Anaheim, C Anaheim, Cus (8 IRIS 1360 Sou IRIS 00 t U.S. Corpora U omer Service ) S 323 . CO t - h Vernon S M 990 A 92805 6 t e O t . ffi ce

USIRISMAEST19 MAD E IN T H E U.S.A. 9 created by nature perfected by us

1 content O O I N O R Y C I E A R U SS EBRI G T O L A Z R L A M T A O U I C I R S N N N A I I TI MAHA N N ITE RR J A A CA WH T BER BER PL 2 06 16 26 36 46 56 3 Maestro is the first American-made porcelain slab collection in large format.

Incomparable beauty of and sensation of exceptional luxury creates a perfect product to elevate any architectural design.

Maestro offers six colors, from the classic Carrara look to the deep and mysterious shades of precious metal.

The polished finish of the product brings out beauty of the stone and highly reflects the light to create the most luxurious interiors; when the matte and smooth finishes of the honed material make it possible to create any interior design in contemporary and minimalistic styles without losing its humbled luxury.


4 5 6 m a r bl e


ZEBRINO p i r a ti is what we marbleiswhat admirest –pristinewhite Carrara Carrara inthe o A c Carrara marble is quarried in the city of CarraraCarrara l marbleisquarriedinthecityof died and drifted t died anddrifted int gravity, layer up quarries have pr f yearsag f o o r theinterl eati n o n o f o o o in cking white crystals we whitecrystals cking kn u L r o un beautiful Ca o n layer, tighterandtighter, o o duced m verwhelming darkness. C igia theb n a, then o ttom o re marblethanany rr a o o r f the f rthernm a Ze b s r ea, whereb their i o n o w a o st tip c un o o s til eventually theyallc l untless generati marble. o o r o

f m h ther place a s o o o beenin dern-day Tuscany, Italy. The Carrara cated inthepr cated ne that wasne that b o dies were s o p n theEarth. o i r ns ed by Ca o o o f tinycreatureslived, f s rn hundreds o ngealed and petrified ngealed andpetrified l vince of Massaa vince of o wly c rr 1 ) 2 (1, a r o a marble. a marble. mp o r f millions f e ss ed by ed by n d 8 CARRARA ZEBRINO Ho n ed a ed n d P o li s hed hed fini s he s a r e a v a il ab le; le; s i z e 126 ” x 60 ” i s a v a il ab le in P o lishe d fini 120”x60” ” 0 6 x 6” 12 30”x30” 30”x60” 60”x60” s h o nly * * Wall | Platinum Grey | 120” x 60” 10 Floor | Carrara Zebrino | 30” x 30” Wall | Carrara Zebrino | 120” x 60” 12 Floor & Bathtub | White Statuario | 30” x 30” Wall & Counters | Bernini Classico | 120” x 60” 14 Floor & Drawers | Carrara Zebrino | 30” x 60” art inspiration BERNINI CLASSICO

A creation of our traditional Bernini Classico color has been inspired by a work of a genius – Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Bernini was an Italian sculptor and architect, famous by his exceptional skills in manipulating marble. While a major figure in the world of architecture, he was also, the leading sculptor of his age, credited with creating the Baroque style of sculpture.

As architect and city planner, Bernini designed secular buildings, churches, chapels and public squares, as well as, massive works combining both architecture and sculpture. He especially elaborated public fountains and funerary monuments.

Bernini’s broad technical versatility, boundless compositional inventiveness and sheer skill in manipulating marble ensured that he would be considered a worthy successor of Michelangelo, far outshining other sculptors of his generation.(3)

16 18 BERNINI CLASSICO Ho n ed a ed n d P o li s hed hed fini s he s a r e a v a il ab le; le; s i z e 126 ” x 60 ” i s a v a il ab le in P o lishe d fini 120”x60” ” 0 6 x 6” 12 30”x30” 30”x60” 60”x60” s h o nly * * Wall | Taj Mahal | 120” x 60” 20 Floor & Furniture | Bernini Classico | 30” x 60” 20 21 Wall & Furniture | Bernini Classico | 120” x 60” 22 Floor | Bernini Classico | 30” x 30” 24 Floor & Planters | Bernini Classico | 30” x 30” 26 a r c hi t BERNINI ec tu

O O r R al i his and architectural masterpiece. o B B designs andarchitectural style. F T T R S B L A c a greater f a greater include the include marble. Just as n ffer ffer o o he pia tarting fr tarting rue t o ees, the e e ren ur s me int r r r R n n eati p i i o R o n n zo o man f i ur luxuri i’s the during this period include creations i wasanItaliansculpt i ivers the dec o B r

zz B o n e a F a magnificent w amagnificent a andc o e r o o o r m 1655, n o f F t o cus n ntana delle Api, and one of themostfamousf ntana delleApi,andone of i untains, were which b o n o r i i n u i was implementingmarble inhissculpture andarchitectural designs, we untain o F o o i. r o o us marblec rative dynamism of rative dynamism of next g n n designingbuildingsimplementingmarbleandgranite. ntana dei o l o B nn o e f the f r o ade infr n rge i n i began to implement his extremely ambitious plan to transform toimplementhisextremelyi began ambitious plantotransform o o o Q o rld capital–the“ren T us r and architect, fam r andarchitect, llection –Maestr uattr rit B (4) o o e n nt r o n o o

i th, publicworks andpapalm B F o r n f i aroque, among i F u O S o mi i ntana del t. r o P c n eter’s hasbecameaworld fam o the l o o r o , toc

us byhisexcepti h P o P a ia vati ia T s zz beenalsoin rit zz o B mpliment y o o a a leading to St.

e ne, the R r N n o av i mae”. o n untains –the i’s m i’s o na. B o s o arberini o B nal skills in manipulating nal skillsinmanipulating p o st gifted creati ur interi i e numents. Hisf r r ed by a work of ed by awork of n i n P i’s career sh eter’s Cathedral. F F o o o r andexteri o untain untain us landmark o o ns were untains o o o G f the f f the f wed wed ia o n r

28 BERNINI ORO Ho n ed a ed n d P o li s hed hed fini s he s a r e a v a il ab le; le; s i z e 126 ” x 60 ” i s a v a il ab le in P o lishe d fini 120”x60” ” 0 6 x 6” 12 30”x30” 30”x60” 60”x60” s h o nly * * Wall & Counter | Taj Mahal | 120” x 60” Floor | Bernini Oro | 30” x 60”


30 31 Wall | Bernini Oro | 120” x 60” Wall & Counter | Bernini Oro | 120” x 60” Floor | Bernini Classico | 30” x 60” Floor | Taj Mahal | 30” x 30”

32 Wall & Stairs | Carrara Zebrino | 120” x 60” 34 Floor | Bernini Oro | 30” x 60” 36 m a r bl e

STATUARIO i n s WHITE p i r a It usuallyc make S S A c Italy. S veining isals and hues, ti tatua tatua tatua o r eati n s T itm r r r he m i i i o o o o n is a preci isgenerally c haslimitedavailability andhighdemand. S o o o tatua f re re o ntains heavy, b o o untain, that quarries untain, that c u o r f arare find. f o e r mm i xq o ma o ui o us and rare subclass of Carrara marble and it is als us and rare of subclass n inthisvariety; asubtlerversi s r ite W ite o ble displays a deep range of c ble displaysadeeprange of nsidered t o ld grayveiningpatterns. mixedDeep, withthinner c hite

S S tatua o be marble of thehighestquality. t bemarbleof Withsubtle tatua r i r o i c o marble,i o l o r

h a s o beenin T n kn s o he l l l o o rs –fr o cated abovecated Carrara o wn as w availability s p i r o ed by m rich g m rich S tatua S tatua o r i ld t etto. o o f thi f quarried in r o i palegrey. o (5) ma s R marble o egi mplex r ble. ble. o nes o n . O RI UA T A ST TE I H W

12 6” x 6 0 ” *





38 Honed and Polished finishes are available; size 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only* 38 39 Wall & Counters | White Statuario | 120” x 60” 40 Floor | White Statuario | 30” x 60” 40 41 42 Floor | White Statuario | 30” x 30” 42 43 Wall | White Statuario | 120” x 60” 44 Floor | Platinum Grey | 30” x 60” 44 45 marble inspiration

A creation of our unique Taj Mahal color has been inspired by marble.

Makrana is a type of marble of high quality, popular for use in sculpture and building decor. It is mined in the town of Makrana in , , and was used in the construction of several iconic monuments such as the Taj Mahal in and the Victoria Memorial in . AL

Just like Makrana marble, our porcelain slabs can be used for residential and commercial settings and it can be suitable for a decorative purpose in houses, hotels, corporate offices, H restaurants, shops, etc. It also can be widely used in flooring and wall cladding due to its durability and long-lasting qualities.(6) AJ MA T


46 47 L MAHA


12 6” x 6 0 ” *



48 This color is available in Polished finish only 48 49 Wall | Taj Mahal | 120” x 60” 50 Floor | Taj Mahal | 30” x 30” 50 51 52 Floor | Taj Mahal | 30” x 30” 52 53 Wall & Counters | Taj Mahal | 120” x 60” Counter | Bernini Oro | 120” x 60” Floor | White Statuario | 30” x 60” Floor | Taj Mahal | 30” x 30”


54 55 metal & mineral inspiration EY R G UM N I

A source of inspiration for our luxurious Platinum Grey color was not marble. We got

T inspired by one of the most rare and precious metals – Platinum.

Platinum’s rarity as a metal has been associated with exclusivity and wealth. Platinum is the rarest and most expensive of the popular precious metals. Natural Platinum is fairly impure. It is always associated with small amounts of other elements such as iron, gold, copper, and nickel, and may also contain the rare metals iridium, osmium, rhodium, and palladium.

These are the qualities of our exclusive color – Platinum Grey, that has been enriched with (7)

PLA a variety of the intricate textures and colors of the mysterious metals and minerals.


56 57 Y E R G UM N I T PLA

12 6” x 6 0 ” *





58 Honed and Polished finishes are available; size 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only* 58 59 Wall & Fireplace | Platinum Grey | 120” x 60” 60 Floor | Platinum Grey | 30” x 30” 60 61 Wall | Platinum Grey | 120” x 60” 62 Floor | Platinum Grey | 60” x 60” 62 63 Wall | Platinum Grey | 120” x 60” Wall | Platinum Grey & Bernini Classico | 120” x 60” Floor | Carrara Zebrino | 30” x 30” Floor | Bernini Classico | 30” x 30”




6 mm 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * 120” x 60” • 60” x 60” • 30” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Honed and Polished finishes; thickness 6 mm Carrara Zebrino 12 mm *

COLORS & SIZES 126” x 60” * 120” x 60” 60” x 60” 60” x 30” 30” x 30”

PL I12P60126172 IR6P60120172 IR6P6060172 IR6P3060172 IR6P3030172

HN – IR6G60120172 IR6G6060172 IR6G3060172 IR6G3030172 CARRARA ZEBRINO

PL I12P60126180 IR6P60120180 – – IR6P3030180 F1 F2 F3 F4

HN – – – – – TAJ MAHAL 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * PL I12P60126176A IR6P60120176 IR6P6060176 IR6P3060176 IR6P3030176 120” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Polished finish only; thickness 6 mm Taj Mahal I12P60126176B

HN –IR6G60120176 IR6G6060176 IR6G3060176 IR6G3030176 BERNINI CLASSICO

PL I12P60126177A IR6P60120177 IR6P6060177 IR6P3060177 IR6P3030177 I12P60126177B

HN –IR6G60120177 IR6G6060177 IR6G3060177 IR6G3030177 BERNINI ORO

PL I12P60126179A IR6P60120179 IR6P6060179 IR6P3060179 IR6P3030179 I12P60126179B

HN –IR6G60120179 IR6G6060179 IR6G3060179 IR6G3030179 WHITE STATUARIO

PL I12P60126178A IR6P60120178 IR6P6060178 IR6P3060178 IR6P3030178 I12P60126178B

HN –IR6G60120178 IR6G6060178 IR6G3060178 IR6G3030178 PLATINUM GREY F1 F2 F3 F4

* Only 126” x 60” panels are available with 12 mm thickness. They are also available in two blocks. The block A and block B comes with an individual code. *Color samples are for general reference only. 66 * When preparing the order, the surfaces are selected randomly, therefore, the continuity of veins is not guaranteed. Tile is made with all natural materials, therefore, is subject to variation in color and/or veining. 66 67 COLOR FACES

126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * Bernini Classico 120” x 60” • 60” x 60” • 30” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Honed and Polished finishes; thickness 6 mm 120” x 60” • 60” x 60” • 30” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Honed and Polished finishes; thickness 6 mm Bernini Oro

F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4



*Color samples are for general reference only. 68 Tile is made with all natural materials, therefore, is subject to variation in color and/or veining. 68 69 COLOR FACES

126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * 126” x 60” is available in Polished finish only; thickness 12 mm * White Statuario 120” x 60” • 60” x 60” • 30” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Honed and Polished finishes; thickness 6 mm 120” x 60” • 60” x 60” • 30” x 60” • 30” x 30” are available in Honed and Polished finishes; thickness 6 mm Platinum Grey

F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4



*Color samples are for general reference only. 70 Tile is made with all natural materials, therefore, is subject to variation in color and/or veining. TECHNICAL INFORMATION


Water Absorption C373 Impervious < 0.5% < 0.1%

Thickness Dimension C499 Range ± 0.02 Inc. Max. ≤± 0.02 Inc.

Facial Dimension (Length/Width Variation) C499 ± 0.25% ≤± 0.25%

Wedging C502 ± 0.25% ≤± 0.25%

Dry Bond Strength C482 ≥ 150 psi ≥ 200 psi

Breaking Strength C648 ≥ 175 lb. ≥ 200 lb.

Scratch Test Hardness (MOHS) (No Regulation) Range 0 – 10 ≥ 7 Impervious (Porcelain) Deep Abrasion Resistance C1243 Class P1: ≤ 175 mm ≤ 175 mm No sample must show Frost Resistance C1026 alterations to the surfaces No evidence of damage

Robinson Test AC627 As reported Extra Heavy

No Requirement Chemical Resistance C650 Range E – A Class A

No Requirement * Stain Resistance C1378 Range E – A Class A

DCOF (Coefficient of Friction) BOT 3000 ≥ 0.42* ≥0.42 – ≤0.60*

Visual Evaluation No Requirement Aesthetic Classification Shade & Texture Range V0 – V4 V1 – V3

( ) No Requirement 10 to 80 depending on LRV Light Reflectance Value C609 Range 0 -100 style/color selection

* All values are given for Matte or Honed material. No values are given for Polished material. Iris U.S. does not recommend polished surfaces in the areas subject to exposure from grease, oil or water. The above information is a subject to change. Individual product testing can be conducted by request. For level interior spaces to be walked upon when wet see ANSI A137.1 section – Section 9.6 for test procedures.

PACKAGING 126” x 60” 120” x 60” 60” x 60” 60” x 30” 30” x 30”

Box/Pieces 1 1 1 3 4 Box/Sq. Ft 51.667 48.438 24.219 36.329 24.219 Pallet/Box 22 50 48 22 36 Pallet/Sq. Ft 1136.67 2421.90 1162.512 799.238 871.884 Thickness (mm) 12 6 6 6 6

Weight Lb/Box 297.79 139.5 69.75 104.63 69.75 Citations & References: (1); (2); (3); (4); (5); (6); (7) * 72 Due to the paper finish and the printing settings (or your screen settings if viewed digitally), it is normal to see a slight difference in the colors and textures shown on the images in the catalogue, with the actual colors and textures of the product. Design by Anna Hovey, Iris U.S. Marketing 2020. 72 73