ICCAS P2013-4


^- ^ ^ [email protected] vvww.rina.org.uk International Conference on Computer Applications in SIvpbiiilding, 2013, Busan, Korea


Integrated 3D Ship Design and Information Management - Saving time and reducing costs with integrated 3D ship design and on-line ship life cycle information management M. Juntunen, NUPAS-CADiVMTIC, Finland

An Efficient Retrofit Planning Workflow A Friedewald, F Titov, P S Haiata and H Lodding, Hamburg Umversity ofTeclvwlog}>, Germany

A Computer System for Real Option Analysis of Investment in Ships F. C. M. Pires Jr, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, A'l. Rezende Fillw, Gama Filho University, Brazil

Case-Based Configuration Estimation of Steel Weight in Ships According to Principal Component Analysis Liang-Cliun Clien, CIvng-Hsiang Chuang, 1-Hsin Ko, Cliili-Cliiang Ying, Clieng-Kuan Lin, CSBC Corporation, Taiwan Ying-Han Wu, Heiu-Jou Sliaw, Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering, National Clieng Kung University, Taiwan

4D Planning - Production-Scheduling Optimization for Hull Outfitting C Bouvet, Siemens PLMSoftivare, FRANCE

Reducing Workload in Production Design Stage by Rule-Based Automation of CAD S. Yamauchi, Intergraph Corporation, A. Zuurhout, Intergraph Corporation, USA Y. Kosalw, SJiin KurusJiima Doclqiard Co., LTD., Japan

Role of Classification Societies Towards Advances in Software Development A KShetty,

An Advanced Solution for Recording, Visualization, and Assessment of Thickness Measurements of Ships M Willeen, U Langbecker and M Moldenhaiier, Germanischer Lloyd, Germany

How Classic Systems Engineering Process Must Change to be Effective for Use in Ship Design JL Martin, SAMOSC Ltd. UK

A Study on the Optimization of Ship Design Process Using Wildcard GA K Hamada, RFujii, Y Hironaka and M Kitamura, Hiroshima University, Japan

Interactive Steering ofa Ship Synthesis Model for Early Requirements Elucidation EAE Duclmteau, Delft University of Technolog}', The Netherlands BJ van Oers, Defence Materiel Organisation MoD, Tlie Netherlands JJ Hopman, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Next-Generation Design Paradigm for Shipbuilders Stewart Breslei; Amy Strucko, Paul Sicking, Siemens PLMSoftware, USA

New Approach to Design Transition in Korean Production Environment DJ Lee, Sener Korea Engiiieering and Systems Co., Ltd., Korea R Perez, Sener Ingenieriay Sistemas S.A.,

© 2013: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Intemational Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding. 2013, Busan, Korea

Effect of Different Corrosion Additions on Ultimate Strength Performance of Double Hull Oil Tankers CGLi,XMZhang JKSeo,BJKim, J K Paik, The Ship and Offshore Research Institute, (The Lloyd's Register Foundation Research Centre of Excellence), Pusan National University, Republic of Korea, D K Kim, Graduate School of Engineering Mastership, Pohang University of Science and Technolog)', Republic of Korea

Collapse Strength Analysis of I-Girder at Elevated Temperatures SI Park, JH Kim and D H Lee The Ship and Offshore Research Institute (The Lloyd's Resister Foundation Research Centre of Excellence), Pusan National University, Korea

Structural Response Characteristics of Ships Involved in Collision Accident STInce, SAMYoiissef YSKiiti, JKSeo, B J Kim and J K Paik, The Ship and Offshore Research Institute (The Lloyd's Register Foundation Research Centre of Excellence), Pusan National Universit}', Busan, Republic of Korea

Combining Layout Features of Multiple Designs into a New Design E H Takken, Netherlands' Defence Materiel Organisation, The Netherlands A Bons, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, The Netherlands

Development of Marine Propulsion Shafting Load Measurement and Calculation System Ji iVang, Sliengjun Gu, Yufun Liu, Zhiyuan Wei, Zhi Qu, School of Naval Architecture, Dalian University of Technolog}', Dalian, China

Migration Process Between CAD Systems José Sanchez-Arévalo Agundo, SENER Ingenieria y sistemas, Spain. Guangwu Liu, Sener Shanghai System, China

An Advanced Step in Integrating Database-Controlled Shipbuilding CAD with PLM Systems R Penas, Sener Ingenieria y Sistemas S.A., Spain

Authors Contact Details

© 2013: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbtiilding, 2013, Busan, Korea


Innovative Tool for Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and Electrical Schematics A Cebollero, Sener Ingenieriay Sistemas S.A., Spain Y H Kim, Sener Korea Engineering ancl Systems Co., Ltd., Korea

Development of Visualized Status Management System for Ship Outfitting Using BOM And 3D Model Y Yoshitomi and H Mizokcnva, Japan Marine United Corporation, Japan

The Digital Handover D Thomson, A VEVA Solutions Ltd UK

Development of High Precision Basic Design YNakao, KHirai, THirayama and M Katsuragi Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan Ken Ito CIM Creation Co., Ltd., Japan

A Novel Modeling for Performance Assessment of Kites as Auxiliary Propulsion Device for Merchant Ships RLeloup, KRoncin, G Bles, J-B Leroux, CJochum, LBMS (EA 4325), ENSTA - Bretagne, France, YParlier, OCEA, France

Product Lifecycle Management in the Shipbuilding and Shipping Industries - An Update Matthias Grau, Lars Wagner, PROSTEP, Germany Christian Cabos, Germanischer Lloyd SE, Germany

How 3D Laser Scanning Brings New Opportunities in Refitting and Conversion G Farrow, A VEVA Solutions Ltd UK

Materials Management in Shipyards from an Offshore Perspective Marcel Veldhuizen, Intergraph Corporation, Netherlands Michael Buss, Intergraph Coiporation, Huntsville Satish Hota, Intergraph Corporadon, Huntsville

LTE-Based Smart Shipyard Implementation and BYOD Strategy Seung-Uk So, Ok-Hung Hyun, In-Sung Lee, Da-Hye Jang and Hyung-Tae Cho, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering CO. LTD. Republic of Korea

Application of Speech Recognition Technology in Shipyards M. Nagano, Japan Marine United Corporation, Japan

FE Analysis and Lead Time Reduction by Combined Use of CAD and CAE S Kasai, SENER JAPAN Engineering and Systems, K.K, Japan T Kunisada, Sanoyas Shipbuilding Corporadon, Japan Y Ohtsuki, Tsimeishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Japan R Ikeda, Namura Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Japan Y Tamura, Altair Engineering, Ltd, Japan Y Sasaki, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan

Utilization ofa 3D Product Model to Fulfill the New lACS CSR-H Rule Requirements T Hulkkonen, NAPA, Finland, C Cabos, GL, Germany, MKidogawa, ClassNK, Japan, TKurki, NAPA, Finland, B Tietgen, GL, Germany

Development of Light-Weight Model Based Erection Clearance Check System for Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Heung-iVon Suh, Dae-Hyimg Lee, Jong-Yeol Jung, Simg-Min Kim, Seong-Hyun Shin, Jae-Jun Lee, Ho- Young Lee, Ji-Hoon Lee, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering CO.,LTD. R&D Institute

© 2013: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013, Busan, Korea

Use of CFD in Optimizing Engine Room Aii -Conditioning Rahul Banerjee, Arjun Mandrekar and Vivek Meena, Indian Maritime University ~ l^iscikhapatnam Campus, India

Using Simulation to Justify and Develop Quiescent Period Prediction Systems for the Royal Navy Dr. B Ferrier, Hoffman Engineering Corporation, Dynamic Inteiface Laboratory, USA Dr. J Duncan, Defence Equipment & Support, MOD, UK Dr. M. R. Belmont, Exeter University, UK Mr. A Curnow, Defence Equipment & Support, MOD, UK Mr. P. Crossland QinetiQ Haslar, UK Mr. J. Duncan, Defence Equipment & Support, MOD, UK

Application ofa Factory Simulation Tool to the Outfitting Process Y. Sasaki, K. Okada and S. Inoue, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan

Ship Hull Form Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms M. Thoiiibre, Sea Syst Consultants and Engineers, India

Class Surveys - Milestones in the Ship Lifecycle Ulrike Moser and iViegand Grafe and Christian Cabos, Germanischer Lloyd SE, Germany

Development of Software System for Generating Curved Shell Plates' Processing Plan Using Virtual Templates JSun, K Hiekata, H Yamato, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Toleyo, Japan. N Nakagaki and A Sugmvara, Sumitomo Heavy Industries Marine & Engineering Co. Ltd., Japan

Numerical Simulation on Doubly Curved Ship Hull Thick Plate Forming With Multi-Press Head Hu Yongl,2, Xiang Yong2, Zheng Beijia2, Zhang Yi2, JVang Chengfang2 1 Key Laboratory of High Peiformance Ship Technology of Ministiy of Education, iVuhan University of Technolog)', CHLNA 2 School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Automatic Pipe Routing to Avoid Air Pockets YAndo and H Kimura, Naval Architecture and Marine Systems Engineering Course of Kyushu Universit)', Japan

Numerical Simulation of Ship Frame Cool Forming Process LIPei-yong, SongJiin-jie, WANGCheng-fang, ALiOYun-sheng, Key Laboratoiy of High Peiformance Ship Technolog}' ofA'Iinistry ofEdiicadon, iVuhan Universit}' of Technolog}', China

Prediction and Control of Car Ferry Superstructure Blocks Deformation Induced by Welding and Straightening YHama, A'l Sana, A'IKawaji, Naikai Zosen Corp, Japan, Y Katayama, H A'lurakawa, Y Okumoto, SRashed, Osaka Universit}', Japan

Demonstration of AR Application for Sheet Metal Forming Works in Shipyard Kohei Matsuo, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan

Monitoring System for Advanced Management (Integration Methods of Monitoring Data to Generate Virtual Job Shop) JLiu, JHirota, CXWu, andKAoyama, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, University ofTol

Research on the Intelligent Design Method of Block Lifting in Shipbuilding RLi, YJLiu, J Wang, FZhang, XA'IZhang, School of Naval Architecture, Dalian Universit}' of Technolog}', China

©2013: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013, Busan, Korea

Optimization of the Welding in the Erection Scheduling ofa Suezmax Tanlter Ship HA Tokola, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finlaiid L F Assis, and R M Freire, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ENiemi, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland

A Material Distribution Scheduling for Rigging Ship-Hull Blocks with Pipes K Noda, S Shindo, and H Kimura, Kyushu University, Japan

Innovative Collaboration Between Initial Structural & Production D Y Park, Timetec Co. Ltd, Korea

Integrating CAD/ CAM In A PDM/ERP Environment T. de Jonge cmd P. Filius, hhipas-Cadmatic, Netherlands T. Hokuni, Nupas-Cadmatic Finland

Authors Contact Details

© 2013: The Royal Institudon of Naval Architects Intemational Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013, Busan, Korea


JT as the Foundation of Collaboration in Ship Lifecycle: The First ISO Standard for Lightweight 3D Visualization Ji Zheng Zhao, Siemens PLMSofPvare, China

Diversification - The Technology Aspects S Neuvéglise, A i^EVA Solutions Ltd UK

Development of Real-Time and Paperless Collaborative System Due to Engineering Changes in Shipbuilding Using Mobile Platform G. Back, D. H. Lee, M. K. Han, S U. Cheon, J R. Son, Y. T. Kim, and H. Yoon, Daewoo Shipbiulding <& Marine Engineering Co., Ltd, Korea

'Robot Tank System' And Development of Integrated Management System for Various Measured Data in Tank Tests H Yamato, K Hiekata, T Mitsuyidu and Y Kcnvano, Graduate School of Frontier Science, Hie University of Tokyo, Japan M Enomoto, YTsuchiya, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tok}>o, Japan

Study of Icing-Up in the Fresh Water Tanks of the Semisubmersible Drilling Rigs Operated in Northern Seas ƒ. V. Kudinovich and M.N. Syraleva, Krylov State Research Centre, Russia

The Use of Computer Simulation Technology in Early Stage Ship Design A. Gharib, D. J. Andrews and H. D. Griffiths, University College London, UK

Advanced Ship Direct Strength Analysis System in Full Compliance with Common Structural Rules (TCAD-DSA/CSR), Using Parametric Modelling Application TCAD YMiyoshi and T Fujii, Oshima Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan MMaki and S Hirakcnva, Japan Marine United Corporation, Japan D Fujita and YKamimarti, Technostar Co., Ltd., Japan

A Scalable Approach to 3D Visualization and Review Throughout the Shipbuilding Lifecycle D Larkins, M Waldie, and D Morals, SSI, Canada

Securing Data Quahty Along the Supply Chain M Grau and J Stjepandic, PROSTEP AG, Germany C Rupert, Heidelbeiger Druckmaschinen AG, Germany

Empowered Engineering: Availability of Engineering Data Throughout the Shipyard D Morals, M Waldie and D Larkins SSI, Canada

Virtual Offshore Rig Experience Based on Modelling and Simulation Technology KP Park, SH Ham, JB Lee and AR Jo, Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Korea

Crane Lifting Simulation for Production Planning in Shipbuilding Seung-Ho Ham, Kwang-Phil Park and Chan-Young Lee, Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Korea

The Use of Aircraft/Ship Dynamic Interface Simulation in the Deck Design of All Weather Manned and Unmanned Helicopter Shipboard Operations Dr. B Ferrier, Hoffman Engineering Corporadon, Dynamic Interface Laboratory, USA Dr J Duncan, MOD, DE&S HQ, Ships Operating Cetitre, UK Mr R. Ernst, NAVAIRPAU 266, Patuxent River, USA

© 2013: The Royal Institudon of Naval Architects International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013, Busan, Korea

Challenges Faced by a Small Ship Yard in Integrating Computer Aided Design and Production Processes - A Real Life Case Study A NO Paine, Dr RS Ransing, Dr D TGethin, Swansea University, UK GJSims, JMRichley, L J Boissevain, MW Lewis, Mustang Marine (Wales) Ltd, UK

Integrated Design and Production Planning for Ship Block Assembly and Construction CYShon, K Coclvan, TLadran, JH Lee, Intergraph Corporadon, and USA

Challenges in Early Ship Design. Integrated Solution from Concept to Production R. de Góngora, SENER, Ingenieriay Sistemas S.A., Spain

Multi-Platform Collaboration Tool for Ship Design and Production R.Bencic, M.Milanovic, G.Sikic and M.Bistricic, Uljanik Shipbiulding Computer Systems (USCS), Pula, Croatia

Multi-Agent System for an Emission Policy Making on International Shipping to Plan Specifications of Innovate Green Shipping LeSUN TakekiMORI, Chenxi WU, Kazuya OLZUMIandKazuhiro AOYAAU Department of Sy.stems Innovation, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan

Ontology-Based Method for Ship General Arrangement Design Using Design Intention Driven Technology KLi, MChen, Y Lin, School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China

Adapting and Adopting 3D Design Technology to Cruise Ships MPolini, Intergraph, Corporation YLimon Duparcmeur, Intergraph Corporadon P Lemoine, STX France

Anti-Vibration Reinforcement Design Methodology of Ship Engine Room Using Topology Optimization MDaifuku, K Kawasaki, A Takezcnva and M Kitamura, Hiroshima Univetsity, Japan H Terashita and Y Ohtsuki, Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan

Intellectual Property Protection in the Maritime Industry - State- of- the-Art Review and Solution Approaches MGrau, H Liese and J Stjepandic, PROSTEP, Germany

Issue Management Fidelity in Shipbuilding Lifecycle Malay Pal, Siemens PLM Software, India

HOMER - Integrated Hydro-Structure Interactions Tool for Naval and Off-Shore Applications S.Malenica, Q.Derbanne, F.X.Sireta, F.Bigot, E.Tiphine, G.De-Hcmtecloccpie and X.B.Chen, Bureau Veritas, France

Tank Hydrodynamics in the Organized Analysis By SESAM Manager Z Pan, T Vada, A Ludvigsen, S Finne, DNV, Nonvay

Hydrodynamic Analysis for NPL Series Round Bilge Hull Form Ships Tatan Paul, Anuj Kumar Verma, Pramit Kimiar Sarkar, Lndian Maritime University, J^ishakhapatnam Campus-Department of Naval architecture and Ocean engineering, India Revathi Chavali, School of Maritime Design and Research, Visakhapatnam, India

Computer Application for Shaft Alignment Design Yu. Batrak, R. Batrak, D. Berin, Intellectual Maritime Technologies, Ukraine

© 2013: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, 2013, Busan, Korea

Development ofa Life Cycle Cost Optimised Safety System for Stabilising Damaged Vessels Lifting Sunken Vessels A'. Fischer andR. Ahlers, BALance Technolog}' Consulting GmbH, Germany

2D in a 3D World: Classification Drawings from 3D Product Model D Morals, D Larkins and M iValdie, SSI, Canada

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© 2013: The Royal histitution of Naval Architects