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TV RECORD for COLOMA-HARTFORD- WATERVLIET TRI-CITY RECORD 25C VOL.103 • No 00 0 522 190 02- liBR,bV colow^ pblC Hartford woman is instant Police Coloma and Watervliet folks Local sports For cable & TV listings, see the friend of 'hearing ear dog* News meet 'Down Under' & Outdoors See page 5 See page 2 See page 13 See pages 15 & 16 TV RECORD FOR COLOMA-HARTFORD- WATERVLIET TRI-CITY RECORD 25C VOL.103 • No. 9 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATERVLIET RECORD March 4,1987 WATERVLIET H.S. VALEDICTORIAN Adult foster home ordinance adopted by Watervliet City Lawsuit filed against City for denying building permit within sixty days of Its effective sioners that an appeal of the & SALUTATORIAN date." state's decision to license an Watervliet High School Is Mayor Ed Campbell said the adult foster care facility on Van- Watervliet City Commis- proud to announce the selection care and day care facilities. It ordinance could become effec- nater Court is proceeding. Jones sioners voted unanimously In further requires inspection of of the valedictorian and tive thirty days after it Is publish- also Indicated that litigation favor of a recently-drafted or- such properties by the City salutatorlan for the 1987 ed for the public. The ordinance protesting the City's repeal of a dinance requiring registration building Inspector and the is- graduating class. provides for fines and jail building permit for the site Is and permitting regulation of suance of a certificate of com- Mike Grear, son of Mr. and sentences not to exceed $500.00 also pending. adult foster care and day care pliance with regard to all Mrs. James Grear, Is named and ninety days for the first In other business. Commis- facilities in Watervliet. The ac- valedictorian of Watervllefs building, mechanical, electrical violation of its provisions. In- sioners reviewed a letter from tion came after the proposed or- 1987 graduating class., and plumbing codes. The or- spection of such premises by planning consultant Thomas dinance was read at the Tues- In addition to earning a 3.952 dinance also states, "A person the City building inspector at Sinn and Associates indicating day, March 3, regular City Com- grade-point average over seven presently owning such a facility any time is another of the or- a timetable for the construction mission meeting. semesters, Mike has par- or such real estate at the time of dinance provisions. of the City's new park and ride The ordinance calls for ticipated In the following ac- the adoption of this ordinance On a related matter, City at- lot has been worked out. The registration of all adult foster tivities: cross country, track, shall register such facility torney F.A. Jones told Commis- See CITY on page 2 marching band, pep band, jazz band, variety show, and Na- Mike Grear tional Honor Society, of which Valedictorian Coloma Twp. approves fire hall plan he Is vice president this year. and the City and Township shall Mike plans to attend Western At its regular meeting Monday construction plans and choice An agreement which spec- contribute one-half of the sum Michigan University, majoring In night, the Coloma Township of a contractor for Coloma's new ifies ownership and respon- of all liabilities which may be In music in order to become a band Board of Trustees approved the fire station as presented. sibilities of the cemetery excess of Insurance protecting director. The plans and description located in Coloma city was ap- both municipalities from loss. Benjamin Marvin, son of Mr. along with expected costs were proved by the Coloma Township A Joint Cemetery Board will and Mrs. Robert Marvin, has presented to the Board by Joint Trustees on Monday night as be created which shall consist been named as salutatorlan of T Fire Board member and Coloma presented. of at least five members, two the 1987 graduating class of JOINT FIRE BOARD CHOOSES City Commissioner Charles A committee of three which from the City and three from the Watervliet High School. FIRE HALL CONTRACTOR Owen. includes Marilyn Schultz and Township, with Board member- While earning a 3.928 grade- The Coloma Joint Fire Board, The same proposal will be Robert Johnson of Coloma ship to be for three-year terms. point average, Ben has par- at a special meeting on Thurs- presented to Coloma City Com- Township and Charles Owen of The Board will oversee all ticipated on the varsity baseball day evening, February 26, voted missioners at their regular Coloma city, acting represen- cemetery operations and submit team for four years. National unanimously to accept a bid for meeting on Monday, March 9, at tatives for both municipalities, an annual budget to the City and Honor Society, and school the new fire station from Jack Coloma City Hall. met on February 19 and drew up Township on or before February plays. He earned the W. O'Brien Real Estate & Con- Nearly all 30 volunteers of the a joint cemetery agreement. 1 of each year. distinguished D.A.R. United struction, Benton Harbor. Coloma Fire Department attend- Articles in the agreement Further, upon approval of the States History Award and O'Brien's base bid of $175,750 ed the meeting. state that: the City and numerous departmental cer- was the lowest of five bids open- Township shall be 'tenants In budget, the City and Township shall each contribute a share of tificates. ed by the Joint Fire Board on JOINT CEMETERY common,' each owning an un- the sum of all approved ex- Ben's college plans include February 24 and turned over to AGREEMENT APPROVED divided one-half Interest; the Ci- penses, based on the current studying business at Western the Board's architect, James W. BY TOWNSHIP ty and Township shall each pay year's equalized value of each Michigan University. Ben Marvin Another matter which has one-half of the cost of any future municipality as It pertains to the Salutatorlan See BIDS on page 2 been the source of a good deal land acquisitions and that each sum of the two municipalities, of discussion, joint cemetery municipality shall receive one- half of the proceeds In the event 25% for the City and 75% for the care, may be resolved next week Township. Hartford Library announces when an agreement Is presented of a sale and liquidation of ownership of any properties; In an unrelated area, a re- to the City. quest by Kenneth Parrigin to rezone property at 4858 Defleld cuts as aid to budget issue Road from agricultural to com- joining the Van Buren County mercial was denied. Parrigin Library System, Instead of It re- wants to build an addition to an Hartford City Councllmen among funding options are bond maining as an independent and existing building for an office. heard that several cuts have Issues or millages. belonging to a co-operative. The request was denied on been made In the Hartford The City and the Township Library Board President the basis of a recommendation Public Library budget at a jointly own and fund the library. Willam Manning said that Issue by the Berrien County Planning special hearing before the Coun- When the library budget was would have to go on an election Commission because the sur- cil meeting held Monday, submitted each governmental ballot three separate times and rounding properties are basical- February 23. unit was asked for $12,000. The It would have to be approved by ly residential and the property Wendell Martin, one of the City had budgeted $5,000 and voters In the Township and in does not lend Itself to commer- representatives of the City on the Township said it would con- the City. He added the City and cial use, and much of the area Is the Library Board, advised the tribute the $12,000 If the City Township would still be respon- in a flood plain. Council that the Board had would match it. The Township sible for maintaining the library, A public hearing will be held made several cuts In the budget told the library It would con- but the local governments on March 16 when Township and will have a new budget tribute $5,000 if that was the would lose control primarily In Planners will consider a 10th drawn up to reflect those cuts. amount contributed by the City. hiring and firing and book selec- amendment to the Zoning Or- He added that If funding for the Hartford City Mayor William tion. He said books could be ad- PROCLAIMS GIRL SCOUT WEEK Those in attendance at me dinance concerning Special library's needs cannot be agreed Weeden was authorized by the ded to the shelves or removed at Watervliet Mayor Ed Campbell Is event are from left, front row: Land Use Permits. on, the library could lose Its ac- Council to attend a special any time without local permis- shown signing a proclamation Leeanna Beach, Cassandra A budget amendment to In- creditation In a few months. meeting with the Library Board, sion. on Monday evening, March 2, Bauer, Mayor Campbell, Sharia clude $350 (Clerk) and $250 A letter was read from along with the City accountant Later, during the regular ses- designating the week of March Pritchett and Amanda Hicks; (Treasurer) In the appropriations Thomas A. Balrd of Lansing, and an attorney for the City. sion of the Council meeting, a 8-14 as Scouting 75th Anniver- (center row) Patty Garland, expense portion of the who was consulted by the Also attending the meeting will motion was approved sary Week. The proclamation Sarah Larson, Jami Mach, Jami Township's budget was approv- Library Board for guidance In Its be members of the Township unanimously to invite a asks everyone to Join In honor- Olmstead and Michelle Letke; ed.
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