Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to object to the Morlais Tidal Array planning application on the following grounds:-

Research by Morlais has shown a high mortality of seabirds such as guillemots and razorbills caused by these devices which could lead to the entire population of breeding razorbils at RSPB being wiped out and a severe reduction in the number of guillemots. These birds are already under threat due to overfishing and climate change. Other birds including puffins and gannets could also be affected.

There is a lack of data on how marine mammals would be affected both by collision with blades and by noise from turbines - seals, harbour porpoises and both bottle-nosed and Risso dolphins are regularly seen in the area.

It is unclear how these effects would be monitored or mitigated.

180,000 people a year visit the South Stack area, and South Stack lighthouse is one of the top visitor attractions on with the RSPB reserve also being very popular. Many will wish to take that iconic photograph of the lighthouse from the cliffs, and the visual impact of the turbines will be extremely negative.

The visual impact of this project would also affect the local tourist industry between Bay and South Stack, and the local economy would suffer greatly, as many people use this area for holidaying, kayaking, canoeing, pleasure boat cruises, diving, fishing etc.

In conclusion although I support the concept of tidal energy, I feel this is the wrong type in the wrong place.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Maureen Blackburn

1, Cae'r Felin




LL65 4EQ