FIRST STEPSFIRST BROSCHURE STEPS Summer semesterwinter 2016 semester 2016/2017 CONTENT

CONTENT FIRST STEPS IN ERLANGEN - CHECKLIST 4 Opening a bank account 4 Health insurance 4 Signing Studentenwerk´s accommodation contract 4 Registration at Erlangen´s City Hall 4 Enrolment 5 Residence Permit (only for non-EU citizens) 5 Liability insurance 5 UNIVERSITY – IMPORTANT INFORMATION 8 Student Records Office 8 Examinations Office 8 Libraries 8 Study Advisory 8 Central Office for International Affairs RIA 8 Semester dates, semester fee & re-registration 8 Social media, FAU App 9 ISIC, FAU-Card 9 Language Center 10 LIVING 12 Important contacts 12 Studentenwerk 12 Psychological-psychotherapeutic counselling centre 12 Legal Advice 13 Housing 13 Phone service 21 Broadcasting fee 21 Liability insurance 22 Women´s shelter 22 Transportation 22 Medical provision in the area for foreign students 25 Erlangen 25 Erlangen - Surroundings 29 30 LEISURE- MANAGING YOUR FREE TIME 33 Student groups and organizations 33 Student Associations/Fachschaftsinitiative (FSI) 33 University Groups 33 Religion 34 Music 34 Sports 34 FAU University sports 34 Affordable gyms 34 Public pools (some offer women-only swimming hours) 35 Thermal baths 35 Ice Scating rink 35


Indoor climbing 35 Movie theaters 35 Sight seeing 36 City tours 36 Events 37 Cultural 37 Traditional events 37 Music festivals 38 Food 38 List of shops 38 Farmer’s market 38 Wholefood markets 38 Well-priced supermarket chains 39 Facebook groups 39 Well-priced furniture stores 39 For free 39 Kosher shops 40 Asian shops 40 Russian shops 40 Turkish shops 41 Vegan restaurants 41 Halal restaurants 41 Appendix 42 Form "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" 42 List of figures 43 Credits 43



☑ Opening a bank account You can choose ANY bank. We provide contacts for Sparkasse Erlangen, which has many ATMs all over Erlangen and does not charge any fees for a normal student´s account Contacts: Mrs. Manowetz, Mrs. Parpart or Mrs. Gashi (Sparkasse Erlangen, Friedrich-Bauer-Str. 2A or Sparkasse Erlangen, Hugenottenplatz 5) Required documents: • Passport copy • Form of the bank • Address in Germany (does not have to be permanent) • 112 euros in cash to deposit in new account, in order to transfer the semester fee that is necessary for completing your enrolment. • Bank transfer form for tuition fees, if possible (Transfer information can be found on last page of the enrolment form (“Immatrikulationsantrag”, see admission letter)

A blocked account (“Sperrkonto”) can be opened at the same financial institute, if necessary.

☑ Health insurance Mandatory for enrolment! Your coordinators are in contact with the insurances DAK or TK and assist you with an applica- tion. For more information: formation/insurance/, major insurance companies: AOK ( php?id=1586), Techniker Krankenkasse ( gen/150486), DAK (

☑ Signing Studentenwerk´s accommodation contract Only necessary if you are living in a „Studentenwerk“ dorm! Contact: Mrs. Postatny (Henkestr. 38a) Required documents: • Passport • Tenancy Agreement

☑ Registration at Erlangen´s City Hall Contact: Mrs. Michel (City Hall (“Rathaus”), Rathausplatz 1; ground floor, left hand side. Please draw a number and wait for your turn!) Required documents: • Passport • Accomodation Certificate („Wohnungsgeberbestätigung“, see Annex) This document can be issued by your landlord or the hotel/hostel if you haven´t signed a tenancy agreement yet! • Certificates indicating your civil status (only if you are coming to Germany with a spouse or children and therefore register as a family!)


☑ Enrolment at Studentenkanzlei (Halbmondstr. 6, ground floor, room 34, opening hours 8:30 – 12 am) Required documents: • enrolment form (“Immatrikulationsantrag”), has been forwarded with your admission letter! • school certificate of qualification for university matriculation - Original • latest diploma/Bachelor Degree Certificate – Original • confirmation of health insurance • 112 euros, already transferred one week in advance (not paid in cash) • passport (with valid visa for Germany) • passport photo (for FAU-Card) • admission letter from FAU • registration confirmation from the City of Erlangen (or Nuremberg, etc., depending on your residence) If you have important (!) reasons why you cannot enroll before the enrollment deadline, please contact your study advisor! For more information consult: rolment/deadlines-and-documents-for-enrolment/

☑ Residence Permit (only for non-EU citizens) Contact: Mrs. Beiß (City hall (“Rathaus”), Rathausplatz 1,room 215, 2nd floor) Please arrange an appointment by email (after receiving the enrolment papers) according to your last name: A-F: [email protected], G-Li: [email protected], Lj-Sa: [email protected], Sb-Z: [email protected] Required documents: • passport • enrolment (document of enrolment at the University) • filled out form “Application for Residence Permit” • biometric passport photograph, see: Fotomustertafel_de.pdf • confirmation of health insurance (only students older than 30) • confirmation of secured financing for one year (scholarship certificate, letter of parents or the like, or blocked account) • completed registration at the City of Erlangen • 110 euros in cash for the registration

☑ Liability insurance HIGHLY recommended! → inexpensive: only 50 – 100 Euro per year and covers damages you caused accidentally Please compare: on=true&prefill=true&x=60&y=34&inD_L_PHV_InsuranceCoverage_ID=2 (put in your date of birth = “Ihr Geburtsdatum” and click on “Ergebnisse anzeigen” = show results)


Student Records Office (Enrolment) Language Center Halbmondstraße 6 Bismarckstraße 10 Bismarckstraße 1 rooms: SL 102, Office for University SL 104, C 701 International Affairs/ Sparkasse Library Accommodation (main office) Service Hugenottenplatz

City Transpor- tation Service (VGN) Goethestr. 21

Main train station ZiMT

Deutsche Bank Main Cafeteria, Studentenwerk Erlangen Langemarckplatz (Signature of City Hall room contracts) Direction: South Erlangen Henkestraße 38a ERLANGEN – City Center


Direction: Erlangen city center Dormitory, University Sports, Dormitory, Wichernstraße 18 Gebbertstr. 123B Hartmannstr. 125 - 129

Police Station, Schornbaumstr. 11 Sparkasse Faculty of Engineering Liegnitzer Str. 4 or Friedrich-Bauer-Straße 2A Dormitory, Direction: Nürnberg ERLANGEN – South Ratiborerstraße 2 & 4



☑ Student Records Office (Halbmondstraße 6–8, 91054 Erlangen) Your point of contact for any questions regarding studying at FAU! • Enrolment • Re-registration and de-registration • (Study) leave • Change of degree programmes, studying for two degrees • Guest students and mature students • Health insurance for students and reporting accidents that happened at the university • Issuing confirmation of duration of studies • Change of name or address Please consult for more informa- tion!

☑ Examinations Office Seperate office for each faculty: (Halbmondstraße 6–8, 91054 Erlangen) Information on registration periods and deadlines, examination regulations:

☑ Libraries The university library offers students a suitable work place with access to the university’s literary catalogue (, copy machines and WIFI. The main library is located in the city center of Erlangen (Schuhstraße 1a, 91052 Erlangen), but you are free to visit the other library branches, as well (more information here: standorte/index-en.php)

☑ Study Advisory General Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ): (Schlossplatz 3, 91054 Erlangen, room 0.021) • Advisory for general study and career related issues: ve-students/student-advice/ • For study-specific issues consult your faculty-own/study programme advisors: https://www.

☑ Central Office for International Affairs RIA (Helmstraße 1, 91054 Erlangen) Main contact point for support for international students and all their questions about non-aca- demic issues of student life (residence permit, insurance, working during your studies, etc.) and student mobility!

☑ Semester dates, semester fee & re-registration The current dates for the semester and lecture period, the semester fee and information on the re-registration process can be found here: tes/!


☑ Social media, FAU App Social media Follow your university on: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Pinterest: Check out the blogs of FAU students at (some are in English)!

FAU App • app for iOS and Android • stay informed on university news, create your personal study plan, check the current meal plan for the cafeteria, checkt our books in OPAC, search for addresses, rooms or professors • for more information:

☑ ISIC, FAU-Card International Student Identity Card (ISIC) • You can issue an International Student Identity Card at Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg (Erlangen: WERKSGärtla at Langemarckplatz, Nürnberg: Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1) • Fee: 15€, valid for one year • For more information:

FAU-Card Functions : • Student-ID of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - name, photograph, student registration number are permanently printed on the front of the card - semester validity is shown in a rewritable strip on the front of the card (strip must be re- newed every semester, maschines can be found here: ganisation/verwaltung/zuv/card/aktualisierung.shtml) • Card for the University Library Erlangen-Nürnberg - bar code and user number on the back of the card • Activation for library: 1. log on to 2. click on „Requests/tasks“ on the menu bar at the top of the screen 3. in the line below, click on the menu item „Library card activation“ 4. go to „Start Activation“ and „Accept ABOB“

After the activation please check if the process was successful: 1. click on „Services“ 2. Check the status of the “library account”. If the service is “activated”, you have suc- cessfully completed the library card activation

Please note that it takes up to one or two working days until your FAU-Card is ready for library use!


• Electronic wallet of Student Services Erlangen-Nürnberg - chargeable electronic wallet on the chip integrated into the card body - payment in the restaurants and cafeterias and at the beverage and snack vending machi- nes of Student Services Erlangen-Nürnberg - payment at FAU copy machines - payment at payment locations within FAU • Card for electronic access control - electronic properties on the chip integrated into the card body • For more information: faucard/

☑ Language Center • offers language courses for 30 languages for all students and university members. • There are courses during the semester, or intensive courses, or preparation courses for exams, or online courses. Please note that placement tests and registration often take place BEFORE the semester starts. • Language classes available: Overall course selection of the Language Center: mous=1&ref=tlecture&sem=2016s&__e=878 --> For courses in Erlangen click on the link Sprachkurse in Erlangen! --> For courses in Nuremberg click on the link Sprachkurse am Campus Regensburger Straße (ehem. EWF) or Sprachkurse an der WISO in Nürnberg! • DaF – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a Foreign Language) - for beginners or advanced students - in Erlangen or Nürnberg, during the semester (studienbegleitende Kurse, free of charge) or in between as intensive courses (FIT-Ferienintensiv courses, fees charged). - Contact: Dr. Frank Mielke Bismarckstr. 10 91054 Erlangen [email protected] 09131 – 85 22 196 - For information in English please consult: • Placement-Test: If you are a beginner or you have one of the German language certificates listed in the link below, you do NOT need a placement test: Otherwise you will have to take a placement test. Please register for that test here: • Registration: -After the placement test (or with your FAU-certificates, etc. mentioned above) you will have to preregister for the courses (find your registration here: english/registrationday) with this form: php?standardkurse_location=infoen. -Two days after registration has closed you’ll receive an email confirming your registration for each course (or if courses are too full the email will state that you are on a waiting list for the particular course).


IMPORTANT: Please attend the FIRST LESSON, otherwise you will lose your place in the course!

• Grades and credits: Upon attending a course and passing the final exam, for every cour- se you get a grade depending on the result of the exam, and the ECTS-points. • Fees: Courses are free for all regular students at the FAU, PhD-students or scientific researchers. • Ferienintensivkurse/FIT-Intensive courses during the semester breaks: During the se- mester breaks there are always 3-week intensive courses taking place in September and March with daily lessons (4- lesson hours à 45 min) from Monday to Friday. Registration for the intensive courses is about 8 weeks in advance (July or January). Please check our website for further information: aiferienkurs.html • For more questions please feel free to contact the Language Center – via email sz-daf- [email protected] or just come visit during our office hours: lungen/daf/mitarbeiter!



☑ Important contacts

Police: 110 Fire department/ambulance/general emergency: 112 Poison emergency number: 089 19240

Erlangen City administration central contact: 09131 - 860 Stadtwerke (municipal utilities) emergency contact: 09131 - 8233333 Animal shelter emergency contact: 0171 - 2445194

For more contacts consult:

Nürnberg City administration central contact: 0911 - 2315555 N-ERGIE (municipal utilities) emergency contacts: gas and water: 0911 - 263984 heating: 0911 -890 315 Animal shelter emergency contact: 0160 - 2524332

☑ Studentenwerk providing students with low-priced services including – among others – housing, catering, child- care and culture (

Main offices: Erlangen Nuremberg Langemarckplatz 4 Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1 91052 Erlangen 90403 Nürnberg (0 91 31) 80 02-0 (09 11) 588 57-0 Office hours: Mon-Fri: 11am – 2pm Mon-Thu: 9am – 3pm, Fri: 9am – 2pm

Psychological-psychotherapeutic counselling centre

Contact: Claudia Göbel 2nd floor Hofmannstraße 27 91052 Erlangen (09131) 8002750 Mon - Fri 8:30 - 12 am Open consultation hours (anonymous, without appointments): Tuesdays 1:30 - 4:30 pm


Studentenhaus Insel Schütt cultural affairs, room 2.216 Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1 90403 Nürnberg

For more information please consult: servber/de/ppb.shtml (in German only)!

Legal Advice Free of charge advice for students for legal issues regarding the university, employment situations, purchasing matters and tenancy agreements. For matters concerning financial aid according to the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), please consult your BAföG-advisor. Personal consultation: Erlangen Nuremberg 2nd floor , room 201 2nd floor , room 2.332 Hofmannstraße 27 Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1 91052 Erlangen 90403 Nürnberg 1 – 2:30 pm 1 – 2:30 pm

For more information please consult: (in German only)!

Housing Studentenwerk provides 10 dormitories in Erlangen and 6 dormitories in Nuremberg (see maps).

For more information on housing please consult: plicants/important-information/accommodation-2/!

You can also look for an apartment or a shared room on websites with private offers (no comissi- ons or fees). (in German only!) (in German only!) or on Facebook

You can also ask your buddy student or one of the volunteers for internationals for help! For more information on these programmes please check out their websites:

Buddy programme: ad-at-fau/starting-your-studies/buddy-programme/

FVI: ting-your-studies/fvi-fau-volunteers-for-internationals/





Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg Rules of the house for the halls of residence

1. Many people with different needs have to live together in a small area in the halls of residence. A high degree of mutual consideration is therefore required. The student union wants to offer its residents the chance to manage their academic work, leisure time and social life. It is therefore expected that everyone behaves in a way that social life can function well and the reputation of the halls of residence is preserved.

2. New residents are advised to introduce themselves to the caretaker as soon as possible after moving in. The rooms, apartments and flats are solely meant for personal use by the tenant. It is advisable to inform the caretaker when residents will be absent for a longer period of time and to deliver the keys in trust. Illnesses that may endanger other residents are to be reported immediately. Tenancy changeovers are only possible in special cases and to a very limited extent.

3. Disruptions to other residents are to be kept to an unavoidable minimum. This especially applies to noise levels. Residents are therefore requested to keep radios, record players, other acoustic or electric devices and conversations to a low volume. There is a quiet period from 10 pm until 7 am. Exceptions can be granted only for special events by the director, such as events concerning all residents.

4. The approval of the director has to be obtained in advance for events organised by groups of every description in the halls and on the premises. The group has to appoint a person responsible for the proper carrying out of the event (e.g. safety, clearance, turn-off of the lights, locking of the doors). The events are only allowed to take place in certain rooms and generally end at 11 pm. The director can only permit exceptions if imposition and disruption for the other residents and neighbours are kept at a reasonable degree. Events concerning all residents have priority. Attention is to be paid to the special rules when holding an event in the halls and on the premises. A leaflet about this is available from the caretaker or the management.

5. Please bear in mind that front doors as well as side entrances, e.g. bicycle storage rooms, are to be kept locked at all times. Please look after your key in your own interest as a loss of key would mean safety is no longer guaranteed and the replacement of the locking system is highly inconvenient. It is not permitted to pass on the keys that have been handed out by the student union to others without permission or to procure additional keys.

6. Guests are welcome as long as the rules of the house are respected and other residents are not disturbed. The tenant is responsible for the behaviour of his/her guests. In group flats and groups sharing one floor the pres- ence of guests needs the approval of the other affected residents. The quiet period (starting at 10 pm) is not allowed to be disrupted by visits. The student union and the director have the right to deny admission of guests to the halls of residence or to order them to stay away from the house if the rules are violated. Shared equipment, such as showers or kitchen utensils are only allowed to be used by residents, not by guests.

7. Subletting when the tenant is temporarily absent has to be approved by the other directly affected residents and requires a written application (form) in advance to the landlord. The approval is only given under certain cir- cumstances and for a limited period of time. It is not permitted to let further people live in a room, apartment or flat. The student union can make an exception for a limited period of a few days with a written application should particular circumstances apply.

8. The existing facilities and installations are only allowed to be used appropriately. Alterations (especially concerning HVACR, bathroom facilities, low and high voltage units, ventilation) are not allowed to be carried out by the tenant. The shut-down of the ventilation in the kitchen or the bathroom, e.g. by disconnecting the safety fuse is forbidden. If these rules are violated the tenant can be made liable for any kind of structural and technical damages as a consequence (e.g. development of mildew!). Residents are requested to use the special rooms provided for washing and drying washing. It is not permitted to use the beds without bed linen due to hygienic reasons. Defects that endanger the safety of the residents especially those affecting technical facilities and gadgets or electrical and gas installations are to be reported immediately to the domestic service personnel or the student union.

9. Walls, doors and furniture are not allowed to be damaged by nails, screws, pins, glue, sellotape or anything similar. It is permitted to attach wall decoration with thin nails or fixing pins if there are no picture rails. In case of doubt please ask the caretaker in advance.

10. The removal of furniture in rooms, flats and common rooms as well as the addition of furniture tothe common


rooms requires written approval from the student union in advance. In some of the halls of residence there are special rooms provided for larger pieces of baggage.However, the student union accepts no liability for objects stored there. All objects deposited there have to be labelled by the owner. The guarantee of safekeeping terminates when the tenant moves out.

11. Storage of objects of any kind (including bicycles, prams etc.) in corridors, stairways or roof terraces and balconies is forbidden due to fire protection laws. Common rooms, stairways, corridors and balconies are not to be used as storing space. The residents are responsible for disposing of waste appropriately. Litter, shattered glass, empty bottles, paper, rubbish etc. are to be deposited in the appropriate container, the rubbish has to be separated as regionally required.

12. Bicycles are only allowed to be kept in the provided storing places. All halls of residences provide special storing places for bicycles which are to be used. Motorbikes and scooters are only allowed to be parked on special rented parking spaces on the premises, assuming these are available. Please dispose of your bicycle yourself if it is no longer required, or if it is broken, or when moving out. Under no circumstances are bicycles allowed to be parked on access paths or in front of entrances so that escape ways are blocked or constricted. The owner must be aware that bicycles and scrap bicycles that have been deposited on the premises unauthorised will be removed.

13. It is strictly forbidden to access roof surfaces. Marked off and declared roof terraces are only allowed to be used by direct residents or those tenants whose rooms or apartments lead there through an access door. Moreover, these and all further roof surfaces are only allowed to be used as emergency escapes in case of a fire. Temporary usage of the roof terraces requires the approval of the student union in advance.

14. Barbecuing and open fire on balconies, roof terraces, courtyards and other areas outside are strictly forbidden. After a written application the student union can give the permission in particular cases, e.g. events concerning all residents provided the fire safety requirements are fulfilled.

15. Residents are reminded to economise with water and energy! Every tenant is requested to contribute to keeping the operating costs and the inevitable rent increase to a minimum by handling all installations in a sustainable and eco- nomic way. Residents are therefore not permitted to use their own cooking plates, heating units, gadgets with high energy consumption as well as experimental testing facilities etc. for safety reasons. Residents who have their own electric meter (apartments and flats) are obliged to register and deregister with the appropriate electricity supplier. In case of longer absence (more than 1 week) we recommend running the warm water in the kitchen and in the shower for at least 1 minute before using it, since the number of bacteria can drastically increase in water which is standing still for a longer period of time.

16. Every resident is requested to ventilate appropriately in order to save energy, to prevent mildew and to contribute to an agreeable room climate; in winter attention is to be paid to protection from frost. Residents are advised to ventilate in the morning and in the evening, if in the room during the day then more than once a day in form of an impact ventilation: heating switched off, window completely open for 3 minutes, if possible with a draught. The tilt position of the window is to be avoided when heating, windows are to be closed when residents are not present.

17. All tenants are responsible for cleanliness and tidiness in their rooms, flats and also in principle for the commonly used rooms. Should this be disregarded or common rooms excessively dirty then a supplementary purification can be authorised at the expense of the causer/causer group. Kitchen equipment and sanitary facilities are to be cleaned after each usage. There are special rules for commonly used kitchens. There are special community rules for residents living in shared flats (see notice on-site).

18. The keeping of animals is not permitted due to the fact that people are living extremely close together.

19. Residents are reminded that they are obliged to register radios and televisions. Radios and televisions are only allowed to be set up in common rooms with permission of the student union. Aerials and radio relay receptions are not allowed to be attached outside the flat without the permission of the student union.

20. Please keep up-to-date with announcements, e.g. necessary repair and maintenance works on the bill board. It is not permitted to attach or remove notices unauthorised. Instructions of the caretaker are to be obeyed.

Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg Febr. 09

IMPORTANT Please note that in case of any damage you have to notify your landlord in written form immediately! Especially if you are not responsible for the damage, it is very important to keep records about the damage. Otherwise you might be held responsible for the damage, including paying the costs for potential repair!


Rules for the usage of common kitchens

1. The residents themselves are responsible for cleanliness, orderliness and hygiene. They themselves organise the action needed for this. It is only in the classic halls of residence (not in group apartments* !) that the student union organises regular cleanings, especially of the floors, by a cleaning company. If necessary the student union can authorize additional cleaning services, with the residents covering the costs, especially if these are required in order to achieve the necessary hygiene standard. * contract cleaning in group apartments only if desired and at the residents’ expense.

2. It is expected that everyone behaves in a way which allows communal living to function well through mutual consideration and care. Residents are requested to separate rubbish attentively and dispose of it regularly, preferably on a daily basis. Leftovers are most suitably put into a small plastic bag, sealed and disposed of immediately. Food and drink are always to be sealed preventively. Used dishes are to be cleaned straight after usage and food and leftovers are never to be left unsealed overnight. Spilled food, leftovers or drinks on tables, sideboards, fridges or floors for instance, are to be removed immediately.

3. Economise with expensive electric power, especially when cooking. Please pay regard to our advice on energy efficiency when using the cooker and oven (notice). Please stay in the kitchen when the cooker is switched on and watch over the cooking process for safety reasons.

4. Small kitchen equipment such as a bread cutter, toaster or other electric gadgets are only allowed to be brought along and used if they meet the German standards of safety and hygiene, and if the owner has regis- tered the gadget as his own with the caretaker.

5. Please clean the cooker, the sideboard, the table and your own gadgets immediately after use! Dishes and gadgets that are considered technically or hygienically precarious can be removed at any time by the student union.

6. A thorough cleaning of the kitchen and all equipment is advisable at least once per semester, preferably be- fore the start of the holidays. The thorough cleaning is normally organised and carried out communally. Alter- natively the caretaker can authorize a cleaner at the expense of the residents.

Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg Feb 09


Community regulations in group apartments

1. The residents of group apartments/separate apartment-sharing communities/ apartment-sharing communities are responsible for cleanliness, orderliness and hygiene in communally used areas. Cleaning utensils and cleaning agents should be supplied by the residents. The caretaker has the right to enter the communally used areas in apartment-sharing communities when acting within the scope of his duties.

2. Special attention should be paid to cleanliness in the bathroom, shower and toilet. Any contamination is to be removed immediately. Everyone is to leave the place the way that he/she would like to find it.

3. There are special regulations for the usage of shared kitchens, see notice.

4. The rules of the house must also be observed by visitors. When visitors are staying, the use of the kitchen must be approved by the other fellow lodgers. Visitors are not permitted to use the shower.

5. Unless otherwise agreed, all residents take an equal share in the costs and payments for consumption of elec- tricity in the flat (in advance).. The residents are collectively responsible for the registration with the energy pro- vider.

6. A thorough cleaning is advisable at least once per semester, most preferably before the start of the holidays. The thorough cleaning is normally organised and carried out collectively. Alternatively the caretaker can autho- rize a cleaner at the expense of the residents.

Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg Feb 09


☑ Phone service You can compare the prices and options of the different providers online or seek advice in a sto- re. Either way, you have two options: a prepaid card or a postpaid phone service contract. You will need to indicate a German street address for both options; some companies accept a hotel address as well,

Prepaid: You can buy credit for the prepaid card in supermarkets, cellphone stores, at atms, gas stations or online. However, the SIM lock must be de-activated on your phone in order to use it! You can compare the different providers at their respective websites or at For more information check

Postpaid: For this option you will need a valid German bank account. Your service should have a fixed price per month that includes calls, texts and internet. While deciding on the service that fits your needs best, take note of the contract period (“Laufzeit”), some may be set for a longer period than your stay will be. You can compare the different providers at their respective websi- tes or at

Cell phone stores with repair service:

Erlangen Nuremberg mtz e Mobile-Competence-Center Nürnberger Str. 35, Äußere Sulzbacher Str. 18, 91052 Erlangen 90489 Nuremberg ( (

☑ Broadcasting fee In Germany you will have to pay a special fee for the use of radio and TV for every apartment, including a single dormitory room even if you only use your computer, laptop or cellphone and do not use a radio or TV. If you are living in a shared apartment (Wohngemeinschaft/WG), only a single fee must be payed among all of the apartment’s residents.

Rundfunkbeitrag, formerly known as GEZ: 17,50 €/month

You can find more information here: (in German only)!


☑ Liability insurance

For what do I need a liability insurance? You maybe be liable for causing injuries to other people or damage to the property of others. Ac- cidents leading to great damages can happen fast. For example, if you cause a car accident while riding your bike and damage is caused, you must pay for the repair. Should a person is injured addi- tionally, you must also pay compensation of immaterial damage, hospital expenses and so on. In that case a private liability insurance will help you by paying the damages. Recently, we had a damage case in a Studentenwerk dorm room and the student was glad to have this type of insurance.

Where can I get a liability insurance? In Germany there are many suppliers for liability insurances, for example the Sparkasse Erlangen. Consult these homepages to find a cheap liability insurance: fill=true&x=60&y=34&inD_L_PHV_InsuranceCoverage_ID=2. Unfortunately, they are often in German. Perhaps a German friend can help you.

How much does a liability insurance cost? A liability insurance is cheap, it costs about 40 to 100 € per year. It also depends on how much you want to pay and the amount of coverage. We highly recommend acquiring such insurance, as it is not expensive and you are covered in case of accidents.

☑ Women´s shelter If you find yourself in a abusive or violent situation and need advice and/or temporary refuge, you are very welcome to seek out the women´s shelter in Erlangen (Im Frauenzentrum Gerberei 4, 91054 Erlangen). For more information call 09131-25878 or visit their website: http://www.frauen-!

☑ Transportation The cities of Erlangen and Nuremberg are located in a very well connected public transportation system, VGN ( FAU students can use this system on special conditions.

You can check the timetables or buy tickets via the VGN app for the local transport system or the Deutsche Bahn app for long distance travel.


Verbundgebiet Stand: 01.01.2015 R 25 R 2 R 24 Schney Redwitz Lichtenfels R 24 R 35 Mainroth Legende: Bad Staffelstein Forchheim Gemeinde (über 7000 EW und/oder Endhaltepunkte) R 26 Ebern LICHTENFELS Fürth kreisfreie Städte FÜRTH Landkreise Landkreise nicht in den Verbundgremien KELHEIM* vertreten HASSBERGE R 34 Ramsenthal Schienennetz innerhalb des VGN Schienennetz der Deutschen Bahn Scheßlitz Bindlach

Landkreisgrenze R 3 R 32 R 43 Weidenberg R 32 R 15 Memmelsdorf Hallstadt Bayreuth Oberhaid

R 15 R 25 R 26 R 35 S 1 R 33 R 43 R 34 Haidenaab- Kirchen- Göppmannsbühl laibach BAMBERG Strullendorf Hirschaid B AYREUTH R 22 Ebermannstadt Pegnitz R 33 R 1 Kitzingen Höchstadt S 1 a. d. R 22 FORCHHEIM Forchheim Auerbach NEUSTADT A .D. ERLANGEN- i. d. OPf. WALDNA AB*

NEUSTADT A .D. AISCH- Neunkirchen R 21 Gräfenberg a. Brand R 41 HÖCHSTADT Thansüß Neustadt a. d. Aisch R 31 Simmelsdorf- R 81 Erlangen Eckental Hüttenbach Herzogenaurach Schnaittach AMBERG- R 8 Herolds- Neunkirchen Lauf b. S.-R. berg a.d. Pegnitz Siegelsdorf Hersbruck Sulzbach- R 41 R 12 Rosenberg Markt Erlbach Fürth S 1 Langenzenn R 12 Hartmannshof R 11 S 1 S 1 BAD WINDSHEIM R 21 Steinach Cadolzburg Röthenbach R 11 Schwaig R 81 NÜRNBERGER LAND R 4 R 82 FÜRTH Zirndorf Amberg Roßtal Stein Nürnberg Kümmersbruck R 82 Ober- S 2 asbach Feucht Altdorf Rothenburg S 2 o.b. Tauber R 71 Burgthann Heilsbronn Wendel- Schwarzen- Wickles- stein bruck Berg greuth Schwabach S 2 SULZBACH S 4 Schwanstetten

SCHWÄBISCH HALL* Ansbach Neuendettelsau S 3 Neumarkt R 71 S 2 Roth Allersberg- Herrieden Windsbach R 61 -Rothsee NEUMARK T R 7 ANSBACH Freystadt Schnelldorf R 61 Feuchtwangen Hilpoltstein Parsberg ROTH R 5 Gunzenhausen R 62 R 62 Berching WEISSENBURG- Pleinfeld Dinkelsbühl REGENS- BURG* Greding Hemau Weißenburg Beilngries

Kinding GUNZENHAUSEN R 9 Treuchtlingen R 6 R 8 R 63 R 64 KELHEIM* EICHSTÄT T* 23 Solnhofen R 64 DONAU-RIES Otting- Weilheim R 63 0 5 10 20 km / 23.10.2014 / PV31 LIVING - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION

Semester Ticket Valid during the official semester period

Basic ticket Additional ticket

• Already included in semester fee • Optional • Valid for all means of regional transport (no IC or ICE trains) within the VGN • Price: 199€ network: • In connection with the basic ticket, valid for all means of regional transport, • Time limitation: Mo – Fr: 7pm – 6am without temporal restrictions Weekends/publ. holidays: no limitation • Can be purchased online (see left • After successful enrollment/re- column), at machines from DB, ESTW, registration it can be downloaded here: VAG, infra Fürth, or at the VGN office at Hugenottenplatz in Erlangen. Matriculation number needed!

We recommend purchasing your ticket online, as you can reprint it at any time if you lose it. If you buy it at a machine, you will not receive a refund or similar if lost, and must buy an entirely new ticket!

Further information: 24 LIVING - DOCTORS

☑ Medical provision in the area for foreign students


General practitioners Dr. Rolf Degel Komotauer Str. 7, 09131 - 39630 http://www.dr-rolf- English 91052 Erlangen Dr. Elisabeth & Wichernstr. 16, 09131 - 33120 http://www.duem- English Kurt Dümlein 91052 Erlangen Dr. Urs Konrad, Goethestraße 09131 - 25333 www.hausarztpra- English, French Dr. Dierk Ronne- 40-42, xis-goethestrasse. berger 91054 Erlangen de Dr. Ulrike Sattler, Zeppelinstrasse 4, 09131 - 21593 http://www.bene- English Dr. Andrea Bene- 91052 Erlangen dict-Gmeiner Dr. Theresa Christ Fuchsengarten 2, 09131 - 4010130 English 91054 Erlangen Dr. Florian Fackler Schillerstraße 8, 09131 - 815200 http://www.kin- Spanish 91054 Erlangen deraerzte-im-netz. de/aerzte/fackler/ startseite.html Dr. Martin Burger Wackenroderstra- 09131 - 440042 English ße 10, 91056 Erlangen Dr. Peter Eggen- Dorfstraße 56, 09131 - 992177 http://dr-eggen- Spanish wirth 91056 Erlangen Dr. Norman Klin- Möhrendorfer Str. 09131 - 45939 http://www.dr-klin- English ger 25a, 91056 Erlangen Dr. Anke Lemmer Büchenbacher An- 09131 - 43833 English lage 17, 91056 Erlangen Dr. Margarete Steigerwaldallee 09128 - 722120 English Urbanek 3, 91056 Erlangen Dr. Markus Beier Bierlachweg 35, 09131 - 34 0 77 English 91058 Erlangen Dr. Gernot Chme- Langfeldstr. 27, 09131 - 160279 http://www. English lirsch 91058 Erlangen med-kolleg. de/arzt/allge- mein/3612.html Dr. Eva Täublingstr. 26, 09131 - 60 32 22 http://www. English Mass-Doyle 91058 Erlangen Dr. Peter Polyans- Gleiwitzer Straße 09131 - 35726 http://www.po- English zky 23, 91058 Erlangen


Ear-Nose-Throat specialists Dr. Hans-Jürgen Michael-Vo- 09131 - 206050 http://www. English Suttner gel-Straße 1D, hno-praxis-erlan- 91052 Erlangen Dr. Susanne Hindenburgstr. 8, 09131 - 80880 English Mayer 91054 Erlangen

Eye specialists Augenpraxisklinik Rathsberger Str. 09131 - 970620 English am Waldkranken- 57, haus 91054 Erlangen Augenarztpra- Nürnberger Str. 09131 - 25700 English, Turkish xisklinik Erlan- 11-13, genaerzte-erlan- gen-Mitte 91052 Erlangen Dr. Sofia Meden- Nürnberger Str. 09131 - 25566 http://dr-meden- English, Dutch blik-Frysch 22A, 91052 Erlangen

Dentists Dr. Eva Reinhardt Marie-Curie-Str. 09131 - 5335206 http://www. Albanian, English, 1, Italian, Hungari- 91052 Erlangen an, Polish, Slova- kian Dr. Kathrin Es- Südliche Stadt- 09131 - 39893 https://www.face- English, French ser-Richterstetter mauerstraße 6, 91052 Erlangen ker/ Kinderwunsch- Michael-Vo- 09131 - 80950 http://www.vanu- English zentrum Erlangen gel-Str. 1E, 91052 Erlangen Dr. Klaus von Nürnberger Str. 09131 - 203023 http://koopma- English, Greek Auer 71, 91052 Erlangen Wolfgang Hübner Stinzingstr. 29, 09131 - 32506 http://www.dent- English 91052 Erlangen Dr. Johannes Nürnberger Str. 09131 - 201000 http://www.dr-j- English Zeitler 13, 91052 Erlangen Dr. Beitter Fried- Hugenottenplatz 09131 - 4011890 English rich-Wilhelm 6, 91054 Erlangen Dr. Elisabeth Lammersstr. 6, 09131 - 23303 English Grützmacher 91054 Erlangen


Dr. Susanne Hindenburgstr. 09131 - 26949 http://www.zahn- English Münch 26, arztpraxis-mu- 91054 Erlangen Dr. Martin Opper- Palmsanlage 6, 09131 - 898942 http://www.docop- English mann 91054 Erlangen Dr. Tobias Wick- Sieglitzhoferstr. 09131 55626 http://www. English lein 51, 91054 Erlan- gen Dr. Helmut Zwer- Goetherstr. 44, 09131 - 23325 http://zahnarzt- Arab, English, ger 91054 Erlangen praxiserlangen. French, Serbian, de/ Tunisian

Oral & Maxillofacial surgery Dr. Thomas Hugenottenplatz 09131 - 920060 http://www. English Schmidt 1, 91054 Erlan- gen

Psychotherapists Dr. Beate Oettin- Mozartstr. 36, 09131 - 205021 English ger 91052 Erlangen CIP-AMBULANZ Weiße Herzstra- 09131 - 4001200 http://www. English ERLANGEN ße 2a or Bismarckstr. 9 , therapie-cip-am- 91054 Erlangen bulanz/ambulan- zen.html Dr. Doris Horst Bismarckstraße 09131 - 208949 English 24, 91054 Erlangen

Psychotherapists Dr. Beate Oettin- Mozartstr. 36, 09131 - 205021 English ger 91052 Erlangen CIP-AMBULANZ Weiße Herzstra- 09131 - 4001200 http://www. English ERLANGEN ße 2a or Bismarckstr. 9 , therapie-cip-am- 91054 Erlangen bulanz/ambulan- zen.html Dr. Doris Horst Bismarckstraße 09131 - 208949 English 24, 91054 Erlangen


Gynaecologists Dr. Madeleine Nürnberger Stra- 09131 - 23000 http://www.mei- English Haas ße 15, ne-frauenaerztin. 91052 Erlangen de/ Dr. Petr Pörschel Michael-Vo- 09131 - 21000 http://praxis-poe- English gel-Str. 1C, 91052 Erlangen Dr. Margot Wort- Gebberstr. 37, 09131 - 21888 http://www.frau- English mann 91052 Erlangen gotwortmann Dr. Susanne Friedrichstraße 09131 - 29539 http://www.gyn- English Ernst 1 A, 91054 Erlangen Dr. Martina Hil- Hauptstr. 32, 09131 - 9700470 http://www.frau- English zenbecher 91054 Erlangen enarztpraxis-er. de/ Dr. Peter Keller- Universitätsstr. 09131 - 25213 http://www. English mann 46, frauenarzt-drkel- 91054 Erlangen php Dr. Patrizia Op- Bahnhofplatz 2, 09131 - 22079 http://www.mein- English pelt 91054 Erlangen suche/dr-med-pa- tricia-g-oppelt/ Dr. Peter Weigh- Krankenhausstr. 09131 - 25550 http://www. English mann 1, 91054 Erlangen peterweigmann



General practitioners Dr. Simona Vogt- Eisenstraße 1, 09131 - 52070 Serbo-Croatian mann 91054 Buckenhof Dr. Victor Luft, Riemenschneider- 0911 - 7593424 http://praxis-roem- English, Russian Dr. Christina Röm- straße 34, ler-Kästel 90766 Fürth Dr. Elke Gerlitz Cyprianstraße 2a, 09132 - 9191 http://www.famili- English 91074 Herzogen- aurach Dr. Angelika Neu- Marloffsteiner Str. 09131 - 58181 http://hausaerzte- English kum-Schmidt, Dr. 1A, praxis-uttenreuth. Bernd Junge 91080 Uttenreuth de/

Dentists Dr. Cornelius Weissgasse 26, 0911 - 5181260 http://www.brod- English, French, Brodner 90562 Kalchreuth Italian, Romanian Dr. Susan Neuffer Marloffsteiner Str. 09131 - 50031 English 1, 91080 Uttenreuth Dr. Andreas Zim- Mühlweg 2 A, 09131 - 5303790 Turkish mermann 91080 Uttenreuth

Psychotherapists Dr. Norbert Marktpl. 6, 0911 - 1305154 English Schneider 90762 Fürth



General practitioners Dr. Eva Schlesin- Rollnerstr. 91, 0911 - 9376772 Russian ger 90408 Nürnberg Dr. Joachim Rollnerstr. 30, 0911 - 362606 http://www.drjoa- English Schröder 90408 Nürnberg Dr. Ralf Dietrich Burgschmietsstr. 0911 - 331133 http://www. English 2-4, med-hypnothera- 90419 Nürnberg htm Dr. Gerhard & Michael-En- 0911 - 612500 www.pra- English Martina Haßler de-Strasse 1, 90439 Nürnberg Dr. Klaus Drobny Allersberger Str. 0911 - 442121 Turkish 85, 90461 Nürnberg Dr. Gerhard & Herrnscheidstr. 29, 0911 - 407690 English Susanne Blos 90480 Nürnberg Dr. Martin Wun- Äußere Cramer- 0911 - 553231 http://www.pra- English derer Klett-Str. 13, xis-dr-wunderer. 90489 Nürnberg de/kontakt.html Medic Centre various locations 0911 - 412227 many languages throughout Nürn- dic-center-nuern- berg

Dentists Dr. Ilona Grams Brunnengasse 19, 0911 - 224052 http://www.zahn- Polish 90402 Nürnberg heilkunde-grams. de/ Dr. Anne Gress- Hallplatz 3, 0911 - 221331 http://www.zahn- English, Italian, kowski 90402 Nürnberg Turkish Dr. Michael Sauter Karl-Grillenber- 0911 - 2405959 http://www.zahn- English, Italian ger-Str. 1, 90402 Nürnberg Dr. Stefan Gahse Adlerstraße 21, 0911 - 204664 http://www.zahn- English 90403 Nürnberg arztpraxis-gahse. de/index.html Dr. Wolfgang Kaiserstr. 14, 0911 - 8103810 http://www.zahn- English, Thai Kaiser 90403 Nürnberg


Taromi M. & Mo- Pirckheimerstr. 0911 - 351268 http://www.zahn- Azerbaidjanian, dami S. 11-15, arzt-in-nuernberg. English, Persi- 90408 Nürnberg de/ an, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Yugoslavian Dr. Yorck Gehrig Adam-Klein-Str. 0911 - 3263939 http://www.dr- English, Persian, 127, Polish, Turkish 90431 Nürnberg html

Eye specialists Dr. Herbert Lang Äußerer Laufer 0911 - 552547 http://augen- English, French, Platz 17, Spanish 90403 Nürnberg MVZ Nürnberg Neumeyerstrasse 0911 - 5805480 http://www. English 48/46, 90411 Nürnberg ueber-uns/stand- orte/nuernberg/ mvz-nuernberg. html Dr. Mahmut Koca Fürther Str. 176, 0911 - 311866 http://www.augen- English, French, 90429 Nürnberg Turkish Dr. Wolfgang Aufseßplatz 19, 0911 - 449963 http://www.mein- English Bartsch 90459 Nürnberg Dr. Wolf Schön- Frankenstr. 129, 0911 - 447331 http://www. English herr 90461 Nürnberg

Gynaecologists Dr. Matthias Wohl- Königstr. 32, 0911 - 221060 http://www.frauen- English farth 90402 Nürnberg Dr. Folkward Königstr. 29, 0911 - 2447744 http://www.bau- English Wiesner 90402 Nürnberg Dr. Petra Ziegler Spitalgasse 6, 0911 - 224509 http://www.zieg- English 90403 Nürnberg Frauenärzte am Am Stadtpark 2, 0911 - 35 55 55 https://www. English, French, Stadtpark 90409 Nürnberg die-frauenaerzte. Turkish de/de/willkommen. html Dr. Hans-Peter Allersberger Str. 0911 - 497049 http://www.mein- English, French, Fichtner 81, Italian 90461 Nürnberg suche/hans-pe- ter-fichtner/ Dr. Alois Kärtner Martin-Richter-Str. 0911 - 554763 www.praxis-kaert- English 41 90489 Nürnberg


Brustzentrum St. Mommsenstr. 22, 0911 - 5699448 http://brustzent- English, French Theresien-Kran- 90491 Nürnberg kenhaus Nürnberg Dr. Reinhold Kütt Mommsenstr. 22, 0911 - 5692650 http://www.frau- English 90491 Nürnberg enaerzte-im-netz. de/aerzte/ arzt_3346.html Dr. Helmut Schau- Äußere Sulzba- 0911 - 9198275 http://frauenge- English dig cher Str. 165, sundheitszent- 90491 Nürnberg

Important note! In cases of sickness, we recommend seeking a general practitioner out first, who can determine whether you can be treated there or will require a specialist. In cases of an emergency you can visit the emergency room directly. Please take in mind that the emergency rooms treat patients due to urgency and capacity; you can expect long waiting periods, especially on weekends.

General emergency phone number: 112

Emergency rooms Erlangen Ärztliche Notfallpraxis Chirurgische Notfallaufnahme Bauhofstraße 6 Krankenhausstraße 12 09131 - 816060 09131 - 8533260

Nuremberg Klinikum Nürnberg Nord Notfallmedizin im Klinikum Nürnberg/Notaufnahme Prof.-Ernst-Nathan-Straße 1 Breslauer Str. 201 0911 - 3980 0911 - 3980



☑ Student groups and organizations

Student Associations/Fachschaftsinitiative (FSI) The student associations are a collective of students representing the interests of all students of a certain degree programme and your contact for all questions regarding your studies, e.g. if you need old exams in order to exercise for your own exam, if you have questions to certain modules or professors or if you need help or tips on general topics. The FSI also organizes in- formation events on a regular basis and are also responsible for the social life of their students by throwing a variety of parties where you can meet fellow students from higher semesters and of course have the opportunity to actively participate yourself! Find your FSI here:

University Groups FAU has a very active student body involved in different projects and volunteer work. If you are interested in participating, you can find a list of all student groups here: https://stuve.uni-erlan-! Here are some examples:

AG Medizin und Menschenrechte Erlangen Organization promoting and coordinating projects and events advocating Human Rights as- pects in health care provision, development work and daily life

FAU FabLab The FAU FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) is a workshop that is open for everyone. You can come and learn to use machines like laser cutter, 3D printer, vinyl cutter etc. to create your own do-it-yourself projects.

FAU Volunteers for Internationals A group of FAU students wanting to support international students. It organizes events, trips, cultural activities and more, ensuring international students coming to Erlangen to receive a warm welcome and have access to a diverse cultural programme. Its activities also give Ger- man and international students an opportunity to network with one another. ting-your-studies/fvi-fau-volunteers-for-internationals/


Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. Technology without borders is an organization dedicated to improving living standards in de- veloping countries with applicable and realistic technology and teaching future operators the knowledge to manage and maintain machines autonomously. This organization is ideal for students interested in doing developmental work, independently coordinating projects and doing hands-on work.

☑ Religion

A list of all religous communities in Erlangen can be found here: topdefault.aspx/tabid-1168/.

☑ Music For students with interest in music, FAU offers several choirs and big bands to participate in that regularly give concerts in Erlangen, e.g. at the FAU event Schlossgartenfest. If you want to know more check out their websites (only available in German):

or contact: Ulrich Nehls Orangerie, Schlossgarten 1, 91054 Erlangen 09131 - 85-22268 [email protected]

☑ Sports

FAU University sports The university offers a diversity of sports courses (e.g. football, climbing, yoga, pilates, boxing) and a gym for students in Erlangen and Nuremberg! Check out their websites to register for courses:!

Affordable gyms • American Fitness: Norikerstraße 2, 90402 Nürnberg • Fitnesslounge Erlangen: Vierzigmannstraße 26A, 91054 Erlangen • McFit: Äußere Brucker Str. 51, 91052 Erlangen, Fürther Str. 301-303, 90429 Nürnberg, Wol- gemutstraße 2, 90439 Nürnberg, Frankenstraße 100, 90461 Nürnberg & Laufamholzstraße 38, 90482 Nürnberg • Sportland Erlangen: Münchener Str. 55-57, 91054 Erlangen • STUDIO N°1: Albertstraße 4, 90478 Nürnberg • XXL Fitness: Artilleriestraße 54, 91052 Erlangen & Jakobstraße 51, 90402 Nürnberg


Public pools (some offer women-only swimming hours) • Frankenhof (Indoor): Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 35, 91054 Erlangen • Freibad West (Outdoor, re-opening summer 2017): Damaschkestraße 129, 91056 Erlangen • Katzwang (Indoor): Katzwanger Hauptstraße 21 90453 Nürnberg • Langwasser (Indoor): Breslauer Straße 251, entrance: Gleiwitzer Straße 90471 Nürnberg • Naturgartenbad (natural outdoor pool): Schlegelstr. 20 90491 Nürnberg • Nordostbad (Indoor & Outdoor): Elbinger Straße 85 90491 Nürnberg • Röthelheimbad (Indoor & Outdoor): Hartmannstraße 121, 91058 Erlangen er-Halle.html • Stadionbad (Outdoor –heated): Hans-Kalb-Straße 42 90471 Nürnberg • Südstadtbad (Indoor): Allersberger Straße 120 90461 Nürnberg • Westbad (Outdoor – heated): Wiesentalstr. 41 90419 Nürnberg

Thermal baths • Fürthermare: Scherbsgraben 15, 90766 Fürth • Kristall Palm Beach:

Ice Scating rink • Arena Nürnberg: Kurt-Leucht-Weg 11, 90471 Nürnberg

Indoor climbing • BLOCKHELDEN Erlangen: Weisendorfer Str. 18, 91056 Erlangen • Boulderhalle E4: Allersberger Str. 185, 90461 Nürnberg • Café Kraft: Gebertstraße 9, 90411 Nürnberg • Climbing Factory Nürnberg: Fürther Str. 212, 90429 Nürnberg http://www.climbing-factory. de/ • Kletterhalle Magnesia: Trettlachstraße 1, 91301 Forchheim http://www.magnesia-klettern. de/

☑ Movie theaters • Cinecittà: Gewerbemuseumspl. 3, 90403 Nürnberg • Cineplex Admiral: Königstr. 11, 90402 Nürnberg • CineStar Erlangen: Nürnberger Str. 31, 91052 Erlangen E-Werk Kino: Fuchsenwiese 1, 91054 Erlangen • Lamm-Lichtspiele: Hauptstraße 86, 91054 Erlangen


• Manhattan: Güterhallenstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen nal_version.aspx • Metropolis: Stresemannplatz 8, 90489 Nürnberg • Roxy-Renaissance-Cinema (Original Versions): Julius-Loßmann-Str. 116, 90469 Nürnberg

☑ Sight seeing

City tours • Bamberg: • Erlangen: • Fürth: • Nuremberg: Nature • Brombachsee The lake Brombachsee, located between Nuremberg and Ansbach, is your place to go for water sports, like wake boarding, sailing and windsurfing. It also offers family friendly activi- ties including hiking the region, camping and an adventure park. For more information consult:

• Fränkische Schweiz A nature park between Bamberg, Bayreuth and Nuremberg, dubbed Franconian Switzer- land due to its picturesque landscapes, castles, caves and rocks. Popular activities are trail hiking, rock climbing and cave expeditions! For children highlights include visiting the Devil’s cave (Teufelshöhle), the wildlife park of Hundshaupten and the summer-toboggan run in Pottenstein. For more information consult:

• Steigerwald The national park Steigerwald is located between Nuremberg, Bamberg, Würzburg and Rothenburg ob der Tauber and offers hiking trails for beginners and advanced. The Celtic round trip offers you a route exploring the remains of the region’s Celtic heritage! For more information consult:


☑ Events

Cultural • Bardentreffen This festival invites poets and musicians from all over the world to come to Nuremberg and transform the city center into a feast of creativity. • Blaue Nacht The Blue Night - Nuremberg’s Long Night of Art and Culture- lets its visitor enjoy different types of venues (museum, churches, restaurants, etc.) – all illuminated in blue light- offering cultural exhibitions, presentations, concerts, tastings and activities. • Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft During the Long Night of Sciences businesses and FAU university organize presenta- tions, exhibitions and activities for curious children and adults at a variety of locations in Erlangen, Nuremberg and Fürth. • Schlossgartenfest Organized by FAU, the Schlossgartenfest is a unique event taking place in Erlangen’s Schlossgarten, ith 6500 guests and a fantastic atmosphere. One of the largest and most beautiful garden parties in Europe, it is attended by students, staff and friends of the Univer- sity, as well as high-profile guests from politics, business and academia.

Traditional events • Annafest The Annafest celebrated in Forchheim is a beer festival with more than 20 breweries serving food and drinks, carnival rides for children, food stands serving German and foreign special - ties and Bavarian and modern music bands. • Bergkirchweih During Bergkirchweih, the second largest folk festival in , the breweries of Erlangen open their breweries for 11 days to about 1 million visitors each year, offering quality beer, traditional food, rollercoasters, show booth and music. • Christmas markets The Christmas markets are very charming and every larger town in has at least one, most famously the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg. • Nürnberger Volksfest Close to Duzendteich and the Documentation Center, Nuremberg celebrates their traditional Volksfest with carnival rides and booths, and beer tents to celebrate. • Sandkerwa In August, Bamberg celebrates its Sandkerwa in the city center, where breweries offer their


beers and food, with music creating a cosy and happy atmosphere!

Music festivals • Afrika Festival (World Music): • Brückenfestival (various): • Folk im Park (Folk): • Klassik am See (Classical): • Klassik Open Air (Classical): html • Nürnberg Pop (Pop): • Rock im Park (Rock): • Sommerliebe (Electro): • Wolke Sieben (Electro):

☑ Food Studentenwerk offers two large cafeterias in Erlangen and 6 cafeterias in Nuremberg: http://www.

List of shops

Please note: This list does not claim to be complete. But it intends to list shopping possibilities, above all well-priced supermarkets and furniture stores, as well as specialized shops. Be aware: In Germany most of the shops are open from 8 or 9 am until 6 pm. Larger shops and some supermarkets are open until 8 pm. On Saturdays, smaller shops close at about 2pm. On Sundays and public holidays the shops are closed (see dents/semester-dates/), except for some gas stations and shops at train stations.

Farmer’s market Schlossplatz in Erlangen • Mon.-Fri.: 8 am – 6 pm, Sat.: 8 am – 3 pm • Large selection of regional and seasonal fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, fresh eggs, honey, flowers, etc.

Wholefood markets

Erlangen • Bioladen, Luitpoldstr. 18, 91054 Erlangen • Biolandhof-Mayer, Kolpingweg 3, 91056 Erlangen • Biolandhof Weller, Alter Markt 1, 91056 Erlangen-Büchenbach • Denn's Biomarkt, Paul-Gossen-Str. 69, 91052 Erlangen • Ebl, Allee am Röthelheimpark 11, 91052 Erlangen | • Käse & Co Naturkostmarkt, Möhrendorferstr . 1c, 91056 Erlangen • Vier Jahreszeiten, Naturkost und mehr, Hauptstr. 40, 91054 Erlangen


Nuremberg • Bio in Zabo, Aussiger Platz 2, 90480 Nürnberg • Denn's Biomarkt, Allersberger Straße 100, 90461 Nürnberg • Ebl, Gostenhofer Hauptstr. 44, 90433 Nürnberg & Harsdörfferstr. 32-34, 90478 Nürnberg • Lotos, Hesse Straße 4, 90433 Nürnberg & Unschlittplatz 1, 90402 Nürnberg

Well-priced supermarket chains

Erlangen • Aldi Süd (supermarket and weekly offers), e.g. Henkestr. 92, Cumianastr.5, Gundstr.2 • Lidl (supermarket and weekly offers), e.g. Nägelsbachstr. 59, Neumühle 4, Dresdener Str. 21 • Netto Marken-Discount (supermarket), e.g. Stubenlohstr. 1, Karl-Zucker-Str. 14, Am An- ger 8 • Norma (supermarket and weekly offers), e.g. Marktplatz 4, Rathausplatz 3 • Kaufland (supermarket, also offering household and personal effects), Carl-Thiersch-Str. 4, Westliche Stadtmauerstr. 27

Facebook groups

• Erlangen verschenkt: • FAU Erlangen: Suche/Biete: te/?ref=ts&fref=ts • Foodsharing Erlangen: • Nürnberg verschenkt: • Studentenflohmarkt Erlangen: erlangen/?

Well-priced furniture stores

New • IKEA Fürth, Hans-Vogel-Straße 110, 90765 Fürth • Mömax, Ingolstädter Straße 21, Fürther Straße 356-358, Nuremberg

Second-Hand • Gebrauchtwarenhof/Sozialkaufhaus Erlangen, Alfred-Wegener-Str. 11, 91052 Erlangen • Gebrauchtmöbellager und Gebrauchtwarenhalle des Roten Kreuzes, Sulzbacher Straße 42, Beuthener Straße 43 • Wertstoffzentrum Veitsbronn, Burgbernheimer Str. 12, 90431 Nuremberg -Höfen; Mathil- denstr. 34, 90762 Fürth

For free

• Giveaway-Marketplace for Erlangen


• Umsonstladen: Hauptstraße 84, 91054 Erlangen, den-JBN-Erlangen-557057744413194/

Kosher shops

• LeChaim, Stresemannplatz 4, 90489 Nuremberg Shipping: • Aviv Kosher Shop and Restaurant in ,, • Danel Feinkost, Kosher Shop in Munich, • Koscherland Onlineshop,

Asian shops

Erlangen • Asien-Kauf, Luitpoldstr. 19, 91054 Erlangen • Asia Shop Long My, Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 16, 91054 Erlangen • Asiashop Wing-Xing, Friedrichstr. 32, 91054 Erlangen • Lily's Asia Laden, Hauptstr. 81, 91054 Erlangen • Marijy Silva, Goethestr. 44, 91054 Erlangen • Pan-Asia GmbH, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 8, 91058 Erlangen-Bruck

Nuremberg • Asia Center, Landgrabenstr. 119, 90459 Nuremberg • Asia Food Center, Fürther Str. 40A, 90429 Nuremberg • Asia Giang, Kopernikusstr. 20, 90459 Nuremberg • Asia Kauf-Center Nord, Kirchenweg 19, 90419 Nuremberg • Asia Shop, Sulzbacher Straße 97, 90489 Nuremberg • Asia Supermarkt Lebensmittelhandel, Waldstraße 38, 90763 Nuremberg • Dragon Markt, Wirthstr. 26, 90459 Nuremberg

Russian shops

Erlangen • Internationaler Lebensmittelladen Irina, Wladimirstr. 1-3, 91058 Erlangen

Nuremberg • Lida Russische Spezialitäten Lebensmittel, Ludwig-Feuerbach-Straße 3, 90489 Nuremberg • Maxikauf, Dombühler Str. 2 , 90449 Nuremberg & Euckenweg 33, 90471 Nuremberg • Mix Markt, Schweinauer Hauptstraße 127 , 90441 Nuremberg & Adam-Klein-Str. 158, 90431 Nuremberg • Natascha, Sandstr. 27a, 90443 Nuremberg • Rusalotschka, Innere Laufer Gasse 1, 90403 Nuremberg


Turkish shops

Erlangen • Belek Senol, Äußere Brucker Str. 114, 91052 Erlangen • Izmir Basar, Kammererstr. 4, 91054 Erlangen • Mehmet Ege Genco Ticaret, Innere Brucker Str. 14 , 91054 Erlangen • Susi’s Frucht Oase, Nünberger Str. 53, 91052 Erlangen

Nuremberg • Ataman Pazari, Gostenhofer Hauptstr. 33-35, 90443 Nuremberg • Can Supermarkt (Halal), Ingolstädter Str. 53, 90461 Nuremberg • Hüsejin Eraslan, Allersberger Str. 131, 90461 Nuremberg • Islamische Gemeinde Nürnberg (Mosque, Supermarket), Hesseestr. 12-14, 90443 Nu- remberg, Tel.: 0911 / 284111, Web: • Kayas Süd Früchte, Bahnhofsplatz 9, 90443 Nuremberg • Za-Ra Markt (Halal) Wölckernstr. 50, Leipziger Platz 1-3, Fürther Str. 301-303

Vegan restaurants

Erlangen • Brazil, Bismarckstraße 25, 91054 Erlangen • Lesecafé Anständig, Hauptstr. 55, 91054 Erlangen (Altstadtmarktpassage) • Veganel, Rathausplatz 5, 91052 Erlangen (Neuer Markt Food Court) • Vokü, Wöhrmühle 7, 91056 Erlangen

Nuremberg • Mariposa, Mostgasse 6, 90402 Nuremberg • The Tasty Leaf – Lebensfreude genießen, Bogenstraße 43, 90459 Nuremberg • Vegöner, Poppenreuther Straße 10, 90419 Nuremberg

Halal restaurants • Mevlana, Gostenhofer Hauptstr. 18, 90443 Nuremberg • Restaurant Olive, Gugelstraße 148, 90459 Nuremberg



Form "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung"

Auszug aus § 19 Abs. 1 Satz 1 und 2 BMG Wohnungsgeberbestätigung Mitwirkung des Wohnungsgebers (1) Der Wohnungsgeber ist verpflichtet, bei der An- oder Abmeldung mitzuwirken. zur Vorlage bei der Meldebehörde Hierzu hat der Wohnungsgeber oder eine von ihm beauftragte Person der meldepflichtigen Person den Einzug oder den Auszug schriftlich oder elektronisch (§ 19 Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)) innerhalb der in § 17 Absatz 1 oder 2 genannten Fristen (zwei Wochen) zu bestätigen.

Angaben zum Wohnungsgeber: Familienname / Vorname oder Bezeichnung bei einer juristischen Person:

PLZ / Ort: Straße / Hausnummer / Adressierungszusätze:

Der Wohnungsgeber ist gleichzeitig Eigentümer der Wohnung oder

Der Wohnungsgeber ist nicht Eigentümer der Wohnung. Der Name und die Anschrift des Eigentümers lauten:

Familienname / Vorname oder Bezeichnung bei einer juristischen Person:

PLZ / Ort: Straße / Hausnummer / Adressierungszusätze:

Anschrift der Wohnung in die eingezogen oder aus der ausgezogen wird:

PLZ / Ort:

Straße und Hausnummer: Zusatzangaben (z.B. Stockwerks- oder Wohnungsnummer):

In die oben genannte Wohnung ist/sind am folgende Person/en eingezogen: Datum Ein-/Auszug ausgezogen:

Folgende Person/Personen ist/sind in die angegebene Wohnung ein- bzw. ausgezogen:

Familienname: Vorname:

Familienname: Vorname:

Familienname: Vorname:

Familienname: Vorname:

Familienname: Vorname:

Familienname: Vorname:

weitere Personen siehe Rückseite.

Ich bestätige mit meiner Unterschrift den Ein- bzw. Auszug der oben genannten Person(en) in die oben bezeichnete Wohnung und dass ich als Wohnungsgeber oder als beauftragte Person diese Bescheinigung ausstellen darf.

Ich habe davon Kenntnis genommen, dass ich ordnungswidrig handle, wenn ich hierzu nicht berechtigt bin und dass es verboten ist, eine Wohnanschrift für eine Anmeldung eines Wohnsitzes einem Dritten anzubieten oder zur Verfügung zu stellen, obwohl ein tatsächlicher Bezug der Wohnung durch einen Dritten weder stattfindet noch beabsichtigt ist.

Ein Verstoß gegen dieses Verbot stellt eine Ordnungswidrigkeit dar und kann mit einer Geldbuße bis zu 50000 Euro geahndet werden. Das Unterlassen einer Bestätigung des Ein- oder Auszugs sowie die falsche oder nicht rechtzeitige Bestätigung des Ein- oder Auszugs können als Ordnungswidrigkeiten mit Geldbußen bis zu 1000 Euro geahndet werden.

Datum Unterschrift des Wohnungsgebers oder des Wohnungseigentümers


List of figures

Front Cover • Logos: FAU Press • Castle: FAU/ Georg Pöhlein • Schlossgarten: FAU/ David Hartfiel • Laboratory: FAU/ David Hartfiel • Red square: FAU/ Erich Mahler

All pages: Logos: FAU Press

Page 6 & 7: Map: Studien-Service-Center Informatik/ Katharina Tregoning

Pages 13, 14 & 15: Map: Katharina Tregoning

Page 21: Verbundsgebiet VGN: Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg GmbH


Publisher: Department of Computer Science at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Editing: Christine Mohr, Katharina Tregoning

Layout: Katharina Tregoning

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