Decision No. 2011-625 DC of 10 March 2011
Decision no. 2011-625 DC of 10 March 2011 [Law on guidelines and programming for the performance of internal security] In the conditions provided for by Article 61-2 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Council was seized of an application relating to the Law on guidelines and programming for the performance of internal security on 15 February 2011 by Mr Jean-Marc AYRAULT, Ms Sylvie ANDRIEUX, Messrs Gérard BAPT, Claude BARTOLONE, Jacques BASCOU, Christian BATAILLE, Ms Delphine BATHO, Ms Marie-Noëlle BATTISTEL, Messrs Serge BLISKO, Patrick BLOCHE, Daniel BOISSERIE, Ms Marie-Odile BOUILLÉ, Ms Monique BOULESTIN, Messrs Pierre BOURGUIGNON, François BROTTES, Alain CACHEUX, Thierry CARCENAC, Guy CHAMBEFORT, Jean-Michel CLÉMENT, Gilles COCQUEMPOT, Pierre COHEN, Ms Pascale CROZON, Messrs Frédéric CUVILLIER, Pascal DEGUILHEM, François DELUGA, Bernard DEROSIER, Michel DESTOT, René DOSIÈRE, Julien DRAY, Jean-Pierre DUFAU, William DUMAS, Jean-Louis DUMONT, Ms Laurence DUMONT, Messrs Jean-Paul DUPRÉ, Olivier DUSSOPT, Christian ECKERT, Hervé FÉRON, Pierre FORGUES, Ms Valérie FOURNEYRON, Mr Jean-Louis GAGNAIRE, Ms Geneviève GAILLARD, Messrs Jean-Patrick GILLE, Joël GIRAUD, Jean GLAVANY, Daniel GOLDBERG, Marc GOUA, Ms Élisabeth GUIGOU, Mr David HABIB, Ms Danièle HOFFMAN-RISPAL, Ms Sandrine HUREL, Ms Françoise IMBERT, Messrs Michel ISSINDOU, Serge JANQUIN, Henri JIBRAYEL, Régis JUANICO, Ms Marietta KARAMANLI, Messrs Jérôme LAMBERT, Jack LANG, Ms Colette LANGLADE, Mr Jean- Yves LE BOUILLONNEC, Ms Annick LE LOCH, Mr Bruno LE ROUX, Ms Catherine LEMORTON,
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