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Layman's Report LAYMAN’S REPORT LIFE03NAT/SLO/000077 Vzpostavitev dolgoročnega varstva kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji Establishing Long-Term Protection of Crex Crex in Slovenia Kazalo vsebine Contents Project Content Vsebina projekta Project Objectives Postavljeni cilji Project Areas Projektna območja Project Actions and Results Socio-economic Aspects Aktivnosti in dosežki projekta Recognizability of Natura 2000 Sites Družbeno-ekonomski vidik Project Follow-up Prepoznavnost območij Natura 2000 Project Message Nadaljevanje projekta Sporočilnost projekta What was the content of the project? Kaj je bila vsebina projekta? Birds have always been known and appreciated as faithful companions of man and his activities in the environment. In this respect, special focus Ptice so od nekdaj stalne spremljevalke človeka in njegove dejavnosti is placed on farmland birds, in Slovenia closely v prostoru. Še posebej ptice kmetijske kulturne krajine, ki so v Sloveniji connected with the traditional use of land that vezane na tradicionalno rabo prostora in oblikovano mozaično kmetijsko has shaped its typical, mosaic-like agricultural landscape. A special type of this landscape is kulturno krajino. Prav posebno mesto v tem pogledu predstavljajo vlažni extensive wet meadows, which are also the ekstenzivni travniki, v katerih prebiva globalno ogrožena vrsta ptice habitat of a globally threatened species – – kosec. Corncrake (Crex crex). The main objective of the project was to develop and employ conservation tools for efficient long-term protection of Corn- Projekt je bil zastavljen z namenom pripraviti in vzpostaviti crake in Slovenia and to speed up implementation naravovarstvena orodja za dolgoročno uspešno varstvo kosca Crex of the provisions of the EU Birds Directive in crex v Sloveniji in pospešitev procesa izvajanja določil Direktive o pticah Slovenia’s legislation. Management of valuable, extensively cultivated meadows and other v slovenski zakonodaji. Upravljanje prvovrstnih ekstenzivnih travnikov supporting activities carried out in project areas in druge podporne projektne aktivnosti na projektnih območjih so were conducted with a view to containing the bile usmerjene v omejevanje predhodno ugotovljenih groženj, in sicer identified threats, namely abandonment of agricultural use, intensification of agriculture, opuščanja obdelave kmetijskih zemljišč, intenzifikacije kmetijstva, ineffective protection of species and key areas neučinkovitega varstva vrst in on the national level, ključnih območij na državni unfavourable attitude of ravni, nenaklonjenosti kmetijske agricultural policy towards low-input farming and low politike ekstenzivni kmetijski rabi awareness of the public in nizke splošne ozaveščenosti and the stakeholders in javnosti in deležnikov na project areas. Although the execution of project actions projektnih območjih. only marks the beginning of long-term protection of Dolgoročna vzpostavitev varstva Corncrake, sufficient expert kosca v Sloveniji se je s groundwork and conservation tools have projektnimi aktivnostmi šele been prepared and začela, vendar so bile communications channels pripravljene zadostne strokovne have been opened that will enable implementation of podlage in orodja, kot tudi efficient protection of the vzpostavljeni komunikacijski species at national level. kanali, ki bodo v prihodnje omogočili uspešno varstvo na What project nacionalni ravni. objectives were set? Katere cilje smo si In Slovene, the common name for Corncrake (kosec) postavili? is the same as the word denoting a person who Kosec - ptica in z njim v povezavi mowes (kosec = mower). kosec - upravljalec sta simbol Throughout the project, Corncrake has become a tisočletnega sožitja človeka in symbol of the narave. Na podlagi tega dejstva thousand-year harmony of smo si postavili osnovni cilj, da bi man and nature. Based on this fact, the primary kosec postal simbol bodočega sožitja med vedno hitrejšim razvojem in ohranjanjem visoke stopnje objective of the project was to promote biotske pestrosti na tistih območjih Natura 2000 v Sloveniji, ki so Corncrake as the symbol of future harmony between the rapid development and preservation pomembna z vidika ohranjanja vlažnih ekstenzivnih travnikov. of a high level of biodiversity in Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia, which are important for Glavno orodje za dosego tega cilja in za vzpostavitev dolgoročnega conservation of low-input wet meadows. The primary tool for achieving the project objective varstva kosca v Sloveniji je bila priprava prvega nacionalnega vrstnega and establishing long-term protection of akcijskega načrta za kosca 2005 – 2015 (v nadaljevanju VAN). V Corncrake in Slovenia was preparation of the dokumentu je povzeto vse dosedanje znanje o koscu ter podkrepljeno first national Species Plan for Corncrake 2005 – 2015 (hereinafter SAP). The document z znanji, pridobljenimi v času izvajanja projekta. summarizes all the acquired knowledge and findings obtained during the life of the project. Poleg osnovnega cilja smo si zadali tudi naslednje cilje: In addition to its primary objective, the project pursued the following goals: •Raziskati in razširiti znanje o ekologiji kosca ter izvesti vseslovenski popis. •to explore and expand the knowledge on •Pridobiti podrobna znanja in izkušnje o ustreznih načinih upravljanja Corncrake ecology and conduct a national species survey vlažnih ekstenzivnih travnikov na pticam prijazen način. Na testnem •to gain detailed knowledge and experience območju na Ljubljanskem barju smo zato preizkusili različne kmetijske on the appropriate bird-friendly management tehnike in izvedli poskuse s kmetijsko mehanizacijo, pridobljeno v practices concerning extensive wet meadows okviru projekta. to test, in a pilot area on Ljubljansko Barje, various farming techniques and the agricultural •Na koscu prijazen način na treh projektnih območjih aktivno upravljati mechanization acquired in the course of the vsaj 180 hektarjev vlažnih ekstenzivnih travnikov; na Cerkniškem project. jezeru s pomočjo partnerja Občine Cerknica - Notranjskega regijskega •to apply, in three project areas, Corncrake friendly management practices on a minimum parka. of 180 ha of extensive wet meadows; in the •Sodelovati s kmeti, kmetijskimi svetovalci in lastniki zemljišč v procesu area of Lake Cerknica, the activity will be izobraževanja o pticam prijaznem načinu kmetovanja in o pripravi carried out with the help of the project partner, Municipality of Cerknica – Notranjska smernic za usmerjanje naklonjenosti kmetijske politike do Regional Park. ekstenzivnega naravovarstvenega kmetovanja. •to work with farmers, agricultural advisors and •Vzpostaviti manjše poskusno posestvo oziroma naravni rezervata na land owners on raising the awareness on bird- ožjem območju Ljubljanskega friendly farming and on the preparation of guidelines for shifting the barja z odkupom 10,0 ha in focus of agricultural policy zakupom 41,1 ha vlažnih towards low-input organic ekstenzivnih travnikov ter za farming •to establish a small-size pilot obiskovalce vzpostaviti farm or a nature reserve in infrastrukturo z interpretativnim the narrow area of materiali. Ljubljansko Barje through •Dvigniti zavest lokalnega purchase of 10.0 ha and lease of 41.1 ha of extensive prebivalstva, lokalnih wet meadows, and to odločevalcev, odgovornih establish visitor facilities with državnih institucij in splošne interpretation materials •to raise the awareness of the javnosti o pomenu varstva local inhabitants, local ogroženih ptic, pomenu decision-makers, competent evropskega ekološkega omrežja state authorities and the general public on the Natura 2000 in pticam importance of protecting prijaznega upravljanja kmetijskih Število koscev (Crex crex) na Ljubljanskem barju, preštetih v vseh threatened bird species, on zemljišč. do leta 2006 opravljenih popisih na tem območju, in število koscev the importance of the na vseh osmih najpomembnejših območjih za vrsto v Sloveniji. •Posredovati sporočilo o European ecological network Natura 2000 and pomenu varstva kosca in on bird-friendly farmland njegovega življenjskega management prostora – vlažnih •to spread the message of the importance of ekstenzivnih travnikov protecting Corncrake and splošni javnosti s its habitats – extensive wet poudarkom na mladini. meadows – to the general public, in particular the young. Območja Natura 2000 v Sloveniji, kjer je kosec kvalifikacijska vrsta. 1 - Ljubljansko Barje / 2 - Cerkniško jezero / 3 - Reka - dolina / 4 - Planinsko polje / 5 - Breginjski stol - Planja / 6 - Nanoščica / 7 - Snežnik - Pivka / 8 - Kozjansko - Dobrava - Jovsi Na katerih In what Natura pomembnih 2000 sites was the project območjih Natura implemented? 2000 se je projekt With a view to ensuring izvajal? protection of Corncrake as an important indicator species and a globally important bird Izbrali smo tri območja za species inhabiting extensive varstvo kosca, te prvovrstne wet meadows, three sites were indikatorske in globalno selected and designated as Important Bird Areas (IBAs): pomembne vrste vlažnih Ljubljansko Barje, Lake ekstenzivnih travnikov, s Cerknica and the Nanoščica river basin. These areas were statusom Mednarodno 1 pomembnega območja za used as the basis for developing conservation ptice (IBA): Ljubljansko barje, guidelines for all Cerkniško jezero in porečje conservation-important bird Nanoščice. Območja smo species inhabiting extensive wet meadows in Natura 2000 izbrali z namenom, da sites and in the wide pripravimo smernice za environment. Each of these ohranitev vseh varstveno areas has contributed
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