Girl with the Red Hat 382 DUTCH PAINTINGS
1976 Wright: 12, 42, 44, no. 16, repro. Provenance: Possibly Pieter Claesz. van Ruijven [1624- 1977 Menzel: 68, fig. 65. 1674], Delft; possibly by inheritance to his wife, Maria de 1977b Van Straaten: 48-49, fig. 60. Knuijt [d. 1681 ], Delft; possibly by inheritance to her daugh 1977 NGA: 47, repro. ter, Magdalena van Ruijven [1655-1682], Delft;1 possibly by 1981 Slatkes: 70-71, repro. inheritance to her husband, Jacobus Abrahamsz. Dissius 1981 Wheelock: 124-127, no. 31, repros. 31-32. [1653-1695], Delft;2 (sale, Amsterdam, 16 May 1696, proba 1985 NGA: 421, repro. bly no. 39 or 40).3 (Sale, Lafontaine, Hotel de Bouillon, Paris, 1986 Aillaud, Blankert, and Montias: 11, 46, 52, 85, 10 December 1822, no. 28.) Baron Louis Marie Atthalin 132, 189-190, no. 20, pi. 22. [1784-1856], Colmar; by inheritance to his nephew and 1989 Montias: 191-192, 196, 256, 259 note 21, 266, adopted son Laurent Atthalin; by inheritance to Baron Gas repro. 44. ton Laurent-Atthalin [d. 1911], Les Moussets, Limey, Seine- 1990 The Hague: no. 67. et-Oise; by inheritance to his widow Baroness Laurent-At- 1991 Buijsen: 7-12, repro. thalin, Paris; (M. Knoedler & Co., New York and London); 1991 Liedtke: 21-29, repro. sold November 1925 to Andrew W. Mellon. Pittsburgh and 1991 Nash: 34 color repro., 36-37. Washington; deeded 30 March 1932 to The A. W. Mellon 1993 Frankfurt: no. 85 Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh. 1995 Wheelock: 145, 179, repro. Exhibited: Loan Exhibition of Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century, M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1925, no.
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