
Great Basin Naturalist

Volume 52 Number 2 Article 1


Red Butte Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecology

James R. Ehleringer University of Utah

Lois A. Arnow University of Utah

Ted Arnow Consulting geologist, Salt City, Utah

Irving B. McNulty University of Utah

Norman C. Negus University of Utah

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Recommended Citation Ehleringer, James R.; Arnow, Lois A.; Arnow, Ted; McNulty, Irving B.; and Negus, Norman C. (1992) "Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecology," Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 52 : No. 2 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbn/vol52/iss2/1

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ISSN 0017-3614

VOLUME 52 JUNE 1992 NO.2

Great Basin Naturalist 52(2}, pp. 95-121


1 James R. EhLermger , Lois A. Am~, Ted Am~. Irving B. McNulty', and Norman C. Negus·

ABSrnACT.-Red Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake , Utah. It contains a weU-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe the history ofhuman impact, natural history aspects of climate, geology, and ecotogy, and faunal and floral information for key species in the canyon. The role and importance ofResearch Natural Areas is discussed, particularly with respect tathe need to protect Red Butte Canyon---Qne ofthe few remaining undisturbed riparian ecosystems in the Intermountain West.

Key w(wds: gra.ssland, Intermountain West, oak-maple, plant adaptation, Red Butte Canyon, Research Natural Area, riparian ecology.

Red Butte Canyon. one ofmany in stantial value to society. These might include the Wasatch Range of Utah, opens westward unique geolOgical features. endangered plant into Salt Lake Valley. immediately east of the and animal species. or areas ofparticular value University of Utah (Fig. 1). Like most canyons for scientific research as baseline bench marks along the Wasatch Front. it is a grassland at the ofecosystems that have been largely destroyed lowest elevations. is forested at its upper end, by human impact. In the case of Red Butte and has a perennial stream. What makes this Canyon. the RNA designation was given canyon unusual is its history. The canyon was the because this canyon is one ofthe few remaining watershed for Fort Douglas, the U.S. Army post (if not the last) undisturbed watersheds in the built in 1862 that overlooked Salt Lake City. As Great Basin. The U.S. Forest Service report a protectedwatershed. these lands were. for the propOSing that Red Butte Canyon be declared a most part. kept free from grazing, farming. and Research Natural Area described the canyon as other human-impact activities. When the U.S. "... a living museum and biological library of a Army declared these lands surplus in 1969, the size that exists nowhere else in the Great Basin u.s. Forest Service assumed responsibility for ... an invaluable bench mark in ecolOgical the canyon. Since that time. Red Butte Canyon time." The Red Butte Canyon RNA is unique bas been kept in its protected state and desig­ because it is a relatively undisturbed watershed nated a Research Natural Area (RNA). adjacentto a major metropolitan area (Salt Lake The Research Natural Area designation Valley). To protect this valuable resource. access denotes an area that has been set aside because to the Red Butte Canyon RNA has been largely it contains unusual or unique features of sub- restricted to scientific investigators. One of the

1Dep'lrto>entofBiology. University of Utah, Slolt L:tk., City, Ut,.h 84112. 2Con~\Ilti"ggeologisl.l064 E. Uillview Drive, Salt Lake City. Uhlh 84124.


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Fig. 1. Location of Red Butte Canyon and other sites referred to in text. goals of the RNA Program is to protect and ofbiotic communities along an elevation gradi­ preselVe a representative array ofall Significant ent from about 1530 m (5020 ft) on the west end natural ecosystems and theirinherent processes to more than 2510 m (8235 ft) at the crest, as baseline areas. A second goal is to conduct The pmI'oseofthis paperis to providea brief research on ecological processes in these areas deSCription of the history, flora, geology, cli­ to learn more about the functioning of natural mate, and emlogy of this unusual and valuable versus manipulated or disturbed emsystems. resource. There is increasing interest in Red Research activities in the Red Butte Canyon Butte Canyon. in part by scientific investigators RNA are directed at both ofthese goals: under­ because ofits utility as a protected, undisturbed standing basic """logical processes (physiologi­ watershed, and in part by curious citizens from cal adaptation, drought adaptation, nutrient the nearby Salt Lake Valley, Yet, there has not cycling, etc,) and also the impact ofhumans on been an overall reference available for those our canyons through both airborne (air pollu­ interested in general fearures of the canyon or tion, acid rain, etc.) and land-related (grazing, past ecological studies within the canyon, Most human traffic, etc.) activities, The latter are of the information on Red Butte Canyon is conducted through mmparison of Red Butte scattered, With the closure of Fort Douglas in with other canyons along the Wasatch Range, 1991, manyofthe historical records will become In size, Red Butte Canyon is relatively small compared with other drainages along the more difficult to access, It is hoped that the Wasatch Front. The drainage basin covers an syntheSiS presented in this paper will provide area of approximately 20,8 km' (5140 acres) the necessary background for those interested (Fig, 2), The drainage arises on the east from a in the history and ecology of the Red Bulte minor divide between City Creek and Emigra­ Canyon RNA. Irving McNulty first summarizes tion canyons and drains to the west. Thecanyon the history of the canyon, followed by Ted has two main forks (Knowltons and Parleys) and Arnow's deSCription ofgeology and soils. James many side canyons. Near the canyon base, a Ehleringer contributed the hydrology, climate, was constructed earlierthis century to and plant ecology sections, The section 011 vas­ provide a more stable water supply to Fort cular flora was prepared by Lois Arnow, and Douglas, The diversity ofslope and aspect com­ Nannan Negus wrote the mammalian and avian binations of the terrain contributes to a variety fauna sections. 1992] RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 97


o_~.~~~_~~"",,1 mile

O~=_~~_~.;.1 ~~~~~2 kilometers

Fig. 2 Major drainages and weather and bench mark stations within the Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area. B represents the location of the USGS Bench Mark station; circles numbers 2, 4, and 6 represent the locations ofweather stations known as Red Butte #2, Red Butte #4, and Red Butte #6, respectively.

HISTORY to be used in construction in the building ofSalt Lake City. It wa<; the closest source ofconstruc­ The history of Red Butte Canyon comes as tion-quality and was quarried for bits and pieces from many sources, including almost 100 years. This mining bad considerable Arrington and Alexander (1965), Hibbard (1980), impact on the plant and animal life in the lower and the Fort Douglas Army Engineers Office portion of the canyon. The major use of Red (1954), records of the Fort Douglas Museum, Butte Creekwaterwas bythe U.S. Army at Fort anddiscussions with G Hibbard (Fort Doug­ G. Douglas, which was established at the mouth of las historian) and Harold Shore (Fort Douglas the canyon in 1862. This utilizatiou of water water master overseeing Red Butte Canyon), It outside the cauyon had little effect on the canyon is primarily a history of human impact on the utilization ofnatural resources provided by the itself, as U.S. Army administrators worked over canyon, Major resources were water from the many years to protect the watershed and water stream and sandstone quarried for use in con­ quality. In fact, protection has grown steadily struction. Of minor importance were grazing since Fort Douglas was first established, and and timber. In 1848, just one year after the particularly since the canyon was acquired by arrival of the first pioneers in Salt Lake Valley, the U.S. Forest Service iu 1969 and declared to red sandstone was first quarried in the canyon be a Research Natural Area. 98 GREAT BASIN NATURAUSf [Volume 52

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Fig. 3 Geologic map of Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area. See 1 for adescription ofabbreviations. Solid lines represent contacts between formations, dashed lines represent normal fanIts, and T.-da~bed lines repre..~ent the Black thrust fault. The transect A~A' is shown in cross section in Figure 4. Adapted from Marsell and Threet (1960) and Van Horn and Crittenden (1987).

Red Butte sandstone (Nuggett Sandstone) from Fort Douglas and ultimately a courtaction was the first resource utilized from the canyon. in 1889, which required the Salt Lake Most sandstone was obtained from Quarry Company to control stream pollution and cease Canyon on the south side of the canyon, 4.4 km housing men and animals in the canyon. (2.9 mil from the mouth ofthe canyon. Because Red Butte Creek was used for irrigation by ofthe proximity ofQuarry Canyon to Salt Lake a few pioneers eastofSaIt Lake Cityin the early City, sandstone was quarried there from 1848 to 1850s. When Fort Douglas was established in the end ofthecenturybyprivatecompanies and 1862, Army personnel initially depended mostly intermittently by the Army until 1940. This onwater from nearbysprings. However, by 1875 required a in the bottom ofthecanyon and Army personnel constructed two reselvoirs east housing for workers. In 1889, 66 men and 38 of Fort Douglas and diverted water from Red oxen and horses lived at the canyon bottom, Butte Creek to fill them. In response to the contributing considerable downstream pollu­ recurrent stream pollution problems caused by tion to Red Butte Creek. In 1887 the U.S. Con­ quarrying activities, the Territory District Court, gress provided a railroad right-of-way to be built in 1890, declared that the waters of Red Butte to the rock quarry to increase the amount of Creek were the sole property of the U.S. Army sandstone removed. Stream pollution causedby and under the jurisdiction ofFort Douglas. Also quarrying activity brought many complaints in 1890, the U.S. Congress passed a law to 1992] RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 99

TABLE 1. Description of geological formations in Red protect the water supply of Fort Douglas. This Butte Canyon. law prevented any sale ofland in the canyon or Cenozoic era, Quaternary system, Holocene series further watershed development. In 1906 the fa Flood- allumum< Sand, cobbly to silty, dark gray at u.s. Army built a on Red Butte Creek to top; grading downward to medium to light gray, sandy to supply additional water for Fort Douglas. The cobbly gravel; locally bouldery. Ie Engineered fill. Selected material that has been present dam was constructed between 1928 and emplaced and compacted. 1930, and the reservoir provided water for Fort Cenozoic era, Quaternary and Tertiary systems, Douglas until its closure in 1991. Holocene and Pleistocene series There are no grazing records available for fg Alluvial-fan deposits. Bouldery to clayey silt, dark gray to Red Butte Canyon prior to 1909, by which time brown; rocks angular to subrounded. ld Landslide deposits. Composition similar to material the United States had acquired title to most of upslope. the land in the canyon. Cottam and Evans Mesozoic era, Jurassic system (1945) reported evidence ofsome gully ftc Twin Creek . Brownish gray and pale gray to occurring in the canyon prior to 1909 and pale yellowish gray silty limestone, intercalated with assumed it was due to overgrazing. Although we greenish gray shale. lack quantitative data, there are a few isolated Mesozoic era, Jurassic? and l'riassic? systems incidents indicating the occurrence of grazing, JTn Nugget Saruktone. Pale pinkish buff, fine- to medium­ graine~ well-sorted sandstone that weathers orange­ including an 1854 reportofa young man drown­ brown. Massive outcrops form the called Red Butte. ing in a flash flood in Red Butte Canyon while Mesozoic era, Triassic system herding animals. Over forty head of oxen used Tau: Ankareh Formation., upper member. Reddish brown, to haul sandstone from the quany in the late reddish purple, grayish red, or bright red shale, siltstone, 1800s remained in the canyon during that time. and sandstone. TagAnkareh Formation, Gartm Grit Member: White to pale In 1869 the War Department appointed a purple, thick-bedded, crossbedded, pebbly quartzite. herder to control loose cattle grazing on Fort Forms a prominent white ledge for long distances. Douglas and in thecanyon. In 1890 three squat­ Tam Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member: Reddish brown, reddish purple, grayish red, or bright red shale, ters had settled into the canyon, and their forty siltstone, and sandstone. head ofcattle were grazing in the Parleys Fork Tt Thaynes Formation. Medium to light gray, fossiliferous, area before being evicted. By 1909 the Army locally nodular limestone, limy siltstone, and sandstone. Tw Woodside Shale. Grayish red, grayish purple, or bright had built a gate at the mouth of the canyon to red shale and siltstone. control access, thus further protecting the Paleozoic era, Permian syst~m _ watershed. Although this did not prevent occa­ Ppc Park City Formation and related stmta. Fossiliferous sional animals from wandering into the canyon sandy limestone, calcareous sandstone, and a medial from adjacent canyons, it did reduce both their phosphatic shale tongue. numbers and their length ofstay. Consequently, Paleozoic era, Pennsylvanian system most ofthe canyon has not beengrazed bycattle Pw Weber Quartzite. Pale tan to nearly white, fine- to medium~grained, crossbedded quartzite and medium or sheep through most ofthis century. gray to pale gray limestone. Portions of the upper reaches ofthe canyon Pro Round Valley Limestone. Pale gray limestone with pale were timbered. In 1848, when a road was built gray siltstone partings. Contains pale pinkish chert that forms irregular nodules. along the canyon bottom, it was reported that there was an abundance of timber suitable for Paleozoic era, Mississippian system Mdo Doughnut Formation. Medium gray, thin-bedded fence poles. Later The Church of Jesus Christ limestone with pods of dark gray to black chert and of Latter-day Saints built a bowery on Temple abundant brachiopods and bryozoa. Square in downtown Salt Lake Cityin the 1850s Mgb Great Blue Formation. Thick-bedded, locally ­ forming, pale gray, fine-grained limestone. with wood obtained from Table Mound Mh Humbug Fonnation. Alternating, tan~, limy (betweenKnowltons Forkand Beaver Canyon). sandstone and limestone or dolomite. In 1863 the Army constructed 34 buildings at Md Deseret Limestone. Thick ledges of dolomite and lime­ Fort Douglas from "timber hauled from the stone with moderately abundan:t lenses and pods ofdark chert. canyons," but there is no indication as to how Paleozoic era much timber came from Red Butte Canyon. P Paleozoic rocks, undifferentiated. However, apparentlynot manytimber-size trees were available in the lower canyon as indicated by a pioneerwho built a logcabin in the canyon. He stated he had to travel five miles up the 100 CHEAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52 canyon toobtain enough logs for the cabin in the canyon to thegeneral pubhc. In 1987 the canyon early 1860s. was opened to the public in late spring for There are no available records of fires that several days; this weekend opening attracted may have occurred in the canyon. In 1988 a fire over 5000 visitors and led to a trampling on from Emigration Canyon spread into the upper vegetation along the main road in the canyon. headwaters of Red Butte Creek before it was This opening was repeated in 1988 and contained. The land was subsequently reseeded attracted 1100 people. Currently the State with native species by the u.s. Forest Service. Arboretum at the University of Utah conducts Land ownership within the canyon changed natural history education classes (-10 individu­ several times during the late 1800s and early als per group) in the lower portions of the 1900s. Land occupied by Fort Douglas in 1862 canyon. Limited deer hunting has been permit­ was officially given to the U.S. Army in 1867 ted by the Forest Service each fall, but the when President Johnson withdrew four square impact of the hunts is unknown. A Red Butte miles from pubhc domain for the use of the Steering Committee, consisting of representa­ Army. However, this included only a small por­ tives from the Forest Service, the University of tion ofthe mouthofRed Butte Canyon. The Salt Utah, and other govenlment agencies con­ Lake Rock Company, which quarried most of cerned with preservation of natural areas, is the sandstone in the canyon, owned paIt of the involved in making decisions pertinent to the canyon, and the Union Pacific Railroad Co. jurisdiction and management of the Red Butte acquired four sections in the lower portions of Canyon Research Natural Area. the canyon in the 1860s. Smaller portions ofthe The history of Red Butte Canyon, with the canyon were claimed by private individuals exception of the quarrying activity and some under the Homestead Act of1862. Such claims grazing in the past century, is largely a histOly of could be acquired easily uuder this act, which preservation. The U.S. Army at Fort Douglas was very hberal and required only a small claim was concerned with the protection ofthe water­ fee. Gradually, between 1884 and 1909, through shed and gradually acquired sufficient control a combination ofacts ofCongress, exchanges of to protect it. The U.S. Forest Service declared property, and outright purchases, Fort Douglas the entire canyon a Research Natural Area and obtained title to most ofthe canyon by 1896 and thus insured its protection for the future as a almost the entire canyon by 1909. Only three bench mark ofriparian and shnlb ecosystems in small parcels of a total ofless than 90 hectares the Intermountain West. (-200 acres) are still privately owned today, and GEOLOGY these are close to the margins ofthe canyon. In 1969 the U.S. Department of Defense rehn­ The rocks underlying Red Butte Canyon quished ownership of Red Butte Canyon. The range in age from recent Holocene deposits of U.S. Forest Service is now responsible for these our time to Mississippian rocks that are about lands, The Forest Service recognized the natu­ 360 million years old. Holocene and Pleistocene ral state ofthe area had been preserved through deposits are unconsolidated, consisting mostly many years of closure to the pubhc and desig­ of landslides or alluvium deposited by existing nated Red Butte Canyon a Research Natural streams. Their aerial distribution is shown in Area in 1970. By definition such areas are tracts Figure 3, and a description of the deposits is ofland that have not been strongly impacted by given in Table l. human-related activities such as logging or graz­ The older rocks range in age Ii·om ingbydomestic livestock. Theyare permanently Mississippian to Jurassic, a span of about 220 protected from devastation by humans so they millionyears. Theyare all consolidated now, but may serve as reference areas for research and originally they were formed as deposits in education. oceans or inland seas or as sand in an arid Red Butte Canyon has selVed as a research environment. No rocks representing the site for biologists for over fifty years and will approximately 140 milhon years between the continue to do so in the future. Public education end ofJurassic time and the Holocene are pres­ about conselVation and the need for the public ent in Red Butte Canyon. Either they were to better understand the importance of never deposited or they have been eroded. Research Natural Areas are major concerns. The consolidated rocks in most paIts of the Recently the Forest Service briefly opened the lowerwalls ofthecanyon consist chieflyofshale, 1992] RED BUTIE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 101

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Fig. 4. Geologic cross section ofRed Butte Canyon. Explanation asin Figure 3. Adapted from Van Hom and Crittenden (1987). with some gritty quartzite and sandstone. The bedrock. The distribution of the soils in the upper southeast-facing slopes consist mostly of canyon is shown in Figure 5. The relationship of limestone with some sandstone and limy shale. the soils to the bedrock is apparent by compar­ The upper northwest-facing slopes are made up ing Figure 5 with Figure 3, a geologic map of mostly of sandstone with limestone and limy the canyon. The soils map (Fig. 5) was adapted shale near the southeast divide. Figure 3 shows from Woodwardet al. (1974). Soils in Red Butte the distribution ofthe rocks in the canyon, and Canyon have been characterized as dominantly they are described in Table L strongly sloping to very steep and well drained. The older consolidated rocks in the canyon According to Bond (1979), most soils are neutral generally dip toward the southeast (Fig. 4), and to slightly basic, vary in color from brick red to tbey form the northern flank ofa large syncline dark brown, with textures generally ranging whose axis trends toward the northeast and from sandy to loamy clays. Depth of the soil is whose southern flank is in Mill Creek Canyon, irregular, with depth to bedrock varying from about 6.5 km to the south. The rocks are cut by nearly 2.4 m (94 in) at the canyon floor near the numerous normal faults that are part of the mouth to as little as 60 em (24 in) or less on the Wasatch fault zone, a lengthy fault zone that slopes. Soil types include loams, silt loams, and bounds the west face ofthe Wasatch Range for dry loams. There is little profile development, almost its entire length. Movement along these but a pronounced litter layer and appreciable normal faults has resulted in borizontal dis­ incorporated humus exist in places. Generally placement of the rock formations, whereas the soils are approximately 1 m (39 in) deep, movement along the Black Mountain thrust especially those adjacent to streams. However, fault in the northwestern part ofthe canyon has the steep, rocky upper slopes have shallow and raised older rocks to a position overlying youn­ cobbly soils. Table 2 includes a description of ger rocks. The faults and their effects on the each ofthe soils shown in Figure 5. The descrip­ consolidated rocks are shown in Figures 3 and 4. tions were adapted from Woodward et al. (1974).

SOILS HYDROLOGY AND NUTRIENT FLOW Soils in Red Butte Canyon are derived from Red Butte Creek is a perennial third-order the weathering and erosion of the underlying stream without upstream regulation or diversion 102 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52





Township lN, Range 1E s(.'Ction 22 23 AGG

27 26


o 1 0-==--==-=-==-'; mole 012 co:JI_I::JI_I::JI_IDI_IDI_"=====:::i1 kilometers

Fig. 5. Soils map of Red Butte Canyon. See Table 2 for a description ofabbreviations. Adapted from Woodward et al. (1974). until flow is collected in the reservoir located flows driven by snowmelt followed by very near the base of the canyon. The stream has much reduced flows derived from groundwater created a narrow-based canyon with sides rising throughout the remainder of the year (Fig. 6). abruptly at an average slope ofabout 35 degrees Spring melt flow, which is typically an order of to the north and about 40 degrees to the south. magnitude greater than other periods of the Immediately upstream ofthe reservoir is a U.S. year, peaks in May and persists for 6-8 weeks. Geological Survey Hydrologic Bench Mark Sta­ The average montWy strearu flow rate during tion. This gaging station has been maintained by May is 0.416 m'/sec (14.7 ft'/sec). By Septem­ the U.S. Geological Survey since October 1963. ber, the lowest average monthly flow rate, Prior to that, the Corps ofEngineers, U.S. Army, stream discharge has decreased to 0.058 m'/sec recorded monthly discharge at this location (2.0 ft'/sec). Mean stream flow rates do not beginning in January 1942. increase during the summer months, although The average monthly discharge (1964-88) is nearly one-fourth of the annual precipitation 0.133 m'/sec (-4.7 ft'/sec) as it enters the res­ falls during this period. ervoir at 1646 m (5400 ft) elevation (U.S. Geo­ Average monthly stream flow values, how­ logical Survey records). The stream flow ever, hide much of the strearu dynamics and exhibits a straightforward annual pattern, char­ resultant impact on riparian vegetation. On a acteristic ofthis geographic region-high spring daily basis, strearu flows can vary tremendously 1992] RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 103

TABLE 2. Description of units on the soils map of Red overland flow was substantial, This was by far Butte Canyon. the greatest discharge rate in recent times, AGG Agassiz association, very steep. 40-70 percent having eclipsed the previous maximum single slopes; moderately permeable, well drained. Agassiz-35 day rate of 1.70 m'/sec (60,0 ft'/sec) measured percent, very cobbly silt loam on and convex areas on 18 May 1975 (U,S, Geological Survey of upper slopes. Picayune-55 percent, noncalcareous variant, gravelly loam in concave areas and in draws. Records), Other soils-lO percent. The unusually high stream discharge rate in BeG Brad very rocky loamy sand, 40 to 80 percent May 1983 is of particular significance because slopes. Very permeable, extremely well drained. Very of its impact on stream geomotphology and rocky, cobbly, loamy sand; dark reddish-brown; shallow. adjacent vegetation, The high flows quickly BEG Bradshaw-Agassiz association, steep. 40-70 per­ scoured the streambed, taking outbeaverdams, cent slopes; moderately permeable, well drained. eroding stream banks, knocking down riparian Bradshaw--55 percent, very cobbly silt-loam in slightly trees, and causing massive erosion. Gullies 5-10 concave areas. Agassiz-35percent, very cobbly silt-loam in convex areas and ridgetops where soil is shallow. Other m (16--33 ft) deep were cut into permanent soils-lO percent. streambeds in Knowltons Fork and throughout DGG Deer Creek-Picaytme association, steep. 30-60 Red Butte Creek. Sediment flow associated percent slopes; moderately permeable, well drained. with this record stream discharge was in excess Deer Creek-55 percent; lqam; very dark brown; deep of 269 metric tons (-593,000 lbs) per day in on very steep, north- and northeast-facing mountain slopes. Picayune--35 percent; gravelly clay loam; very mid-May (compared to typical spring melt con­ dark brown, deep, calcareous on west-facing slopes. centrations of1 metric ton [-2200 lbs] per day) Other soils-l0 percent. (U,S, Geological Survey Records); this resulted EMG Emigration very cobbly loam, 40 to 70 percent in a delta formation at the mouth of Red Butte slopes. Moderately permeable, well drained. Cobbly Reservoir, Prior to the 1982--83 winter, no delta loam; facing south; dark, grayish brown; shallow; patches ofbedrock. had existed, The delta was soon -30 m (-100 ft) long, By 1990 the delta had fanned out more HGG Harkers-Wallsburg association, steep. Moder­ ately permeable, well drained. Harkers---55 percent, than 60 m into the reservoir, The heavy winter loam, 6-40 percent slopes, very dark brown, deep in rains of 1982~83 saturated soils all along the drainageways and concave areas of slope faces. Walls­ Wasatch Front, and landslides were common, burg-35 percent, very cobbly loam, 30-70 percent Red Butte Canyon was no exception, Slope slopes, on ridges and convex areas of slopes where bed­ rock is near the surface, very dark grayish brown, shallow. sloughing, which killed the overlying perennial Other soils~ 10 percent. vegetation, was common throughout the canyon. HHF Harkers soils, 6 to 40 percent slopes. Moderately No doubt this compounded the stream sedi­ penneable, well drained. Loam and cobbly loam, on ment load during the spring of 1983 and for sloping old alluvial fans and steep mountain slopes. several years thereafter, In 1990 signs of the LSG Lucky Star gravelly loam, 40 to 60 percent 1982-83 slope sloughing were still clearly obvi­ slopes. Moderately permeable, well drained. Very dark ous in Knowltons Fork as well as in the upper grayish brown, deep on northerly sIpes. and lower portions ofthe main canyon, Natural Mu Mixed alluvial land. Poorly drained, highly stratified mixed alluvium on undulating, gently sloping, and nearly revegetation ofboth riparian and slope vegeta­ level flood . tion types has occurred since these floods, In particular, Acer negundo (boxelder) and Salix exigua (willow) have increased in frequency in during snowmelt, depending on air tempera­ the newly deposited alluvium along the stream­ tures and snowpack depth (primarily that of sides (Donovan and Ehleringer 1991), Recov­ upper Red Butte Canyon and Knowltons Fork), ery of the sloughed slopes, which were for the mostpartcoveredbyA grandidentatum (bigtooth The 1982--83 winter was one of unusually high maple) andQuercus gamhelii (Gambeloak), has precipitation along the Wasatch Front. Heavy proceededata slower rate, with those slopes still snows in mid-May 1983 were followed by dominated by herbaceous species, equally unusual warm temperatures at the end As part ofthe bench mark analysis, the U,S, of the month. As a consequence, stream flow Geological Survey monitors several major aspects rates peaked at record values, On 28 May 1983, ofstream quality in addition to stream discharge, Red Butte Creek crested at a discharge rate including water temperature, suspended sedi­ exceeding 2,97 m'/sec (104,9 ft'!sec) (stream ment, and chemical quality, Included with flow was above the maximum gage height), and chemical quality are specific conductance, pH, 104 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52

1.50 ' , , ~, (J) 1.25 '"E • Q) 1.00 OJ rn...... r:. () 0.75 .-(J) "'0 E 0.50 rn Q) ...... 0.25 (f) 'V w,,; , V:" '" '.; ": " ':; , v.: 'V ~ "'", " '-AJ 0 {Q /,9 ~ {Q ~$ "& "& 15'15' ~ 190 1915' <90

Fig. 6 Mean monthly discharge rates of Red Butte Creek just before it enters Red Butte Reservoir. Large and small tick marks indicate end-DC-year and mid-year points, respectively. Data are from U.S. Geological Survey records. dissolved oxygen concentration, coliform bacte­ water sources used by plants for growth (see ria, and ionic and dissolved elemental concen­ discussion below). Hydrogen isotope ratios trations (ammonium, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, (ratio of D/H of a sample to that of a standard) calcium, carbonate, chloride, chromium, cobalt, are measured relative to an ocean water stan­ copper, fluoride, iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, dard; samples lighter than oceanwater have less manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, deuterium and are therefore negative in their nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, potassium, selenium, values. Over the four-year measurement period silver, sodium, sulfate, strontium, vanadium, (1988-91), hydrogen isotope ratios of stream and zinc). The stream itself is strongly alkaline waters have averaged near - 1220/00, with the (pH 8.0--8.6), and travertine is deposited at sev­ only seasonal changes being more negative eral points along the stream (Bond 1979). values occurring during spring snowmelt. Typi­ Summertime stream flow represents cally the hydrogen isotope ratio ofwinter storm groundwater discharge, while the spring flows events (snow) is more negative than that of result primarily from snowmelt at higher eleva­ summer storms. The hydrogen isotope ratios of tions. Not all of the groundwater originating wells and springs near Pinecrest (immediately from upper-elevation sources enters the stream east ofRed Butte Canyon) are -1320/00, slightly before it leaves the canyon. Tracing the possible more negative than Red Butte Creek (Dawson sources ofwater into stream, and therefore that and Ehleringer 1991), and suggest that a frac­ water which is available to plants, is possible by tion of the groundwater originating from the analyzing the isotogic composition ofthat water. upper portions of the canyon may persist as The deuterium (H or D) to hydrogen ('H) underflow and does not enter the creek before ratios of stream waters have been measured leaving the watershed. Hely et al. (1971) indi­ since June 1988 at the USGS Bench Mark sta­ cated that substantial fracturing occurs in the tion and at the mouth of Parleys Fork by the bedrock of Red Butte Canyon, which would Stable Isotope Ratio Facilityfor Environmental have the effect of increasing groundwater loss Research at the University ofUtah (Dawson and from the canyon through these layers and not Ehleringer 1991). These naturally occurring via stream discharge. stable isotopes of hydrogen provide long-term Bond (1977, 1979) investigated nutrient­ data that are useful in addressing both long­ concentration patterns of stream flow in Red term regional climatic patterns and the specific Butte Creek. In particular, his studies focused 1992] RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 105

TABLE 3. Locations of weather stations of Red Butte Canyon. All stations were operated by the U.S. Army between 1942 and 1964, and only precipitation was recorded. The U.S. Geological Survey has maintained a storage gage at Red Butte #2 since 1964. The Biology Department at the University of Utah has maintained daily temperature, humidity, and wind speed ret'ords at Red Butte #2, Red Butte #4, and Red Butte #6 since 1982. Red Butte #1, while technically outside the canyon, forms an integrated part ofthe weather station complex.

Station Location Latitude Longitude Elevation Period

Red Butte #1 Fort Douglas 400 46' 110" 50' 1497m 1942-1964 Relocated to Biology 40' 46' 110· 50' 1515 m 1991-present Experimental Garden Red Butte #2 Head ofRed Butte 400 47' 111° 48' 1653 m 1942-1964 ReseIvoir 1982--present Red Butte #3 Along Red Butte Creek 400 48' Ill" 47' 1865m 1942-1952 at Brnsh Basin Red Butte #4 Along Red Butte Creek 400 48' 111'46' lS90m 1942-1971 100 m west of Beaver 1982-present Canyon Red Butte #5 Parleys Fork 100 m above 400 47' 111" 48' 1753 m 1942-1956 inlet to Red Butte Creek Red Butte #6 Upper end Knowltons Fork; 400 49' 111" 45' 2195m 1946-1971 relocated to top of Elk Fork 400 49' 111·46' 2195m 1982--present on relationships between nutrient transport out soonal systems penetrate into northern Utah. of the watershed and stream discharge rates. Mean annual precipitation ranges from about Solute concentration was not necessarily pro­ ,500 mm (20 in) at the lower elevation to approx­ portional to stream discharge, Instead, for many imately 900 mm (35 in) at the higher elevations ions, such as magnesium, sulfate, and chloride, (Hely et al. 1971, Bond 1977; Table 3). the relationship was logarithmic. The slopes of Precipitation stations have been monitored these relationships depend on whether stream in Red Butte Canyon by several groups. The flow is increasing (Le., spring snowmelt) or V, S, Army had six rain gages in operation decreasing. Over the course of the year, a loop between 1942 and 1964 (Table 3), Bond (1977) or directional trajectory was formed by having collected data at several of these stations two different slopes, For most ofthe major ions, between 1972 and 1974, In addition, the V,S. the trajectory was clockwise; that is, ionic con­ Geological Survey maintained storage gages at centrationwas greater in winterwhen flow rates Red Butte #2, Red Butte #4, and Red Bulle #6 were low than dUring summer. Plant growth of between 1964 and 1974. Since that time, they the dominant riparian species commences near have maintained a storage gage at Red Butte #2, the end of the snowmelt period, and it is ques­ Within the watershed, daily precipitation as tionable whether liparian species are able to rainfall is collected at each of the weather sta­ utilize the greater nutrient aVailability dUring tions; snowfall is not adequately measured by the snowmelt period. After snowmelt, stream the sensors in place. However, these data are discharge is based primarily on groundwater currently collected at Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake input. Nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate con­ City (same elevation as previous Red Butte #1, centrations in Red Butte Creek during ground­ but 4 km south). water discharge are low (Bond 1979), In Variation in annual precipitation within Red contrast, overall concentrations of calcium, Butte Canyon is strongly dependent on eleva­ magnesium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate are tion (Fig. 7), The slope of this relationship is much greater because of parent bedrock char­ similar to that obsenred for other mountainous acteristics. areas within the Great Basin (Houghton 1969), and precipitation at the Salt Lake City reporting CLIMATE station (Salt Lake City International Airport) falls on this relationship, Thus, while lacking Climatewithin Red Butte Canyon is charac­ continuous precipitation records for the canyon terized by hot, dry summers and long, cold proper, precipitation records available for Salt winters. Most precipitation occurs in winterand Lake City can be used as a preliminary basis for spring, with the summer rains less predictable estimating mean annual precipitation at differ­ and dependent on the extent to which mon- ent locations within the canyon. 106 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52

900 .() ° 20 E aDo E 10 700


-10 500 ~ 8 E 400 "' 0 ~ 6 ~ 0 00 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 00 ID 0 ~ 4 "- Elevation, m ~ 8. 2 ~ Fig. 7. Relationship between mean annual precipitation 0 and elevation for Red Butte Canyon storage gages Red Butte #1--#6. Shown also is the mean annual precipitation 40 for the primary station of Salt Lake City (Salt Lake City International Airport) as the open symbol. , 30 -'C N, 0 20 o RB.2 E 30 • RB4 0: b RS6 et 10 0 J FM A M JJ A S 0 N D

Fig. 8. Mean monthly air temperature, vapor pressure. and photosynthetically active solar radiation (400-700 nm) measured at Red Butte #2 between 1982 and 1990.

18,7and31.S C (66--89 F) at Red Butte#2, while o nighttime minimum temperatures ranged between 5,2 and 16.4 C (41-62 F) (Fig, 9), At the higher-elevation stations, daytime maximum air temperatures were lower. The difference in maximum temperatures was negatively related to elevation (maximum temperature rOC] = 34,3 Fig. 9. Mean monthly maximum and minimum air tem­ - 0,00494 ' elevation [m], r = ,91) at approxi­ perature at Red Butte #2 (1653 ill elevation), Red Butte #4 mately half the dry adiabatic lapse rate, On the (1890 ill elevation), and Red Butte #6 (2195 ill elevation) during the growing season between 1982 and 1990. other hand, nighttime minimum temperatures were not related to elevation, because of cool­ Air temperatures have been collected from air drainage effects (Fig, 9), Red Butte #4 is automated weather stations at Red Butte #2, located streamside within the canyon, whereas Red Butte #4, and Red Butte #6 since 19S2, the other two stations are above the channel of Mean monthly airtemperatures at Red Butte#2 cold air that develops at higher elevations and were below freezing in December and January pours down the canyon at night- As seen in and above 20 C in June, July, and August (Fig, Figure 9, this cold-air drainage effect at Red S), In contrast, mean monthly temperatures at Butte #4 (IS90 m [61S0 ft] elevation) depressed Red Butte #6 were below freezing only slightly nighttime minimum air temperatures by 4-8 C longer, from November through February, and (7--'14 F) below that observed at Red Butte #6 above 20 C in July and August, Duringthe main (2230 m [7292ft] elevation), growing period (May through September), day­ Photosynthetically active solar radiation time maximum temperatures ranged between (PAR, 400---700 nm), atmosphericvaporpressure, 1992] RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 107 and wind speed are also recorded at each of IDers as factors producing the variation in the these stations. Between 1982 and 1990, mean vegetative zones ofthe eastern boundary ofthe clair total PAR values have exceeded 40 mol Great Basin. Juniper is present in the central m- d-1 (Fig. 8), which is typical for mid-latitude Wasatch Range, but only three Utah juniper sites having only moderate cloudcover andlittle !juniperus osteosperma) are known to exist in summer precipitation. This number is quite Red Butte Canyon: a mature tree with a 0.5 m useful not only in estimating the availahle (1.6 ft) diameter trunk, located on the south photon flux for photosynthesis, but also in pro­ . slope ofParleys Forkand nearlyobscured bythe viding an estimate ofthe extent ofsolar heating more mesophytic vegetation, and two shrublike ofthe surface, which ultimately affects air tem­ plants 1-1.3 m (3--4ft) tall growing on the south­ peratures. Elevation has a limited impact on the west divide. PAR values within Red Butte Canyon, since the With few exceptions, notably the naturauzed difference in elevation is relatively small. How­ grasses Agrostis stolonifera (redtop bentgrass), ever, we suspect there may be relatively large Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), and Poa praten­ differences in PAR between Red Butte Canyon sis (Kentuckybluegrass), onlythe most common and Salt Lake City because of increased air indigenous plants that occur in the various plant pollutants within the city that tend to reflect the communities are listedbelow, primarilybecause sunlight before it strikes the earth's surface. the presence of introduced plants is usually Most notably we would see this as haze or smog dependent on disturbance and tends to fluctu­ within the valley that is lacking once in the ate accordingly. Some of the more frequently canyon. occurring introduced plants are listed in a sep­ Average monthly atmospheric vapor pres­ arate section. sure at site #2 showed little annual variation, RIPARIAN COMMUNITY.-From the point at ranging only about 3 mbar throughout the year which Red Butte Creek emerges from the (Fig. 8). Other sites exhibited a similar pattern. canyon and throughout the floor ofthe canyon This parameter is largely affected by large air the streamside vegetation (plants residing in soil mass movements; and since subtropical air kept moist to wet by the stream) consists chiefly masses do not move into this region during the ofwestern water birch (Betula occidentalis) and summer, the monthly changes in atmospheric mountain alder (Alnus incana), accompanied at vapor pressure change little during the course intervals by usually dense stands of red osier of the year. However, because of the large dogwood (Comus sencea) andwillow (Salix spp.). annual change in air temperature and the non­ Adjoining the stream along the floor of the linear dependence of the evaporative gradient canyon below and above the res€lVoir is an often on temperature, relative humidity levels are densely wooded strip consisting chiefly of substantially lower and evaporative gradients Cambel oak (Quercus gamhelii), boxelder (Acer are substantially higher during the summer negundo), and bigtooth maple (Acer grandi­ months. dentatum), many of these trees ranging from 9 to 18 m (30 to 60 ft) or more tall. Also included VASCULAR FLORA in this plant community are widely scattered individuals or small populations ofcottonwoods (Populus frerrwntii, P. angustifolia, and P. x From the mouth of Red Butte Canyon at acuminata), chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), about 1530 m (5020 ft), its walls rise to their Woods rose (Rosa woockii), bearberry honey­ highest point-2510 m (8235 ft)-at the head suckle (Lonicera involucrata), thimbleberry ofKnowltons Forkinthe northeast cornerofthe (Rubus parviflorus), serviceberry (Amelanchier canyon. Within thismodest rise of980 m (3215 alnifolia), western black currant (Ribes hud­ ft) occur four distinct plant communities: ripar­ sonianum), and golden currant (Ribes aureum). ian, grass-forb, oak-maple, and coniferous. Relatively few species of grass and forbs are Pinon-juniper and ponderosa pine communi­ found here, among them: ties, which often occur in this elevational range in Utah (Daubenmire 1943), are not present in Elymus glaucus blue wildrye Red Butte Canyon. Billings (1951, 1990), in Lomatium dissectum giant lomatium Mahonia repens discussions ofvegetational zonation in the Great (Berberis repens) grape Basin, cites a greater incidence of winter Osmorhiza chilensis sweet cicely cyclonic storms and slightly more moist sum- Paa compressa Canada bluegrass 108 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52

P. pratensis Kentucky bluegrass (Typha latifolia) covering approximately 0.25 Smilacina stellata wild lily-of-the-valley hectare (0.62 acre), only a lew scattered clumps S. racel1wsa false Solomon-seal Solidago canadensis goldenrod remained. According to Forest Service person­ nel, these losses would not have been as severe Beaver, once native, were reintroduced into had the beaver been active during /lood­ Red Butte Canyon in 1928 (Bates 1963) and ing. Species in the follOwing genera are among were active along Red Butte Creek and some of those undoubtedly affected: Eleocharis, Scir­ its tributaries for 54 years thereafter. Numerous pus,funcus, Agrostis, Catabrosa, Deschampsia, marshy areas between elevations of 1645 m Glyceria, Poa, Polypogon, Equisetum, Angelica, (5400 ft) and 2133 m (7000 ft) were created by Betula, Cicuta, Heradeum, Rudbeckia, Soli­ the impoundment of water due to their dam­ dago, Barbarea, Cardamine, Nasturtium, building activities. To prevent the beaver popu­ Rorippa, Lonicera, Comus, Trifolium, Mentha, lations from becoming undesirably large, the Nepeta, Lemna, Epilobium, Hahenaria, Pole­ Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in 1971 monium, Polygonum, Rumex, Aconitum, undertook management of the populations. In Ranunculus, Geum, Ribes, Salix, Minwlus, December 1981 a recommendation was made, Veronica, and Urtica. based on an analysis ofthe water supply to FOlt The U.S. Forest Service, Salt Lake Ranger Douglas from Red Butte Canyon, that all beaver District, requested the Utah Division of Wild­ be eliminated from the canyon because their life Resources to reintroduce the beaver during feces couldcontaminate the water with the par­ the summer of 1991. At the time of this publi­ asite Giardia lamblia. Accordingly, in 1982 the cation, beaver had not yet been reintroduced. It colonel in commandofFort Douglas applied for is hoped that with time the plant diversity typi­ and received from the Utah Division ofWildlife cally associated with beaver dams will be rees­ Resources a permit to remove the beaver from tablished. the canyon. Subsequently, all beaverwere "har­ GRASS-FORB COMMUNITY-According to vested." Stoddari (1941), the grasslands of northern Bates (1963) studied the impactofbeaveron Utah form the southernmost extension of the stream /low in Red Butte Canyon. The vegeta­ Palouse prairie. Of the two communities into tive cover was affected for approximately 91 m which the Palouse prairie is divided, only that (298 ft) on either side of the portion of the dominated by bluebunch wheatgrass (Elymus stream in which the beaver were active, and spicatus, originally known as Agropyron sediment deposited behind the beaver dams in spicatum) occurs in Red Butte Canyon. Rela­ the canyon varied from 0.6 to 2.4 m (2 to 8 ft) in tively large open areas inhabited by grasses and depth. He also noted that the small alluvial forbs, with an occasional big sagebrnsh (Artemi­ plains formed bythe sediment made it apparent sia tridentata), squawbush (Rhus trilobata), and that during periods ofhigh runoff, and perhaps bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata), are found during normal /low, the dams allowed the reten­ chiefly below the 1829 m (6000 ft) contour tion ofquantities ofsuspended materials. Schef­ (Kleiner and Harper 1966), although smaller fer (1938), in a report on beaver as upstream grass-forb associations also occur in forest clear­ engineers, ascertained that two heaver dams ings at higher elevations. Some of the more retained 4468 m' (157,786 ft') of silt. It is not commonly occurring species within the grass­ known whether an actual count ofthe number forb community at lower elevations are: of beaver dams in Red Butte Canyon was ever Achillea millifoliwn milfoil yarrow made; but the environmental change effected Alliu.m acuminatum tapertip onion Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed by their ultimate displacement during the 1983 Arabis holboeUii Holboell rockcress flooding of what had to have been enormous Aristida purpurea quantities ofsediment has been significant. The (A lungiseta) purple threeawn removal ofall inactive beaver dams has inevita­ Artemisia ludnviciana UJuisiana wormwood Astragalus utahensis Utah milkvetch bly led to the elimination oforsignificant reduc­ Aster adscendetlS everywhere aster tion in the densityofsome55 species oftypically Balsatnm"hiza macrophylla cutleaf balsamroot wetland plants from once marshy areas within Balsamorhiza sagittata arrowleaf balsamroot Red Butte Canyon. For example, in 1990 it was Bromus tectorum cheatgrass Cirsium uncb.datum gray thistle noted that in an area which once supported a Cullomia Unearls narrowleaf collomia nearly pure stand of closely spaced cattails Comandra. umbellata bastard toadflax 1992] RED BUrrE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 109

Crepis acumi"ata mountain hawksbeard MertenM breoistyla Wasatch bluebell C~=>plems langipes long.stalk spring-parsley Microseris nutans nodding scorzonella Elyrnus trachyClUlWs Phacelu~ hetefVphylla varileafscorpionweed (~gropyron caninum) slender wheatgrass Foa fetu:lleriana muttongra'ls EpUobiwn brachycarpum P protensis Kentucky bluegrass (E. paniculatum) autumn wiLlowherb Senecio inlegerrimus Columbia groundsel Erlger'Oll divergens spreading daisy Gutierrezia saruthrae broom snakeweed Mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus lalifo­ Hedy",,,,m boreale northern 5Weetvetch litis) occurs as individuals and as scattered, HelWmeris fTUjltiflora mostly small popnlations, often io association (Viguiern multiflora) showy goldeneye Lcmwtium triternatum. fernale lomatium with oak, sagebrush, or other mountain shrubs, Lupinus argentcus silvery lupine generally on northwest-facing, sparsely vege­ M

PLANTS ENDEMIC TO UTAH.-0n1y two spe­ least six of them would not ordinarily occur cies occurring in Red Butte Canyon are said to within the elevationallimits ofthe canyon: be endemic to Utah: Angelica wheele,i Wats. Agrostis semiverticil1ata water polypogon (Mathias and Constance 1944-45) (Wheeler Amsinckia tes:sellata rough 6ddleneck angelica) and Erigeron arena,ioid£s (D. C. Angelicapinnata small-leaved angelica Eat) Gray (rock fleabane). Angelica wheeZeri °B,;ckeUia gmndiflora tasselflower Castilleja_an~tifoli

upperportionsofthecanyon typically consisting 2200 , aspen conifer ofsummer-active scrub oak, aspen, and conifer­ ous forest communities (Fig. 10). Composition within each of these communities is not con­ E c 2000 stant, but instead species vary in their impor­ scrub maple tance within a community type as orientation scrub oak and elevation change, These elevation gradients I represent a continuum of moisture availability, 1800 1--______with high temperatures and low precipitation gl8Ssland amounts at lower elevations making conditions I more xeric, while slope orientations less south­ erly in exposure become progressively more mesic within an elevation band. Soil type (Fig, 5) and depth also playa major role in affecting plant distribution by providing variation in the Fig. 10 Distribution, by elevation, of the major plant water-holding capacity ofthe substrate. The dis­ communities in Red Butte Canyon. tribution of the scrub-oak community to the highest elevations within the canyon is most been present in the canyon at one time or likely related to soil conditions, since at high another. Only two populations present in 1971 elevations scrub oak persists on south-, east-, are definitely known to have been eliminated: and west-facing slopes that would normally be Laduca biennis (biennial wild lettuce), which expected to be dominated byaspen ifitwere not was introduced into Utall from the north about for the very shallow, rocky soils that typifY these 1967 but did not sUMve; and Solulngo elevations within Red Butte Canyon, (western goldenrod), a single occidentalis Red Butte Canyon has been largely pro­ streamside population at the mouth of the tected from grazing since its acquisition by the canyon taken out by the 1983-84 flooding, U.S. Army almost a century ago. The conse­ According to Albee et aI. (1988), the 390 quence ofthis lack ofgrazing pressure at lower indigenous species reported from Red Butte elevations is a recovery to near pristine levels, Canyon (Arnow 1971) also occur in at least one and this is clearly reflected in the early commu­ other canyon to the south, Arnow et a1. (1980) nity analyses of Evans (1936) and Cottam and and Albee et ai, (1988) indicate that roughly 130 Evans (1945). Within the scrub oak and grass­ native plants not found in Red Butte Canyon land communities of Red Butte Canyon and have been collected between an elevation of adjacent Emigration Canyon, a canyon annually 1828 and 2438 m (6000 and 8000 ft) in canyons exposed to sheep grazing, there are large differ­ having a greater altitudinal range in southern ences in plant density (Fig, 11). Emigration Salt Lake County. This figure indicates that the Canyon was Originally described by early pio­ floristic diversity in Red Butte Canyon, while neers as having a dense vegetation at lower greater than that in heavily disturbed Emigra­ tion Canyon (Cottam and Evans 1945), is less elevations, However, grazing not only reduced than that in canyons farther south. that cover but also increased the fraction of the plant cover occupied by ruderal, weedy species Nomenclatural changes since Arnow (1971) are listed in the Appendix. (Cottam and Evans 1945), While plant density in Red Butte Canyon may begreater and weedy species composition lower as a result ofreduced PLANT ECOLOGY disturbance and grazing, the canyon is not free of these weedy components and historical VEGETATION DISTRlBlJl10N.-A number of effects (as noted in early sections). Dam con­ studies have focused on describing the vegeta­ struction during the 1920s and other U.S. Army tion distribution within Red Butte Canyon activities within the lower portions ofRed Butte (Kleiner and Harper 1966, Swanson, Kleiner, Canyon have resulted in sufficient disturbance and Harper 1966, Kleiner 1967). There is a that many ruderal, weedy species, such as strong xeric to mesic elevation gradient, with Grindelia squarrosa (curly gumweed), Laduca lower portions of the canyon dominated by a serriola (prickly lettuce), and Polygonum aoi­ spring-active grassland community and the culat'e Omotweed), are now common. 112 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52

Samuelson (1950) conducted an analysis • Red Bune similar to that of Cottam and Evans (1945) on o Emigration the algal components of the streams in Red Butte and Emigration canyons. He observed tbat as a result of livestock grazing and human settlement, sediment load and turbidity were much greater in Emigration than in Red Butte Creek. The consequence ofthis stream-quality -ffi difference was the dominance by algal genera in c:: '0 Emigration Creek that are turbidity tolerant, such as Oscillatoria and Phormidium. Con­ , versely, in the clear waters of Red Butte Creek filamentous algae, primarily Nostoc, were most o 1515 1700 2060 common. Overall algal densities were three '625 times greater in Red Bulle Creek. owing to the Transect elevation. m greaterlight penetration into that stream. At the same time, Whitney (1951) compared the dis_ Fig. 1L A comparison ofthe plant cover in open grass· tributions ofaquatic insects in the two streams. land communities ofdifferent elevations in Red Butte aim Emigration canyons. Adapted from Cottam and Evans He found that densities of aquatic insects were (W45). greater in Red Bulle Creek. Of those insects persisting in Emigration Creek, there was a even though there may be little summerprecip­ preponderance ofspecies characterized by gills itation (Dina 1970, Dina and Klikoff 1973). protected from silt, which would better allow ADAPfATION.-ln the nonforested portions them to tolerate the more turbid conditions in of the Intermountain West, plant growth is Emigration Creek. largely restricted to spring and early summer PHENOLOGY.-Plant activity is governed by periods by cold temperatures dUring winterand two parameters: temperature and soil moisture limited water availability dUring the summer availability. Cold winter temperatures limit (Caldwell 19&5, Dobrowolski, Caldwell, and growth activity between November and March Richards 1990, Comstock and Ehleringer 1992). (Caldwell 1985, Comstock and Ehleringer A number of recent reviews have addressed 1992). While a limited number ofspecies, such adaptation characteristics of plants growing in as the early spring ephemeral Ranunculus tes­ these environments (Caldwell 19&5, DeLucia ticulatus (bur buttercup), may begin activity and SeWesinger 1990, Smith and Knapp 1990, during warm periods in February, most annuals Smith and Nowak 1990). For the most part, do not begin growth until the warm periods plants within Red Butte Canyon are exposed to between snowstorms in early March. At lower a hot, dry environment, with little relief from elevations, a number of herbaceous perennials developing water stress dUring the summer such as Balsam01hiza macrophylla (cutleaf montbs. The only clear exception to this pattern balsamroot) may begin to leafoutdUring March, is the series of plants within the riparian com­ but most woody perennials do not leafout until munities along the canyon bottom. To gain a mid- to late April. The annuals and most herba­ better understanding of this occurrence, many ceous species at lower elevations have com­ of the recent ecolOgical researchers within the pleted growth and reproduction by mid-June Red Butte Canyon RNA have focused on mech­ and then remain dormant until the follOwing anisms by which plant species have adapted to autumn or spring (Smedley et al. 1991). In con­ limited water availability. trast, woody species at lower elevations remain Among the fIrst ecophysiological studies ,vas active from April t1lfough October, although the that by Dina (1970), who examined water stress vast majority ofthe growth \vill occur dUring the levels ofthe dominant tree species in the lower spring (Donovan and Ehleringer 1991). At pOltions of the canyon: Acer grandidentatum higher elevations, vegetative and reproductive (bigtooth maple), AceI' uegundo (boxelder), growth are delayed until late Mayor June by Artemisia t1'identata (big sagebrush), Purshia cold tempemtures. Plants at the higher eleva­ tT'identata (billerbrush), and Quercus gambelii tions will remain active throughout the summer, (Gambel oak). Dina (1970) observed that 1992] RED BUTIE CANYON RESEARCH NATIJRAL AREA 113

6 availability are avoidance and tolerance. Avoid­ ­, ance ofwater stress is accomplished bycomple­ o • grasses tionofgrowth and reproductive activities before E 5 o o forbs the onsetofthe summerdrought, whereas toler­ E ance is associated with the evolution offeatures E 4 that allow plants to persist through the drought period. Several interesting studies have been con­ 3 ductedin Red ButteCanyon thatshedlight onto the nature of a plant's ability to tolerate water stress and persist through time. Treshow and 2 Harper (1974) examined longevity of herba­ ceous perennials in grass, mountain brush, aspen, and conifer communities throughout tbe 1 canyon. They observed that life expectancies of dominant herbaceous perennial species, such as o Astragalus utahensis (Utah milkvetcb), Balsa­ morhiza macrophylla (cutleaf balsamroot), April May June Hedysarum boreale (northern sweetvetch), and Wyethia amplexicaulis (mulesears), are rela­ Fig. 12. The mean water-use efficiency values for tively sbort (3-20 years) when compared to the grasses and forbs within the grassland community of Red longer-lived (>65 years) grass species, such as Butte Canyon during main period of the growing season. Water·use efficiencies were calculated from carbon isotope Agropyron spicatum (bluebuncb wheatgrass) discrimination values from Smedley et al. (1991) and the and Stipa comata (needle-and-thread). The vapor pressure data in Figure 8. inability to persist through successive drought years may be one of the reasons that dicotyle­ midday leafwater potentials of -30 to -65 bars donous species have shorter life expectancies develop in perennials occupying slope sites than monocotyledonous species. Related to this, during late summer, whereas water potentials of Smedley et al. (1991) examined the water-use adjacent riparian tree species are maintained effiCiency of these and other herbaceous grass­ between - 20 and - 30 bars during the same land species. Water-use efficiency, the ratio of periods. Water potentials in the range of-10 to photosynthesis to transpiration, selVes as a mea­ -IS bars cause many crop species to wilt and sure of how much photosynthetic carbon gain close their stomata, reducing transpirational occurs per unit water loss from the leaf. Dicot water loss. Tolerance ofyvater stress levels as low herbaceous perennials had consistently lower as -40 to -60 bars is thought to occur in only water~use efficiencies than thei.f monocot coun­ the most drought-adapted aridland species. terparts (Fig. 12). The differences in intrinsic These late-summer water potential values on water-use effiCiency within this life form may be slope species are sufficiently low to close sto­ a major contributing factor to the shorter life mata and reduce photosyntbesis to near zero expectancy in dicot herbaceous species. Consis­ values. In Dina's (1970) study photosynthetic tent with this pattern, Smedley et al. (1991) rates of riparian species decreased by 5~0% observed that water-use efficiency of annual from nonstress values, but riparian trees were species is significantly lower tban that ofperen­ able to maintain positive net photosynthetic nial species in grasslands along the lower por­ rates throughout the summer. More recently, tions of the canyon. They also observed that Dawson and Ehleringer (1992) and Donovan perennials which persist longerinto the summer and Ehleringer (1991) conducted related stud­ drought period have higher water-use efficien­ ies and again observed that photosynthetic cies than those species that became dormant in carbon gain ofslope species is largely limited to late spring. During 1983-90, precipitation was spring and early summer, whereas riparian spe­ unusually low. The effects of the three-year cies are able to maintain photosynthetic rates drought are now seen in Gambel oak and throughout the year, albeit that photosynthetic bigtooth maple at theirlowerdistribution limits, rates are lower in summer than in spring. especially on shallow soils, where stem dieback Two common responses to limited water has become prevalent. 114 CHEAT BASIN NATURAlJST [Volume 52


March April May

f'i~. 13. HeiRht ofCY"kJPteruS fOflgipe.s uhovc the ~round SUlfacc at different nlonths Juring the splinggrowing st:<'l.,;on. Aftt~r Werk et al. (1986).

Ehleringer (I988) examined leaf-level peratures are substantially higher than the opti­ adaptations ofplants along theentireelevational mum photosynthetic temperahrre for the eleva­ transect within Red Butte Canyon. This study tor plant and result in both a decreased focused on determining pattenJS of lear angle photosynthetic rate and a decreased water-use am] leaf absorptanc:e variation among species efficiency (Werk et al. 1986). To increase both within eommunities exposed to different degrees the rate of photosynthetic carbon gain and of drought stress. Increased leaf angle and water-use efficiency, the pseudoscape elongates decreased lear absorptance reduce the solar as spring temperatures progressively increase energy incident on leaves and are viewed as (Fig. 13). The result is that wbat was once a mechanisms for both reducing leafenergy loads prostrate canopy is elevatedabove the warm soil (reducing leaf temperature) and increasing surface and now exposed to cooler air tempera­ water-use effidem.:y. Along a transect from tures ahove the grouml surface. 'Verk et al. gmssland through <...'Onifcrous forest, very few (1986) showed that the rate at which the plant species exhibit any significant changes in psuedoscape elongates is dependent on the rate leaf absorptance. However, leaf angles among ofsoil-surfal.'e heating. Plants from protectedor species become progreSSively steeper in drier north-facing sites elongate less than those from habitats. This pattern is l.-onsistent with the exposed, southerly sites. notion that as plants are exposed to progres­ Donovan and Ehleringer (1991) examined sively dtier environment'i, the general adaptive relationships between water use and the likeli­ response ofspecies within the community is to hood of establishment by common shrub and increase leaf angle, therehy reducing incident tree species in the lower portions ofReu Butte solar radiation levels. Canyon. They ohscrved that photosynthesis is In the gra~slands on the luwer portions of greater in seedlings than in adults throughout Red Butte Canyon is a most unusual plant spe­ mostofthegmwingseason, hut that waterstress cies, Cymopterus longipes (long-stalk spling­ anel water-use efficiency are lower in seedlings. parsley). Sometimes known as the "elevator Seedling mortality in several of the species is plant:' C. l,mgipes is a prostrate herbaceous associateo. with higher water-use efficiencies, perennial with an elongating pseudoscape (a suggesting that mortality selection Ol.'Curs with scape is a leafless floweling stalk arising from greater frequency in seedlings that are conser­ ground level; the pseudoscape is an elongation vative in their water use hefore they have estab­ of the leaf-bealing stem in the region between lished suffiCiently deep roots to sunove the long the roots and existing leaves). Other summer drought peliod. Cynwptems species also have a pseudoscape, Few studies have addressed ecophysiologi­ but in none of the other species is it as well cal aspects of liparian ecosystems in the Inter­ developed as in C. longipes. In spling, solar mountain West. This is somewhat surprising heating ofthe ground surface increases soil and since riparian ecosystems aTC most often among leaf temperatures and can result in moderately the first to be damaged by human-related activ­ warm leaftemperatures (30-J5 C). These tem- ities, from outdour recreation to water I t 1992] RED BUlTE CANYON RESEAlICH NATUM!. AIIEA 115 -50 t~ • 0 Acer grandidenlatum o A. • 0 Acernegundo -- o -70 A Quercusgambem m..... Cl-l! A Ql • • Q...... Ql • o -90 -o ~ • --en c E -110 Ql Ql ground water Ol ->...... o X . o -130 • 0 Q 00 I o o

-150 o 12.5 25 37.5 50

DBH of main tree trunk, em

Fig. 14. Hydrogen isotope ratio of1>tcm waters of three cornHlon .1rcmmide tn:e spet.ies in Parleys Fork ofRtd Butte Canyon 9.<; a function ofthe diameter at brea\t height oftht: mllin trunk. Plotted a.~ gray bars llre also the hydrogen hotope ratios of the three pussible water sourCljS for these plants: local precipitation, stream water, and groundwater. Opell symbols represent streamside pl.mts aud closet! symbols represent non.<;j;ream.~ide plants. Adapted from Dawson and Eh.leringer (1990. impoundment to grazing. Red Butte Canyon, as sources currently used by tI,at plant. Rain, one ofthe few remaining riparian systems in the groundwatcrs, and stream waters differ in their Intermountain West not severely impacted by hydrogen isotope ratios, providing a signal dif­ human aetivities, is ideal for studies ofthe adap­ ference that could be detected by stem-water tations of riparian plants and for comparative analyses. Dawson and Ehlennger (1991) studies ofspecies sensitivities to human-related observed that among mature tree species none activities. were directly using stream water (Fig. 14). All In a recent study Dawson and Ehleringer were using waters from a much greater depth, (1992) examined water sources used by riparian which had a hydrogen isotope ratio more nega­ plants species. In their study, phmts were segre­ tive than either stream water or precipitation. gated according to microhabitat and size: Young streamside trees utili'l.ed sh'eam water, streamside versus nonstreamside and juvenile but only when smalL Young trees at nonstream­ versus adult (based on diameter at breast height). Their results were rather startling and siue locations utilized precipitation, having suggest that a new per~pective is necessill)' a<..'Cess to neither stream water nor deeper when evaluating liparhm c.'Ommunities, their groundwater, One possible reason that stream­ establishment potentials, and theirsensitivity to side trees Illay not depend on stream water is disturbance. Dawson and Ehleringer (1991) that this surface water source may occasionally used hydrogen isotope Hnalyses of stem waters dry up during extreme drought years and to determine the extent to which different cat­ become unavailable to these trees; another is egories of ripaJian trees utilize stream water, that stream channels occasionally change their recent precipitation, or grounuwater. Hydrogen course, and dependence on surface moisture isotopes ra.fe not fmctionated hy roots during 'would then result in increased drought stress water uptake; therefore, the hydrogen isotope and likely increased mortality rates. The long­ ratios of stem water \viU reflect the water term stream discharge mtes suggest that stream 116 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST [Volume 52 water may be less dependable than deeper to 1982. The loss of active heaver dams in the groundwater sources (Fig. 6). early 1980. has doubtless greatly reduced the Many plants do not contain both male and populations of small mammals that are female reproductive structures in their flowers, restricted to tl,e mesic-marshy habitats of the but are present as either male or female plants canyon. (dioecy). Freeman et al. (1976, 1980) noted that Nonetheless, based on the altitudinal gradi­ dioecy is a common feature of plants in the ent and vegetational diversity of Red Butte Intermountain West. Furthermore, they Canyon, a total of51 species ofmammals should obselved that the two sexes are usually not ran­ hypothetically occur there. Below is a list ofthe domly distributed across the landscape. Rather 39 species of mammals known to occur in Red there is a spatial segregation of the two sexes Butte Canyon. such that females tend to predominate in less INsa:rM:lRA-SORICIDAK stressful microsites (wetter, shadier, etc.), Sorex paiustns water shrew whereas males occur with greater frequencies Sorex vagrans wandering shrew on more stressful sites (drier, sunnier, saltier, Sorex cinereu8 masked shrew etc.). In Red Butte Canyon, Freeman et al. CHIKOPl'ERA-VRSPEIfI1IJONADAF. Eptesicus ffL~CW big brown bat (1976) investigated spatial distributions ofAce.­ LACOMORl'H/I.-LF,J'ORIDAF: negundo (boxelder, a riparian tree) and Thalic­ Lepus townsendi white-tailed jackrabbit tmmfendleri (Fendler meadowrue, a perennial SylvUagus nuttallii Nuttall cottontail herb). Inboth species, there was a strongspatial RODEN'11A-SclURlDAJ:; TamUlsciuru.'l hudsoflicus red squirrel segregation ofthe two sexes. MarmotaJlavivenler yellow-bellied marmot Dawson and Ehleringer (1992) have fol­ SpenMphiuu anruz.tus Uinta ground squirrel lowed up on the initial observations of spatial Spennophilus oori£gatus rock squirrel segregationinAcernegulldo (boxelder), seeking Eutamias minimus least chipm\lOk CIa=muJS "Jm,w., northern flying squirrel to determine whether intrinsic pbysiological RODENTIA-CROMYIDAF. differences among the sexes may contribute to Thomomys trupoides northern pocket gopher plant mortality in different microsites. They TJultlwmys bottae botta pocket gopher observed that female trees have significantly RODENTIA---G\sJ'ORIDAR beaver lower water·use efficiencies than male trees on Castor cantJdensi.s ROOEN'llA-MuRmA.Io: both streamside (where female predominate) Reithrodontomys megaloti8 western harvest mouse and nonstreamside locations (where males pre­ Pemmyscus maniculUtus deer mouse dominate). Male trees exhibit a higher water­ PeronuJscus boyUi brush mouse use efficiency in dry sites than in streamside Cl£thrionomys gapperi red-backed vole Ondatm zibetlUcus muskrat locations, but female trees exhibit no such Phenacomys intemwtlius heather vole response across microhabitats. The lack of a Microtus montanus montane vole change in water-use effiCiency by female trees Microtus longicaudus long-tailed vole on dry, nonstreamside locations may conbibute Aroicola richardsoni water vole RODENIlA-ZAI'ODIDAE to an increased mortality rate, which then Zapus prim-eps western jumlling mouse ultimately results in a male-biased sex ratio at RODENTlA:-EHETHIZONTJDAE these sites. Erothium dorsatum porcupine CARNlV01\A------CANIDAE Catli.s latrar~'l coyote MAMMALIAN FAUNA ('"ABNJVOllA-PIIOCYONIDAF: Bassarn(,'US astutus ring-tailed cat Procyon lotor mooon The mammalian fauna ofRed Butte Canyon CAKNIVORA-MuSTEUDAE is remarkably diverse, due in part to the altitu­ Musteki frenota long-tailed weasel dinal gradient and numerous small patches of Mustela emJinea ennine various plant communities indigenous to the Mastel(/. vison mink • Taxidea taxus badger area. A particularly rich small mammal fauna is Mephitis mephitis sbiped skunk associated with the patches of riparian habitat CARNImAA-FF.uDAF. along Red Butte Creek and its tributaries. Prior Lynxoujus bobcat to the run-off of 1983, riparian habitats were FelUi cone%r mountain lion AJmODAC'Ii'lA~ERVlDAE much more extensively developed than at pres­ Cerofl,.'; caruldensis elk ent. Numerous marshy meadows existed in Odoccileus hemionus mule deer association with large, active beaver dams prior Alces americanus moose 1992J RED BUTTE CANYON RESEARCH NATURAL AREA 117

Some of the larger species have been GAUJFORMES-T'E'rRA.ONIDAE observed only occasionally, such as the bobcat, Dendragapus obscun"S Blue Crouse Bonasa umheUus Ruffed Grouse mountain lion, and moose. But others such as GAUlFORMES-PHASlANIDAE the mule deer, elk, and coyote are observed with Lophortyx californicus Quail high frequency at some seasons. A rather rich Phasianus colchtcm Ring-necked Pheasant rodent fauna inhabits the canyon, with many of Alectoris groeca Chub, SmGlFORMES----$TRICIDAE the species preferentially occupying the moist ow..Jlommeo"" Flammulated Owl riparian communities of grasses, forbs, and Bubo virginianU$ Creat Homed Owl shrubs. Thus, the red-backed vole, heathervole, Asio Qtl~ Long-eared Owl montane vole, long-tailed vole, water vole, and COAACIIFORMES-ALCEDlNIDAE Megaceryle alcyon Belted Kingflsher jumping mouse are virtually restricted to the PIClFORMES-PlCIDAE small mesic meadows along Red Butte Creek Colaptes cafer Red-shafter Flicker and its tributaries. Similarly, the three species of Sphyrapiws variw Yellow-bellied Sapsucker shrews in the canyon are distributed almost Dendrocopus vUlcsus Hairy Woodpecke, Dendroccpus pubescens Downy Woodpecker exclusively in the riparian habitats. PASSERIFORMES-CoRVIDAE In some larger meadows, such as along Par­ Cyanodtta stelleri Steller's Jay leys Fork and at PorcupineGulch, the microtine Apheloroma coe.wescens Scrub Jay rodenIs are distributed in a strongly zonal pat­ Picapiro Magpie PASSERIFORMES-PAJUDAE tern. Long-tailed voles are found in the driest Paros atricapilLus Black-capped Chkkadee parts of the meadows, montane voles in the Parus gamheli Mountain Chickadee more mesic areas where grasses, sedges, and Psaltriparus minimiLS Common Bushtit forbs comprise a diverse community, and water PASSERIFOI:\.MES--SlTIIDAE voles in the immediate streamside area, their Sitta cafllJliemis Red-breasted Nuthatch PASSERlFOnMES---CERnIllDAE burrows often entering the bank at the water's Certhiafamiliaris Brown Creeper edge. Red-backed voles aod heather voles are PASS£RlFOI:\.MEs--ClNCLlDAE typically found around the bases of willows in Cindus mexicanus Dipper PASSERIFORMEs-TmmIDAE the meadows, as well as around the edges of Myadestes townsendi Townsend's Solitaire conifers at higher elevatioos. PASSERIFORMES-----SYLwIJDAE Afew species are found only at higher eleva­ Regulus satrapa Colden-crowned Kinglet tions in association with Pseudotsuga menz/esii PASSERlFORMES--5TURNIDAE Stunws vulgaris Starling (Douglas-fir) and Populus tremuloides (aspen). P ASSERIFORMES---ICTERIDAE These include the red squirrel, Uinta ground StumeUa neglecta Western Meadowlark squirrel, yellow-bellied marmot, and least chip­ PASSERIFORMES--FRINGULlDAE munk. The oak-mountain mahogany zone Carpodacu.s mericanus House Finch Spinus pinus Pine Siskin seems to be the preferred habitat of the rock Junco oreganus Oregon Junco squirrel and perhaps the ring-tailed cat as well. Several disseltations dealing with the ecology In addition to the species that are permanent andphysiological adaptations ofshrews, microtine residents in Red Butte Canyon, the follOwing rodents, anJjumping mice have utilized study list ofsummer residents represents species that sites in Red Butte Canyon (Forslund 1972, probahly also nest in the canyon: Cranford 1977). ANSERIFORMES-ANATIDAE Ana" pwtyNujndw' Maliai'd Duck FALCONlFORMES-AOC1PlTJUDAE AVIAN FAUNA Buteojamaicensls Red-tailed Hawk Aquila chrysaetc, Golden Eagle In his study of the birds of Red Butte FALCONIFORMES--FALCONIDAE Canyon, Perl)' (1973) found that 106 species Falco $TJar0eriu3 Sparrow Hawk occurred in the area during his study. Ofthese, CHARADRllFORMES-ScoLOPACIDAE 32 species are permanent residents and 44 are Actitis macularia Spntted Sandpipe' CoWMBIFOHMES--CoLUMBIDAE summer residents. The remainder (30) are Zenaidura macroUf'Q Mourning Dove migrants or winter residents. The permanent APoDJFORMES--TRocHIUDAE resident birds include: Archilochus alexandri B1ack-chinned Hummingbird F ALCONlFORMES-ACCIPITRIDAE Broad-tailed Acdpitergent/lis Goshawk Hummingbird Accipiterstriatus Sharp-shinned Hawk PASSERlFORMBS--l)RANNrDAE Accipiter cooperi Cooper's Hawk Empidonax oberholseri Dusky Flycatcher 118 GREAT BASIN NATUHALIST [Volume 52

Empidmul.y. difliciLi,~ Western Flycatcher Research Natural Areas provide several spe­ C(mlolm.sociation and interac­ p....ss F:IIII'OIl.\tES-THOCI.Q1)'(J"II)AE tion of scientists from diHerent disciplines Troglodytes Oedlnl Honsc Wren leading to discoveries unlikely to occur without Salrnnl,tes ()bslJ!{.~J,.~ Rock Wren such an association. Conducting research at P,\SSF,H.II"ORM F;s-TuRf)lnAt: common locations is key to developing these Turrlu.~ llIif.,fTlltoriUS Robin tly[ovich/a guttata llermit Thrush interactions. Research Natural Areas not only Hylodchfa 1lsluu!ta Swniosou's Thrush assist in the progress of basic sdence, but also Sialia (,.lm1lcoides Mountain Bluebird provide federal andstate agencies with informa­ PASSEIUFOIIMES-5Yl..N'IIDAR tion upon which to base management decisions. Poliop!;llJ caemleo Blm.....gmy Cnalcatcher PI\SSJ\ RIF'OIl MJ·:.s--VIHt:ONU>A F. The melding of emsystem preservation and Vireo {.,rilvlls Warbling Vireo research on basic e<..'Ological processes at p",'iSlmtFOItMF:S--PAllUI,IDAt: Research Natural Arcas provides numerous Venrrict1rt'l cclata Omnge-crowrk:d Warbler valuable options to SOCiety. The Red Butte Vel'1uivom 1JiI-giniae Virginia's \Varbler Dendroica petechia Yellow Warbler Canyon RNA serves this purpose well. Although {)(mdrnu:ll alU!Jl!JotU Audubon's Wnrbltr initially affected by human acti\,ties during the 0T'(Jmnlj,~ !olmie; MucGillivray's Warbler early settlement of the Salt Lake Valley, the WiLmnia rmilla WiL"on's Warbler canyon was soon set aside bythe federal govern­ PASS~:IIIFOI\ MRs-Ien:RrDA E lct(,.'Tu..~ IJfllli.ckii Bullock's Oriole ment and has now had nearly a century to Molothm<; liter Brown-headed Cowbird recover (though the loss of beaver represents a p .... SS Iml!"O!\ MF:s-TII HI'. lJI'l[JAE Significant impact to the ecology ofthe Iiparian Pinmga ludovidana Western Tanager ecosystem). Other canyons in the Wasatch l'ASS F.J\IFO[~MF.'i-FHIM;ILU DAF. Ran~e l'hel(ticw~ mel6lwccplllliWi Black-headed Gmsbeilk have not received equivalent protection. t'assennll mnoenn l..

Federal land-management agencies have LITERATURE CITED been developing a national system of Research Natural Areas since 1927. More than 400 areas have received this designation nationally. Sin<..:e An asterisk (0) refers to studies conducted in inception ofthe RNA Program, there have been Red Butte Canyon, hut not specifically cited in two primary purposes for Research Natural this manuscript. Areas: ALBP:~:. B. J., L. M. SHULTZ, andS. GOO])[1,ICII, 1988. Atlas 1. to preserve a representative array of all ofthe vascullirplantsofUtah. Utah M\L~eUm of Natural City Significant natural ecosystems fUld their History, Salt utke 670 pp. ANol\'nwus. 1954. History of Fort Douglas. Compiled by inherent processes a.s baseline areas; and Fort Douglas Army Engineers Office. 2. to obtain, through scientific educ-<1tion and All NOW. 1.. A. 1971. Vascular noraoflk..d Butte Canyon, Salt research, infonnation about natural system Lake CoUllt)'. Utah. Muster's thesis. University ofUtah, components, inherent processes, and com­ Snit Lake City. 388 pp. -,n0 198J. Poa ~'e("1mda Presl. versus P. sandlJet"brii Vase)' parisons with representative manipulatetl (Poaceae). SystematiC Botany 6: 4J2-421. systems. ___.. 1987. Graminp..

N. D. Atwood. L. C.lliggins, and S. Goodrich, A Utah lisbed doctoml dissertation, University of Utah, Salt flora. Brigham Young University Press. Provo, Utah. Lake City. AHNOW, L. A., B. ALBER. and A. 'WYCKOFF, 1980. Flora of DINA, S. J., and L. G. KLJKOFF. 1973. Carbon dioxide the central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Museum of exchange by several stream side and scrub oak commu­ Natural History. Salt Lake City. 663 pp. nity species of Red Butte Canyon, Utah. American ARRINGTON, L. J., and T. G. ALEXANDER. 1965.11le U.S. Midland Naturalist 89: 10-80. Army overlooks Salt Lake Valley, Fort Douglas 1862­ DoBROWOLSKI, J. P., M. M. CALDWF.LL. and J. H. RLclI­ 1965. Utah Historical QUlll'terly 33,327-350. AIWS. 1990. Basin hydrology and plant root systems. BATES, J. W. 1963. The effects ofbeaver on stream flow. Job Pages 243-292 in C. B. Osmond, L. F. Pitelkn, and Completion Report for Federal Aid Project W-65-R. G. M. Hidy, eds., Plant biology ofthe Basin

birds of Red Butte Canyon. Unpublished master's lished master's thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. City. -PETlmSON. B. Y.1953. Taxonomy and biology ofthe black WOODWARD, L., J. 1... HARVEY, K. M. DoNALDSON, J. J. flies ofSalt Lake County. Unpublished master's thesis, SHIOZAICI, C. W. LEISHMAN. and J. H. BRODERICK. University of Utah, Salt Lake City. 1974. Soil survey of Salt Lake area, Utah. U.S. Soil SAMUELSON, J. A. 1950. A quantitative comparison of the Conservation Service in Cooperation with Utah Agri­ algal populations in t'M) Wasatch Mountalo streams. cultural Experiment Station. 132 pp. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Utah, Salt Lake C;ty. Received 14 No""mherl991 SCHEFFER. V. 8.1938. Management studies oftranspJanted Accepted 1 June 1992 beaverin the Pacific Northwest. North American Wild­ life Transactions 6: 320-326. SIEBEN, D. J. 1981. The taxonomy of the genus Euthamia. ApPENDIX Rhodora 83,557-579. SMEDLEY. M. P., T. E. DAWSON, J. P. CoMSTOCK, L. A. Nomenclatural Changes in the Flora, DoNOVAN, D. E. SHERRILL, C. S. COOK, and J. R. EHL.ERINGElt 1991. Seasonal carbon isotopicdiscrim­ 1971-1990 ination in a grassland community. Oecologia 85: 314­ 320. The follOwing is a list of nomenclatural and SMITH, S. D" and R S. NOWAK. 1990. Ecophysiology of orthographic changes made since publication of plants in the intermountain lowlands. Pages 179-241 the Vascular Flora of Red Butte Canyon, Salt in C. B. Osmood, L. F. melh, and G. M. fudy. eds .• Lake County. Utah (Arnow 1971). Family Plant biology ofthe Basin and Range. Springer Verlag, New York. names offlowering plants are changed to accord SMITH, W. K., and A. K. KNAPP. 1990. Ecophysiologyofh;gh with those used by CronqUist (1981). All other elevation forests. Pages 87-142 in C. B. Osmond, L. F. name changes are contained in Welsh et al. Pitelka, and C. M. Hidy, eds., Plantbiology ofthe Basin (1987) unless otherwise specified. and Range. Springer Verlag, New York. SToDDART. L. A. 1941. The Palouse grassland nssociation in AMARANI1L\CEAE northern Utah. Ecology 22,158-163. Amanmtrnu graecizans ofAmerican authors. not L. :: A SwANSON, C., E. KLEINER, and K.. 1: HARPER. 1966. A blitoides Wats. vegetational study of Red Butte Canyon, Salt Lake AMARYll.JDACEAE '" LtLlACEAE County, Utah. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Brodiaea douglasii Wats. :: Triteleia grandiflora Lindl. Science, Arts, and Letters 43: 159-160. ANACARDIACEAE °TnRsHow, M., nod K.. T. HARPER. 1974. Longevity of M .. radicans L • Toriaxi£,ufron rydbergU (SmaIl) perennial forbs and grasses. Oikos 25: 0Ch96. Greene n\ESHOW. M., and D. Sl'r.WART. 1973. Ozone sensitivity of BEflBERlDACEAE plants in natura.lcommunities. Environmental Conser­ Berberis repem Lind!. : Mohonia repens (Undl.) C. Don vation 5: 2Og....214. BoRAGINACEAE TRYON. R. M., and A. F. TRYON. 1982. Fems and aUied Cryptantha nana (Eastw.) Pays. :: Cryptantha humilis plants. Springer-Verlag, New York. 857 pp. (Gray) Pays. VAN HORN, R., and M. D. CRITTENDEN. Jit 1987. Map Hock£lia j_ (McGrego,) Brn.nd : H. nUcnJntIw showing surficial units andbedrock geology ofthe Fort (Eastw.) J. L. Gentry Douglas Quadrangle and parts of the Mountain Dell Lappuln eehinato ();hb. : L. squorro,a (Retz.) Dumort. and Salt Lake City Nordi Quadrangles, Davis, Salt (Webe' 1987) Lake, and MorgM Counties, Utah. U.S. Geological CAcrACF.AE Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series, Map 1­ Opuntia aurea Baxter, misapplied to O. ma(;"omiza 1762. Scale 1:24.000. Engelm. I °VICKF:I\Y. R. K., JR. 1990. Pollination experiments in the CAIIYOPHYl.LACEAE Mtmulus cardinalis-M. lewisii complex. Great Basin Cerastium vulgatum L. :: C. fontanum Baumg. Naturalist 50, 155-159. Stellaria jamesiana Torr. ::: Pse:udostellaria jn.rneMna ·WASER. N. M., R. K. VICKERY. JR.• and M. V. PRICE. 1982. (Torr.) Weber & Hartman (Weber and Hartman 1979) Patterns of seed dispersal and population differentia­ CELASTRACEAE tion in Mimulus guttatus. Evolution 36: 753--761. Pachistima. =. PaxLstima WEllEI\. W. A. 1987. Colorado flora: western slope. Colo­ CHENOFODlACEAE rado Associated University Press, Boulder. 530 pp. Salsala kal' L. : Sabala ;herica Sennen & Pau WEBER, W. A., and R. HARTMAN. 1979. A North American CoMroSIT..u '" AsrERACEAE representative ofa Eurasian genus. Phytologia 44: 313­ Arter chJensis Nees '" A. ascendem Lindl 314. Haplopoppus '!/dherg;i Blake. H. wotsonii Gray WELSH. S. L.. N. D. ATWOOD, L. C. HIGGINS. and S. La_a pukhella (Pu"h) DC. : L. tatama (L.) C. A. GoODRICH. 1987. A Utah flora. Brigham Young Uni­ Mey versity Press, Provo, Utah. 894 pp. Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter:: Cll(lT'/U)milla. WERK. K. S.• J. R. EHLERINCER. and P. C. HA.RLEY. 1986. swroeolens (Porsh) Rydh. Fonnation of false stems in Cymopterw longipes: an Solidago nemornlis Ait. : S. sparsifWro A. Gray upliftfng example of grOYo'th fonn change. Oeoologia S. ocddentaIis (Nutt.) T. & G. : Euthamia occidentalis 690 4£6-470. Nutt. (Sieren 1981) WHITNEY, R. R. 1951. Acomparison ofthe aquatic inverte­ Taraxacum lnevigatum (Willd.) DC. : T. ofJkinale brates of Red Butte and Emigration Creeks. Unpub- W;ggers (Weber 1987)


Viguiem multiflora (Nutt.) Blake == Heliomeris Inultiflom. WlATAF. '" LAM1ACEAE Nutt. Moldavica parviflora (Nutt.) Britt. := Dracocephalum CoRNACEAE parviflorum Nutt. Comus stolonifera Michx. == Comw Serlcea L. LF.GUMINOSAE = F ABACEAE CRUCIFERAE", BRASSICACF.AE MORACEAE:= C\NNARACEAE Arabis di.varicarpa A. Nels. = A. holboeUii Hornem. Humulus lupulus L. '" H. arnericanus Nutt. Rorippa islandicn (Oed.) Barb. :::: Ii. palu~tris (L.) Besser ONAGRACEAE R. truncato (Jeps.) Stuckey = R. tenenimn Greene E."pilobium l>anu:ulatum T. & C. :: E. hrachycorpllm Pres! CuSCUTACEAE E. watsonii Barbey :: E. cililltum Raf. CU3C1lta campestfis Yunck == C. pentagono Engelm. Oeoo,hera hooker; T. & G. = o. ez.w H.B.K. CYPF:I\ACIYr.F. Znuchneria. garrettii A. Nels. = Z. latifolia (Hook.) Carm: utriculata Boott = C. rostrata Stokes Greene GHAMINEAE = POACEAE (Arnow 1987) OROBANCHACEAE Agropyron caninum (L.) Beauv. = Elymus b"'(Jchycaulus Orobunche califarnica Cham. & Schlecht. :: O. (Link) Shinne" cmymbosa (Rydb.) Ferm A dasystachyum (Hook) Scribn. :=. Elymus lanceo/atus POLEMONIACF.AE (Scribn. & Sm.) Gould Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant", Cilia aggregata A. internwdium (Host) Beatlv. = Eiymus hispidus (Opiz) (Pursh) Spreng. Meld. POL.YI'ODlACEAF.. as it occurs in Red Butte Canyon, is now A smithii Rjdb. = Fly"'''$ smith" (Rydb.) Gould divided into the following families (Tryon and Tryon A spicatum (Pursh) Scrihn. = Elymus spialtus (Pursh) 1982), Gould DENNSTAEDTIACF..AE, of which the genus Pteridium is a Agl"Ostis alha L. = A. stolonifera L. member A. semiverticillato (Forsk) C. Christ. = Polypogon semi- DRYOPTERIOACEAF.. which includes the genera Cystopteris verticillatm (Forsk) lIylander and Woodrill Aristida longisettl Steud. = A l)Urpurea Nutt. CysWpteris fragJis (L.) Bemh. is now known to include Bromm briuwformis Fisch. & Mey. = B. brizifonrns two taxa (Lellinger 1985), of which only C. terlllis B. commutattls Schrad. := B. japonicus Thunb, (Michx.) Desv. occurs in Red Butte Canyon. Glyeena elata (Nash) M. E. Jones = G. striata (ulm.) RANuNCuu.cEA.F. Hitchc. Rnnunculus longirostm Godron := R aquatilis L. Hesperoch"," king" (W.",.) R)