Especially for Journalists! Find more about the German economy at Economy in Germany Facts, Figures and Contacts for Journalists Invest in Germany Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Strasse 2 D-10178 Berlin Germany Phone +49 (0) 30 206 570 Fax +49 (0) 30 206 571 11 E-Mail
[email protected] Brandenburg Gate/Reichstag Berlin Gate/Reichstag Brandenburg Content Introduction 3 Introduction 44 05 International Economy in Germany Germany counts among the three largest economies in the world, 45 Bilateral Trade Associations along with the United States and Japan. For that reason alone, 4 01 Politics in Germany business developments in the Federal Republic are likely to be of 5 Facts 52 06 Economic Research Institutes in Germany interest to journalists on all five continents. To assist you in your 6 Federal Government research on Germany’s economic life, we have developed this 9 Parties in Parliament 56 07 Research and Technology in Germany brochure. It is designed to provide you with an overview of the 57 Facts German economy. Beyond the key facts and figures, you will find 12 02 Economy in Germany 58 Key Research Institutions the addresses of government ministries, industry associations, 13 Facts 59 Research Funding parties and businesses as well as economic research institutes, 15 Key Institutions 60 Exchange Programs the business press and leading scientific institutions. We have 15 Contacts for International 60 Research Information also included a listing of bilateral trade federations in Germany. Investment 61 Social Research 16 The Federal States and Their Just in time for the 2006 Football World Cup the international media Economic Development Corporations 62 08 Business Press in Germany service operated by the initiative “Germany – Land of Ideas” ( offers a whole array of 22 03 Companies in Germany 66 09 Business Journalism in Germany compelling stories from the world of German business.