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Open As a Single Document arno~ia - Volume 54 Number 2 1994 Page 2 Welwitschia mirabilis: A Dream Arnoldia (ISBN 004-2633; USPS 866-100) is Come True published quarterly by the Arnold Arboretum of Gillian Cooper-Driver Harvard Umversity. Second-class postage paid at Boston, Massachusetts. 111 Mon cher ami: The Letters of Edouard Andre to Charles Sprague Sargent - are $20.00 per calendar year domestic, Subscriptions Andersen $25.00 foreign, payable m advance. Single copies are Phyllis ( $5.00. All remittances must be in U.S. dollars, by check drawn on a U.S. bank, or by international 20 Considering Cotinus money order. Send orders, remittances, change-of- Kim E. Tripp address notices, and all other subscription-related communications to: Circulation Manager, Arnoldia, 311 "A Very Valuable Shrub": The Arnold Arboretum, 125 Arborway, Jamaica Plain, Xanthorhiza simplicissima MA 02130-3519. Telephone 617/524-1718 Till Nooney Postmaster: Send address changes to: 36 A Rare Chinese Tree Flowers in Arnoldia, Circulation Manager The Arnold Arboretum North America 125 Arborway Frederick G. Meyer Jamaica Plam, MA 02130-3519 Front and back covers: The astomshmg Welmtschia Karen Madsen, Editor mmabihs. J. D. Hooker described it as "expandmg like a dream into a broad brown disc ... Editomal Committee huge woody Andersen of texture and surface hke an overdone loaf." This Phylhs Ron of the Field Robert E. Cook photograph (B83024~ by Testa) Museum’s World of Plants diorama is used Peter Del Tredici by of the Field Gary Koller courtesy Museum, Chicago. Richard Schulhof Stephen A. Spongberg Inside front cover: Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, Paris, in the engraving by Blanade that served as frontis- Arnoldia is set in Trump Mediaeval typeface and piece to Edouard Andre’s L’Art des Jardms of 1879. printed by the Office of the University Publisher, Harvard University. Inside back cover: Emmenopterys henryi as drawn for The Endemic Genera of Seed Plants of China by Copyright © 1994. The President and Fellows of Tsun-shen Ying, Yu-long Zhang, and David E. Harvard College Boufford, published by Science Press, Beijing, 1993. Welwitschia mirabilis-A Dream Come True Gillian A. Cooper-Driver It’s been said that if botanists were to invent the ideal plant for a desert environment, surely they would never come up with a monster like Welwitschia. Welwitschia mirabilis has always inspired ex- Welwitschia mirabilis grows naturally in treme responses. It was the Austrian botanist only one area in the world. Its distribution is and physician Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch, one of restricted to an extremely arid strip of land the foremost collectors of African plants, who about seven hundred fifty miles long along the first discovered this extraordinary plant in west coast of southern Africa, from the 1859, in southern Angola near Cape Negro. Nicolau River in Angola to the Kuiseb River in When he saw it, "he could do nothing but the Namib Desert of Nambia. The amount of kneel down on the burning soil and gaze at it, rain in the Namib Desert varies greatly from half in fear lest a touch should prove it a fig- year to year and ranges from zero to a half inch ment of the imagination" (Swinscow, 1972). In near the coast and two to four inches inland, as the first detailed scientific description of the compared to a temperate deciduous forest, plant, Joseph D. Hooker, Director of the Royal which receives approximately thirty to one Botanic Gardens at Kew from 1866 to 1885, hundred inches of rain a year. Welwitschia is wrote, "it is out of the question the most won- not restricted to desert. It occupies the north- derful plant ever brought to this country, and ern and central part of the Namib, but may the very ugliest." Recent papers published also occur in subtropical grassland to the east on Welwitschia have used such titles as and even in the Mopane Savanna (von Willert, "Welwitschia-Paradox of a Parched Para- 1985).~. ’ dise" ; "Welwitschia, the Wonderful"; "Voyage Off the shores of southwest Africa is the into the impossible-I meet Welwitschia"; Benguela Current, which flows from south to and "The ugliest plant in the world-the story north and is extremely cold. Warm onshore " of Welwitschia mirabilis. I myself first heard winds flowing over the cold water create a belt of Welwitschia mirabilis about thirty years of fog that forms on the coast at night and of- ago from a native of the Scottish isle of Iona, a ten remains well into the morning. This con- long way from the deserts of southwest Africa densed moisture gives life to many lichens and where this strange plant grows. As we made to other specialized forms of insects, animals, our way in a small boat across the ocean, my and plants-including Welwitschia mirabilis. companion told me of a strange plant, halfway One of the most accessible places to see between a flowering plant and a conifer, which Welwitschia is in the Namib-Naukluft Park in Darwin had described as "’the platypus of the the Welwitschia Flats between the Khan and plant kingdom." From that brief encounter, it Swakop Rivers, about thirty miles east of had always been my ambition to see the Swakopmund. This plain of weathered granite, miracle plant for myself. quartzite, shale, limestone, and marble is 3 Welwitschia mirabilis in the Namlb Desert. Photo by the author. home to what are probably the oldest and most to a halt within sight of Swakopmund. It is dense communities of Welwitschia. As many named after the preacher Martin Luther, as five to six thousand specimens have been whose words, "Here I stand; God help me, I counted in this area. cannot do otherwise," are engraved on its ped- It was a bright clear day, the first day in June, estal.) At the engine you turn right and drive when I set out with two friends to find across the Swakop River to the entrance of Welwitschia mirabilis. Before starting on the Welwitschia Park. Welwitschia Plains Drive, it is necessary to The land around this part of the Swakop obtain a permit and a guide pamphlet from the River is dry and at first glance entirely barren, Ritterberg Nature Conservation Office in resembling the spectacular images we have Swakopmund. The drive starts about three seen of the moonscape. However, closer in- miles outside Swakopmund, a few yards from spection revealed several different plants. an abandoned steam engine. (This engine was Among the more conspicuous were two imported to Namibia in 1896 to carry freight drought-resistant shrubs, the dollar bush across the Namib Desert. Unfortunately, it (Zygophyllum stapfii) with round succulent survived only a couple of trips before grinding leaves similar to coins and the xerophytic 4 inkbush (Arthraerua leubnitziae) with its tiny other desert in the world, depend for their sur- leaves reduced to mere scales. Others were vival on the condensed moisture that moves in "!nara," or Acanthosicyos horrida, and from the sea at night. "tsamma," or Citrullis ecchirrosus. Both of Several miles into the moonscape, a road these plants provide a source of water for trav- turns off to the left to form a loop leading to elers in the desert. Parts of the moonscape are Goanikontes, an old farm near the Swakop covered with a variety of lichens in colors of River. Here many different trees are found: the orange, black, and gray-green, the most con- camel thorn (Acacia erioloba); anaboom or spicuous of which is Xanthomaculina white thorn (Acacia albida), the largest acacia; convoluta with its bright yellow color and Cape ebony (Euclea pseudobenus); tamarisk twisted filaments. These lichen fields, which (Tamarix usneoides); and introduced species of are more extensive in the Namib than in any Eucalyptus and Casuarina. These trees pro- vide shade from the hot sun and offer a star- tling contrast to the vegetation of the desert area. On this day in June, the farm was com- pletely deserted and silent. We left this fertile green area and returned to the moonscape. Granite cliffs, intersected with bands of black dolerite, rose on either side of the road, and then suddenly there they were, three Welwitschia plants growing up the sides of the gravel cliffs. The first sight of Welwitschia mirabilis is so totally unexpected in this bleak desert environment that it is easy to understand why Friedrich Welwitsch fell down upon his knees. Farther along the drive, the land flattens out, and more and more plants become visible. They spread across the desert, often in densely massed groups or in long lines fading away into the distance; it is rare to find a single plant all by itself. Using carbon-14 dating botanists have estimated that many of the smaller plants are thirty or forty years old, medium-sized plants a few hundred years old, and some of the larger plants are as old as fifteen hundred or even two thousand years. It is Welwitchia’s leaves that give this plant its strange appearance. It has only two perma- nent leaves. These stiff, strap-like leaves grow from a thick, almost totally submerged, woody stem and can be as much as ten feet in length. Since the leaves grow from their base, the cells at the tips are older and in time begin to turn brown and die. In the desert the leaves grow The natural distribution of Welwitschia mirabilis. very slowly, about four to six inches per year. Dramng by Clara Richardson courtesy of the Field As the years and ultimately the centuries pass, Museum. the wind and the scouring sand split the leaves 5 In their natural habitat Welwitschias occur in densely massed groups or in long lines fading away into the distance, as can be seen in this photo by the author.
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