effective as its leadership and I I Mr. Lewis remembers that Governors Representative Aaron would hardly call the current ex­ "quite capable of looking Shepley. ecutive of the student body a himself" and does no� need It is simplicity itself to strike demagogue of efficiency. aid of student government. out from an intrinsically insular - While at first seemingly super- individualism and infinitesi Editorials represent position of pessimism and ficially innocuous, the advice Mr. cohesiveness will undoubt criticize bureaucracy at any Lewis offers our leaders seems the majority opinion create the paradigm of pol' level. I am disappointed, inherently sound. "Aaron anomie preferable to Mr. of the editorial board disheartened and discouraged Shepley and other represen­ L If all student government that misguided, disgruntled tatives should concern · tioned within the platform misanthrops like Graham Lewis themselves with the performance of · of thE>ir duties." And if that is "Silly Party," perhaps Mr. The Dally Eastern News and Dane Buczkowski have . egocentric point-of-view re· nothing more constructive to do true, obviously the petitioners student government would Friday, October 12, 198.4 with their resources than criticize were correct and Joe Butler substantial verification. But student government without be­ should do the same, conversely world is run by people like ing willing to take a direct and not making necessary Student Shepley and student senat active involvement within that Senate impeachment pro­ who take the job seriously, very institution. Get out of the ceedings. maybe, just maybe, they "Silly Party" entourage and ge Graham, Dana and Joe t turn the school and our fu faculty Senate involved if you can do better. remember that people in glass toward greener pastures. I find it amusing that Mr. Lewis houses shouldn't throw stones. I t , is concerned with our current By usurping the reigns of Craig Peyton Gaumer I� 0 m steps b.ac k fr _ - I ��ve STvc>aEo Ta.ff: T · oo�'-r \' p120f3 LE� T.Uol2ov'°"'-Y Tu tN\L '(O -::::::' . 't I. HA.VE A . bargaining table i\ND -to tJt.J0 EVUTli\tJ PL-i\N I� J>1l..OB The Faculty Senate is on the brink of tak­ E«-•M1"1Arc in service to its :t , �WEVEY2., ing a major step forward lT constituency by taking a step back from the P.NO :t H bargaining table. 'At a recent senate meeting, Senate Chair­ Pt Pi... Ar\J -ro f; L..I P'\ rr-JAT e man Ken Sutton postponed a vote on a pro­ p9sal defining exactly what the senate's rote should be. f a Specifically. the pro- fdlto------1 I posal stated that the senate should not act ·as the faculty's representative in University Professionais of Illinois and American Federation of Teachers procedures; that it "must not assume the role of a collective bargaining ' agency." Considering Sutton's interpretation, the senate would simply . address their envelopes to UPIAFT instead of Springfield. This week's question was asked and photos were The diehards who insist that the senate · Karen Sisulak. - has every right to comment on matters con­ Easternspeaks: cerning faculty and staff salaries should be satisfied with the proposal because of the stipulation that the senate still has the right Do fees need to talk-now, only in the appropriate direc­ hletic increasing? · t tion. � Last spring, senate members spent a great deal of time drafting a position paper Tim Cox to Illinois education officials, recommending freshman business salary increases for Eastern's faculty. Clear­

ly a UPI matter, this effort was outside the "There really isn't "No, I don' t bouhdries of the senate's jurisdiction as an much we can do about it. because if they advisory group. We have no control over ticket prices lower the atte This new interpretation would tell decision ·the increase." makers that Eastern faculty members would have one union, and that faculty salary con­ cerns would be made through only one channel, UPI. The senate would be able to advise; the UPI will be able to act; and the legislators will be able to listen. The critical element in this proposal is that· Teri Goroshnlk it is precisely- that-a proposal. At the sophomore meeting, the senate postponed a vote for undecided

· official recognition of Sutton's interpretation of the body's constitution pending wording "No. If there's an in­ revisions. crease, students will As a� advisory group, the Faculty Senate stop attending the . games because the has a very definite need in garnering faculty price will be too high." input, and Sutton has recognized this. So, the sooner this proposal is official the bet- tor · \""' ' · ....'''' '\ � · _Friday, October 12, 1984 5 nd candidate enjoys challenge of relations post . was active in student .government ants lege's best foot forward at all times, and Szymczak, the second of the president of the college approached she said in less than favorable situa- ·· 'dates Interviewed me with the idea.'' for the tions it is necessary to deal straight 'versity ·Relations Director, She said while at Northeastern with the local and college media to . the d to the challenge of a accomplishment she is most proud of new establish credibility. . is a constituency program Szymczak, who is currently Director for alumni that k is hired to fill ' she developed. the posi­ of Alumni Affairs at Northeastern Il­ 'd her approach for Th_e program a the first linois University, said she applied for involves sending let­ would be "to take ters to graduates from a hard the job because, "I. have heard how each depart­ twas going on." ment, informing them friendly Eastern is, that there is a true of upcoming on, if hired, Szymczak events or programs the depar n said sense of community, and the faculty tme t will support and implement offer. really care about the students." President Stanley Rives' In addition, she said, "The commit­ Although Szymczak is- in the middle til she had a firm grasp of completing her doctorate, she on ment of the administration to have the said it n. would not conflict with her faculty play a vital role in the decision­ work at· said she would enjoy the Eastern because while was working k making function of the university.'' she the position because it pulls . at Northeastern she completed her · · She also said she believed facutty areas that need to work master's degree. morale at Eastern is high, causing a a team. Szymczak will complete "ripple effect" throughout the college. her inter­ 'tion, Szymczak .said she a . views on Friday, with a community Szymczak said the position is · tribute to faculty and staff group breakfast challenge, but she beleives her educa­ at 7:30 a.m. and exit t by encouraging excellence meeting with tional and professsional background the seareh committee at 9 izing what the faculty and are adequate to meet the challenge. Patricia Szymczak a.m. doing. Szymczak has been at Northwestern Daniel Thornburgh, acting director ic relations office needs to never intended to become involv­ since she graduated from the school in "I of university relations, is the third can­ rid about faculty and staff ed in college administration," Szymc­ didate for the position. He will begin 1972, with a bachelor's degree in ments," she said. elementary education. zak said. "It just developed because I interviews on Monday for the position. g with the external and in­ nces of the college, she said "present the facts and deal Instructors on fall election honestly with the situa- give views . . by Scott Lovett "The major issues are going to be ing the issue of Reagan's age into ,Hie she said it is important for Several Eastern political science in­ the deficit," he said. "Reagan says it's campaign, saying that Reagan "lookea ity relations director to try structors agreed that foriegn policy going to go away. It's a question of like a befuddled old man" during Sun­ astrong suit and put the col- and economics will be major issues in whether people are going to take the· day's debate. the Nov. 6 presidential election. hard answers from Mondale (on rais­ Goodrick agreed. "He looked old John Faust said, "The state of the ing taxes)." and bewildered. If this thing with on.begins economy, and the way the candidates "People will tend to choose their Reagan and the age factor had been handle foreign policy will probably be candidates by the candidates' views on earlier on in the campaign, it might astern Trio two of the most important factors in the economy," Faust said. have been a key issue." - Trio will present its first the election." The instructors also agreed that Goodrick added that Mondale may of the I 984-85 season at 3 Richard Goodrick agreed. "They Mondale made a favorable showing in have a better chance than- most people yin Dvorak Concert Hall. the first presidential debate Oct. 7. realize. . (Democrats) are really going to hang . .,, .. 1:-,;::, 1£;�0..i will perform a variety of one on Reagan in terms of Lebanon," Faust said, "Neither candidate was "If you belie:v�. the... -pqli, . it.:·s ding Beethoven. he said. hurt by the debate," but added, Reagan," he said. 1'But people arenot 'on, the fall choral .concert, Goodrick said another factor in the "Mondale just performed better." that predictable. I think it's going t_o be the Mixed Chorus and election will be the state of the Connelly noted the debates may br- closer than most people realize." 'ngers will perform Monday economy. . in Dvorak Concert Hall. Chorus, directed by John , will present various works "Now Musicians Come" by ler and "Four Chansons" 'ndemith. 'lian Singers will present

y Richard Strauss and "A .,.._ Scholars and Pupils" by Thompson.. The Cecilian directed by Jam es M.

to the

Robin Williams, Maria Conchita Alonso. Cleavant Derricks 0 0 -- c: .,, You've seen them on M-1V. Ton!ght you can see E.M.I. Recording 0 z TONIGHT! artists playing music from th_eir and much more. With a guest "Reaction", UNNERSITYBALLROOM appear�nce of a Rock-N-Roll band from Chicago preceding "Combo Audio". · 6:30and9p.m. $1.00 lllS_;: . '. '. '· '. "· .. '· .. 6 ·Friday; October 12, 1 984

,.------Black1 from page 1.1 · I couldn't believe it," he added. black freshmen coming in the fall, Day is . Although Martin did not have perhaps you loose five by the end of , Sweetest figures on the number of minority the first year. Three out of the five will students dismissed, he said the new leave because of academic reasons," 1 Coming Soon! policy is increasing the dismissals of all Jones said. Let some one special know you care - students. Jones said she and a group of other "I have to abide by it because it is interested individuals conducted an send them a Sweetest Day Personal the law of the land but that doesn't orientation session for black students mean I have to like it," Martin said. at the beginnning of the fall semester. through The Daily Eastern News Jones added that many minority Part of the orientation, she said, ac­ students have problems adjusting to a quainted students with the dismissal college atmosphere, and therefore policy. struggle academically. Under the new Jones said she believes Eastern must policy, she noted, they have only one establish a stronger retention program

· semester to get themselves out of trou- for all students. "I'm at the point right ble. now where I'm saying if your going to "It's a general impression on my admit them, then give them the part, that if your talking about IO resources for a.fighting chance."

10¢ a word-15 word minimum. Add a little extra love ·with art for $1.00 extra. To place your personal ad: Come to the Unio Walkway Oct. 15, 16, & 17 from 10:00-1:00 come to The Daily Eastern News business offic Buzzard Bldg. Deadline is Wed. Oct. 17 at Noon!! � I I I I -I I I Hearth I I .1 I Baked I 6i!IG:l3JTlil : I I I I ,,:::;.-�· "--� 1" I.. \ I I I carryoutPizza/Delivery 1 ( . if,. I Special. 1 ' 6•'=o' r.,ou..,. , I Large sausage & Cheese I 3:00 CLUB Hearth Baked Thick crust Pizza TONIGHT Vodka · •Gin•Rum•B/end ·I I Pitchers &Soda I I $1.751-8 pm 2 for $1or PANTHER LOUNGE I 50 I · Regular Crew Neck .• Pitchers� $10.45 Value I long sleeve shirts $1 75 I s value only 3-6pm $20 $5 2 blocks N. of Square on 6th ·1 Offer onGood carrv-out/Deliverv I Sunday thru Thursday I I thru NOV.1/84 I I Present This coupon When Ordering

Congr.otulotions I 815 Broadway • Mattoon • 234-6442 I I I Chris p·f eif·er I i 984 Homecoming I Queen! Delivery We <;lfeso proud of you! : Free Love your, Alpha Phi Sisters Id<=------•• Friday, October t 2, t 984 7 !

ing play tumecho ce not easy Broken Spoke edi goods we can, and appreciate the theatre arts costume donations.'' very busy with the Hpwever, she noted that every day for the Homecoming clothes are not needed. Bicycle Shop of Anne Frank." She said most donations are made by the right costume, to students from their parents attics and period of the play and closets. Most of the items are not is no easy task. Nancy unusual, but many are. is in charge of costume For example, Pauley said a 1914 Fine Arts Department, Eastern alumni donated her grand­ t deal of time researching father's wedding suit. It consisted of a of the time period she is Frock coat, vest, and pants. mes for.. Although it is too small for most ing on "The Dii,uy of men here at Eastern, it gives the people " Pauley said she had to in costuming an idea what materials, research costumes worn patterns, and styles were in vogue at class in Nazi occupied the time, she said. ely, she spends most of Another interesting donation was a library, researching. woman's 1920s flappers dancing dress. do any period, from any It is unusual for its age, as well as for the world," Pauley said. its bead work, Pauley said. nt has designed clothes in The most unusual costume that plays set in Italy, Japan, Pauley constructed was an outfit for reat Britain and many King Henry the VIII's in "A Man For I over the world. All Seasons." e costumes the depart­ The costume had bead work, velvet, Friday ad apted from clothes satin, fur and padded shoulders, she & Saturday Only. mbers of the Charleston said.

an d people at Eastern, "Often times we were sewing l' department has a large through five or six layers of material, it inOFF Stock Everyth ing period patterns to work was so thick we had to sew it by hand,'' 2.0% added. Pauley aa ded. The costume took four Tires Reg. $8.00 ...... Sale $5. 50 ire often made by people· weeks to complete. Tubes Reg. $2.74 ...... ' ... Sale $1.50 e to see their old clothes "I realy like my job. It is a lot of Foam Grips Reg . $5.97 ...... Sale $4.60 tuctive way.'' she said. fun," Pauley added. the costume department Pedals Reg . $4. 16 ...... Sale $3. 00

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ecial- Football Program Inside Friday's I . ;

9 Panthers set to avenge loss to '83 Sal ukis by Jeff Long Tough losses are not forgotten easily and Eastern's football Panthers won't have to stretch their memories too far to get psyched for Saturday's game. , Eastern, 3-3, will conclude a three-game homes­ tand· when they take on defending Division I-AA champion Southern lllinois at 1 :30 p.m. at O'Brien Stadium. It will also be the Panther's Homecoming, which means parties, alumni and celebrations. The Pan­ thers are hoping it means victory, too. They would like nothing better than to avenge last season's heart­ breaking 17-14 loss Sept. 10 in Carbondale, one of only two regular season losses for the Panthers last year. "We'd like this to serve as a little payback," Pan­ ther bead coach Al Molde said. "This matchup is alwayS6 a big game and Eastern has traditionally played well at Homecoming time ." "We've been on and off this year, so we'd like to get back on the winning track and -get some momen­ cum going," he added. Momentum is something the Panthers have had none of in their first six games. -After opening their season with a win, they have alternated wins and losses since. According to that pattern, the Panthers are due for a win Saturday after a 34-21 loss to Illinois State last linebacker Chris Nelson grabs onto the II- against Southern Illinois tor this year's homecoming week. But the Panthers aren't buying any predictions quarterback Saturday in O'Brien Stadium. (N-ews photo by Sam Paisley). of fate. home again this weekend "I'm confident we can bounce back," quarterback Sean Payton said. "It's a big game for us; but -

Southern is a strong team, so we'll have to execute' · well." ther sports alumni find success Payton, who is passing his way toward several Polich and Jeff Beckley reserw lisc. · · Panther offensive records, will be the key figure Bue Williams f the old Warblers and open co che spores is confident of his chances, adding Saturday. The sophomore will -be going for his char his Eastern career was quite beneficial. seventh straight 300-yard plus passing ·day in as many ime every year, Eastern "The coaching at Eastern really helped me a lot. alumni recurn w games this season . mater to reminisce about years gone by. They taught me the difference between pain and in­ Already, Payton has thrown for 1,884 yards this jury," have a lot to talk about. he said. season, and ranks third in I-AA total offense nthers boast a successful history of incer­ Gossett has a long career as a punter in the NFL statistics. As a team, the Panther's aerial attack at hletes who joined .professional teams in and the United States Football League. He, has ranks second in the nation.

tive sports. / played for the Cleveland Browns and the Chicago . "I think that the first six games are an indication nther football team is the winningest grid Blitz. that we are a good throwing team," Molde said. Gossett, state over the last six years, and a handful the leading punter in the USFL last year, "We've been able to move the ball quite well." s graduated to the professional football is happy to play for the Blitz. "I liked playing for However, Eastern hasn't found much success mov­ ong them are Robert Williams pf the Pitt­ both teams, but my home is with the Blitz. ing the ball on the ground. The Panthers are averag­ eelers and- Jeff Gossett of the Chicago Blitz. "The exciting difference between th� 'NFL and the ing only 54.5 yards rushing per game. Last week, Il­ , too, has enjoyed great success in national USFL is there are more seasoned veterans in the linois State held the Panthers to a measley one yard as regular · season play. Eastern head coach USFL who have stories to tell," Gossett said. rushing. nia is one of several Panther alumns to play Mosnia had his. professional stint with the Chicago "We continue to work with it," Molde said. nal soccer. Sting of the North American Soccer League. "We've tried using the bank, traP. and draw so we 'll , with the alumni baseball game coming up "When I played for the Sting, there was no future just have to go with it as much as we can." one must not forget the Panther baseball for Americans in professional soccer. Players from Eastern's offense will have to continue racking up also have a host of players in professional England came over in the off-season to earn a quick the points until the defense tightens up. The Panthers buck," he said. have yielded 105 points in their last three games, and s, who presently is a defensive back for the Mosnia still has the ambition to play pro soccer they will be facing another balanced attack in -the ' graduated in 1984 with the distinction of be­ again. "I really love the game and I wish I could play Salukis. most honored football player in Panther professionally again, but knee surgery put an end to "We need to handle their wide-outs arid shut down that idea," he said. their running game," defensive coordinator Larry 'ved All-American honors from Kodak, Finally, there have been many Panther alumni that Edlund said. "Consistency has been our biggest pro­ 'edPress and United Press International, and played professional baseball. Among them are Pat blem-we're still very young." his success into the NFL. Rooney, Kevin Seitzer, Tim P�narski and Gossett. All-American linebacker Tyrone Covington, who (Chuck) Noll knows why I'm here. It's not "Rooney, a fine ball playet� played with the New b set an Easter� record last week with 2S tackles, will e-either you play or you don't,'' Williams York Yankee's organization in Cdlumbus," Panther again lead the Panther defense. Although he is head coach Tom McDevittsaid. · physically beat up, Cov says he's ready to go. er, he may hav� to wait until next year to Seitzer, who played with the Charleston Royals "I;m a little banged-up, but this is my last If. "I was doing well before, but I suf- · last year, batted .297 and was voted the league's Homecoming and I'm .,feady to have a big game," injury and I'm currently on the injured bee See PANTHER, page 11 Covington said. 10 Friday, October t 2, t 984 The Dall Eastern N Spikers have - 'hands full' · - for weekend by Joseph Anglum Eastern's women's volleyball team Convenient Drive-up Windows will have its hands full this weekend as l ce 61 ¢-9 lb. Bag the Gateway·.collegiate Athletic Con­ ference schedule opens with two for­ midable opponents. The Panth�rs first two matches in­ Semkov clude nationally-ranked powerhouse Il­ linois State,' which has won the first Vodka two GCAC titles, on Friday, and In­ diana State on Saturday. KEGS & liter The host Redbirds enter the contest 1 with a blistering 18-3 mark as com­ PONIES pared to Eastern's 12-10 �late. The Ione in stock at SJ99 losses on the Redbird's record came from third-ranked California State­ GATIWAY MICH-BU Poly University, No. 17 Pepperdine D-BUSCH,· 'Boodl University, and two-time defending na­ MILLERS-MILLER LITE tional champion, University of LOWENBRAU-PABST OLD-STYLE - OLD Mil Hawaii. Gin "Obviously Illinois State will be a real test for us," Eastern head coach 2 free bags of I ce 750 ml. 750 ml. Betty Ralston said. "I can't say enough w ith kegs about the program at Illinois State." Saturday's contest against Indiana State will be a rematch of last week 's contest at the Loyola Lakeshore Classic. Indiana State played ag­ Chilled gressively but the Panthers narrowly Seagram's escaped with a victory . Despite Eastern's near .500 record, TROPICAL Extra some of its players rate among the best Dry - COOLERS in the conference. Red Mellon Caverts Gin Sophomore Maura LeFevour leads White Colada Extra the league with a .339 attack percen­ ack . tage. She also is eighth place in kills per 4 p 1 75 1.75 Liter game with an aver$lge of 3.0. liter Senior co-captain Gretchen Braker is third in assists, averaging six per game $269 and junior April Deer has 54 aces fQr 51 169 third in the league. •9'' _ CHILLED The_ Panthers open their home con­ Amaretto ference season on October 26 against Southwest Missouri State University. di Saronno Looking for bargains? J.B. Shop the classifieds! 750 ml. Scotch Ee�750�ml a dry •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ��� S 9 750 . 109 ml. 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• • s2s' s2a' • • • • • tuthie�i• • 4th & Lincoln • • • • • • 345-1 221 • It is a pleasure to cash your checks. Please have your • • • • local address, phone number, and drivers license • Charleston • • • number on yo • ur check . ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••. ; Friday, October 12, 1 984 1 1

riers to race intra-state squads Saturday top 20, falling short by a few votes. 12th . their own plan ." men's cross country team Moore said running in tough meets , The race will be run on one of the Lowery said the only exceptions will e the final leg of its regular such as the Illinois Intercollegiate are toughest courses in the state, Moore be in the· beginning and the end of the Saturday's Illinois Inter­ race. beneficial to Eastern . . said. t at Macomb . "You don't get better if you don't The event will be run mostly on a flat "We'll jump out to a quic'k start the will match nearly every run against strong competition,". golf course with several hills. first 800 meters to get ahead of the is university in head-to- Moore said . "We could have run pack," Lowery said. "We'll also push · On Their Own ition . against weaker teams and really looked the final mile as we did last weekend at give us the chance to com­ good on paper, but it wouldn't really by Dan Verdun Indiana State." t some of the big guns like have done us any good . The proof of Eastern's women's cross country Eastern will compete against a uthern and Illinois State," the pudding will be at the conference team will get a hand in making some of strong field of 8- 10 teams. GC AC rival Neil Moore said. meet ." the coaching decisions during Satur­ Illinois State and Illinois are the prc­ the nation's 11th-ranked Eastern's major hopes lie in seniors day'� Illinois Intercollegiate at meet favorites. Western · should also rs to field the strongest Nick Whiteside, Scott Tracy, Mitch Macomb . contend due to the race being helLI on should be the meet favorite. McClure and Scott Pillsbury and "Each girl will devise her own their home course. led Southern still has freshmen Dale Righter and Darrin strategy for the race," coach Dan Western's course may also prov\.'" an ength to contend for the ti­ Bishop. Pillsbury was the top Panther Lo\_¥ery said. "They're mature enough advantage to Eastern. The Panthers State hovers just out of the finisher in the meet last season, placing at this point of the season to map out ran in Macomb in thei r season orener.

Panther _ from page 9 MVP in the South Atlantic Conference. olfers ready for 'toughest' meet Pyznarski,,a Sp orting News All-American while at Bradley University, Purdue and Western Illinois . Eastern, played triple-A baseball in the Oakland A's em 's golf team, in preparation for Satur­ Anglin said that Division III Nebraska Wesleyan organization. He only batted 80 times, but had a lllini Invitational, was beaten Wednesday and the Univer?ity of Iowa are usually tou h .270 · g average. "Tim .is side-lined with a rotator cuff injury 'by the University of Illinois . competition. in his shoulder which is why he only batted 80 h Kevin Anglin explained that Eastern's note, Anglin discussed the future •On a different times," McDevitt said. ee golfers, Brent Richardson, Brent Her­ stern Illinois if the fee hike pro­ of golf at Ea $7 Gossett, already mentioned for his football ability, Dave Ransom did not make Wednesday's ed . posal is not pass was also a great baseball player. '·'There are no three 'They stayed home because they've missed that there will not be golf next year if "I know players in major league baseball who can throw with school. Besides, it gave some of the other it doesn't pass," Anglin said Thursday . "Right f him. He's got that great of an arm," McDevitt said. chance to play ." 're almost out of money and we want to now we Mind you, these three 'sports are not the only ones tern will compete in the Illini Invitational have some kind of spring schedule, but most of that produce professional quality athletes. Adding up y and Sunday at Savoy. Anglin said the e fiscal year's money is already spent." th all the sports, �astern alumni have definitely left 54-hole event should be the toughest Anglin explained that according to NCAA their mark in the professional ranks. ment Eastern has played in yet . rules, a school must play eight tournaments with expecting the worst," Anglin said . four-year schools . Because the team's budget is , �e already played the most important meet only $5,000, most of the meets are close to year in the conference tournament. And Charleston so the money goes farther . this is the last meet of the year and wi th He said besides some golf balls, about two­ Classified oming this weekend, I'mnot expecting too thirds of the budget is spent on travel expense� ' ,, and one third on the rental of the Mattoon Coun­ the teams at ·Champaign will be try Club golf course.



Check Lobby Shop· ookstore Hardee's Cashing 8 am.: · am.-2 pm. . . "' · sam .. . and 11 am .-2 pm . , I pm.-6 pm. ' and St· 6pop bym our out our heck 5pm New Cream U 4 pm.-6 pm .· Ice jackets and Shop ew Backpacks Bowling Alley UNION BUILDING Noon OPEN 8 am-MIDNIGHT 11:.30 pm .

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Mexican and What to expect: American Food AA champion •Salad Bar •Beer undergone a dr •Italian Beef •Wine last year. After a •Sandwiches •Wine Margaritas the Salukis have 513 7th St. 1 700 Rudy E. Side of Square Mattoon When the start and are 345-2223 234-4535 Salukis powerhouse they Mon.-Thurs. 10am-9pm its season ••• 1984 Fri. -Sat . 1 Oam-1 Opm • Closed Sunday have the ball losses, but have cent weeks foil tories. Last SouthernIll inois Offense Eastern Illinois Defense week'i . pr�iously-r 84 M. o·oay . . . . TE 85 T. Moskal LT ank ...... 79 R. Van Oyne LT 71 D. Magro . NG them Iowa 40-1 ... 64 0. Bock - . . . LG 77 R. . . AT prove . Harms their 59 T. Baugh . . . . C 44 A. Jennings SSB . So · 65 M. Banbury RG 33 T. Covington JLB uthern is 71 . momentum · to T. Redmo nd . RT 50 R. OeVita . . ILB . 9 T. Adams ...... FL 58 C. Nelson . WSB against Eastern. . 1 0. Dixon . . QB 26 J. Jackson LCB 17 0. Taylo r TB 5 J. Boyd . RCB . 32 B. Phibbs. FB 42 B Bronaugh SS 28 T Anderson . SE 4 R Drew FS

1 Darren Dixon. QB 22 3 R on Miler.K 11?4: 4 CoreyPotter. K 26 ROSE SPECIAL 8 Frank Pasquino. P 28 l 4 Cash ·& CarrySpe cial 9 Tony Adams.FL 29" 1 o JoeGra'118S. QB 32. 11 Ron Page. SS 33 $1 2" 12 Drew Monison. P 34 Sweetheart Roses a dozen 13 Keith Devis. CB 35 .d-· 14 Byron Mitchell. TB 36 1 5 Rick Spielman. LB 3l W fnd get the second d�zen for just.· · a PENNY.. , 16 Pat King. QB 38 . Taylor. TB l�I •we Care Because You Care • 1 7 Derrick 40 � 20 BobbyMcNabb . CB -43 \NOBLE FLOWER SHOP 345-7007 21 Kevin GleaSon. SS 44 ci r'.:•:"·· � 5th& Jefferson, One Block North of Post Office 1 Steve Berryman It 2 Roy Banks,WR 3 OanytPowel, DB 4 ReggieDrew, FS 6 Jamee Boyd,CB 6 Eric L.niatrom, FS 8 GaryScott, QB 9 JerryWright, SE 10 JohnRafferty, QB . "1U"6fJ, Min? 11 Pat C8rroll, QB 12 ScottJohnson, 08-P 14 BrianNewby, CB MEXICAN FOOD 15 ScottSanderson , TE 18 Seen Payton,QB . 19 Jon Moore, LB �oup and Sandwiches 20 DuWaynePitts, HB 21 Calvin Pierce,FB 250 Lincoln • 1 OlBREockWesAKt_of FCaASTmpus • (345-7427)

Eastern 35, Grand Indiana State 24, Eastern 33, Toledo 38 , E Eastern 44, F Illinois State 34 Panther Update What to expect: Eastern lllinois, 3-3, injury-battered starting enters the final game of a three-game freshmen or sophomor homestand with a record against defen­ of a running g ame, ding NCAA-II champion Southern Il­ possess a potent passing linois. The Salukis narrowly defeated Payton, Eastern is a Eastern 17-14 last year by blocking a passing yards per game field goal attempt in the- closing in I-AA statistics. Payt seconds. Eastern, coming off a 34-21 ways for 345 yards loss to Illinois State, must improve its against Illinois State. overall game if the Panthers expect to mance marked the sixt beat Southern. The Panthers major the Naperville Central troubles lie with their offensive line, thrown for the rushing game and inexperience. Last plateau. Payton, how Saturday, Eastern's offensive line season total of int allowed Illnois ·State to pressure picked off four times b quarterback Sean Payton throughout Who to watch: the game. The Redbirds recorded seven Tyrone Covington sacks on the day. The Panther ground Panther defense. game was virtually non-existent against ington set an Eas the Redbirds, rushing for a net of just record with 25 tact on� yard. Nearl}' half of Eastern's Continent C. o F.riday, October 1 2, 1 984 13

due to the per­ The Salukis currently are averaging k Darren Dix- 148.3 yards rushing per game and f the bench last 137.5 yards through the air. Defensive- 17-14 n•s vic­ • ly, the Salukis have not held their op­ t year. has hit ponents to single digits yet. 770 yards this Who to watch: Linebacker Fabray has been in­ Collins and middle guard Sterling For the finest in DINER. tossed only Haywood will lead the Saluki defense 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. . Saturday's they Blue$ & as attempt to contain Eastern's Jazz, Rock LOCA TED BEHIND of two young aerial attack. Both were first-team All­ are • s which Missouri Valley Conference picks for THE UP TO WNER years. The Southern last year. lost a tremen­ Placekicker Ron Miller has kicked 60 conse �· although they cutive extra points, which is the c . ing . Southern second longest streak in the nation. �� ELECT ROBERT WEBB ..\' Robert Webb has said: "For several years, Ea�tern Illinois �niversity h�s been iden· ng Eastern Key injuries: None. � . tified as an under-funded institution by the llhno1s Board of Higher Education. Because ensive attack. Southern o . At stake: is virtually ut of Eastern is operating efficiently, the university's unit CQSts are less than the average for the Salukis playoff race. so pride is the ' the state . EIU should be REWARDED for its efficient operation. Instead it is funded at a biggest motive. A win would also give lower unit cost than other state universities." the Salukis a three-game winning · streak . C ROBERT WEBB mlowa 10 LET'S ELE T tra l Florida -Jeff Long Democrat for State Representative astern IHlnois ...... Tulsa Paid for by the Committee to Elect ....Marshall Robert Webb t WichitaState ·

J P. W&tters. OT Dave Smith. OT WEST PA RK PL AZA · . . Jin Redmond.OG $1ry Carter. OT SanderPahlman. c EI U FA NS ! Pat Call. OT WELCOMES vernon·Gurtev.OT RalphVanDyke. OT EctDockweilel'. TE •Sycamore •Nai.l Salon M1ce o·0ay.TE Wrenn. Tony LB · •Needlenook •A "ow Tra vel Greg Givens. LB Dan Wetzel. LB •Pages Plus •Patton 's Quik Print Darren Wi etecha. OT •Diet Center •European Tan Sp a Frank Carr. LB

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OeenMagro, OT MarkPeterson, DT Oel P!ttmen. OT a-.. O'Brlen, OT RntyHsma, DE Mike Kuhn, 00 JimSchmidt, WR TornMoekal, OT .CharlieVlneon, TE � Kleboom.K Qirt Pmker,OT Pete Schaub, OT DaveLewmidowaki, OT John Borchardt. DE Melvin Black,LB RodMathis, DE

• Southern Illinois at Western Illinois hwest Missouri WATERBED SALE ...Northern Iowa The Romantic Moonlighter estern Kentucky Put romance into your night life! Beautiful sculptured waterbed has dual recessed lights and eye-catching mirror cr�1 � � s229 Wh en the Panthers r.·--1•C OM----PLETE-··1 1includes Heat- 1 ••• ball ------:er, Mattress, : have the 1Uner, Fill Kit 1 EastemRnols OffenM Southern llllnolsDefense I Conditioners, I 21 C. Pierce ...... TE 93 D. Wetzel...... OLB The Sneak Preview Pedestal Deck. 75 O. Ptttmen...... LT 94 D. Wi etecha ...... LT : I 1 and Frame. 1 88 ...... 36 S. Haywood ...... MG B. Bennng. LG Without With Headboard· ...... �------' ...... C 53 M. Brascia . . - them would 56 T. Wyatt. . . .. RT Headboard Complete * ...... ILB the .500 for 79 M. Kuhn .. RG 99 F. Carr...... 82 S. Bonnes ...... RT 56 F. Collins ...... ILB $1 34 $1 79 most likely d 9 J. Wright ...... SE 89 G. Givens ...... OLB punch to 18 s...... QB 38 I. Davis...... CB Payton Open 20 ...... Field ...... hopes. A win 0. Pitta . . . HB 34 .. J. . . . FS 2 ...... W...... MONDAYS thers' heart­ R.e.nks . . FL 35 Thomas . . SS ...... INISHED SB 33 T. Jackson . CB 'TIL 8pm Salukis last 81 J. Schmidt . . UN DAILY - INl·SHEQ 10·5 ON N.f _Friday's Report erron Immediately •t 511·211 2. A CGft'9Ct wtll •PP99r In the next edition. Un .... notlll9d, cannot be rHpon•lble for•n Incorrec t•d .n. 111 at lnMrtlon. O.. dllne 2 p.m. pr.vlouad9y. t 4 October t 2, t 984 Classified ads

ServicesOff e e . ...._ <}Announcements & r d __R_ oo_ mm__a tes For Rent 0 Lost/Found Announcemen ft __ • u()J Copy-X resumes get Jobs!! Male subleeser, 2 bedroom, tiOne and two bedroom apts. Found EIU ID for Romona BECKY JOHNSON & DAWN SOCIAL CHAIRPE Complete resume service. 2 person. McArthur Manor and ormal ('.r>­ Two three bedroom homes Slater. STULTZ-1 couldn't have two For your dances, f or Fast Print, 207 Lin- ts. Call Jamie 348-5508. Copy-X available immediately. Call -----:--:-: - 1 0/1 5 better daughters. You guys are formal: The Good Times coin. 345-6313. 10/19 ::-- :--:--:--:- ' Leland Hall Rell Estate: 345· Found: Wo men's khaki shor­ great! Alpha Sigma Tau Love, Traveling Sound System. --- 00 ease -- -- Needed: Female subl r 7023 ts, medium size, by Library. have complete special essiona =- Sandy Prof l Resume -and Spring Semester. Lincolnwood ______10 11 '1 sa Owner please call 348-091 0. ______10 /1 2 lighting and music to Typing Service. Resumes: high Apts. Call Lisa: 345- 1395. Budget priced furnished ______10 /1 5 Mandatory Chi Delphia any taste. Call John and ty, typed and typeset. Ex· quali 1 0/31 ·apartments, men. Two Whoever stole my peach meeting, Sunday, Oct 14th in message: 348-0720. cellent packages available. Need a male to sublease a bedroom house unfurnished. jacket from 303 Old Main last · the Effingham Room. Actives- -10/ Memory Typing Servic�: furnished apt. Call 581-1 657. 345-4846. week-could you at least turn 6:00 pm; Pledges-5:00pm. -R-0,.-S,.,,E,----.,.-S """P...E C,,.., l-:-A-L: Doz cover letters, and papers, 10/1 2 10/1 2 in my keys that were in the Bring dues! sweetheart roses, box much more. Also, self-service Needed : 2 fema I e 'pocket to Math office or call ----.,---:-=-- 10/1 2 $1 0.95 cash and carry. typing and self service copies. subleasers. Spring Semester. .... Barb 345-2539. PATTY McNICHOLS, Have a delay, call today. Noble lt's'All At PATTON QUIK PRINT Regency Norwick, apt. no. 12. _F_ o_r _S _al_e ___ ------.,.--,---10/15 great time this weekend. I'm Shop, 5th and Jefferson. in the new West Park Plaza, $130.00 a month & utilities. �� 7007. Lost: 1 4 K gold herring bone watching you. Love, Your 622 W. Lincoln. 345-6331 . Call Charmin or Angie, 348· Must sell 1970 Malibu bracelet. If found, please call SecretPal ------:::---:--0. 0 7906. Chevrolet, $295 or best offer. Tracy 348-51 72 ______10 /1 2 Gay Newsletter: Send self· · 10/1 7 Call 345-6904. ______10/16 DZ's-Congratulations on addressed, stamped envelope 1 or 2 roommates for Spring ______10 /1 2 Set of keys found by archery receiving Freshman attendant to: C.G.C.L·PO Box 146- Semester. Sublease in Regen­ Washburn SB-4 Electric hill October 4. Claim at the and 1st runner up for Charleston, IL 61 920 Guitar, $300.00, w/strap and cy apts. Call John or Ron Daily Eastern News Office. Homecoming Court. Good 10/26 case. Acoustic amp., • ------,- anytime, 345· 7803. 10/1 6 Luck to all DZ's with for rent, 9· 12 $100.00. Call 345· 1 160. Costumes --.,.------1 0/ 1 2 Please return portable stereo Homecoming. I'll be thinking of m., 6·9 p.m. or by ap- ______10 /15 a. Female subleaser needed for taken from 3rd and Pierce you . Kelly, I ·Love you. Love in Business desk, woodgrain pointment. 1004 N. 12th Spring. Two bedroom apart­ Friday night, Oct 3. Stereo was Always, Your DZ Man, Sil Mattoon, IL 234-2439 ment. Own room. Close to formica, $70; Contemporary engagement gift. No questions ______10/1 2 10/12 brown sofa, $70; Beige 4' x 5' campus. 348-7784. asked LYNNETTE FRIGO,l'm so ------10/1 5 free standing room divider, ______10 /1 6 happy to be your A-Phi "mom". ---: $60. 348-8844. Female subleaser, Spring. See ya at 4:00 club! Love, Help Wanted .--,-----=-=-1 0/1 5 $1 20/mo. plus utilities. One Announc�ments Nancy month free rent. Very nice apt. - Porsche 91 1T, Ta rga Con- ______10/1 2 Tutor for FIN371 0. Please, vertible, 1970, 5 speed, 5 Call: 348-0318. u()J TKE's and TKE ALUMS: help! 581 -3232. ______10/1 2 Alloy wheels, black, black in­ PREGNANT? NEED HELP? ______10 /1 2 Welcome back! Let's have a NEEDED: Female subleaser. terior,. stereo, amp. All new Birthright cares. Free testing. , crazy Homecoming weekend. Overseas jobs ...summer 185/70 R1 5 Eagle NCT 348-8551. Monday-Wednes­ Own room. One other room­ Looking forward to seeing you ______1w year round. Europe, S. Goodyears, mate. Large apartment. Call 96,000 miles, day. 3·5 p.m. MOSCOW ON THE America, Australia, Asia. All all again. Love your 348-1 757 $9,600. Call 217·348-5203 ______12/1 3 SON. Robin Wi!liams s fields. $900-$2000/mo. Sweetheart, Debbie ______10/1 9 -,..,...,,....,-.,,.---,----=- 1 0/1 2 Wanted: poems, short ______10/1 2 University Ballroom F Sightseeing. Free info. Write: GARAGE SALE: NEW Jor­ . stories, art . work (including HAPPY HOMECOMING 6:30 & 9:00. Ad IJC, PO Box 52-IL-3, Corona dache & Lee jeans-$ 10 pr. , cover art) and photography to STEVE! Eastern isn't the same $1 .00. DelMa r, CA 92625 For Rent misc, new & used clothing, the VEHICLE. Deadline: Oc· without you! ______1w ______10 /25 dishes, linen, etc. 1514 "A" tober 15 in Rm. 304 Coleman.. Party at the Para Sirloin Stockade now taking Two bedroom furnished ---,------,-1 0/1 2 fi Street (West of McDonald's) Questions? Call Maggie or Lounge, 11th & Van applications. Need two females apartment, electric heat, A/C. LEE-So it takes winning a Saturday, Oct 13, 8-3. Michelle at 348-5364. tonight! All invited. And 11:0 0· couple of bucks in the Lottery available between Near campus. $290 per mon­ 10/1 2 ---o:-- 1 0/ 1 5 -:-:-:::---=- to get you down here. I'm· glad non-Republican friend. 2:00, Mon. -Sat. Askfor Steve th. Carlyle Apartments 94 7 �------in· The ROMANS. For that you could _make it. Love by Underground Intel at 345·31 17. 4th-345· 7746 formation, call Mike/Larry 348· you, Judy of Charleston?? - 10/1 5 -�---...,------,- -0 0 Lost/Found 0406 �TUTOR 0g ______10/1 2 _P_H_Y_S-IC-S -1 -3 5� 0::- Rent a mini-storage for as ---:- - 10/ 1 2 LOST: Two Gold chains with --: -:---:--:--- Dells: Thanks for all the hard Collectors of old NEEDED. $Pay$ 345-401 6 or low as $20 per month. Sizes 4 are in· My husband & I work you've done this wee,. Comics, Beatles, 348-0457-Tom x 12 up to 10 x 22. West Italian horn, Cross and Italian terested in adopting an infant. You guys make Homecoming Posters, Records, M ______10/23 hand. Great sentimental value. Route 16. Phone 345· 77 46. ·If you know of anyone who is Reward". Call Frank 348-7528 the best! ! The Alpha Garns Lifes, Farm, Movie, Time, Sarah Bush Lincoln Health --,-...,------,-- 00 considering placing a child for ...,--� ______· all other nostalgia · visit Center has an immediate 2 bedroom apartment, elec- 10/1 2 ------,--10/1 2 adoption, please call collect: County Mall Antique show - ! time Eugene Allen: Pick up your BARB KRUG: Welcome open(n,p for a part tric heat, A/C , nice location. 31 2-848-7971 ID at Jimmy Johns. back! Love, The Peach House! 11· 14. Mattoon, lllionis. w�&.MJn-hoose Me8$9nger. $280 per month. Carlyle Apar­ 10/16 -----� ______time ever in ______10/1 2 -:--: 10/1 2 area. PrlhCiJ)al responsibilities in· tments, 1305 1 8th. 345- SWEETEST DAY Balloon -Lost: Wire framed glasses CAMPUS REPS -=-:--:---=-:--:-:---:- 1 elude collecting, sorting and 7746. Bouquet ssays "I'm sweet on :--:-=- around Regency Apts. last NEEDED-Ski free: Position in- Chris Pfeifer, Kerri R distributing inter-departmental ------,--..,...,,---00 Bear you" with our Honey marketing and selling and Ann Tabac mail. Interested persons 2 bedroom furnished house. weekend. If found, call 348· volves Bouqet. Up Up & Away trJps on C_ongra tu lati ons should come by or contact 7903. Reward. quality ski and beach First & last month's rent, plus Ballonery, 345-9462. Homeco ______10 /12 campus. Earn free trips and ming! We are so SBLHC's Depatrnent of Human security deposit. No pets. 10/1 2 Found: Rust, black, & white high commissions. Call Summit of you. The W01'11911 Resources at 348-2501 $225 per month plus utilities. -=T =--he-=R=-o=-M=-=A -=-N :::S-:H:-:--om-ecoming kitten found near Tri-Sig Tours 800-325-0439 Panhellenic Council 10/16 345-7471. events: Sat. 7:00-10:30 a.m. house. Approx 4·5 mnths. Call ------:-:- 10/16 ------.,.--..,--00 pre-game ·cartoon kegger, 3 --:: 348-0396 anytime Get ready Al pha Gamma One man's junk is 1 bedroom, furnished, A/C houses down from Short-Stop Rides/Riders ------10/1 2 Delta for the best Schutzenfest man's treasure - sell apartment for Spring. Close to on Seventh Street; 10:30- "Paradise Lost?" ---=Find it yet. It's only a few days away! wanted items and tum campus. CaN 348· 7806. 1 :30 tailgater. FRJ;:E BEER all I need a ride to and from Friday night at 11th & Van­ Sigma Pi into cash. Use the C - 10/1 5 day for everyone wearing Belleville, Oct. 18·21 . Gas -�:-=T -:- '�=:-:�:-::-=c=� Buren. Party at the Paradis -----=-:- 10/1 2 REN AL SER ES: two Roman shirts. -:-: money. Call 581 -5685. Lounge!! KERRY MULLEN: Have a NancY and three bedroom apart­ 10/1 2 10/1 2 ------,.-- 10/1 2 Happy Birthday! Your daughter ments. 345-3100. _P _a _rty_a -,-t -=T:::-H:-=E:-=D-:-A=R:-::KROOM ______Responsible person wanted Found: 1 set of keys in loves you! Tracy ----,--..,....,--..,..10/1 2 Saturday night. Buddy Button to drive car to Baltimore, hallway of Health dept. Claim at ______10/1 2 Dorm size . refri gerators for party alumni drink free!!! Maryland. Please call 345· Eastern News lost& found. Flower-Buster! Noble's 1 rent. Carlyle Rentals 345· ______10/1 2 ______1 7 472 for details 7746 10/15 cent sale. Buy 1 dozen for ______---�---EIU flag line, Lera 10/1 5 00 German book found in Whether you're . offering or $1 2.99, get another dozen for psyched for this RIDERS to Mt. Prospect area Pine Tree-One female Duplicating room in Coleman looking for a Job, check the one cent. Don't delay-order ------� We'll show St. Louis Oct 12. Return late Sunday or subleaser for Spring only. Call Hall. Pick up at Duplicating help-wanted classifie

Official Notices are paid for throug h the Office d University Relations. Questions concerning notlc• -Official Notices should be directed to that office. Services, 208 Student Conduct Code (31 6 University Union), and disbursed on October 18th, November 7-Burrough Cor· Student Ser­ 1 984 and those -Marketing vices Building; bring your EIU The Student Conduct Code - the Vice President for Student who failed to po ration ID and $2.00 for the fee. The describes Univ ersity Affairs (1 1501dMa_ln). obtain their aid of an earlier majors-December and May ohan registration deadline for the · behavioural standards for Keith K zo scheduled date ' are asked to Graduates. exam is Monday, November students and explains the Universi� Judicial report to the Charlestori· November 7-Northern 12, 1984 . disciplinary system established Heanng Office . Mattoon Rooms of the Univer­ Illinois University-Graduate H.C. Bartling to adjudicate alleed infractions sity Union from 9-3:30 (in· Students for the school of HellenlcSchcUrahlp Dir. , Testing Services of those standards. Students eluding noon hour) with their Business. nanc accused of academic The Office of Fi ial Aid validated student ID card. November 7-Payless· Cash· dishonesty are entitled to a has received an an­ John Flynn, Dir. way-Management Writing Compet..,cy nouncement of a scholarship FinancialAid ng hearing in accordance with the Trainees-Prefer Marketi Ex•mlutlon sions the for female students who are of and Management Majors. provi of Code. A Undergraduates: tuden accused Hellenic descent. Other RHldenc:e Hall DecemberGr aduates only. s t of academic To satisfy graduation dishonesty may requirements are: must be a Contrec:t November 1 2-lndiana State in a course not requirements for the drop the citizen of the U.S. and a This is a reminder that the University-Graduate School. course until such time Bachelor's Degree at Eastern resident of the Chicago resldnece hall contract is for November 1 3-Lanier--5al­ as disciplinary action, if any, is Illinois University, you must Metropolitan Area; must be a the 1984·85 academic year es Representative-Prefer concluded. In the event that pass the Writing Competency violation occurs at currently enrolled sophomore, (fall and spring semesters) . BusinessAdministration or any the alleged Examination. Register to take the term junior, or senior with a G.P.A. Students will not be released interested in outside end of a , an in· Major this examination af1er you have of 3.0. Application forms are from their contrac1 unless they sales. complete grade will be completed sixty semester the E assigend pending completion available in Office of Finan­ ( 1 )Withdraw from IU, James Knott,Dir. pper hours Ounior standing) and of the disciplinary process. cial . Aid, East Wing, U (2)student teach, (3)graduate, Career Planning& tuden have credit for both English All members of the student Level of S t Services or (4)are dismissed for Placement Center easons 1001 and English 1002. body spons building. Deadline for applying academic r . are re ible for Health Competency Register in person at Testing knowledge of is Novembef9, 1 984. Louis V. Hencken the provisions of Ex•ml1111tlon Services, 208 Student Ser· the Code. Copies John Flynn Dir. , Student Housing of the The Helath Compentecy vices Building; bring your EIU . Student Conduct Dir. , Financial Aid Code are C•mpua lntervlewa Examination will be given on ID and $5.00 for the fee. The available In the following of· Fluncl•I Aid November 7-Marathon Oil Thursday, November 15, second examination this fices: all residence halls, Dlaburaement Company-Accounting major· 1984, in the Arcola-Tuscola semester will be given on Judicial Affairs (214 Student All financial aid recipients of s-December and May Room, University Union. November 13. The registration Services), Student Activities dead awards scheduled to be Graduates. Register in person at Testing line is October 30 and Friday's _ Report errors lmmedlltely at 511·211 2. A correct eel wlll ep..-r In the next edition. Un ....nolllled, .. C11nnol be reeponslblefor en Incorrect eel efter ltati,. at lnaertlon. Deedllne 2 p.m. prewlouadey. Classified ads t 5' <)) Announcements <)) Announcements �},,,...- . -:::: ------Announcements Announcements /"\� Announcements --.;.,,;,;� . �J -.(]}APO No tailgater Sat. Party JON lEGLER-Don't be a THE TRI-ESTAS are psyched 7th Andrews-You guys are Hey DIRTY DOZEN, Lefs i stranger. Your Alpha Sigma for one wild . Homecoming the best! ! Special thanks to the show S.1.U. to really party. at Dan's 7:00. Come meet how Alphabuddies missyou ! weekend. (T.P. included) Risky Business girts-Your act What's the best cure for a alumni! ______10 /1 2 ______10 /1 2 ______10/1 2 was awesome!!! I hope hang-over?BEER Bongs at our LAURA ARMON, We are all LAURA ARMAN-You've everyone has fun during tailgate. Saturday at 1 0:30 Ronda Settle--HAPPY BIR­ ·so proud of job you've done a great job with Homecoming. Thanks for AM. Drink up! Pro's and Oonie THDAY STINKY! Keep smillin the done with Homecoming. Keep Homecoming. Let's celebrate being so neat! Barb Baby and party hard! Mom's, here you come! Big 19! You're smiling, the finale is here! this weekend! Love, Nancy ______10/1 2 ______10 /1 2 special and a great friend! Love ______10/1 2 ______10/1 2 Balloons & Flowers arranged Laura Armon and Ken ya, Cheri RICH LUSSIER--Just wan­ in attractive soup mug. $16.50 Schroeder-You two are ______10/1 2 ted to tell you I hope you have and up. Phone 345-7007, terrific! The house deck is the All invited to the 1 0th Annual * * **** a gOO:d day and I'm thinking of NOBLESFLOWER SHOP. greatest! And Sigma Chis and Delta Sig Bratfest: Saturday, you! Love, Sandy ______00 Alpha Phis are number 1 in Oct 13. 1705 9th St *" BALLET * ______10/1 2 TROPICAL TANNING Homecoming Beginning SPA-621 Charleston Ave, ______10/1 2 lt MARY TIESCH-Hope 18 is ______10/1 2 * Alpha Sigs-Get psyched for a great one! Happy Birthday! Mattoon 234-7141 , 25% off, LA WOMAN-Congratulatio­ class Saturday! * Luv, the leacherous wenches! Student Discount. ns on becoming an Aunt again. for Teens lt ______10/1 2 ______10 /1 2 ______00 IT'S A BO Y!. .. So, doesn't that Start Homecoming weekend Flower-Buster! Noble's 1 (!lake you an uncle? Guess * &Adults lt right Party at the "Playpen" cent sale. Buy 1 dozen fro who ... to begin $1 2.99, get another dozen for � � tonight: (Senator, you better ______· 10/1 2 be there!) one cent. Don't delay-order" ...... - Oct. 15 ...... - today! ______Noble Flower Shop, For information 10/12 swers Students Welcome * Gretchen Myers, You're long 345-7007. Puzzle An lt We offer 1 . 2 & 3 CALL over due surprise is almost ______10/1 2 here. Love, Greg Excuse me! Let's be gone! · Bedroom Apartments •Laundry ______10 /12 We won't let Dan V. bum our •Pool Jacqueline * Donna Scheffler, Hey, when high any longer. After scarfing •CountryAtmosphere � is the Wedding? Miss ya, on lynchers, halves, and quar­ •Clubhouse � Bennett * Henry ters, and with Pills back in 2 •1, blockssouth ol lt track, we're ready for some 3- ______10 /1 2 Charleston Motor Inn * DANCE Chis, We're fired up D action at �cComb: Sigma 34M441 lt for 4-o'clock club. Ifs been Dominate, Destroy and * CENTER Mon.-Fn 8 00- 5:00 one great week! Thanks, the Devastate. Lohu Lohu. Signed, Sat 9-5 345-71 82 "worldly" Alpha Phis ooh-weeman * * ______10 /1 2 Equal Houll"tOpportunity ______10 /12 ****** Welcome back Alpha Sigma Tau Alums! ______10 /12 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Classified advertisement is the fastest, easiest, cheapest results - everyone way to get 81.ACJ(VOT CRS7 reads the classifieds, so put yourwords to work! ------'cOOh GOVERNMENT JOB·S . $16,559 - $50,553/year. Now hiring. Your area. Call 1- 805-687-6000, Ext. R-9997 _____ .....:C·WF-10126 ATTENTION WOMEN of EIU: Steve Wergers needs a date for Homecoming. Call 345- 7767

______10 /12 Want a room? A car? A stereo? A Job? Whatever you want, checkthe Eastern News 10/1 2 .....___ classlfied ads. by Berke Breathed ...... ------.=..--

. CHARLESTON PAWN & LOAN CO. 9th & Lincoln Buy·Sell-Trad•Pawn-Loan

Buying Gold & Diamonds · 348-1 21 4

ore Warehouse Co. ice Mini Storage . u-SIOriO Worohou .. erent Sizes from p. U· Carry The Key. �JINOIVIOUA .. ROOt.tS south of Rte. 1 6 Highway f30 EX 'N' DON BUILDING 535 or After Hours 345-5850

Regency Apartments 810 Regency circle Charleston 345-9105 Apt. for 4·or Single sublets

' ) Friday's Report ...... lmmedle"" at 111·2111. A coneot wlH .,,.., In tll9 nut edition. Unleae ...... cannotbe reep...... _tor an lnoarrectad .,.. ltl •• lnwtlon. Deadllne 2p.m. ,,...... day• . 16 October 11,.984 s Class�A flnInouncements ed . ad Announcements Announcements � n <})Announ �) � <}} Announceme ts Announcements MJR: Here'• to a tan tastlc The DeltaZ would 1 <}JTo pledges SIGMA etas like to· Alpha Phis: Let's end all the Of APO: <}JTEKES- re you guys PHI weekend Love youl wlah Panthers good luck at with A together. I . the Homecoming week a You're doing a fmltastlc job. ready? Tomorrow Is almost Aluma-Welcome Windy tomorrowsgame! Meet at the house Sat. In there. The bestIs yet great weekend! I' __,..�...,..,..,. .1 0/1 2 ' bang! Hang here. Let the goog times rollll 1 0/1 2 9:45 am. to go to the parade. tocome . ThePhantom APOer ward to seeing YNN -=--�-=---1 0/12 TheTaus H EY SU SAN C U N · ANGL RICHARDSON: Comemeet our Phl-tastlc alum­ 10/1 2 y r -- 1 - ______ou Phi Sig 9 so show been an 10:30-1 2:30 para NINGHAM:You're You've doing ex· nl between at Querido Tim, Graclas el Hey Kap'sl Let's get ex· Maureen ua what you've got. Don 't drink cellent job with the MIP· open-house! mejorano de mi vlda. Eres una Sig many cuz w CAJMAPCA . 10/1 2 cited-This Homecoming e ______muy rara persona y enso too daiquiris Conference! We , pl weekendwill begreat! · don't want to drive you home. want you to know w ' ve que yo tengo muchasuerte. Te e re ry LOOK OUT EIU-Dr. ______10 /1 2 out -to have proud of y and behind you qulero muchlslmo Remember; · going ou Ocularls, The Greasy Fren· . , Debbie Alpha SigmaTau-Get ready some fun on y r Did 100 percent!! Love, ou 8-day? Your Dee chman & Rugrat are coming 10/12 for the sisterhood tailgater! you take out the trash yet? Zee Slster:s Congratulations Debbie blow 10/1 2 thels Homecoming weekend. Good timesahead Does your dryert ge you ______Miller and AmyVance on being STEVE HEIL Hey Larry-How's the fishing ______10 /1 2 hot enough? I Lambda Chi's: Kap's are Initiated into Order of Birthday. This hopebecause so Sig lately? catch any card decks Omega. Sig Kaps & LambdaChis: It is the mailman's been waiting for ps hed for the festivities this We are really proud extremely exciting 19th. yc recently? You still owe me a of you. 24 hoursto Hog calling timeat some chocolate. Love, Your lpha Garn Sisters our neighbor. We Happy weekend clockII A the Lamb chop house ______The Love, Your roomies ______10 /12 10/12 best ever. girls 10/12 ______10 /12 ______10 /1 2 MARK AND CHRIS: Alp Pledges: Keep &D. -K -i m -& ___,C,..,..h...,.ris...,.tl:-n -e-This Happy Stephanie Hiii: Youare doing ha Gam ! you two . Chis and Alum· a the will be tons O' fun. Anniversary Hope Sigma fantastic Job as president. I up good work! You guys weekend L a great Homecoming Visit - often!! Love, An- have a nice weekend. uv, nl-Have couldn't be any prouder of my are fantastic! Love, Your Alpha more Debbie weekend! Love, Dede nette. c1ique Treasurer kid. DZ Love, Michele GarnSisters ______10 /1 2 _ 10112 1011 2 10/1 2 ______10 /1 2 ______

See your Jostensrepr esentative.

12 Date: Oct. 11, & 13 Time: 10:00 a.m. tlll 3 p.m. Placc: University Union


Let t he DAiiy HOMECOMING SALE Eastern ALL EASTERN AND GREEK MERCHANDISE . News Classified ADS •stadiumc shion Serve -mugs � •umbrellas =�=��:� G THE EIU OFF You -hats -stationery20 FEATURIN% OFF 1/2 -novelties TERRIBLE TOWEL •Megaphones 99¢ Reg. $3.00 For Info . 1------··

Call : $1.00 OFF all CC Film 581-2814 i: Reg. $2.98 IEIUS I 110 CC-135 CC- , . I Football Special: 1 CC: 126, or CC-15 DI University Village • Next to Ike's �------Charleston, Ill. on Two, 8 Pages The Weekend Supplement to the Dall� EHtern News / 81 920 I SeCtl

Welcome home .••

ce upon a ti me A Reincarnation . 1962 Jan Figura was crowned Homecoming Queen. Today, she still ;e­ have returned with their first studio· album in more a queen to her husband who was her college sweetheart. Chris Pfeifer, than a decade. Don and Phil Everly have returned with thelt classic rock

ueen , looks forward to. reign tunes of the '50s and early '60s. They have made a come back from the ar- 984 Q ing over the weekend Homecoming · · · ·es. chieves of rock musics dead.

See pages 4-5 See page 6 2

!... ft ... .. 8 Al 1181'Sit •MA 'l,AIJ I �� UniversityBaptist Church MusicTed's Warehouse Skee.zix will be playing Friday night and Combo Audio Saturday at 9:30 p.m.

MovTheies Ka rate Kid Showings at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Fri­ day and Saturday. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Will Rogars. Rated PG. Ghostbusters Showings at 7:10 and 19:20 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Sunday at 7:35 p.m. at Will Rogers. Rated PG . . All Of Me Showings 5:30, 7:15 and 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Sunday at 5:30 and 7:15 p.m. af Time in Mat­ toon. Rated PG. Revenge Of The Nerds Showings at 5:05; 7:05 and 9:05 Sigma Sigma Sigma p.m. Friday and Saturday . .Sunday at 5:05 and 7:05 p.m. at Cinema 3 in Mattoon. Rated R. Teachers We lcome Alumni Showings at 5, 7: 10 and 9: 20 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Sunday to at 5 and 7:10 p.m. at Cinema 3 in Mattoon. Rated R. Football Exterminator 2 , . On Saturday the Football team will Homecom Showings at 5:10, 7:15·and 9:15 ing 1984 host Southern Illinois University at p.m. Friday and Saturday. Sunday 1:30 p.m. at O'Brien Stadium in the at 5: 10 and 7:15 p.m: at Cinema 3 Homecoming game. in Mattoon. Rated R. ''COME c...,., AROUND S�---Ed�qrs ...... Lisa Green This week's Verge cover featUTes one side of ...... •..., . . Diane Schneidman this big wide world which we-all be visiting this As�i�tants ...... Lisa Albarran weekend during the Homecoming celebration. ..�...... Dawn Stultz Be sure to check this week's Verge addition to THE WORLD'' Photo editor . . . Sam Paisley see what things are like on the other side of the Art director...... C hris Toles - world .

For Your Sweetest ONE DOZEN SWEETHEART ROSES s7 .so vased Oct. t 2-23 Cash &.. Carry Bell's flower Cor11er (Formerly Coffey's) 133 5 Monroe 345-3919

Jlfouse :Trap· 930 18th St 345-301 1 Now. with

(Next to Wilb Walker's East) FREE Delivery A Sp ecialty Shop with Available After s p.m. SPECIA L Prices Tuesday Thru Sunday •Muenster $2.75 lb. •Mozzarella $2.63 lb. •Boiled Ham $2.80 lb. 1

Charleston • 909 18th St. • 348-7 515 -f i -SIU rivalry <: J• - e marks49t h confrontation ST ARTS TONIGHT! ham Whitehead is "natural" since there is an affinity HE TAUGHT HIM THE team in every sport has a game between state schools which players SECRET TO KARATE. .. means just a little more than the and fans alike can identify with . "We the game with a long-time rival. think of it as a wholesome rivalry," he Eastern-Western basketball game, noted. bs-Cardinals series and a U.S.­ The fact that the Eastern-Southern hockey game all provide that lit­ game falls on Homecoming Weekend is mething ext ra that motivates an added bonus. Paap said scheduling It's time for s and excites fans. -�Kid is done up to five or six years in ad­ his moment of truth� tern's football version of the good vance, although the administration against the bad guys comes in the always strives for a game in mid-se.ason COLUMBIA PICTURES of an Eastern-Southern confronta- which will provide an exciting homecoming. SAT SUN MATINEE 2:00 SAT &SUN MATINEE is year's Homecoming game will This year's meeting will bring two & 2:10 • the 49th meeting of · the two teams together which have been enjoy­ FRI & SAT NITE 7 : 00 • 9:30 FRI & SAT NITE 7: 10 9:20 s. Of the previous games Southern ing lesser fortunes than in recent years. SUN to THURS NITE 7:30 _SUN to THURS NITE 7:35 .won 29 . Eastern 18 and there has Southern. the defending national one tie. Associate Athletic Director champion in NCAA-Division lAA. lost Paap said . its firs four aames but has recove.-¥re�n. ough the first Eastern-Southern 2-4. Easter-;; has a record of 3-3. FINAL took place in Paap traces However. Paap said 'The records are • 1913. . WEEK! valry back about 20 years. not indicative of the interest in a game comedy that proves that one's a crowd. p said at this time Eastern played such as this." . The Illinois Intercollegiate Conference The results of the past two years with Southern . Western and II­ games should be incentive enough for . State . "Then or years ago. the players. Last year. a blocked field 21 22 Tu\:· ;$: uple of schools including Southern goal enabled Southern to hang on to a ALL A UNIVERSOFAL RELEASE IPGl ME SATURDAY & SUNDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE ed to start putting aid into football. 17-14 win against Eastern in Carbon­ 't'2:o�ra, ��FRIDAYf,. & SA TURDAY NITE the conference dispanded. " Paap dale. .,5:3o":.�ra 7:15AN D 9:00 The previous year Eastern won 20-7 SUNDAY & THURSDAY NITE 7:15 ONLY a result of the move Eastern didn't in a game that was closer than the score Southern again until six years ago. suggested. Paap said . ally Southern was not all that ex­ Southern's first year head coach Ray . but that year we beat them. and Dorr comes into the game with an open that they started focusing attention mind. "It's hard for us to point towards egame with Eastern . " Paap noted. any one opponent at the for Eastern teams. "They always moment-we're kind of hanging on." r the opportunity to play Southern Dorr said. they are a little bigger and well Even so. Dorr said he expects a real n." Pgiap said . exciting game since "close games tend p added that he thinks the rivalry to breed a rivalry." ·jf?:C?���i FRI & SAT N I TE :4j5:()�Ai>:�! 7:05 • 9:05 GJJonntt's r;Jfair Creations SUN to THURS NITE :�js:����s 7:05 ONLY For a Professional Job 'call: It's Monday morning at JFK High.


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. SIG KAPS � ( .. i ..2.....� .1...... 0 Ai>UiTi ..� SAT &SUN MATINEE· 1.t1 _12.00 1,1 ...... �· ...... SAY FRI & SAT NITE l:ff$:�:f§-���.J7 : 1 5 • 9: 1 5 GO BLUE! 1 : 1 5 v SUN NITE · '·5·�·1··a.���J oNL re ...... ·...... BIG ...... by Tammy Bates There are many remember about our ti But, the event senior remember is being Homecoming Queen. senior year'" she said. Pfeifer was chosen petition. The system i was changed this year. an organization could previous years, any o only one candidate. Now that Pfeifer dubious position, there

will be expected to fu · present at Thursday n

Former by Beth Kenny Exactly 22 years a Delta Zeta represen Homecoming . elect! Homecoming Queen th

Today , Figura lives i works as a high sch ool her college sweetheart mother of two teenage 22 years, the memori still live in Figura's mind. "I had my Homeco about two feet wide, a where we were to brin said. "Now I have it ha I think of Eastern eve where it's hanging." "My daughter has t

too ," she added. "To game between What w �uld Homecoming be without that" special · ing at halftime of the Homecoming when they were young. versity (Carbondale) represe�tattv�-the Homecon:iing Queen? This year's Eastern and Southern Illinois Uni Figura attributed her . up (from left to queen is Chns Pfeifer' a semor and member of the Pfeifer is pictured above with runners her family. boyfriend a . . . Elliot and Jan . Alpha Phi soronty . Pfeifer was elect queen during the right) : Anne Tabacchi, Becky. Morris "They campaigned . by cornat1on Monday. As queen, Pfeifer will be responsi- Pfeifer is in the middle. (News photo Michael Sitarz) (getting elected) was t ble for such duties as riding in the parade and appear-

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i< I ; or1es It two • takes i � '11 attachment to Homecoming King, queen • e an make an appearance during half­ "My mom kept saying, 'but how, but how, "' i� football game, Pfeifer noted. Pfeifer said. The Pfeifer's will be present Satur­ z of these duties, Pfeifer feels that she day to see their daughter reign over the ore involved with Homecoming this Homecoming festivities. Pfeifer's siblings will also should reign i usual. In previous years, Pfeifer has attend the parade and game. by ReneeSmith vely involved in some of the Some people might question what all the ex­ No one has ever seen Royal Aush in poker ming events because of her affiliation citement is for. Pfeifer said that the Homecoming without a king and queen. And, what good is a Alpha Phi sorority . Queen "brings everybody tog{!ther, rooting for a queen without a king by her side? Greek community has its own little common cause. It wouldn't be real without a Perhaps that is why Jill Zimmerman, assistant ing, she said. "It's like being off in a lit­ queen." director· -of student activities, said Homecoming ," Pfeifer noted. As queen, she hopes Homecoming 1984 will be very special for should have a king to reign over the festivities with more than usual" in all aspects of the Chris Pfeifer, and something she will always the traditional Homecoming Queen. remember. At the same time Chris hopes However, a change may be on the way. Zimmer­ citement of Pfeifer crowning as queen something significant will take place as the result man said the coronation of a Homecoming King is beyond the campus and Charleston . of Homecoming '84. which will be special and being considered for Homecoming '85. " and shock were the emotions that remembered in the minds of everyone-as it will "If I have my way, there will be a Ki ng next y ear. Pfeifer's home in Peoria. be for her. she said. "We have it (a King) for Greek Week and it goes over great." In addition, Zimmerman said having a Homecom­ ing King and Queen would help promote the idea of equality. g queen recalls crowning When Zimmerman was an undergraduate. her school decided to have a Homecoming King and the also said her family was very helpful slew of beauty pageants. idea was accepted on campus. in her crowning achievement. However. "I did enter the Miss Illinois "When it started. we thought it would be con­ my family very happy and very pro­ Democrat contest but only because they needed sidered a joke but it wasn't," she said. In fact, she ad­ said. "They came over to watch the a candidate and they recruited me." she said. ded many times there were more nominees for King " In addition . Figura said she doesn't see much than Queen. on to her family's support, and that of need for beauty contests that have no basis other Homecoming coordinator, Marcy Garling, said , Figura also pointed to her relation­ than competing for the title of best physical at­ she did not know why Eastern has never had a her boyfriend . "At the game we rode tributes. Homecoming King. but agreed having a King would k of a convertible . It was an honor ." "Unless there's a scholastic award. I don't see be a good idea. much use ." Figura said. "As a means to getting "I would like to see something done for next year." ss of how excited Figura's family and to college . Okay. but a beauty contest with no Garling said. "I think it's only fair." y have been about her success . it value - to see who's the prettiest girl on the Zimmerman said. "I-don't know what kind of in­ ar that her grades did not have block - I don't see the point. Pretty is as pretty terest there will be. but. we won't know until we try." lings. does." she added. Several Eastern males said they supported the the campaigning I let my business law Even so. Figura does thfnk that being elected idea of establishing a Homecoming King contest . way down," Figura noted. "I missed a Homecoming Queen is an opportunity which Sophomore. Cornelious Monroe said crowning a , but Mr. Holley said if I got an 'A' on students should take advantage of . "It's an King would be a good idea. In fact, he said he would m I'd do Okay, so I got the 'A'." she honor and a sign of involvement." Figura said . "I even be willing to be nominated for the title. encourage my kids to get involved. so I guess I Joseph Morales. a junior. also thinks having a king fond memories. and the pleasures of practice what I preach ." would be a good idea because it "would balance with fa me , are enough for Figura Figura said she wishes she could come back things." for a Homecoming game. but is unable to due to mes to the thought of going through He said he would also be in favor of running for Ing experience again. Being elected her job. 'Td love to come back for a Homecom­ King if he was nominated by his peers. Ing Queen didn't inspire her to enter a ing. but it's impossible to get aw av." she said .

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802 18th St. Charleston, IL 61920 (217) 345-6488 The Everly Brothers areba ck

cascading harmonies are intertwi EB '84 the sparkling "Asleep." Both the I The Everly Brothers and melodies paint a vivid image zi "Bye-bye love. Bye-bye happiness?" sereneness of the Everlys' music. No way, but you'd better "Wake Up Lit­ "Asleep, oh please let me fall asle �i tie Susie" because the Everly Brothers It's so peaceful when I sleep/ � are back. Until morning, nothing matters. � In their first studio album in more The Everlys' music proves to • than a decade, Don and Phil Everly .I:. timeless on EB '84. The brothers !: have returned with their classic rock sounded better. The Everlys have & tunes of the '50s and early '60s'-in back from the archives of rock m � triumphant fashion . dead. Their resurrection was The album, entitled leads off _! EB '84, possible due to the sheer blend of 1- with perhaps the duo's greatest song wonderful harmonies. This ever, "On the Wings of a Nightingale." would not have been, however, .The tune, written by Paul McCartney, not for the efforts of McCartney kicks off the LP with pure jubilation. A . driving beat, soaring melody and re­ McCartney-who teamed up sounding harmonies recapture that vin­ Everlys to overcome musical resonates in the John Lennon to create some of m tage Everlys' sound. weaknesses such as a lounge-style than in his ears. greatest harmonies-has written Unlike many that falter after piano to keep the listener beaming with The catchy lyrics build further effect . his best tunes in years for the Everly such a strong opener, EB '84's remain­ glee. "If I'm cold another day/ nion. ing compositions fly like "On the Wings With "The First in Line," the album I think l'II park and go away/ · Edmunds, former Rockpile of a Nightingale." takes a swing at c;ountry and western Leaving your col� heart here/ and IOngtime master of America "Danger Danger," the album's next music . The ballad, penned by Paul Ken­ Looking for love somewhere/ styles, was the best possible selecti cut which was written in 1982 by nerly, mixes C&W and bits of soul into a Following the sun." the record's producer. Edmunds Frankie Miller, showcases the hard­ package that rekindles the early Everlys' Don's next work, "You Make It Seem ed the vintage Everlys' sound to edged rhythm and blues style of the work. So Easy," is initially disturbing due to a show rather than trying to u Everlys. Side two of the LP begins with the foreign reggae beat. This alien beat nostalgia . For the project, Ed Don and Phil's next song, "The Story classic "Lay, Lady, Lay." doesn't match up well with the har­ rounded up British studio of Me,"-produced, written and arrang­ This particular selection may seem odd monious tone of the Everlys. Wingfield, and ed by leadman for the Everlys to perform, but Don and EB '84 gets back on track with "More Williams to back the Everly vocals. -gives the Everlys yet Phil manage to relate the song's gripp­ Than I Can Handle." This amiable tune, This album proves just one another opportunity to send out their ing sensation. written by British session veteran Pete (with apologies to Thomas Leary) • pulsating harmonies in such lines as: The album really hits full stride with Wingfield and Mike Vernon, once again can go back home- and the "Destiny, I wrote the book about the "Following the Sun." This composition allows the Everly magic to flow. make it an enjoyable experience.

game/Destiny, now I've learned how to features lush melodies so r.i,ch and attun- · The album closes just as it take the pain." These lvrics allow the ed to each other that' their effect opened-solidly. The Everly Brothers' 'Nerds' gets humorous revenge on 'beautifulpeopl who mastermind A nerd , basically, is a person .. usually group of nerds who take on . "the do battle. old whiz-kid the sorority male. who has an ingrown love of com­ beautiful people" in order to gain some Some of the nerd antics include in­ camera installation at . lustful puters and mathematical thinking in respect for themselves. stalling a fairly sophisticated camera named Buger: a greasy nose a general . The film centers around two nerd system in various rooms of · a popular fellow who picks his high schools Common nerd dress includes a shirt buddies who come to college hoping to sorority house , pouring liquid heat on "combs the local ese kid. (alwiiys tucked in) with a pocket . in have a good time, socia11y speaking, on­ the jocks of the football team and selling date: and a Japan and la which to put pens. pencils and various ly to be rejected.by the majority of peo­ cream pies with a picture of the head mispronunciations · ut the American precision instruments. A nerd's pants ple there . F. -0r example. after the �heerleader. naked. taped to the bot­ knowledge abo eral provide some legs are too short. A nerd wears black athletes accidentally burn down their tom of the pan . life in gen shoes and white socks. A nerd has fraternity house , they take over the Probably what makes Revenge of the moments. o horn-rimmed glasses. Anerd has crook­ nerds dorm and force them to take up Nerds different from·. and perhaps bet­ I guess Revenge f the an inoffensive. r ed or otherwise conspicuous teeth. Ac­ residence on cots in the gym . ter than other films of this type. is the basically pretty g cording to a National Lampoon poster Eventually the nerds find their own fact that its main characters are likable . humorous film that is that came out a few years back . a nerd house and have aspirations of forming unpretentious guys. entertainment. watches Godard films. A nerd has never their own fraternity . The basis of the film The two main nerds are easy-going . touched a girl. is. of coµJse·, the zany and madcap an­ and optimistic in the face of rejection . Revenge of the Nerds is the story of a tics that result as the nerds and normals Other likable nerds include a 1 2 year-

__ Deposit and ID required Did you ever wish we had· VHOvernSight VCR Rental a certain group at Eastern ? , s 99 Mon.-F4ri. Nites to get in volved. s999 Sat. Nite Now is your chance Th e University Board is now in tervie wing tot.

�L 1 �- tor �� 111_11111111111Vide11.11o m9 Concert Coordina CED VIDEO·; - SPECIAL Requirements: Player 1 -responsibility Nites �'!! 3 -able to do business on phone r Movies 3 . -willing to put in time 111•UN s1 9ss. -experience with bands and agents desired �I Video Hotline "�� Send resumes to University Board office, Room 216, University Ui 348-561 2 We will callyou for appointments. Deadlin e is Monday, October 15. �fl.- . _\ 1 � Crossword Puzzle ·• ACROSS 59 Objectives 7 - comes 31 Synthetic from IO I talian (artery amides 1 Term of • medieval companion) 34 Had on . ! endearment republic 8 Presently 40 Foeof Richard I 5 French 81 Moregelid t Tutelarys p rit 41 Toxic pesticide •� quisling � 82 Record 10 Macho actor 42 It's witchcraft 10 A son of Willy 83 Lamp filler 11 Chits 43 Place � Loman oC' 84 Agile 12 Dissolve 45 Zero 14 "Dies --," 85 Famed N.F.L. 13 Trotters 47 Cheer � holiday into a nightmare for old hymn 5:00 p.m. linebacker 19 Gibson of 49 Creek two vaca tioning couples. 2-Hee Haw 15 Norfolk Scope, oaters 50 Muscat is its :I e.g. I 12-Washington Week in 9-Littte House on the Prairie DOWN 21 Pewter capital z 18 Womanizer Review 10-Wild Kingdom 1 Author component 51 Box 17, 38-Benson 1 5-Newswatch Roundtable 17 "-­ , O'Flaherty 24 Tip 52 Within : Comb. Misbehavin' . - i.,. 7:05 p.m. 20-To Be Announced 2 Domingo­ 25 Pianist Serkin form .. 5-Movi 18 Lordly lodging Muscovite, e.g. e: "The Trouble With 5:05 p.m. showpiece 28 " ... and 53 Ci.'..• 20 Minnesotan's Angels." ( 1966) Convent­ 5-College Scoreboard 3 Finnish infidels --": ' 54 Landed :.< neighbor · 55 Band of Zulu school fun and games, pitting 5:10 p.m. liberator : 1867- Pope 0 22 Commencement a worldly-wise Mother 5-Wrestling 1951 27 Havi_ng long, warriors � 23 Redacts thick hair 58 "Into--of .... Superior against two ob· 5:30 p.m. 4 Forebodes 24 Orion's dew" : Field � 5 Middleweight 28 Metric units .... streperous students. 1 2-5neak Previews beloved · champ : 1949-51 29 Administrative 58 Radio's "-- CD 7:30 p.m. 15, 20-News Pop, for one ao 25 8 Bedouins 30 Chilean port and Sade'' 40> 12-Wall $treet Week 6:00 p.m. 27 Frank, as a 1 7, 38-Webster 2,3, 1 0-News talk 8:00 p.m. 5-College Scoreboard 32 Icelandic 2, 1 5,20-Hunter 9-Puttin' On The Hits letters 3, 1 0-Dallas 1 2-Doctor Who 33 Adjudge 1 2-Great Performances 15, 20-Hee Haw 35 Not one, 1 7 ,38-Hawaiin Heat 1 7-Greatest American Hero countrystyle 9:00 p.m. 38-Solid Gold 38 Digit Digit 2, 15, 20-Miami Vice 6:05 p.m. 37 3, 10-Falcon Crest 5-High Chaparral 38 Nothing 39 Trojan War 9-News 6:30 p.m. precipitator 1 7 ,38-Matt Hou�ton 2-Wheel of Fortune 41 Embellish 9:30 p.m. 3-More Real People 43 N.E. river .. 5-Movie: "The Thing." 9-At The Movies 44 Returned to ( 1951) An arctic research 10-Lorne Greene's New custody group in menaced by a ·mon­ Wilderness 48 Wild ster from another world. 1 2-Doctor Who marjoram 9-INN News 7:00 p.m. 48 Escapee from 10:00 p.m. 2, 15, 20-Diff'rent Strokes Sodom 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,20-News 3, 1 0-Airwolt 49 Miffed 9-WKRP in Cincinnati 9-Movie: "Deathmoon." 50 Indian is one 1 2-Doctor Who (1978) Romance an super· 53 Region in NE 38-Gunsmoke natural happenings befall a China 10:30 p.m. vacationing businessman in 57 Dutch-born 2, 1 5,20-Tonight this movie, filmed on the satirist 3-MASH Hawaiin island of Kauai. Bernard 9-Cubs Final 1 2-Seeing Things 10-Movie: "The Amityville 17,38-T.J. Hooker Horror," a 1979 adaptation of 7:05 p.m. Jay Anson's controversial 5-Movie: "Red River." See page 15 of News for answers book about a haunted house ( 1948) Sweeping spectacle on Long Island. of a Texas baron leading catle spelled disaster for the James 1 7-Ths Week in Country 8:30 p.m. 17-Entertainment Tonight drive over the Chisholm Trail. and Younger gangs. Music 3,1 0-Alice 10:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:50 p.m. 38-Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew 9:00 p.m. 9-Love Boat 2, 15, 20-Gimme A Break 5-Night Tracks 4:30 p.m. 3, 10-Trapper John, MD 11:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 1 2-Frugal Gourmet 9-News 3-Movie: "Ulz 's Raid." aria 2, 1 5,20-Partners in Crime 10-Tales from the Darkside 17-0ne Day At A Time 12-All Creatures Great and (1972) Burt Lancaster in an 3, 10-Mickey Spillane's Mike 11:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Small action tale of cavalry vs. Hammer · 10, 17-Entertainment This . 12-Wild America 9:05 p.m. Apaches, film ed in Nevada 12-Movie: "The Cruel ·Sea." Week 17, 38-Fame 5-Spdrts Page and Arizona. ( 1 953) Excellent adaptation of Midnight 9:30 p.m. 17,3 8-Nighttine 5:05 p.m. Nicholas Monsarrat's best 2-America's Top 10 5-Portrait of America e.;....1NN News 11:10 p.m. seller about a British naval 15,20.-:Rock-N·America 9:35 p.m. 5-NightTracks 5:30 p.m. vessel in the Atlantic during 9-Greatest American Hero 5-Day of Discovery 11:30 p.m. Sunday World War II. 12-Wiidiife Safari 10:00 p.m. 2, 15,20-Friday Night Videos 1 7,38-Love Boat 2:00 p.m: 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,20-News 17-Barney Miller 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 1 2-Great Chefs of San Fran­ 2, 15,20-Silver Spoons 9-Tales from the Darkside 38-ABC Rocks 3, 10-Cover Up cisco 3, 10-60 Minutes 1 2-Monty Python's Flying 11:45 p.m. 9-News 38-Movie: "Dark Passage." 1 2-Austin City Limits Circus 9-Twilight Zone Silver An· 1 7. 38-Finder of Lost Loves (1947) Humphrey Bogart 17,3 8-Ripley's Believe It or 38-Movie: "Dive Bomber." niversary 9:30 p.m . . escapes prison to track down Not! (1941) Of pilots, flight Midnight 9-INN News the real murderer of his wife, surgeons and the dangers 17-News 6:05 p.m. 9:50 p.m. and is aided by Lauren Bacall. 4-Wrestting they run when testing new 38-Fame 5-Night Tracks Chartbusters 2:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. equipment. 10:00 p.m. 2, 15, 20-World Series 2, 15,20-Punky Brewster 10:05 p.m. Saturday · 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,20-News 12-Quilting 9-Movie: "Cabaret." (1972) 5-Jerry Falwell 9-Twilight Zone 2:45 p.m. Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey and 10:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 12-Bless Me, Father 5-Movie: "Back Street." director 11..:...News 2, 1 5,20-Sportsworld Bob Fosse won 38-Video Plus ( 1961) Fannie Hurst's durable 10:30 p.m. 9-America's Top Ten Oscars for this acclaimed 10:1 5 p.m. melodrama about a fashion dramatic musical set in 1 931 '2-This Week In Country 1 2-Magic of Water Colors 17-News designer's affair with a Berlin during the rise of the Music 3:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. married man. Nazis. 3-StarTrek 9-Soul Train 2, 1 5,20-Saturday Night Live 9-Cubs Final 1 2-Motorweek 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 3-Movie: "Golden Girl." 3, 1 0-NFL Football 2, 15,20-Knight Rider 1 0-Dennis Raetz: Football · 4:00 p.m. (1951) Mitzi Gaynor as Lotta 12-Woodwright's Shop 1 2-lllinois Press 5-College Scoreboard 3, � 0-Murdet, She Wrote Crabtree, a famed entertainer 1 7-Barney Miller 15, 20-Movie: "The Wilby 12-Movie: "Bluebeard." 12-Nature in the Old West. 38-Grizzly Adams Conspiracy." (1974) Political (1944) John Carradine giv"s 17,3 8-Hardcastle & Mc­ 9-Cubs Final thriller centering on South a fine performance as a 3:30 p.m. Cormick 10-Benny Hill 2, 15, 20-World Series Africa's explosive racial Parisian puppeteer who mur­ 7:05 p.m. 1 2-David Susskind 9-Movie: "Drums Along 5-Movie: "The Fighting situation. . ders for love. the . 1 7--SOlidGold Mohawk." (1939) Director Seabees." (1944) Th� for­ 17-Taking Advantage • 4:05 p.m. 38-Movie: "The Last Time I John Ford's vivid portrayal of mation rugged con­ 10:45 p.m. 5-Fishin' With Orlando of the Saw Paris." a colonial couple in New struction crew of World War 9-LouGrant Wilson 10:45 p.m. York's Mohawk Valley. 11�00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. II. 9-Movie: "The Great Nor­ 12-New This Old House 2-Music City U.S.A. 9-Welcome Back, Kotter · 8:00 p.m. thfield, Minnesota Raid." 17-Rhoda 2, 1 5,20-V: The Final Battle 1 0-Star Trek 4:35 p.m. (1972) A gritty,realistic lookat 4:00 p.m. 3, 1 0-Jettersons 1 7-This Week in Country 5-Motorweek Illustrated the 1876 bank caper that 12-Victory Garden 1 2-Masterpiece Theatre Music Daytime Soap I'rn Sorr::i ':}Ou. weren't l'lcimed 1-\omecomin,g Q1..1e.et"\, ChciM\\e.

daily, free of charge, as a publicser­ . Clips should be submitted to The Dally two business days before - date to be of event). Information should include event, organization (spelled out - no Greek letter , time and place of event, plus any other per­ and phone number of submitter must be conflicting or confusing information will cannot becontacted. Clip s will be editedfor submitted after 9:00 a.m. of deadline day publication. Clips will be run one day only wiH betaken by phone. �i!��g�;-���]j==------==� t!li!llz::smim::l:::s:=::::::::.J'"-�·�.A""���'"-"""'-_,.,_�-�� EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President - Joe Butler The Off-Campus Student Executive V. P. - Angelynn Richardson HousingOCSHA agency was created and is recognized as a organization for off-campus students and landlords. This agency Financial V.P. - Tammy Walker was organized to cohesive relationship between those off-campus students and landlords. OCSHA wtl B.O.G. Representative -Aaron Shepley students with the following programs for the '84-'85 school year: ' Speaker of Senate - Ronald Wesel • The Housing Fest to be held in the East Ballroom April 9th and 1 Oth is a pr provides students the chance to look for housing for the following semester. Area are invited to show the students what they have available and all other information to live in their housing. , • OCSHA is currently working on a residency hall program which will inform the off-campus SENATORS living. We will cover all information that we feel is necessary for stu aware of before moving off-campus. Following the presentation will be a question and Julie broom Paula Johnson forum. • Dan Brosseau Mike Kirchhoff Located in the Student Government Office is our Housing Board. On this board find alt the available housing for a particular semester. Landlords send Bruce Carpenter Michelle Long us what available for students and we Post them for you to check out. Teresa Collard Judy Mangos • OCSHA has also devised a Housemate Agreement created to promate hou mony by clarifying Dave Cox Larry Markey the expectations and responsibilities of housemates with each o EXAMPLE: Jan Donavan Marty Morgan The payment of bills like rent, utilities. food, household chores. and r personal needs in regard Carolyn Opolka to matters like studying, recreation, sleep, etc. This is a I · Kim Dumentat ding agreement. Barb Pardee Mark Irwin • OCSHA's current members include Lisa Millner, Jeanna Schaefer. and nathy. Scott Franzgrote Pete Swanberg Our Vice President is Cheryle Enk, and the President is Terra Yarbrough. We Angela Grachan Kim Swanson tinually looking for more members ..Anyone that would be interested can contact the Government Officeat Clifton Graham Becky Tichenor 581 -5522 or 581 -5523; Terra at 345-1561 ; Cheryle at 348-1 drop a note in the OCSHA mailbox. Dwayne �unville · Karen Wessel • Our office is located in the Student Government Office and our hours are post David Wetherton William Helmbacher door. Please feel free to come in and talk with us if you're having any problems pe Stacy Hill Terra Yarbrough the condition of your apartment or house, problems with your landlord. difficulty in place to live, or problems concerning your roommates, we are hereto help you

THE AUDITING COMMITTEE STUis respoDENnsible for auditingT SENAeach of th� six TETHE STUCOMMDENT AWARENESSIT COM�TEITTEEES: is resp onsible for individual student-faculty boards. The committee is currently developing 2 with any areas where student personal freedoms are concerned. new programs. A Financial Newsletter and a Step-by-Step billing procedure presently working on the following goals. . for Student Senate. Meetings will be held in the Shelbyville Room in the • THE NEWSLETTERthat you are presently reading · • ELECTION f"ORUM(G oal already achieved) Union at 6:30 on Thursday Nights. • VOTER REGISTRATION (Fall goal already achieved) THE ELECTIONS COMMITTEE holds regularly scheduled meetings at • STUDENT I FACULTY SURVEY 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Student Government Office. • CROSSWALKS On all streets off of Lincoln Ave. The committee handles all procedures dealing with student government • REST ROOM in Vending Lounge •RETREAT elections. Now, we are working on plans for an effective and smooth run­ • ALCOHOL ABUSE SEMINAR ning Fall Election to be held November 1 4th. • RAPE AWARENESS SEMINAR We encourage all those _interested in taking part in student government to • PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISING come to our meetings or contact Becky Tichenor or Carolyn Smith at 581 - • SECURITY ON CAMPUS 5522. Many people claim that they're uninformed about student govern­ Meetings are at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Union Walkway ment. ..Why don't you come to a meeting, find out about student faculty terested members are urged to att.end or call Dan Brosseau at 345· boards, or better yet take out a petition and run for a senate seat. THE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE has s et goals for itself THE UNIVERSITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE acts as a liaison between elude completing the following projects: w are some of the goals the student body and the university. Listed belo •UPDATING THE SYLLABUS LIBRARY that is presently in the Library. we that the University Relations Committee will be working on in the near pile as manysyllabi from everydepartment as possible. This will aid students in future which instructor is right for them. •WE HOPE TO CLARIFY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE NEW GRADE • STUDENT DISCOUNT CARD plemented by the CAA. The grade of "E" was discontinued and replaced with an • SET UP AN ORGANIZATIONAL DAy grade. "I" meaning the student has not completed the required course work • CAMPUS PHILANTHROPY received an incomplete and is responsible for making up the work. The g ay in the Union Walkway. All in- "X" Meetings are at 8:00 p.m.. on Mond when the instructor fails to turn in a grade. What is not explained in this new I, terested student are asked to attend. responsibleto see that the grade of "X" is removed and the proper grade given. THE HOUSING COMMITTEE holds regular meetings on Tuesday at 5 •The Academic Affairs committee is also presently looking into what student receives straight "F's" for a reason out of his control. For example if his ·1 P.m. in the Union Walkway. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings a loss and the student leaves for home without informing the university. When he and to join the Housing committee. . · · the following the semester the only way he can get rid of his "F's" is to go Current projects being worked on include: dividual grade appeals. We want to workwith the administration and try to im •IMPLEMENTING RIDE AND SERVICE BOARDS IN THE RESIDENCE HALLS. policy. I •SENDING STUDENT SENATORS TO HALL COUNCIL MEETINGS - •We plan to work on getting FRESHMAN ENGLISH CLASSES to be required •ATTEND AHA MEETINGS of library facilities. •ASSIST OCSHA •WE ALSO PLAN TO RESEARCH THE ROLE OF THE GRAD ASSISTANT free to at- STRUCTOR. l If you have any suggestions for the Housing Committee feel .

ltendi;i�ii8- ii1� !! ------�"LOOKINGN 'I�OU T t;FOttR YO\'lUR�l FUTU�lRE"i\\l �N' • • 345-21 62 And here's mote ... .I


!t 'l I


attending this years Homecoming parade students can virtually take a H�Schoolme spiritcom anding traditfionor· are Char some lestonof the reasons residents respond nd the wor ld. However, one must remember the world was not favorably to Eastem's Homecoming festivities. Residents agree, that.Eastem's in one day. A lot of planning went into the creation of this yeius Homecoming is. good forthe city of Charleston.

See page 13 See page 12 ·:Students shOw sentiment about Homecoming spirit ,.-: -3 . by Bill Tucker said. i g our Jr. Joint" ;f Ju�t the mention of the word Other students enjoy Homecoming "Featurin -; Homecoming brings a smile to the face because the activities people get invo1v­ Shorts l of just about any Eastern student. And ed in provide a mental and physical ap­ .corduroyWalking � there are . almost as many reasons why peal to the event. students like Homecoming as there are Former Eastern football player, junior !• *Sweater Vests � students. Jeff Fritchnitch, thinks students have to � Junior Valerie Riter likes Homecom- make sacrifices to enjoy Homecoming. * J:!ans-(assort.of � ing because of the exciting mental at- "I think it's enjoyable," he said. "There : mosphere ·· it provides. "Everybody are a lot of things to do if you are willing styles.) !:: shows so much school spirit and en- to give up your time h have a good ; thusiasm, and it's a good time to get time." *Pullover Sweater � together with your friends," she said. Sophomore Mike Lando likes : Another student who said she likes Homecoming because it is a chance to Jackets 1- the influence Homecoming has on peo- do something important. "It gives me a pie is senior Sandy Ellis. "I like the chance to get involved in a school activi­ friendship tbat is brought about. It puts ty that involves a lot of people and a lot •GarlandSwea ters everyone in a good mood," Ellis said. of school spirit," Lando said. "I like the way the school spirit is at a Some students have not attended an peak," graduate student Sean McKin- Eastern Homecoming yet, so they can't ney said . "I think it should be that high define what makes Homecoming so im­ all year." portant. However, freshmen Joe 305 W. Lincoln Ave. Junior Carrie O'Connell agreed. "I Danko and Jeff Smith said the at­ like the football game and the spirit that mosphere a.nd activities of the week 345-9313 the people display," O'Connell said. have given them some feeling for the . · Sophomore Joe Stair sees this year's event. Homecoming as a way to forget other "It seems like it has raised a lot of GOOD· LUCK PANTHERS!! disappointments this year . 'This year school spirit and brought everyone Homecoming will be good because it together," Danko said . from will take my mind off of the Cubs," he Smith sees Homecoming week as a said. chance to exemplify the atmosphere of For some people, Homecoming Eastern. "It gives us a chance to repre­ La Boutique & .Jr. Joint represents more than just enthusiasm . ·sent ourselves and our school in Homecoming is also an opportunity to athletics and spirit," Smith said. see long- lost friends. Sophomore Scott Adamson noted Junior Laura Bayless said Homecom- something that many students have ing provides her with a chance to see a probably felt at one time, and which lot of people she would not usually see freshmen may recognize at some point during the year. "It's a chance to see in the future. "Homecoming here is a lot returning alumni and old friends," she different than it was in high school," said. Adamson said. On the other hand, junior Kirsten "Here, there are a lot of events during Olander said she Ukes Homecoming the whole week and I guess at a lot of w e�k because of the physical changes, high schools the only event they had .. as·opposed to the emotional changes, it was the dance," Adamson said. "I like brings to the campus. Homecoming week here a lot better "I like Homecoming week because than the ones we had in high school." · the Union and the residence halls are Whatever the reason, it seems as decorated making them a little bit better though everyone enjoys Homecoming looking than they usually are," Olander week. CAESARS DELIVER 345·28�� •4 •.,.Weight PIZZA •SANDWICH ES•SPAGH and SALADS (Come seeNo how we've helLop�d Charlengston l eose 10r,0 00 lbs. in 2112 vears .J · DELIVERY PRICES , r------COUPON------1 PIZZA LG. SM. I Introducing Diet Center's Mini-Program I DIETERS) I Want to lose just 8-1 2 pounds? (FOR NEW I 1 ingredient S7.55 S5.50 I Want to keep it off forever? I stabilization and 2 ing red ie nts 8.35 6.15 Includes 3 weeks reducing, 1 week \ life-time maintenance program. 3 ingredients 9.1 5 6.80 · All this at a savings to vou during tI . I 4 ingredients ·9.95 7 \ OCTOBER . J .55 L------Super Six 10.25 7 . 75 CHARLESTON POORBOY, STROMBO LI & TEXAS BBQ .p "'"' $3.50 61 6 W. Lincoln - 345-2607 • ITALIAN BEEF &SPAGHETII Daily 7:30-5:00 p.m. Sat. 9-1 1 -o "''"�TTHELOSttvcG S3.30 LG . SALAD SM. SALAD ©1913 S2.25 $1.00 West Park Plaza DietCenter, Inc. � ------·,------off 504 • on .00 1: on an. y small 1s1I an • y la� I pizza pizza I I I I t l -4 l

tings ctf •

-4 NEW HEAL+M : CJ hten • EDUCATION COURSES � � FOR SPRING SEM • ESTER! i kway ;, z Mueller 1. HED 1120 - CPR I• ws of the Union Walkway - 1 credit - ,,. ned by the artistic efforts of ... - Standard First Aid a: ons, which spent five hours 2. HED 2320· • windows last Sunday dur­ � - 3 credits 0 of Homecoming week � 3. HED 3100 - Standard First Aid Instructor .... !"' ..... ing Coordinator Marcy - 4 credits co Cll seven greek organizations • idence halls and university 4. HED 31 99 - Microcomputers in Health pated in the painting. Each - 3 credits s will receive spirit points for ation . 5. HED 3330 - Advanced Driving Ma neuvers 1aid the painters did a good - 2 credits their designs into this year's ing theme. "EJU Goes 6. HED 4890 - .Health and Aging World ." - 3 credits oup had one pe.rson who Wa. tch out ' the rough draft that had to be A variety of outdoor games took to the University Board . place on the Library Quad Wednes­ -- Call 581-5128 For More Info- the actual painting. "Sorne day as part of Homecoming week ac­ one person do it all. others tivities. (News photo by Brian .. Or­ come in and paint in shifts . miston)

Lehner. an art major who esign for the Triad's window. k me about half an hour to yidea." the theme 'EIU Goes Around ·in mind and then I thought of s around the world." Lehner at gave me the idea for · a put a globe behind it to sym­ world and used the Pink Pan­ First InEstablivesshed Sitoncer 19s30 Corp. use that's our mascot. The dog .. SIU's mascot. ign shows the Pink Panther in dropping a dog over the edge. ly an SIU Saluki . Three other from the Triad did the actual Invites All December· Graduates Interested said it did not take the full five milted to finish painting the In A Car the window. eer In the Investment Industry . . unately. I was out of town on · so I didn't get to paint the win­ To Attend An Informal Seminar To Become t I would have enjoyed doing er said . Acquainted With Our Organization And The to get involved in Homecoming because I always did in high Ca she added. "It made me feel reer Opp9rtunities Which We Have Available s doing something because I e a float to work on. And. it

intings are scheduled to be t 3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon in n Walkway . TIME: Oct. 15th 7:30 p.m. LOCATION: Oakla nd Room-University Union

• Offices Coast To Coast • Over 500,000 Clients • Managing Over $2.2 Billion In Assets

Future Interviews With Our Company indyou r big Result From The Informational Session tch in Tbe' . Daily Eastern FIRST INVESTORS CORP · •AGo od Company To Work With .. . News • A Good company To Work For .. . classifieds · . . · i 8 5 parade entries · . Hard�o rk, long time preparations finally pays off l� by Usa Albarran . A lot of people put time a nd work in- the floats and no candy throwing this day, Oct . 13 at 10 a.m. · to the preparation of a parade, even year," Haut said . and Lisa Ashford . if . "The parade will start at Morton Park, 1 The world was not created in one they do not directly · participate in the "The reason that we are not letting going up Stxth Street, through the . students C day. Similarly a parade that takes its event. throw candy is because a few square and down Seventh Street, com· not be "Greek organizations have years zz " i spectators around the world can been ago a girl lost her eye as a result of ing to an end at Bu ard Building, r ted in a short period of time. working all week preparing house-decs getting hit In the eye with of an ii c ea a piece· c - Haut said. � A lot of time and planning go into and car floats," Haut added. dy," he added. The parade is expected to last un & organizing -the Homecoming parade, "The flatbed floats will be judged on But the show must go on. Eastern's noon. Homecoming parade chairman. Jim Friday night at 8 p.m.," Haut said. Homecoming parade will be held Satur- ! Haut The other entries will be judged the e . said . ;' "Last January, invitations were sent . day of the parade. "We will have a :: out and plans were already being made stand on Seventh Street · to judge the A FEWOF OUR FAVORITETH INGS f'. for Eastern's homecoming parade," entries as they go by." HOMECOMEING & HOME COOKING Haut said. "My committee and I do And parades are not all fun and FRESH BAKED BREADS & JUST PICKED APPLES everything ourselves up until the last games when it comes to safety either. WHOLE LOCALLY day," he added. "There are a lot of precautions we have WHEAT $1 .1 9 lb. GROWN 39t lb. With all that work, one would hope to take, " Haut noted. Both city and APPLE CIDER ROASTED PEANUTS · there' would be plenty to see. "The tur- campus police get involved in the & IN THE · nout looks pretty good," Haut said . security of parade� the 1 /2 GAL. SHELL ·"We have about 85 entries this year. " _ "We will have police on every corner $1 .99 $1 .10lb. These 85 entries have been divided and stationed through out other street HOMECOMING SPECIAL: into ·categories. "There are several corners," Hau� said . "I also have 35 . . BRING YOUR THERMOS TO BE FILLED WITH HOT, SPICY� · categories for the floats, " Haut said . other people just for crowd control." CIDER. QT. SATURDAY MORNING 'TIL GAME TIME. " "There are decorated cars, highly Haut J)oted that there is going to be a $1.50 1nivw HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-6 TIJCKI . . m decorated . cars, walking floats and the change in policy this year for security WllU • SAT 9-4 · traditional flatbed floats." purposes. "There will be no riding on CLOSED SUNDAY · · · .- 1139 6th St. (1/2 blk. northof Old Main) Fad IEC ECN OPEN HOUSE Deb McKee'fromI /EC I ECN and a representa tive from Midwest Visual, Deca tur, will be hosting an Open House for fa culty, •!·- , •!•ghe Jleed�e Jloo� students, and staff members who are interested in purchasing micro computers. Th ey will have the Macintosh and Lisa for ' • demonstration purposes. Th e Open House will be held on • • WELCOME ALUMNI! • Th ursday, October 18, in the Arco/a-Tuscola Room from GIFT IDEAS FOR SORORITIES- 10:00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. On Oc­ Let the professionals at Needlenook tober 25 and on November 15 and 29, Deb McKee will be on ' f c� pus in Room 8-12-A, Student Services Building, for further .• . help you with your cr� t ideas such as : co�u/ta tion with fa culty, students, and staff members. Please • a rra nge for a 15-minute consultation period by ca lling 581- Lace knit darning 5171. ' Frame service • • • Pillow finishing • Cross-stitching finishing

' •1833 (3 pe e.) $3.57 (West Park Plaza) The 11en01 624 W. Lincoln oe11a·ch1 Phone 345-1 3�0 • 10-6 everyday , Thurs. till 8 - ' ·:· '·: want 10 ·=· '·:· '·!· ' ·=· WCICOIDe lhelrAIUIDDI ..... ltsjiere ! Get theSpiit � I and CheerIll the .- 1�.--· ��. Panthers Friday & Saturday N1ghtsl.. with1he women of 2 for 1 Drinks Sigma Alpha �. a--'"' 8-9 p.m._ Alpha LUCI< PANTHERS! GOOD from The Da E.L. Krackers lly EasternNe ws (THE NIGHT SPOT) welcomes a11· ALUMNI 1 405 4th St. 348-8387 ·.Charleston residents prove eventY is not students anymore by Lisa Green just for not an Eastern alum. The festive atmosphere makes it 1 Although many · Charleston residents are not probably one of the most enjoyable weekends of the JI:' Eastern alumni, they do catch some of the spirit on fall," Robinson said.

, campus during the week. Mrs. Russ Kochevar, 706 Regency Circle, moved f� The excitement of school spirit and the traditional back to the Charleston area from Aurora a month ago z parade are among the reasons why several Charleston and said she also is looking forward to the parade. residents enjoy Eastern's Homecoming festivities. "I hope to see the parade this year since we're here . ! "I think it's a great idea, most of the festivities. I It's always been nice and I hope they continue to have always enjoy the parade." Pam Parker, 1217 Jeffer­ it," she added. son, said. Robert Miller, 712 Harrison. also enjoys the tradi­ "I think the students enjoy the parade and I think it's tion of Homecoming. a good feeling for the city. It's good to feel that way ··1 think it's great just because of the tradition and all about your school," Parker said. of the people are united. It's good for the town." he Fred Fromme!, 845 Fourth St .. also said he enjoys added. the Homecoming parade. "I think it's a very nice thing," Ethel Driscoll. 353 "They're much better than they used to be because Harrison. said. "I don't usually attend it (the game) . there are more students." Fromme! attended Eastern . but I do watch the parade. I think it's something to ·'====='""""""'"l==kee�0in3�.·�· "======"======Another resident, David R obi nso n. 9 10 Mrs. H arold Bails. 708 10th St .. said. "I always like Williamsburg Dr. , said he enjoys Eastern's Homecom- to watch the parade when it goes around the square . ing bonfire is an Eastern tradi­ ing because of the tradition. When I know it's coming I just walk up to see it." she last year gathered near the "It's a traditional part of college life, Just the general said. rs to the tennis courts to be.gin chee excitement and enthusiasm is good. even though I'm ll game. (News file photo)

- The ·men of CongflatuQatloM £Qi3abe Sigma Chi th cpodegta tlJickman CQagg 06 '4g . elcome Alumni tlJomecomt11.gf 984 to <'0uWt011di11.g u4:fom11.� c ·· omecoming.1984 gtgma gtgma $tgma cA.Qum.nl

1 Oth Annual

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. ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Brat ' Fest Saturday ....- 1 :00-? �· . {all day & night)

Tyrone Covington Senior linebacker from Chicago 1 705 S. 9th St. (Morgan Park) was the league"s defensive "player of the week" as he set a school record with 25 total All ca 'tackles in the 34-21 loss to Illinois mpus invited State ... that broke the old record of by Randy Melving in 21 1979. See you there 14.Personal file: � jack Smith !� ------

� Baii• .£ ds hel• • • p Eiu .. f · . ;I tn 1est1v1t1es :: Homecoming is once again upon ! Eastern . With it, comes the feelings · of ! fun and festivities, work and competi­ � tion as everyone prepares for the week. c! Nowhere is that feeling more ap­ ! parent . than in the high school bands !:: which volunteer their time to make Eastern's homecoming parade an ev�n >t more special event. Believe me. I mar­ ched in Eastern's Homecoming parade !.,. with my high school band for four years. All the bands marching this year in Eastern's Homecoming parade Satur­ day have put in a considerable amount of time practicing and marching to get in shape for the long and tedious parade route . Band members have put up with cranky directors who are sure the bands will not be prepared for the parade .. Musical numbers have been practiced, uniforms cleaned, fitted and prepared-all for the march. The girls have practiced marching _routines, working hard to make sure the show is ready for all to see . Each will march with the fear of making a mistake , and hoping they won't. Many of the bands around the area are preparing for upcoming homecom­ �g fu��ti� �iliek own; y�. iliey �ke  time out for the Eastern parade. Based upon previous experience, I can honestly state that marching in the parade is a long, hard and often at times hot. By the end of the march you have blisters on your feet and would kill for . something cold to drink. Very often, the heat b,ecomes too much, and band members- cbltaps� along the route . JEANS The bands receive no monatary reward for their efforts. only the hope that someone going to Eastern from their home town will recognize them . entire The applause is the only recognition Our JEANS they get. Yet, year after year the bands return . stock of They take the time to make Eastern look good .

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of Anne presented ter Arts weekend with the festivities. the life of h girl who family from garrett. She mily were ntoacon­ t./j where she z > y opens Fri­ (') run through � Shows are (IJ . • • " ,.. begin at 8 • HOT COFFEE SNACKS • GROCER\'ITE MS • PRODUCE f ight o per- HOllSEHOLD rTE.MS• FR£SH PR�Dl'CE• FRESH BAKl:R\'• � � Special value, .. OLD MILWAUKEE � !:: BUD& BEER > BUD UGIIT 12 pack- 12 oz. cans 0 oz. r.: 8I- 6 pack-12 cans ., • ..., � $2.49 . $3.59 = ;, PaulMasson We have kegs! ' E � ¥¥¥���¥¥¥����������¥¥� ·Get a FREE : � Chabl WIN is/Rose/Rhine EIU T-SHIRT Congratulations :I 1.5 Liter Bottles � J ___ ,______rl) � Product$3 offers!29 good through Octoberw_��-�-�-� -·�-�-� _e! 9_· to J 14-20,e 1984 �= only at the Charleston White Hen Pantry. 0 � a L -4 Kerri Robbins �:Q ('"') . !Ii • 0 ..., I ..., on being crowned a 1 l'T'I = . I l'T'I Q• I Freshman Attendant!! : �I of you! :;) I We a�e so proud Love Your, . : Q I � =, Delta Zeta Sisters tit i, 6&&&���&��6������������ Llllillili_iliai.... ______! :J C, Ca:mear aund the �r/) GO PANTH ERS! g� urarld urith the � � � rnen af s � � · Whenyou run out. .. ' � i� White ·sigma Pi llen.P� � 200 East Lincoln Avenue i• Charleston -345-4240 � �- OPEN 24 HOURS! ! lurnnil S< To m & Va lerie Cmig, Owner/Opemtors ��� gl'T'I �• HOT COFFEE • SNACKS • GROCERY ITEMS • PRODUCE � fl...

&"'· ·Rookie alumni reminisces

I This is my first Homecoming as an Eastern alum. I good. zi guess that's not too unusual. I'm sure hundreds of And most of all, it is not very hard to find people other folks from the Class of '84 are going to be here you like here. There is such a wide variety of in­ .i• this weekend. dividuals going to Eastern that it can't be too hard to � But what is unusual, maybe, is this is the first time find someone who is as weird as you. � I'm going to celebrate Homecoming. For that matter · It is because of previously mentioned things that I this is the first time I'm going Panther football game. (I now wish I had an Eastern jacket so I could brag a little � · � tried once, _but a tailgate·partygot in my way) . about my alma mater. Also, I feel like talking to other e ' I guess when I was a'ttending classes at Eastern, I folks with Eastern stickers in their .car windows. t � really didn't have much school spiri . I didn't have it, To many Eastern students this must not seem like it :: well, for a reason that really doesn't hold water. is unusual. E astern alumni !!hould be expected to do � The problem stems from my cynicism. Eastern i� a this. But it came as a suprise to me. And it will pro­ bably come great place,, but it has faults. Those fault,s often as a suprise to a lot of people who think developed into a chip on my shoulder. I would flaunt they are too cool to be part of Eastern's activities this chip by believing I· was too hip to go to normal similar things. sc,hool activities. I not only avoided all Eastern football . My advice to th ose �eople is: Get with it! College life \ � games, I never attended any basketball games either. is too short to be frittered away worrying whether �11 )� I know I'm not the only Eastern student to do this, something is acceptable (like a football game) . � 1 but maybe I'm repenting now. Enjoy . When you leave Eastern you'll leave a lot of frie Why? Well, it's not easy to �xplain, but it has nds and fun . You'll probably never be around I t something to do with hindsight. See, once you leave 10,000 people you age again . That's why most alumni � Eastern you realize what a great school it is. are here -to remember those great times. ·1'j '' l The campus is gorgeous- okay the South Quad See ya at the game. could use a little bit more character. There are ex­ - b y Matthew Krasnowski cellent instructors here-sure, there are a few bums Matthew Krasnowski is currently an unemployed Eastern journalism . but for the most part they're great. And the teams are graduate .

"where the UP UP & AWAY FANS! You know we'll help you round your world in (at FREE RENT FOR OCTOBER books are" least) eighty ways anytime! TO CELEBRATE COME for coffee or cider, for group of five people cake & cookiesPARADE-SIDE (%-price 'party' supplies INSIDE 9-1 p.m.) • bedroom house • Remodeled & watch (Barbara? Chuck? Mary? Sue? wltl all of us at 3 THE LINCOLN BOOK SHOP • 2 blocks from campus Sixth & Buchanan • $1 10 per person (shared room) 'One Block North of Old Main' • $1 40 per per.son (private room) YES! WE ARE giving the discount on the practice sets & YES you have through 'the 15th for MESSIAH! Check too for EAT TO WIN, YOUR OPEN HOUSE SAT., O CT. 13 9-1 1 a.m. SEXUALITY! A RANDOM WALK & (politically savvy souls) our nifty but· tons& (TAILGATERS) our EIU·blue (AND on saleSaturday) napkins! 1 720 1 0th St. Call 235-4660

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