YOUR VILLAGE NEWSLETTER June 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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YOUR VILLAGE NEWSLETTER June 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR VILLAGE NEWSLETTER June 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WORSHIP Benefice Ministry Team AT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B ~ Vicar e ALSTONEFIELD : BUTTERTON : ILAM n The Rev’d Prebendary WARSLOW WITH ELKSTONES : WETTON e Lawrence Price f 01335 350968 i 4TH JUNE ~ PENTECOST (R) 11TH JUNE ~ TRINITY SUNDAY (G OR W) c 11.00am Wetton 11.00am Alstonefield MW [email protected] e Benefice HC and Baptism Benefice Service ~ Churchwardens M 18TH JUNE ~ 1ST SUNDAY AFT TRINITY (W) 25TH JUNE ~ 2ND SUNDAY AFT TRINITY (W) i ~ Alstonefield 11.00am Butterton HC 10.30am Ilam HC n Mrs Marion Beloe 11.00am Wetton MW 3.00pm Warslow HC i 01335 310253 7.00pm Elkstones 6.30pm Alstonefield s Wakes Service Wakes Service ~ Butterton t Mrs Barbara Woodward r 2ND JULY ~ 3RD SUNDAY AFT TRINITY (W) 01538 304324 y 11.00am Wetton HC Mrs Lily Hambleton-Plumb 3.00pm Elkstones HC 01538 304397 T e ~ Ilam a Mr Ian Smith m Milldale Chapel 01335 350236 ~ Miss Ellen Clewes ~ th 01335 350437 ~ There will be a service in Milldale Chapel on Wednesday 7 June ~ at 7.00pm. Everyone is welcome. ~ Warslow with Elkstones ~ Mrs Rachel Moorcroft ~ (Warslow) 01298 84568 ~ Mrs Judy Prince ~ (Warslow) 01298 84351 th ~ Mr Reg Meakin ~ Trinity Sunday, 11 June (Elkstones) 01538 304295 ~ ~ ~ Wetton ~ As the Rev’d Prebendary Lawrence Price is away, we are Miss Rosemary Crafts ~ 01335 310155 holding a special lay-led Benefice service for Trinity Sunday. ~ Miss Clare Day ~ 01538 381773 ~ St Peter’s Alstonefield at 11.00 am ~ Please pray regularly for ~ We hope you will join us. Everyone welcome. this team and those who ~ minister with them. ~ Key to Symbols HC = Holy Communion: BCP = Book of Common Prayer: FC = Family Communion: AAW = All Age Worship: V MP = Morning Prayer: MW = Morning Worship: i EP = Evening Prayer: EW = Evening Worship c a We look forward to the Baptism of Phobe Lilian Griffin, From The daughter of Peter and Rosalind Griffin at Wetton on 4th June; and we pray for her welcome into the family of the Vicarage Church. Dear friends “All Are Invited To Attend Any Event Published In 39 years ago this month I was made Deacon at the this Magazine and Taking Place In Any of Our Ordination in Lichfield Cathedral after spending two years Villages”. in study at St John’s College Durham. I then served my ‘Title’ as a Curate at the Parish Church of The Holy Spirit, Alstonefield Harlescott, on the eastern side of Shrewsbury. St. Peter’s Harlescott had a population roughly the same size as that Spring Clean of Leek but with 9 schools, Shrewsbury cattle Market, Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the Rolls Royce Diesel Engine factory – (the Sentinel Wagon th Works) and many other world famous companies. Church spring clean on 29 April. Inspired by the ‘music while we worked’ (and maybe the refreshments), the A friend, made Deacon at the same service, became the excellent team effort resulted in a lot being achieved in 3 Curate at Meole Brace – the other, western side of hours. The Church looks well cared for and is a credit to Shrewsbury. He like me had connections with the the community. Ceramics industry, he with Wedgwood’s and I with Spode. Special thanks to the ‘Tower Team’ who probably had the Then during the following months and years we often worst job of all! compared notes on training, experiences and the Wakes Concert innumerable projects that we had to complete as well as Don’t forget to secure your tickets for the Fordante concert the happy and often sad situations that we had to face. th ‘From Puccini to the Movies’ on Saturday 24 June, That year, like this, there was a general election and 7.30pm at St. Peter’s Church. without consultation we had both produced a similar Tickets are £12 (refreshments included) and available sermon on the Sunday before polling day. That year, from Natural Choice, Ashbourne or phone 310253 to book. unlike this, there was far more choice in candidates and All proceeds to the church fabric fund (maintenance and we were inundated with posters, letters and other publicity repair). material. This promises to be a wonderful concert with recent I saved all of the posters that had been addressed to Jean reviews saying it was...“Spectacular”, “Mesmerising” and and I and hung them around the pulpit- John just used “Like Andre Rieu with a smaller orchestra”. words to paint his pictures. When we compared notes Wakes Weekend June 24th / 25th afterwards we discovered that we had, basically, said the As well as the Fordante concert on Saturday evening same thing. th there will be an outdoors Wakes Service on Sunday 25 at But I was thanked for making a challenge to their attitudes 6.30pm on the Village Green. Procession starts at 6.20pm and making folk think about their choice as to the opposite the Village Hall. promises that the candidates were making. He was Alstonefield Parish Council condemned for even thinking of ‘Bringing politics into Clerk to the Council – Liz Court, tel. 07746 833910 Church’. Email [email protected] C/o The Village Hall, Our challenge was, that it was our Christian duty to vote Alstonefield, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. DE6 2FR and thereby influence the state of our nation, rather than Vice Chairman: Cathy Reavy (01335 310125) ignoring the whole affair and letting others get on with it. Councillors: Richard Butler (01335 310620) “How does the saying go”? Nick Bonsall (310262) Gordon Campbell (07919353800) Alan Hayes (310057) Rupert Hignett (310389) “It only needs for the good person to do nothing for evil to succeed”. Alstonefield and District Friendship Club A Fun Night is a regular feature on our programme, Speaking of elections, thank you to those, in each of our because everyone has such fun! This year’s Fun Night is churches, who have agreed to serve as Churchwardens, th on Wednesday 28 June at 6.30pm in Alstonefield Village officers and members of Parochial Church Councils and Hall. After the usual lovely home-made tea (£5 and well Deanery Synods and all of the other tasks that are so worth it) we will play progressive Beetle – and if you think essential in the ongoing work of our Churches. you don’t like playing Beetle, you haven’t been to one of With good wishes to you all our Fun Nights! It’s hilarious – no skill required, just a willingness to throw the dice quickly and laugh a lot. Lawrence There will also be a tombola, so please bring along any suitable tombola prizes as well as the usual grocery raffle For Prayer – from the Registers prize, if you are able. Please let your Churchwarden know of anyone in special On Wednesday 14th June – same time, same place – we need of prayer. We will do what we can to help – and with look forward to hearing Judith Akers, Principal of Manifold complete confidentiality. CofE Academy, talk about ‘My family and my extended This month we remember and pray for the family and family’. Again, home-made tea, grocery raffle and also a Bring and Buy Table. friends of: Alice Hall, whose ashes were interred in the Churchyard Everyone, of any age, is welcome to join us at any events. at Ilam on 21st April Membership is a mere £4 per year, but you can always come along and give us a try. We can provide transport May she know the deep peace of Christ 3 by car to meetings from many villages, and the coach can photos and items on display, such as family trees, also pick you up for outings from many villages. For more registers and census information. information, please ring Lorraine on 01335 310353 or Ann We will be in the hall from 11.00 – 4.00. Entry is free. on 01298 84394. Refreshments, including cakes, will be on sale. For more Alstonefield Gardening Group information call Susan Wilding on 01335 310025. Garden Visits – All Welcome Alstonefield Village Hall The Gardening Group welcome non-members to join them Chairman:- Jean Allen on the following trips; please call Lorraine (310353) or Vice Chairman & Social Secretary:- Dave Littlehales Carrie Osborne (310453) to book a place a.s.a.p, to Secretary/Treasurer:- Margaret Cohen arrange to be picked up or for more details. Both easily Bookings Officer:- Sue Lovatt Tel: 01335 310458 accessible. e-mail:[email protected] Thursday 22nd June, depart Alstonefield Village Hall at Committee Members:- Frank Lipp, Marie McIlroy, 9am in shared cars. Jill Benghiat, Jo Griffin, Ian Longdon, Ken Sharples, Two NGS gardens: Grafton Cottage, Barton and Wildwood Val Littlehales, Martin Wilding and Martin Snodin. Lodge, Anslow. Please bring a packed lunch to eat at Barton Marina between the two gardens. £10 for the day, including tea and cake at both gardens. ALSTONEFIELD VILLAGE HALL CONCERTS Thursday 14th September, depart Alstonefield Village Hall at 10am in shared cars. Saturday 10th June Kedleston Hall gardens and newly renovated State Rooms, then Meynell Langley Trial gardens. Cost £13 for One of the UK's top singer/songwriters Kedleston (free to NT members) and £3 for Meynell Langley plus own costs for teas etc. and/or bring a packed lunch. CHARLIE DORE Alstonefield Baby and Toddler Group Every Wednesday morning, 9.30 - 11.30am Alstonefield Village Hall Any queries please contact: Sally Gliddon 01335 310084 or Jo Griffin 01335 310531 A warm welcome awaits! Alstonefield Local History Group Now in its second year, the new Alstonefield Local History Group will again be in the village hall at Wakes Weekend, on Saturday 24th June (one day only).
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