Appointed Consisting of W. H. Dall, Chairman, A. L. Day, and F. W. Clarke;
744 REPORT OF THE AUTUMN MEETING GRANT FROM THE J. LAWRENCE SMITH FUND No. 7, GEORGE PEKINS MERRILL, U. S. National Museum, $500. To further aid his studies of rare meteorites. GRANT FROM THE MARSH FUND JOHN M. CLARK, State Hall, Albany, $400. For a study of mutualism, symbiosis, and dependent life among animals of geologic time. REPORT OF THE AUTUMN MEETING Prepared by the Home Secretary The Autumn Meeting of the Academy was held in the buildings of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, on November 13, 14, 15, 1916. Seventy members were present as follows: Messrs. C. G. Abbot, H. L. Abbot, Barus, Baxter, Becker, Boas, Bogert, Boltwood, Bumstead, Cannon, Castle, Cattell, Chittenden, W. B. Clark, J. M. Clarke, Comstock, Conklin, Crafts, Crew, Cross, Davenport, Davis, Day, Farlow, Fewkes, Folin, Goodale, Hale, E. H. Hall, Harper, Harrison, Hayford, Holmes, Howard, Howell, Iddings, Jackson, Leuschner, Lewis, Lindgren, Lusk, Mall, Mark, Mayer, Meltzer, Mendel, Michelson, Morley, E. S. Morse, A. A. Noyes, H. F. Osborn, T. B. Osborne, Parker, Pearl, Pickering, Prudden, Reid, Richards, Rosa, Scott, Story, Thomson, Van Hise, Walcott, Webster, Welch, Wheeler, D. White, Wilson, R. W. Wood. BUSINESS SESSIONS The Home Secretary announced the following deaths since the last Annual Meeting of the Academy: Cleveland Abbe, elected 1879, died October 28, 1916; Josiah Royce, elected 1906, died September 14, 1916; also Sir William Ramsay, Foreign Associate, elected 1904, died July 24, 1916. The Home Secretary announced that the following publications had been issued since the Annual Meeting: PROCEEDINGS, vol. 2, numbers 5-11;Memoirs, volume 14, first memoir, by George P.
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