Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Suburban Secrets A Neighborhood of Nightmares by John Ledger jimgoforthhorrorauthor. TALES FROM THE LAKE VOL. 2, UNDEAD FLESHCRAVE AND OTHER UPDATES. TALES FROM THE LAKE VOL. 2, UNDEAD FLESHCRAVE AND OTHER UPDATES. This poor old WordPress site gets sadly neglected a lot of the time, but on top of running my author page on Facebook, along with pages for WetWorks, Rejected For Content and Plebs, as well as maintaining a Twitter, Google+, Goodreads and miscellaneous other accounts, it’s probably lucky it gets the attention it does. At least it isn’t anything like my BookLikes and AuthorsDen pages. Fuck all happens there with those. In any event, I figured a little update or two on where I’m at, what projects are in the works, what next to expect from me and all that sort of thing was probably in order. Firstly, the next thing folks can expect from me is an appearance in Volume 2 of Tales From the Lake from one of my very favourite publishing houses around, Crystal Lake Publishing. This is slated for release in late August, and though I’m not sure whether that is set in stone or if it’s had to be pushed back at all, it should still be appearing in the very near future. I’m supremely excited about this one for a multitude of reasons. Most folks are probably well aware that I’m a massive Richard Laymon aficionado-the great man is my biggest influence and inspiration-and while he would be top of my list of authors I’d love to have shared a TOC with, there are a host of other names that are right up there too, notably Edward Lee and Jack Ketchum. Well, anybody who has been keeping track of the updates regarding Tales From the Lake Vol. 2 will know that not one, but both, of those horror masters will be appearing in the book, as well as the legendary Ramsey Campbell, Tim Lebbon and Richard Chizmar, and a slew of other brilliant horror scribes. I’ll be there too, with a piece entitled ‘Lagos De Los Perdidos’. If you’re familiar with my splatterpunk, grindhouse, visceral style, this particular tale might come as a bit of a surprise, since it’s something of a departure from that. Is it still horror? Of course, but I’ll leave it to people to read it and check it out. On top of all this, spectacular artists Aaron Dries, who will also be in the book with ‘Love Amongst the Redback Spiders’ has created some stunning artwork to accompany many of the tales, including one for ‘Lagos De Los Perdidos’. Check it out below. A few other anthologies from J. Ellington Aston Press are just around the corner too, with my most recent appearance being in Suburban Secrets: A Neighborhood of Nightmares, edited by Amanda Lyons and the king of ideas and creative anthology suggestions,, John Ledger. My story in here is ‘Underground Beast Bloodsports’ which is, pretty much, exactly what its name might suggest. Initially, this one was written with a different anthology in mind, but it fits the bill here too. Drowning in Gore, Doorway To Death, MvF are just a few others that will soon be emerging as well; epic concepts all and as usual, great fun to write for. Then, we have Rejected For Content 3. I closed submissions on this at the end of July and after working through them all, and taking on twenty three pieces to comprise the latest juggernaut, this latest installment in a hugely entertaining to work with series, is just about complete. a plethora of great stories pileD up in the submission swarm, but unfortunately, unless I was looking at making a beast that would dwarf Plebs in size, I couldn’t take them all. So, it’s safe to say that Rejected Four is on the cards, before RFC3 has even come out yet, and hell, if there’s an RFC5 on the horizon and many more beyond that, I’m all for it. I love the concept, I love the interest that it’s generated and I love the fact that an assortment of authors, both established and new faces, are looking to get involved. Michael ‘Fish’ Fisher, the brilliant artist behind both previous volumes; Splattergore and Aberrant Menagerie is once again on-board for the RFC3 cover art. Have a look at it, below. For those waiting for a new novel from me, rest assured, that fucker is around the corner as well. Undead Fleshcrave: The Zombie Trigger is in edits and once those are complete, the ball will start rolling pretty smartly on the way to unleashing that monstrosity. Metalheads, zombie fanatics, splatterpunks, horror heads who dig things bloody, get ready for this. I’m no zombie genre author, so don’t expect my take on it to follow the same trajectory as those who dwell in the undead domain. This is a sanguinary melange of the grindhouse splatterpunk stylings of Plebs, and With Tooth and Claw, with a fuckload of undead freaks, a cast of assorted characters and a story punted along by black and death metal. Cover art is also currently in the works for this behemoth and I’m definitely looking forward to it. This book was a hell of a lot of fun to write-well, they all are actually-and I can’t wait to have it out and about. It combines a lot of my favourite things and while metal music has always been inspirational and influential on much of my work, and crops up regularly through references in many of my stories, it plays a much more pivotal role in this particular book. A bunch of metal fanatics head off to attend a concert performed in their hometown by a death metal supergroup and let’s just say, for those guys and gals, things go to hell in a hand-basket pretty swiftly. In addition to that, the follow-up to Plebs is complete. Technically speaking, it will be follow-ups, plural. Even with the amount of words I cut from the final product (approx. 20 or so k) there’s no other way to do it, than to have it as two books, both clocking in around 130k. I’ll be shooting off the first of those to JEA very shortly, then the other. I haven’t quite worked out the details on how that is going to run, how much space or time will lapse between the release of them both, but we will see how it all pans out. In any case, for fans of Plebs who are hanging out for future installments, rest assured, they are written, they will be coming. Amidst all this, I’m working on two other novels (one more so than the other since the story has taken control and the characters are starting to dictate how it should run) and a handful of short stories. Some of these are potentially destined for an array of anthologies, while others are intended for another collection. I’ve mentioned in a few interviews along the way, that I plan to have a collection of short stories come out between each consecutive full length novel and for the foreseeable future, I’d like to stick to that. Whether that actually comes to fruition is yet to be ascertained, but I will definitely have enough pieces written to accumulate into another collection by the time Undead Fleshcrave crawls up out of the tomb. Shit, I have enough now, but since I love writing, I’ll just keep on writing. There’s too many stories running around in this restless, twisted imagination, not to be writing them. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a fitting track for the upcoming Undead Fleshcrave: The Zombie Trigger. Noon Edition: Thousands on the lam, NJ couple killed, and Deadly Secrets. It was among the most jarring details to emerge from the Newark schoolyard homicides: For four years, Rodolfo Godinez, one of the suspected killers, had been wanted on robbery and assault charges but managed to elude capture even though he was still living in the same neighborhood. Just as stunning was the explanation authorities gave for not capturing him: There were 25,000 other felony fugitives in New Jersey, many of them facing charges more serious than robbery and assault. Godinez, who became the subject of a massive manhunt up and down the East Coast once he was implicated in the schoolyard shootings, was finally captured in a suburban Washington, D.C., apartment early Saturday. But most of the fugitives in New Jersey are not subject to such intensive searches, even if they are accused of violent crimes. According to State Police data, nearly 200 men and women are wanted for murder and another 352 for rape. Blame an overwhelmed court system, teeming jails, a lack of resources and poor coordination among law enforcement agencies. Experts say the problem is not unique to New Jersey. Read the full story here. -- William Kleinknecht and John P. Martin. New York crash claims N.J. couple : A New Jersey couple was killed in a multi-vehicle accident Sunday that shut down Route 81's southbound lanes in Syracuse for more than six hours, backing traffic up for miles, according to a report in today's Post Standard of Syracuse. Three other motorists suffered less serious injuries in the 3:55 p.m. collision between the Interstate 481 and Nedrow exits, said Sgt. Tom Connellan. Matron of honor killed by lightning. : Cindy Osler, 45, of Howell had just left a rehearsal dinner for her best friend's wedding Friday when. in the Howell restaurant's parking lot. Osler had stepped outside with the best man shortly after 8 p.m. to check their car windows as dark clouds brewed in the sky. The wedding party waited inside. "I was standing right there next to her. She said she was going back to get sweaters from the car," said the best man, Dave Tarnowski. "Everybody was so happy, and then it became a nightmare." Tarnowski had taken a few steps back toward the restaurant when a piercing crack rippled the air and knocked him to his knees. His head pounding, he stood up and glanced back at Osler, who was curled face down in the middle of the parking lot. She's scared, Tarnowski recalled thinking. Then he turned her over and saw that her eyes had gone blank. Read the full story here. Mansion gets new life: A late 19th Century Plainfield mansion that was gutted into four apartments is to be restored to its Victorian splendor by a new owner, who fell in love with the home when she first saw it, the Courier-News reported today. Olive Lynch, a former resident of neighboring North Plainfield, was driving through the Van Wycks Brooks Historic District with a real estate agent six years ago when she first spotted the 1897 Coriell Mansion at Central and Steele avenues. "I said, 'Oh my god, I'm buying it,' " Lynch said. "I just knew I had to have it. "I knew pretty much right away it was going to be a bed-and-breakfast," Lynch said of the 15,000-square-foot mansion, which had been divided into four apartments. "It was wasted as an apartment building. It made no sense. So much space went unused. So much of the beauty of the home was lost." Lynch expects the restoration now underway to be completed in time for a 2008 opening. Monster. : Assistant Monmouth County Prosecutor Malcolm Carton stared at the grainy black-and-white photographs of two mutilated teenagers, Joanne Delardo and Doreen Carlucci. Carton felt sick. And angry. "Whoever did this needs to be found and stopped," Carton said. "We're dealing with a monster here." Days later, Carton met with Atlantic Highlands Police Sgt. Sam Guzzi, who for more than five years had pursued the killer of Rosemary Calandriello. Again and again, the evidence pointed to Robert Zarinsky. The Star-Ledger's Deadly Secrets, continues with. -- Robin Gaby Fisher and Judith Lucas. Bottom's up A federal Environmental Protection Agency sampling this summer of the ocean bottom at nine locations from 5 to 31 miles east of the Jersey coast has found healthy oxygen levels, according to a report in today's Asbury Park Press. Over the years, low oxygen levels in bottom waters off the Jersey Shore have threatened and even killed fish and other sea life. The EPA has been sampling the ocean bottom since 1977, a year after millions of sea scallops, clams, lobsters and fish from Long Island to Maryland died after an enormous bloom of algae helped strip bottom waters of oxygen. Poison pizza? A Fair Lawn school custodian has filed a lawsuit accusing his co-workers of attempting to poison him at an office party by spicing his pizza with hallucinogenic drugs, according to a Record of Hackensack. In a lawsuit filed against the Board of Education, Dominick A. Rao claims he was served pizza from a different box than others at a party at Fair Lawn High School in August 2005, said his attorney, Richard Mazawey of Clifton. After eating, he began feeling unusual and went to the emergency room at Hackensack University Medical Center, where it was determined that "he had a controlled dangerous substance running through his bloodstream," according to Mazawey. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. '' recap, 'At the Codfish Ball': Sally and the city. Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce has found more stable ground since its flagship account slipped through the cracks. The hardworking ad men were filling gaps with new business. But, despite words of praise, it turns out Don’s anti-Big Tobacco letter in the New York Times failed to foster allies on the other side of the aisle. Members of the American Cancer Society board see the move as a betrayal, but one they’re going to formally decorate with an empty accolade. Believe it or not, the theme of this episode is disappointment. Cleansed of his creepiness by way of puberty, Glen (played by Marten Holden Weiner, son of creator Matthew Weiner) keeps in touch with Sally while he is away at summer camp – their calls humorously bookending the narrative. In an episode populated with so many dinners, one was not meant to be. Pauline trips on a phone cord extending into Sally’s room, breaking her ankle. (Sally tells Don it was one of Gene’s toys.) This leads Bobby and Sally to stay with Don on a busy weekend. The American Cancer Society is honoring him at a dinner with an award for his “Why I’m Quitting Tobacco” letter (in the episode “”). Also, Megan’s folks are in town. While they appear to be an affluent, happy French couple, they aren’t. Anti-capitalist professor Emile (Ronald Guttman) can’t get his book published, and Marie (Julia Ormond) is starved for sexual attention. Megan notes her mother touched Don six times in an hour. Her parents engage in sudden shouting matches in French, but Megan assures Don they will recover. Megan nervously pitches a dynamite idea to Don that frames the Heinz ad as a mother-and-child bond over beans from the caveman era to the present and beyond. Don ironically forces the creative team to change ideas and adopt the new slogan: “Some things never change.” Abe, visibly uncomfortable when Peggy’s coworkers make cracks about her bra size, invites her to a must-attend dinner in Greenwich Village. She goes to Joan speculating that he will dump her, but Joan expects a proposal. Last week, it seemed, of the two, Peggy was more eager to end their relationship. Now, the prospect of spending an eternity with him is an exciting one. Joan dictates Peggy’s expectations based on experience, while alluding to the secret fallout with Greg. “Men don’t like to end things. They ignore you until you insist on a declaration of hate,” Joan says. Instead, Abe proposes they move in together. Peg says, “Yes. … I do.” Don and Ken continue to ensconce Raymond Geiger in so much luxury the stubborn Heinz executive can’t possibly be unsatisfied. In a restaurant bathroom, his wife Alice implies to Megan that Raymond’s pulling the plug: There is no Round Three. Megan informs Don, who then pulls out all the stops — he presents the pitch at the dinner table rather than in the office next day. The idea wins him over, finally. And the business victory demonstrates the best it gets being Don’s wife and employee, washing away the bad blood from the Howard Johnson’s trip. Peggy is genuinely proud of Megan, whose success provides a vicarious nostalgia. In spite of this, Megan is uncomfortable with herself, more artificially grateful than actually chipper. Her father — who feels she took the easy way out by marrying Don — might be planting this insecurity in her head. Later, Peggy and Abe have her narrow-minded mother Katherine (Myra Turley) over for dinner to announce the news. Knowing what she knows about Peggy’s estranged child, Katherine refuses to celebrate a life of sin. She tells Peggy that Abe will get married, but not to her. “If you’re lonely, get a cat,” she says. Meanwhile, Roger is still coming down off his LSD cloud. He tells his ex-wife Mona (Talia Balsam, ’s real-life wife) the drug offers “euphoria and insight.” More than that, it made him remarkably self-aware, almost. He says “I lost everything when we lost Lucky Strike” when he more precisely means he lost the account. Mona agrees to use her contacts to feed Roger more clients. Sally earns permission to attend the awards dinner, though Don forbids her from wearing makeup and boots. (Is Bobby still at work with the fountain pen?) Roger believes the gala will open the floodgates for financial prosperity at their firm. To keep his spirits high, Sally eggs him on like Mary Jane Watson by repeating “Go get him, Tiger” on command. However, Ken's father-in-law Ed Baxter (the effortlessly sinister Ray Wise, last seen in season four’s “”), who sits on the American Cancer Society board, sets Don straight. The board members “all love your work, but they don’t like you,” Ed says. “They’ll never work with you after that letter. How could they trust you after the way you bit the hand?” Health advocate Mary Lasker won't come calling, after all. Sally stumbles upon Marie giving Roger fellatio in private. She opts to tell no one, and returns to her seat at the table — thus completing a semi- circle of sad ponderers. When Glen asks her how the city was, she says “Dirty.” Had Marie been caught, it could have been a lot messier. - This episode puts Sally in an alternate setting and shows her willingness to make the right decision — her desire to avoid doing things she would later regret and to understand why others would. Her perception of a lavish city lifestyle is tainted by the immoral and inconsistent behavior surrounding her. Television presents the fantasy ballroom with a staircase; reality merely presents lies and abundant helpings of distasteful food. - Shirley Temple sings “At the Codfish Ball” in the 1936 film “Captain January.” Though the movie isn’t mentioned, Roger orders Sally a Shirley Temple drink. After all, Sally is the closest the show has to a Shirley. But she doesn’t care for fish, the main course at the awards dinner. Writers probably have a ball writing for Sally. Roger is perhaps the most difficult one to write for, granted every zinger hand-crafted for him that hits must be rewarding. - Culture catch-up: That "new Edward Albee play" was the Pulitzer-winning "A Delicate Balance," about a wealthy suburban couple. Francis the Talking Mule, a sort-of predecessor to Mister Ed, appeared in several film comedies in the '50s. Don is seen plowing through two books: first, Bernard Malamud's Pulitzer-winning novel "The Fixer" and "The Berlitz Self-Teacher" for French. - Roger says “You’re going to be like an Italian bride. People lining up to give you envelopes.” This is a line that works for the 2012 audience that holds “The Godfather” in high regard, not the 1966 audience that had little context. jimgoforthhorrorauthor. TALES FROM THE LAKE VOL. 2, UNDEAD FLESHCRAVE AND OTHER UPDATES. TALES FROM THE LAKE VOL. 2, UNDEAD FLESHCRAVE AND OTHER UPDATES. This poor old WordPress site gets sadly neglected a lot of the time, but on top of running my author page on Facebook, along with pages for WetWorks, Rejected For Content and Plebs, as well as maintaining a Twitter, Google+, Goodreads and miscellaneous other accounts, it’s probably lucky it gets the attention it does. At least it isn’t anything like my BookLikes and AuthorsDen pages. Fuck all happens there with those. In any event, I figured a little update or two on where I’m at, what projects are in the works, what next to expect from me and all that sort of thing was probably in order. Firstly, the next thing folks can expect from me is an appearance in Volume 2 of Tales From the Lake from one of my very favourite publishing houses around, Crystal Lake Publishing. This is slated for release in late August, and though I’m not sure whether that is set in stone or if it’s had to be pushed back at all, it should still be appearing in the very near future. I’m supremely excited about this one for a multitude of reasons. Most folks are probably well aware that I’m a massive Richard Laymon aficionado-the great man is my biggest influence and inspiration-and while he would be top of my list of authors I’d love to have shared a TOC with, there are a host of other names that are right up there too, notably Edward Lee and Jack Ketchum. Well, anybody who has been keeping track of the updates regarding Tales From the Lake Vol. 2 will know that not one, but both, of those horror masters will be appearing in the book, as well as the legendary Ramsey Campbell, Tim Lebbon and Richard Chizmar, and a slew of other brilliant horror scribes. I’ll be there too, with a piece entitled ‘Lagos De Los Perdidos’. If you’re familiar with my splatterpunk, grindhouse, visceral style, this particular tale might come as a bit of a surprise, since it’s something of a departure from that. Is it still horror? Of course, but I’ll leave it to people to read it and check it out. On top of all this, spectacular artists Aaron Dries, who will also be in the book with ‘Love Amongst the Redback Spiders’ has created some stunning artwork to accompany many of the tales, including one for ‘Lagos De Los Perdidos’. Check it out below. A few other anthologies from J. Ellington Aston Press are just around the corner too, with my most recent appearance being in Suburban Secrets: A Neighborhood of Nightmares, edited by Amanda Lyons and the king of ideas and creative anthology suggestions,, John Ledger. My story in here is ‘Underground Beast Bloodsports’ which is, pretty much, exactly what its name might suggest. Initially, this one was written with a different anthology in mind, but it fits the bill here too. Drowning in Gore, Doorway To Death, MvF are just a few others that will soon be emerging as well; epic concepts all and as usual, great fun to write for. Then, we have Rejected For Content 3. I closed submissions on this at the end of July and after working through them all, and taking on twenty three pieces to comprise the latest juggernaut, this latest installment in a hugely entertaining to work with series, is just about complete. a plethora of great stories pileD up in the submission swarm, but unfortunately, unless I was looking at making a beast that would dwarf Plebs in size, I couldn’t take them all. So, it’s safe to say that Rejected Four is on the cards, before RFC3 has even come out yet, and hell, if there’s an RFC5 on the horizon and many more beyond that, I’m all for it. I love the concept, I love the interest that it’s generated and I love the fact that an assortment of authors, both established and new faces, are looking to get involved. Michael ‘Fish’ Fisher, the brilliant artist behind both previous volumes; Splattergore and Aberrant Menagerie is once again on-board for the RFC3 cover art. Have a look at it, below. For those waiting for a new novel from me, rest assured, that fucker is around the corner as well. Undead Fleshcrave: The Zombie Trigger is in edits and once those are complete, the ball will start rolling pretty smartly on the way to unleashing that monstrosity. Metalheads, zombie fanatics, splatterpunks, horror heads who dig things bloody, get ready for this. I’m no zombie genre author, so don’t expect my take on it to follow the same trajectory as those who dwell in the undead domain. This is a sanguinary melange of the grindhouse splatterpunk stylings of Plebs, and With Tooth and Claw, with a fuckload of undead freaks, a cast of assorted characters and a story punted along by black and death metal. Cover art is also currently in the works for this behemoth and I’m definitely looking forward to it. This book was a hell of a lot of fun to write-well, they all are actually-and I can’t wait to have it out and about. It combines a lot of my favourite things and while metal music has always been inspirational and influential on much of my work, and crops up regularly through references in many of my stories, it plays a much more pivotal role in this particular book. A bunch of metal fanatics head off to attend a concert performed in their hometown by a death metal supergroup and let’s just say, for those guys and gals, things go to hell in a hand-basket pretty swiftly. In addition to that, the follow-up to Plebs is complete. Technically speaking, it will be follow-ups, plural. Even with the amount of words I cut from the final product (approx. 20 or so k) there’s no other way to do it, than to have it as two books, both clocking in around 130k. I’ll be shooting off the first of those to JEA very shortly, then the other. I haven’t quite worked out the details on how that is going to run, how much space or time will lapse between the release of them both, but we will see how it all pans out. In any case, for fans of Plebs who are hanging out for future installments, rest assured, they are written, they will be coming. Amidst all this, I’m working on two other novels (one more so than the other since the story has taken control and the characters are starting to dictate how it should run) and a handful of short stories. Some of these are potentially destined for an array of anthologies, while others are intended for another collection. I’ve mentioned in a few interviews along the way, that I plan to have a collection of short stories come out between each consecutive full length novel and for the foreseeable future, I’d like to stick to that. Whether that actually comes to fruition is yet to be ascertained, but I will definitely have enough pieces written to accumulate into another collection by the time Undead Fleshcrave crawls up out of the tomb. Shit, I have enough now, but since I love writing, I’ll just keep on writing. There’s too many stories running around in this restless, twisted imagination, not to be writing them. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a fitting track for the upcoming Undead Fleshcrave: The Zombie Trigger. Rum Runner - A Thriller. We are sorry. We are not allowed to sell this product with the selected payment method. Listeners also enjoyed. Last Call - A Thriller. Legendary Chicago cop Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels has retired. She's no longer chasing bad guys, content to stay out of the public eye and raise her new daughter. But when her daughter's father, Phin Troutt, is kidnapped, she's forced to strap on her gun one last time. Since being separated from his psychotic soulmate, the prolific serial killer known as Donaldson has been desperately searching for her. Now he thinks he's found out where his beloved, insane Lucy has been hiding. He's going to find her, no matter how many people die in the process. Last Call - A Thriller. Dead on My Feet. When a doctor at a suburban women's health clinic is being harassed, she hires Phin to make it stop. But the situation proves to be larger, and more dangerous, than even he can handle on his own. So he calls in some friends to help out; a P.I. named Harry McGlade and a female cop named Jack Daniels. Konrath is the man! A resident of one of LA's toughest neighborhoods uses his blistering intellect to solve the crimes the LAPD ignores. East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch. They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. IQ way better than OK. Drums of War. Bradley Adams, a former Army veteran, and prepper, is swept up in a web of lies following a politically motivated work place shooting. When martial law is declared, his life descends into a series of nightmares from which there may be no escape. This is the story of a man dedicated to defending his family, his home, and his country. very good. Codename: Chandler Trilogy. Chandler isn’t a person; it’s the codename for a woman who was shaped from a raw military recruit into a living weapon. She’s an assassin without remorse or fear, doing the bidding of an agency so secret that only three people know of its existence. But when her cover gets blown, she becomes the target of a wide-reaching conspiracy led by a mysterious figure whose connection to Chandler goes far beyond what she could have imagined. I have never given 5 stars. until now! Fun and Games. Charlie Hardie, an ex-cop still reeling from the revenge killing of his former partner's entire family, fears one thing above all else: that he'll suffer the same fate. Languishing in self-imposed exile, Hardie has become a glorified house sitter. His latest gig comes replete with an illegally squatting B- movie actress who rants about hit men who specialize in making deaths look like accidents. Unfortunately, it's the real deal. Hardie finds himself squared off against a small army of the most lethal men in the world: The Accident People. Just plain great - couldn't get enough. Last Call - A Thriller. Legendary Chicago cop Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels has retired. She's no longer chasing bad guys, content to stay out of the public eye and raise her new daughter. But when her daughter's father, Phin Troutt, is kidnapped, she's forced to strap on her gun one last time. Since being separated from his psychotic soulmate, the prolific serial killer known as Donaldson has been desperately searching for her. Now he thinks he's found out where his beloved, insane Lucy has been hiding. He's going to find her, no matter how many people die in the process. Last Call - A Thriller. Dead on My Feet. When a doctor at a suburban women's health clinic is being harassed, she hires Phin to make it stop. But the situation proves to be larger, and more dangerous, than even he can handle on his own. So he calls in some friends to help out; a P.I. named Harry McGlade and a female cop named Jack Daniels. Konrath is the man! A resident of one of LA's toughest neighborhoods uses his blistering intellect to solve the crimes the LAPD ignores. East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch. They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. IQ way better than OK. Drums of War. Bradley Adams, a former Army veteran, and prepper, is swept up in a web of lies following a politically motivated work place shooting. When martial law is declared, his life descends into a series of nightmares from which there may be no escape. This is the story of a man dedicated to defending his family, his home, and his country. very good. Codename: Chandler Trilogy. Chandler isn’t a person; it’s the codename for a woman who was shaped from a raw military recruit into a living weapon. She’s an assassin without remorse or fear, doing the bidding of an agency so secret that only three people know of its existence. But when her cover gets blown, she becomes the target of a wide-reaching conspiracy led by a mysterious figure whose connection to Chandler goes far beyond what she could have imagined. I have never given 5 stars. until now! Fun and Games. Charlie Hardie, an ex-cop still reeling from the revenge killing of his former partner's entire family, fears one thing above all else: that he'll suffer the same fate. Languishing in self-imposed exile, Hardie has become a glorified house sitter. His latest gig comes replete with an illegally squatting B- movie actress who rants about hit men who specialize in making deaths look like accidents. Unfortunately, it's the real deal. Hardie finds himself squared off against a small army of the most lethal men in the world: The Accident People. Just plain great - couldn't get enough. Zombie Fallout. This is the story of Michael Talbot, his family, and his friends: a band of ordinary people trying to get by in extraordinary times. When disaster strikes, Mike, a self-proclaimed survivalist, does his best to ensure the safety and security of those he cares for. Book One of the Zombie Fallout Trilogy follows our lead character at his self-deprecating, sarcastic best. What he encounters along the way leads him down a long dark road, always skirting the edge of insanity. Read through time and time again. Killer Year. A collection of killer stories from some of today's hottest crime fiction writers, edited by grandmaster and #1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child . Killer Year is a group of thirteen authors whose first novels were published in the year 2007. Now, each member of this widely- praised organization has written a story with his or her own unique twist on the world of crime. lackluster short stories. Dove Season. Jack Veeder is dying. Soon. And that impending event brings his son Jimmy back to the Imperial Valley of southern California just north of the Calexico/Mexicali border. Jimmy hopes he can spend what time his father has left laughing and reminiscing. But Jack’s got one dying request. He needs Jimmy to find a Mexican prostitute named Yolanda. Enlisting the help of his boyhood friend Bobby Maves, the pair stumbles through the violent, the exploited, and the corrupted of Mexicali. Underrated Title. Patient Zero. When you have to kill the same terrorist twice in one week there’s either something wrong with your world or something wrong with your skills - and there’s nothing wrong with Joe Ledger’s skills. And that’s both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because he’s a Baltimore detective who has just been secretly recruited by the government to lead a new task force created to deal with the problems that Homeland Security can’t handle. Ruined by a petulant, omnipotent central character. Under the Dome. On an entirely normal, beautiful fall day in Chester's Mill, Maine, the town is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. Planes crash into it and fall from the sky in flaming wreckage, a gardener's hand is severed as "the dome" comes down on it, people running errands in the neighboring town are divided from their families, and cars explode on impact. No one can fathom what this barrier is, where it came from, and when - or if - it will go away. The end sucks! Dead Hunger. A phone call to his sister leads Flex Sheridan into a nightmare and a quest to save his family from a new, horrifying epidemic that's turning humans into zombies. As he makes his way from Georgia to Gainesville, Florida and back, he picks up old and new friends and survivors. Flex reconnects with perhaps the strongest woman he's ever known, Gem Cardoza, his former girlfriend. A different Z makes this one hell of a ride. Dead Six. Michael Valentine, veteran and former member of an elite private military company, has been recruited by the government to conduct a secret counter-terror operation in the Persian Gulf nation of Zubara. The unit is called Dead Six. Their mission is to take the fight to the enemy and not get caught. Lorenzo, assassin and thief extraordinaire, is being blackmailed by the world's most vicious crime lord. His team has to infiltrate the Zubaran terrorist network and pull off an impossible heist or his family will die. If you are unsure about this series, take a chance. The Escape Artist. Who is Nola Brown? Nola is a mystery. Nola is trouble. And Nola is supposed to be dead. Her body was found on a plane that mysteriously fell from the sky as it left a secret military base in the Alaskan wilderness. Her commanding officer verifies she's dead. The US government confirms it. But Jim "Zig" Zigarowski has just found out the truth: Nola is still alive. And on the run. Depressing and repetitive. Sleeping Beauties. In a future so real and near it might be now, something happens when women go to sleep: They become shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze. If they are awakened, if the gauze wrapping their bodies is disturbed or violated, the women become feral and spectacularly violent; and while they sleep they go to another place. The men of our world are abandoned, left to their increasingly primal devices. One woman, however, the mysterious Evie, is immune to the blessing or curse of the sleeping disease. one of my bottom 5 King novels. Persistence. Celia Miller is the Ravencourt PD's only female officer. When she's not contending with the latest in a long line of lowlife drug abusers and wife beaters who pay more attention to her body than her badge, she has to put up with a police force that refuses to respect her. But Celia has a job to do, and for months her middle-of-nowhere desert town has been victimized by an increasingly violent gang dubbed "The Illegals". The alien masks they wear have made them an urban legend, but Celia's off-the-books investigation has uncovered the true scope of their criminal operation. Great Summer Thriller. Last Man Standing. With vividly realized characters and a breathtaking pace, Last Man Standing is another spellbinding title from David Baldacci, best-selling author of Wish You Well. When the FBI Hostage Rescue Team is ambushed, it is up to sole survivor Web London to find the killer. I liked it, but not for everyone. United States of Apocalypse. When World War 3 erupts on American soil, it is up to some less than likely heroes to band together and stand tall against any and all comers as a once proud nation is brought to her knees. Cowardly terrorist attacks and indifferent global communities have isolated America as she spirals into a desperate bid for survival. not a complete book. Publisher's Summary. Twenty years ago, a young cop named Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels arrested one of the most sadistic killers she'd ever encountered. She has since retired from the Chicago Police Department in order to raise her toddler daughter. But old grudges never die. They fester until the right opportunity comes along. While on vacation in the Wisconsin north woods, Jack learns - too late - that her old adversary is out of prison. He has revenge on his mind. And he's bringing an army with him. Outnumbered, outgunned, and cut off from the outside world, Jack Daniels is about to learn the meaning of last stand. This is the ninth Jack Daniels novel, after Stirred . More than one million Jack Daniels novels have been sold worldwide.