Tippu Tip Arab Trader

Background You were born Hamad bin Muhammad bin Jum’ah bin Rajab bin Muhammad bin Sa’id al Murjabi in as a part of the ruling trading class. Your mother was an influential Arab, and both your father and grandfather participated actively in trading expeditions to Central . Working for the , you traded with them slaves and ivory to acquire rich clove plantations on the island. Throughout your trading expeditions, you developed routes and relationships that allowed access to the profitable Central African ivory market.

In the 1880s, you traveled to the Eastern Congo, where you stayed on the request of the Zanzibar Sultanate to maintain the trading interests of Zanzibar. While there, you developed good relationships with Belgian explorers, and when fighting broke out between natives and representatives of King Leopold at Stanley Falls (), you worked with the Belgian consul to resolve the issues. It was after this that Henry Morton Stanley, the explorer after which Stanley Falls was named, worked out a deal with the Zanzibar Sultanate to make you the Governor of Stanley Falls.

Shortly after your appointment, fighting broke out between a fort in Stanley Falls and one nearby over the escape of a slave woman. You quickly sieged the other fort, resulting in its eventual fall. This incident prompted you to move Arab leaders and forces into the Stanley Falls region of the Congo Free State. Your nickname comes from the sound his many guns made as he walked.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● As a consequence of your trading exploits, you has access to vast stores of funds. ● You has the ability to use the reserve forces held at Stanley Falls (Kisangani), which include some of your own men.

Kasong’wa Nyembo Chieftan of Luba

Background The Luba were the largest ethnic group in the Congo Free State, and remained a strong political force until the late 1800s, when the Luba royal family began to lose its influence. Without a clear plan for succession, the society began to break down, and this was capitalized on by adjacent groups, which included the Yeke Kingdom, lead by Mwenda , and the Arab­Swahili peoples, which included Tippu Tip, the famous Arab trader. To fight back, the Luba needed weapons and engaged in slave trade, both from other tribes and within their own tribe. With the arrival of King Leopold II, the Luba people were reasonably independent and had acquired funds and ammunition to be self­sustaining.

You were the leader of the Luba at the time, and through your work you developed a strong connection between the Luba and mineral resource centers, which include primarily copper. Relatively young for a tribal leader, you do not come from royal heritage, and instead have garnered a large amount of public support for your rebellion against the regime of King Leopold II. You are a very argumentative leader, and often forgo negotiation in order to best achieve your aspirations.

Being raised in an environment of internal slave trading, you have developed a very closed personality and you were willing to use any required measures to finish the task at hand. The method behind your achievements was for the most part very hidden from your people.

You are a native of Lubumbashi and have lived there your entire life.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have a lot of sway in the Luba community and can mobilize a large part of the overall population. ● You, while you do not control funds from copper, are able to influence workers in copper mines and thus copper production.

Nzinga Mkongo Chieftan of BaKongo

Background The BaKongo were one of the strongest tribes in the region for centuries, a position maintained due to their access to the ocean and rivers. While covering a territorially small region, the BaKongo controlled in essence the mouth of the . This meant that the tribe was necessarily the first point of contact with any European powers that entered the region by sea. It has remained prosperous throughout its time by adjusting to meet the necessary circumstances. This was no exception in the 1880s when King Leopold launched an exploration force into the Congo. The BaKongo people used this as an opportunity to further affirm their political status, and have worked closely with the Belgians since their arrival and colonization of the region.

You have been the birth­right leader of the BaKongo for the past 20 years, and thus have been a key player during the arrival of the Belgian explorers. Born to royalty, you believe strongly in the merits of a monarchy and see it as the best way to govern a large territory. You rarely go out into the public, or interact with your people; however, your family name is well­respected so the BaKongo people generally accept your leadership style. Your family has a strong influence over Boma, but you personally reside in Matadi.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over ports, and thus can govern (with the approval of Belgium) movement into and out of the Congo. ● You have a very obvious relationship with Belgium that gives you access to some of their funds.

Erasme­Louis de Chokier Belgian Royal Representative

Background You were born in Belgium in 1838 to the aristocratic de Chokier family. The close relationship between your family and the Leopolds led to a strong friendship forming during your childhood. You loved spending time with King Leopold, and served as his right­hand man throughout his reign as King. You are unmarried, and felt an indescribable feeling of loss when King Leopold married Marie Henriette of Austria. After his marriage, he was looking for a volunteer to manage his properties in the Congo Free State. You jumped at the opportunity and immediately set out.

You came to the Congo Free State with the first expedition team and have been living in Boma since. You report directly to King Leopold, and are formally responsible for maintaining his image in the colony. Your work is primarily accomplished through a network of intelligence agents and spies who report directly to you and the Royal family, not to the Belgian parliament. Your personality is generally tame and tempered, and you have an immense pride for Belgium. You actively promote the welfare of the Congolese people, but believe that they are best cared for under the loving watch of King Leopold.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You can obtain expedited orders from Belgium and can grant the royal seal of approval.

Mwenda Msiri Chieftan of Yeke

Background Born in 1835 in , you came from a trading family that did well in the ivory and copper business. Having achieved a small fortune, you also gained access to guns and used them to solidify your power. You quickly gave up the trader lifestyle when you began your military career.

In 1860 you aided the Wasanga people in eliminating their rival clan’s leader, which earned you their respect and adoration. Over the next few years, you were able to situate yourself powerfully in that region (which included Katanga) and after killing the heir to the Wasanga throne, you took on the leadership and founded the Yeke Kingdom. You then began to look outward and married into the Luba royal family, whose influence at this time was beginning to decline. Desperate to gain more power in the region, you secretly married a member of the Twa royal family.

With the arrival of European powers, the Yeke kingdom was pushed further and further south until King Leopold’s expedition team sent you a treaty to sign over his land to them. You immediately rejected the treaty, citing the independent empire you built as evidence of your ability to retain self­governance. In the end, you retained the territories just south of Luba territory for your own.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have access to ammunition and other military resources. ● You have access to the immense profits of your formal trading empire.

Mutombo Nsenda Boma Police Commissioner

Background You were born in Boma in 1850 to a middle­class family; your father worked closely with the Mkongo royal family, and your mother worked with local healers. You grew up in a very average neighborhood, with rather normal experiences. When you were 20, you enlisted in the fighting force and worked to protect your city from small threats. At 25, you entered the police force and worked as a patrolling officer for 7 years; you were involved in setting up a strong security system within Boma that has made the public feel generally safer.

When you were 32, you were offered the position of Police Commissioner; however, you did not believe you were at that time qualified, and did not accept it. You continued your patrol work, and went on to solve a case of serial poisonings. In 1885, the chieftain of BaKongo, Nzinga Mkongo, again offered you the position of Police Commissioner, and you accepted.

As Police Commissioner, you serve as a part of the BaKongo advisory council and were initially against the involvement of Belgium in the Congo Free State. However, the rest of the council supported the European colonization, and being loyal to the government you accepted their decision. Since the Belgians installed themselves in Boma, you provided them with police forces for protection while being careful to keep enough police forces active throughout the city.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You command a large portion of the BaKongo armed forces through the Boma police force.

Bokondji Chieftan of Bangala/Mongo

Background You were born in 1827, and in spite of being a part of the royal family, you were raised among your people with very few extra privileges. At a young age, you helped out the tribe with rubber production from the vast forests of rubber trees present in the region. You never felt a strong draw to animist religions, and thus lived a large part of your life using logic over spirit.

In 1860, a strange disease struck your people, and many of your tribesmen fell victim to the illness. Your parents were both a part of this group, and you had to assume the leadership of the Bangala/Mongo. Your people believed that the disease came from a lack of spirituality and immediately began to flock to the River Gods. While you did not partake in this belief, you did organize several meetings and events with the Witch Doctor of the River in order to minimize the chaos among your people.

In the 1880s, with the first European exploration teams came Catholic missionaries who aimed to convert locals to Christianity. Your people were very loyal to the River God, but you began to meet regularly with these missionaries and started to believe in religion. While you made sure to stop missionaries from interfering with Bangala animist rituals, you converted to Catholicism and at times have trouble understanding the purpose behind pagan philosophy.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over rubber production in your region, but not over the majority of rubber profits. ● You have sway in the Bangala/Mongo community.

Dries Van Noten Mineral Mogul

Background Born in 1850 in Belgium, you were raised in a jewelry shop; both of your parents made and sold gold and gemstone jewelry. You lived a comfortable life as a child, but not one of overindulgence in spite of being an only child of a strong business. Your father taught you the basics of the family business as you received an education in natural science, focusing on earth science and geology. Once you completed your education, you took on a more active role in your family business and participated in excavation studies.

By 1880, your business grew to such an extent that you were able to open up more branches and accumulated large amounts of money. You were invited by the King to join the exploration team for the Congo Free State in 1884, and you accepted given your skillset in mineral exploration.

When you first arrived in the Congo Free State, you were sent to the Luba kingdom and Lulua kingdom to evaluate mineral resources in the area. You uncovered the copper and tin trade within the Luba community, and the diamond excavation in the Lulua tribe. You began to work with both leaders under the jurisdiction of the Belgian Parliament, and allowed them to continue their trade in exchange for a large part of their profits going to you.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over the majority of mineral profits, but not directly mineral acquisition and exploration.

Yamba Yamba Captain of Force Publique

Background Born in Boma in 1850, you spent a lot of your life struggling. As a part of a minority tribe in the region, you and your family faced a lot of oppression and you had very little access to opportunity growing up. Your tribe was eventually driven out of Boma in 1860, through fighting that significantly diminished the numbers of your tribe. You and the remaining members of your tribe fled to Matadi.

In 1865, at just 15, you were asked to lead your tribe. You accepted and struggled to obtain the respect of your fellow tribesmen. Over the next five years, you tried to establish a better working order of your tribe, but the damage was done­­your tribe disbanded, and you became a mercenary for hire. Over the next 10 years you made a name for yourself in the mercenary community, so much so that when the Belgian exploration began you were sought out by Belgians to work on an enforcement force.

You were offered a commanding position on a squadron of the Force Publique, and were thus charged with maintaining order in the Congo Free State. Your squadron became known as one of the most ruthless ones, and you singlehandedly killed several natives. This led to a promotion to Captain of the Force Publique, where you commanded the entire unit.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You are able to deploy armed forces across the Congo Free State to handle any incidents of “anti­Belgium” sentiments. ● You are able to issue orders to other Force Publique members.

Yambio Chieftan of Azande

Background Born in 1855 in the heart of Azande territory, you have always lived a life of riches­­from gold jewelry to silver tools, you have always had a taste for an extravagant lifestyle. Your family has been in charge of the Azande for centuries, and there was an ingrained sense of respect for your family. No one disputed your position or questioned your displays of excess. In fact, the Azande have always been characterized by excess.

In 1885, your father passed away and you were asked to take on the leadership of the tribe. You agreed and immediately put on the jewel­encrusted crown. As a tribal leader, you cared about the direction of your tribe, and focused on the image of your entire tribe.

When the Belgian exploration began, you took a very neutral stance with your tribe in order to see how the intrigue develops. Your kingdom is rather removed from the ports, so until this point you have not been significantly affected by the Belgian exploration force.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have sway in the Azande community. ● You have access to a great amount of funds given the history of the Azande.

Rene Nkeke/Leopold King Leopold’s Estranged Child

Background Born in 1870 in the southern Azande kingdom, you were raised by your mother and her relatives. You never understood why you did not look like the other children in the tribe, but you nonetheless got along with them and grew up surrounded by a rich Azande culture.

When you were 10, you learned that your father was not of Azande decent, but instead was a European. You were both confused and excited. You did not understand where your father was and why he left your mother, but you also could not stop dreaming that you were the daughter of a European royal and were entitled to jewels and gold beyond imagination. You slowly grew distant from your community and decided to leave to find out more about your father.

Working with the Witch Doctor of the River, you reached Boma, where you took up residence. There, you learned that your mother was sold into slavery and was severely mistreated by Belgian royalty. As you pieced together more and more of your mother’s story, you began to loathe Belgium, especially your father, King Leopold II.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You practice spells in your free time under the tutelage of the Witch Doctor and have been known to concoct potions necessary to tribal survival.

Kalambam Chieftan of Lulua

Background The Lulua people, located at the heart of the Congo Free State, occupied a unique position in the region because their large kingdom did not touch the Congo River. Of all of the tribes in the Congo Free State, the Lulua had the strongest community. The tribe has a long tradition of music and musical performance, and that tied them together.

You were considered a musical prodigy at birth, and even at the young age of 10 you were considered a musical genius more relevant than other experts in the tribe. You performed throughout the region, and eventually at the very young age of 20 you were asked to lead the tribe. In addition to music, the key facets of the tribe at this point were ivory and diamonds, and you helped those production groups work more efficiently to generate more ivory and diamonds.

You strongly believe in honesty and openness, and were very open to the arrival of Belgium initially. As the exploration progressed, you noticed the stress it placed on your people; however, you still worked to try to find a happy medium.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have sway over the entire Lulua community. ● You can control both diamond and ivory production, but do not oversee profits from those industries.

Guido Gezelle Missionary of the Force Publique

Background A native of Italy, you were raised in a very Catholic household and you were taught that Catholicism was the be­all, end­all in terms of religion. You were a very aggressive as a child and in school received several punishments for disobedience. You, however, felt that you were always acting in accord with your religious beliefs.

When you were 30, you were asked to join the Force Publique and go to the Congo Free State in order to enforce order in the new region on behalf of Belgium. You immediately decided to go, and before going took on the mission of bringing Catholicism to the region. When you arrived there, you immediately began to move through the region to talk about Catholicism, and you specifically looked at Northern tribes first.

Your aggressive tendencies continued, and let to many incidents of violence with the native population. You have used force on numerous occasions to stop animist rituals and practices.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You are able to mobilize some forces to address anti­Catholic incidents.

Gerardus Mercator Rubber Mogul

Background Your mother died during childbirth, and from 1855 to 1865 your father raised you as he went through a rough depression. In 1865 he remarried, and you gradually grew distant from your family. You became very independent at a young age and began to raise money. You fell into gambling during your teen years, and slowly accumulated a name for yourself in the underground world.

By 1880, your wealth was recognized by even King Leopold II, who invited you to join the exploration team for the Congo Free State in 1884. You accepted the offer immediately and saw it as the ultimate gamble.

When you first arrived in the Congo Free State, you were sent to the Bangala/Mongo kingdom to work with the rubber industry. You began to develop close relationships with the people in the region, and pushed for as much rubber production as possible. You were met with some pushback of the deforestation, but you saw it as a game that you needed to win.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over the majority of rubber profits, but not directly rubber acquisition and exploration.

Baudouin Gouet Belgian Envoy to the Congo Free State

Background Born in Belgium in 1845, you spent the majority of your childhood in surrounded by politics­­your father was in the Belgian parliament, and your mother worked as an aide for the parliament. You received the best education possible in civics, and were hand­picked and groomed by the parliament to be an aide to King Leopold II.

When the European exploration began, you worked to provide infrastructure and ideas from Belgium. Your strategies for colonization were very well­received by the Parliament, and eventually the body asked you to go manage the entirety of the operations at the Congo Free State.

Your work in the Congo Free State was highly administrative, and you reported directly to the parliament with the charge of protecting their interests in Belgium. Your formal role was not tied to the king, but you try to maintain a civil relationship with him and his associates.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over the moguls of each industry. ● You have a direct relationship with Belgium.

Joe Makula Journalist in the Force Publique

Background Born in the Congo Free State in 1845, you were the top photographer and journalist for the army affiliated newspaper called Sango ya biso. You enjoy working for the military ​ ​ photographic laboratory and have say over the material that is released to the public.

You spent the majority of your childhood embracing different forms of art and used photography to learn about other people. You enjoyed the way the media worked. When Belgium colonized the Congo, there was heavy industrialization of technology in the Free State and you were then introduced to the camera. It changed the media landscape.

Your work for the Congo Free State is an authoritative position as you have jurisdiction over the material and content that you release in the newspapers. Your priorities lie in protecting the interests of Belgium.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You can command a small regiment of troops to operate at your will. ● You can publish press releases that reach the entire body.

John Harris Missionary

Background Born in 1854 in the town of Wantage, Oxfordshire to a peasant family, you had a simple yet sufficient childhood. Your father was a plumber and from that you learned the trade and were able to make a living for yourself till you discovered your faith, Catholicism.

You were educated at a ministry, where you found that religion was the only thing necessary to live a good life. You married in 1878 and had two sons and two daughters. Although you were living a comfortable life in England, you felt like something was missing and decided you needed to spread the message of God to the uncivilized world.

You and your wife left behind your lives and children in England and set sail to the Congo Free State in hopes of finding lost souls and guiding them towards Christianity. You gained a lot of popularity amongst the locals.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have the ability to issue statements on behalf of your sector of the Catholic church.

Rauni Nyipir Chieftan of Luo

Background Born in 1820 to a well renowned Chieftan, you have been honored and respected by the Luo people your whole life. You grew up seeing ongoing tribal warfare with neighboring tribes and soon began to start some chaos of your own.

Your father died when you were at the ripe age of 17 and you were left in charge of the Luo people. There were many people that doubted you or tried to take your place, however you maintained your position as Chieftan and are now regarded as the most respected and reputable chiefs of the Luo.

With the brutality of the Force Publique taking a toll on neighboring villages and even on some of your own people, you meet with a commanding officer in order to initiate peace talks. However that fails and now you are trying to keep your tribe together.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have sway over the Luo kingdom and your people.

Nzoz’ejo Chieftan of Twa

Background You were born in 1818, an auspicious year among your people, and on that date it was determined you would eventually be the Leader of Twa. At a young age you were exposed to the rituals of your people, and thus developed a very spiritual outlook on life. You carried the teachings of your ancestors throughout your childhood.

In 1880, you finally assumed the leadership of your tribe. The decision to make you leader was not unanimous, for there were some sectors who believed in blood birthright over spiritual birthright. However, you were able to further ingrain spirituality and key rituals into the Twa culture.

When the Force Publique officers arrived to your tribe, you tried to negotiate with them to spare your people; however, these efforts were unfulfilled, and you shifted your focus to protecting your people where possible.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have sway over the majority of the Twa kingdom and your people.

Nfuku ya Nzombi Witch Doctor of the River

Background Born in 1800 to the shaman­chief of a small tribe, you at a young age were destined to become a spiritual leader, your name literally means “God of Death”. As you grew older, you learned herbal medicine and spiritual healing from others in your tribe, and your father saw you as a beacon of hope for the tribe’s future success. Your tribe flourished in the rubber forests along the Congo River until you were around 20; it was then a neighboring tribe attacked and conquered your tribe. Your father instructed you to run into the forest and to not look back; you can only assume nothing remained of your tribe after the attack.

During your 20s, you assimilated into the northern Bangala tribes, where people came to the river to see you for healing. Eventually, word of your healing powers traveled down the river, and local Azande and Bangala tribes sent their witch doctors to you for training. With this contingent of students, you developed an herbal medicine and spiritual healing teaching program. Students from this program traveled along the river to aid tribes, and by the time you reached 60 years old you became a local demi­god.

When Europeans arrived, you initially continued your work. However, people soon flocked to you for advice on how to handle this new threat, specifically with regards to the mass­deforestation resulting from rubber production. You promised to ask the River God for a path, and after a week­long ritual you claimed that there is no issue with the deforestation and rubber production.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have influence over a majority of the native population across tribes given your spiritual status. ● You have access to a small squadron of doctors­in­training you can send to provide health care.

Cyprian de Rore Ivory Mogul

Background Born in Italy, your family moved to Belgium at a very young age and settled in the southern region of the nation. Your parents were well­off, but not super rich­­you lived a comfortable life and were able to pursue your interests in music. You were never interested in business, but you had a knack for numbers and helped your parents several times to keep the books.

When you were 20, you began to work as a performer in the King’s court, and he was so enamored by your ability that he picked you for all of his events. You soon became very wealthy, and gained favor with the King and his associates. It was around 1870 that your innate business acumen was discovered, and you were sought out for business advice by very high­ranking businessmen in Belgium.

In 1884, the King asked you to join the exploration force into the Congo Free State, and cited your business acumen as his motivation. You were not very interested in the offer, but felt that you had to accept and joined the force. When you arrived in the Congo Free State, you were sent to the Lulua tribe to better understand the ivory industry.

The Lulua, an innately musical people, became a second family to you, and you began to truly enjoy your time there. You worked closely with the Lulua in order to make ivory production as efficient as possible.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have control over the majority of ivory profits, but not directly ivory acquisition and exploration.

Georges Cuisenaire Finance Commissioner

Background You were born to wealthy aristocratic parents in 1854 in the capital city of Brussels. As a child, you were destined to a life of notoriety, having been appreciated the opportunity for high class professional schooling. You were a masterful student, particularly excelling in your mathematics and arithmetic classes. As such, your parents found it necessary to provide you with an education in business, an art few were able to master at the time.

You were thus subsequently sent to study at the London School of Economics, where you continued to show off his exemplary genius, having completed your degree in only three years. You became a renowned economist in the industry, but was unable to serve in the Belgian government at the time because of their age requirement.

Due to Belgium’s mandatory service act, however, you then served in the land division of the Belgian Armed Forces. Eventually rising to Lieutenant General of the Sixth Platoon, you were honorably discharged after five years for stellar performances. You then seeked out your good friend King Leopold II who helped you rise to the role of Finance Commissioner at such a young age.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You set the financial agenda for any expenditures on behalf of the Belgians in the colony.

Joseph Conrad Author/Journalist

Background You are a Polish­British writer, considered one of the greatest journalists in the 19th century. Particularly, you are acclaimed for exposing the violent regime instituted by the Force Publique. You were born in present­day Ukraine to a wealthy, aristocratic family.

Because you were an only child, you spent most of your childhood directing your energy into learning how to read and creatively write. Your parents provided you with plenty of exposure to the world atrocities and wars taking place around you. It made you a strong and truthful writer.

You have published several well­known novels. Most of your work, however, is published in newspapers and magazines. Financial success shortly followed you. You do, however, pose a threat to the Force Publique’s newspaper as you threaten their reputation by exposing their oppressive regime and violent tactics in manipulating the Congolese people.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have a very powerful voice in the international community that you can use through your novels and articles.

Mudilo Makelele Journalist

Background Born in 1874, you were taught the value of education at a very young age. Your father was a teacher and while at times it was too dangerous to go to school, he ensured that you were taught all that he could teach you. You were one of the few in your village who became literate and your goal was to teach other people however when you went to neighboring villages, you were seen as an intruder and sent away.

You were accepted by the Luba kingdom and you began to listen to stories of the elders and record them. As the Force Publique made their way to the villages of the Congo Free State, you photographed these foreigners and soon became more aware of their brutal reality.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have a very powerful voice in the native community that you can use through your novels and articles.

Jules Bordet Health Commissioner


You were born in Soignies, Belgium, a small town situated twenty­three miles ​ ​ southwest of Brussels. You are a Belgian microbiologist and immunologist and have been ​ ​ ​ awarded with a Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine. ​

You accepted the directorship of the newly created Anti­rabies and Bacteriological Institute in Brussels in 1871. From 1871, you were divided time between research and the administration of the Institute. In 1887, you began teaching as a professor of bacteriology in the faculty of medicine at the Free University of Brussels.

In your spare time you volunteer at the Belgian Free Clinic, a volunteer health clinic for less fortunate Belgians. You have consistently looked for ways to expand the clinic and have worked with Finance Commissioner Cuisenaire to improvise ways of moving the budget to increase healthcare access.

Lastly, you also run an independent laboratory at the Free University of Brussels conducting experiments into alternative methods of medicines. As such, you have established a student research initiative to have interested pre­medical university students help you with these experiments. So far, there has been no significant progress and you have looked for other avenues to increase funds.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have access to several health professionals who can be dispatched to work in problem areas. ● You have access to a small team of scientists capable of research and development.

Stijn Sercu Transportation Commissioner

Background You were born in Redange, Luxembourg and spent most of your childhood in Belvaux. You studied at the Roman Catholic secondary school at Clairefontaine on the edge of Arlon in Belgium before returning to Luxembourg to study for his BA at the Lycee Michel Rodange.

Following your graduation from the University of Strasbourg, you were appointed as a Parliamentary Secretary, You later won election to the Chamber of Deputies for the first time in 1884 and was immediately appointed to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister as Minister of Labour. This led to a chairman's’ role at a number of meetings of the Council of the European Communities.

Aside from your native language Luxembourgish, you are also fluent in French, German, and English making you an important asset to King Leopold’s Congo. As a close friend, when offered the opportunity to be transportation commissioner you leapt at the chance given your long standing interest in automobiles.

Shortly before you arrived at your post, however, you were seriously injured in a road traffic accident in the Congo Free State, spending two weeks in a coma. This has renewed your persistence in reviving the transportation department and creating a sensible solution to the area’s traffic problem.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You keep tabs on all traffic on the rivers that flow through the region, especially the Congo River. You can stop traffic if you so choose. ● You act as the primary manager of train traffic, which includes maintaining any railways in the region.

Armand Pien Infrastructure Commissioner

Background You were in London to a poor, working class family. Since you were an only child, your parents allocated all their resources to funding an education for you. You were thankfully able to go to boarding school in Belgium and eventually gained citizenship there. In boarding school, you became interested in infrastructure and the effect of infrastructure on Belgium, as you grew up in an area of London that was not well­situated. After boarding school, you decided to work directly for the government and worked your way up the political ladder. You were eventually promoted to Infrastructure Commissioner and have the responsibility of overseeing the cities and states are run properly in Belgium.

Portfolio Powers Overt ● You have oversight over any construction that takes place in the Congo Free State. ● You have the ability to commission and tear down buildings.